The Spring Festival is not "closed"! The wonderful activities of the Chenghuang Temple Fair in the ancient city of Yongzhou continued until the Lantern Festival.

How to play in Nanning during the Spring Festival holiday? On the morning of February 10th, in the historical and cultural block of Three Streets and Two Alleys in the ancient city of Yongzhou, the first Spring Festival of the National Style and the Chenghuang Temple in the ancient city of Yongzhou was held in a lively way, and the citizens and tourists who came to visit were in an endless stream and felt the strong flavor of the year.

There is an endless stream of citizens and tourists who come to play.

Citizen tourists come to visit the Town God Temple Fair Market and decorate the historical and cultural blocks of the three streets and two lanes of the ancient city of Yongzhou. Ruishi Xianglong brings wonderful performances to citizen tourists in the Town God Temple Square, which is lively and festive. After the performance, Ruishi Xianglong began the Spring Festival parade, and the Chenghuang Temple Fair opened in Chenghuang Temple Square and China Grand Theater Square. Sour fruit, eggs, fake baskets, fragrant tofu, chicken cakes, tanghua and other delicious foods are dazzling, which makes everyone enjoy themselves.

Lots of food.

Ms. Li, a tourist from the northeast who came to Nanning for the New Year, called for food from the alley to the alley. She said that this was their first time to spend the New Year in the south. On the same day, they visited the Chenghuang Temple Fair and visited the memorial halls of ceramics museum and Deng Yingchao in Ouluohanfeng, Nanning, and felt that this year’s New Year ceremony was full of sense. After eating delicious food on the spot, they also bought chicken cakes and old lady cakes, and planned to bring them back to the northeast.

Food attracts tourists to stop.

In addition to food, everyone is also interested in handmade costume headdresses, cute dolls and other items in the market. A child saw "Altman" selling dragon-shaped balloons and was deeply attracted. Some citizens burn incense and pray for blessings, and some have a non-legacy cultural experience. The activities are rich and colorful.

"Altman" sells dragon balloons so that children can’t move their feet.

At the event site, young people are keen to participate in interactive garden games such as "good luck", "lucky money" and "dragon carp ring". When a family travels, they like to take photos at the punching points in Chenghuangmiao Square, China Grand Theater Square and other places to record the happy moments of reunion. It is understood that the dragon is the design element in the three streets and two lanes of the ancient city of Yongzhou, and the Spring Festival punch points are set up at landmark points in several cities such as Chenghuangmiao Square, China Grand Theater Square, Deng Yingchao Memorial Hall, Cangximen, and the foot of Xinhua Road Water Tower, so that citizens and friends can feel the Spring Festival culture in an all-round and immersive way in a strong atmosphere of the annual scene. This activity reproduces the lively temple fair scene in ancient times, promotes the culture of Chenghuang Temple Fair, and triggers the retro fashion of "visiting temple fairs" for young people through activities such as New Year’s Fair, folk art exhibition, intangible cultural experience, welcoming visitors to the Garden, collecting stamps, and art flash.

The Spring Festival activities in Sanjie and Liangxiang, the ancient city of Yongzhou, are colorful.

[Special reminder] Nanning City God Temple Association

★ Activity location: the ancient city of Yongzhou, the square in front of the Town God Temple in three streets and two lanes, and the square in front of the China Grand Theatre, etc.

activity time: February 10-24

★ Activity content:

1, the city god temple will be the first day of the first month to the eighth day.

New Year’s Fair, Folk Custom Skills, Non-legacy Experience, Welcome to the Garden

2, the three major parades on the first day of the first month

Xianglong Ruishi Blessing Parade, Chenghuang Blessing, Ruishi Performance, Xianglong Performance, Ruishi Parade, worship ceremony of Chenghuang on the second day of the first month, blessing of Chenghuang, temple fair opening on the fifth day of the first month, welcoming wealth and receiving blessings, welcoming the God of Wealth, the God of Wealth Parade, and the God of Wealth sending a ceremony to celebrate the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month, Hanfu Parade Fish Dragon Dance, Happy Lantern solve riddles on the lanterns, and national clown immersion.

3, year of the loong punch device from the first day to the fifteenth day of the first month.

Denglong Nafu atmosphere installation, family portrait series punching beautiful, yue longmen atmosphere beautiful, Hongyun Changlong atmosphere beautiful, other streets and lanes atmosphere beautiful.

4, dragon plan from the first day to the eighth day of the first month.

Interactive stamp collection: landmark punching, interactive punching and stamp collection punching.

5. Theme art exhibition from the first day to the fifteenth day of the first month.

Dragon theme art exhibition

6, the atmosphere of punching the fifth day of the first month

Mei Chen punched in, a love letter/giant rose Mei Chen/love is around the corner.
Source:Nanning Evening News Nanning Bao News Client Reporter Wei weiwen/map

Special Feature: Finding the Way in the Changing Situation —— Review of the International Situation in 2019

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19th Special feature: Finding the way in the changing situation — — Review of the International Situation in 2019

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Ban Wei

  In 2019, the second decade of the 21st century is coming to an end.

  This year, the world was full of chaos and challenges: the game between big countries intensified, the governance deficit increased, and the world economy continued to slump. The characteristics of the accelerated evolution of the "great change in a hundred years" are more obvious: the dispute between multilateralism and unilateralism is more acute, protectionism and populism are surging against the current, and power politics and bullying are rampant everywhere.

  This year, globalization and multipolarization are still moving forward with heavy burdens in twists and turns, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is emerging. More and more countries are seriously thinking about what choices should be made in the contest between cooperation and confrontation, multilateralism and unilateralism, and openness and closure.

  The Sound and the Fury

  The change of the "2019 edition" shows that the game between big countries has obviously warmed up.

  Near the end of the year, NATO held a "70th birthday party". However, American leaders repeatedly complained that "NATO is out of date", demanded NATO member countries to substantially increase their military spending, and called the EU an "enemy" of trade. France said that NATO experienced "brain death" and so on, which made the party "play inharmony", and the wrestling of all parties increased. NATO tasted the birthday cake with "trust deficit".

  The German newspaper Le Monde said: "NATO is now threatened from within." Gusev, director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Planning and Forecasting, said: "The complicated relationship between the United States and NATO allies complicates the current international relations."

  This is the latest epitome of the widening rift in traditional relations in western countries. In one year, the G-7 held a summit, but only issued a "one-page statement" that lacked substance, highlighting internal differences and weak influence. As the world’s largest economy, the United States has repeatedly opened new fronts in the global trade war. After announcing the imposition of tariffs on EU aviation and agricultural goods, it plans to retaliate against French digital tax … …

  During the past year, Russia hoped that Russia-US relations would return to normal, but frankly this situation has not yet appeared, and relations with the United States are "regressing and getting worse and worse". Although Russia and Europe have released in good faith from time to time, improving relations is facing challenges. Japan’s Diplomatic magazine said that "cold peace" seems to be becoming the new normal of bilateral relations.

  The change of the "2019 edition" shows that anxiety, tearing and chaos are staged in many parts of the world, and the uncertainty is further increased.

  Political struggles in Latin American countries have intensified, and governance problems have become prominent; The confrontation between Iran and the West and the Syrian conflict are intertwined, which intensifies the turmoil in the Middle East and presents a peace deficit. Britain’s "Brexit" has been delayed for a long time, revealing social tears and institutional difficulties; The United States continues to "retreat from the group" and tries to make the United States "great again" through unilateralism and protectionism, which has impacted the international order.

  The change of the "2019 edition" is also manifested in the continued downturn of the world economy. Georgieva, the new managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said that trade disputes, Britain’s "Brexit" and the uncertainties brought about by geopolitical tensions are inhibiting the global economic growth potential. IMF predicts that the global economic growth this year will be the lowest since the international financial crisis in 2008.

  The sunshine behind the dark clouds

  In the changing world, people can still touch the development force in the deep dive. The light coming out of the clouds still indicates the general trend of global development.

  In the face of changes, "everyone is also looking for new alternatives and ways out." Zheng Yongnian, a professor at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore, pointed out that it is a general trend for more countries to jointly promote multilateralism while some western powers are pursuing economic nationalism and unilateralism.

  This year, in the face of counter-current, globalization is making efforts to take new steps. On November 4th, the Third Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) leaders’ meeting issued a joint statement, announcing that the 15 member countries had concluded all text negotiations and virtually all market access negotiations. The publication of the joint statement marks a major breakthrough in the construction of the East Asia Free Trade Area with the largest population, the largest membership structure and the greatest development potential in the world, highlighting that multilateralism and free trade are still the mainstream in the world.

  Yu Jie, a senior researcher at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, believes that the breakthrough in RCEP negotiations plays an exemplary role in solving the development problem of economic globalization and sets an example for developing countries to seek the right to speak in global governance.

  Earlier, the construction of a free trade area on the African continent was officially launched, and the "marathon" negotiations between MERCOSUR and the EU Free Trade Agreement finally came to fruition. Today, with the increasing downside risks of the world economy, more and more countries realize the importance of maintaining free trade and a rules-based multilateral trading system for hedging risks and seeking growth.

  This year, the world saw the trend of the continuous development of multipolarization. In the great changes, emerging markets and developing countries, represented by BRICS countries, are constantly rising, which has injected strong impetus into the reform of the global economic governance system and effectively promoted the process of world multipolarization.

  This year, the world saw that a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation was emerging. The limit of growth has always been a haze lingering over the development of human society. Nowadays, people are increasingly seeing the bright future of innovation-driven solution to the development difficulties.

  In the past year, the world began to enter the stage of 5G commercial deployment, and the transformation of old and new kinetic energy accelerated; AI intelligence in all fields has provided a broad blue ocean for economic development; New breakthroughs have been made in quantum computing, and its prospects are limitless. The new scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation have provided more opportunities for countries to achieve leap-forward development, and also made it an inevitable logic for countries to increasingly blend interests, share common destiny and win-win cooperation.













How does love affect our lives?

Original title: How does love affect our lives?

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in life, which has a far-reaching impact on our lives.

First of all, love can bring happiness and happiness. When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine, which makes us feel happy and happy. These chemicals can make us feel more relaxed and happy, so that we are full of enthusiasm and vitality for life. Secondly, love can also bring growth and change. When we fall in love with someone, we will work hard to better meet each other’s expectations, so as to promote our continuous progress and growth. At the same time, we will be inspired and influenced by each other’s advantages, so as to change our own shortcomings and deficiencies. Finally, love can also bring pain and trouble. When we lose love, we will feel heartache and loss, and even lose confidence and hope in life. In addition, love will also make us face various challenges and difficulties, such as communication, trust, mutual support and so on.

Love is a double-edged sword, with both good side and painful side. Let’s learn to face the challenges and difficulties in love while enjoying the happiness and happiness brought by love.

Editor in charge:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Those jokes caused by "occupational diseases" must be seen by migrant workers!

Tell everyone a joke.

"It’s Friday today, and I won’t go to work tomorrow."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Disease control jun, I’ll laugh first.

Fridays are always wonderful.

In such a good mood

Why don’t we have a few more jokes to help-

Those "occupational diseases" in life

I dowaiterI have been doing this for a long time. On my classmate’s birthday, we went out to eat. In the middle of eating, the next table shouted."waiter". I suddenly stood up and replied "Hello!" Is this the legendary occupational disease?

taxi driverAfter working for eight years, I went to the supermarket by private car one day and saw someone waving a taxi by the roadside, so I turned right and went straight to others, stopped by them, and then drove away silently without thinking.

Today, I went to the supermarket to buy a bowl. The cashier’s sister said, "Two dollars and five cents". I didn’t have change and gave a ten-dollar bill, sister.I’ll just pass the bowl when I get the change, and thenThe cashier sister laughed and the people in line at the back laughed. Alas. Occupational disease, I can’t afford to hurt.

Working outside

Have you ever made a joke because of "occupational disease"?

We often ridicule "occupational diseases"

But in fact, these are not real occupational diseases.

Let’s talk today.

Occupational disease in the true sense


What is a real "occupational disease"?

China has the largest working population in the world.

New occupational health hazards are constantly emerging.

Some migrant workers have to be exposed to all kinds of harmful factors.

Coupled with physical and psychological pressure.

So I got a real "occupational disease"-

industrial diseaseRefers to the employees of enterprises, institutions, individual economic organizations and other employers in their professional activities,Diseases caused by exposure to dust, radioactive substances and other toxic and harmful substances.

The legal occupational diseases in China mainly include (10 categories, 132 kinds):

Occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases

Occupational dermatosis

Occupational ophthalmopathy

Occupational otorhinolaryngology and oral diseases

Occupational chemical poisoning

Occupational diseases caused by physical factors

radiation induced diseases

Occupational infectious diseases

occupational cancer

Other occupational diseases

How to judge whether you have occupational diseases?

Refer to these four standards

(1) there must be a factual employment relationship with the employer;

(2) must be produced in the course of engaging in professional activities;

③ It must be caused by contact with dust, radioactive substances and other toxic and harmful factors;

④ It must be the occupational diseases listed in the occupational disease classification and catalogue published by the state. (I won’t list them one by one if there are too many)

Common occupational diseases include these

Do you know?

1. Occupational-related lung diseases, such aschronic bronchitispneumonectasisWait;

2. Bone and soft tissue injuries, such as many forced posture operations such as standing and sitting.Low back pain, shoulder and neck pain, scoliosis, tenosynovitisWait;

3. Career-related heartVascular diseaseFor example, the detection rate of hypertension in high temperature workers is higher than that in non-high temperature workers, and the incidence and mortality of coronary heart disease are increased due to exposure to chemicals such as carbon monoxide and carbon disulfide;

4. Reproductive dysfunction, such as exposure to lead, mercury and carbon disulfide, can lead tobe born prematurelyandabortionThe incidence rate increased;

5. Digestive tract diseases, such as coal miners.Gastrointestinal ulcerThe rate is higher than that of the general population, and high temperature workers can causeIndigestionThe incidence of other diseases has increased.

Don’t want to get occupational diseases

How should workers correctly prevent it?

Stay away from occupational hazards

Workers must take precautions first.

this6 doses of "vaccination"Please accept

Vaccination 1:

Before taking up their posts, workers should sign with the employer.labour contract;

Vaccination 2:

Abide by the occupational health post of the employing unit.operating instructionOr something regulations;

Vaccination 3:

Persist in homework.Correct use of occupational disease protection articles, such as dust masks, anti-noise earplugs, etc.; (Refer to previous tweets: How important is protective equipment? Know these personal protective equipment and protect occupational health. I will act! )

Vaccination 4:

Participate in the organization of the employer in time.Occupational health examinationAccording to the requirements of medical institutions, timely review relevant occupational abnormal items;

Vaccination 5:

If you find any illness or abnormality that may be related to your occupation, pleaseCheck or consult with professional institutions in time.;

Vaccination 6:

⑥ Take an active part in the activities carried out by the employer.Occupational disease prevention knowledge training, or through the media, the network search knowledge of occupational diseases, improve their awareness of protection. (PS: Pay attention to "Shenzhen Longgang Disease Control", where there is a lot of occupational disease knowledge)


That’s the end of today’s popular science

Have a nice weekend, worker!

—recommended in the past—


Source: CDC trends in China, CDC in Sichuan and CDC in Longgang.

Part of the picture comes from the internet, and the copyright belongs to the author.

Produced by Shenzhen Longgang District Health Education Institute

Operation service: Jing newspaper office

The wind of making up lessons outside school is prevalent, and the recruitment of "pinching the top" should be real.

  Recently, this newspaper has received reports from parents of primary and secondary school students in some places that some middle schools organize examinations and selection through off-campus training institutions in the process of upgrading from primary school to junior high school. The school’s "pinch-top" enrollment forces primary school students to participate in various extracurricular classes in the fourth and fifth grades, and the wind of making up classes outside the school is prevalent. The reporter conducted interviews and surveys in major cities.

  Xiaoshengchu illegally recruited students, and in some places, less than half of primary school graduates participated in computer allocation.

  "Since the fifth grade, my son has no weekends, no winter and summer vacations. When the school is on holiday, we are all making up lessons. " Recently, Li Yun of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is going to take his son who graduated from primary school to travel. Li Yun told reporters that this is her "reward" for her son. In this year’s junior high school exam, his son was admitted to Qixiu Campus of the Municipal Experimental Education Group.

  When it comes to junior high school education in Hohhot, the experimental middle school is the most famous, with five campuses, three of which are public and two are private, collectively known as Hohhot Experimental Education Group. In recent years, the state has vigorously promoted the balanced development of compulsory education. The public campus of experimental middle schools mainly relies on computers to recruit students, which makes two private branch schools of experimental middle schools that can enroll students independently increasingly sought after. Li Yun’s children are one of them.

  Compulsory education is free of entrance examination, so why can the experimental middle school branch organize "pinching the top" recruitment? Qu Huihua, president of the Experimental Education Group, said: "The education department allows them to enroll students, but they are not allowed to take exams. At present, the personnel and finance of these two campuses, including enrollment, are carried out independently. They can enroll students independently and will not communicate with me. I don’t ask how they enroll students, and I don’t know how to operate. "

  In the investigation, the reporter found that some places turned a deaf ear to the provisions of the Ministry of Education on the simultaneous enrollment of private compulsory education schools and public schools. In many cities, private schools have been the first to recruit students for many years in a row, while public schools have been the last to assign computers.

  In another provincial capital city, at the end of last year, the Education Bureau issued a notice that public junior high schools are free of examination and allocated to schools nearby or relatively nearby, but private junior high schools adopt the method of "computer random allocation+independent enrollment". The best two or three local junior high schools are run by the local people, and "self-enrollment" is allowed. Many parents can only take their children to various remedial classes for their children’s future.

  A student’s parents told the reporter: "I learned that there are entrance exams in junior high schools, both public and private, and the exams in private junior high schools are more difficult." Her daughter entered the public middle school because she didn’t pass the entrance examination of the private middle school.

  The reporter’s investigation in Hohhot found that if the candidates took the private school exam and were admitted, and wanted to participate in the computer allocation of public schools again, they would be deprived of the qualification of the senior high school entrance examination, and they would not have the opportunity to enjoy the relevant preferential policies of high-quality high schools. It is understood that in recent years, there are more than 20,000 junior high school students in Hohhot every year, but only 9,087 primary school graduates participated in the on-site computer allocation this year, less than half of the total.

  The recruitment is becoming more and more hidden, and the teacher of the training class calls temporarily, and also submits resumes and open days.

  In recent years, the Ministry of Education has issued a number of documents, requiring all localities to fully implement the policy of free entrance examination for compulsory education. This year, the General Office of the Ministry of Education reiterated in the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment of Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools in 2019 that all public and private compulsory education schools must strictly abide by the compulsory education exemption admission regulations. However, under the strict investigation, some schools still secretly recruit students through various means.

  Parents who have experienced junior high school in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province in recent years, most of them know "MK", a phonetic alphabet with the nature of code. "MK" is the homonym of "secret exam", and there are also "ZA" (believing in the Olympic class), "YS" (cultivating experiment), "YLQ" (pre-admission) and "QY" (signing) … … Parents told reporters that they joined the students’ parents group, teaching auxiliary institutions group and "MK" group through various channels, and inquired about the "secret test" information through this set of "passwords".

  Different from previous years, this year’s "secret exams" in private schools have been reduced, and they have been replaced by forms such as submitting resumes and "meeting" for a few minutes on the school open day.

  The reporter came to a junior high school when the enrollment was the most tense. Because the education department did not allow the school to collect students’ resume materials, the school did not set up a resume material collection office, but placed several large wastebaskets on the spot, and the security guards instructed parents to throw the "abandoned" students’ resume materials into the wastebaskets. After the activities were over and the school gate was closed, some parents received calls from social teaching auxiliary institutions one after another.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, despite the increased efforts to investigate and deal with illegal recruitment at the beginning of Xiaoshengchu, the examination is more and more hidden and has been repeatedly banned.

  In a certain place, Linlin, who just graduated from primary school, took nearly 10 junior high school exams organized by training institutions in the first half of this year. Apart from some private schools, there are also several "rocket classes" exams in public schools, most of which are in remote temporary examination rooms.

  The reporter came to a training institution in Linlin where she attended the Olympic Mathematics tutorial and organized her to take the exam, and asked the staff whether she could participate in the junior high school entrance examination. A staff member said that "the situation changes every year, and not every school can participate in the recruitment." The staff member next to him immediately took out his mobile phone and typed a few words, whispering to the staff member: "That’s what he meant." The staff member immediately changed his statement: "We never organize junior high school exams for schools, but only conduct ordinary extracurricular training."

  "Don’t say they won’t tell you, our parents can’t ask!" Linlin’s mother, Ms. Zhao, told the reporter that every time she took the exam, she received a phone call from the teacher of the training class, informing her when and where there was a very important exam. "But which school exam didn’t tell us."

  A staff member of a training institution said: "This year, the Education Bureau conducted a strict investigation. In previous years, each school organized at least two or three exams, but this year, each school basically only took one exam. It turns out that we have even moved our office this year, and we are afraid to put up a sign now … …”

  Training institutions are crowded, and some say that they are closely related to popular schools, and super-class teaching is more common.

  "Among the students I came into contact with in Xiaoshengchu, 80% of the children will go to tutoring institutions." Teacher Li of a training institution said that due to the scarcity of high-quality educational resources and the continuous intensification of academic competition, various counseling institutions have sprung up.

  As parents of students, the reporter made unannounced visits to several off-campus training institutions in several cities, and found that the teaching contents of many training institutions seriously exceeded the prescribed scope of the syllabus. At the same time, in the face of parents who come to consult, most institutions will introduce the close relationship with popular schools, as well as the high quality of education and stable transportation of students.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, the state’s repeated requests for strict prohibition of the Olympiad, which is the basis for entering the compulsory education stage, has become an unavoidable threshold for students taking the junior high school selection examination in some places. Chinese and English have greatly improved the investigation of primary school students’ ancient prose and vocabulary. "In order to recruit top-notch young talents, if you only test the knowledge in the textbook, you can’t open the grade at all. Therefore, if you want to pass the exam and enter a good school, you must learn the Olympics, and the difficulty of Chinese and English will also increase. " A staff member of a training institution somewhere said.

  "I got Pythagorean Theorem in my junior high school exam. This is what I learned in junior high school. I won’t do it without attending junior high school training!" A parent said that some counseling institutions have private contact with the school, and some students said after the exam that "the exam is not difficult at all, I have done it all". It is said that the enrollment rate of this counseling institution has reached 80%— 90%。

  In Guangzhou, some parents told reporters that some junior high school "secret exams" were entrusted to teaching auxiliary institutions in the society, which were true and false and could not be identified. "Many exams fall from the sky without meaning, charging hundreds of yuan and thousands of yuan. After answering the questions and handing in the papers, there is no news." Sometimes parents also suspect that some "secret exams" are scams, but they are afraid that this is an "opportunity" and would rather be deceived than let go once.

  A parent in Chengdu, Sichuan said: "Schools want students, but dare not organize exams. Training institutions have students, but they don’t ‘ Exit ’ , both ‘ In and out ’ , hit it off. " The parent told reporters that the tuition fees of these training institutions are expensive, often tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan.

  "On one side is the solemn statement of the school ‘ Never entrusted any organization to organize the junior high school entrance examination ’ On the one hand, it is organized by various institutions ‘ Xiaoshengchu ’ Exam. Report the problem to the Education Bureau, and the Education Bureau will reply ‘ Upon inquiry, the school did not organize the examination ’ 。” In this regard, some parents are puzzled: "Since it is strictly forbidden to take the junior high school entrance examination and choose a school based on the examination results ‘ Pinch the tip ’ Why not thoroughly investigate the organizers of the exam? If the exam has nothing to do with the school, it is cheating. "

  The reporter’s investigation found that in recent years, the measures to rectify the problem of "pinching the top" recruitment should be said to be severe, but for schools, there are still many countermeasures. Some schools have joined hands with teaching auxiliary institutions to avoid punishment. It is an open secret in some areas that parents can’t get exam information without enrolling in various cram schools at high prices. At the beginning of Xiaoshengchu, the problem of "pinching the top" recruitment and the chaos of teaching auxiliary institutions should be highly valued by the competent authorities.

  (The names of students and parents in the article are all pseudonyms.)

  ■ after editing

  Cut off the interest chain of illegal recruitment

  Judging from the letters from the masses and the investigation by reporters, the phenomenon of illegal recruitment and crazy make-up classes is worth noting.

  At the beginning of Xiaoshengchu, it was like "one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer". However, illegal recruitment disrupts the order of enrollment and destroys the educational ecology; Rushing to the top of the class disrupts the progress of education and teaching and increases the burden on students; If you don’t give lectures in class, it will damage the teaching order and the atmosphere of teachers. To control illegal recruitment and make up classes, we must resolutely cut off the interest chain. Imagine, if the training institutions are decoupled from further studies, will business still be so hot? If the school strictly implements the admission to the nearest school, will students still rush to get away?

  Not long ago, the national basic education work conference was held, which put forward new requirements for the reform and development of basic education. In order to cool down the school selection fever from the root, in addition to drumming, it is necessary to further expand quality education resources and make more and more good schools at home; It is even more necessary to focus on solving the "baton" problem fundamentally, not only evaluating schools by enrollment rate, but also evaluating students by scores, resolutely overcoming and correcting the tendency of exam-oriented education, and making great efforts to cultivate and develop students in an all-round way.

It snows in many places in the north! Suspension of classes, off-peak commuting …

From the night of December 10th to 11th,
Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Henan and many other places
It’s snowing
Earlier, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning of blizzard at 18: 00 on the 10th. It is estimated that there will be heavy snow in central Shaanxi, southwestern Beijing, southern Hebei, western Shandong and eastern peninsula by 20: 00 on the 11th, including southwestern Shanxi, northern Henan and southeastern Liaoning.
Netizens have exposed snow scenes ↓↓↓
Image source: @ Meteorology Beijing
Image source: CCTV News
The cold wave swept through most of the central and eastern regions.
Snowfall in parts of Huanghuai in North China is extreme.
From December 10th to next week, there will be two rounds of large-scale rain and snow weather in the central and eastern regions of China, in which some areas of North China, Huanghuai and other places have overlapping heavy snowfall, and the snowfall is extreme, so it is necessary to guard against the influence of snow and road icing on traffic. In addition, the cold wave will continue to bring significant cooling to the central and eastern parts of China, and the cumulative cooling range in some areas such as Huanghuai and Jianghuai can exceed 14℃.
The first rain and snow process
It is expected that the first large-scale heavy snowfall will occur in North China and Huanghuai this winter from December 10th to 11th. There are small to medium snows in North China, northern Huanghuai, south-central Northeast China and eastern Northwest China, among which there are heavy snows or blizzards in parts of northwestern Shaanxi, south-central Shanxi, south-central Hebei, north-central Henan, eastern Liaoning and southeastern Jilin.
Heavy snowfall mainly occurs in Shanxi, Hebei, Henan and other places, among which there are local blizzards in southern Shanxi, northwestern Henan and central China, and the daily snowfall is extreme.
The second rain and snow process
It is estimated that from December 13th to 15th, there will be large-scale rain and snow weather in the central and eastern regions again, with small to medium snow in the eastern part of northwest China, north China, northern Huanghuai, south-central Northeast China and southeastern Tibet, heavy snow in parts of south-central North China, northern Huanghuai and southeastern Northeast China, and local snowstorms. There are small to moderate rains and local heavy rains in southern Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai and Jiangnan. There are small to medium snows in the eastern part of northwest China, north China, northern Huanghuai, south-central Northeast China and southeastern Tibet, and there are heavy snow and local snowstorms in parts of south-central North China, northern Huanghuai and southeastern Northeast China. There are small to moderate rains and local heavy rains in southern Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai and Jiangnan.
Xu Jun, chief forecaster of the National Meteorological Center, said that the rain and snow process from 13th to 15th lasted longer than the first process, mainly concentrated on 13th and 14th, and the accumulated snowfall in the two days was relatively large, and it was close to the first rain and snow process, so it was necessary to pay attention to the superimposed effect of snowfall. In addition, after the completion of the process, most parts of North China will have a temperature drop of 6 to 8℃, and the local temperature drop will be more than 12℃.
Many measures have been taken in various places.
In response to the rain and snow, various measures have been taken to ensure the normal production and living order of the people.
Beijing: subway extends the delivery time of peak capacity
According to the forecast of the meteorological department, there will be small to medium snow in Beijing from the evening of the 10th to the night, and snowfall is relatively obvious in some areas of Mentougou, Fangshan, Yanqing, Changping and Daxing, which is expected to have a certain impact on Monday morning rush hour traffic. Beijing Metro announced that Beijing ground line trains will turn on warm air and electric heating in advance. During the morning rush hour on Monday, December 11th, depending on the passenger flow, suburban lines will extend the peak capacity by one hour, and urban lines will extend the peak capacity by 40 minutes.
Heilongjiang: ensuring the safety and stability of heating and water supply
On December 10th, most areas of Heilongjiang Province ushered in a sharp drop in temperature. It is expected that the minimum temperature in some areas will drop to-25 ~-30℃ on October 15th. In order to cope with the extremely cold weather, all localities have strengthened various livelihood security work such as water supply and heating. In Fujin City, Jiamusi, the local heating company increased the number of inspections of heating equipment such as pipe networks and valves to ensure the heating quality. With the cold wave cooling, the water pipe network is also prone to problems. In Wangkui County, Suihua City, due to the sudden drop of temperature, the water supply pipeline of a household in the bungalow area of Xihuan Community in Wangkui County was frozen and cracked. After receiving the emergency maintenance call, the staff restored the water supply in the household after two hours of emergency repair.
Wang Yanming, a staff member of Wangkui Water Supply Service Center, Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, set up four emergency repair teams, which are on standby 24 hours a day to fully ensure the safety of water supply for residents in winter.
Shanxi: Some high-speed traffic control measures are implemented.
Affected by strong cold air, most parts of Shanxi ushered in rain and snow to cool down, and the drop in some areas exceeded 12 C. In Yangquan, Jincheng and other places in Shanxi, snow has appeared on the expressway pavement. In order to ensure traffic safety, the traffic police implemented traffic control measures on the snow-covered sections and icy sections. At present, some road sections have implemented traffic closure control measures. In Taiyuan, in order to cope with the adverse effects of rain and snow cooling on outdoor workers, more than 2,000 "bee-warming stations" have been set up to provide outdoor workers with hot water, charging, first-aid kits, food heating and other services.
Henan three places: junior high school, primary school and kindergarten are closed for half a day.
According to the forecast of the meteorological department, severe weather such as snowfall, strong wind and low temperature is expected to occur in Zhengzhou, which will affect normal education and teaching activities. According to the Emergency Plan of Zhengzhou Education Bureau on Low-temperature Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster, in order to ensure the safety and health of teachers and students, Zhengzhou Education Bureau decided to take temporary suspension measures. The suspension time is on the morning of Monday, December 11th, 2023, and the suspension range covers all junior high school, primary school and kindergarten students in Zhengzhou (including districts and counties). Whether to continue to suspend classes on the afternoon of the 11th, Zhengzhou Education Bureau will inform you separately according to the weather conditions.
On the 11th, the Education Bureau of Anyang City, Henan Province issued an urgent notice on the temporary suspension of classes under extreme weather conditions.
According to the forecast of the meteorological department, severe weather such as snowfall and low temperature will affect the normal education and teaching activities. According to the Emergency Plan of Anyang Education Bureau on Low Temperature Frozen Rain and Snow Disaster, Anyang Education Bureau decided to take temporary suspension measures to ensure the safety and health of teachers and students.
Scope of suspension: all junior high school, primary school and kindergarten students in the city (including counties and districts). Time of suspension: Monday morning, December 11th, 2023. Whether to continue to suspend classes on the afternoon of the 11th will be notified separately by the Municipal Education Bureau according to the weather conditions.
On December 10th, the Education Bureau of Xinxiang City, Henan Province issued a notice that due to the influence of snow, strong wind, low temperature and other weather, Xinxiang City Education Bureau decided to take temporary suspension measures to ensure the safety and health of teachers and students, according to the Emergency Plan of Xinxiang City Education Bureau on Low-temperature Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster.
Time of suspension: Monday morning, December 11th, 2023. Whether to continue to suspend classes on the afternoon of the 11th, Xinxiang Education Bureau will inform you separately according to the weather conditions. Scope of suspension: all junior high school, primary school and kindergarten students in Xinxiang City (including counties and districts).
It is reported that Xinxiang City, Henan Province, launched a Class IV emergency response to low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters on December 10th.
Shandong Jinan initiative: implementing peak-to-peak commuting
On December 10th, Jinan issued: A proposal on peak-to-peak commuting in response to heavy snowfall.
According to the forecast of the meteorological department, from the afternoon of December 10th to the evening of 11th, there will be heavy snow to blizzard in the whole city, and with the drop of temperature, roads will be frozen and covered with snow. In order to ensure the safety of the city’s citizens, we propose:
All levels and departments have implemented the requirements of the Notice of Jinan Municipality on Implementing Opinions on Dealing with Suspension Arrangements and Delayed Work in Extreme Weather. On December 11th, in addition to ensuring the normal operation of the city and convenient service posts, personnel from other organs, enterprises and institutions have to commute at peak hours. Those who can’t get to work on time due to weather are not included in daily attendance. All social units can refer to the implementation. Advocate citizens to travel green. If it is not urgent, try to reduce self-driving travel and pay attention to travel safety.
The ground is slippery on snowy days.
In the beautiful scenery of snowflakes.
Don’t forget to keep warm and travel safely.
this week
The temperature in Zhejiang has also dropped.
Large temperature difference between morning and evening
Everybody keep warm.
Source: Voice of Zhejiang

Protect and restore the excellent environment, picturesque Lijiang River scenery is new.

The 10 kV cross-river power grid lines from Di Yang to Xingping, the core scenic spot of Lijiang River, have all been demolished, and the green power facilities and landscape resources of Lijiang River have been integrated and developed. Reporter Liu Jiaoqing photo

□ Our reporter Liu Qian

On October 15th, 2023, the Department of Ecological Environment of the Autonomous Region and the Guilin Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on the ecological environment quality report of the Lijiang River, and released the 2022 Lijiang Ecological Environment Quality Report (hereinafter referred to as the Report) for the first time. The Report comprehensively summarizes the experience and practices of Lijiang River protection, scientifically evaluates the good situation of Lijiang River protection, and looks forward to the bright future of protecting Lijiang River. Guilin, as a prefecture-level city, issued a report on the quality of ecological environment, which is the first in China, marking a new stage of protecting the Lijiang River and Guilin’s landscape, and is a milestone in the historical process of Lijiang River protection.

A river with clear water and green hills on both sides. Between mountains and rivers, it is related to "the country’s greatest." Lijiang River is the source of life for Guilin’s survival and development, and it is also the best witness of urban ecological protection and green development.

Since 2021, Guilin has kept in mind the entrustment, deeply practiced the concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", insisted on protecting the Lijiang River and Guilin’s landscape as its political responsibility and bottom line requirements, managed the ecological environment with the strictest rule of law, continuously and accurately "controlled chaos", systematically and accurately "controlled water", deepened the precision "controlled scenery", protected the authenticity and integrity of the Lijiang River, and closely followed the beautiful scenery, green development, harmonious coexistence and harmony. As the only typical river management model in China, the Lijiang River Basin was praised by the Inspector General of the State Council.

New achievements have been made in ecological environment protection of Lijiang River.

Over the past two years, Guilin has made great efforts to cultivate the advantages of ecological environment, do a good job in the ecological environment protection of the Lijiang River basin, and strive to build the Lijiang River into a model of comprehensive river management in China and a world-class model of ecological environment protection, and build a modern and beautiful Guilin with Chinese style in which man and nature coexist harmoniously, so that nature can give the Chinese nation this magical and beautiful treasure to be preserved forever.

Since 2017, the national surface water assessment section of Lijiang River Basin has maintained Class II or above water quality for six consecutive years, and the water quality is excellent, with an excellent ratio of 100%. The water environmental quality of surface water assessment section in Guilin has been ranked in the forefront of the country for many years. Focusing on improving and improving the quality of water environment, Guilin strengthens source control and land and water planning, scientifically manages the surface water environment in different regions and stages, and systematically promotes water pollution prevention and control. Strengthen the source control, implement the project of "improving the quality and carrying forward" the surface water quality, and investigate the sewage outlets entering the river in the urban built-up areas. Implement urban and rural governance, complete centralized sewage treatment in the urban section of Lijiang River, transform the municipal pipe network in the old residential areas in the urban section of Lijiang River, continuously promote the comprehensive treatment of 10 tributaries in the urban section of Lijiang River, and basically realize the full coverage, collection and treatment of sewage pipe networks in urban villages, old residential areas and urban-rural junctions. The urban sewage collection rate is over 80%, the centralized treatment rate is over 99%, and the proportion of black and odorous water bodies is 100%.

At the same time, Guilin insists on coordinated gas management, and the ambient air quality continues to improve. Promote the prevention and control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) pollution in key industries, and 115 VOCs-related emission enterprises have completed the installation of pollution control facilities. Implement the "Skynet" project of motor vehicle exhaust, and become the only city in the whole region to realize the coverage of remote sensing monitoring points in all counties (cities, districts); Take the lead in the implementation of scoring system management for motor vehicle emission inspection institutions in the whole region. We will promote the efficiency and quality improvement of the brick-making industry, strengthen the supervision of brick factory enterprises, carry out the rectification of waste gas emission standards, supervise and monitor the stable discharge of major pollutants in brick factories, and push the illegal information of enterprises to law enforcement departments. We will spare no effort to protect the pure land and keep the quality of soil environment stable. Strictly control the risk of soil pollution in construction land, carry out on-site inspection on the safe use of construction land, and the safe use rate of key construction land is 100%.

After unremitting protection and restoration, today, the Lijiang River Basin has complete ecosystem types, diverse community structures, rich biological resources and many endemic species. There are about 3,100 known vascular plants and more than 600 terrestrial vertebrate wild animals. In 2022, a new species, Rana guibeiensis, was discovered in Maoershan Nature Reserve. The Lijiang River Basin has established 1 national nature reserve, 5 autonomous region-level nature reserves, 2 scenic spots, 3 forest parks, 1 wetland park, 2 geological parks, 1 world natural heritage site, 2 aquatic germplasm conservation zone, and 2 national monitoring stations for terrestrial wildlife epidemics.

Accurately "control chaos" and jointly enforce the law to "escort" green mountains and green hills.

In the early morning of March 25th, 2023, it rained heavily. The law enforcement patrol boats of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Lijiang Scenic Area slowly sailed out of the dock, and at the same time, the patrol boats of maritime affairs, fishery administration and public security also quietly sailed out of their respective docks. The purpose of this joint law enforcement is that law enforcement departments receive reports from the masses and conduct inspections and strikes against the behavior of electric fish in Lijiang River.

The ecological management of Lijiang River is a complex and grand project, which needs to be solidly promoted with systematic thinking and long-term vision, and needs the full cooperation of management departments. In March 2023, under the leadership of Lijiang Scenic Area Management Committee, Guilin established a joint law enforcement team composed of Lijiang Scenic Area Management Committee, public security, maritime affairs, fishery administration and tourism supervision departments, which constituted a new working pattern of "sharing resources, complementing each other’s advantages, promoting each other and protecting Lijiang".

Law enforcement departments have established mechanisms such as joint meeting system, joint law enforcement system, special meeting system and information sharing system to carry out joint cruise activities. In addition, it also cooperated with the local governments to standardize and enforce the law on the destruction of the ecological environment on the beaches of coastal islands, issued a notice prohibiting barbecues, picnics and littering, comprehensively cleaned up the hygiene of the river beaches, and standardized the order of tourists’ sightseeing and vehicle parking.

In addition to gathering the joint efforts of the law enforcement departments of Lijiang River, we also set up a four-level Lijiang River grid management mechanism of "city, county (district), township (town) and village (neighborhood) committees" to unite the village committees along the Lijiang River, mobilize the masses to report and supervise, and set up joint law enforcement stations in front to deal with problems in time, so as to play its role of "clairvoyance" and "clairvoyance". "Like this electric fish behavior, the masses first discovered it and then reported it to 110, and multiple departments conducted joint investigations." Liu Xiaohong, instructor of the Fifth Brigade of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Lijiang Scenic Area, said.

Idle and scattered "Gui Gui Yu" ships are a historical problem on the Lijiang River, and also a key and difficult point in the regulation of the Lijiang River. The Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Lijiang Scenic Area thoroughly practiced the concept of "two mountains", taking Yangshuo County as the entrance, and adopted fishing boat acquisition and one-time subsidy to clean up and dismantle fishing boats. In 2022, the comprehensive law enforcement detachment of Lijiang Scenic Area cooperated with Yangshuo County to carry out a special campaign to clean up and rectify the "Gui Gui Yu" ships in the main stream of Lijiang River, and dismantled 155 "Gui Gui Yu" ships according to law, which improved the scenery along the Lijiang River.

In recent years, with the promotion of special rectification work, the beautiful scenery of "green mountains, green waters and egrets" has reappeared one by one.

"The ecological environment is good, and there are more and more egrets." The hearts of law enforcement players are full of sense of accomplishment. With the in-depth development of the series of special actions of "controlling chaos, water and scenery", the "Lijiang Ecological Defence War" has been reported frequently, and egrets have become frequent visitors to the Lijiang River. The comprehensive law enforcement detachment of Lijiang Scenic Area has become the "Guardian of Lijiang River" guarding the clear water and green mountains, and has successively won the titles of "Civil Servant Collective Satisfied by the People", "National Advanced Collective of Administrative Law Enforcement" and "National Women’s Civilized Post".

Persist in protecting the ecological authenticity of Lijiang River landscape

Maoershan, which stretches across the northern part of Guangxi, is known as "the crown of five mountains and the top of South China". It is here that the world-famous beautiful Lijiang River was born.

Guarding this green mountain is the police of Maoershan Police Station of Ecological Environment Protection Branch of Guilin Public Security Bureau. They are the "mountain guards" in the new era here.

Established in 1981, the Maoershan police station has become the guardian of the source area of Lijiang River. "In the past, the villagers’ awareness of environmental protection was not enough. They all relied on mountains to eat mountains, and poaching occurred from time to time. The law popularization work for fellow villagers is something we have to do every year. Now the ecological environment of Maoershan is getting better and better. More and more tourists come to Maoershan, which has promoted the development of the local economy. The villagers have seen it and consciously become the staunchest supporters of protecting the ecological environment of Maoershan. " Zheng Yongming, director of the Maoershan police station, said.

"With the implementation of the ecological restoration project, the environment in our village has been greatly improved, and there are more tourists. Everyone is more confident to increase income and get rich by developing rural tourism!" The ecological restoration of Lijiang River has been unanimously praised by the villagers in Xingping Fishing Village, Yangshuo County.

Accelerating the implementation of ecological restoration and upgrading project is to maintain the authenticity and integrity of Lijiang River ecology to the maximum extent. The third phase of Guilin karst ecological restoration project was fully completed, with 8 ecological restoration sites covering an area of 57,000 square meters. After the restoration of the third phase of the project, the ecological restoration of the Lijiang River has achieved remarkable results. The ecological landscape environment and rural living environment of Xingping fishing village in Yangshuo have been greatly improved, and the occupancy rate of villagers’ homestays and the number of tourists received by farmhouses have increased significantly.

There are 97 households with 384 residents (villagers) in the island of Leech Island and the big and small continents on the Lijiang River. For a long time, the island’s garbage facilities are not complete, the living environment is poor and the ecosystem is very fragile.

In order to make the environment of Duanzhou Island in the urban area of Lijiang River cleaner and more beautiful, and further maintain the authenticity and integrity of the landscape ecology, from November 2021 to June 2022, our city invested 30 million yuan to implement the first-phase ecological restoration project of Leech Island and Daxiaozhou Island, completed the sewage interception project, completely solved the problem of sewage discharging directly into Lijiang River, and ecologically restored 52,000 square meters of green plants, which greatly improved the living environment of ordinary people.

In 2023, the second phase ecological relocation project of Lijiang Island continued to advance in an orderly manner. Our city has set up the joint headquarters of the ecological relocation project in Leech Island, established the weekly regular meeting system, raised hundreds of millions of yuan, and carried out ecological relocation for 97 households (villagers) in Leech Island and various continents. In the next step, we will further speed up the work related to ecological restoration in various continents.

Whether it is the persistent figures of Maoershan, the optimization of the living environment of the villagers in Yangshuo fishing village, or the gratifying change of the greening of Lijiang Island, it is a vivid microcosm of the ecological protection and restoration of Lijiang River Basin in Guilin.

Guilin has continuously strengthened planning guidance, systematic management, strict control and scientific utilization, maintained the authenticity and integrity of the landscape ecology of the Lijiang River, intensified ecological restoration and environmental management of the Lijiang River basin, and cared for this treasure land endowed by nature to the Chinese nation.

Since 2023, in order to better enhance the landscape effect and dress up the "beautiful face value" of the Lijiang River, the management committee of Lijiang Scenic Area, power supply and maritime affairs departments have continuously accelerated the rectification of cross-river cables in the core scenic spots of the Lijiang River, and carried out the demolition of cross-river lines through the landscape integration of power facilities in the core basin of the Lijiang River, so that the new mechanism of green power facilities construction and landscape integration development of the Lijiang River will benefit the people along the river. By December 2023, 12 river-crossing cables, including Mingcun in Yanshan District, Laocuntou in Xingping, Dahebei, Ergendi, Lengshui Village, Shangtaoyuan Village to Langzhou Village and Dahebei to Fishing Village in Yangshuo, have been successfully demolished, and all the 10 kV river-crossing power grid lines in Di Yang-Xingping section of Lijiang River core scenic spot have been demolished. At present, 24 power grid projects have been planned to support the grid structure after the demolition of the river-crossing lines, and the work of replacing electric energy for Lijiang tourism has been promoted in an orderly manner, so that tourists and people along the Lijiang River can enjoy green travel, green tourism and green life.

"Mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand" to build a solid ecological foundation




In 2023, Guangxi hired experts in the fields related to ecological protection and restoration of grass and sand in landscape forest fields and lakes, set up an expert consulting team, and transferred the technical guidance group of the special class for the formation of technical backbones from Guangxi Natural Resources Ecological Restoration Center to carry out ecological adaptability technical guidance for the Lijiang River landscape project sub-project.

At present, Guilin has fully integrated the source and coastal forests of the Lijiang River into the management of ecological public welfare forests, implemented Pearl River Shelterbelt (Pearl River Basin Comprehensive Management Shelterbelt), returned farmland to forests, forest phase transformation, etc., completed afforestation of 1.635 million mu, built a hundred-mile ecological demonstration belt on the east bank of the Lijiang River, implemented the project of "greening, colorization, flowering and fruitization", and completed the upgrading and transformation of a number of tourist terminals.

There are more forests, and wild animals are gradually thriving. Dishui Village, Di Yang Township, located on the east bank of the Lijiang River, has many mountains and few fields, and the ecological environment is good. Wild monkeys often come to the front and back of the village to "feed", and people and animals live in harmony. There have never been any injuries to monkeys or monkeys in the village. Protecting monkeys means protecting the ecology of Lijiang River. This consensus reached by the villagers has been praised by many people.

Today’s Lijiang River, water, stones, grass and trees are natural. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, fish are swimming in the shallow bottom, and the beautiful picture of sky blue, green water and clear water has become the normal state of Lijiang River. It can be predicted that the beautiful scenery of the Lijiang River in the future will remain clear and flow forever.

Source: Guilin Daily


Perfect diary "bionic film" essence lipstick shining conference, promoting the continuous upgrading of beauty industry

  Nowadays, the competition in China’s cosmetics market is fierce, and the domestic cosmetics market has been growing, and more and more emerging brands have emerged. However, in the era of fragmentation, if brands want to break out of the circle and get long-term development, they must have a keen insight into the trends in the industry and have a deep understanding of the needs of consumers. As a new generation of professional beauty brand, Perfect Diary has been making continuous efforts in the field of make-up skin for many years, leading the new beauty trend of makeup and maintenance, and bravely climbing the beauty peak.

  In September last year, Perfect Diary once again waved the banner of innovation and successfully held the first launch conference of "bionic film" essence lipstick, which opened a new breakthrough in the integration of brand makeup and maintenance. This conference is a brand-new exploration of the definition of beauty, and it also brings more imagination space for exploring the combination of Industry-University-Research medicine and modern art aesthetics.

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  At the conference site, Perfect Diary also held the Biomimetic Membrane Technology Forum, and specially invited many experts such as Cheng Jing, chief scientific officer of Perfect Diary, to share and speak and witness the research and development story behind the new brand lipstick species, namely bionic membrane essence lipstick. Biomimetic film lipstick is the first product launched by Perfect Diary, which combines lip essence, blush makeup effect and lip film effect. The main purpose is to break through the limitations of traditional makeup products, and at the same time solve the problem of consumers’ demand for lipstick "color fixing and color locking", so that makeup products can also provide consumers with skin care effect and provide consumers with a brand-new product experience that truly conforms to the concept of "integrating makeup and nourishing".

  Perfect diary bionic film essence lipstick through the creation of lip bionic film Biolip™ Technology, with biotechnology research and development to enhance product efficacy, create lip bionic sebum film, while achieving excellent effects of color development and uniform color locking, it can also dilute lip lines, increase skin moisture content after continuous use for two weeks, significantly improve lip dryness and roughness, and make lip skin smoother. In addition, Perfect Diary has made great innovation in formula research and development with the first bionic film essence lipstick, and also chose to return to simplicity and neatness in packaging design, which is closer to the needs of consumers. The perfect diary of the new era adheres to the research and development concept of BIO-TEC biotechnology products, integrates biotechnology and skin care ingredients, and leads the new trend of cosmetic care.

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  Perfect diary insists on taking consumers as the center of gravity and constantly improving brand strength. I hope that in the future, Perfect Diary will continue to challenge the boundaries of beauty cosmetics, and together with various forces inside and outside the industry, it will continue to lead the growth and progress of beauty cosmetics, promote the sustainable development of beauty cosmetics industry with practical actions, and create more effective cosmetic products.

It’s a little summer today! "Sauna mode" is about to start. Are you ready?

Suddenly warm and windy.
Follow the light summer heat
At 17: 21 today
welcomeMinor Heatsolar term
This is the fifth solar term in summer.
Marks the midsummer debut
As the saying goes, "After a short summer, it is three points hot every day."
The summer heat is around the beginning of the summer.
The air humidity gradually increases.
The weather changed from dry heat to sultry heat.
"Sauna Mode" is about to start.
Are you ready?
There is a hot topic on Weibo.
# Who gave me the life in summer #
How to cool off summer heat and cope with bitter summer?
It has always been a big topic.
The ancients said: hide from the heat.
The best policy for summer vacation is to reduce going out.
For example, Tao Qian lies high in the north window with his hair covered.
The breeze is coming, and it’s very comfortable.
Nowadays, there are many leisurely ways to spend summer in ancient times.
It is difficult to intersect with the fast-paced modern life.
Air conditioner, beverage, iced watermelon
Our way to spend the summer
More simple and "rough" than the ancients.
However, the weather is sultry.
The human yang is also in a vigorous stage.
Therefore, we should also pay attention to "nourishing qi" while avoiding the summer.
Don’t stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time
Pay attention to ventilation and avoid being greedy for cold.
Wear some cotton clothes.
Maintain moderate exercise
Learn to stabilize your mood
Keep in a good mood
It is also a good way to avoid heatstroke.
In order to spend the summer safely
There are also many customs among the people.
For example, "eating jiaozi on your head" is widely spread.
People in Furi have poor appetite.
And in jiaozi, in traditional customs,
It’s just appetizing food.
Some places also have the habit of eating three treasures.
Monopterus albus, honey lotus root, mung bean sprouts
It’s both a summer vacation and an appetizer.
It’s fresh in season again.
"On June 6th, people dry their clothes and robes."
Before and after the light summer, the sunshine time is long.
Many families will also take advantage of this good time.
Take out the clothes and bedding at home to dry.
To remove moisture, mildew and moth.
unbearable hot summer
The coolness in summer is especially precious.
Ten thousand tiles are like fire dragons,
When the train is still, sweat melts.
Without the help of feathers,
Sit and feel steamed and cook.
How hot can it be in summer?
Lu You in the Song Dynasty described it this way
The tiles on the house are like fire dragons.
You can sweat like rain when you sit still.
A feeling of steaming and baking came to my face.
Bring a dog to chase after the cool outside the willow,
On the south bank of the painting bridge, I lean on the Hu bed.
In the moonlight, the ship’s horns are jagged,
The wind sets the pool lotus fragrant.
But even if it’s wet and hot
Can’t quench the elegance of life.
The wind blows the bamboo forest, and it is rustling.
Rain hits people, ticking softly.
Qin Guan’s "Cool" in Song Dynasty
A few strokes will outline a romantic summer picture.
Summer comes quietly.
Hot weather combined with busy work
It often makes people feel irritable and inefficient.
Try to let yourself empty.
Adjust your mood before you start.
2019 has already passed halfway.
May you be like the sunshine in summer.
Bright and vivid
Full of spirit to welcome the second half of the year

Will there be an extreme cold wave this winter due to the "cliff-like" cooling and snowfall in many places?

  "Extreme cold waves are more likely to break out."

  After the "cliff-like" seasonal cooling during the National Day, a new round of cold air followed after the holiday, bringing strong winds, cooling and rain and snow to the central and eastern regions of China. According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, on the 10th, the impact of cold air was coming to an end. However, there were still moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains in eastern Jilin and eastern Heilongjiang. There are sleet or small to medium snow in the northeastern part of Liaoning, the eastern mountainous area of Jilin and the southeastern mountainous area of Heilongjiang, and there are heavy snowstorms in the eastern mountainous area of Jilin.

  Despite psychological preparation, the temperature drop in early October exceeded expectations, and some areas experienced record-breaking heat and cold overnight in winter. From blowing air conditioners to wearing long trousers, people can’t help wondering: Why did the cold wave come so early this year?

  The temperature in many places in the south is "big diving"

  On October 2, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning of cold wave, which is the earliest cold wave warning issued in the second half of the year since the Central Meteorological Observatory officially launched the early warning release mechanism in 2010. From 14: 00 on October 2 to 20: 00 on October 6, the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China generally dropped by 8 ~ 12℃, and the temperature in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, most of Shaanxi, Huanghuai, Jiang and other places dropped by 12 ~ 16℃, and the local temperature dropped by more than 18℃.

  When the cold wave in the north hit and the temperature dropped sharply, most areas in the south were still as hot as midsummer, and they were in the yellow warning of high temperature, with the local temperature reaching above 40℃. 470 national meteorological stations such as Hefei, Nanchang, Changsha and Hangzhou also broke the record of the highest temperature in October. It is understood that this is also the first time in history that two early warnings of high temperature and cold wave have been released at the same time.

  When the cold air drives straight, the temperature in many places in the south "dives", and the temperature in some areas such as Anhui, Hubei and Jiangsu even drops by more than 20℃. First, it experienced the hottest in the same period in history, and then it experienced a "seasonal" cooling. Many netizens in the south said that it seemed to be a day from summer to winter.

  After the National Day holiday, a new cold air continued to hit, which was accompanied by rain, snowfall and windy weather. From 8th to 10th, a new round of strong cold air will affect the central and eastern regions of China, and the lowest temperature in some northern regions will hit a new low since autumn. In addition to cooling, it also brings strong winds, rainfall and snowfall.

  On the 10th, the impact of cold air came to an end, but there was still cooling and rain and snow in the northeast. On the 11th, the lowest temperature in Guangdong fell below 10℃, and the lowest temperature in most parts of the province hit a new low in the second half of the year.

  This is a crisp autumn in October, and the cold air continues to exert its strength. Many places in China have "seasonal cooling". Why? Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed that in the first half of the National Day holiday, the subtropical high was unusually strong and had a large influence range, and the highest temperature broke the historical extreme value in some parts of the north and south, showing a warmer trend on the whole. Under such circumstances, a strong cold air cut down from the low altitude of the subtropical high from north to south, the ground temperature dropped sharply, and the cold and warm air confronted each other, resulting in rainy weather along the Huaihe River, and the continuous rainy days led to the coldest day in the same period in history.

  The recent frequent cold air activities will have an impact on the drought in the Yangtze River basin in China. Peng Jingbei, a senior engineer in lasg, analyzed that, on average, the precipitation in autumn in the Yangtze River basin is less than that in summer. Precipitation often occurs in areas where cold and warm air meet. When the cold and warm air forces are equal, it is easy to have continuous precipitation. However, since October, China has been hit by strong cold air one after another. On October 8-9, windy weather appeared in Beijing and other places, with gusts of 7-9 and local level of 10. Such a strong wind shows that the cold air is strong, and in this case, it is not easy to sustain heavy precipitation in the southern region. "In fact, on October 5-9, the temperature in the Yangtze River basin was more than 4 C lower than normal, but the meteorological drought in the Yangtze River and its south remained."

  Will it be colder in winter?

  After experiencing the latest high temperature warning and the earliest cold wave warning in history, many netizens are worried that autumn is already very cold, will it be colder this winter and will it experience extreme cold wave?

  Earlier in September, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) predicted that La Nina, which began in 2020, would last until the end of this year, which would be the first "triple" La Nina phenomenon in the 21st century.

  In fact, as early as April-May this year, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences used the scientific apparatus Earth System Simulator to predict that La Nina events will occur for three consecutive years in 2022-2023, and provided accurate prediction and early warning to relevant departments. In the spring and summer of 2022, the sea surface temperature in the tropical Middle East and Pacific Ocean has been in a relatively cold state all the year round, and the coldness has further intensified since autumn. The latest forecast results show that the current La Nina state will continue and develop in autumn and winter in 2022, reaching its peak in winter.

  Will the influence of the new round of La Nina be greater than that of the past two rounds? Zheng Fei, a researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that it is impossible to judge at present. On the one hand, there are few examples of La Nina events for three consecutive years in history, so it is impossible to give a statistical conclusion; On the other hand, the intensity of this La Nina event will be in the category of moderate intensity, and how to develop and influence China’s climate in the future still needs to be predicted continuously to enhance its credibility.

  At the end of September, Xiao Chan, deputy director of the National Climate Center, said at the regular press conference of China Meteorological Bureau that under the background of global warming, the frequency of warm winters has increased since 1986. In the winter after La Nina incident, there were years when the temperature was low. The main characteristics of the abnormal temperature in winter were: the temperature in most parts of the country was lower than normal, especially in northern North China, southern Northeast China, most of southern China, eastern and northern Southwest China, and most of northwest China. After the La Nina incident, the winter precipitation in China mainly shows as follows: a large range of precipitation is less, especially in the eastern part of Northeast China, along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, in the southern part of Southwest China, and in northern Xinjiang. There is more precipitation in the northern part of southwest China and the eastern part of northwest China.

  However, Xiao Chan also pointed out that La Nina event is only one of the external forcing factors that affect China’s winter climate. China’s winter climate is also affected by Arctic sea ice, Eurasian snow and other factors, and the natural variability within the atmospheric system also plays an important role. The Meteorological Bureau will strengthen the judgment and provide more detailed forecast opinions in late October.

  Zheng Fei believes that under the synergistic influence of La Nina event and the warm Arctic Ocean, the cold air activity in China is likely to continue to be strong this winter, and it is prone to staged low temperature and extreme cold events. At present, based on the warm Arctic sea temperature in the previous period and the possibility of La Nina events in the future, it is predicted that the temperature in some parts of northern China will be slightly lower this winter, which may lead to staged low temperature due to the influence of staged cold air, and the possibility of extreme cold wave outbreak is high; In some parts of the south, there is the possibility of disasters such as low temperature, freezing, rain and snow, so we need to be vigilant and raise our awareness of prevention.

  Luo Jingjia, a national distinguished professor of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, also said in an interview with Modern Express that for East Asia, the winter under the influence of La Nina will be colder. However, the emission of carbon dioxide is increasing, and the degree of coldness may not be so obvious compared with the previous La Ni? a event, which may not cause a very cold winter, but its cooling may be reflected by the occurrence of a cold wave phenomenon. "Therefore, we should pay special attention to the number and intensity of possible cold waves this winter."

  Expert: Extreme cold events tend to increase.

  In the past summer, there were rare high temperature and heat waves in all parts of the northern hemisphere. Most parts of China are also shrouded in high temperature, and high temperatures above 40 C continue to appear in many places. Global warming, why is there a strong cold wave?

  Many experts said that there is no contradiction between strong cold wave and global warming. It is in the context of global warming that the climate is more unstable, with the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as rainstorm, high temperature heat wave, drought and flood in summer, extreme low temperature and cold wave in winter increasing. For example, from December 2020 to January 2021, China suffered from extreme cold waves one after another, resulting in large-scale cooling and extreme low temperatures in many places.

  Zhao Liang, a senior engineer in lasg, told China Newsweek that from the statistics of frequency, in the past 20 years, the number of cold wave days in winter in China showed a downward trend as a whole, but there was a great difference in time and space. Spatially, the reduction of cold wave days mainly occurred in the south, but the number of cold wave days in the north, especially in the northeast, did not decrease. In time, the frequency of strong cold waves is more in the first half of winter, and the reduction of cold waves is mainly concentrated in the second half of winter (February).

  It is worth noting that since 2008, the average minimum temperature of the coldest winter period in eastern China, that is, the strongest cold wave events every year, is lower than that in the 1980s and 1990s, that is to say, the strong cold wave events have an increasing trend.

  Zhao Liang further analyzed that the change characteristics of cold events in China are closely related to the important changes of atmospheric circulation and polar system in the northern hemisphere caused by global warming. Among them, the warming of the Arctic in winter and the cooling of the mid-latitude continent — — That is to say, the warm Arctic-cold continent phenomenon is an important change pattern. This phenomenon has an important connection with the outbreak of extreme cold events in mid-latitudes, including China, especially aggravating the strong cooling events in northern China.

  "With the persistence of global climate anomalies, it seems that the extreme cold (cold wave) event in the northern hemisphere in winter has been ‘ Home-cooked meals ’ . But there is great uncertainty about where and when it will happen, "said Yao Yao, an associate researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences. The continuous increase of greenhouse gases has made the earth warmer and warmer, and the atmosphere on which human beings depend has become increasingly unstable. For the northern hemisphere, polar vortex will become unstable more easily in winter. Under the guidance of favorable atmospheric circulation system, cold air will break through the westerly jet barrier more easily and frequently, and then be transported to middle and low latitudes, causing extremely cold (cold wave) weather.

  For the early warning of extreme cold events, Zheng Fei stressed that short-term weather forecast and climate trend forecast for more than two weeks should be strengthened to improve the prevention and early warning of freezing rain and snow disasters. At the same time, agriculture, animal husbandry, energy and transportation industries need to pay close attention to the early warning of freezing rain and snow disasters and formulate effective preventive measures and emergency plans.