In the face of the explosion of Huawei, why are you most anxious about ideals?

Ideal has held many strategic meetings in recent years. At the strategic meeting in early 2021, Li Xiang specially invited Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen from the US delegation, and finally came to the conclusion that 2025 is the turning point of the new energy vehicle market in China, and the ideal must achieve an annual sales volume of 1.6 million units in order not to be eliminated.

From 2021 to now, car companies are indeed facing this increasingly fierce competition. On the one hand, the market share is further concentrated in Tesla and BYD. On the other hand, traditional car companies such as Volkswagen and General Motors have begun to launch key models. At the same time, there are also Huawei and Apple that are not moving for the time being. It can be called the hundred regiments battle of the electric car version.

In September of this year, Huawei released the new M7, which wrinkled a pool of spring water. According to 36Kr, the ideal is once again on the verge of an enemy, and another strategy meeting has been held in recent days. It is reported that the meeting has a huge agenda, lasting for four days, and intensively discussed the strategic direction and landing rhythm of LI in the next 5-10 years. Strategically, BYD, Huawei and Tesla were listed as strong rivals in Ideal Interior according to the market structure in 2025, and BYD ranked first. This year, the name has been changed to Huawei.

Facing Huawei, the ideal of top students has become the most anxious one.

Li Xiang’s attention and anxious attitude are somewhat surprising. After all, when it comes to anxiety, it’s definitely not ideal-horizontally comparing Tucki, Weilai, Zero Run and other peers, the ideal delivery volume, revenue and profit are all leading the way, and the position of the new power to build cars is secure.

In terms of delivery volume, a total of 36,060 new cars were delivered in September, a year-on-year surge of 212.7%, which also set a new high in a single month. Although the delivery volume of Tucki and Weilai has also improved, there are only 15,310 vehicles and 15,641 vehicles respectively, and the gap is visible to the naked eye. Judging from the growth rate, Ideal has been climbing steadily in the first three quarters of this year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 296.3% in the third quarter, which is not in an order of magnitude with the other two old enemies.

(Source: Ideal official Weibo)

Looking at the data on the financial side, the ideal advantage is more obvious. In the second quarter of this year, the ideal net profit of returning to the mother was as high as 2.31 billion yuan, and the profit in the first half of this year has almost filled the losses in the previous three fiscal years. Compared with bicycle profit and gross profit rate, ideal is more outstanding: in the second quarter, ideal bicycle income was 323,200, bicycle net profit was 26,700, gross profit rate of automobile sales reached 21%, and Tesla’s bicycle gross profit rate was 18.65% in the same period.

Since the situation is excellent, why does Huawei make its ideals so tense? First of all, ask the new M7, which can be said to be the direct competitor of the ideal L7.

It’s nothing new in the automobile circle in recent years to show the advantages of products by comparing competing data. There are also two such roles in the new M7 conference, one is BMW X5L and the other is ideal L7.

At present, these two models rank first and third respectively in the sales ranking of medium and large SUVs in China, among which the first and second are ideal L7 and L8 respectively.

BMW X5L, as a popular model in the era of fuel vehicles, can be seen as "compared" in many press conferences, but L7 seems to be difficult to understand. After all, the competing product of the new M7 should be L8 in time sequence. Why does the new M7 list L7 as a competing product?

This is because the new M7 is no longer just a 5-door and 6-seat model, but also redesigned the layout and added 5-door and 5-seat models. In terms of vehicle size, the boundary M7 is also closer to the ideal L7, the former is 5020*1945*1760mm, and the latter is 5050*1995*1750mm.

In terms of pricing, the 2024 model M7 has launched five models, with the price range of 249,800 yuan to 329,800 yuan, which is about 70,000 yuan lower than that of the 2022 model.

Compared with the three versions of the ideal L7, which cost RMB 31.98, RMB 33.98 and RMB 379,800, the new M7 has opened a sufficient price gap. In particular, the M7 Max five-seat intelligent driving version with high-order intelligent driving assistance and the ideal L7 Air without air suspension and laser radar have formed a strong dislocation competition situation, and the M7 Max six-seat intelligent driving version and the L8 Air will have the same high probability.

In addition to outstanding cost performance, Huawei Mate 60 series has driven Huawei’s popularity to an unprecedented level, and then the brand power has spilled over to the world. Some analysts believe that the determined price reduction of the new M7 is only the main reason for the sharp increase in sales in the world. The fundamental reason is the social sensation brought by Huawei Mate series, which brings huge passenger flow to stores. And Huawei has a huge user base in China, which overlaps with the potential users in LI.

According to the latest data, Huawei has ordered more than 60,000 new M7 vehicles in the market for about one month.

(Source: Wen Jie Guan Wei)

Huawei is different from its former rivals: it can make products and do marketing.

In addition to the direct competition of products, Huawei is very different from its former competitors.

LI creates a sense of luxury through the big sofa with refrigerator and color TV. Compared with the traditional BBA, it is very cost-effective in space and interior decoration. Coupled with excellent marketing, the sales volume keeps rising.

However, the ideal moat is too shallow, because it does not have its own core technology, and it has no outstanding advantages in three-electric system, energy efficiency, chassis, range extender, intelligence and other technologies. It is constantly reported that it is impossible to brake when encountering a large truck on a sunny day, and it is impossible to recognize the scratching accident of the ice cream cone at high speed. A series of negative news about intelligent driving such as "overturning" at the press conference site can be seen.

A good product is the perfect combination of technology and business, and the ideal meets the real opponent, because Huawei knows both technology and marketing.

What Li Xiang really fears is not a certain product in the world, but the powerful combat capability of Huawei Corps. Huawei’s "wolf nature" is well known in the industry, and its capital reserve, technical strength, channel resources and organizational ability are far from what ordinary startups can compare.

Huawei’s characteristic is that after finding the breakthrough, the relevant business groups devote themselves to it in a legion manner, relying on the staff size of 200,000 people and the bonus of engineers to achieve the ultimate efficiency and cost performance. Just like a dam break, we will turn our potential energy into market share.

In the past, Huawei has proved this in the communications and mobile phone markets. Even after being sanctioned by the United States, Huawei still eats more than half of the domestic high-end mobile phone market.

And the old question M7 once brought great shock to the ideal. "In the third quarter of 2022, the release and trading of M7 in the world directly crippled Li ONE. We have never met such a strong opponent. For a long time, we have no strength to fight back."

(Source: Li Xiang Weibo)

This is Li Xiang’s description of M7 in an essay in June this year.

Ideal is prepared to spend money to make up for the shortcomings of his own wisdom.

In the face of such competitors, it is not difficult to understand that Li wants to choose to temporarily avoid its edge when talking about Huawei.

According to the 36Kr report, a person familiar with the matter said that the ideal dialogue technique originally at the sales end has now been cancelled, and the M7 has not been mentioned on its own initiative. "If a car owner asks about it, say that the L6 that is ideal for next year is a price product with the M7."

However, as the saying goes, the brave will win in the narrow road. In the face of Huawei’s continuous invasion of its hinterland, the ideal will naturally not really be left unchecked. In this regard, the ideal choice is to save money and use it to make up for the shortcomings of your own wisdom.

According to 36Kr, how to "spend money well" has become an internal consensus of Ideal. The financial report shows that as of the end of the second quarter, the ideal cash on hand was 73.77 billion yuan, equivalent to the sum of Weilai and Tucki in the same period. Next, choosing the direction and crazy investment are the keys to the ideal to break the game.

In terms of products, the ideal thinking about the demand side is to choose to continue to deepen the main battlefield of family segmentation and extend the product planning to 2027. On the other hand, Li Xiang is still working hard to break the bottleneck of production capacity. On October 10th, he issued a document saying that the impact of Changzhou factory upgrading and Beijing factory qualification switching at the end of September has been lifted. "We can challenge the delivery of 40,000 in advance this month".

At the same time, for the function of intelligent driving, Li Xiang also has a "late step" reflection, and bluntly said, "The lessons that fall behind due to insufficient investment can only be solved by strengthening investment." At the same time, it is ideal to promote the person in charge of perception and system to vice president respectively, which is a signal that the weight of smart driving business is upgraded. In addition, on October 10th, LI officially released more than 50 jobs for intelligent driving in one breath, covering software algorithms, large models, vehicle hardware, testing, operation and other fields.

Some people close to the ideal revealed that they think that by 2025, the decisive battle of smart cars in the second half will be over. At that time, they will come out if they can run out, and they will be gone if they can’t. Because the data model and training amount have been finalized, what is needed behind it is a large number of start-up users, which is the decisive battle time in these three years. Ideal will try to overtake at the corner of the smart driving track.

No one can accurately predict whether the smart driver of the ideal future will catch up later, but it can be predicted that after the end of the year, Ideal and Huawei will further meet in product matrix and technology. In the next knockout, any short board may give the opponent a chance to overtake.

In this context, family background and technology will become the key words for new energy vehicle enterprises to compete.

SAIC Motor Group: Zhiji Automobile has not yet launched a battery replacement model.

  () Financial Research Center on October 21st, some investors asked (). As mentioned above, customers of mid-to high-end models don’t care about the monthly battery rental fee. When can your company’s Zhiji automobile expand and develop a battery replacement model?

  The company replied that, dear investors, hello, Zhiji Automobile has not yet launched a battery replacement model, and the battery replacement scheme will be studied according to market conditions and user needs.

  Click to enter the interactive platform to see more reply information.

What is the difference between the eye-catching points of Zhihu and Xiaohongshu in the variety track?

Big data focuses on hot spots 

Zhihu new comprehensive attention to young people’s demands

Zhihu’s upcoming youth round-table talk series "Talks in the Wilderness" focuses on the stories, thoughts and cognition of young people. The program invited Li Xueqin, Xi Rui, Li Haoyuan, Zhang Ruonan, Jiang Xiangui, Li Songwei and Liu Boyang, outstanding respondents from Zhihu, as guests, and adopted the mode of four regular guests and one flying guest in each session to discuss the high fever in Zhihu Station. The program production team "Everyone Records" has produced high-profile humanities documentary programs such as Thirteen Invitations, Friends and Discretion. The recording scene of the program moves from the studio to the outdoors, avoiding scenic spots and popular routes, choosing wilderness, forest and river beach, and combining the space scene with the content theme under the concept of "spiritual wilderness", which is quite aware of the unique tonality of the community.

"The Career I yearn for" is a documentary observation program for young people in the workplace. In each issue, an outstanding post-90 s workplace person leads the audience to experience different careers in an immersive way. During the program, the audience can feel the daily work of programmers in Silicon Valley, walk into foreign companies and Internet giants, and get close to the lawyer industry … At the same time, the program sets up a second observation room to invite professionals to discuss topics, so that users can gain interesting and useful workplace skills. The regular guests of the program include Yang Tianzhen, Ming Chen and Ran Gaoming.

College entrance examination is the focus of the whole society. During the college entrance examination in 2022, there were 7.67 million questions related to the college entrance examination in Zhihu, and the number of related search words was 197 million times. Many college entrance examination "experienced people" share their knowledge, experience and opinions in Zhihu, and many candidates look for the "answers" they want in Zhihu. In this context, the college entrance examination documentary interview variety show "My College Entrance Examination Forgetting Book" came into being. The original script of the program comes from the college entrance examination topics that young users pay attention to and discuss hotly in Zhihu, and the user’s question-and-answer interaction. Respondents ranged in age from 20 to 40, covering a variety of occupations.

Jiang Mingxue, head of the pan-entertainment operation team in Zhihu, told the reporter of Variety Daily that there are a lot of professional discussions and high-quality contents in Zhihu in the fields of college entrance examination, workplace, life and emotion. "The upcoming three variety shows are an extension of Zhihu’s content ecology. The program invited many Zhihu hosts as guests, which will provide a broad development space for the creators. From the content point of view, these three variety shows not only have innovative breakthroughs in themes, but also conform to the current cultural and ideological trends of young users, and are an interpretation of the development direction of Zhihu as a question and answer community. "

Love women homemade variety show

Xiaohongshu focuses on young lifestyles.

The diversified little red book is also expanding the territory of entertainment products and joining the self-made variety track. In July last year, Xiaohongshu launched the travel reality show "Escape from the City Plan". Subsequently, the same type of "Two Days and One Night Camping Plan" was launched in Xiaohongshu, inviting bloggers to camp in various places. Xiaohongshu also launched a cultural program "Night in the Corner", in which Liang Wendao, the host, together with Chen Danqing, Chen Di, Liu Qing, Li Houchen, Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Sida and other guests, expressed their opinions on topics of concern or hot discussion among young people at present, such as love will, consumption concept and investment proposition.

At the end of 2021, Xiaohongshu’s self-made life program "I’m going to live like this" went online, and traveled around the city through "life home" and "experience officer", opening up lifestyles in different scenes such as sports, travel and art, and driving users to share their hobbies. In May of this year, the program started the second season of "camping season" with a new theme. Under the wave of reasoning variety sweeping across major platforms, Xiaohongshu recently launched a self-made variety "Let’s Reasoning Together", inviting bloggers at the head of the platform to participate and launch an immersive script killing.

Judging from the content and form, the variety show launched by Xiaohongshu has a short duration, and KOL and fashion stars in the station are invited as guests. These variety shows are quite platform-oriented, basically focusing on the lifestyle of young people, and the content also focuses on the common tourism, food and other sectors of the platform. Little Red Book’s self-made variety shows are biased towards female theme content. According to the "2021 Little Red Book Active User Portrait Trend Report", women account for 90.41% of the active users of Little Red Book. Taking female theme as the starting point is a major feature of its vertical marketing.

Variety enhances user stickiness 

Differentiated advantages produce "long tail"

"Compared with film and television content, variety shows have stronger social attributes and are easier to drive community fans." Bao Ran, a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the Network Audiovisual Professional Committee, told the reporter of Variety Daily that Zhihu and Xiaohongshu are both community platforms. In order to stimulate the stock and growth, they need to broadcast and share new stories, so as to increase the user’s stickiness and strengthen the connection between communities.

Bao Ran takes Xiaohongshu as an example. The advantage of UGC (user-generated content) in the station is that it is fast in quantity, but the disadvantage is that quality control is difficult to grasp. "At present, the regulatory authorities are more and more strict in the management of MCN institutions and online celebrity, and Xiaohongshu needs to constantly optimize and improve the community content ecology. Homemade variety shows are not only more formal, but also have a production threshold, which is conducive to the transfer of traffic to high-quality content. " Bao Ran bluntly said that many Internet platforms are now facing the bottleneck of the disappearance of user growth dividends. Both Xiaohongshu and Zhihu have been exploring new paths beyond their core business in recent years.

However, compared with Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker, bilibili and Watermelon Video, Zhihu and Xiaohongshu have not made such a big step, and a series of actions are just constantly strengthening their platform attributes. For example, several programs launched by Xiaohongshu are typical micro-variety shows, closely following social topics such as camping and travel; Zhihu’s upcoming program also focuses on issues of concern to youth groups based on its own characteristics of "professional discussion". "The cost of traditional variety shows is gradually rising, and the income depends solely on advertising sponsorship, and the shelf life is also short. Zhihu and Xiaohongshu exert their strength in variety shows. Naturally, they have to take a differentiated route to get a slice of the market. This small and beautiful strategy is a good choice. " Bao Wei said.

Talking about the expectation of self-made variety shows on the platform, Jiang Mingxue said that the layout of self-made variety shows is an attempt by Zhihu to extend high-quality content and an innovation of traditional variety shows. The production, dissemination, interaction and aggregation of the contents of the three programs are all completed in Zhihu. At the same time, the opinions and topics in the program will be widely discussed by users on Zhihu, which will precipitate and accumulate, resulting in the long tail effect. "We hope that Zhihu’s high-quality content can form a positive content closed loop and create a better community ecology."

Photo: Douban, program official micro

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How long can it be popular after the first year of online celebrity and online celebrity?

  Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, December 26th, New Media Special Topic: How long will "online celebrity" be popular after the first year of online celebrity?

  Xinhua News Agency’s "China Net" reporter Ye Jianyou

  2016 can be described as "the first year of online celebrity", and the hot news about "online celebrity" has been popular from the beginning to the end of the year. With the valuation or acquisition of hundreds of millions of yuan at every turn, the ability of "online celebrity" to absorb gold is amazing. The rise of live broadcast also made "online celebrity" all the rage. This year, what "online celebrity" have been fired? Who can be "online celebrity"? Will "online celebrity" Economy Be a Bubble?

  This year, we chased the "online celebrity"

  The financing of "papi sauce" announced the beginning of "the first year of online celebrity" in 2016.

  This girl, who graduated from Chinese opera and is famous for her funny short videos, suddenly got 12 million yuan in financing in March, and her personal brand valuation was as high as several hundred million yuan. She was in the limelight and had a high valuation.

  Compared with the valuation, what is more attractive is the real money brought by "online celebrity". In December, the "fellow uncle", who is famous for constellation analysis, was bought more than 70% of his shares for more than 200 million yuan, and the young "post-80 s" uncle was worth over 100 million yuan in an instant. "online celebrity" liquidity, and then let everyone dumbfounded.

  On Taobao, Zhang Dayi, the "online celebrity", also rose from the first year to the end of the year. This high-value woman has won a large number of fans with her taste and eloquence, and the new products launched in her online shop are often robbed in a few seconds, with monthly sales reaching one million yuan, which is cited as a classic case in the industry.

  With the rise of the live broadcast format, with the help of platforms such as Yingke, Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Betta, the live broadcast "online celebrity" also emerges one after another. In the game industry, some "online celebrity" anchors earn a lot of money. Earlier, it was rumored that a well-known "online celebrity" anchor signed a contract for three years and earned hundreds of millions of yuan. In this regard, a senior gamer told reporters: "This price is not outrageous."

  Even in the field of writing without live broadcast and video, "online celebrity" is constantly being born.

  Among them, the word "online celebrity" of the year belongs to former media person Mi Meng. The writer, who graduated from Shandong University and loves Zhuangzi, has read 500,000 articles, the highest reading of a single article has reached 5 million, and the number of followers on WeChat WeChat official account has soared to 8 million.

  At the same time, various sub-sectors, such as fitness, beauty, luggage, etc., have also emerged their own "online celebrity". Network life is surrounded by "online celebrity", and "online celebrity" in turn enriches people’s network life.

  How to become a "online celebrity"?

  Being a "online celebrity" is not an easy task, and it is by no means easy to be popular with a high face value and less clothes. Having a skill in any field is an essential skill to become a high-quality "online celebrity".

  Take Mi Meng as an example. Before that, she was a senior media person with more than ten years’ experience. Mi Meng told reporters that she loves words very much. As long as she has words, she will look at them twice, and then she will read at least one book every week. Every month, she will study popular expressions with the team, such as those of Joker Xue and Zhang Wei, and she has studied them all. Just how to make a good title, Mi Meng’s handwriting has tens of thousands of words.

  As the "online celebrity" in financial circles, Cai Danfeng, the founder of "Maple Investment Circle", has also made great efforts in the content. "Most of the guests I invite for each live broadcast are women with business backgrounds. Starting from some interesting topics and talking about financial-related topics, I have accumulated a relatively high-end, reliable and like-minded financial community over time." Cai Danfeng said.

  Mr. Bao, a well-known blogger with more than 2.6 million fans in Weibo, holds a similar view. "For bloggers, the first thing is to think about how to make the content better. For me, my advantage lies in focusing on bags and shoes and never making beauty products. I have done a lot of research in this field. " "When your content has dry goods, people will naturally trust you and rely on your content."

  The agent of "papi sauce" told the reporter that although the video website is very developed now, because the threshold of the video industry is already relatively high, the high-quality video content is not rich. "papi Sauce" was born in a traditional Chinese opera class, and her performance had a very good sense of rhythm, which were the important conditions for her to stand out as a "online celebrity" at that time.

  Zhao Yu, the head of a cultural communication company in Shanghai, said: "As a ‘ Online celebrity ’ At least three conditions are required: one is to be able to continuously produce influential content on social media, the other is to have a certain right to speak in a certain vertical field, and the third is that the content it produces is liked by the audience and can continue to grow. "

  How long can "online celebrity" be popular?

  2016 is not only the first year of the rise of online celebrity, but also the year of the renovation of online celebrity. In April, the Ministry of Culture rectified the illegal webcast platform. In July, the Ministry of Public Security launched a special rectification of the webcast platform. In November, the National Network Information Office issued "Regulations on the Administration of Internet Live Broadcasting Service", which is regarded as the concrete embodiment of the governance of "online celebrity". The industry believes that these standardized management have dealt a blow to the virtual fire in the "online celebrity" economy, and also helped the real "online celebrity" to go further.

  And the bubble of "online celebrity" economy began to appear. At the end of 2016, Luo Jisi, the investor of "papi Sauce", announced his withdrawal from investment. It can be seen that the deeper reasons for the popularity of online celebrity can be traced back to the economic level.

  Ruhan, located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is an ordinary garment manufacturing enterprise. After introducing the "online celebrity" model, the company’s sales began to grow rapidly. The person in charge of Ruhan told the reporter: "A considerable proportion of semi-standard products represented by food and non-standard products represented by clothing will be promoted by opinion leaders in the future."

  As a well-known observer of new media, Wei Wuhui of Tianqi Amoeba Fund also thinks that the economic development of "online celebrity" has great potential and obvious trend in the next few years. "From 2004 to 2014, the cost of obtaining a user’s click on the Internet of commercial enterprises increased by 10 times, and it is obviously more cost-effective to use the fan effect of" online celebrity "for publicity and promotion."

  This can indeed be supported by data. Nowadays, through the promotion cost of search engines, the cost per click ranges from several yuan to several hundred yuan. The "online celebrity" model greatly reduces this cost. According to Mi Meng’s advertising value, his single article has been read more than 500,000 times, and the value of a single advertisement is several hundred thousand yuan. In this way, the cost of covering each fan is only around 1 yuan, which is obviously more cost-effective.

  And more and more people are willing to share their views and experiences, which has also injected vitality into the development of "online celebrity".

  Yao Hongzhou, head of a cultural company in Shanghai, told reporters: "With the popularization of robots, more and more laborers will be able to be liberated from simple and repetitive labor in the future. The younger generation is paying more and more attention to individuality. We receive many resumes every week, and many people want to be ‘ Online celebrity ’ 。”

  Many people in the Internet industry believe that "online celebrity" is the driving force of network culture, but also the performance of network culture prosperity. As the artist andy warhol said, this is an era when "everyone can be a celebrity for 15 minutes". As for how long "online celebrity" will remain popular, it still depends on its integration with the economy and its long-term economic impact.

Online celebrity blogger suspected of cooking great white shark was reported to attract attention. What kind of shark is it?

  Video screenshot

  These days, a video of a online celebrity food blogger shooting boiled sharks and barbecued sharks has attracted the attention of the whole network. Some popular science bloggers reported that this shark was actually a great white shark (also known as a man-eating shark), which belongs to the national second-class protected animal. Sichuan Nanchong police then intervened in the investigation.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted online celebrity blogger Tizi, who said that the shark in the video was a "sharp-toothed shark". "I got it through formal channels, and we are looking for a lawyer here. It’s all those people who talk nonsense. "

  On July 16, the reporter contacted the netizen "Myth Q Blast" (hereinafter referred to as "Mr. Q") who first reported this matter, and he told some things behind this report.

  On the same day, the reporter learned from a person close to handling the case that the police have found a blogger "Tizi" in online celebrity to investigate, and will collect relevant evidence and find an authoritative organization for identification.

  Event review

  Send a video of "cooking sharks"

  Food bloggers were reported.

  In the online video, the food blogger opened a package at the door of a shop, which contained a huge "shark", attracting many people to watch. Later, the online celebrity blogger and others transported the shark to the countryside, cut it up and used it for boiling and barbecue. In the video screen, the caption "Edible by Artificial Farming" is written in the upper left corner.

  The reporter found that the blogger named "Tizi" has more than 1 million fans on a short video platform, which mainly publishes videos of cooking food with seafood. However, this "shark video" reflected by netizens is no longer visible at present.

  On the evening of July 15th, the netizen "Mr. Q" updated a Weibo message: "I reported the blogger who illegally ate great white sharks, which may be a bit sudden, but I don’t intend to continue to hide it now."

  On July 16th, "Mr. Q" told reporters that the clue about "anchor online celebrity eats great white shark" originally came from a screenshot of QQ group. At 10: 38 am on July 14th, someone posted a video screenshot of the anchor "Tizi" and the shark on the QQ group. After that, I went to the short video platform to find the account of "Tizi". "According to the details of the video and the feedback from the group friends, I confirmed that it was a great white shark."

  According to the video content released by Tizi, the shark in the video weighs about 100 Jin, slightly larger than the anchor Tizi himself.

  After watching the video, "Mr. Q" then reported to the short video platform. Half an hour later, the short video platform gave him feedback, saying that the video push had been reduced. In the afternoon, "Mr. Q" and some netizens called the local fishery administration department in Nanchong to report.

  "Mr. Q" didn’t expect this matter to get such great attention. He said that even if the anchor didn’t "eat" the great white shark this time, this kind of incident may continue to happen. He hoped that everyone could better protect our marine ecology, and he didn’t want future generations to know about the great white shark only through museums and literature. "If even the great white shark can’t be protected, how can we have confidence to protect other sharks, and how can we have confidence to protect the marine ecology?"

  Question 1

  Is it a great white shark or a sharp-toothed shark?

  Blogger: It’s a sharp-toothed shark, which was obtained through formal channels.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted the blogger Tizi, and the other party said that the shark in the video was not a man-eating shark or an endangered animal, but a sharp-toothed shark. "I got it through formal channels, and we are also looking for a lawyer here. It’s all those people who talk nonsense. " The blogger said that these people are slandering, and no police have contacted her yet.

  Some netizens who have seen the video suspect that the "shark" in the video is probably just a prop for bloggers to shoot the video. In response to this question, the blogger has not responded to the reporter yet.

  Professional: It’s a great white shark, and there is no artificial breeding at present.

  According to media reports, Zhou Zhuocheng, chairman of the professional committee of protozoa and aquatic ecology of China Fisheries Association, said that the shark in the video is a man-eating shark, also known as great white shark, which is a national second-class protected animal. According to the law, after fishing, it is necessary to abandon it into the sea regardless of life or death. It is illegal to go ashore, sell or buy it, and the man-eating shark is not farmed artificially.

  Netizen "crested snake with black scales" is a well-known science blogger with 2.31 million fans, a research tutor and a natural science writer. He is also paying attention to the incident of "online celebrity anchor eating sharks" these days.

  On July 16th, "crested snake with black scales" said in an interview with reporters, "From the appearance characteristics, that shark is the great white shark (man-eating shark), a national second-class protected animal, and the sharp-toothed shark is a common name for the sand shark in Taiwan Province, China. The shape of the big hole sand shark is significantly different from that of the great white shark, and its size is not as big as that of the shark in the video. "

  Netizen "crested snake with black scales" introduced that great white sharks are distributed all over the world, and there are records in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and Bohai Sea in China, but at present, large sharks, including great white sharks, have no artificial breeding population and cannot be cultured artificially. "The anchor said that this is ‘ Breeding big sharks ’ It is a false thing. "

  Question 2

  Where did this shark come from?


  Or suspected illegal trafficking chain.

  Well-known science blogger "crested snake with black scales" analyzed that if the shark in the video is a great white shark, it should be illegally trafficked from the coast to Sichuan. "According to the current wildlife protection law, it is not allowed to sell the national first-class and second-class protected aquatic wildlife such as the great white shark privately. Even if it is dead, it is not allowed to sell it ashore. The national first-and second-class aquatic wild protected animals that can be sold can only be marked on the list ‘ Wild population only ’ And the relevant documents are complete and can prove that they are from artificially propagated individuals. "

  "Mr. Q" also said that the shark in the video of "Tizi" was filmed in Nanchong. Based on this, he analyzed that sharks should be transported to Nanchong from coastal suppliers through cold chain transportation, which involves an illegal chain. Only the anchor himself and his group know where the supplier is.

  Mr. Q hopes to find more clues. "I tentatively put forward a preliminary action plan in the group, and five people responded successively, so I established an action planning group chat." "Mr. Q" said that according to the planned action, the six of them turned into fans of the anchor "Tizi", and first tentatively expressed their desire to buy sharks in the comment area, but the anchor only responded to the top two comments (suspected list one and list two at that time), and several people then booked the live broadcast at 7: 30 that night.

  Before the live broadcast began, Mr. Q made a simple role definition in the group. Some people pretended to be buyers of foreign aquatic products stores, and some people went to the live broadcast room to first propose to buy shark meat, with followers and children who wanted to taste shark meat.

  "In order to ensure the anchor ‘ Tizi ’ In response, the six of us will try our best to be on the list. Before the live broadcast, ‘ Snake bone ’ (Net name) charged the money separately and joined the anchor fan group. " "Mr. Q" said that that night, "Tizi" began to live broadcast the goods on the short video platform. Several of them went to the live broadcast room to leave a message and brush the screen according to the previous planning plan, and then gave gifts to the anchor "Tizi" as a reward.

  "Since the anchor has been selling the goods that the fan group doesn’t want, the top ten of the initial list left the live broadcast room one after another, so I took the opportunity to rush to the second list, ‘ Snake bone ’ Then rushed to the list of six. " "Mr. Q" said, however, something unexpected happened at this time. As the "Shark" incident gradually fermented on the Internet, many netizens flooded into the live broadcast room, asking why Tizi ate "Great White Shark".

  "Mr. Q" said that the sudden change in the live broadcast room made it impossible for himself and his teammates to ask questions to "Tizi" as originally planned, and finally "Tizi" was broadcast in advance.

  "Mr. Q" told the reporter that on July 15th, they called the fishery administration in the relevant areas where sharks may come from to tell about the situation, and then some local authorities in Nanchong took the initiative to contact him to learn about the situation.

  state of play

  The police launched an investigation.

  The blogger has been found.

  The reporter looked through the videos taken by the netizen "Tizi" in the past and found that he had been shopping in the seafood market in Nanchong, Sichuan.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted a manager of a seafood market in Nanchong City, and the other party said that he knew the online celebrity food blogger who had bought seafood in the seafood market. The manager said that the online celebrity blogger sometimes brought seafood by car and filmed it in the market. However, he doesn’t know much about this online celebrity blogger.

  The above-mentioned staff member said that he had also seen the "shark" video shot by the online celebrity blogger, saying that it was not from their market, and there was no shark for sale in the market. Besides, watching the video, the "shark" looked like frozen goods.

  Later, after contacting some vendors in the market, the above-mentioned market managers gave feedback to reporters again, saying that some online celebrity bloggers often came to the market to shoot videos. Most of the time, they brought their own frozen goods, soaked them in water, and occasionally bought some common seafood in the market.

  The manager also said that all the seafood sold in the market is very common. "I also asked the merchants in our market if they didn’t get sharks. They also said which one dares to sell sharks?"

  Afterwards, it was proved that "Tizi" filmed the shark at the entrance of an aquatic product store in Gaoping District, Nanchong, and the shark was also brought by Tizi, and it was filmed by borrowing the venue at the entrance of the aquatic product store.

  On the morning of July 15th, the reporter visited a community that appeared in the video picture of "Tizi". The doorman said that there were indeed two young girls who had taken videos in the community before. The doorman recognized that the blogger "Tizi" in the video was one of the girls who had made videos in the community before, but he was not a resident of the community.

  At present, the investigation detachment of forest and food and drug environmental knowledge of Nanchong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan has been involved in the investigation.

  The source of the shark in Tizi video and whether the shark is a "great white shark" questioned by netizens or a "sharp-toothed shark" in Tizi’s mouth still need further investigation by the police.

  On July 16th, a person familiar with the matter told the reporter that the police have found a blogger "Tizi" in online celebrity to investigate, and will collect relevant evidence and find an authoritative organization for identification.

  Law popularization time

  Buying and selling great white shark teeth

  Both the buyer and the seller were sentenced.

  The reporter found that the People’s Court of Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province had tried a case of buying and selling great white shark teeth in 2019.

  The contents of the judgment document show that in September 2012, the defendant Zhang sold three great white shark (also known as man-eating shark) teeth to the defendant Gu for 18,000 yuan. It has been identified that two of the three shark teeth belong to a man-eating shark, which is a protected animal listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. After the incident, the defendants Gu and Zhang arrived at the case after receiving the notice from the public security organ. They all truthfully confessed the above facts and pleaded guilty.

  The Dongtai People’s Court held that Gu’s illegal acquisition of precious and endangered wildlife products constituted a crime of illegal acquisition of precious and endangered wildlife products. Zhang illegally sells precious and endangered wildlife products, and his behavior constitutes the crime of illegally selling precious and endangered wildlife products, and all of them should be punished. In the end, Gu was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention, suspended for six months and fined 5,000 yuan for the crime of illegally purchasing precious and endangered wildlife products. Zhang was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention, suspended for six months and fined 5000 yuan for the crime of illegally selling precious and endangered wildlife products.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Wang Chao zhangqian

The ultimate preview of "The Scare of the Spy Wars in the Deep Sea" Ruoyun Zhang and Angel joined forces to break the enemy.

Produced by Qiancheng Film and Television Co., Ltd. and Xinli TV Culture Investment Co., Ltd., it is adapted from the novel of the same name by Hai Fei, the winner of the People’s Literature Award and a gold screenwriter, and it is written by him, directed by Sun Hao, starring Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Sean and Adi, and starring by Wang Longzheng. The TV series "The Deep Sea of Spy Wars" co-starring Calvin, Li Qiang, Gao Shuguang, Wang Wanjuan, Luo Qiuyun and Ji Li will be held at 8 o’clock tonight. At the same time, Tencent Video and Iqiyi will synchronize network updates. VIP members will update 2 episodes every Sunday to Thursday at 24 o’clock, and update 1 episode on Friday and Saturday. Non-members will be exempted at 24 o’clock the next day. Today, The Scare of the Deep Sea of Spy Warfare has successively issued the final preview of the "Immediate Action" version and the single poster of the "Twin Cities Spy Shadow" version. Two heavy materials have declassified the highlights of this drama in advance, and the sinister situation, tense spy war, and many forces of the enemy and the enemy, which are fighting with each other, are intertwined in Chongqing and Shanghai, indicating that a secret spy war is about to start, which has doubled the audience’s expectation.

The battle of alternating life starts, drinking ice and moving forward is full of dangers.

With the sinister struggle situation in Shanghai and Chongqing in 1941 as the background, The Scare in the Deep Sea tells the story that Chen Shan (Ruoyun Zhang), Zhang Li (Angel) and other patriots with firm beliefs fought hard with the enemy in the hidden front, and Chen Shan was inspired by Zhang Li to transform from a small gangster on the beach and eventually grow into an excellent communist fighter. In the final preview of the "Immediate Action" version, which lasted only about one minute, the suspenseful background music laid the foundation for Chen Shan to walk in treading on thin ice as a three-sided spy after being forced to "transform" into a military special agent Xiao Zhengguo. Various characters appeared in succession in the changeable situation, and the dense amount of information refined and extracted the story context. The siege of Japanese spies, the questioning and questioning of the Kuomintang military junta and other difficulties have pushed Chen Shan into the fear of being caught at any time, and the resulting suspense is one of the many highlights of this play.

Chen Shan has no choice but to embark on this thorny road full of crises. Zhou Haichao (Sean), Yu Xiaoyue (Adi), Araki Wei (Wang Longzheng), Qian Shiying (Calvin) and others are either right or wrong, and they are playing a good show with Chen Shan Zhang Li on the hidden front. As shown in the trailer, suspense, nervousness and even humor are all reflected in this play. The simple explanation of "We are all from China" is full of hit the floor’s sense of faith, and he is concerned about whether his country can succumb to being a Japanese spy. Fortunately, there is a warm presence like a guide on the hidden road of treading on thin ice. Chen Shan and Zhang Li, who walked side by side in the hail of bullets, strengthened their faith together and strived for the dawn of national destiny.

The sinister situation of the game between all parties is simmering, and the Chinese soul ignites patriotic enthusiasm.

The "Twin Cities Spy Shadow" version of the single poster released this time also has a full sense of texture and a strong sense of home and country belief, and the horizontal display space has a deeper sense. The street view with a sense of time complements the depression of the sky with dark clouds and approaching showers. The city with beautiful shops should have been peaceful and prosperous, but the enemy occupied it and the mountains and rivers were covered with dust. Innocent compatriots are bullied by brutal aggressors, and my sons and daughters with aspirations in the Chinese nation will always be ready to be regarded as sacrifices, willing to be a beacon of fire and fight to the death with the enemy.

The drama embodies the quality with ingenuity, and the details are polished everywhere in the Republic of China. In addition to the fine demands on modeling and scenery, it also observes the hard struggle situation of revolutionary martyrs in special times. When they face the country, they swear to defend their beliefs and support the magnificent spirit of the national backbone with courage without fear of sacrifice. In "The Scare of the Deep Sea", the twists and turns between the two cities and the dangerous crouching of the multi-faceted spy add different highlights to the drama from different dimensions. The multi-line coexistence narrative and plentiful and diverse characterization will also enhance the audience’s experience of watching the drama.

In the story premiered at 8 o’clock tonight, Xiao Zhengguo will lead the military special agent, and the three-person team will carry out a secret mission. However, the plan has changed abruptly, and their actions are surrounded by the Japanese, and one person will be captured, one person will escape, and one person will be shot dead by an unknown person. Araki, the head of the Japanese intelligence agency, was the mastermind behind this operation. When he saw Chen Shan, who looked very similar to Xiao Zhengguo, he immediately came up with a plan to lose money. He takes the life of Chen Shan’s sister Chen Xia (played by Luo Qiuyun) as a threat, threatening him to become Xiao Zhengguo and go to the military to steal information for him. Chen Shan had no choice but to receive intensive training to prepare for his departure from Chongqing … Can Chen Shan, who has become Xiao Zhengguo in a new guise, go to Chongqing without being caught? What other crises are there within the same sinister military system? What crazy move will Araki, who is cruel and ruthless, make? Please look forward to the follow-up story.

What does Zhang’s frequent hot search on the bell bring to "Fu Seoul"?

Wen | Xiao Gu Dong

Recently, with the release of the short video "It’s really hard to kill Zhang’s ringing", the topic # Zhang’s ringing is miserable and funny # has been on the hot search, which has also made more people know about the real life in multinational families, and all kinds of stories caused by cultural and cognitive differences have made people laugh, which is just a microcosm of her hot search.

In the early days, most viewers got to know Zhang Zhanling from the seventh season of "The Story of Qipa" and the fourth season of talk show conference. In the process of recording the program, Zhang Zhanling attracted much attention because of telling the story of "Big Fat Daughter-in-law" giving chrysanthemums and playing table tennis with his 70-year-old grandfather, and then he created a circle code around the cultural differences of multinational families. At present, this creative way continues in short video creation. With the continuous innovation of materials, Zhang Zhanling’s content on social platforms is updated frequently and with good quality, and is in a state of continuous powder absorption.

In addition, because Fu Seoul and Lao Liu participated in the program "Goodbye to Lovers", many netizens compared Zhang Zhanling, a husband and wife group who also looked like "women are strong and men are weak", with her "fat daughter-in-law", and pointed out the differences between the two groups. For example, the "fat daughter-in-law" was temporarily unemployed, and now she has found a job, and Zhang Zhanling affirmed the emotional value he brought, while Lao Liu was lying flat and needed. In this discussion, the public has a different understanding of the marriage between Zhang Zhanling and Fu Seoul.

There are both the traffic brought by transnational family cultural differences and the external traffic brought by entertainment topics. Recently, Zhang Zhanling is very popular on the short video platform. His personal Tik Tok account has 792w+ fans, and the Tatie brothers and sisters with Xiao Aoda and Latte as the protagonists have 114W fans. To some extent, among a group of talk show actors and debaters, Zhang Zhanling has taken a new path in the field of short video by virtue of his personal ability and unique family advantages.

In the early days, Zhang stepped on the bell and became popular in foreign countries because of the cultural differences between China and foreign countries. Later, with a second child, she returned to China to participate in the recording of "Qi Yu Shuo". After the program was launched, it was known by more people, and it also diverted her social account to some extent. Of course, the key to Zhang’s popularity so far lies in its continuous output in the content field, which not only has certain speculative significance, but also can convey happiness and healing, and has diversified value for the majority of netizens.

Funny is the core feature of Zhang Dailing’s short video, which comes from the fact that every member of her family is walking material. In her short video, every family member has a distinctive character tag. For example, the fat daughter-in-law often makes a lot of jokes because of cultural, language differences and body shape. Latte loves Tieling hukou and refuses foreign language and culture. Xiao Aoda is the younger sister of some ghosts and horses who can also serve as bilingual translators, and Wendy is a foreign mother-in-law who is full of highlights except picking … So a group of people with different personalities, whether living in a foreign country or in Beijing, can always derive countless materials for Zhang to step on the bell to create.

Take China’s behavior of Wendy and her big fat daughter-in-law as an example. The family not only completed the "fixed task" of climbing the Great Wall and visiting the Forbidden City, but also went to Inner Mongolia, Chengdu and Guilin. There have been many stories along the way, either conflicts caused by dietary differences, frequent jokes caused by the cheap price of the lotus pond, or a series of "accidents" caused by accidents, all of which have become the creative materials of Zhang Zhanling, and have received continuous attention from netizens.

Family warmth is the background color of the short video created by Zhang Zhanling. In addition to being funny, there are also many moments that make people cry. For example, Zhang Zhanling meets the figure of a big fat daughter-in-law and Xiao Aoda who have been separated for two years due to the epidemic at the airport, prepares a surprise for her mother-in-law Wendy’s birthday, and relives the figure skating that she loved as a girl. These two paragraphs have touched many netizens. The former is maternal love from the heart, while the latter puts herself in Wendy’s shoes, which is a great model for women to understand women.

While short videos are widely loved by netizens, Zhang Zhanling has also been favored by brand customers. At present, in the video created by Zhang Zhanling, there are different kinds of advertisements such as learning, skin care products and life, or interspersed with advertisements in regular content, or tailored the theme content for advertisements, which successfully realized personal traffic. In addition, she was invited by the producers of programs such as Invite 100 Girls Home, The Great Conjecture of Joy, Half of Life and Magee Kitchen, which also effectively supplemented her popularity.

Family-centered creation, supplemented by the language style of Northeast China, has found a personalized output mode in the field of short video, maintained high yield in the safe and comfortable zone of content creation, and realized the instant realization of personal IP while continuously accumulating fans and gaining good reputation.

For the top players who come out of the programs such as "The Story of Qi Pa" and "Talk Show Conference", artistry and online celebrity are the only way. Starting from short video, becoming popular and returning to short video, Zhang stepped on the bell and found a development direction suitable for himself. Of course, there are thousands of transformation paths, and from the perspective of the whole debater and talker circle, more transformation paths will be found.

Debaters and talk show actors have a sense of variety in common, so some of them have successfully transformed into variety coffee. From Mix, Fan Tiantian and Ming Chen, who were out of the circle in the early days, to Li Dan, Wang Mian and Xu Zhisheng, who were in the post-fire, they all participated in many reality shows. Take Xu Zhisheng, who has the shortest debut time, as an example, and participated in more than ten files such as Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom House Season 3, Let’s Camp Together Season 3, Exploring the Case, How to "outsmart", Shop 2 on the Cloud and Home of Everyone. It is not difficult to find that Xu Zhisheng is quite popular with the "Comprehensive N Generation" program, probably because the program group is more inclined to bring new additions by artists with both freshness and variety when iterating over the guest lineup.

Except for a few who can become variety coffee, most debaters and talk show actors will have limitations on the road to artistry and are only suitable for opinion output programs. For example, Huang Zhizhong participated in the variety "Goodbye My Lover" as a member of the "Observer Mission" in addition to the series of programs.

Coincidentally, Fu Seoul became famous in his early years because of Qi Pei Shuo, and now he has attracted much attention because of Goodbye to Lovers. However, during this period, he participated in only a handful of variety shows, among which he was an observer in Men Doing Housework and "Unfolding Talk", which was a permanent guest with Yang Tianzhen, Yi Lijing and Yang Li, played a role in exporting personal opinions. However, when the tide of live broadcast came, Fu Seoul set foot on this big ship and started a new branch of her career as "Fu Ma" in Tik Tok.

With the change of life stage, they will also have different choices. For example, King Wang, who was positioned as "the successor of Xiao S" in the early days, is now married and pregnant. She recorded the state of pregnancy in real time on personal social media. Diet changes, taking photos of pregnant women and stepping on the pit all triggered the resonance of women who were pregnant or had experience in pregnancy. In addition, in the roadshow of the movie "Learning Dad", King Wang talked about the problem of choosing a kindergarten after he began to worry in the pregnancy stage, which also caused widespread spread on the Internet. According to this trend, Dawang will be deeply involved in the fields of maternal and child care in the future, unlocking a new track for artists’ career.

Whether they become a variety coffee, an anchor with goods, or a mother-infant blogger, they have not only exerted their personal celebrity effect, but also enjoyed the dividend of the times, so it is not surprising that they can take off on the cusp. Just how high and how long you can fly in the end depends on your ability and value choice.

* Original article, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Artificial Intelligence: Embracing Change and Protecting Value

  [Kehai Tide Watching]

  In the past few years, a large number of innovative technologies have emerged in the field of artificial intelligence, and key breakthroughs have been made in the fields of autonomous driving, voice and image recognition, medical diagnosis, intellectual competitive sports, etc. Intelligent scenes that people once could only imagine in science fiction movies are quietly coming, and an intelligent era full of infinite possibilities has been fully opened.

  Artificial intelligence with several ups and downs

  Artificial intelligence is not a new concept in science. As early as half a century ago, computer science giants represented by Turing, Weiner, McCarthy, Shannon and so on began to explore artificial intelligence scientifically. Turing took the lead in putting forward the basic proposition of artificial intelligence "Can machines think" in his paper "Computing Machines and Intelligence" published in 1950, and designed the famous "Turing Test" — — If a machine can start a dialogue with human beings without being identified as a machine, then the machine is intelligent, which has become the first research to define the standard of artificial intelligence from the scientific level. At the same time, Wiener put forward the famous "cybernetics" and discussed the unity of machine and human — — People or machines accomplish a certain purpose through feedback, which reveals the possibility of simulating people with machines and lays an important foundation for the proposal of artificial intelligence. In 1955, McCarthy, Minsky, Shannon and others, as co-sponsors, invited a group of scholars to discuss Artificial Intelligence at Dartmouth College in the United States, and used the term artificial intelligence, which led to the rise of artificial intelligence scientific research.

  Although artificial intelligence has always attracted the attention of the scientific community, due to the constraints of basic technical conditions such as computing power, algorithms and data, artificial intelligence technology and commercial development have not been smooth sailing, and even once fell into a trough. Until May, 1997, IBM computer system "Deep Blue" defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, which once again triggered global attention to artificial intelligence. Since then, Professor Hilton of the University of Toronto in Canada has made a key breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence with deep learning as the main technical line. Artificial intelligence has been applied in natural language processing, speech recognition, image recognition, machine translation, fraud detection, product recommendation, etc. In addition, mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things have matured and formed a technical community effect, providing a technical environment for the technological breakthrough of artificial intelligence. A number of IT giants such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Baidu, Tencent, etc. also foresaw the commercial dawn of artificial intelligence and accelerated the industrial layout of artificial intelligence. In October 2016, the then US President Barack Obama released the report "National Strategic Plan for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development" at the White House Frontier Summit. This strategic plan, known as the new "Apollo Moon Landing Plan" in the United States, marked the US government’s emphasis on artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence has reached a turning point of breakthrough.

  According to the development stage and level of artificial intelligence, some foreign experts divide artificial intelligence into three stages: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). Weak artificial intelligence is good at unilateral ability, such as only having the intelligence to play chess. Strong artificial intelligence refers to artificial intelligence that has the same cognitive ability as human beings in all aspects; Super artificial intelligence refers to surpassing the limits of human intelligence in all fields. Generally speaking, human artificial intelligence is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence moving towards strong artificial intelligence.

  Cutting-edge technology that subverts the future

  As a subversive technology with "singularity" characteristics, artificial intelligence can not only drive a new round of scientific and technological innovation and economic growth, but also overcome a series of development difficulties faced by human beings in the fields of transportation, environment and health care, thus creating a new paradigm for global economic and social development.

  In 2016, Accenture, a famous consulting firm, released a report saying that artificial intelligence will become the driving force for a new round of global economic growth. By 2035, by changing job attributes and creating new man-machine relationship, artificial intelligence will double the economic growth rate, and the problems that have plagued the world economy for a long time, such as production stagnation, resource mismatch and labor shortage, will be solved, and people will be able to get out of "inefficient" work and do truly efficient and creative work.

  Intelligent transportation and unmanned driving are the key areas of artificial intelligence development at present. In the future, the transportation facilities with artificial intelligence application will not only include passenger cars, but also trucks, aircraft and personal robots. Automated transportation will be everywhere, and cars will become better drivers than humans. Intelligent transportation systems will effectively overcome urban traffic jams and parking difficulties, reduce the incidence of car accidents and reduce automobile emissions, and there will be fewer private cars for urban residents, thus changing the overall appearance of the city and bringing a brand-new form of urban organization.

  Artificial intelligence will also make great achievements in the medical field, which will help mankind overcome a series of medical problems to a great extent and solve the problem of uneven distribution of medical resources. Take IBM Watson as an example. An expert from the Medical College of the University of North Carolina in the United States asked Watson to analyze and diagnose more than 1,000 cancer cases. It was found that Watson gave the same treatment plan as a human oncologist in more than 99% of the cases. A Tokyo woman with leukemia was sentenced to death by a doctor, but Watson read the relevant 4,000-meter-thick medical materials within 10 minutes and gave a treatment plan to save her. Recently, a teenager in Britain underwent medical surgery based on artificial intelligence technology and got rid of epilepsy for seven years. The doctor asked the robot to drill into his brain, stimulated the cerebral cortex through electrodes, and found out the part that caused the seizure. The doctor removed the lesion.

  An out-of-control problem of no trial and error

  When artificial intelligence technology continues to reshape people’s work, study and lifestyle, and brings infinite happiness to mankind, it is also generating more and more open problems.

  1. Artificial intelligence is out of control. It is an ancient and ultimate problem of artificial intelligence whether it can keep control of an artificial intelligence system that is far smarter than human beings one day. The problem of control and out-of-control is so important because human beings may not have the opportunity to try and make mistakes at all. Although it is generally believed that the existing artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence, many experts believe that the era of super artificial intelligence is not far away, and the form of super artificial intelligence can realize recursive self-improvement and lead to the final "intelligent explosion". In 2008, a survey of experts at the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference held in Oxford University showed that machine super-intelligence has surpassed nuclear war, various manipulated epidemics and climate change to become the greatest threat to mankind. By 2100, the possibility of this artificial intelligence leading to human extinction is 5%. In this regard, the author of "A Brief History of the Future" and Israeli historian Herali pointed out three possible directions for human beings: human beings will lose their economic and military uses, and the economic system will no longer be valuable; For the system, human beings as a whole will have value but individuals will have no value; However, the system will find value in some individuals, but they will become a new species of superman, not the general public. "System" refers to a new social form produced by the rapid development of biological science and information technology.

  2. Machine discrimination. In the Internet of Everything environment, artificial intelligence systems based on massive data and powerful algorithms are influencing or even replacing individual behavior decisions. Under the trend of artificial intelligence replacing individual decisions, algorithm deviation and machine discrimination are not uncommon and have great influence. For example, Google’s photo software has wrongly labeled black people as "gorillas", and Flickr’s automatic tagging system has also wrongly labeled black people’s photos as "apes" or "animals". The problem of Google’s algorithmic discrimination has attracted people’s attention. In Google search, it is easier to find advertisements implying a criminal history than searching for white people’s names. In Google’s advertising service, men see more high-paying job advertisements than women.

  3. Skilled unemployment. Technical unemployment is also a major challenge arising from the development of artificial intelligence. Kaplan, a professor of artificial intelligence and ethics at Stanford University, believes that the most important challenge for human beings to deal with artificial intelligence lies in the change of labor force and the distribution of wealth in the whole society, which has an impact on the stability of the existing society. Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, also pointed out that the wide application of high technology in computer-controlled, fully automated and networked production and service industries, such as the use of robots, may lead to the loss of a large number of jobs in the future.

  4. Human-machine emotional ethics. The development of artificial intelligence technology will lead to the subversion of traditional human ethics. In the autumn of 2015, the British BBC and CNBC reported that an American company had created a female image "sex robot", and the person in charge of the company believed that the product could help the widowed solve their life troubles. It is reported that the robot presupposes a variety of personality patterns, such as "communicative" and "obedient", but the product has aroused extensive ethical discussion.

  As Hassabis, the founder of DeepMind, said: "Artificial intelligence is a great technology. It is neutral in itself and may be used in good places or bad places, so we must ensure that its users are responsible." In this regard, the United States, Britain, Japan, as well as the United Nations, the European Union, IEEE and other international organizations have issued strategies, laws, standards and norms of artificial intelligence, hoping to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry through the guidance of artificial intelligence policies and ethics. We should scientifically regulate artificial intelligence from laws and regulations, social security, technical standards and application norms, so as to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry and prepare for the future of artificial intelligence.

   (Author: Hui Zhibin, deputy director of Internet Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Father pushes his son with cerebral palsy to run a marathon: "I promised him to stand behind him all his life."


  Xin’ an riverside

  Qingshan lvshuijian

  Zhejiang Jiande 2022 Xin ‘anjiang Marathon started shooting.

  On the track

  A pair of special contestants caught everyone’s attention

  A middle-aged man in a dark blue sports vest

  Pushing a tricycle.

  In the cart

  The little boy sat quietly.

  Work hard with my father towards the finish line

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  This middle-aged man

  It’s Luo Shujian, 45.

  From Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province

  Is a courier.

  In the cart is his 13-year-old son Xiao Bai.

  And this marathon

  It’s this father and son

  The 54th competition in 7 years.

  The medals hung on the walls of Luo Shujian’s home (provided by the respondents)

  One birth

  Xiao Bai, his son, became the most reluctant person for Luo Shujian.

  In 2009

  Severe asphyxia lasting for 15 minutes at birth.

  Causing xiaobai to have severe brain damage.

  He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth.

  And then appeared.

  Mental retardation, epileptic symptoms and autism tendency

  Later, he was diagnosed as "LGS syndrome" again.

  This is the most difficult type of epilepsy in children to control.

  A doctor once told Luo Shujian

  My son needs to be taken care of all his life.

  With the help of public welfare organizations

  Luo Shujian and his wife took Xiao Bai.

  Found an authoritative expert

  Seizure symptoms of Xiao Bai

  Also got better after using drugs.

  But Xiao Bai still can’t talk.

  Intelligence is only maintained at the level of children.

  Luo Shujian and his family usually take it with them.

  To go out for a walk.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)


  Luo Shujian came across the story of Dick Huo Yite and his son.

  This great father

  Pushing a son with cerebral palsy

  With more than 1000 running races

  Run all over America along the runway

  It is also one of the six marathons in the world.

  Boston marathon

  Touched countless people.

  In 2015

  After learning the information that the Hangzhou Marathon started to register that year,

  Luo Shujian also wants to try.

  In order to improve physical fitness

  He gets up at 4: 30 every morning

  Run at 5 o’clock in the morning

  Go out to work after the end.

  Be fully prepared

  November 1, 2015

  He took his son to participate for the first time.

  Hangzhou Marathon 7 km Mini Run

  And finally finished the game.

  A cart for my son.

  It cost him half a month’s salary.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  On the field

  Luo Shujian found his son Xiao Bai

  The whole process was very exciting and happy.

  "He likes that kind of lively scene.

  And this desire to chase

  Laugh and clap your hands. "

  After discovering that my son likes it very much,

  Luo Shujian was out of control from then on.

  5 km, 10 km

  Half horse, whole horse … …

  In the past seven years, Luo Shujian has pushed his son to complete it.

  54 games, big and small

  Footprints are all over the country

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  For seven years

  In the process of pushing my son to run.

  Luo Shujian for "father"

  Have a deeper understanding

  "I hope to be able to run.

  Can accompany him to walk around the country.

  Let him come into this world without regret.

  By running again and again like this

  I hope he can appreciate the hardships of everyone’s life.

  Also let him feel the warmth and strength in life. "

  Luo Shujian said

  Luo Shujian (third from right) is participating in public welfare activities (provided by respondents)

  Luo Shujian hopes

  Keep running with your son.

  "I promised him to stand behind him all my life."

  He smiled and told reporters

  Meet once, and live up to this life.

  Hail to the great father!

  Life is precious.

  In the wind, in the rain, on the road

  Love makes every step

  Full of power


  Source: Xinhua News Agency WeChat (ID:xinhuashefabu1) Comprehensive Yangguang. com and Jimu News.

  Reporter: Lin Guangyao, Ma Xiaoju

  Producer: Guan Kailiang

  Editor: Li Yongxi, Qing Shan

  Internship: Zhang Zhuojun

National fitness-sports are at the right time

Original title: National Fitness-Sports at the Right Time

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On the vernal equinox of the same day, a tug-of-war competition was held in the shopping mall of Erdaoqiao Community, Erdaoqiao Street, Tianshan District, Urumqi, to advocate national fitness and enjoy the warm sunshine in spring.

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo