UEFA has cooperated with the parent company of French football, and will jointly hold the Golden Globe Award from 2024.

On November 3rd, UEFA and media company Groupe Amaury (the owner of French football magazine and team newspaper) announced today that they will jointly organize the famous Golden Globe Award from 2024. The common goal of UEFA and Amauri Group is to enhance the status and global influence of the award, and at the same time cultivate the sense of unity and cooperation in football.

Since 1956, the Golden Globe Award has been awarded by the French football magazine every year, which is the most prestigious honor that a football player can get in recognition of the outstanding achievements and extraordinary talents of the award-winning players. As part of the agreement, Amauri Group remains the owner of the Golden Globe brand and will continue to supervise the voting system, which will remain unchanged and independent. UEFA will contribute its football expertise, market global commercial rights and organize the annual awards evening.

In addition, the plan will add two new awards, the Men’s Football Team and the Women’s Football Team Coach of the Year Award, which will recognize the valuable contribution of coaches. The current trophy lineup will keep the same names as before, namely, Golden Ball Award for Men’s Football Team, Golden Ball Award for Women’s Football Team, Copa Award (U21 Best Player), Yaxin Award (Best Goalkeeper), Gade-Mueller Award (Top Shooter last season), Club Award for Men’s Football Team, Club Award for Women’s Football Team and Socrates Award (Humanitarian Contribution).

UEFA President Cheferin said: "In the past 70 years, the Golden Globe Award has been the most prestigious personal honor in football, a proof of the extraordinary skills, dedication and influence of football legends, and an immortal mark left by them in the history of football. The competitions between UEFA clubs and national teams, such as the Champions League and the European Cup, are considered to be the highest stage for elite players in the world, and usually play a key role in the candidates for major honors and their position in the football temple. UEFA and Golden Globe are synonymous with sports Excellence, so our cooperation will be a natural integration of Excellence and synergy, which will be unparalleled. "

Jean-étienne Amaury, CEO of Amauri Group: "The Golden Globe Award is the dream award of the greatest players in the world. We hope that the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony will become a global event to showcase and highlight the individual and collective performances of top football players, inspire all football talents, and aim to gather the passion and enthusiasm of fans from all over the world. "

This cooperative relationship has further consolidated the relationship and historical ties between UEFA and Amauri Group, which can be traced back to more than half a century ago, when Team Newspaper contributed to the idea of creating the European Champions Cup, which has become the world’s top club competition, that is, the current European Champions League.


The fuselage of domestic large aircraft C929 will be made in Hangzhou.

  On March 12th, the "Domestic Top Matching" project in Qiantang District, Hangzhou-the domestic wide-body aircraft fuselage composite parts development and production project entered the final stage, which is expected to be completed in the middle of this year. The project will build a research and production base for fuselage parts of wide-body passenger aircraft. After it is put into production, it will assemble the middle parts of 45 aircraft with an annual output and about 4 aircraft with a monthly output, which can meet the demand of 50%-60% of domestic 250-seat passenger aircraft dual-channel jet aircraft in the next 20 years, further fill the shortcomings of Zhejiang in the field of advanced aviation manufacturing, especially in the field of aviation composite materials, and build an important platform for regional scientific and technological innovation, industrial structure upgrading and breakthroughs in high-end manufacturing.

  In March, 2021, Zhejiang Huarui Airlines was successfully selected as the sole primary supplier of China Commercial Aircraft C929 fuselage, and was included in the domestic large aircraft model sequence by introducing the world’s advanced aviation composite manufacturers.

  In September of the same year, the main project of Zhejiang Huarui Aviation Manufacturing Project landed in Zhizhi Garden, with the goal of building the largest aviation composite material factory in China, meeting the requirements of supporting the production of large fuselage parts of China Commercial Aircraft, and helping the domestic large aircraft C929 to develop flight test and mass production.

Sing the folk songs of northern Shaanxi in English, will you listen to them?

"The flower in Shandandan is gorgeous …" The folk song "Shandandan is gorgeous" in northern Shaanxi has spread all over the country, but have you heard the English version?
"I want more people to like northern Shaanxi folk songs." Wen Shilong, 57, is wearing a red Tang suit and black-rimmed glasses. Although his temples are pale, his eyes are still bright. He has multiple identities: an English teacher in Yan ‘an Vocational and Technical College, a folk singer, and the "first person" who translated and sang folk songs from northern Shaanxi into English.
Wen Shilong interacts with foreign friends after singing folk songs in northern Shaanxi in English (Photo courtesy of Wen Shilong)
Wen Shilong was born in Zichang County, Yan ‘an City, Shaanxi Province. He loved both English and singing since he was a child. After graduating from college, he became an English teacher. After teaching, he did not let go of his love for folk songs in northern Shaanxi. In 2007, Wen Shilong was invited to Beijing to participate in a TV program and sang a song "Nothing is as good as our ravines" for the audience. After returning, Yan ‘an musician Cao Junmin gave him an "idea": to translate folk songs in northern Shaanxi into English to sing.

Wen Shilong sang the folk song "Tears Drop in the Glass" in English.
"I refused at first and felt that he was embarrassing me." Wen Shilong laughed, but he still wanted to take risks. "I have an English background, and singing folk songs is also my hobby. Why not try it?" Wen Shilong once sang folk songs to some foreign friends, but they could only appreciate the beauty of rhyme and could not feel the connotation of the songs. Therefore, it became Wen Shilong’s initial motivation to let foreign friends understand the folk songs in northern Shaanxi, and he began to secretly try to translate them.
However, the problems in the process came one after another. There are many rhetorical devices such as fu, bi and xing in the language of folk songs in northern Shaanxi, and there are many dialects and dialects, and there are so many musical techniques such as tune-throwing and falling notes that it is difficult to translate them in place and keep their original flavor, so that English lyrics can be sung with melody.
"This work is interdisciplinary, which requires both musical literacy and translation skills, as well as understanding the folk culture of northern Shaanxi, and must also be able to sing folk songs. If the translation is not catchy and easy to sing, it is meaningless. "
In order to retain the beauty of rhyme, form and artistic conception of folk songs in northern Shaanxi to the greatest extent, Wen Shilong used various translation methods such as literal translation, free translation, supplementary translation and omission translation, and even used new forms such as Rap to polish and audition repeatedly, striving to express the semantic context of the original song and express the language styles of dialect proverbs, overlapping words and lining words in lyrics.

Wen Shilong sings "Dongfanghong" in English
His wife Feng Tao was his first audience. Every time a song is translated, Wen Shilong always sings it to his wife first, so that she can give her advice and then he can modify it. In this way, Wen Shilong translated nearly 100 northern Shaanxi folk songs, including "Shandandan Blossoms in Red" and "Nanniwan".
Along the way, there are many voices of doubt. Some people say that the folk songs he translated are "four unlike", and the folk songs in northern Shaanxi should be sung in dialects. Wen Shilong was also depressed and discouraged, but he later figured it out. "I don’t want to change the folk songs in northern Shaanxi, but I want to let the folk songs in northern Shaanxi have one more window and one more channel for more people to accept and love."
"Behind the folk songs in northern Shaanxi is the spirit of northern Shaanxi. Growing up in this yellow land, the people in northern Shaanxi are not afraid of suffering, and they can have fun in suffering. They sing and travel in the sky, and through hard work, the bitter days will be better." In Wen Shilong’s eyes, this is the soul of folk songs in northern Shaanxi. In addition to translating folk songs in northern Shaanxi, he now tries to translate Henan Opera and some popular songs, and creates new folk songs such as Ode to the Gardener and Looking for the Footprints of Lu Yao, hoping that more China songs will be sung around the world.
"Whenever I sing a folk song, my heart is like a blossoming Dandan flower, which is bright." Wen Shilong raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile, his eyes were bright.
Reporter: Xin Yiru, Han Xiao
Editor: Chen Dongshu

Why can’t Yujian Popular Science see the sun after taking some medicines?

I heard that sun exposure can cause adverse drug reactions? Some drugs can’t see the sun after taking them, so they need to "avoid the light"? Summer is coming. In order to prevent people from being inadvertently poisoned by "photosensitivity", today I will tell you what this is all about.

What is the photosensitive reaction?

Some drugs, after being taken, can cause allergic reaction of human body under the stimulation of light, which is called photosensitive reaction. Its symptoms are similar to solar dermatitis or sunburn rash, such as erythema and edema, accompanied by itching and burning pain; Or pigmentation occurs, and in severe cases there are blisters or erosive ulcers.

Photosensitive reactions include phototoxic reactions and phototoxic reactions. Phototoxic reaction has nothing to do with the autoimmune system, and can occur in anyone without incubation period. Generally, it can occur within a few minutes to a few hours after the first drug is irradiated by sunlight, mostly at the exposed site. After stopping the drug or avoiding light, the reaction can quickly subside. Photoallergic reaction is a kind of delayed allergic reaction related to the autoimmune system, which can be triggered by a small dose of light or weak sunlight. It usually occurs in a small number of allergic people, with a incubation period of 24 ~ 48 hours, and symptoms can occur all over the body, not just in the exposed parts. This kind of reaction lasts for a long time and can develop into a chronic and persistent photosensitive reaction.

What drugs can cause photosensitive reactions?

There are many drugs that can cause photosensitive reaction. Here are some common drugs.

Quinolone antibiotics: including sparfloxacin, lomefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin, etc. It is clearly pointed out in the instructions of levofloxacin capsules that after exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays, moderate to severe photosensitive/phototoxic reactions will occur, which can be manifested as excessive sunburn reaction, so excessive exposure to light sources should be avoided. In order to reduce the adverse reactions of such drugs, it is generally recommended to take drugs every night.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: including aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, meloxicam, piroxicam, sulfasalazine, etc. Such drugs can cause photosensitive/phototoxic reactions, and once they occur, they should be stopped immediately.

Cardiovascular drugs: Nifedipine, Nimodipine, Amiodarone, Captopril, Benazepril, Enalapril, Indapamide, Valsartan, Losartan, etc. can cause photosensitive reaction. These drugs are generally chronic diseases and need to be taken for a long time. Therefore, patients need to strengthen safety awareness and avoid excessive sun exposure or exposure to light sources during medication.

Sulfonylurea hypoglycemic drugs: including glibenclamide, glimepiride, glipizide, etc. Such drugs can cause photo-allergic reactions. Diabetic patients should also pay attention to the adverse reactions of such drugs if they take them for a long time.

Other drugs: including tetracycline drugs (minocycline, doxycycline, etc.), sulfonamides, anti-tuberculosis drugs (pyrazinamide), digestive system drugs (ranitidine, omeprazole, pantoprazole, etc.), antidepressants (fluoxetine), retinoic acid (isotretinoin), etc.

How to prevent photosensitive reaction?

If you use the above drugs, you should pay attention to sun protection during the medication and at least 5 days after stopping the drug; Try to avoid traveling during periods of strong sunshine. In the event of a rash or skin reaction, you can immediately stop taking medicine or sunscreen, and at the same time, cold compress the red, swollen and hot parts. If the symptoms are still not relieved, go to the dermatology department in time.

Authors: The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Liu Chong, Chen Chengqun and Shi Xiangfen.


How does love affect our lives?

Original title: How does love affect our lives?

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in life, which has a far-reaching impact on our lives.

First of all, love can bring happiness and happiness. When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine, which makes us feel happy and happy. These chemicals can make us feel more relaxed and happy, so that we are full of enthusiasm and vitality for life. Secondly, love can also bring growth and change. When we fall in love with someone, we will work hard to better meet each other’s expectations, so as to promote our continuous progress and growth. At the same time, we will be inspired and influenced by each other’s advantages, so as to change our own shortcomings and deficiencies. Finally, love can also bring pain and trouble. When we lose love, we will feel heartache and loss, and even lose confidence and hope in life. In addition, love will also make us face various challenges and difficulties, such as communication, trust, mutual support and so on.

Love is a double-edged sword, with both good side and painful side. Let’s learn to face the challenges and difficulties in love while enjoying the happiness and happiness brought by love.

Editor in charge:

A Super Practical 2018 Examination Calendar: June and October are the most intensive examinations.

  China Jiangxi Net News reporter Shen Guannan reports that the exam is not complete, but it can effectively urge lazy cancer patients. Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice announcing the work plan for the qualification examination of professional and technical personnel in 2018. 2017 is coming. Do you have any plans for the new year?

  Opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared. Here, the reporter from Jiangxi Network in China has compiled a calendar of super-practical examinations for you in 2018, wishing everyone to become a "Kao Ba" in 2018 and win the spearhead in the examination room.


  May 20: GRE test

  6, 7: 2017 Teacher Qualification Interview

  6th, 13th, 18th and 20th: IELTS.

  6, 13, 27 and 28: TOEFL test

  21st: TOEIC exam


  1st, 3rd, 10th and 24th: IELTS test.

  2 nd: GRE exam

  4th: TOEFL test

  25th: TOEIC exam


  3rd, 10th, 15th and 24th: IELTS test.

  3rd, 10th, 11th, 24th and 31st: TOEFL test.

  April, 17th and 30th: GRE test

  17th: TEM8 (TEM8)

  18th: TOEIC exam


  14th and 28th: GRE test

  14th and 15th: Consulting Engineer (Investment)

  14-17: Computer Application Level Examination

  15th: TOEIC exam

  15th and 21st: TOEFL test

  21st: TEM-4 (TEM4)

  21st and 22nd: assistant real estate agent, real estate agent.


  5th and 6th: Registered Architect (Class I and Class II)

  5-7 days: professional qualification of nurses

  6, 12, 19 and 26: TOEFL test

  12-20: Accounting (Elementary)

  12th and 13th: Registered Architect (Grade I)

  13th, 20th and 27th: GRE test

  19th and 20th: Qualification of supervision engineer, environmental impact assessment engineer and translation major (Grade I, II and III).

  20th: TOEIC exam

  26th and 27th: Health (primary and intermediate), computer technology and software (primary, intermediate and advanced)


  2nd and 3rd: Professional qualification of health (primary and intermediate) and banking professionals (primary and intermediate)

  2, 10, 23 and 30: TOEFL test

  7-9: National College Entrance Examination

  7, 15 and 29: GRE test

  9th and 10th: Assistant social worker, social worker, motor vehicle inspection and maintenance engineer.

  16-21: Computer Application Level Examination

  16th: CET-4 and CET-6 written test (undetermined, usually the third Saturday in June).

  17-23: Practitioner (practical skills, undetermined, this is the time of 2017)

  23rd and 24th: registered surveyor (Grade I) and land registration agent.

  24th: TOEIC exam

  Late stage: senior high school entrance examination (different provinces and cities)


  1, 7, 8 and 14: TOEFL test

  May 5 and 15: GRE test

  15th: TOEIC exam


  25th: Certified Public Accountant (comprehensive stage)

  25th and 26th: TOEFL test

  26th: TOEIC exam

  26th and 27th: Medical practitioners (comprehensive written test, undetermined, this is the time of 2017).


  1, 7, 14 and 28: GRE test

  2, 8, 9, 15 and 16: TOEFL test

  8th and 9th: registered nuclear safety engineer, registered equipment supervisor, registered surveyors, accountant (intermediate and advanced).

  15th and 16th: Architect (Grade I) and Appraiser.

  23rd: TOEIC exam


  12th, 21st and 26th: GRE test.

  13th: Publication (primary and intermediate)

  13th and 14th: real estate appraiser, assistant inspector of highway and waterway engineering, experimental tester, auctioneer (paper and pen answer), licensed pharmacist (pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine), certified public accountant (professional stage).

  13th, 14th, 20th, 27th and 28th: TOEFL.

  20th: Communication (Primary, Intermediate)

  20th and 21st: registered urban and rural planner, assistant real estate agent, real estate agent, registered civil engineer (geotechnical engineering, port and waterway engineering, water conservancy and hydropower engineering (5 majors)), registered public equipment engineer (3 majors), registered chemical engineer, registered environmental engineer, registered structural engineer (level 1) and certified public accountant (European test area).

  21st: Registered Institution Engineer (Grade II), Audit (Junior, Intermediate and Advanced) and Statistics (Junior, Intermediate and Advanced)

  27th and 28th: Professional qualifications of cost engineer (intermediate), registered surveyor (ships and offshore facilities, fishing vessels), registered safety engineer (intermediate) and banking professionals (primary and intermediate).

  28th: TOEIC exam


  3, 18 and 23: GRE test

  3rd and 4th: Economics (primary and intermediate level) and translation professional qualification (first, second and third level).

  4th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 24th and 25th: TOEFL test.

  10th and 11th: registered fire engineer (level I), computer technology and software (primary, intermediate and advanced), tax agent.

  17th and 18th: auctioneer (actual operation), tender (final exam)

  17-20: Computer Application Level Examination

  25th: TOEIC exam


  1, 8, 15 and 16: TOEFL test

  2, 14 and 22: GRE test

  October: written national civil service examination (undetermined, this is the time of 2017)

  15th: CET-4 and CET-6 (undetermined, usually the third Saturday in December)

  15-20: Computer Application Level Examination

  23-25: National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (undetermined, this is the time of 2017).

  16th: TOEIC exam

Lingao Beautiful Scenery Come to Guyin Waterfall to enjoy the spectacular scenery formed by force of nature.

Original title: Lingao Beautiful Scenery Come to Guyin Waterfall to enjoy the spectacular scenery formed by force of nature.

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 2 news (Reporter Lin Wenquan) "When you stand under Guyin Waterfall, surrounded by thin water droplets, under the big banyan tree, the sun passes through the forest leaves, and the fog in the water suddenly becomes a golden beam, hitting the water and the jungle … This is not just a trip, but more like a baptism of the soul." Ms. Xie, a tourist, shared her wonderful feelings about her trip to Lingao. In recent years, Guyin Waterfall has become a punch-in point for many tourists in online celebrity, which has also promoted the development of local economy.

Guyin Waterfall. Photo courtesy of Lingao County Rong Media Center

Guyin Waterfall is located near the west of Juren Village, Huangtong Town, north of Lingao. As a minority scenic spot, there are few people and beautiful scenery here, and the surrounding tropical plants are rich, and the ancient banyan trees are magnificent. According to local villagers, Guyin Waterfall has the reputation of "Three Tanks and Nine Songs", because it is located in Juren Village, and there is another one named Juren Waterfall. It is understood that the waterfall is caused by the drop of Pingchuan, with a drop of 20 meters, a width of 20 meters and a width of 400 square meters. There are many strange rocks around it, with different shapes and various shapes.

Enter from the gate of the scenic spot and walk for more than ten minutes to see the waterfall. Along the way in full of green, flowing water gurgled and butterflies shuttled freely. The waterfall poured down from the top of the mountain, forming a spectacular sight. The background of the waterfall is dense tropical rain forest and rolling mountains, which makes people feel like they are in a vivid picture.

During the tour, tourists can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of Guyin Waterfall, but also experience the local folk culture and food. In the villages around Guyin Waterfall, you can learn about the traditional Li culture and customs, such as Li costumes, songs and dances, food and so on. In addition, you can also taste farm dishes with Lingao characteristics, such as wild vegetables, bamboo rice, grilled fish and so on.

When the Spring Festival comes, you can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also watch the volleyball match. It is reported that from February 18th to 20th, the 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Tournament will be held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. In this competition, there are four teams, namely Lingao Team, Haikou Team, Ding ‘an Team and Chengmai Team, who will challenge the men’s nine-a-side volleyball competition.

(Lin Wenquan)

Perfect diary "bionic film" essence lipstick shining conference, promoting the continuous upgrading of beauty industry

  Nowadays, the competition in China’s cosmetics market is fierce, and the domestic cosmetics market has been growing, and more and more emerging brands have emerged. However, in the era of fragmentation, if brands want to break out of the circle and get long-term development, they must have a keen insight into the trends in the industry and have a deep understanding of the needs of consumers. As a new generation of professional beauty brand, Perfect Diary has been making continuous efforts in the field of make-up skin for many years, leading the new beauty trend of makeup and maintenance, and bravely climbing the beauty peak.

  In September last year, Perfect Diary once again waved the banner of innovation and successfully held the first launch conference of "bionic film" essence lipstick, which opened a new breakthrough in the integration of brand makeup and maintenance. This conference is a brand-new exploration of the definition of beauty, and it also brings more imagination space for exploring the combination of Industry-University-Research medicine and modern art aesthetics.

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  At the conference site, Perfect Diary also held the Biomimetic Membrane Technology Forum, and specially invited many experts such as Cheng Jing, chief scientific officer of Perfect Diary, to share and speak and witness the research and development story behind the new brand lipstick species, namely bionic membrane essence lipstick. Biomimetic film lipstick is the first product launched by Perfect Diary, which combines lip essence, blush makeup effect and lip film effect. The main purpose is to break through the limitations of traditional makeup products, and at the same time solve the problem of consumers’ demand for lipstick "color fixing and color locking", so that makeup products can also provide consumers with skin care effect and provide consumers with a brand-new product experience that truly conforms to the concept of "integrating makeup and nourishing".

  Perfect diary bionic film essence lipstick through the creation of lip bionic film Biolip™ Technology, with biotechnology research and development to enhance product efficacy, create lip bionic sebum film, while achieving excellent effects of color development and uniform color locking, it can also dilute lip lines, increase skin moisture content after continuous use for two weeks, significantly improve lip dryness and roughness, and make lip skin smoother. In addition, Perfect Diary has made great innovation in formula research and development with the first bionic film essence lipstick, and also chose to return to simplicity and neatness in packaging design, which is closer to the needs of consumers. The perfect diary of the new era adheres to the research and development concept of BIO-TEC biotechnology products, integrates biotechnology and skin care ingredients, and leads the new trend of cosmetic care.

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  Perfect diary insists on taking consumers as the center of gravity and constantly improving brand strength. I hope that in the future, Perfect Diary will continue to challenge the boundaries of beauty cosmetics, and together with various forces inside and outside the industry, it will continue to lead the growth and progress of beauty cosmetics, promote the sustainable development of beauty cosmetics industry with practical actions, and create more effective cosmetic products.

Which fashionable electric car is suitable for girls? New day lifts the new trend of "retro futurism"

2024 is a popular new product, and New Day Moses 3.0 sets off a new trend of retro technology aesthetics. Can you imagine that the beauty of the design of an electric car can combine "retro aesthetics" with "future technology" and combine "technology precipitation" with "future technology" to the extreme?

Based on the hot market background of Moses series, combined with the real feedback from merchants and users, New Day Moses 3.0 is further upgraded and developed with the concept of retro futurism. With more elegant retro style and modern advanced technology, it has recently created a high-value female car, which is fashionable, elegant and beautiful.


The interweaving of future and past, fashion and retro.

The design of New Day Moses 3.0 is inspired by the retro design of the Beatles, and the high windshield front panel is fashionable and practical, highlighting the strong retro style. The exterior color matching of the vehicle adopts 18th century French classics.rococoartwindLattice]Camellia White/Luoden Frost Green, Roman Green, Rabbit Ear Powder/Plum Powder, Lime White/Oak Brown, etc. are fashionable and retro, which are the romantic aesthetics favored by artists and the most comfortable 6:3:1 gold color scheme recognized in the world, making people full of exquisite, elegant, gorgeous and delicate visual enjoyment.

Not only is the appearance of the color scheme elegant and profound, but the details of the design are also adopted by Niigata Moses 3.0."High-gloss mirror paint", 4 times spraying, 5 times baking, paint luminosity ≥ 90, more shiny and textured. Paired with those commonly used for jewelry decoration."Bright silver plating accessories"With 15 technological processes, 100+ polishing and 10h+ electroplating, it has better oxidation stability, can effectively prevent oxidation and corrosion, and is more beautiful and upscale.


From the past to the future, alwaysStick to the performance experience

Under the extreme style and high-value appearance, it is a high-profile configuration with full experience. In terms of power, Moses 3.0 is equipped.High performance motor, the power output is stronger; Double hydraulic shock absorption before and after, minimizing the bumpy feeling caused by rough and bumpy roads, and creating electric motorcycle-level comfortable riding. The night riding experience of the vehicle is also very comfortable, with retro rounded headlights and front and rear turn signals, all-round.360 laser lighting system, with stronger brightness, wider visual range and longer illumination distance.

Vehicle seats are made of high-quality delicate leather 3D wrapping design.Palm leather cushionAfter 36 tanning processes, it is more water-resistant and wear-resistant, with good elasticity, comfortable and delicate feel, and it is not easy to produce scars or deformation. Combined with the cloud cushion technology, the high-density rebound sponge with a thickness of 70mm gold is soft and fits the hip curve. The vehicle also supportsBluetooth inductive unlockingOne-button reversingAnd other intelligent functions, girls with small strength can also start and stop easily, comfortable and elegant throughout.


For many users, fashion sense can be said to be the first important factor affecting car purchase decision. An electric car with a good appearance can be more enjoyable and meet various needs such as wearing. On the other hand, New Day Moses 3.0 not only has a good face value, but also every detail, including style design and riding performance, gives people an exquisite and practical experience, allowing functionalism and emotional value to coexist. Let’s get off to a good start in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon and turn comfortable and elegant travel into a daily routine ~

Shandong "sauna day" has to be "steamed" for 4 days. Experts explain how high temperature and high humidity weather are formed.

Qilu Net Lightning News August 3 rd Today, hot weather appeared in many places in Shandong. In the next four days, high temperature and high humidity weather will continue to appear in Shandong. According to meteorologists, the persistent occurrence of this kind of weather is mainly due to the control of subtropical high (referred to as "subtropical high").

Today, the highest temperature in most parts of Shandong is above 35℃, and the highest temperature is 37.1℃ in Zibo Boxing. Since August 2, the subtropical high in the northwest Pacific Ocean has been extended westward, and as a result, high temperature and sultry weather have continued to appear in Shandong. Experts said that when the subtropical high was controlled, it prevailed in downward flow, and the weather was sunny and hot.

"The weather in Shandong is relatively sunny, so solar radiation heating is more obvious. In addition, there is no obvious cold air activity, and the southerly airflow prevails in the lower level. The southerly airflow is to transport water vapor to Shandong, in addition, it is warm and humid air, in addition, the temperature is rising, and in addition, the humidity in the lower atmosphere is increasing, which causes high temperature and high humidity weather. Gao Liuxi, chief forecaster of Shandong Meteorological Observatory, told the lightning journalist.

The Shandong Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature at 16: 00 today: due to the influence of subtropical high, it is estimated that the highest temperature in Liaocheng, Dezhou, Binzhou, Dongying, Jinan, Zibo, Weifang, Tai ‘an, Heze, Jining and Zaozhuang will be above 35℃, with local temperature of 37 ~ 39℃ and relative humidity of 60 ~ 80% on 4 ~ 7. The high temperature process has high humidity, high body temperature sensitivity and long duration, so it is necessary to guard against the adverse effects caused by continuous high temperature.

Lightning journalist He Zewei correspondent intern Liu Yichen reports.
