Focus 315 | Worrying about Coffee and Milk Tea Food safety touches people’s hearts.

  Cailian | New Consumer Daily March 16th (edited by Liang Youyun), around the annual "315 Consumer Rights Day", food safety has once again become a hot spot affecting people’s hearts.

  Compared with traditional restaurants, new brands of tea and chain coffee have sprung up in recent years, and a cup of milk tea and coffee every day has become the daily life of many young urban white-collar workers. Marketing activities and ridicule such as "the first cup of milk tea in autumn" and "coffee for life" have influenced many consumers’ choices.

  However, as a ready-made beverage, it is very easy to cause food safety problems in case of insufficient service training, irregular production process, inadequate hygiene and safety in stores, and disorderly supervision of franchise stores.

  The New Consumer Daily collected and sorted out some "coffee and milk tea troubles" that have been exposed by relevant departments and hotly debated by netizens since 2022.

  Drinking foreign bodies became the most common complaint.

  "Drinking bugs in XXX", "Eating stones in XX" and "Finding hair in the package" have become the most frequently complained topics of netizens.

  Black cat complaints search "foreign body" keywords, showing that the number of complaints as many as 33 thousand. Among them, brands such as Mi Xue Bing Cheng, Naixue Tea, Youlemei, Gu Ming Tea and Auntie in Shanghai have all received complaints from consumers about eating foreign objects in the past month.

  Judging from the frequency of appearance, Mi Xue Ice City has become a "frequent visitor" on the list. Eating stones, finding hair in unopened drinks, black unidentified objects and sharp plastic thorns have all become complaints. On the platform, there are 4,820 complaints about Mi Xue Ice City, which is much higher than 1,431 complaints from aunts in Shanghai, 1,361 complaints about Naixue’s tea, 965 complaints about hi tea and 675 complaints about ancient tea.

  On the whole, although brands such as Naixue Tea and Xicha, which are mainly self-operated stores, also have food hygiene complaints, from the data point of view, brand stores which are mainly franchised are more likely to be complained about foreign objects. With the more stores nationwide, there is a risk that the management control of the parent company will decline, and complaints will increase accordingly.

  Brands should actively do a good job of self-inspection, eliminate potential safety hazards caused by irregular operation, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to check and rectify in time when signs are found. In this way, we can continue to retain consumers and enhance brand influence.

  However, it must be pointed out that in many food safety complaints, it is true that some people maliciously add foreign objects to drinks to blackmail brands in order to obtain compensation.

  Store health problems have become the focus of investigation.

  According to the data from the General Administration of Market Supervision, there is a positive correlation between the number of complaints about consumption and the level of consumption activity. While the brand is actively doing business, it should also focus on health issues.

  Store hygiene has always been the "hardest hit" in the catering industry. Unscrupulous merchants often use the kitchen or under the counter that consumers can’t see to hide their real environmental hygiene, food shelf life and irregular production. Milk tea, coffee and other products that need to add fresh fruit and fresh milk are also frequently notified and punished.

  In 2021, Yihetang Store was exposed that the clerk did not apply for a health certificate, and many cockroaches were found in the food processing area. In mid-2022, another investigator found that Yihetang milk tea had food safety hazards such as the continued use of expired ingredients and the peeling of fruits by shop assistants. At the beginning of 2023, another customer reported through video that he had drunk foreign substances in Yihetang milk tea, which led customers to seek medical treatment for acute gastroenteritis.

  In 2022, Starbucks, a well-known chain coffee brand, was also fined 10,000 yuan for expired food and altered shelf life.

  On the eve of "315", according to WeChat official account of Beijing Consumers Association, Beijing Hemao Catering Co., Ltd. (signboard: Mi Xue Bing Cheng) was given an administrative warning and ordered to suspend business for rectification because it dismantled the disinfection pool of tools and appliances without authorization. This is the third time that the brand has received a warning and punishment from Beijing State Administration for Market Regulation in the past two years.

  The use of expired raw materials, problem fruits, etc. seems to be a chronic disease in the industry, and it is often difficult for innocent consumers to prove that they are lucky enough not to eat anything different. Only when the parent company of the brand establishes an efficient management system and the market supervision and management department increases the density of attention and inspection can the irregular store operation be effectively deterred.

  Food additives have sparked heated discussions.

  The short video blogger’s phrase "technology and hard work" touched the nerves of many consumers. At present, many people often focus on the preservatives and flavors of bottled drinks, but the freshly made tea and coffee that can’t see the ingredient list should also be paid attention to.

  As China’s food safety law only stipulates that there should be a label on the packaging in prepackaged foods, and the label must indicate the ingredients or ingredient list. However, in the face of the rapid rise of the labels and ingredients of ready-made drinks such as milk tea and coffee, there is no explicit requirement for labeling, and it is entirely up to the self-discipline of merchants.

  Do you use real milk? Is it boiled with real tea? What is "0 candy"? What is the caffeine and sugar content of each drink? These problems often appear in the process of customer consumption.

  In order to maintain the taste and reduce the production cost, beverages often use creamer, non-dairy creamer and other raw materials. Is it reasonable to add them? Is it harmful to human health? Become the hot topic of netizens.

  At present, the deputies of Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress have proposed to amend and improve the Food Safety Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and increase the mandatory requirement of labeling the drinks that are now made and sold. At the same time, referring to the national food safety standards "General Rules for Labeling in prepackaged foods" and "General Rules for Nutrition Labeling in prepackaged foods", the labels of the drinks that are now made and sold should indicate the specific contents of energy, core nutrients and other nutrients such as sugar and vitamins and their percentage in nutrient reference values (NRV).

  Drinks are also "short of two pounds"?

  In addition to food safety, the "shrinking" of beverages has also become a topic of concern to netizens recently.

  On the eve of 315, Rui Xing and Modern China Tea Shop were spat in succession. Among them, Luckin Coffee has only half a cup left in the cup after ice removal; In Modern China Tea Shop, after the milk foam melts, there are only two-thirds of the drinks left in the cup. In this regard, the response of the above two brands is similar, that is, the drinks in the store are made according to the standard process, and the reduction of drinks is normal.

  The New Consumer Daily observed that in addition to the above two brands, many milk tea brands have noted in the delivery that there is a lack of ice or some ingredients after removal.

  According to people in the industry, the way to remove ice is to shake the ice cubes with a full cup of beverage, and then filter the ice cubes after the beverage cools down, so there will be some defects in the final product. Regarding the problem that there is no shortage of drinks, the person said that in order to ensure a unified taste, the amount of ice is different, and the proportion of raw materials for drinks will be different. Previously, shop assistants would make their own supplements, but in recent years, due to the increasingly strict in-store monitoring, shop assistants must make them according to the process, and dissatisfaction with cups has become the norm.

  Some lawyers have warned that this behavior may constitute fraud. Although there is no subjective malice and concealment of the brand, a big difference can still constitute the essence of short weight. Consumers can complain and report to 12315, or file a lawsuit. After the fraud is determined, they can claim triple compensation, starting from 500 yuan. Launches "Resonance Program" to Help Shanghai Merchants Resume

"During the period when I didn’t open the door, I opened my eyes every day for money, and it cost 40,000 to 50,000 a month. It was too anxious." After finally reopening in late April, Boss Li of Pingcheng Boutique Fruit Store in Jing’an District, Shanghai, he faced a new challenge: opening takeout for the first time and learning to operate online from scratch.

At present, in accordance with the principle of "orderly liberalization, limited flow, effective control, and classified management", how can small and medium-sized merchants who resume business and resume market in stages speed up recovery, reduce pressure, and better "touch the net" development? In this regard, on May 22, announced the launch of the "Resonance Plan" for the merchant market, hoping to support merchants and help riders, and do its best to better serve the public, add vitality to the market, and fully support the recovery.

Incentive subsidies + fee reductions, "resonance plan" focuses on merchant pain points

Since this round of epidemic in Shanghai, has fully invested in anti-epidemic supply and vigorously supported citizens’ living security and emergency needs. has tens of thousands of riders shuttling through the streets and alleys to deliver fresh vegetables, living expenses, urgent medicines and other materials to the city’s communities.

Among them, "All-round Supermarket" ensures the safety of parity and distribution through the service model of "community collection + fixed-point distribution". Since it started operation on March 28, it has distributed necessities such as meat, eggs, milk and rice noodles grains and oil to hundreds of thousands of families; in response to the dining needs of the public, and Shanghai fixed-point catering merchants have increased transportation capacity investment and community coverage in the way of "community group meals", and delivered tens of thousands of group buying meals in time every day; in the face of the public’s drug demand, has also launched a variety of new modes of drug delivery, including community group buying medical materials for epidemic prevention, "community collection + centralized distribution", and also cooperated with hospitals to "emergency drug delivery special car", etc., to continuously increase supply At the end of April, the average daily delivery of medicines exceeded 100,000 orders.

As Shanghai accelerates the pace of business resumption, launched a special project relief plan to fully support the recovery of Shanghai merchants.

During the epidemic, business operations have been affected to varying degrees. At present, in the market recovery stage, many businesses are facing pressure such as liquidity and market investment. The "Resonance Plan" of includes four measures: provide 500 million yuan incentive within two months after the lifting of the ban to reduce business operating costs; provide special project fee reduction subsidies to ease financial pressure; provide special mentoring training and digital support to improve business operation capabilities; provide riders with nearly 70 million yuan in additional subsidies to enhance employment security.

According to the introduction, the first batch of 500 million yuan incentive subsidies of the "resonance plan" will provide over 200 million yuan to merchants, including order subsidies and incentives, distribution cost subsidies, marketing cost subsidies and special project traffic support; about 300 million yuan will also be invested to distribute consumption red envelope coupons to citizens, provide project special membership discounts, etc., and will also extend the food card that cannot be used under objective conditions and compensate for food beans, so that merchants with high-quality service and honest management can increase revenue more quickly and effectively.

At the same time, in order to ease the financial pressure of merchants, and the Financial Institution Group provide discounted loans of varying amounts and up to 500,000 yuan for eligible merchants, hoping to help merchants reduce the burden of opening after the epidemic.

In addition to subsidies, there are fee reductions. provides a "green channel" for merchants, which can launch takeaway business within 1 hour at the soonest. In addition, newly opened online and eligible high-quality catering merchants will be given a rate discount of up to 5%; eligible retailers such as general merchandise and fresh fruits can also get a certain rate discount. will also enhance the digital operation ability of merchants through special service and special project training.

For riders, the first phase of will provide an additional about 70 million yuan for order incentives and epidemic prevention subsidies, and will also set up more smart dining cabinets and "1 square meter warm rider station" to stabilize employment and improve security.

Community merchants receive traffic support and look forward to business resuming as soon as possible

Su Xiaoliu is a favorite dim sum shop in Shanghai. To overcome the pressure in this round of epidemic, he joined the guarantee supply on April 16. After the platform resumed online, he obtained the platform traffic support in time.

Xuhui ITC store is one of the first three stores to resume supply, and the launch of same-day takeout is "order surge". To this end, also helps to adjust the capacity allocation, provide distribution cost subsidies, and strengthen the guarantee of logistics performance.

"During this time, we sold more than 10,000 copies in a single store." Mr. Sheng, the operation manager of Su Xiaolu, told the author that from the background data, the various support effects of the platform are very obvious.

Heisei Boutique Fruit Store is also one of the beneficiaries of’s support measures.

On April 20, the fruit store, which had been closed for more than a month, reopened. Previously, this store only had offline retail. During the closure and control period, Mr. Li realized the importance of takeaway, and the owner applied to open a store in as soon as possible after opening. Soon under the green channel of the platform, the fruit store launched takeaway services.

"My parents distribute goods in the store, and I buy and receive orders at home. We are relatively affordable, and on the first day we went online, there were hundreds of orders." Mr. Li introduced that in order to strictly prevent the epidemic, the door will only be opened when there is an order. One door and one disinfection will be opened hundreds of times a day.

As a novice in takeout, he had never handled so many takeout orders. He learned a lot of free tutorials online, optimized the operation and delivery method, and the takeout store quickly hit the right track.

Recently, his fruit store also received traffic support from "After going online for takeout, we have income, and we are finally relieved. With orders, we have living water, and we can survive. The order incentives, price-break discounts subsidies, and especially traffic support and marketing subsidies launched by the platform are all real needs for us."

After the launch of the "Resonance Plan", many merchants said that with the support of the food delivery platform, they can ease the anxiety of survival to a certain extent, and measures such as order incentives and subsidies can also effectively reduce costs and ease the pressure on funds. said that further plans are still being formulated to provide greater support and jointly accelerate the market recovery. "We expect the fireworks in the market to continue as usual, and all business partners and the familiar Shanghai will get better and better."

Government and enterprises work together to bail out, and "fireworks" will return as soon as possible

"Shanghai’s current epidemic situation is generally stable and improving", this sentence at the press conference, the public began to feel: the rail transit bus gradually resumed operation, the park classification opened step by step, some downtown shopping malls have been unblocked to welcome guests, Moments posted more and more "return to work electronic pass", and even takeaway no longer needs group buying, even if one person, Blue Knight can be sent to the community.

Shanghai has been looking forward to the "fireworks" for two months, and it is slowly approaching you and me step by step.

According to the current schedule, commercial outlets should resume offline business in an orderly manner, and "online ordering, offline delivery" should be implemented. The catering industry should also implement services such as "online order, takeaway home"… Since the home epidemic prevention, the consumption habits of Shanghai citizens have also been slowly changing, and the consumption proportion of takeaway orders has become higher and higher. As an indispensable part of the city’s operation, takeaway has always tried its best to better serve the citizens.

However, we must also be aware that the social and economic impact of the epidemic will not disappear completely with the "lifting of the seal".

Faced with challenges in liquidity, service manpower, and material supply, some merchants may usher in "darkness before dawn". Due to the long-term closure and no income, the liquidity of closed merchants, especially small and medium-sized merchants, husband and wife stores, is difficult. At the same time, factors such as rent store expenses, labor costs, and labor return are also under great pressure. There are also challenges in supply and logistics supply chain.

How to retain the "fireworks" in the life of Shanghai? All parties in Shanghai are actively working hard. In the process of resuming business and the market, merchants and platforms cannot do without "gathering sand into a tower" and watching each other.

In order to reduce the losses of the epidemic to merchants, has launched an emergency "shutdown protection" mechanism in Shanghai. Platform merchants that have suspended business due to the epidemic can open it independently, lock in monthly sales, scoring, etc., and remain unchanged during the shutdown period to ensure that merchants can quickly return to normal business after the lockdown is lifted. For problems such as the difficulty of temporarily recruiting workers in small stores, also sets up a special channel in the background of merchants to help solve them.

At the same time, the business support plan pioneered by is not limited to short-term assistance measures. It effectively targets the pain points of merchants, reduces the pressure of merchants, accelerates recovery, and overcomes difficulties together. It also helps merchants to go online and digital transformation as soon as possible, and truly "give it a fish".

At present, many merchants in Shanghai have switched from store retail to online takeout on the platform. While maintaining operations to generate income, it is also conducive to epidemic prevention and safety. In the stage of resumption of business and market recovery, effectively supporting merchants to "touch the Internet" will also help promote economic recovery.

For example, in order to reduce the impact of the epidemic, provides merchants with a "green channel" to launch takeaway business within 1 hour at the soonest. In addition to special project incentives and traffic support, the "Resonance Plan" also enhances the digital operation capabilities of merchants through special service and special project training, including arranging a special project service team of more than 300 people to optimize the operation of targeted services merchants; providing nearly 2,000 hours of free open courses for merchants to conduct free takeaway operator training and certification services; supermarkets, convenience stores, fresh fruit, medicine and other merchants will receive intelligent diagnosis, management and marketing suggestions for goods, and the AI dish analysis system "Hungry Xiaowei" will also help catering brands develop new products for free.

Improving digital capabilities for the future and enabling businesses to achieve sustainable development may also become a "way to break the bottleneck" in the development of retail industries such as catering.

Of course, the full recovery of market economic vitality requires the participation of the whole industry and strong policy support.

Shanghai has issued the "21 Anti-Epidemic Helping Enterprises" policy, comprehensively implementing measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, rent reduction and exemption, financial subsidies, financial support, and assistance to enterprises to stabilize jobs. At least 32 departments and 16 districts have issued supporting implementation rules. Relevant functional areas of business can join hands with the Internet platform and public service platform integration, support merchants’ liquidity, human employment, material supply, and stimulate consumption, etc., give full play to the greater role of the Internet platform in "urban services", and provide targeted services such as policy publicity, appeal coordination, and guidance and consultation for small and medium-sized businesses to resume work and production, and resume business and return to the market through a combination of online and offline methods.

At present, the epidemic prevention and control situation in Shanghai is generally stable and improving, and it is entering the transformation stage of normalization prevention and control. The fireworks on the street will also be restored to its previous vitality under the joint efforts of all parties.

Countdown to "Wuzhen time" ing! Are you ready?

  From November 16th to 18th, the highly anticipated 3rd World Internet Conference will be held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. At that time, the world Internet will once again enter "Wuzhen time".


  In 2014, the World Internet Conference "landed" in Wuzhen. This beautiful town in the south of the Yangtze River is famous for its connection with the Internet. Now, the annual World Internet Conference has entered its third year. After two years of accumulation, Wuzhen, a thousand-year-old town, has also taken on new life because of the integration of the Internet. Tomorrow, it will open its arms again to welcome guests and friends from all over the world.

  At this moment, Wuzhen was ready…

  At present, the conference volunteers are in place, some media have started work, and all preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. If you don’t believe me, look~


In order to ensure the smooth progress of media reports, the WI-FI signal in Wuzhen will be fully covered.


  It is understood that,This conference will feature six forums and 20 topics, covering cutting-edge hot issues such as Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, Internet governance, and Internet international cooperation.

  The third Internet Conference is approaching. Do you remember the highlights of the previous two sessions?


  On December 16, 2015, the 2nd World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. The top leader of the President attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Photo by Li Tao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

  The Supreme Leader’s Four Principles and Five Propositions

  At the Second World Internet Conference, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech.It is proposed that to promote the reform of the global Internet governance system, four principles should be adhered to, namely, respect for network sovereignty, and safeguardingPeace and security, promoting open cooperation, and building good order.

  In response to how countries should expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, the Supreme Leader put forward five propositions, namely, to accelerate global network infrastructure building and promote interconnection; to create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform to promote exchanges and mutual learning; to promote the innovative development of the network economy and promote common prosperity; to ensure cyber security and promote orderly development; to build an Internet governance system and promote fairness and justice.

  The speech of the supreme leader caused heated discussions among the guests, and everyone said that President Xi’s speech was down-to-earth and heart-warming, reflecting the attitude and direction of our country’s Internet openness and cooperation, and planning a blueprint for the development of our country’s Internet industry in the next 5 to 10 years.

  This year, what will the Supreme Leader Chairperson say? Stay tuned~

  The First Internet Conference New Products and New Concepts

  The "Light of the Internet" theme exhibition of the first Internet Conference mainly showcased the development achievements of China’s Internet in the past 20 years. More than 50 well-known Internet companies at home and abroad, including BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent), the three major domestic communication operators, Huawei,, etc., showcased the cutting-edge technologies and application achievements of the Internet industry at that time. For example, Ant Financial Services, Tencent Smart Wear, Baidu Interactive Mirror… In addition, Internet bosses also delivered keynote speeches.

  Ma Yun: Solving the problem of counterfeiting can only rely on the Internet

  At the first World Internet Conference, Alibaba Group Executive Chairperson Jack Ma delivered a keynote speech, saying that the problem of counterfeiting can only be solved by the Internet. He believes that merchants are most afraid of selling counterfeits on Taobao, because it is easy to find out who is selling, and the public security can find it immediately.

  Zhou Hongyi: The Internet must have the concept of "great security"

  With the increasing popularity of the Internet, cyber security has also attracted more and more attention. During the first World Internet Conference, Zhou Hongyi, chairperson and CEO of Qihoo 360, said that the establishment of a cyber security environment should not be limited to just killing viruses, but should further strengthen the concept of "big security".

  Rebs talks about Xiaomi’s "dream" and is ridiculed by Apple

  At the first World Internet Conference, Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi Technology, said of his dream: "According to our current mastery and investment in the Internet, Xiaomi may become the world’s number one smartphone company in five to 10 years." In this regard, Bruce Sewell, senior vice-president of Apple, quipped: "It is always easy to say, but it is not so easy to do."

As the permanent site of the World Internet Conference, Internet elements can be seen everywhere on the ancient streets of Wuzhen.

  The Second Internet Conference achieved full intelligence, and new economic forces emerged

  The second Internet Conference has a new "Light of the Internet" Expo. Nearly 260 companies from the Asia-Pacific region, the United States, Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world participated in the exhibition, and more than 80 special conferences were held, which fully showcased the cutting-edge technologies and latest achievements of Internet development at home and abroad. Baidu driverless cars, Volvo "smart connected cars", and China Telecom’s 5G technology have all appeared. So, what is the difference between this summit and the previous one?

  Summit to achieve full intelligence, dedicated APP is awesome

  As the permanent venue of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen has achieved a comprehensive improvement in networking and intelligence under the driving force of Internet development. In 2015, the summit developed a dedicated APP and established a conference cloud system to realize 4G network and Internet experience in all time and space.

  Emergence of new economic power of Internet celebrities

  In 2015, a new ethnic group was born, the Internet celebrities, which is a significant feature on Alibaba’s e-commerce platform. Its production is another manifestation of the power of the whole new economy. Zhang Yong, Alibaba’s chief executive, believes that they rely entirely on the power of individuals to gather a group of like-minded fans to follow her, and ultimately generate economic opportunities and business opportunities. This is very amazing.


  Blue calico salesperson Zhao Bingsen introduced to reporters that through the Internet, sales channels have been fully opened, and monthly online sales can reach more than 100,000 yuan.


  Looking back at the achievements and highlights of the previous two summits, what are the people and things worth paying attention to at this Internet Conference? More exciting, let’s wait and see.

  Reporter: Wang Rui, Wang Wenwei

  Photo by Han Jing

Autonavi Maps launches truck navigation to help 30 million drivers travel safely

On December 6th, Autonavi Maps launched a new truck navigation function, which is a new feature introduced by Autonavi Maps for special needs groups after the launch of barrier-free maps. Truck navigation can help many drivers accurately avoid the restricted and restricted routes of trucks, making it smarter and safer to travel in large cars.

With the rapid development of logistics freight and e-commerce, truck drivers have now become a very large social group. According to statistics, there are currently about 30 million truck drivers in China, and there are 15 million road freight vehicles, with an average of more than 84 million tons of goods in transit every day.

Due to the strong demand for long-distance, long-distance and multi-frequency travel, truck drivers rely heavily on mobile maps and navigation applications. Autonavi traffic big data shows that trucks in some areas use navigation for an average of more than 400 minutes in a month. At present, there is no accurate and easy-to-use product in the mainstream map applications in China that can fully meet the requirements of truck drivers.

"Trucks should have the highest requirements for navigation and map data fineness among all vehicle types." The relevant person in charge of Autonavi Maps said that due to the strict height, width, weight, and travel restrictions on the road, once the truck enters the restricted road section, it is more difficult for the truck to turn around, not only to pay fines for violations, but also to cause road congestion and even cause safety risks.

There have been many similar cases this year. In late November this year, under the overpass of Jianshe Road, West Third Ring Road, Zhengzhou City, a refrigerated truck was stuck under the overpass while passing a bridge with a height limit of 3 meters. Traffic data showed that after the accident, the congestion delay index of the relevant road section (the travel time of traffic congestion passing/the travel time of free flow passing, the higher the index, the more serious the congestion) peaked at 4.11, and the congestion delay index was greater than 1.8 for about 8 hours throughout the day.

Autonavi map truck navigation is to solve the urgent needs of 30 million truck drivers. When drivers use it for the first time, they can directly use this function by adding basic parameters such as truck type, brand, weight, length and width. During the use of truck navigation, Autonavi map performs intelligent calculation based on high-precision big data, and will automatically plan a navigation route that meets the restrictions of all aspects of the truck they drive. The road is safe and smooth to avoid violations and dangers.

It is understood that the current Autonavi map has covered more than one million truck weight limits, height limits, width limits, axle load limits, travel restrictions, bans and other road information across the country. In addition, the Autonavi map also specially adds the location data of truck checkpoints across the country, and provides navigation and voice reminders during the navigation process, allowing drivers to know the number and location of checkpoints.

Another new feature of the Autonavi map, "Team", is also very suitable for the needs of truck drivers. The so-called "team" means that drivers share each other’s real-time location through the same group of team passwords, and can be displayed in real time on each other’s Autonavi map navigation interface, which is convenient for each other to view and find. Since truck drivers often start in teams when delivering goods, and the journey is long, they can take care of each other through the "team" function of the Autonavi map. In addition, with the help of this function, cargo owners and card sisters can also check the real-time location of drivers and keep abreast of their movements.

"Truck navigation once again reflects Autonavi Maps’ professional and profound accumulation in big data." The person in charge said that Autonavi Maps has Class A surveying and mapping qualifications for navigation electronic maps, Class A qualifications for surveying and mapping aerial photography, and Class A surveying and mapping qualifications for Internet map services. As of the first half of 2017, Autonavi traffic big data has covered 360 + cities across the country, as well as 7.90 million kilometers of navigation road data, with more than 400 kinds of road attribute information alone.

The launch of truck navigation has once again enriched the travel services of the Autonavi map easy platform. The easy platform is the one-stop public travel service platform first launched by Autonavi in the middle of this year. It has previously been connected to many travel service providers such as Didi Chuxing, Shenzhou Special Car, Shouqi Car, Mobike, ofo, and Flying Pig.

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BYD Hanxin arrived at the store, and the real car experience exceeded expectations.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net July 2 With the listing date of BYD Dynasty flagship Han approaching, the distinguished models of Han EV with long battery life and the flagship models of Han EV four-wheel drive with high performance have taken the lead in landing in authorized stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Chengdu and Xi ‘an. Many consumers are rushing to grab fresh tasting in the first time-the safety strength, benchmarking performance and luxury quality of Han comprehensive hardcore are amazing.

  Han’s sincere pre-sale price of 230,000-280,000 yuan, and two booking rights that can be enjoyed at the same time-"paying 99 yuan online intention money to participate in the activity of doubling Difenhui points" and "enjoying 60,000 yuan for science and technology for 10,000 yuan" are equally surprising, and both online and offline have set off a booking boom. Up to now, Han has received 13,000 online orders and 9,000 offline orders.

  Appearance: dynamic and elegant.

  When I first saw the real EV car, the sense of atmosphere and luxury given by the whole car was incomparable with the pictures. The first is the appearance. Han EV is developed based on the product positioning and design standards of medium and large cars, with a long wheelbase of 2920mm and a length, width and height of 4,980 mm/1,910 mm/1,495 mm, creating a powerful gas field comparable to that of executive-class cars. The Dragon Face design language adopted by Han EV combines the dragon elements of China culture with modern car-making aesthetics, and the dynamic and elegant vehicle shape with great aerodynamic efficiency is impressive.

  From the front face of Han EV, we can vaguely see the shadow of "Dragon": the curved surface design of "Dragon Mouth", and the "Dragon Eyebrows" are incarnated as daytime running lights and position lamp, which makes people sigh the perfect combination of aesthetics and functions. The effect after lighting is cool and can enhance the product recognition of Han.

  Coming to the side of the car, the design of the side of the Han car body is simple and hierarchical, and the waistline of the fender near the rear of the car protrudes, expressing the sense of diving power. Details such as the "Han" logo on the retractable door handle and the gentleman’s hairpin on the fender reflect unique design ingenuity.

  In the rear part, the headlights adopt the design element of "Dragon Claw", which echoes the dragon face. The scratch-type design shows the power sense of "Dragon Claw" more vividly. When the penetrating taillights are lit, they are not only dynamic and dazzling, but also make people feel the extraordinary charm of luxury cars.

  Interior: luxury is the bone and tradition is the rhyme.

  From the outside to the inside, Han has created a unique aesthetic feeling and charm of Chinese luxury through the careful carving of interior layout, detailed modeling and even materials, colors and textures, which is amazing. The driving space is centered on the large-size floating central control panel, and the display and function areas extend to both sides, creating a full-fledged atmosphere for drivers and passengers. The flat-bottomed multifunctional steering wheel, full LCD instrument panel, front trim panel of co-pilot, air outlet of air conditioner and speakers are unfolded in a zigzag layout on both sides, showing the character connotation of Chinese luxury. Han’s interior has developed five colors: Xuanwu Black, Suzaku Red, Kirin Brown, Eclipse Blue and Sky Grey, providing consumers with three kinds of atmosphere color matching options: Xuanwu Black+Suzaku Red, Xuanwu Black+Kirin Brown and Eclipse Blue+Sky Grey, which better meet the personalized needs of luxury car consumers with high-grade style.

  Han’s Chinese luxury is impressive. The Nappa leather raw material of the seat is selected from cattle hide imported from Brazil and processed by more than 20 processes. It has good air permeability, delicate texture and soft touch. The two-way Long Lin stitching is integrated into China aesthetics, bringing a noble and high-end look and feel. The solid wood in the car is made of nearly 100-year-old cork, which is polished by 12 processes. The strength and seismic performance are excellent, and the unique texture and high-grade gray texture create a harmonious and natural feeling. The real aluminum material of the audio cover is made of pure aluminum wire drawing technology, and the wire drawing depth is 1.33 microns. The proper embellishment effect further enhances the sense of luxury in vision and touch.

  The DiLink 3.0 car system carried by Han echoes the Chinese luxury style. The new UI is based on the concept of "flowing clouds and flowing water" and incorporates elements such as "Hanyu" and "Taiji" in China traditional culture, which is sci-fi without losing its ancient charm; The first screen and three interfaces enhance the sense of luxury intelligence through multi-theme, personalized interface and seamless combination of voice and screen. The whole system is very easy to use. Compared with DiLink 2.0, it has greatly improved fluency, accuracy of speech recognition and reaction speed, and has become smoother.

  Han’s Chinese luxury is not only in the front row, but also in the back row. The ample deep space created by the super-long wheelbase, the boss key on the side of the passenger seat and the rear seat supporting large-scale multi-directional electric adjustment not only bring the unique sense of dignity to the rear passengers of Chinese luxury, but also further strengthen the positioning of Han’s medium and large luxury cars.

  Starting from Yan Yan’s devotion to strength, Han set off a booking boom with super product strength, sincere pre-sale price and increasing booking rights. Han will go on the market on July 10th, and real cars will land in terminal stores in major cities one after another. Welcome to the store to taste more exciting things of Han.

German IF Award | 2019 "Gold Award" Works

2019 German iF "Gold Award"

This year, contestants from 52 countries submitted their works.

A total of 6,375 works participated in the selection.

Among them, there are only 65 "Golden Awards".

The winning rate is only 1.0%!

Product design class

01. Midea Superior series stews

Design Company: Midea Group Foshan Branch (China)

Superior series kitchenware interprets the design elements of China, and the solid wood handle is matched with white ceramics, which is more suitable for young families. The shape is simple, soft and unique, and it is outstanding by combining the optimal materials and color matching.

02, Cila Go series study chairs

Design company: Lievore Altherr (Spain)

This set of chairs is specially designed for the use of learning and training. The Mo Landi color of the learning chair is very pleasing, and the chair is very functional.

The chair is equipped with an extended table board, and a storage space is designed in the base. At the same time, it can be disassembled and used as a stool with casters.

03, Kyocera KY-01L card phone

Design company: NTT DOCOMO, INC (Japan)

This mobile phone is only the size of a business card, and it is the thinnest mobile phone in the world. The design of electronic paper screen reduces energy consumption, and at the same time, it has a unique touch. Using unified design, the floating display effect of screen characters is created.

04. Hydro Flask Multifunctional Beverage Cup

Design company: Hydro Flask (USA)

This multifunctional beverage cup has a volume of about 350 ml, and is covered with silicone rubber sleeve, which can keep warm and cold, and can be put into bottles and cans with different thicknesses. It is an essential artifact for camping.

05, Ferrari Monza SP1 sports car

Design company: Ferrari S.P.A. (Italy)

Ferrari released the first model of the new limited edition special series "Icona", which was designed by its design team led by Ferrari design director Flavio Manzoni.

Inspired by the classic Ferrari model in 1950s, it is equipped with a V12 engine, with a sports car cockpit in the road body and a "virtual windshield".

Abandoning the traditional roof and windshield, drivers can enjoy the racing experience without wearing a helmet.

06. Ujet electric scooter

Design company: Leo Burnett-Laeufer (Germany)

This is a foldable electric bicycle with small volume and good track wheel safety. Installing navigation system, telephone and camera at the same time can deal with traffic problems in big cities.

07, Beside portable air conditioner

Design company: Daikin Industries, Ltd (Japan)

This is a portable air conditioner that can be used indoors and outdoors. The product is small and light, and the layout of the radiator is changed due to the adoption of a small compressor. Minimalist design style and functional components performed well, and passed the environmental protection certification.


Design company: Carozzeria Cawai Corp (Japan)

The name of this steamer is Record, with exquisite lines and good feel.

The material is 99.9% industrial grade pure carbon used in aviation field, which has good heat dissipation effect. Turn the lid to open and close the steam hole.

09, LUMI 2.0 new generation computer

Design company: Compal Experience Design (Taiwan Province, China)

This computer, like a desk lamp, has a very innovative screenless projection function. It uses artificial intelligence and AR technology to encourage users to learn in the game.

Visual communication and mixed reality experience are integrated. Rotating the top of the computer can project it on the wall, providing a better immersive experience.

10. Luminaire Innov-is XP1 sewing and embroidery dual-purpose machine

Design company: Brother Industries, Ltd (Japan)

This is a household sewing and embroidery machine. The highlight is the intuitive graphical interface and touch screen, and the control device is very clear.

Suitable for sewing bedding and large embroidery, it is also equipped with a projector, which can project patterns and production guides on the cloth, so that users can use it very easily.

11. Leg&Go 8in1 Deformable Balance Bicycle

Design company: "Shaman Inventions", Ltd (Latvia)

This bicycle adopts a unique frame design and can be converted into 8 different shapes such as pedal bicycle and polar bicycle. Highlights are cantilever wooden frame, natural ergonomic structure and minimal functional details.

12. Vitodens 300 gas water heater

Design company: V C/O Viessmann Group (Germany)

This water heater integrates all the parts into the box, and the appearance realizes the exquisite fillet radius and seamless slender front panel. The height of the control panel can be adjusted, and the white matte surface material blends well with the indoor environment.

13. Signia Styletto hearing AIDS

Design company: Sivantos (Germany)

This hearing aid is nothing like cold medical equipment. Slender design, incorporating young elements into it. Equipped with a portable charging box, it brings a new user experience to hearing patients.

14. Rainfinity Produktfamilie shower system

Design company: Phoenix Design GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)

This shower system adopts the latest "powder rain" spraying method, which allows people to clean their bodies from head to toe without getting wet on their faces and hair. The whole shower system includes overhead shower, hand shower and storage table, with smooth and harmonious lines.

15. Urban Iki children’s bicycle seat

Design company: Idenova BV Industrial Design (Netherlands)

Matt surface and soft color matching are the highlights of the seat, and the product is made of 3D laser technology. The device can be completed in 5 minutes, with a windshield at the front, and the 5-buckle seat belt can be easily turned back and loosened. Achieve a perfect balance between form and function.

16. LG OLED (E9) TV set

Design company: LG Electronics (Korea)

This TV adopts floating screen design, removing any elements outside the screen, and the cable can’t be seen from the front, which seems to be suspended in the air. In fact, there is a glass base and an invisible bracket behind it.

17. nest thermostat

Design company: Nest Labs Inc (USA)

This thermostat is energy-saving and easy to install. It is very convenient to cooperate with the Heat Link E system, adjust the temperature through the controller, and operate through the Nest app network.

18. Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL smartphones

Design company: Google LLC (USA)

Pixel 3 series is Google’s third-generation high-end smartphone, while Pixel 3 XL is designed for Liu Haiping, paying attention to details and the use of color materials.

It is equipped with dual front cameras, supports wireless charging, and optimizes antenna configuration. Create this series of mobile phones with excellent user experience.

19. Mino G7965 ScVi Dishwasher

Design company: Miele & Cie. KG (Germany)

This dishwasher has built-in the world’s first automatic dry powder dosing system, which will automatically spray at precise time according to demand. Tap twice to automatically open the door, which can be cleaned for 20 times.

The basket structure design is clear and convenient, and the 3D multi-curved tableware drawer can hold small ceramic tableware. The M Touch display is also convenient for users to select programs.

20. HP Spectre Folio notebook computer

Design companies: HP Design, Native Design, Bilio (USA)

This notebook computer is covered with natural grain leather, which is full of retro feeling when closed, and the curve at the hinge is full of softness.

With a variety of opening methods, the screen can be extended forward for fixed support, and the keyboard can be hidden to provide a luxurious user experience.

21. Salt & Pepper portable lamp

Design company: Tobias Grau GmbH (Germany)

This portable hand lamp is designed without cable. The upper end of the lamp is touch-sensitive, and the brightness can be easily adjusted. Integrated warmDIM technology, which can automatically adjust color temperature according to brightness.

22. IONITY electric vehicle charging station

Design company: Designworks (USA) under BMW Group.

This charging station can perfectly solve the problem of battery life of electric vehicles in long-distance journey, making electric vehicles a substitute for traditional transportation outside the city. High recognition and popular cutting-edge visual image also add points to it.

23. SIMOTICS S1FK2 servo motor

Design companies: at-design GbR (Germany) and Siemens AG (Germany)

This servo motor is suitable for mechanical tools, packaging machinery, robots and other demanding automation applications. Each detail component follows the specific technical requirements, and the interface technology is exquisite.

24. Sonos Beam Smart Bar Speaker

Design company: Sonos, Inc (USA)

This is a new type of smart speaker, which can be controlled by voice control or app. The design language is simple and smooth, the shape is small, but the sound can fill the whole room, and the listening experience is excellent.

25, Mino MasterCool series combination refrigerator

This refrigerator is elegant and pure in design, made of high-quality materials, equipped with LED lighting system and electric door opening auxiliary device.

There is also a wine cabinet next to it, all of which are wooden shelves, the width of which can be adjusted according to the diameter of the wine bottle, and there are five lighting methods to choose from.

26. Sony CL-N810 LED portable lamp

Design company: Sony Corporation (Japan)

The overall appearance of this portable lamp is very pleasing. It is a lighting artifact for outdoor travel and can also be used as a mobile phone charger. It contains a large-capacity battery, which can provide long-term lighting, simple and durable structure, waterproof and scratch-proof.

27. Sony aibo robot dog

This artificial intelligence dog can gradually establish its personality in interaction with human beings. It has a sleek and smooth modeling and simulation form, including 22 brakes, flexible action performance, and perfectly integrates artificial intelligence and mechatronics.

28. Short CERAN EXCITE glass-ceramic stove board

Design company: SCHOTT AG (Germany)

This cooktop is full of modernity, made of microcrystalline glass, strong color matching and different lighting modes, which enhances the ease of use.

29. Heidi’s ComfortSpin turntable

Design company: Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)

This turntable is suitable for all refrigerators or cabinets, plug and play, and can rotate freely in 360 degrees.

Solve the daily problem of taking things from the back of refrigerator or locker.

30. Samsung VL series VL5&VL3 wireless speakers

Design company: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (Korea)

Samsung’s wireless speaker perfectly interprets the minimalist design style while retaining exquisite emotional details.

Users can easily rummage through the dial remote control, and can control basic operations such as pause and play through voice.

31. HEWI System 900 Health System

Design company: NOA GbR (Germany)

This is an aesthetic and functional health system, which fully considers the convenience and safety of users, and the overall design language is simple and pure.

32. ZEISS ZX1 digital camera

Design company: designaffairs GmbH (Germany)

This camera is a mirrorless full-frame camera with excellent proportion and ergonomics. The new user interface embodies the symbiosis of software and hardware, and it can be used to shoot, edit, upload and share photos directly.

33. Balanced kitchen knife set

Design company: Paul Cohen Design (Australia)

This is a set of very functional knives, with a specially designed integrated blade and handle, made of the highest grade machined stainless steel, with a black oxidized food-grade coating on the surface.

There is a magnetically connected weight at the handle, with the weight ranging from 20 to 60g. You can adjust the weight of the knife according to your own usage habits, so as to adjust the balance.

For example, if you move the weight forward, you can cut the ingredients with a knife, and if you move the weight backward, you can make fine cutting with a knife.

34. Thin-film solar ecological Hanwa

Design Company: Hanergy Mobile Energy Holding Group (China)

This tile uses the world’s leading thin-film solar technology and has the function of environmental protection and pollution-free power generation for building houses. Single-glass tri-curved tiles have achieved a new realm of photovoltaic cells, providing functional and aesthetic material choices for building construction.

35. Assem series bathtubs and sinks

Design company: SY DESIGN (Korea)

This is a series of modular bathroom products. According to the free collocation, the fixed objects can be simply shifted and reorganized to create different models to adapt to the limitations of home space.

The product design is simple and classic, the surface treatment is unique and soft, and the flexible shape adds elegance.

36. Integrated solar reel charger

Design Company: Shangyue Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. (China)

This is a mobile charger with thin-film solar cell technology, which can become a charger when unfolded in the sun.

At the same time, it is equipped with a Bluetooth speaker, a flashlight, an intelligent remote control and a lithium battery. Can listen to songs, but also provide lighting, is an indispensable product for outdoor activities.

37, CineAlta VENICE (MPC-3610) digital cinema camera

This is a digital movie camera, which provides the best solution for the shooting team of large-scale movie projects. Modular design, each switch and control device are precisely designed, and the all-metal body enhances the durability of shooting in harsh environments.

38. Arcio Mito largo arc lamp

Design company: Occhio GmbH (Germany)

This lamp adopts a unique design language, using independent gold and silver thin lamps, and the materials and colors are perfectly integrated. The circular lampshade is almost weightless, as if suspended in the air. With brand-new sensor technology, touch switch can adjust brightness or smoothly switch up and down light.

39. FUJIFILM CALNEO Xair Portable X-ray System

Design company: FUJIFILM Corporation (Japan)

This portable X-ray system is introduced by Fuji Film Company of Japan. The product is small and light, and the radiation damage to patients can be reduced due to the use of high sensitivity imaging plate. From the handle, bracket to lens processing, it shows the attention to quality details. Its design reflects the concern for patient care and the workflow of medical staff.

40. VariJET 106 printing machine

Design company: Design3 (Germany)

This is a digital high-performance inkjet printer. Its design simplifies the complexity of use, coordinates functional elements, and is ergonomic. The color matching system is silver and gray, and the blue plate printed with reflective logo is added, which highlights the brand image of the manufacturer.

41. Two double-acting door handles

Design company: Pili Pili N.V. (Belgium)

This door handle needs to do two actions at the same time to open the door. It is used in dementia hospitals to prevent patients from entering other people’s rooms, ensure proper resistance and safety, and effectively reduce the workload of nursing staff.

Architectural design class

42. Farmers’ Relocation House in Dongzhiguan

Design company: gad (China)

43. Sai Shen Road Terrace Apartment

Design company: Ishikawa Sushu Architectural Design Office (Japan).

44. Media Accommodation Hotel for PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 2018

Design company: POSCO A&C (Korea)

Professional concept class

45. Volvo concept loader ZEUX

Design company: Volvo Construction Equipment (Sweden)

Legotechnical (Denmark)

46. MAN CitE concept city logistics distribution truck

Design company: MAN Truck & Bus AG (Germany)

47. BMW Vision iNEXT concept car

Design company: BMW Group Design (Germany)

48. AP 360 concept electrical installation system

Design company: schmitz Visuelle Kommunikation (Germany)

Packaging category

49, Le Beck’s beer packaging design

Design company: SERVICEPLAN/PLAN.NET GERMANY (Germany)

50, Cheong Kwang Jang Alpha Project health care products packaging


D-ORIGIN (Korea), CFC (Korea)

51. BenQ projector pulp molding and packaging.

Design company: BenQ Corporation (Taiwan Province, China)

Visual communication class

52. Scars of Democracy website design.



Studio Heu.Land、capo’s finest

53. Art4GlobalGoals website design

Design company: denkwerk GmbH (Germany)

54. Opera Touch mobile browser App

Design company: Opera (Norway)

55, the periodic table of chemical elements web application

Design company: Art. Lebedev Studio (Russia)

56. Tian shui brand image design

Design Company: Yu Ziji Design Office (China)

57. Brand image design of Liyuan Theater

Design company: signal communication (Korea)

58. "Open your eyes" poster design

Design company: Grey Germany/KW43 Branddesign (Germany)

Interior design class

59, Samsung-inspired by you "interactive multimedia device.

Design company: Cheil worldwide (Korea)

MDLab Cheil Germany (Germany)

DaamDaam Samuso (Korea)


60. "Experience New Energy" Exhibition

Design company: SHISEIDO TEAM 101 (Japan)

WOW inc (Japan), HAKUTEN (Japan)

61. Science and Technology Experience Museum

Design companies: GBO (Korea), Aworks (Korea)

62. "mccarron User Experience" Exhibition

Design companies: ATELIER BRCKNER (Germany), Speirs & Major (UK)

TAMSCHICK MEDIA+SPACE (Germany), Jason Bruges Studio (UK)

Rogers Stirk Harbour+Partners (UK)

Fashion design/user experience category

63, endoscopy department reform

Design company: Philips Design (Netherlands/USA)

EenSTUDIO (Netherlands)

FlexSim Software Products, Inc (USA)

64. SXT partner notification service

Design company: Bit Zesty (UK)

65. WeChat self-service cashier

Design Company: WeChat Pay (China)


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Xiaomi Automobile: SU7 needs to be re-queued after refitting, and it cannot be returned after refitting successfully.

On April 14 th, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Automobile, issued a document today announcing that the 24-hour limited time reconfiguration will be started at 9: 00 am on April 19. Xiaomi Automobile gave a further explanation in the answer to a netizen’s question (episode 17) tonight.

Xiaomi said. The delay of car pick-up time depends on the lock time of the user’s current order Even if the user locks the order early and ranks high, the delivery cycle will be significantly increased because of the successful reconfiguration. And it cannot be returned after successful repartition, so please repartition carefully.

For the question of "why is it limited to one day?" Xiaomi said that the production of the factory and the preparation of materials were prepared in advance according to everyone’s lock orders, and the supply of materials was not timely, which in turn affected the efficiency of production and delivery of vehicles. Starting from ensuring the delivery cycle of all users, the company chose the scheme to minimize the impact, hoping to get everyone’s understanding.

The full text of Xiaomi attached to IT House is as follows:

We really weighed the impact of the reallocation on the order sequence many times, and finally decided that we need to queue up again after reallocation, which is fairer to all users.

The delay of picking up the car depends on the locking time of your current order. Even if you lock the order early and rank high, the delivery cycle will be significantly increased because of the successful reconfiguration. And it cannot be returned after successful refitting. Please refit carefully!

Since listing, we have been listening carefully to your suggestions and continuously trying our best to solve problems for you. Thank you for your trust and support. The specific rules are subject to the relocation rules in Xiaomi community, and you can also consult your sales consultant or delivery consultant for a more personalized consultation reply.

The production of the factory and the preparation of materials are prepared in advance according to everyone’s lock list. If a large number of changes are made continuously, the production will be chaotic and the material supply will not be timely, which will affect the efficiency of production and delivery of vehicles. Starting from ensuring the delivery cycle of all users, we chose the scheme to minimize the impact, hoping to get your understanding.

Due to the different default permission settings of different brands, it may be impossible to charge Xiaomi SU7 normally because it is only available for a certain brand model or the white list authorization mechanism. Before users of Xiaomi SU7 use other brands to fill piles, please make sure that the charging permission setting is turned on at the pile end. For the specific permission setting method, please refer to the instruction manual of the corresponding brand pile or communicate with its customer service for a detailed tutorial.

Taking the pile filling of Tesla’s third generation home as an example, it is necessary to change the access control of the pile end from "Tesla only" to "all vehicles" before charging Xiaomi SU7. The steps to modify the initial setting procedure are as follows:

At present, Xiaomi’s smart parking products do not support the related functions of calling vehicles from a long distance at a specific location in the parking lot.

The modified structures and parts cannot enjoy the official warranty rights; The structural and functional damage of the vehicle caused by modification is also beyond the coverage of warranty rights. Detailed warranty policy of Xiaomi SU7 can be found in official website.

Sure. After you turn on the cell phone hotspot, find the corresponding cell phone hotspot network in "Settings-Connection -WLAN" on the central control panel and connect it.

Of course, the mobile phone can also be connected to the hotspot network of the car. If you have purchased the physical buttons on the central control panel, you can use the NFC-enabled system mobile phone to connect the car hotspots by relying on the volume knob in the middle of the physical buttons on the central control panel. If there is no physical button on the central control panel, open the car hotspot network on the central control panel and connect with the mobile phone.

After the mobile phone is connected to the hot spot of the car, it can not only share the network of the car. If passengers use mobile phones equipped with Xiaomi HyperOS system, convenient control of vehicle seats, air conditioners, music, etc. can also be realized in the integrated equipment center of mobile phones.

Eleven driving assistance cameras are standard on all models of Xiaomi SU7. When the forward binocular camera detects occlusion, it will automatically turn on the heating wire in its window for heating, defogging/rain/snow removal, without manual operation.

At the same time, Xiaomi SU7 Pro and Xiaomi SU7 Max are also equipped with lidar. When occlusion is detected, the lidar window will automatically turn on the heating function, and this heating function also needs no manual operation.

Xiaomi SU7 has four electric air outlets, so you can freely choose the blowing mode and wind direction. At present, functions such as automatic wind sweeping and avoiding people blowing are not supported, and related functions will be pushed through OTA upgrade in the future.

In addition, the air conditioning system of Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with CN95 filter element, PM2.5 real-time monitoring system, AQS air quality detection system, antibacterial evaporator, etc., which makes the cabin air healthier and fresher.

What is the capacity of BYD Han dm fuel tank?

Byd Han dm’s fuel tank capacity is 48 liters. As a medium and large car, BYD Han dm has body dimensions of 4,960mm, 1,910mm and 1,495mm respectively, with a wheelbase of 2,920mm. In addition to the plug-in hybrid version, there is also a pure electric version. This plug-in hybrid car uses a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine with a maximum horsepower of 192 HP and a maximum torque of 320 Nm. It is equipped with in-cylinder direct injection technology and uses an aluminum alloy cylinder head. Matching the engine is a 6-speed dual-clutch gearbox, which can improve the shift speed and transmission efficiency of the car. In terms of suspension, the front suspension of BYD Han dm adopts McPherson independent suspension, and the rear suspension adopts multi-link independent suspension, which improves the ground adhesion and grip of wheels.

Volvo’s new XC60: smarter, for safety.

When it comes to Volvo, "safety" will almost be the first word in everyone’s mind. With the advantages of brand history, reputation and safety performance, Volvo has achieved double growth in brand and sales in China. Among them, XC60 is Volvo’s most popular and highest-selling model. In 2020, XC60 accounted for about 30% of Volvo’s sales in China.

Facing the luxury medium-sized SUV market which is already in the Red Sea, Volvo XC60 (parameter picture) has a place in the highly competitive market with its distinctive Nordic brand label and excellent safety performance.

On June 11th, the new XC60 was officially launched, with a total of 9 styles including 1 B4, 5 B5 and 3 T8. The official guide price is 373,900-603,900 yuan. The new car continues to strengthen its competitiveness to cope with the upgrade of its competitors. The key word this time is "intelligence".

Intelligence is the only way for Volvo to be safe.

"Intelligence" is the only way for Volvo to achieve the ultimate safety in the new era, but people are the starting point and end point of all Volvo technologies. Therefore, the upgrade focus of the new XC60 is intelligence.

In fact, in the intelligent tide of the automobile industry, the safety of automobile products is constantly approaching this aspect, including intelligent and safe driving, pedestrian safety, and car networking. As a representative in the field of automobile safety, Volvo also demonstrated its future layout of intelligent safety technology through the launch of the new XC60.

The first is the intelligent cockpit. The new intelligent concept and technology have further changed our car life and made the car operate like a smart phone.

Volvo’s new XC60 has a built-in native Android car, which is based on the standard version of the car Android system jointly developed by Volvo and Google, which can achieve better adaptation and effectively promote the establishment of an open intelligent ecosystem.

On the other hand, Volvo cooperates with the best partners in various fields, such as Ali, Tencent, Huawei, Iflytek and Gaode Map, to create the best application and service, and it can be accessed through the ONE ID account system. The most intuitive example is the WeChat scan code login machine, which is the only model that can be achieved at present.

The upgrade iteration of intelligent driving technology is the top priority of Volvo safety.

In 2015, the Volvo industry first introduced the Pilot Assist navigation assistance system, equipped with three world-first intelligent safety technologies. The whole system comes standard with City Safety urban safety assistance system, which has been iterated for many times in the past ten years, covering travel safety to every participant on the road and making safety to the extreme.

At the same time, Volvo is constantly approaching the advanced stage of intelligent driving-automatic driving, which is realized by cooperating with a series of technology companies. For example, to become the first automobile brand supported by NVIDIA OrinX chip, the powerful chip provides enough computing power for the automatic driving system, and the brand-new electronic and electrical architecture based on the central computing platform and Ethernet will ensure the high-speed data throughput required by the automatic driving function.

Volvo plans to achieve highly automatic driving assistance functions such as navigation assistance and automatic lane change according to the route set by navigation in 2023. Around 2025, automatic driving without human intervention will be realized on closed road sections. At present, it has reached a strategic partnership with Waymo, the world’s leading autonomous driving company.

In China, Volvo cooperated with Didi Chuxing to launch XC60 self-driving taxi service in Shanghai last year, and in April this year, Didi provided hundreds of XC90 self-driving cars equipped with redundant systems supporting steering and braking functions.

With the upgrading of the three strengths, the new XC60 is more competitive and has more cards.

The XC60 model has been recognized by many elite consumers in the city and established a good reputation. Therefore, the internal and external design of this annual change has not changed much. After all, this design is excellent enough. Choosing fine-tuning will be more rational and safe, mainly through the adjustment of details and materials to improve the overall texture and grade of the car.

For example, the straight waterfall chrome plating on the front face of the luxury model adds a broken line design, and the C-shaped chrome trim on both sides of the old bumper is replaced with a long strip design on the new model, which stretches the visual width of the front of the car. The sports version is replaced with a more radical bumper, and the net adopts a sharper and more dynamic blackened dot matrix style.

There are also many changes in the new XC60. All electronic gear bars have replaced the old mechanical gear bars, and the luxury version has used the Swedish royal national treasure Orrefors crystal gear bar. In addition, the medium-high configuration version will be equipped with or equipped with B&W Baohua Weijian audio system, and the whole system is still the only CleanZone? Nordic clean cockpit at the same level. On the whole, the cockpit of XC60 has a very distinctive temperament and luxury label compared with BBA of the same level and competitors of second-tier luxury brands. Many consumers choose XC60 for this set of interior.

Intelligent cockpit and safety upgrade are all reflected in the new XC60. For example, the only native built-in Android car system at the same level, the open Ali/Tencent/Huawei open ecological full coverage and Iflytek natural speech semantic recognition system provide drivers and passengers with a more convenient travel experience. In addition, the threshold of City Safety urban intelligent safety system is further lowered, and all XC60 models are equipped.

In terms of performance, the power control chassis of the new XC60 has been fully upgraded.

In terms of power, the whole new car is upgraded with 48V light mixing system, which further improves the overall performance and fuel saving level, and also significantly improves NVH and ride comfort.

Volvo Cars has formed a complete electrified product matrix including pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and light hybrid vehicles. According to Volvo’s timetable for electrification transformation, all product lines will be electrified in 2021; In 2030, it became a pure electric luxury car enterprise; Strive to become a climate zero-load benchmark enterprise in 2040.

In terms of chassis control, the damping adjustment of the shock absorber of the new car tends to improve comfort, and with the seat jointly developed by the Royal Swedish Medical College, the driving comfort is further improved.

In addition, the new XC60 adopts an electronically controlled braking system to achieve a braking response of 0.15 seconds, and the braking response speed is increased by 2 times; There is also a full-time intelligent four-wheel drive system +4C adaptive chassis and air suspension equipment, which greatly improves the driving safety and handling.

Zero integer ratio is the best, attracting more rational users.

In the current market, XC60 still focuses on mainstream rivals such as Mercedes-Benz GLC, BMW X3 and Audi Q5L. In terms of brand power, Volvo may not be as good as it is, but in terms of product quality, XC60′ s advantages lie in more complete safety equipment and more cost-effective configuration advantages. There is also the tonality and connotation of Volvo’s unique brand.

Another thing I have to mention is the zero integral ratio. In the 12th Vehicle Zero-integral Ratio System Data released by China Automotive Technology Research Institute, the zero-integral ratio coefficient of BMW Brilliance X3 is 700.72%, that of Beijing Benz GLC is 614.69%, that of FAW Audi Q5L is 479.20%, and that of Volvo XC60 is only 466.60%, which is obviously the lowest among competing products of the same level.

The lower the zero integral ratio, the lower the maintenance cost of this model, not only the XC60, but also the models under the Volvo brand have lower zero integral ratio than the same level, which is a big attraction for the rational luxury car consumers, and many users who choose Volvo are actually rational buyers.

Zhong Shu

Nowadays, the competition of luxury medium-sized SUVs is becoming more and more fierce, and the "differentiation" characteristics of products will become a breakthrough. The unique Nordic design and people-oriented safety concept of XC60 will attract more and more attention. At the same time, fully accessing the online ecosystem of Ali, Tencent and Huawei, and Volvo embracing local suppliers in China to further meet the domestic market demand will become Volvo’s competitive advantage.