In the new era, China’s high-quality economic development, industrial and financial cooperation and building a manufacturing power.

  The large-scale fire fighting/water rescue amphibious aircraft AG600 was assembled and rolled off in Zhuhai a few days ago. This is another major achievement made by China in the field of large aircraft. Every breakthrough of "Made in China" is a powerful annotation of China’s economy. Xinhua news agency

  [Economic Interface, Building a Modern Economic System]

  Manufacturing is the main body of the real economy and the foundation of the construction of a modern economic system. How to allocate more financial resources to the key areas and weak links of manufacturing development in accordance with the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote the transformation from China manufacturing to China creation, from China speed to China quality, and from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, are major issues facing China’s high-quality economic development in the new era.

  Finance is the lifeblood of modern economy, and smooth finance leads to substantial prosperity. Finance supports the construction of manufacturing power, on the one hand, it needs finance to return to its origin and enhance the ability to serve the development of manufacturing industry; On the other hand, it is also necessary to actively create conditions to provide guarantee support for financial reform and innovation.

  1. What is the root cause?

  Financing is difficult and expensive for manufacturing industry.

  [status quo]

  Data show that from 2006— In the decade of 2016, the proportion of loans in China’s manufacturing industry dropped from 25% to 16.2%. Affected by this, the growth rate of China’s manufacturing investment continued to decline from 2012 to 4.2% in 2016, and it decreased by 27.4 percentage points in five years, which lasted for a long time and the decline was unprecedented. Although it stopped falling and rebounded in 2017, it was only 4.8%.

  Financing is difficult and expensive, which is a prominent problem in the development of China’s manufacturing industry in recent years.

  2006— In the decade of 2016, the proportion of loans in China’s manufacturing industry dropped from 25% to 16.2%. Affected by this, the growth rate of China’s manufacturing investment has continued to decline since 2012. Investment is not only related to the current economic growth, but also to the cultivation and generation of new kinetic energy, which plays a key role in optimizing the supply structure. The weak investment has seriously restricted the optimization and upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry.

  The formation of this problem is first related to the inadaptability of China’s manufacturing development under the new normal, and also reflects the inadaptability of China’s financial structure. For a long time, the development of China’s manufacturing industry has a remarkable "speed-benefit" feature, with economic growth reaching more than 10%, and all industries, trades and enterprises will make profits; Once the economic growth is lower than 8%, many industries will suffer industry-wide losses. With China’s economic development entering a new normal, the growth rate has shifted from high-speed growth of about 10% to medium-high-speed growth of about 7%, and the efficiency of enterprises has begun to decline continuously. The research shows that the average return on equity of China’s A-share non-financial listed companies has been declining since 2010, from 12.9% to 6.8% in 2015, while the weighted average asset-liability ratio has increased from 58.2% in 2010 to 60.1% in 2015. In 2016, the leverage ratio of the enterprise sector was still as high as 165%, far higher than the international warning line of 90%.

  From the perspective of financial structure, bank loans, bonds and stocks currently account for more than 80% of the financing amount of the real economy. These three financing methods all have typical procyclical characteristics. When the economic situation is good, the benefits of enterprises are good, banks are willing to lend, and it is easier to issue bonds and stocks; The economic situation is not good, and the efficiency of enterprises is declining. For the sake of risk prevention and control, banks will be reluctant to lend, suppress loans or even cut off loans, and it is difficult to issue bonds and stocks. Before 2012, this financing method will not have much problem for the investment development of enterprises, because the economic growth rate has decreased, but it is a short-term fluctuation in high-speed growth, and it will soon resume high-speed growth. In other words, China’s financial structure based on bank loans is more suitable for the previous high-speed growth stage. Facing the requirements of high-quality development in the new era, it also needs reform, optimization and innovative development.

  Revitalizing manufacturing industry, especially advanced manufacturing industry, is the key to realize a virtuous circle of economy in the short term and the lifeline of national economy in the long term. Finance is the lifeblood of modern economy, and smooth finance leads to substantial prosperity. Facing the inevitable requirement of China’s economic development in the new era and the fierce competition in the world, we must focus on eliminating the financing constraints of manufacturing development, guide and promote finance to improve the efficiency and level of service manufacturing development, and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power.

  2. How to support it

  Create new demands of powerful countries for financial development.


  The development of China’s manufacturing industry in the new era requires not only effective financing support from finance, but also a series of service solutions including consulting, investment and financial management, so as to realize the transformation from "financing" to "integrating wisdom".

  At present, the scale of China’s manufacturing industry has been ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years, but the problems of insufficient development imbalance such as key core technologies being controlled by people and lack of world-renowned brands are still very prominent. We must implement the innovation-driven development strategy with greater efforts, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries, support the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries, and promote quality change, efficiency change and power change.

  Different development needs different financial support. First, we should vigorously implement differentiated credit policies. At present, bank credit funds account for more than 2/3 of China’s real economy financing. In accordance with the requirements of supply-side structural reform, we should improve and optimize credit conditions, support the manufacturing industry to increase varieties, improve quality and create brands, actively resolve excess production capacity, eliminate backward production capacity, and give full play to the role of finance in promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. At the same time, we should vigorously develop small and medium-sized banks and private financial institutions. It is strictly forbidden for bank funds to enter the stock market and real estate market for speculation and so-called innovation that is divorced from the real economy. In fact, after World War II, Germany and Japan also experienced a situation similar to today’s China. In order to accelerate the upgrading and development of manufacturing industry, both governments have adopted structural credit support policies.

  Second, vigorously develop industrial chain finance, financial leasing and other financial services that are directly integrated with the industry. Industrial chain finance is a service model that financial institutions rely on the core enterprises in the industrial chain to provide comprehensive solutions for all enterprises in the industrial chain. Compared with bank loans, it is more service-oriented and targeted. However, financial leasing integrates financing and material integration, and reduces the pressure of one-time payment of funds, which provides an effective way for enterprises to upgrade their technical equipment. In 1950s and 1960s, the United States upgraded its technical equipment in this way. At present, the penetration rate of financial leasing in developed countries such as the United States and Britain remains above 50%, while China has not yet reached 5%, and there is still much room for improvement.

  Third, actively develop venture capital (VC), private equity funds (PE) and other financing products, and explore service modes such as equity pledge loans and investment-loan linkage to provide long-term and stable financial support for the innovation and development of manufacturing industry. VC is future-oriented, and values the potential and benefits of the future development of enterprises. It does not require the past operating conditions, nor does it require enterprises to provide financing mortgages. PE is a combination of financing and financing, which not only provides capital support for enterprise development, but also provides all-round value-added services for enterprises, such as coordinating the relationship between enterprises and other enterprises in the industry, expanding procurement or sales channels, improving governance structure, etc. It is a capital that can span the economic cycle and is intellectual capital. VC and PE still have great development potential in China.

  Fourth, efforts should be made to provide specialized comprehensive financial services for enterprises to "go global". The "Belt and Road" construction is an important measure for China to implement all-round opening up in the new era. As an important part and implementer of this strategy, it is inevitable for the manufacturing industry to "go global". However, the economic development level of the 65 countries along the "Belt and Road" is uneven, and the social system is very different. Relevant research shows that in 33 countries, the proportion of stock transactions to GDP is less than 10%, and direct financing is almost lacking; There are 24 countries with higher real interest rates than China, and the credit supply is seriously insufficient. Faced with this situation, we must coordinate financial support methods such as policy banks and commercial banks, banks and non-banks, financial innovation and institutional mechanism reform, and strive to provide professional, personalized and diversified financial support for the manufacturing industry to "go global".

  3. Explore practice

  Realize the benign interaction between finance and manufacturing industry


  In order to promote the benign interaction and coordinated development between finance and manufacturing, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission have jointly issued and implemented a series of policies and measures since 2016, and conducted exploration and practice of industrial and financial cooperation.

  Finance is related to the overall economic and social development and has its own development laws and requirements. Finance supports the construction of manufacturing power, on the one hand, it needs finance to return to its origin and enhance the ability to serve the development of manufacturing industry; On the other hand, it is also necessary to actively create conditions to provide guarantee support for financial reform and innovation.

  The General Office of the State Council clearly stated in the Notice on Establishing the Made in China 2025 National Demonstration Zone (Guo Ban Fa [2017] No.90) that it is necessary to "actively promote the integration of industry and finance, establish an industry-finance information docking platform, innovate financial support methods, and enhance the ability and efficiency of financial support for manufacturing development". The so-called integration of production and operation refers to the institutional innovation practice carried out by government departments, financial institutions and industrial enterprises to improve the efficiency and level of financial service manufacturing. Among them, government departments mainly build platforms and mechanisms for the interaction and cooperation between financial institutions and industrial enterprises, and at the same time, make necessary improvements and reforms to relevant policies and regulations and institutional mechanisms, support the market to play a leading role in the allocation of financial resources, and do not interfere in the business decisions of financial institutions and manufacturing enterprises.

  The integration of production and operation has been highly recognized and actively participated by all parties concerned for more than a year, and remarkable results have been achieved. Taking the docking between banks and enterprises as an example, according to incomplete statistics, as of December 2017, more than 5,000 banking institutions involved in the integration of production and operation have actually issued loans of more than 3 trillion yuan to more than 95,000 enterprises. The root of this achievement lies in the fact that the integration of industry and finance has realized the communication and interaction between financial institutions and industrial enterprises at the macro and micro levels by establishing the coordination mechanism of industrial and financial information docking and direct docking between banks and enterprises, and solved the information asymmetry problem of all parties; By means of financial discount, reward, compensation and shareholding, the problem that financial departments are unwilling to invest and enterprises cannot afford to invest has been solved; It provides an effective way to actively and steadily promote financial reform through pilot projects and gradual advancement.

  At present, the integration of industry and production is just the beginning. In the next step, we will focus on the following six aspects: First, make full use of big data, cloud computing and other information technology means to establish more convenient, fast and efficient information communication channels; The second is to expand the field of production-integration, support enterprises to effectively use the capital market to optimize the industrial organization structure and industry layout, encourage financial institutions to innovate services and support enterprises to "go global"; Third, give full play to the leverage guiding role of financial funds and drive financial capital to support the development of strategic, basic and leading industries; Fourth, encourage financial innovation products and services, and support the construction of the Made in China 2025 National Demonstration Zone; Fifth, evaluate and summarize the situation of industrial integration in pilot cities, put forward reform suggestions, and promote the reform of financial system and mechanism; The sixth is to promote enterprises to incorporate the content of production integration into strategic planning and management process reengineering, build industrial culture in the new period and enhance the soft power of enterprises.

   (Author: Wang Xinzhe, chief economist of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

The controversial part of the article "Multinational Women Want to Marry in China" has been deleted.

  Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean women all want to marry in China?

  After "Chinese businessmen are hard to find" and "many countries are eager to return to China", the articles of WeChat WeChat official account and Sohu series of "Women from many countries want to marry in China" attract people’s attention.

  Some netizens joked, "Women all over the world actually have the same dream, that is, to marry China."

  On April 25th, The Paper searched with the keyword "Everyone wants to marry in China", and nearly 100 articles about "All women in a certain country want to marry in China" were retrieved on the WeChat article retrieval page. The titles of the articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman, I want to marry in China" and "Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China?" "Beautiful Korean girls, why many people want to marry in China" and so on. Searching on Baidu with the same keywords, there are 28500000 related information on the webpage and 452000 related contents on the information page.

  Different from the previous cloned articles on "It’s too difficult for Chinese businessmen", there is no obvious phenomenon of copying and applying copywriting in the content narration of the articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", but their narrative theme is "Women from so-and-so countries want to marry in China".

  In response to the WeChat official account series of WeChat articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", the public relations of WeChat team told The Paper that similar articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China" are different in nature from the malicious marketing WeChat WeChat official account articles. "More than 30 articles retrieved by WeChat backstage are similar in content, but only similar views are expressed differently".

  On April 17, the WeChat team responded to the series of illegal articles, saying that WeChat has been actively cleaning up similar articles that use epidemic marketing, fabricate and integrate false information, and incite public sentiment. From January 1 ST to April 16 th, WeChat platform deleted about 9,000 articles suspected of exaggerating and misleading, restricted the ability or banned 2,500 WeChat official account; 6,915 articles on rumors were deleted, and 20,000 articles were restricted in ability or titles.

  Among them, there are articles with more than 10,000+readings.

  The title of the article includes North Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries Source: WeChat screenshot

  How is the series of articles "A woman from a certain country wants to marry China" produced?

  The Paper found on the WeChat public account and Baidu page that the titles of such articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China." "Many Japanese women want to marry in China. Why?" "Why are North Korean girls crazy about marrying China?" "Blessed are single men. Women all over the world want to marry in China." "Vietnamese girls want to marry in China? They said: "Compared with Japan, being a daughter-in-law in China is really so happy!" "Vietnamese women want to marry in China? It is best not to marry, and experts suggest that it is best to marry Cambodian women.

  The countries mentioned in these articles include North Korea, Ukraine, India, Vietnam, South Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Japan, Nepal and Mongolia.

  How are these articles produced?

  The Paper selected articles with a reading of over 10,000, and found that the contents of the articles mostly narrated the benefits of foreign women marrying in China.

  In three of them, I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry in China, Japanese girls want to marry in China, and why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? Taking China as an example, the main point of the article is to tell that foreign women married to China because of its good environment and high per capita GDP. After marrying in China, China’s wife will get a house, her husband will take the initiative to do housework, and her in-laws will help. In addition, from the perspective of history and humanities, it is not unusual for Vietnamese, Japanese, Mongolian and other countries to intermarry with China.

  "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" Similar article Source: WeChat screenshot

  For example, in Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? In the article, it is mentioned at the beginning of the article that "the main reason is that Mongolia is too poor, and the most important thing is that Mongolia’s fertility rate is negative, … … The country’s current per capita GDP is about 1000 US dollars, and the gap between the rich and the poor is very large. "

  This paper argues that the advantages of Mongolian beauties marrying in China are: the environment in China is better than that in Mongolia, there are more women than men in China, and the quality of men in China is generally higher than that in Mongolia.

  Finally, the article concludes that Mongolia will regain its glory when a beautiful Mongolian woman marries China.

  WeChat article "Why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China" Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that the article was published on March 2, and the account number was "Historical Heritage". The account profile stated "Interesting historical story, folk unofficial history, democratic analysis, telling the past". The main company of the account number was Hefei Downs Household Products Co., Ltd., and the account number was certified and opened on November 14, 2018.

  On April 16th, The Paper called the account entity company about this article, but it was not connected.

  Hundreds of articles on WeChat public accounts, most of which are individuals.

  The Paper found from nearly 155 articles retrieved from the WeChat public account that these articles were published from different WeChat official account, including the personal account "Peach Notes" to promote the "Sex World Revival Plan", and the tourism consulting service number "Taozui Neon" to promote "Travel around Japan". Its account main body is Shanghai Taozui Neon Network Technology Co., Ltd., and there is also a history that claims to tell "interesting historical stories, folk unofficial history and telling the ancient road today". The main body of this kind of WeChat public account is mostly displayed as an individual, and the time of publishing articles can be retrieved from 2017 to April 2020.

  Japanese girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" published by this kind of WeChat public account article has the same theme and slightly deviated expression.

  Take the article "I finally understand why Korean women would rather be single in their own country than marry in China" published on March 27th by the WeChat public account of Changsha Yangyujin Network Technology Co., Ltd., as an example. The writing is similar to the previous article, and it is mentioned at the beginning that the fertility rate in South Korea fell below 1% in 2018. Korean women choose to marry in China on the one hand because South Korea and China have similar cultures, and on the other hand, because China has done a better job of equality between men and women.

  The Paper found that the WeChat public account was registered on December 9, 2018. Prior to this, on April 16, The Paper called the account entity company for this article, but it was not connected.

  Korean girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  Another account shows an individual as the main body. For example, the article "Beautiful Korean Girls, Why Do Many Want to Marry in China" published on May 6, 2019 by Wechat WeChat official account Visual Korea with the registration time of February 1, 2020 also mentions that North Korea is poor and backward in everyone’s impression, and it is still in the 1970s and 1980s in China. North Korean girls have a soft spot for China men, and many North Korean girls want to marry in China.

  Some articles have been deleted.

  As of 20: 40 on 16th, The Paper found that some articles about "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" had been deleted. For example, the current page of "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" is displayed as "This content cannot be viewed due to violation of regulations".

  Previously, the page "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" has been deleted. Source: WeChat screenshot.

  "Beautiful Korean girls, why do many people want to marry in China" published by WeChat official account’s WeChat "Visual Korea", whose account subject is an individual, has also been deleted.

  Why do Korean women want to marry in China? They can’t find the source: WeChat screenshot.

  However, with the keyword "Korean girl, want to marry to China", there are still related WeChat posts in WeChat official account.

  For example, on January 8, 2017, the WeChat public account "Oumeidi Xuefu", whose account body is displayed as an individual, posted "Why do North Korean girls want to marry China crazily?" At the beginning of the article, it was written in a similar way that North Korea’s national conditions are poor, and most North Korean girls are not bad-looking, hardworking and filial to their parents. They are married to China and prefer to live here than their own country.

  The Paper inquired about Article 4.11 of the Operating Specification of WeChat Public Platform, which showed that the incited, exaggerated and misleading content of WeChat platform included "false or exaggerated content of the title involving domestic and foreign politics, military affairs, economic fields and national policies" and "the title is described in an exaggerated way, thus inciting people to do something" and so on. For WeChat official account who has a minor violation, (WeChat) will deal with its name, avatar, function introduction, graphic message and other violations; If the circumstances are serious, the functions of group sending, attention, sharing, search, etc. of the account will be restricted, or the use of the account will be directly restricted.

  The Paper previously reported that in the past two months, there have been many articles entitled "A certain country under the epidemic: it is too difficult for Chinese businessmen to close their shops!" The content of the article in WeChat official account on WeChat "XX country longs to return to China" is exactly the same. More than 60 WeChat WeChat official account posts the same titles and articles in batches, such as Palm Switzerland, Palm Belarus, Palm India and Palm Dublin. After telling the plight of foreign epidemic in Chinese, WeChat official account, entitled "Information about the latest car", published nearly 30 articles entitled "Why does a certain country yearn to return to China" and "Why does a country go out independently from China".

  On April 3rd, The Paper learned from Fuzhou Public Security Bureau that Xue Mou, a manager of WeChat official account who published many false news about "Chinese businessmen are too difficult", had been taken criminal compulsory measures by the police. After arriving at the case, Xue admitted that the relevant articles were all fabricated by him, in order to increase the reading volume and increase the powder in order to make a profit. As for the article "Many countries are eager to return to China", on the evening of April 15th, WeChat responded exclusively to The Paper that such articles were exaggerated and misleading. At present, WeChat has deleted 227 illegal articles "XX countries (or regions) are eager to return to China" and blocked 153 public accounts.

Fierce controversy! With the rise of football in China, fans are constantly cursing.

After the news that the main players of China football team were injured in Thailand came out, it caused extensive controversy and discussion. According to media reports, Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, needs a long recovery period of at least 8 months because of tearing the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee. The striker of Thailand, Dangda, also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult for him to play against China on November 16th. In this regard, Soccer reported that China became the winner because Thailand lost important players before the preliminaries. However, such a report attracted a lot of fans’ scolding. Some fans said that China football now needs to rely on the injury of its opponent to win, which is really disgusting. They think that the football level in China is so low that it has fallen to the point where people want to be injured or even sent off, which is really worrying.

There are also fans who believe that the China men’s soccer team seems unable to win no matter whether the main players of Thailand are injured or not. They are pessimistic about the future of football in China, and think that China can’t win against Japanese teams and strong European teams, and they are still discussing how to beat Thailand and Vietnam, which is ridiculous. However, some fans are optimistic about China football. They believe that the China team can play its own strength in the face of stable opponents. They mentioned the fierce confrontation between the Japanese team and the European powers, and thought that China could meet the challenges of Thailand and Viet Nam as long as it played steadily. In any case, China Football got some good news in the news that the main players of Thailand were injured. Fans have different expectations and views on the performance of China team.

Whether optimistic or pessimistic, only when the China team can prove its strength in the competition can the fans have more confidence in it.

The above contents and materials are all from the internet, and the relevant data, and the theoretical research is based on the internet data, does not mean that the author agrees with the laws, rules, opinions and behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant materials. I am not responsible for any problems arising from the above or related issues, and the author of this article does not bear any direct or indirect legal responsibilities.

Night reading and prose scenery all the way

[Night Reading Prose] Scenery all the way. mp3sixteen past seven
From Dongfeng Express

The scenery on the way to zipper is often so charming. It was already two o’clock in the morning when I arrived at the lake. The oncoming cold wind gave me a warm hug, which suddenly blew away the fatigue of the journey and the deep sleep at night.

This 100-kilometer journey passes through dozens of large and small villages, endless pastures, sand islands with towering peaks, and greetings from tourists on the road, all of which add a little interest to this 100-kilometer tour. We sang military songs and encouraged each other to come to the lake.

After a year, I walked this road again, but the fierce yaks and unrestrained horses in the pasture along the way seem to have changed a batch, just like my comrades on this trip. A group of new faces walked hand in hand on this road.

Yes! It has been more than half a year since the squad leader left the army. I can’t help but feel foolish when I think of our tandem encouragement and walking on this familiar and unfamiliar road.

At this time, the company commander’s voice brought me back to reality. The company commander said, "Monitor Wang, you will be on duty at night for a while. You can arrange it according to the actual situation." I immediately ran to discuss with the other three squad leaders: "Why don’t you send two capable guards to each class?"

In this way, I took the recruit of our class, Xiao Du, and stood on the first patrol post. Xiao Du and I walked on this endless grassland, and the fragrance of the soil swept through, which is the natural taste. Looking at the lake, there is a bright moon in the distant mountains, and the silver moonlight fills the whole lake, making the lake with ripples as blue as the ocean, and the various signs on the lake are also shining with a trace of Yin Hui. In a thousand miles of moonlight, the tent we live in seems so insignificant that even the stars in the sky seem to be just symbols on the sky.

Hunter, a military dog over one year old, ran out of the tent from nowhere, turned left and right beside me, and sometimes licked my trouser legs and wagged his little tail vigorously to show his love here.

A cool breeze blows gently, and the moon is bright. Xiao Du and I slowed down, and Hunter wagged his tail and followed, enjoying the beauty of this area.

There is a river around the tent, and the thin water is shining, and the tender grass beside the river grows green, which adds a touch of agility to this river injected into the lake. Perhaps our footsteps alarmed the fish at the entrance, and they swam happily and didn’t want to leave.

A gust of cold wind brought me yearning. Last time I came with the monitor, the river was surrounded by wild flowers all over the place, and it was dancing willfully. At that time, I sat by the river with the monitor and talked about the feeling of coming to the army. I said, "The army is actually quite monotonous, boring and tasteless." The monitor said, "Life in the army is not boring, but it is still beautiful. You have to be good at discovering it." Now, I have repeated this sentence with Xiao Du.

Going north, rows of withered Sophora japonica are not glamorous and eye-catching, but silently guarding this natural beauty, like a veteran of military career, striving for fame and fortune, taking root in the military camp.

Walking to the hillside seems to be closer to the moon. The bright moonlight illuminates the open space in front of the tent area like day, and the camouflage net with complex colors is clearly visible. The distant castle peak is covered with a layer of silver gauze, mysterious and quiet. There is no light in the scattered small villages at the foot of the mountain at this time, only yellow walls and red tiles are seen, and there are dim acacia trees.

At night in the country, there are no lights, no bustling noise of the city, only peace and serenity! Xiao Du and I leaned against the fence to look at the bright moon, the stars, the night view, and the cold wind blowing, and my thoughts were myriad.

In the army, I am not a member of "heartbroken people are in the end of the world", and I am not lonely as "till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon, to bring me my shadow and make us three". I am glad that I have countless comrades to accompany me; I am glad that my youth has a little more happiness in camouflage; I am glad that comrades-in-arms are not brothers but brothers.

In contrast, we struggle in the military career, what’s wrong with a little regret? There is a corner in the city or country where you live, and there is a lamp among thousands of lights, which is enough! When work is not smooth, life is frustrated, and mood is low, find a self-healing way to release yourself, write down the sun, moon and stars, flowers bloom and fall, and go to Qiu Lai in spring …

The night was particularly quiet, and Xiao Du said, "Monitor, it’s time to be laid off." Back to the tent, I looked at my sleeping comrades, turned on my mobile phone, sent a sentence "I understand the beauty of the army" to the old squad leader who was far away from home, and then slept under the pillow of moonlight.

Author:Wang xinglai

Broadcast: Zhang Yuming

Source: Rocket Soldier

Different sports modes and their functions are particular.

There are three common exercise methods: aerobic exercise, muscle strength exercise and bone strengthening exercise. 1. Aerobic exercise: It is a rhythmic exercise of large muscles of the body, also known as endurance exercise. Aerobic exercise is the most common exercise method, which can increase joint coordination, make participants feel faster heart rate and breathing frequency, and contribute to cardiopulmonary function. Common aerobic exercises include brisk walking, running, cycling, skipping rope and swimming. 2. Muscle strength training Muscle strength training is beneficial to relieve joint pain and improve joint stability. Each muscle strength exercise is limited to a few muscles, so pay attention to exercise all the main muscle groups of the whole body, including legs, hips, waist and back, shoulders, upper limbs and so on. Muscle strength training can be achieved at home: hooking feet and lifting legs can exercise the muscles in front of thighs-especially for patients with knee pain or instability; Xiao Yanfei can exercise the muscles of the waist and back, especially for people who are sedentary or have discomfort in the waist and back. Flat support can exercise the muscles of the back, abdomen, hip and leg. 3. Strengthening bone exercise, also known as weight-bearing exercise, is to carry out some activities in a standing position to make the bones bear a certain weight (that is, their own weight), so as to stimulate the bones to achieve the purpose of strengthening bones, such as skipping rope, running, walking fast and lifting weights. In fact, bone strengthening exercise can also be classified as aerobic exercise or muscle strength exercise. (via Peking University People’s Hospital)

Source: Beijing 12320 is listening

These ten badminton tips! do you know that or not?

First, do you know that the power action is always big first and then small? If you can’t do the same side-slapping power as conditioned reflex, you don’t have to practice wrist and finger power, it will only hurt you.

Second, do you know that when you take the initiative, you should try to attack in a straight line, because the line is short enough; When passive, try to slash as much as possible, because it can destroy the opponent’s start and continuous attack.

Third, do you know that when playing long-distance ball, the footwork movement is always small in the first few steps and big in the last step?

4. Do you know that many amateur champions have either practiced with coaches seriously, or have strong masters around them to give careful guidance and practice by themselves? There are not so many geniuses who can succeed without paying, and there are not so many smart people who can do amazing things in since the enlightenment without giving guidance.

5. Do you know that badminton is a competitive sport? No matter how strong your ability is, if you don’t observe your opponent and look for his loopholes and weaknesses, you may lose to an opponent who is far less capable than you.

6. Do you know that mistakes in doubles are contagious and emotions are contagious, so if you make mistakes, please be sure to say "mine!" Or "SORRY!"

Seven, do you know that "the martial arts in the world, only fast and unbreakable" is also very suitable for badminton, trying to get up quickly, running fast, predicting fast, hitting fast and changing fast.

Eight, do you know that picking the ball is the technical action that requires the lowest consistency, so you can rest assured that the bold upper arm drives the forearm to use big moves.

9. Do you know that a seemingly simple stride surfing the Internet requires leg press to stretch his muscles, squat quietly to increase his strength, jump rope to improve his explosive power, and turn his hips to keep his center of gravity?

10. Do you know that losing is much more important than winning on the road of learning the ball? You can figure out how to lose every time and make targeted improvements, and the distance to winning will get closer and closer.

Table tennis World Cup: The schedule will be announced on December 6th! China and Japan face the weak brigade, and Hande encounters the strong enemy.

On December 6th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Mixed Team World Cup is about to usher in the first day of the second stage. At present, the group stage has ended, and the list of the top eight teams has been released. Although the China team lost by Manyu Wang, the other seven main players remained unbeaten, and they have been qualified for promotion and continue to attack the championship.

According to the arrangement, Guoping will play at 19: 30pm on December 6th against the average Slovak team, and the top three seeds, Germany, Japan and South Korea, will also continue to play. Please see below for the detailed situation, latest schedule and highlights of each match.

This mixed World Cup has adopted a brand-new 8-win system in 15 games. The first stage is to calculate the points to decide the outcome, and so is the second stage, which means that each team should try to make a quick decision and open the gap as early as possible to get 8 points. At the same time, the losing team need not be discouraged, as long as the total score is enough, it can still win medals and even hit the championship.

As mentioned earlier, Guoping has advanced to the top eight. Among the eight main players, only Manyu Wang lost 1-2 to Puerto Rico’s Diaz, while the other seven players, Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Ma Long, Lin Gaoyuan, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng and Wang Yidi, remained unbeaten.

In addition to Guoping, the others have been promoted by Germany, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Slovakia, France, and China Taipei. Next, except for the teams that have met in the first stage, all the others have to play again. Take Guoping as an example, whether you want to win the championship or not, you have to play six more games (Sweden has already touched it), and finally calculate the total score to determine the ranking.

According to the arrangement, the first two games to be played at 13:00 pm on December 6th were Japan VS China Taipei and South Korea VS France. Among them, the pressure on Japan was relatively small, because the three main players of China Taipei, Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, didn’t come, and the threat was not great.

The battle between South Korea and France is quite interesting. The former has eight generals, including Zhang Yuzhen, Lin Zhongxun, Li Shangzhu, Ahn Jae hyun, Shen Yubin, Tian Zhixi, Jin Naying and Li Shiwen, all of whom are first-class in foreign associations except Li Shiwen. The latter has four masters, lebrun Brothers, Simon and Yuan Jianan, and the rising star Pawad is also very influential. Although it is inferior to South Korea, it may not be impossible to score points.

At 19:30 pm, the table tennis match against Slovakia is not a big problem. The battle between Germany and Sweden may be fierce. Both sides have several main players absent. At present, the strength is even. Sweden may win with the advantage of men, but it may not lose.

So who do you think will win the first prize in the second stage? Welcome to write your own prediction in this message!

The 2023 National Swimming Championships started on Sunday, with famous players such as Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang participating.

The Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Xiao) As the final battle of China swimming this year, the 2023 National Swimming Championships and Doha World Championships trials will be held in the swimming pool of Jinan Olympic Sports Center from December 10th to 15th. Zhang Yufei, Qin Haiyang, Wang Shun, Xu Jiayu, Li Bingjie and other famous swimmers all participated in the competition.

Since the 2024 Doha Swimming World Championships will be held from February 2 to 18 next year, this year’s National Swimming Championships will be held in December this year as a trial for the World Championships. For the famous swimmers, this is also a special experience. After all, this period of time has entered the winter training period, and there are few large-scale events arranged in China.

According to the selection method of the World Championships, at most two athletes in each event are selected. The selection conditions are as follows: among the final results of each individual event, at most two athletes who have reached the A standard of the World Championships and achieved the best results are eligible for selection; One athlete has been selected in each individual final result, and the other one has been selected by the athlete who has reached the World Championship A standard and achieved the best result in the preliminary results; If no athlete reaches the World Championship A standard in the final results of each individual event, at most two athletes who have reached the World Championship A standard and achieved the best results in the preliminary results will be eligible for selection; If no athlete in each event reaches the World Championship A standard, the athlete who has reached the World Championship B standard and achieved the best result in the final and preliminaries (the final is better than the preliminaries) will be eligible for selection; If the results of each individual event are the same and exceed the number of selected places, the results of this individual event will be compared, and those with good results will be eligible for selection; If the results are the same again, the athletes with the same results will be replayed according to the requirements of the replay in the competition rules after the final, and those with good results will be eligible for selection.

The qualification of relay events is: athletes who have obtained the qualification of single event selection should have the first performance of single event or relay with the corresponding stroke and distance of each relay event in the trial before they can obtain the qualification of each relay event; Athletes who are not qualified for individual selection will reach the A or B mark of the World Championships in the final results of individual strokes and distances in each relay event, and obtain the alternative qualification to participate in relay events only; According to the competition schedule of the World Championships, after all individual qualifications are confirmed, the list of athletes who only participate in relay events and the qualifications of athletes in relay events are determined by collective discussion according to the results of athletes who are eligible for relay events.

According to the schedule, the 2023 National Swimming Championships will start the preliminary competition at 9: 30 every competition day, and the final competition will start at 19: 00. Judging from the registration situation, many contestants not only have to participate in their own main events, but also reported many events called "whole life" by swimming fans. For example, Wang Shun signed up for 100 frogs, 100 butterflies and 200 butterflies, Xu Jiayu signed up for 400 butterflies, Li Bingjie signed up for 200 butterflies, Pan Zhanle wanted to try her hand at 200, and teenager Yu Yiting even signed up for 11 individual events. While striving for the World Championships in Doha, the athletes will also fully pull their own status and prepare for the World Championships and the Paris Olympic Games.

Editor Wu Dongni

Proofread Wang Xin

Beauty cosmetics industry contributes a lot to China market.

In the first half of this year, the beauty industry ushered in a recovery, and the semi-annual report of foreign beauty brands was really amazing. The performance of 10 head enterprises such as L ‘Oreal, Procter & Gamble and Shiseido all achieved growth.

In the semi-annual reports of these international brands, "the fastest growth" and "more contribution" have become the most important comments on the China market. Shiseido’s business in China increased by 44.1% year-on-year, and L ‘Oreal increased by 34.2%. Even Amore Pacific, which had been in constant trouble before, relied on the market performance in China to turn losses into profits.

Why has the beauty market in China suddenly sprung up under the COVID-19 epidemic? On the one hand, the "face value economy" is in power, and the epidemic situation has made women’s demand for exquisite life stronger, and the penetration rate of beauty cosmetics has further increased; On the other hand, the epidemic has changed people’s shopping habits, and live broadcast and online celebrity delivery have improved the promotion effect and consumption conversion rate of beauty cosmetics.

What deserves special attention is the localization strategy of foreign brands in China market. As we all know, these international brands have always taken a high-end route in the China market, with flagship stores, shopping malls and duty-free shops as their main sales channels. However, in the past two years, with the development of e-commerce, beauty, as a trendy lifestyle, has become the new favorite of e-commerce platforms. Li Jiaqi, Viya and other big V live broadcasts have inspired more women to pursue beauty. Some domestic beauty brands aim at the opportunity, and through new channels such as short videos and live broadcasts, their popularity has been greatly enhanced by the "star +KOL+ amateur" model. Domestic beauty products such as Hua Xizi and Perfect Diary have become popular brands on e-commerce platforms.

In this context, foreign brands have also begun to change their thinking, put down their bodies and launch online channels. During the "618" period this year, the top 10 Tmall beauty brands were almost monopolized by international brands, and L ‘Oreal’s sales ranked first; In the little red book that young people prefer, Estee Lauder was the brand with the largest investment in the beauty field in the first half of the year. Shiseido also learned to use it flexibly, and brought the way of live selling goods back to Japan, where its headquarters is located, and achieved good sales results.

More and more people know the international brands in China market and the domestic brands that have shined brilliantly in recent years, and the competition in China’s beauty market is becoming more and more fierce. The international big names who have tasted the sweetness have to work hard on "localization" if they want to keep the "family property" that they have cultivated for many years.

Source: Economic Daily

Together with 500 creators, this game is ready to put a big move at the end of the year.

Text/hand tour that the devil touches the cat

Whenever I talk to my friends about the "party games" category of this year’s game market fire, Netease’s "Egg Party" is an unavoidable topic. After all, there are 30 million daily users, over 100 million monthly users, and over 100 million paradise UGC maps … It has too many auras.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Egg Party" refreshed the imagination of the outside world for party games, and it also made many people re-recognize the huge market potential of this category.

Behind these external eye-catching data, what deserves our discussion is the careful layout of the game in UGC for a long time-to be honest, perhaps many people didn’t expect it to develop so quickly.

In June of this year, Kwan, the producer of "Egg Party", announced at the first creators’ conference that Egg Paradise had achieved the achievement of adding millions of new maps and tens of millions of creators every week.

Just two months later, Egg Party once again announced the achievement that the total number of UGC maps in the game and monthly active users both exceeded 100 million. These data are enough to confirm the strong layout of Egg Party in UGC content.

Until last week, the "Egg Party" had a new action: the "Super Craftsman Recruitment" activity officially ended, and 500 outstanding creators were awarded the title of Super Craftsman, and they were invited to participate in the annual mysterious project of Egg Island, which also opened a grand prelude for the annual UGC event of Egg Island.

Although the activity is only a prelude, it still allows us to witness the deep "externalization" of UGC ecological relationship and the good interactive ecology as always. For example, the event not only attracted tens of thousands of creators to participate in the creation, but also won nearly one million votes in just four days of voting.

For another example, by inviting the author to create a personal booth, the activity can better help to condense the essence of UGC map into this landscape "miniature map", spread unlimited creativity as much as possible in the limited creative space, and vividly reproduce the far-reaching diverse motif in the UGC ecology-for example, the author noticed that there are both "Dunhuang Pipa" and "Fantasy Collection" booths that shoulder the heavy responsibility of inheriting traditional culture. There are also booths that pay attention to social phenomena and discuss topics such as campus bullying and mental illness.

From this, we once again see the flourishing and mature UGC ecology of Egg Party and its great influence.

Then, in just over a year, why can "Egg Party" make the UGC ecology truly unrepeatable? How to build a positive and benign creative ecology quickly, and continue to iterate and upgrade, and continue to build a creative ecological co-prosperity circle?

By analyzing this activity, maybe we can find our own answer.


Behind the super craftsman

It’s a hundred million growth stories and emotional flows.

If the content of UGC is a towering tree, then the creators are strong branches of this tree. On the one hand, they are an important guarantee for the prosperity and development of UGC content; On the other hand, their growth arc is a powerful mapping between their creative value and the official UGC ecological development.

Behind the 500 super craftsmen, it is the creator’s personal growth and the overall ecological synergy of UGC, which can solidify the higher brand value of UGC. The creators represented by super craftsmen constantly strengthen their personal IP characteristics with the help of the official stage, and they are mutually beneficial to the development of UGC, and jointly draw their own growth marks.

Taking the creator "Xuanzai Run" as an example, into the pit was attracted by the classic parkour game in the early days, and she came into contact with the function of the park workshop by chance. Its low threshold and high degree of freedom enabled her to easily reproduce the beautiful things in daily life into the map, depicting many scenes that were warmly healed in the booth "Love", and also realized her artistic dream all along.

Another example is the creator "Brown Bear", who is a "super daddy" in reality. He found the opportunity to realize "the dream of making games" in the powerful function of the egg workshop, and was invited to become an official full-time creator by virtue of his ingenious creative talent. While taking care of his family and career perfectly, he started a "second life" in the egg. In this super craftsman’s booth, "Brown Bear" continues the epic description style that it has always been good at, creating a magnificent and powerful "city of heroes", which is full of shock between the sword and the light.

While the official support and the creators’ self-growth complement each other, the creators’ sharing of creative interests has become an important part of UGC’s concept of "co-creation": "Langlang 11" and "Puxi Coke", which perfectly proves this point to the story of a good creative partner. By chance, they met in an author exchange group, and when they met for the first time, they hit it off in their creative ideas and pursuits. As an art student, "Puxi Coke." often helps science students "Langlang 11" optimize the artistic style of maps. And "Langlang 11" will often share its creative skills with "Puxi Coke."

This time, both of them showed their elegance in the "super craftsman recruitment activity", and "Langlang 11" carefully drew the super cute version of "Angel Egg", which was naive and endearing. The booth of "Deep Sea Relics" built by "Puxi Coke." leads users to sink into the deep blue sea and start a dreamy adventure.

Based on the above three cases, from ordinary users to creators, and then to symbiosis and common prosperity with the government, these diverse growth curves just bring together the three trump cards of Egg Party in creating UGC ecology: high-frequency iteration, convenient and easy-to-use UGC tools, diverse and high-return incentive system, and benign interactive creative atmosphere-which may be the sustainability of Egg Party.


Tools, Incentives and Operation with Three Axes

Help UGC reach its peak in ecology.

Recently, "Egg Party" announced the plan of "Creating an Egg Age Together", announcing that it will provide users with rich creative income with 500 million incentive funds within two years to encourage more users to join in the creation.

After research, the author found that the plan just echoes the three trump cards mentioned above-the "Co-Creation Age" plan is a three-in-one system based on powerful UGC tools of high-frequency iteration, multiple creative events covering all users as the carrier, and a perfect creator incentive and signing mechanism as the support, which actually realizes welfare overweight, affirms the value accumulation of creators’ personal growth, and better promotes the flow of emotions and relationships between creators, officials and creators.

On the whole, the UGC tools, incentive system and creative atmosphere, which are also reflected in the plan of "Creating an Egg Age Together", are not independent, but complement each other, and together constitute the thriving UGC ecology of today’s Egg Party. Let’s talk about tools first, which is an important cornerstone of UGC creation. No matter how good the game is, the tools are inconvenient and the creation threshold is too high, it will "persuade" a large number of users to some extent.

The project team of "Egg Party", which started with an editor, is even more familiar with this: on the one hand, they directly fill the creation friendliness of the creation tools through a large number of stupid templates with low threshold and visual operation forms. With the acceleration of the instrumentalization process, creators have gradually emerged more subdivided creative functional requirements. Therefore, Egg Party has successively introduced AIGC functions such as "one-click generation of pixel text/painting, flowers and architecture" and "video generation action", and recently broke the news about the king-fried functions such as "egg code" and "shooting UGC" which will be launched in the workshop, further liberating the creators from the tedious and repetitive creative steps.

On the other hand, in the practical stage of tools landing, Egg Party not only introduced the "nanny-level" instructions of workshops such as "Small Class of Egg Workshop" and "Open Class of Creator Workshop", but also launched a series of brand activities including online workshop UGC exchange meeting and "Craftsman Academy Training Camp", aiming at opening a window for creators to quickly understand the recent and future updates of workshops, and at the same time helping them with "old and new" teaching.

If the high-frequency iteration of tools helps creators to reduce their burdens and improve their efficiency, then the official incentive and signing mechanism based on low-threshold and diversified creative events affirms the creative value of creators from a broader dimension and gives rich realistic returns.

Under the planning system of "Creating Eggs Together", Egg Party has greatly increased more creative incentive events of all sizes, including "Artisans’ Creation Month" which is a permanent reading event, short-term activities such as "Workshop Components Reward Order", "Paradise Artisans’ Great Welfare" and "Vehicle Competition", as well as comprehensive "Workshop Creation Competition" and so on, even according to festivals and game season versions. Each activity has a different focus, and the creativity dedicated to the smallest and smallest can be captured, amplified and seen.

For example, the resident monthly creative event "Craftsman’s Creation Month", as the name implies, the official will provide different creative track directions every month, so as to cover every minority theme as much as possible, help creators to refresh their creative thinking for the node on a monthly basis, and also provide them with rich egg coins and cash prizes. For example, in December, the Craftsman Creation Month was upgraded in an all-round way in terms of rewards. Inspired by the 1 million bonus, the creators were invited to play their ingenuity in five sub-tracks, including group building and viewing.

In contrast, the "Paradise Craftsman’s Great Welfare" is a short-term, limited-time creative welfare activity. For example, in the third week of November, the challenge is to make the first 4,000 maps with a heat value of 1,000 within the specified time, and then get the 200 yuan Prize.

At the same time, there are small and medium-sized construction competitions with different specific nodes in the competition system, including the "Egg Games" with the theme of national sports competition, and the "Never Robbed" map construction competition for linkage, etc …… The purpose is to make the construction competitions with each interesting sub-theme attract the attention of vertical users in this field as much as possible, and then radiate to all the creators with pan-interest.

Matching with the rich incentive events, it is the official mature official incentive and signing mechanism to help creators with different demands and different growth stages get more opportunities for upward growth.

Specifically, as long as the total number of trips to create maps exceeds 10,000, you can apply to join the official "incentive plan" and get stable cash income. For those creators who have higher pursuits and unique talents, the government will continue to dig them into official contract authors to open a clearer future for them. The official has also prepared a series of exclusive rights and interests for this group of contracted creators: on the one hand, it significantly enhances their creative income, on the other hand, it also has priority rights such as participating in various official exchange meetings and experiencing the new version of the editor in advance.

For social media content creators, the government has also opened official support and incentive rights on the whole platform. Excellent content creators can not only get revenue bonuses, but also get official platform traffic tilt, so that their whimsy can be seen by more people.

With mature tools and rich incentive creation system, the whole UGC ecology of Egg Party has become more stable.

Because of this, it can form a more friendly and benign environment atmosphere for creators in the game, which is helpful to the internal communication of creators’ ecology, thus promoting the flow of creativity, content and emotion among creators. The "Langlang 11" and "Puxi Coke" mentioned above strongly prove this point.

In fact, there are many related cases, such as "an excellent creator recommended a paradise workshop to a colleague, and the latter signed a contract to become an official author", "The author of Lao Liutu transformed into an anchor and became close friends with another anchor" ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

In my opinion, these cases actually use "creation" as "social currency" to closely combine the user groups in the game. Creators can share and discuss based on UGC content; Between the creator and the player, new social relations will be created because of UGC maps. Whether it is praise or suggestion, the former can gain more progress and sense of accomplishment. This kind of good cooperative creative atmosphere is the best "endorsement advertisement" of UGC ecology, which can attract more and more interested people to join it, so as to make the whole ecology more active and prosperous.


Breaking the upper limit, the biggest opponent of Egg Party is yourself.

After the above analysis and discussion, you may have a clearer understanding of the UGC ecology that Egg Party leads the whole industry. Generally speaking, if an UGC ecosystem wants to develop steadily, it needs to establish a close "bonding" relationship from top to bottom, from officials to users, and from creators to users, so as to co-create around content and make the ecosystem bigger and stronger.

The "Egg Party", which is a chain of "official stage-setting, creator singing and user voting", is to connect the first few together, push the creators who are valuable resources of UGC into the spotlight, and show their works in an enlarged way, so that the outside world can see the official respect and cherish the creative value of UGC.

In my opinion, this "super craftsman recruitment" activity has been so surprising that I can’t help but look forward to what kind of shock the upcoming annual UGC event will bring.

In the future, "Egg Party" may once again break the existing ceiling of UGC and constantly set up new benchmarks in this field. And where will its upper limit be? I don’t think anyone can give an accurate answer. But at least, it is now the only existence in this market, and it continues to create more and more "firsts".