It’s better to work hard than to make money as online celebrity. Why do some people believe in "reading is useless"

  Beijing, May 29 (Yuan Xiuyue), the client of Zhongxin. com, "OH MY GOD, it feels too smooth. One duck excrement is green, and the other loses blood. It’s really good to see the explosion. Anyway, buy it! Buy it! Buy it! "

  Because of imitating online celebrity and Li Jiaqi, a child named Tiantian became online celebrity. On Tik Tok, he has more than 700,000 fans, and the short video has more than 4 million likes.

  Video screenshot

  In response, Li Jiaqi sent him a complete set of exercise books from elementary school to high school. While laughing, netizens lamented that this year’s children are really a bit different.

  Different from the worry of "going to Tsinghua or Peking University" from the post-80s and post-90s generation, today’s post-90s and post-90s generation seem to be facing a new problem: choose to study hard or choose to be online celebrity?

  Data Map: Female anchors do live product display for e-commerce companies. China News Service reporter Wei Liang photo The picture is irrelevant.

  In 2018, some media had done a graphic illustration of post-90s employment view, in which it was mentioned that 54% of post-90s most aspiring emerging occupations were anchor and online celebrity.

  Tik Tok, Betta, bilibili, Little Red Book … … Emerging short video and live broadcast platforms are helping more and more ordinary people become famous overnight. At the same time, it has also promoted the economic boom in online celebrity. It is not uncommon for online celebrity to earn millions and tens of millions a month, and their ability to "bring goods" is even more comparable to that of stars. Last year’s Double Eleven, Li Jiaqi sold 15,000 lipsticks in five minutes, and was called "Brother Lipstick".

  Video screenshot: The picture shows Li Jiaqi.

  Not only that, short videos and live broadcasts have also been successfully embedded in people’s lives. Brushing Tik Tok, watching live games, becoming a UP master, publishing notes on planting grass in Xiaohongshu, and shooting Vlog anytime and anywhere have become the daily portrayal of young people.

  It seems to be becoming a reality that you can support yourself easily by turning your hobby into work. Therefore, a question arises. If you can make money when you are in online celebrity, why do you spend time studying?

  This is not the first discussion about "the futility of reading". Twenty years ago, 17-year-old Han Han won the first prize of the first national "New Concept Composition Competition" with an article "Peeping at a Man in a Cup". However, he is still in the first year of high school, and he has no interest in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The next year, he dropped out of school in the name of writing novels.

  Data Map: Han Han meets fans. Photo by Luo Bo

  Can you become a talent without the college entrance examination? This once triggered a discussion on the "reading uselessness" from all walks of life.

  Han Han was not the only one who rebelled at that time. Mao Kankan, Li Xiang and Gao Ran, both born in 1980s, chose another road, IT entrepreneurship. They are in high spirits and have their own company in their early twenties. The media called them "four little IT in Beijing" and "upstart entrepreneurs born after 1980s". Among them, Mao Kankan and Li Xiang have never participated in the college entrance examination.

  Han Han and Mao Kankan have become idols in the minds of teenagers. They are unconventional and run counter to traditional ideas. They are more willing to pursue their own personality than sticking to the rules and studying hard.

  From being a writer, starting a business to being a online celebrity, the changes in young people’s choices also highlight the changes in social and cultural trends of thought in the past 20 years. Today, there are more and more factors affecting young people’s choices. Before they enter the society, the first thing they have to face is the desire to be "fed up".

  Screenshot: Luxury advertisements on social platforms

  From lipstick, liquid foundation and backpacks to cars and home improvement, a slightly extravagant lifestyle is being welcomed by more and more people on the Internet.

  Some time ago, a woman with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan in Hangzhou saved money to buy a 20,000-yuan bag, which was dissatisfied with her husband and caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

  The exquisite life exposed by ordinary people on social networking sites can stimulate consumption desire more than advertisements. "After downloading the little red book, I feel that this day can’t be passed. Why is everyone richer than me, more beautiful than me, and more rich and loving than me?" A netizen lamented.

  Online celebrity has become the object of many young people’s imitation. They care more about the external dress and pursue high value. In Xiaohongshu, there are not a few bloggers who publish cosmetic diaries, and even some students choose to borrow money for cosmetic surgery.

  Screenshot: The experience of netizens drying their own loans for cosmetic surgery.

  In the view of Sun Meng, 28, this is not an acceptable behavior for her. "This is all blinded by the advanced consumption advocated by various marketing numbers, without their own rational judgment, blindly following the trend."

  Chen Hui also often uses little red books to see through the clothes, but many notes advertisements are very strong in nature, and all the clothes are blown to the sky. In her opinion, this may be advocating not to stop buying in buy buy.

  Under the commercial advocacy of the Internet, getting something seems to be equated with happiness.

  Data Map: Junior students try to be network anchors. Cangyan photo is irrelevant.

  "Reading is not as good as being a online celebrity, and the college entrance examination is not as good as plastic surgery." If we look at reading from a pragmatic point of view, it seems that it is not cost-effective, and it requires a family to work hard for more than ten years, including time and money. But the result is not certain. Whether you can find a good job and make a lot of money is unknown.

  But is reading really useless? Han Han, who once bombarded "the composition of the college entrance examination is stupid" and was glad that he didn’t go to college, later changed his mouth. He admitted in Weibo last year that dropping out of school was a failure, which showed that he was incompetent in a challenge and had to quit, which was not worth learning. What is worth learning is always learning the word itself.

  Screenshot: Han Han talks about dropping out of school on Weibo.

  "I heard someone gloating and saying, Han Han, I dropped out of school like you. I don’t understand. What is there to learn from what I have done badly? Why not learn what I do well? " Han Han said.

  Li Xiang also commented below: "If I can get into a good university and find a good job, I won’t start a business. It was because I couldn’t get into a good university and couldn’t find a good job that I started my business. If you can’t find a good job and don’t want to start a business, it’s better to go to school. "

  Cai Lan, who has the title of "One of the Four Great Talents in Hong Kong", has always been concerned about the status of young people. When talking about the discussion about whether online celebrity should make money or bury his head in hard work, he bluntly said: "Reading is a basic skill. If you don’t do it, you won’t last long. You have to read everything."

  Data Map: Cai Lan. China News Service reporter Hong Shaokui photo

  Some netizens expressed a similar view: "online celebrity is easy to get angry, but studying is useful for life." Some people think that online celebrity is not so good, and it is great that these two can do a good job. Some netizens teased that this question was actually boring, because online celebrity couldn’t be a good reader. Just like when I was a child, I struggled to choose Tsinghua or Peking University. When I grew up, I found myself thinking too much.

  Actually, studying hard or being online celebrity is not completely contradictory. The Internet has provided people with more choices, which is a good thing.

  But opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Only by studying hard can you seize them when they pass by. (End)

How to visit Guangzhou Auto Show? How to choose your favorite car? The citizens at the scene have something to say.

  The 21st Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Auto Show") is in full swing in Pazhou Pavilion of China Import and Export Fair. On November 18, the first audience open day coincided with Saturday, and the venue was crowded and lively.

  How to visit the auto show? How to choose your favorite vehicle? What are the highlights of the RV exhibition area? What new products and services have smart cars launched? With these questions, the reporter visited the Guangzhou Auto Show and listened to the voices from the citizens on the spot.

  Buy a new energy vehicle or a fuel vehicle? The public has different opinions.

  This Guangzhou Auto Show has attracted mainstream auto brands and new energy auto companies from all over the world. The exhibition area covers an area of 220,000 square meters, with a total of 1,132 vehicles, including 469 new energy vehicles, accounting for 40%. Various brands, rich models, preferential promotions and multiple price ranges … Guangzhou Auto Show attracted many citizens to buy their favorite models with its series of advantages.

  In front of Huawei’s HarmonyOS Zhixing booth, Ms. He is listening carefully to the lecturer’s introduction of related technologies and products. She told reporters that she made a special trip from Shenzhen, hoping to choose a suitable car here.

  Regarding the purchase of traditional fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles, Ms. He expressed her preference for new energy vehicles for her own consideration. "Because I don’t know much about parking, I really want to know more about the function of automatic parking. In addition, intelligent driving, automatic obstacle avoidance, artificial intelligence technology, etc. are all points I care about. "

  In the field of new energy vehicle segmentation, she prefers hybrid electric power. "My budget is less than 300,000, and my daily travel is mainly to work and the suburbs. I may drive back to my hometown during the holiday. If you can charge and refuel, you will feel more at ease. " In addition, car brands are also an important factor affecting Ms. He’s car purchase. "At this stage, if you buy a car, you will still choose a well-known car company, which feels more secure in quality and safety."

  For those who prefer to buy new energy vehicles or traditional fuel vehicles, the reporter interviewed some citizens randomly at the scene. People who intend to buy new energy vehicles often mention the following points: the price of the car is superior, the charging cost is lower, the model is more scientific and technological, the level of intelligence is high, and relevant policy support is provided. However, they also mentioned problems such as mileage anxiety, difficulty in charging and inadequate charging infrastructure.

  Many people who choose traditional fuel vehicles mention that they prefer to use fuel vehicles, which are suitable for long-distance travel, lower maintenance costs and better driving experience. The disadvantage is that the vehicle price is relatively high, the fuel cost is expensive, and the product update is slow, so it is difficult to meet the needs of intelligent travel.

  With the development of the automobile market, consumers’ choices are also changing. Mr. Zheng bought a hybrid electric vehicle in 2017, and three years later he bought a fuel vehicle. In this regard, he said: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to generalize. It will be more comfortable to drive a fuel car at high speed, but it will be smoother to drive a hybrid car in the city. I will definitely buy a tram in the future, but now I feel that the tram still has quite a few limitations, such as low battery life at high speed, easy to get hot when charging, and cannot guarantee 100% safety. "

  Different groups of people have different needs? Precise positioning of car enterprises

  The competition on the car track is fierce. How can car companies attract customers with high-quality products and high cost performance? At the exhibition hall, some car companies strive to attract more target customers by reducing prices in a limited time, giving discounts, live online and providing customized services.

  Different groups of people have different needs, and car companies need accurate positioning to win customers.

  In some booths, car companies put camping tables and chairs and bicycles on the roof to set off the highlights of products with specific life scenes. Mr. Ge, who likes cycling and outdoor camping, said frankly, "It is really attractive. When I see the car, I think of the outdoor camping scene. My budget for buying a car is around 150,000. After watching it for a while, there are also many favorite products. "

  In response to the needs of some family trips, some car companies have positioned themselves as "affordable, comfortable and specially designed for family trips"; Some car companies also put forward a more ideal concept of "home" for young people …

  There are also some car companies that are ingenious and choose a relatively small track. For example, Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi launched E9 Caring Edition, which is equipped with an electric welfare wheelchair to facilitate the elderly, pregnant women, the disabled and other groups to travel.

  An elderly person experienced it on the spot, and someone on the side said, "This kind of innovation is really practical and humanistic. My parents are old, and it looks good to buy this car to take them out. " In this regard, a staff member of GAC Chuanqi said that the car is still in the research and development stage and is expected to be mass-produced next year.

  A sense of science and technology, practicality, intelligence and personalization … At the Guangzhou Auto Show, a wide variety of products with different positioning made the public feast their eyes. "I have been to the Guangzhou Auto Show before, and I obviously feel that the number of new energy vehicles has increased this year. The exhibition areas of new energy auto shows such as Tesla, Ideality, Tucki and BYD are quite cool, and the intelligent level of cars is also surprising. In particular, the release of some concept cars makes people can’t help but imagine the future direction of automobile development. " At the Xpeng Motors Pavilion, Mr. Wang, a veteran car fan, looked at Li Chuo’s car suspended in the air and said.

  At the scene, many citizens passing by the exhibition area took a group photo with the car, and some people gave the imagination of "technology changes life and where to travel in the future".

  RV is expensive. Can’t afford it? Three or four hundred thousand also have a choice.

  When asked, how do you feel about coming to Guangzhou Auto Show to see the RV? Many citizens have mentioned that the price of RV is cheaper than expected, and there are many choices for 300,000 yuan to 400,000 yuan.

  "I used to think that the RV was very expensive and only existed in the beautiful travel life of others in the short video. But when I came to the RV area of Guangzhou Auto Show today, I knew for the first time that I could buy a RV for 300,000 yuan. Just now, my friends and I went up to experience it, which was quite comfortable. I have never thought of buying a car before, and this moment was ignited. " Ms. Wang, who is in her thirties, said with a smile.

  Another couple also expressed similar feelings. Mr. Chen, who came to see the exhibition with his girlfriend, said: "I didn’t have much chance to see so many models before, but I was really surprised today." The price of the RV broke my stereotype. " His girlfriend couldn’t help feeling, "I don’t even want to buy a house with an RV. It would be great if the relevant infrastructure could keep up. "

  At the scene, DTV, Yutong RV, Jiangwei RV, Great Wall RV and other brands displayed a variety of highly competitive products. According to the relevant person in charge of Yutong RV, from more than 80,000 yuan to more than one million yuan, they launched different grades of RVs to meet the differentiated needs of the market. Among them, the range of 400,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan sold more. "Retirees and freelancers buy most, they have more free time and like to travel outdoors."

  A retired couple are sitting in an RV to experience the comfort of the driver’s seat. They also checked the size of the bathroom, the size of the bed board, the length of the water pipe and the size of the water tank. Aunt Huang told reporters that she and her husband have been "playing RV" for many years, and recently they plan to replace a new RV. "With the RV, you can travel freely, where the car is, where the home is, and life is full of fun." However, Aunt Huang also suggested that you should think carefully before buying a car. Is it really necessary? Do you have time to travel? Can you accept problems such as parking difficulties and trouble in water and electricity supply? If you just want to experience it, renting a car is also an option.

How long can it be popular after the first year of online celebrity and online celebrity?

  Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, December 26th, New Media Special Topic: How long will "online celebrity" be popular after the first year of online celebrity?

  Xinhua News Agency’s "China Net" reporter Ye Jianyou

  2016 can be described as "the first year of online celebrity", and the hot news about "online celebrity" has been popular from the beginning to the end of the year. With the valuation or acquisition of hundreds of millions of yuan at every turn, the ability of "online celebrity" to absorb gold is amazing. The rise of live broadcast also made "online celebrity" all the rage. This year, what "online celebrity" have been fired? Who can be "online celebrity"? Will "online celebrity" Economy Be a Bubble?

  This year, we chased the "online celebrity"

  The financing of "papi sauce" announced the beginning of "the first year of online celebrity" in 2016.

  This girl, who graduated from Chinese opera and is famous for her funny short videos, suddenly got 12 million yuan in financing in March, and her personal brand valuation was as high as several hundred million yuan. She was in the limelight and had a high valuation.

  Compared with the valuation, what is more attractive is the real money brought by "online celebrity". In December, the "fellow uncle", who is famous for constellation analysis, was bought more than 70% of his shares for more than 200 million yuan, and the young "post-80 s" uncle was worth over 100 million yuan in an instant. "online celebrity" liquidity, and then let everyone dumbfounded.

  On Taobao, Zhang Dayi, the "online celebrity", also rose from the first year to the end of the year. This high-value woman has won a large number of fans with her taste and eloquence, and the new products launched in her online shop are often robbed in a few seconds, with monthly sales reaching one million yuan, which is cited as a classic case in the industry.

  With the rise of the live broadcast format, with the help of platforms such as Yingke, Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Betta, the live broadcast "online celebrity" also emerges one after another. In the game industry, some "online celebrity" anchors earn a lot of money. Earlier, it was rumored that a well-known "online celebrity" anchor signed a contract for three years and earned hundreds of millions of yuan. In this regard, a senior gamer told reporters: "This price is not outrageous."

  Even in the field of writing without live broadcast and video, "online celebrity" is constantly being born.

  Among them, the word "online celebrity" of the year belongs to former media person Mi Meng. The writer, who graduated from Shandong University and loves Zhuangzi, has read 500,000 articles, the highest reading of a single article has reached 5 million, and the number of followers on WeChat WeChat official account has soared to 8 million.

  At the same time, various sub-sectors, such as fitness, beauty, luggage, etc., have also emerged their own "online celebrity". Network life is surrounded by "online celebrity", and "online celebrity" in turn enriches people’s network life.

  How to become a "online celebrity"?

  Being a "online celebrity" is not an easy task, and it is by no means easy to be popular with a high face value and less clothes. Having a skill in any field is an essential skill to become a high-quality "online celebrity".

  Take Mi Meng as an example. Before that, she was a senior media person with more than ten years’ experience. Mi Meng told reporters that she loves words very much. As long as she has words, she will look at them twice, and then she will read at least one book every week. Every month, she will study popular expressions with the team, such as those of Joker Xue and Zhang Wei, and she has studied them all. Just how to make a good title, Mi Meng’s handwriting has tens of thousands of words.

  As the "online celebrity" in financial circles, Cai Danfeng, the founder of "Maple Investment Circle", has also made great efforts in the content. "Most of the guests I invite for each live broadcast are women with business backgrounds. Starting from some interesting topics and talking about financial-related topics, I have accumulated a relatively high-end, reliable and like-minded financial community over time." Cai Danfeng said.

  Mr. Bao, a well-known blogger with more than 2.6 million fans in Weibo, holds a similar view. "For bloggers, the first thing is to think about how to make the content better. For me, my advantage lies in focusing on bags and shoes and never making beauty products. I have done a lot of research in this field. " "When your content has dry goods, people will naturally trust you and rely on your content."

  The agent of "papi sauce" told the reporter that although the video website is very developed now, because the threshold of the video industry is already relatively high, the high-quality video content is not rich. "papi Sauce" was born in a traditional Chinese opera class, and her performance had a very good sense of rhythm, which were the important conditions for her to stand out as a "online celebrity" at that time.

  Zhao Yu, the head of a cultural communication company in Shanghai, said: "As a ‘ Online celebrity ’ At least three conditions are required: one is to be able to continuously produce influential content on social media, the other is to have a certain right to speak in a certain vertical field, and the third is that the content it produces is liked by the audience and can continue to grow. "

  How long can "online celebrity" be popular?

  2016 is not only the first year of the rise of online celebrity, but also the year of the renovation of online celebrity. In April, the Ministry of Culture rectified the illegal webcast platform. In July, the Ministry of Public Security launched a special rectification of the webcast platform. In November, the National Network Information Office issued "Regulations on the Administration of Internet Live Broadcasting Service", which is regarded as the concrete embodiment of the governance of "online celebrity". The industry believes that these standardized management have dealt a blow to the virtual fire in the "online celebrity" economy, and also helped the real "online celebrity" to go further.

  And the bubble of "online celebrity" economy began to appear. At the end of 2016, Luo Jisi, the investor of "papi Sauce", announced his withdrawal from investment. It can be seen that the deeper reasons for the popularity of online celebrity can be traced back to the economic level.

  Ruhan, located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is an ordinary garment manufacturing enterprise. After introducing the "online celebrity" model, the company’s sales began to grow rapidly. The person in charge of Ruhan told the reporter: "A considerable proportion of semi-standard products represented by food and non-standard products represented by clothing will be promoted by opinion leaders in the future."

  As a well-known observer of new media, Wei Wuhui of Tianqi Amoeba Fund also thinks that the economic development of "online celebrity" has great potential and obvious trend in the next few years. "From 2004 to 2014, the cost of obtaining a user’s click on the Internet of commercial enterprises increased by 10 times, and it is obviously more cost-effective to use the fan effect of" online celebrity "for publicity and promotion."

  This can indeed be supported by data. Nowadays, through the promotion cost of search engines, the cost per click ranges from several yuan to several hundred yuan. The "online celebrity" model greatly reduces this cost. According to Mi Meng’s advertising value, his single article has been read more than 500,000 times, and the value of a single advertisement is several hundred thousand yuan. In this way, the cost of covering each fan is only around 1 yuan, which is obviously more cost-effective.

  And more and more people are willing to share their views and experiences, which has also injected vitality into the development of "online celebrity".

  Yao Hongzhou, head of a cultural company in Shanghai, told reporters: "With the popularization of robots, more and more laborers will be able to be liberated from simple and repetitive labor in the future. The younger generation is paying more and more attention to individuality. We receive many resumes every week, and many people want to be ‘ Online celebrity ’ 。”

  Many people in the Internet industry believe that "online celebrity" is the driving force of network culture, but also the performance of network culture prosperity. As the artist andy warhol said, this is an era when "everyone can be a celebrity for 15 minutes". As for how long "online celebrity" will remain popular, it still depends on its integration with the economy and its long-term economic impact.

Why do young people eager to "go ashore and become public" take the civil service exam?

  Editor’s note: The words here are not flashy, empty talk, and there is no "title party". In the network era of information bombing, we just want to quietly record the stories around us, pay attention to the cold and warm life, and take you to touch the questions of society.

  Chinanews. com client Beijing, October 25 th:Why do young people eager to "go ashore and become public" take the civil service exam?

  Author: Lang Lang

  It is another year of national examination season. Since 2009, the national examination has registered more than one million people for 11 consecutive years.

  Public examination fever, which is not a new topic, attracts social discussion every year.

  "Iron rice bowl", "within the system" and "wanting to be an official" … … On the internet, it seems that public opinion can’t escape these stereotypes in interpreting the fever of public examinations.

  However, focusing on individuals, those young people who embark on the road of public examinations either want to give themselves more opportunities to apply for jobs after graduation or have re-planned their lives and careers. In short, they hope to fight hard for themselves in an equal competition.

  Data Map: A national examination center in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, candidates are ready to enter the examination room. Photo by Wu Junjie

  Four public exams: I didn’t think about anything except civil servants.

  In April this year, Zhang Keran participated in the recruitment of civil servants for the fourth time, but she lost again, only 0.5 points away from the admission score.

  She was disheartened and lay in bed for seven days without eating or drinking, constantly asking herself why she didn’t pass the exam again, and why she was so inferior to others. Cut off contact with the outside world, Zhang Keran like into thin air.

  Her collapse is understandable. After all, since she graduated from college in 2015, all her life has revolved around public examinations, and becoming a civil servant has even become her dream.

  As an only child, she doesn’t want to be too far away from home. In her own words, the "stability" and "security" of civil servants can best give her a sense of security.

  At the age of 26, Zhang Keran, who is single, also plans to get married and start a family in the future. He has an official position in his hometown and is even an important bargaining chip when talking about marriage.

  "Although it will not be rich and expensive, the work of civil servants can guarantee my basic life." She said.

  Data Map: Candidates are looking for the examination room. Photo by Zhang Bin

  The four-year journey of the public examination is inseparable from the support of family members. Grandpa has been Zhang Keran’s staunchest supporter since he made the decision to take the public examination in his senior year. The retired civil servant has a certain understanding of the system. After all, civil servants have a decent social status. In the eyes of his hometown, public officials eat "imperial grain" and are guaranteed to receive income through drought and flood.

  Fairness is another important reason why Zhang Keran chose the road of civil servants. Zhang Keran, who graduated from an ordinary undergraduate college, deeply feels that the employment pressure is too great, and the civil service team is becoming more and more standardized and the selection method is fairer. For her, it is really the best choice.

  In order to prepare for the fourth exam, the family spent more than 30 thousand to send her to a 53-day closed training class in a public training institution. Before leaving, my mother said, "This is your last exam. If you fail, don’t give me another exam!" " With pressure, from 8: 30 a.m. to 11: 00 p.m. every day, Zhang Keran dare not relax and can’t sleep at night.

  After enduring great mental pressure and intense review rhythm, she still didn’t get the ideal result, which she couldn’t accept.

  But she is still unwilling and plans to take the fifth civil service exam.

  Photo courtesy of candidates who are studying in closed classes

  Career choice: public examination is only one of the choices.

  After taking the civil service exam for so many years, Zhang Keran’s dream is still to "go ashore" one day, which is a jargon among candidates in the public exam, referring to the success of the exam. In their view, if leaving the system is called "going to sea", then their goal should be called "landing".

  Liang Yihui and Han Xiao are now "people on the shore".

  Three years ago, when the university was about to graduate, Liang Yihui wanted to stay in Shenzhen. Getting a stable and secure job in such a big city could help him lay a relatively stable foundation.

  In the next semester of junior year, Liang Yihui started the busy graduation season. Internship, campus job fair, graduation project, written interview … … After trying to do the simulation questions, Liang Yihui felt that it was possible to win the civil service exam, so he ended his internship early and began to concentrate on reviewing.

  Piecemeal review +3 months of assault, Liang Yihui broke through the encirclement from the national examination army of millions in 2017 and "went ashore". Before that, he also got the offer from the company.

  "Leave yourself a little retreat, and do something else if you don’t pass the exam." He said.

  Compared with Liang Yihui, Han Xiao was a little confused in his graduation season.

  He didn’t have a career plan when he failed in the postgraduate entrance examination. He just felt that he should have a job anyway, and he followed the resume of everyone in a daze. He changed five jobs five years after graduation, and finally decided on the public examination.

  "My previous jobs were not what I wanted, and I didn’t have a sense of value," Han said with a smile, unwilling to get along like this.

  He traveled to nearly ten cities and experienced 22 exams. He was eager to "go ashore" and even passed the highway toll collector. Finally, Han Xiao successfully "landed" in the civil service recruitment exam in Hebei.

  In the data map, Xinhua News Agency issued Meng Delong photo

  After "landing": the civil service profession "can be seen at a glance"?

  After all the hardships, I finally "landed". Is the life after "landing" what I want? Just as they are for the civil servants in stabilizing selection, this feature of "stability" makes them questioned by the outside world.

  On the Internet, whenever there is a public examination topic, netizens’ comments on public office are mostly "iron rice bowl", "wanting to be an official", "life at a glance" and "comfort within the system" … … However, as an experienced person, Liang Yihui, who has been working for two years, felt the challenge brought by his work.

  "Communication and coordination, overall planning, deployment and implementation, summary and improvement, as long as you work hard and think well, you can make people grow." Liang Yihui said that civil servants are just a professional identity. From the perspective of posts and ranks, different heights do different things, which is full of changes and richness.

  For him, since he chose to be a civil servant, he has to bear the corresponding post responsibilities, even if he went to other posts at the beginning, he has such an attitude.

  "I have never imagined my ideal working state, but this state of civil servants is acceptable to me." Liang Yihui said.

  Data map: Candidates walk out of the examination room. Photo by Wang Zhongju, a reporter from China News Service.

  Han Xiao once disdained the work within the system. The potential "survival rule" of the office and the repetitive work content made him feel that this was a job that only people without ambitions would choose. However, after the social beating, he changed his mind about this job.

  "You may not see the upper limit when you are admitted to a civil servant, but you can guarantee your lower limit," Han Xiao said. "You can’t guarantee the lower limit of your life when you go to a business, and it’s hard to live a life that you can see at a glance."

  "The days when you look at the end are for those who don’t make progress all their lives." Persistently choosing the road of public examination, Zhang Keran is also quite disgusted with the outside world’s view that "public examination is a comfortable way". She believes that people who have this idea are a matter of attitude towards life, not a matter of occupation.

  "If you only treat your work as a job, then any job is at the end of your life. If you do sales, you will be selling all your life; As a teacher, I have been a teacher all my life. Is it all at once? "

  Zhang Keran obviously has a higher pursuit, and this ideal job has brought her a sense of self-identity. She doesn’t think the work of civil servants is particularly simple, but like a pinion, she promotes the progress of society and the country in repeated and day-to-day work.

  Data map: Taiyuan, Shanxi, candidates who took the civil service exam walked into the test center. Photo by Wei Liang.

  Cold thinking behind "public examination fever"

  In 1994, the former Ministry of Personnel formally established the civil service examination and recruitment system, and organized the first civil service recruitment examination for the central state administrative organs. According to statistics from some media, the national examination in that year provided 490 places for more than 30 state organs, and finally 4,400 people formally applied for the exam, which is equivalent to 9 people competing for a position.

  The real "public examination fever" occurred in the last ten years. Looking back at the number of applicants for the national examination in the past 10 years, the number of applicants for the national examination exceeded 1 million for the first time in 2009, and the number of applicants for the national examination has been more than one million for 11 consecutive years until the recruitment of the national examination in 2019. In the registration, the competition ratio of "one in a thousand" or even "one in a thousand" makes the "public examination fever" a topic of concern to the whole society.

  "In many employment choices, many people still choose civil servants as their careers. After all, this is a relatively stable industry with guaranteed treatment." According to Wang Yukai, a professor at the National School of Administration, from the perspective of college students’ career choices, the advantages of civil servants’ careers are, on the one hand, decent jobs and respect, on the other hand, stable job security and career expectations.

Data map: Candidates enter the examination room, photo by China News Service reporter Chen Yushe.

  "There is no denying that in the annual public examination army, many college students decide to prepare for the exam blindly. In the face of employment competition, they regard the public examination as one of their graduation ways and give themselves multiple opportunities." Ding Ya, an expert in public examination counseling and the founder of the hornbill public examination, said that in the face of the confusion at graduation, there is a relatively perfect growth system and career channels in the civil service system, which is also one of the factors that attract young people to enter the public examination.

  Ding Ya said that at present, with the rapid economic and social development, the country needs to enrich more talents to enter the civil service, and the public examination is more professional and high-quality. College students are an important source of talent selection, and they should be attracted to the grassroots to make contributions.

  As experts have said, judging from the requirements of the public examination itself in recent years, the recruitment policy has tilted to the grassroots level, the threshold for registration has gradually increased, and the job requirements have become more and more clear. The selection of civil servants by the state has become more and more detailed and strict.

  "As far as the public examination itself is concerned, candidates need to make rational choices and carefully prepare for the exam. They should effectively prepare for the exam by post. The post means that candidates should choose suitable positions according to their own abilities and majors, and have a clear aim to maximize the matching between people and posts." Ding Ya said.

  Ding Ya said that every year, candidates register for public examinations, and the competition ratio of some positions is too high. In fact, the civil service examination is only one of the public examinations, and there are examinations for public institutions and Selected Graduates. Some candidates who have repeatedly lost and fought can put down their attachment to a certain position and choose a matching unit according to their own abilities.

  Wang Yukai said that in recent years, the recruitment policy of the national civil service examination is more inclined to the grassroots. "This is actually an important signal to those who apply for civil servants. Don’t simply think too high, but be pragmatic. You can go to the grassroots to get exercise. "

Online celebrity blogger suspected of cooking great white shark was reported to attract attention. What kind of shark is it?

  Video screenshot

  These days, a video of a online celebrity food blogger shooting boiled sharks and barbecued sharks has attracted the attention of the whole network. Some popular science bloggers reported that this shark was actually a great white shark (also known as a man-eating shark), which belongs to the national second-class protected animal. Sichuan Nanchong police then intervened in the investigation.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted online celebrity blogger Tizi, who said that the shark in the video was a "sharp-toothed shark". "I got it through formal channels, and we are looking for a lawyer here. It’s all those people who talk nonsense. "

  On July 16, the reporter contacted the netizen "Myth Q Blast" (hereinafter referred to as "Mr. Q") who first reported this matter, and he told some things behind this report.

  On the same day, the reporter learned from a person close to handling the case that the police have found a blogger "Tizi" in online celebrity to investigate, and will collect relevant evidence and find an authoritative organization for identification.

  Event review

  Send a video of "cooking sharks"

  Food bloggers were reported.

  In the online video, the food blogger opened a package at the door of a shop, which contained a huge "shark", attracting many people to watch. Later, the online celebrity blogger and others transported the shark to the countryside, cut it up and used it for boiling and barbecue. In the video screen, the caption "Edible by Artificial Farming" is written in the upper left corner.

  The reporter found that the blogger named "Tizi" has more than 1 million fans on a short video platform, which mainly publishes videos of cooking food with seafood. However, this "shark video" reflected by netizens is no longer visible at present.

  On the evening of July 15th, the netizen "Mr. Q" updated a Weibo message: "I reported the blogger who illegally ate great white sharks, which may be a bit sudden, but I don’t intend to continue to hide it now."

  On July 16th, "Mr. Q" told reporters that the clue about "anchor online celebrity eats great white shark" originally came from a screenshot of QQ group. At 10: 38 am on July 14th, someone posted a video screenshot of the anchor "Tizi" and the shark on the QQ group. After that, I went to the short video platform to find the account of "Tizi". "According to the details of the video and the feedback from the group friends, I confirmed that it was a great white shark."

  According to the video content released by Tizi, the shark in the video weighs about 100 Jin, slightly larger than the anchor Tizi himself.

  After watching the video, "Mr. Q" then reported to the short video platform. Half an hour later, the short video platform gave him feedback, saying that the video push had been reduced. In the afternoon, "Mr. Q" and some netizens called the local fishery administration department in Nanchong to report.

  "Mr. Q" didn’t expect this matter to get such great attention. He said that even if the anchor didn’t "eat" the great white shark this time, this kind of incident may continue to happen. He hoped that everyone could better protect our marine ecology, and he didn’t want future generations to know about the great white shark only through museums and literature. "If even the great white shark can’t be protected, how can we have confidence to protect other sharks, and how can we have confidence to protect the marine ecology?"

  Question 1

  Is it a great white shark or a sharp-toothed shark?

  Blogger: It’s a sharp-toothed shark, which was obtained through formal channels.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted the blogger Tizi, and the other party said that the shark in the video was not a man-eating shark or an endangered animal, but a sharp-toothed shark. "I got it through formal channels, and we are also looking for a lawyer here. It’s all those people who talk nonsense. " The blogger said that these people are slandering, and no police have contacted her yet.

  Some netizens who have seen the video suspect that the "shark" in the video is probably just a prop for bloggers to shoot the video. In response to this question, the blogger has not responded to the reporter yet.

  Professional: It’s a great white shark, and there is no artificial breeding at present.

  According to media reports, Zhou Zhuocheng, chairman of the professional committee of protozoa and aquatic ecology of China Fisheries Association, said that the shark in the video is a man-eating shark, also known as great white shark, which is a national second-class protected animal. According to the law, after fishing, it is necessary to abandon it into the sea regardless of life or death. It is illegal to go ashore, sell or buy it, and the man-eating shark is not farmed artificially.

  Netizen "crested snake with black scales" is a well-known science blogger with 2.31 million fans, a research tutor and a natural science writer. He is also paying attention to the incident of "online celebrity anchor eating sharks" these days.

  On July 16th, "crested snake with black scales" said in an interview with reporters, "From the appearance characteristics, that shark is the great white shark (man-eating shark), a national second-class protected animal, and the sharp-toothed shark is a common name for the sand shark in Taiwan Province, China. The shape of the big hole sand shark is significantly different from that of the great white shark, and its size is not as big as that of the shark in the video. "

  Netizen "crested snake with black scales" introduced that great white sharks are distributed all over the world, and there are records in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and Bohai Sea in China, but at present, large sharks, including great white sharks, have no artificial breeding population and cannot be cultured artificially. "The anchor said that this is ‘ Breeding big sharks ’ It is a false thing. "

  Question 2

  Where did this shark come from?


  Or suspected illegal trafficking chain.

  Well-known science blogger "crested snake with black scales" analyzed that if the shark in the video is a great white shark, it should be illegally trafficked from the coast to Sichuan. "According to the current wildlife protection law, it is not allowed to sell the national first-class and second-class protected aquatic wildlife such as the great white shark privately. Even if it is dead, it is not allowed to sell it ashore. The national first-and second-class aquatic wild protected animals that can be sold can only be marked on the list ‘ Wild population only ’ And the relevant documents are complete and can prove that they are from artificially propagated individuals. "

  "Mr. Q" also said that the shark in the video of "Tizi" was filmed in Nanchong. Based on this, he analyzed that sharks should be transported to Nanchong from coastal suppliers through cold chain transportation, which involves an illegal chain. Only the anchor himself and his group know where the supplier is.

  Mr. Q hopes to find more clues. "I tentatively put forward a preliminary action plan in the group, and five people responded successively, so I established an action planning group chat." "Mr. Q" said that according to the planned action, the six of them turned into fans of the anchor "Tizi", and first tentatively expressed their desire to buy sharks in the comment area, but the anchor only responded to the top two comments (suspected list one and list two at that time), and several people then booked the live broadcast at 7: 30 that night.

  Before the live broadcast began, Mr. Q made a simple role definition in the group. Some people pretended to be buyers of foreign aquatic products stores, and some people went to the live broadcast room to first propose to buy shark meat, with followers and children who wanted to taste shark meat.

  "In order to ensure the anchor ‘ Tizi ’ In response, the six of us will try our best to be on the list. Before the live broadcast, ‘ Snake bone ’ (Net name) charged the money separately and joined the anchor fan group. " "Mr. Q" said that that night, "Tizi" began to live broadcast the goods on the short video platform. Several of them went to the live broadcast room to leave a message and brush the screen according to the previous planning plan, and then gave gifts to the anchor "Tizi" as a reward.

  "Since the anchor has been selling the goods that the fan group doesn’t want, the top ten of the initial list left the live broadcast room one after another, so I took the opportunity to rush to the second list, ‘ Snake bone ’ Then rushed to the list of six. " "Mr. Q" said, however, something unexpected happened at this time. As the "Shark" incident gradually fermented on the Internet, many netizens flooded into the live broadcast room, asking why Tizi ate "Great White Shark".

  "Mr. Q" said that the sudden change in the live broadcast room made it impossible for himself and his teammates to ask questions to "Tizi" as originally planned, and finally "Tizi" was broadcast in advance.

  "Mr. Q" told the reporter that on July 15th, they called the fishery administration in the relevant areas where sharks may come from to tell about the situation, and then some local authorities in Nanchong took the initiative to contact him to learn about the situation.

  state of play

  The police launched an investigation.

  The blogger has been found.

  The reporter looked through the videos taken by the netizen "Tizi" in the past and found that he had been shopping in the seafood market in Nanchong, Sichuan.

  On the evening of July 14th, the reporter contacted a manager of a seafood market in Nanchong City, and the other party said that he knew the online celebrity food blogger who had bought seafood in the seafood market. The manager said that the online celebrity blogger sometimes brought seafood by car and filmed it in the market. However, he doesn’t know much about this online celebrity blogger.

  The above-mentioned staff member said that he had also seen the "shark" video shot by the online celebrity blogger, saying that it was not from their market, and there was no shark for sale in the market. Besides, watching the video, the "shark" looked like frozen goods.

  Later, after contacting some vendors in the market, the above-mentioned market managers gave feedback to reporters again, saying that some online celebrity bloggers often came to the market to shoot videos. Most of the time, they brought their own frozen goods, soaked them in water, and occasionally bought some common seafood in the market.

  The manager also said that all the seafood sold in the market is very common. "I also asked the merchants in our market if they didn’t get sharks. They also said which one dares to sell sharks?"

  Afterwards, it was proved that "Tizi" filmed the shark at the entrance of an aquatic product store in Gaoping District, Nanchong, and the shark was also brought by Tizi, and it was filmed by borrowing the venue at the entrance of the aquatic product store.

  On the morning of July 15th, the reporter visited a community that appeared in the video picture of "Tizi". The doorman said that there were indeed two young girls who had taken videos in the community before. The doorman recognized that the blogger "Tizi" in the video was one of the girls who had made videos in the community before, but he was not a resident of the community.

  At present, the investigation detachment of forest and food and drug environmental knowledge of Nanchong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan has been involved in the investigation.

  The source of the shark in Tizi video and whether the shark is a "great white shark" questioned by netizens or a "sharp-toothed shark" in Tizi’s mouth still need further investigation by the police.

  On July 16th, a person familiar with the matter told the reporter that the police have found a blogger "Tizi" in online celebrity to investigate, and will collect relevant evidence and find an authoritative organization for identification.

  Law popularization time

  Buying and selling great white shark teeth

  Both the buyer and the seller were sentenced.

  The reporter found that the People’s Court of Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province had tried a case of buying and selling great white shark teeth in 2019.

  The contents of the judgment document show that in September 2012, the defendant Zhang sold three great white shark (also known as man-eating shark) teeth to the defendant Gu for 18,000 yuan. It has been identified that two of the three shark teeth belong to a man-eating shark, which is a protected animal listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. After the incident, the defendants Gu and Zhang arrived at the case after receiving the notice from the public security organ. They all truthfully confessed the above facts and pleaded guilty.

  The Dongtai People’s Court held that Gu’s illegal acquisition of precious and endangered wildlife products constituted a crime of illegal acquisition of precious and endangered wildlife products. Zhang illegally sells precious and endangered wildlife products, and his behavior constitutes the crime of illegally selling precious and endangered wildlife products, and all of them should be punished. In the end, Gu was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention, suspended for six months and fined 5,000 yuan for the crime of illegally purchasing precious and endangered wildlife products. Zhang was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention, suspended for six months and fined 5000 yuan for the crime of illegally selling precious and endangered wildlife products.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Wang Chao zhangqian

What does Zhang’s frequent hot search on the bell bring to "Fu Seoul"?

Wen | Xiao Gu Dong

Recently, with the release of the short video "It’s really hard to kill Zhang’s ringing", the topic # Zhang’s ringing is miserable and funny # has been on the hot search, which has also made more people know about the real life in multinational families, and all kinds of stories caused by cultural and cognitive differences have made people laugh, which is just a microcosm of her hot search.

In the early days, most viewers got to know Zhang Zhanling from the seventh season of "The Story of Qipa" and the fourth season of talk show conference. In the process of recording the program, Zhang Zhanling attracted much attention because of telling the story of "Big Fat Daughter-in-law" giving chrysanthemums and playing table tennis with his 70-year-old grandfather, and then he created a circle code around the cultural differences of multinational families. At present, this creative way continues in short video creation. With the continuous innovation of materials, Zhang Zhanling’s content on social platforms is updated frequently and with good quality, and is in a state of continuous powder absorption.

In addition, because Fu Seoul and Lao Liu participated in the program "Goodbye to Lovers", many netizens compared Zhang Zhanling, a husband and wife group who also looked like "women are strong and men are weak", with her "fat daughter-in-law", and pointed out the differences between the two groups. For example, the "fat daughter-in-law" was temporarily unemployed, and now she has found a job, and Zhang Zhanling affirmed the emotional value he brought, while Lao Liu was lying flat and needed. In this discussion, the public has a different understanding of the marriage between Zhang Zhanling and Fu Seoul.

There are both the traffic brought by transnational family cultural differences and the external traffic brought by entertainment topics. Recently, Zhang Zhanling is very popular on the short video platform. His personal Tik Tok account has 792w+ fans, and the Tatie brothers and sisters with Xiao Aoda and Latte as the protagonists have 114W fans. To some extent, among a group of talk show actors and debaters, Zhang Zhanling has taken a new path in the field of short video by virtue of his personal ability and unique family advantages.

In the early days, Zhang stepped on the bell and became popular in foreign countries because of the cultural differences between China and foreign countries. Later, with a second child, she returned to China to participate in the recording of "Qi Yu Shuo". After the program was launched, it was known by more people, and it also diverted her social account to some extent. Of course, the key to Zhang’s popularity so far lies in its continuous output in the content field, which not only has certain speculative significance, but also can convey happiness and healing, and has diversified value for the majority of netizens.

Funny is the core feature of Zhang Dailing’s short video, which comes from the fact that every member of her family is walking material. In her short video, every family member has a distinctive character tag. For example, the fat daughter-in-law often makes a lot of jokes because of cultural, language differences and body shape. Latte loves Tieling hukou and refuses foreign language and culture. Xiao Aoda is the younger sister of some ghosts and horses who can also serve as bilingual translators, and Wendy is a foreign mother-in-law who is full of highlights except picking … So a group of people with different personalities, whether living in a foreign country or in Beijing, can always derive countless materials for Zhang to step on the bell to create.

Take China’s behavior of Wendy and her big fat daughter-in-law as an example. The family not only completed the "fixed task" of climbing the Great Wall and visiting the Forbidden City, but also went to Inner Mongolia, Chengdu and Guilin. There have been many stories along the way, either conflicts caused by dietary differences, frequent jokes caused by the cheap price of the lotus pond, or a series of "accidents" caused by accidents, all of which have become the creative materials of Zhang Zhanling, and have received continuous attention from netizens.

Family warmth is the background color of the short video created by Zhang Zhanling. In addition to being funny, there are also many moments that make people cry. For example, Zhang Zhanling meets the figure of a big fat daughter-in-law and Xiao Aoda who have been separated for two years due to the epidemic at the airport, prepares a surprise for her mother-in-law Wendy’s birthday, and relives the figure skating that she loved as a girl. These two paragraphs have touched many netizens. The former is maternal love from the heart, while the latter puts herself in Wendy’s shoes, which is a great model for women to understand women.

While short videos are widely loved by netizens, Zhang Zhanling has also been favored by brand customers. At present, in the video created by Zhang Zhanling, there are different kinds of advertisements such as learning, skin care products and life, or interspersed with advertisements in regular content, or tailored the theme content for advertisements, which successfully realized personal traffic. In addition, she was invited by the producers of programs such as Invite 100 Girls Home, The Great Conjecture of Joy, Half of Life and Magee Kitchen, which also effectively supplemented her popularity.

Family-centered creation, supplemented by the language style of Northeast China, has found a personalized output mode in the field of short video, maintained high yield in the safe and comfortable zone of content creation, and realized the instant realization of personal IP while continuously accumulating fans and gaining good reputation.

For the top players who come out of the programs such as "The Story of Qi Pa" and "Talk Show Conference", artistry and online celebrity are the only way. Starting from short video, becoming popular and returning to short video, Zhang stepped on the bell and found a development direction suitable for himself. Of course, there are thousands of transformation paths, and from the perspective of the whole debater and talker circle, more transformation paths will be found.

Debaters and talk show actors have a sense of variety in common, so some of them have successfully transformed into variety coffee. From Mix, Fan Tiantian and Ming Chen, who were out of the circle in the early days, to Li Dan, Wang Mian and Xu Zhisheng, who were in the post-fire, they all participated in many reality shows. Take Xu Zhisheng, who has the shortest debut time, as an example, and participated in more than ten files such as Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom House Season 3, Let’s Camp Together Season 3, Exploring the Case, How to "outsmart", Shop 2 on the Cloud and Home of Everyone. It is not difficult to find that Xu Zhisheng is quite popular with the "Comprehensive N Generation" program, probably because the program group is more inclined to bring new additions by artists with both freshness and variety when iterating over the guest lineup.

Except for a few who can become variety coffee, most debaters and talk show actors will have limitations on the road to artistry and are only suitable for opinion output programs. For example, Huang Zhizhong participated in the variety "Goodbye My Lover" as a member of the "Observer Mission" in addition to the series of programs.

Coincidentally, Fu Seoul became famous in his early years because of Qi Pei Shuo, and now he has attracted much attention because of Goodbye to Lovers. However, during this period, he participated in only a handful of variety shows, among which he was an observer in Men Doing Housework and "Unfolding Talk", which was a permanent guest with Yang Tianzhen, Yi Lijing and Yang Li, played a role in exporting personal opinions. However, when the tide of live broadcast came, Fu Seoul set foot on this big ship and started a new branch of her career as "Fu Ma" in Tik Tok.

With the change of life stage, they will also have different choices. For example, King Wang, who was positioned as "the successor of Xiao S" in the early days, is now married and pregnant. She recorded the state of pregnancy in real time on personal social media. Diet changes, taking photos of pregnant women and stepping on the pit all triggered the resonance of women who were pregnant or had experience in pregnancy. In addition, in the roadshow of the movie "Learning Dad", King Wang talked about the problem of choosing a kindergarten after he began to worry in the pregnancy stage, which also caused widespread spread on the Internet. According to this trend, Dawang will be deeply involved in the fields of maternal and child care in the future, unlocking a new track for artists’ career.

Whether they become a variety coffee, an anchor with goods, or a mother-infant blogger, they have not only exerted their personal celebrity effect, but also enjoyed the dividend of the times, so it is not surprising that they can take off on the cusp. Just how high and how long you can fly in the end depends on your ability and value choice.

* Original article, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Laure Shang denies that he is not suitable for the entertainment circle and wants to do part-time translation (Figure)


  Laure Shang

  In my impression, Laure Shang should be silent, singing his own songs with his head down, ignoring other people’s eyes and comments, and not good at expressing and fighting for what he wants. Everything is only in the songs. The first time I interviewed Laure Shang, I was surprised by her performance. Her comfortable alto and slow speech speed were like a French chansons. Her language expression was very accurate, clear, confident and calm.

  Laure Shang said, "Who says I’m not suitable for entertainment?" Yes, it’s not appropriate to say it. Just because we don’t understand it, we are all too used to judging people by their appearances.

  I hope every performance is amazing.

  Reporter: I held my first solo concert in Beijing before. Originally, it was to be held in Shenzhen, but it was cancelled for some special reasons. I still have to congratulate you first. You will have your own concert soon and it is very successful.

  Laure Shang: Thank you. I don’t think the concert in Shenzhen will be cancelled, but it will be postponed temporarily for special reasons. It should be held after the Olympics. Concert is something that makes me very excited and also feels a lot of pressure. I cherish the opportunity, because many singers may not be able to sing for many years, and I am still a newcomer. I am very happy to have such an opportunity to improve myself through the opportunity. The overall evaluation of the Beijing concert was very good. At that time, after the performance, my colleagues and sponsors all embraced happily, which could bring surprises and accidents to everyone. My performance exceeded their expectations, which made me very happy.

  Reporter: Many singers take it as their goal to hold a solo concert. I know that the biggest dream of many Hong Kong singers is to sing in the Red Pavilion. Do you have such a goal or a stage for dreams?

  Laure Shang: The Red Pavilion is a symbol of status and strength because of its special significance to Hong Kong singers. However, there is no such special stage in the Mainland, so I won’t ask for a venue. My goal is to do a good job in every performance, hoping that the performances in every place will surprise fans in the future.

  Reporter: Speaking of surprise, many people actually have different views on the style of your Beijing concert. Some of your styles are really surprising. And I saw some of your latest modeling photos. Do you want to change your image and take a more feminine route?

  Laure Shang: Every painting painted by a painter can’t satisfy everyone, even Picasso can’t. I think I only look at the opinions of important people. As for styling, I don’t really care. The stylist team is designing for me. All I can do is choose one of their styles I want. In fact, I am very satisfied with the design of this team now. I think it suits my style very well. Of course, I am also willing to try different styles. I think this may be more rights than ordinary girls.

  Reporter: I feel that your hair release speed is actually quite fast, and it is an album and EP. Can you adapt to such high-intensity work? What is your most satisfying work at present?

  Laure Shang: Personally, I feel fine. After the high-density film distribution process, I feel more confident about this job-the hardest work is nothing more than that, and the rest is nothing serious. I don’t think this is just a simple workload, but an opportunity. I have this opportunity to make a record and sing to others. In fact, many people don’t have this opportunity, and they haven’t had the opportunity to make a record for many years. My own favorite is "A Big Sky" in the album "Under Van Gogh’s Starry Sky". All aspects, whether it is music, words or market reaction, are the best, and they are also well combined with my personality. It is not that I say yes, but that everyone says yes.

  Self-confessed typical workaholic

  Reporter: Being a singer is very tiring and stressful, but you don’t seem to feel hard, and you feel quite enjoyable.

  Laure Shang: Haha, actually I’m a bit of a workaholic. When I was in college, I was used to everyone working hard. There were many people who got good grades in Fudan and many people who could read. At that time, I was used to reading for hours, but I couldn’t compete with others. I was not smart enough, but I was more diligent. Later, after work, I worked in a private enterprise, which was a company with unlimited overtime, and there was no overtime pay. Haha, anyway, I just looked at the final results. I often worked for more than ten hours every day, went to bed when I fell down at home, and got up and went to work the next day. In fact, I think the workload now is far less than before. Maybe I’ve adapted to my previous job, but now I’m in a good mood because I have nothing to do, but I’m a little depressed, haha, a typical workaholic.

  Reporter: Everyone knows that you graduated from Fudan University. Have you achieved great success since childhood? Laure Shang: The grades from elementary school to junior high school have been good, but they are poor in high school. Because I was the first boarding school in Shanghai at that time, it was a great liberation for me to leave home and live in school. No one was in charge. As soon as I left my parents, I was very happy, curious about everything and completely wild. Grade one of senior high school dropped, and grade two of senior high school often failed. Later, I suddenly felt that this was my bottom line, so I should study hard and get into a good university. So I worked hard to make up for what I left behind and study hard. In fact, I have experienced such a rather unreliable life. I can understand some children now, but I think I should study hard. Reading is always useful.

  Reporter: There are not many singers like you who are highly educated and graduated from famous schools in the entertainment circle. Do you think your education has brought any convenience to your development?

  Laure Shang: The benefits are subtle. Reading is not without benefits. Many people will define that I am not suitable for this circle, because at present, singers in China generally have low academic qualifications. In fact, singers with high academic qualifications are very common abroad. Many people study medicine or law in universities, so no one discusses it as a topic, but I am concerned. I think whether you are a good singer has something to do with whether you can sing and the quality of the songs you sing, not academic qualifications. After reading for so many years, it is actually helpful for me to be a singer. At least I will have my own views on the understanding of lyrics. Every circle is similar, and it is necessary to contact many people. A good education will make people more mature in dealing with people.

  Want to work part-time as a translator

  Reporter: There are few opportunities to use French now. Will it be a pity?

  Laure Shang: Indeed, French is rarely used. I think it is more suitable as a sideline. Anyway, I also like reading some books in foreign languages. If I have time, I will translate some of my favorite books, which is not bad as a part-time job, or I think I want to do them all, which is helpful to others and beneficial to myself.

  Reporter: I’m surprised that you even want to do a part-time job. Few stars have such a simple part-time job plan.

  Laure Shang: There’s nothing wrong with translating foreign books. I always feel that I can’t concentrate all my energy on one thing, which will be very tiring and put great pressure on myself. Doing other things occasionally is a kind of relaxation. Translation can help me adjust my mentality and maintain my original major. What a good thing, I don’t care what others think. In fact, if the company arranges interviews with foreign media, I am very happy every time. I will review my English or French at home one week in advance. I always tell people in the company that it will be very good if I can get back 70% of my French, no matter how big the final report is.

  Reporter: After talking for so long, I feel that your mentality is very peaceful. You don’t seem to take the job of a singer very seriously, let alone treat yourself as a star.

  Laure Shang: I have never felt that I am not suitable for this circle. On the contrary, I feel more and more at home now. A singer is actually a job, but it is a so-called job that I cherish very much. It is easy to find a job in a foreign company, but it is not easy to sing and so many people are willing to listen. I cherish it very much. If I can, I hope I can keep doing this job. If one day, my personal interests are gone, no one wants to listen, and there is no need to do it again, but at this age, I will keep singing and sing well.

  Reporter: I feel that your thinking is very clear. Will you try to create in the future?

  Laure Shang: Clear thinking is better than clear thinking, but I’ve never written anything, and I don’t think I can write better than professional creators. I still trust them more because of my specialization, and I just need to find my own works seriously.

Editor: Li Dan

National fitness-sports are at the right time

Original title: National Fitness-Sports at the Right Time

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On the vernal equinox of the same day, a tug-of-war competition was held in the shopping mall of Erdaoqiao Community, Erdaoqiao Street, Tianshan District, Urumqi, to advocate national fitness and enjoy the warm sunshine in spring.

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

5G is still absent, but Huawei must continue to release folding machines.

Image source @ vision china

Text | Connected Insight, Author | Zhang Fei, Editor | Zhou Xiaoqi

Not surprisingly, but also a little regrettable for digital enthusiasts — — Huawei’s new generation folding machine Mate Xs 2 is still not a 5G mobile phone.

On April 28th, Huawei held the Mate Xs 2 online conference. This is Huawei’s new generation folding screen flagship mobile phone after Mate X, Mate Xs, Mate X2 and Huawei P50 Pocket.

The starting price of Mate Xs 2 has set a new record for Mate series folding screens, and the price has dropped below 10,000 yuan for the first time.In terms of selling price, 8GB+256GB is priced at 9999 yuan; 8GB+512GB is priced at 11,499 yuan; 12GB+512GB collector’s edition is priced at 12999 yuan..

In addition to the price drop, Mate Xs 2 also has new features.

As early as in the warm-up video of the new machine, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, revealed that the folding screen mobile phone in the past was thick, bulky and not resistant to falling, but Mate Xs 2 solved these problems.The weight and thickness of the fuselage are basically close to ordinary mobile phones, and the fall resistance and firmness have also been greatly improved.

According to the on-site information of the press conference, Mate Xs 2 is still designed with an outer folding screen, just like Mate XS released in 2020. The weight and thickness are close to that of a conventional straight mobile phone, and the weight of the whole machine is 255g.At present, the lightest folding large-screen mobile phone in the industry. This is a major breakthrough of the folding screen mobile phone.

butMate Xs 2 is not equipped with the most powerful Kirin 5G chip like Mate Xs, but a 4G version of Qualcomm Snapdragon 888.Unfortunately, the advantage is that this folding screen mobile phone will at least not be too affected by the chip crisis.

Therefore, before the launch of the new machine, Yu Chengdong confidently said that "the supply of Huawei mobile phones has been greatly improved, and everyone can buy Huawei mobile phones if they want to" and "this is the biggest good news".

Or in order to make up for the regret of 4G chips, Mate Xs 2 is the first mobile phone in the industry to support tri-band Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi dual 5GHz band++2.4GHz band), which can access the Internet at high speed.

Huawei, as the leader of 5G and the track of folding machine, will continue to be active in the folding machine market even if it launches the 4G version of the folding machine equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 for two consecutive times after encountering the black swan ban.

2022 is the "year of explosion" of folding screen mobile phones, and even the "latecomer" vivo has come to an end. All domestic mainstream mobile phone manufacturers have captured the folding screen market, and the war has intensified. Huawei must ensure its activity to stabilize the market.

The significance of listing a new machine is greater than selling the goods itself. Then, there is still no 5G Huawei Mate Xs 2 to attract consumers, and it will take some time for the market to test.

After a lapse of four months, Huawei’s new generation folding screen Mate Xs 2 was launched.

On the eve of the press conference, there was a heated discussion about Huawei’s first folding machine this year, especially Yu Chengdong’s remark that Mate Xs 2 was "an epoch-making big folding screen with many black technologies" in the preheating video.

Finally, at 7 pm on April 28th, Yu Chengdong appeared at the press conference with the long-awaited Mate Xs 2.In the past, the rhythm of the whole conference became shorter and simpler. Only in the first 23 minutes, I finished the Mate Xs 2 folding new machine.Subsequently, a number of other new hardware products, such as the V Pro smart screen, were released one after another.

Although the introduction time is not long, Mate Xs 2 is definitely the flagship product of the conference.

Go around,After a lapse of two years, Huawei Mate Xs 2 once again picked up the folding design and still followed Mate Xs’s folding screen technology.

At present, the mainstream folding screen scheme is widely used by other mobile phone manufacturers. The advantage is that it can protect the inner screen well, and its fall resistance and service life are better than those of the folding screen, but the disadvantage is that creases are easy to appear in the middle of the screen.Folding out will expose the screen, but it can be used as both an outer screen and an inner screen at the same time, making the body of the mobile phone thinner.

So far, Huawei is the only mobile phone manufacturer that has launched a folding screen version of the mobile phone. Therefore, the main promotion point of Mate Xs 2 is the screen.

The folding scheme itself can be thinner and lighter. Mate Xs 2 body is made of ultra-light glass fiber, and innovative materials such as aviation grade titanium alloy and ultra-light and super-strong steel are adopted in the structure, which makes the mobile phone both light and high-strength and toughness — —Mate Xs 2 is close to the thickness and weight of ordinary mobile phones. The thinnest unfolded body is only 5.4mm, only 255g, setting a record for the lightest weight of folding screens.

andHuawei has also made great efforts in screen hinge technology, and pioneered the double-rotating eagle wing hinge.The eagle wing hinge structure is composed of 100+ precision devices, and the unfolded screen is flat and smooth, and the visual experience is almost seamless.

Therefore, as Yu Chengdong said,The highlight of Mate Xs 2 is that it solves the three major pain points of folding large-screen mobile phones: massiness, creases and fear of falling.

In terms of camera shooting, this phone is quite satisfactory. Mate Xs 2 has a 10.7-megapixel super wide-angle camera in front and a three-camera module in rear — — It is equipped with a 50-megapixel primary color camera, supplemented by a 13-megapixel ultra-wide-angle, 8-megapixel 3-fold optically variable lens. In addition, there are 10-channel multispectral sensors and laser focusing sensors.

In terms of battery configuration, Mate Xs 2 belongs to the mainstream level of the industry. According to Huawei’s official introduction, Mate Xs 2 has a built-in 4880mAh battery, which supports 66W super fast charging and can charge 90% in 30 minutes. There is no obvious difference with previous generations of folding machines.

It is worth noting that in the whole conference, Yu Chengdong didn’t mention a word about the chip, only the small words "carrying Snapdragon 888 4G" were written in the lower right corner of the PPT that announced the price.

This once caused many netizens to go to social networking sites to ask "Which chip is carried by Mate Xs 2?" And other similar issues.

The reason why Yu Chengdong didn’t mention the processor is self-evident.Haisi Kirin is out of stock., from the last folding machine P50 Pocket carrying Snapdragon 888 has begun to show signs.

As early as September 2020, Huawei can no longer obtain high-end chips below 10nm from chip manufacturers such as TSMC. This means that,As the most powerful chip in Huawei’s Kirin series, Hisilicon Kirin 9000 will become a swan song, and the new machine can only adopt the 4G chip Snapdragon 888.

Although the overall performance of Snapdragon 888 is good, it is already the standard in flagship machine, and its exaggerated power consumption and heat dissipation problems have been complained by many consumers.

In fact, consumers recognize Huawei’s high-end machines. In addition to brand influence, the self-developed Hess Kirin is also the key. Therefore,Many digital enthusiasts regret that Huawei’s new generation folding machine does not use the 5G SoC chip Kirin 9000.

Obviously, the chip has become the weakness of Mate Xs 2.

Yu Chengdong once praised Mate Xs as "Huawei’s best folding screen phone so far". In addition, due to the lack of supply, many people even buy Huawei folding screen Mate Xs at a high price of nearly 100,000 yuan. Whether Mate Xs 2 equipped with Snapdragon 888 can reproduce the highlights of Mate Xs has not been answered.

Or in order to make up for the weakness in communication performance, Huawei has greatly improved the WiFi technology, and Mate Xs 2 has become the first mobile phone to support tri-band Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi dual 5GHz band++2.4GHz band), which can access the Internet at high speed.

However, the pricing of Huawei Mate Xs 2 is unexpected. Previously, many netizens and even digital bloggers guessed that the starting price was not less than 10,000 yuan, but the actual starting price of Huawei Mate Xs 2 was 9,999 yuan.

Under the chip dilemma, Huawei Mate series folding machines have also begun to take new measures: abandoning the positioning of "wealth management products" and lowering prices, so as to stabilize the market and extend the lifeline.

Even if the folding machine is a 4G version, it will continue to be launched, which is a manifestation of Huawei’s current difficulty in maintaining high-end market share. 

Yu Chengdong bluntly said at Huawei’s P50 conference last year that "under the four rounds of sanctions in the United States, Huawei’s 5G mobile phone was restricted, resulting in that 5G chips can only be used as 4G."

Huawei is the first mobile phone manufacturer to launch 5G base stations and 5G flagship mobile phones in the world, and it has the largest market share of 5G base stations in the world. butFor well-known reasons, Huawei’s mobile phone can’t support the 5G function at all, and it is forced to adopt the chip of its former competitor Qualcomm, which makes people cry.

Under the prolonged chip supply interruption, Huawei’s market has shrunk dramatically.

According to the global smartphone market report released by Canalys in the first quarter of 2022, Samsung and Apple ranked first and second in global mobile phone shipments with 24% and 18% market share respectively.

Xiaomi, OPPO and vivo occupy the remaining three seats in the top five.Huawei, which once occupied the first place in the world mobile phone market, has now completely disappeared from the rankings and is classified as "Others".

Huawei, which has lost its mobile phone market share, must stick to the folding machine market in order to continue the "fire" of high-end machines.

Looking back on the development of domestic folding machine brands, Huawei is not only the number one player, but also the earliest "leader" in the industry.

As early as October 2019, Huawei first launched Mate X, a 5G folding screen mobile phone with an outward folding design, which was the first product to truly put the folding screen mobile phone into commercial use.

Because of the limited output, at that time, on the second-hand trading platform, the price of Mate X was as high as 20,000 to 100,000 yuan by scalpers, and it was dubbed "wealth management products" by netizens.

A year later, Huawei released the second generation folding screen Mate Xs, which realized the evolution of folding screen mobile phone from hardware to ecology. Yu Chengdong has repeatedly praised it as "Huawei’s best folding screen phone so far".

In 2021, Mate X2, the third-generation folding machine with the form of internal folding, came out for the first time, and Huawei completed the accumulation process of hardware from testing to maturity. In December of the same year, Huawei P50 Pocket, the flagship of the first vertically folded fourth-generation folding screen, was released.

At this point,Huawei has also become the only manufacturer in China that has mastered three folding technologies and the most complete product sequence of folding screen categories.

Compared with other friends, Huawei tries its best to meet the after-sales maintenance requirements of folding machine users, which makes Huawei’s folding mobile phone have a good reputation.

Besides,Huawei is superior to other domestic folding machine brands in design and materials.

For example, in terms of hinge solutions, Huawei is one of the first companies to invest in research and development of related materials. Mate X eagle wing folding hinge technology pioneered in the industry, to Mate X2 patented double-rotating water drop hinge technology, and then to the vertical seamless folding of P50 Pocket. Huawei has carried out sophisticated design to ensure that the number of screen creases and folds is reduced.

This has enabled Huawei to gain a large number of loyal users.An owner who used Huawei MateX once admitted to the connection Insight: "Except Huawei and Samsung, other domestic folding machines such as vivo and OPPO will not be considered for the time being."

It is worth noting that Xiaomi, vivo, OPPO and Glory all launched their first folding screens after 2021, and there are no second-generation products.

In fact, Huawei’s folding screen mobile phone was once in short supply.Omdia, a market research organization, released the "Tracking Report on the Smartphone Market in the Fourth Quarter of 2021", showing that Huawei ranked second in the sales of folding screen mobile phones, with a cumulative sales volume of about one million.

Therefore,As one of the first players in the folding screen mobile phone market, each generation of Huawei folding screen mobile phones has shown a very high rate of preservation, which can be called "annual wealth management products".

Since the beginning of this year, good news about folding machines has been coming out. Many people in the industry believe that 2022 may be the turning point of folding screen mobile phones. On the eve of the "folding machine" outbreak, Huawei must take action.

However,Huawei’s life is getting worse and worse.With the increasing consumption of Huawei Kirin 9000 series chips, when 2022,When other domestic mobile phone manufacturers, such as vivo, OPPO and Xiaomi, are fiercely fighting in the field of 5G folding mobile phones, Huawei can only helplessly launch 4G folding machines.

At this time node, Huawei launched the folding screen Mate Xs 2, in addition to continuing to participate in market competition and extending the lifeline.The greater significance is to release the signal that "Huawei mobile phone is still alive and will live better". 

However, the outside world has been expecting the return of Huawei’s 5G mobile phone production. Therefore, when Yu Chengdong revealed in the preheating video of Mate Xs 2 that "Huawei’s mobile phone production capacity has returned, and the Huawei mobile phone that everyone wants to buy this year can be bought", the outside world mistakenly thought that the new generation of folding opportunities would break the curse of "one phone is hard to find". The main products of the actual "capacity return" are the hot-selling mobile phones including Huawei P50 series and Huawei nova9 A9 series.

After falling into the vortex of lack of core, the folding machine has become an important life-saving medicine that carries Huawei’s expectations and longings for the high-end market.

This year, domestic folding screen mobile phones have been listed one after another.

Canalys released a report saying that Android manufacturers are facing tremendous pressure in the high-end mobile phone market. In 2021, the shipment of Android smartphones with more than $800 dropped by 18% compared with 2019. In the same price segment, Apple increased by 68% in the same period.

Android manufacturers must invest more in differentiated hardware and user experience and continue to attract and retain high-end mobile phone users.Folding screen has become a new attempt for domestic Android mobile phone manufacturers to hit the high-end market because of its high technical content, large upgrade space and high price.

Therefore,Folding machines have become a necessity for the flagship equipment camp.The mobile phone industry began to involute.

Many digital enthusiasts who pay attention to the folding screen mobile phone market have noticed that on April 22, the day when Huawei officially announced Mate Xs 2, vivo’s first folding mobile phone X Fold was officially launched.

You know, vivo is the last player from mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China to enter the folding machine. Xiaomi launched the first folding screen MIX FOLD as early as the beginning of 2021. From December 2021 to January 2022, OPPO and Glory successively launched the first folding screen mobile phones OPPO Find N and Magic V respectively.

This means that,Except for Apple, all the mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China have fulfilled their "folding" dream.And many digital bloggers predict that Xiaomi’s second folding screen will be released as soon as June this year. A competition about folding screen mobile phones has started.

But unlike other mobile phone manufacturers, they are trapped in insufficient research and development capabilities.For Huawei, the biggest problem at present is that it cannot release 5G mobile phones. No matter what grade of new machines, they only support 4G.

The reason behind it,In addition to Huawei’s limited inventory of 5G Kirin chips, Huawei can’t get the necessary RF chips for 5G mobile phones.

After the United States launched the fourth round of sanctions against Huawei in 2021, all supply chain enterprises involved in American technology could not provide Huawei’s 5G communication equipment with parts, including 5G RF chip combination and 5G baseband.

Huawei Hisilicon conquered some components of RF components in its early years, but failed to conquer the core filter.Therefore, when Rongmi OV mass-produced 5G folding machines, Huawei could only continue to produce 4G mobile phones.

At present, 5G mobile phones have not shown obvious advantages over 4G mobile phones, and 4G mobile phones are still available. But after two or three years, 5G mobile phones will be the mainstream.

Even if pollen (Huawei fans) can accept the use of 4G folding machines now, it is really difficult to answer whether they are still willing to buy 4G versions in the future.

In addition,Rongmi OV folding machine not only uses the 5G version as the basic configuration, but also starts low-price competition in terms of price.

After Xiaomi was the first to "beat" the price of the folding screen mobile phone to less than 10,000 yuan, OPPO Find N, the first folding machine of OPPO, once again refreshed the price floor of the same category with a starting price of 7,699 yuan. And each family is crazy about stacking materials, showing "cost performance".

Obviously,Huawei has more challenges to face.

According to the market share ranking of China folding screen mobile phones published by IDC in 2021, Huawei ranked first with a market share of 49.3%. However, whether Huawei, the first company to make a 4G appearance in flagship machine this year, can continue to be the first in the market this year is a question mark for the time being.

Based on the present, trying to survive is still a true portrayal of Huawei at present, and the folding machine is bound to undertake the historical mission of seizing the high-end market.

Writer Alai talks about the film industry: there is a distance between excessive entertainment and commercialization and society

  Yesterday, Young Sangji, adapted from Mao Dun literature prize winner Alai, appeared at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Director Zhang Guodong, art consultant Reed and producer Peggy Chiao appeared at the event site. In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star journalist, several creators revealed the behind-the-scenes story of the filming.

  Director Zhang Guodong/

  Hit it off with the original author Alai.

  Juvenile Sanji is adapted from the literary work Three Cordyceps by the famous writer Alai, which is a novella created by Alai and first published in January 2016. From the world in a child’s eyes, the film "Juvenile Sanji" tells the story of the Tibetan teenager Sanji’s self-drifting journey in pursuit of knowledge and taking Cordyceps as a clue. On this adventure journey, the fantasy drifting of three cordyceps sinensis presents a variety of human beings, and the innocence of children shines brightly in the gloomy secular world.

  Director Zhang Guodong revealed the origin of filming "Young Sanchi". He said that it was in the process of turning over a circle of friends that he suddenly saw a fragment of Alai’s original work. "It was a circle of friends sent by a friend of mine. After watching it for 15 minutes, I felt that this was the story I needed. The story he talked about digging cordyceps was actually very similar to my experience. At this time, I picked up the phone and called Teacher Alai. As a result, we hit it off with Teacher Alai.

  Zhang Guodong had filmed a documentary on Tibetan subjects before, which made Alai feel more at ease to give him the work. "I showed the documentary to Teacher Alai at that time, and after watching the film, he said ‘ You can take it and shoot it as you like. I don’t care about anything ’ In this way, Teacher Alai handed "Three Cordyceps" to me, and I took the team for about 20 days. The scene of the heavy snow shot by the little actor should actually be helped by God, from 4 am to 7 pm. After we finished work, the snow stopped. "

  In the film, Sanji’s actor is very eye-catching and has been well received by many audiences. The director said, "At that time, so many children caught me by his acting skills, so I took him from the snowy mountain to Chengdu, and we lived together for 15 days. I took him to see elephants and monkeys, and didn’t give him any training or invite a professional teacher to play in the zoo."

  The director revealed that during the filming process, the little actor almost didn’t need to talk about the play. "I never called him to the room alone to talk about how to shoot this play, especially the scene with the principal. He said ‘ Director, can I do it again ’ , he said ‘ I should drop the book on the floor to express my anger ’ . I feel that he is like a genius. I think this little actor is equivalent to a real Cordyceps sent by Snow Mountain. Like a gem, he is the brightest and also lights up our movie. "

  Screenwriter reed/

  Some viewers don’t go to the cinema to seek affection.

  It is particularly worth mentioning that Reed, a famous screenwriter who once created classic films such as Farewell My Concubine and Living, served as the artistic consultant of Young Sanchi. When he mentioned why he joined this small-budget film, Reed replied: "Its type determines the number of audiences. It is not a commercial blockbuster, and this film actually has no pressure from commercial blockbusters, because the investment is very small and the shooting process is very frugal. In fact, the reason why I was willing to participate at that time was that the story was unpretentious, which touched me very much. "

  At the event, Reed also mentioned the current situation of the film market in China. He said: "Everyone knows that there are some very vulgar phenomena in China films. China’s movies are far from the real social life because of excessive entertainment and commercialization. When entering the cinema, some viewers are actually looking for entertainment instead of seeking to be moved, so excessive entertainment has caused very bad consequences. " Reed later mentioned the differences between Young Sanchi and some entertainment films. "The function of this film is to carve time. This film carves Tibetan life, children’s experiences and stories, and it also carves Tibetan people’s life very truly today. This is the significance of this film."

  When asked if there were any differences with director Zhang Guodong in the creative process, Reed said, "As a creative work, there will be differences at any time. In fact, I may like this child too much, and I hope he can get this book. Of course, this is a wishful feeling. We feel that as a documentary type, the ending is also right. Not everyone’s dreams will come true, not that everyone’s wishes can be easily realized. This child, I hope he will get this book when he grows up. "

  Zhang Guodong also said that Reed is a senior, which has helped him a lot: "We started to cooperate with documentaries, and then we will cooperate with three films, all of which are made by Mr. Reed as an art producer and script consultant. In fact, Mr. Reed has been supporting me and cultivating me, and we will have some disputes in this process. I was particularly moved by teacher reed’s remark ‘ We should not be sloppy in our creation. We should be strict with ourselves and not let go of every detail of the film. If you relax a little here and there, the whole film will fall ’ . In the 10 years of contact with teacher reed, I know movies, study movies, and shoot movies. I think filmmakers should do what filmmakers should do. They never tell lies when making movies. When I make movies, I may slack off, but Teacher Reed is like an anchor. My movie today can look like this, which was cultivated by Teacher Reed all the way. "

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Zhang Shihao from Shanghai.