How badly they were cut to get rid of the bill

Wen’s financial stories are written by Ning Yutian and edited by Chen Jiying.

From the four love stories of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Legend of White Snake, Legend of Meng Jiangnu and butterfly lovers" to one of the four happy events of China "Wedding Night"; From the grape tree on Tanabata to the first cup of milk tea in autumn; From the old adage that "there are three unfilial things, and no heirs are great" to the daily routine of urging marriage and love for seven aunts and eight aunts on holidays … … Marriage has always been the eternal obsession of most people in China.

At the same time, with the demand for marriage and love reaching its peak after 1990s, gradually entering marriageable age after 00, the divorce rate rising year by year, and the aging population increasing, the number of singles with marriage and love needs is growing. By 2019, the total number of singles in China is about 300 million.

However, the world is not very friendly to single dog. They may not only be questioned by their parents and puzzled by their relatives and friends, but also go through eighty-one difficult on the road of courtship: racking their brains to take off their orders but being hunted by "killing pigs"; Falling out of love and being cheated by emotional recovery institutions; In order to get rid of one-way PUA training, but lost the ability of true love … …

Wheat was born in a rural family, the cooking style of dry wood stoves, the father who sold coolies to make money, and the mother who had to hesitate to buy clothes for tens of dollars … … The bleak family situation has made wheat thrifty and bitter since childhood.

After graduating from college, she became a salesman with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan. After the holiday at the end of the year, she went home for the New Year with the money she had saved for half a year, but it ushered in the beginning of a nightmare … …

The epidemic came unexpectedly, the company’s business was stagnant, and her family worried about her risk of infection and tried their best to prevent wheat from reworking.

In this way, she broke her income. However, "I feel uncomfortable if I don’t make money for a day", and she began to find ways to make money online.

At the end of March, she decided to try sending short videos in Tik Tok. The first video was only played for 20 or 30 minutes, but someone paid attention to it and privately believed in Wheat.

The two chatted. "At that time, I thought he was very interesting and nice. Later, he asked me to add his QQ."

Watching the men’s QQ space and vibrato videos, Mai found that the other party turned out to be an excellent boy in all aspects: Fudan University’s bright academic qualifications, decent and rich programmer work, two generations of well-off family in business, and high-end and comfortable petty bourgeoisie life … … "At first, I felt that there was a big gap between us, and he was too unattainable; Looking at the photos, he has tattoos and earrings, which is a bit evil and looks very fancy. I can’t control it. "

However, the boy seems to be very concerned about wheat, and he actively shared his growing experience, took his parents out for a trip, accompanied his uncle for morning running and fitness, and helped his friends in distress … … "We talk about everything, just like my old friends who have known each other for years."

In this way, wheat gradually became interested in this male netizen.

On April 1 ST, the male netizen asked Mai to help manage his investment account, and also told him his password and investment method.

"I was very touched and felt that he trusted me so much." Not long after, Mai witnessed the income of thousands of dollars in the boy’s account.

One day later, the boy generously shared his way to get rich with Wheat. "This is the way I found by taking advantage of the loopholes in the platform, and I won’t lose money." He claimed that he also misappropriated the company’s funds to bet, so he asked Wheat to keep it secret. "Otherwise, I will face legal risks."

"In order not to hurt him, I took the initiative to delete the chat record and reminded him to delete it too." Wheat is convinced.

At the beginning, wheat invested 2000 yuan and earned hundreds in a few minutes; Then invest another 20,000 yuan, and thousands of dollars will arrive in an instant; "But every time I have to go to the customer service to recharge, I feel so troublesome. Just charge a little more and withdraw the cash together."

Wheat took out all his savings of80,000 yuan and took a handful of All in.

"Later, he told me that there was an activity recently, and if I upgraded, I could get more lottery money, and then encouraged me to continue to replenish my money."

When Wheat hesitated, the boy used the killer weapon: "We finally have so much principal, so we should invest more, and then we can buy a house together."

So, Wheat remembered the passbook at home again, and added 500,000 yuan. Seeing that the account balance rose from more than 500,000 yuan to more than 1 million yuan, Wheat was ecstatic and anxious to withdraw the money.

At the same time, I am also grateful to her "noble person". "I asked him for Alipay account number or bank card number, and I wanted to transfer some money to him, so that I could be grateful."

The boy claimed that he had forgotten to pay back the money before, so he stopped using Alipay. "He also said that he didn’t want my money. He earned more than me, and I was even more moved."

However, joy begets sorrow, and before wheat has taken out the money, the account number shows that it has been frozen. "I immediately panicked. He said that his was also frozen. Let me not panic. He has encountered this situation before. Let me ask the customer service how to unfreeze it."

After consulting customer service, Wheat learned that it had to recharge 150,000 yuan before it could be thawed. In order to avoid the huge sinking cost, she took out the last 100,000 yuan from the passbook at home and borrowed 50,000 yuan from the online loan platform.

The account was finally unfrozen. Wheat thought it was ready to withdraw cash, but the customer service said that it needed 7 times of running water, that is, more than 7 million yuan.

Before the wheat collected enough money, the account balance suddenly fell from more than 1.5 million to 83 yuan; The boy also said that the money he invested was also trapped, leaving only a dime.

"He said he was sorry for me first, and then he was pathetic, saying he was afraid to go back to the company and tell his family. I began to feel sorry for him. I felt that my family had not discovered my loss. His pressure was definitely greater than mine. Instead, I began to comfort him and let him not blame himself. "

However, the boy gradually became indifferent to wheat and disappeared completely after the end of April. She once worried that he disappeared because he was taken away by the police … …

"At that time, I was so concerned about him that I felt that even if he was sentenced to ten, twenty or thirty years, I would wait for him, and even thought about taking care of his parents and filial piety for him when I was free."

While Wheat was worried about his "lover", his mother found that the passbook at home was missing, and when she watched her mother get angry in a hurry, Wheat confessed … … Mother suddenly collapsed on the ground.

The family took the wheat to the police, but she never wanted to believe that her "soul mate" was a liar. Later, she searched and browsed various cases of "killing pig plates" on the Internet, and she woke up like a dream.

After the incident was exposed, grandma swore every day that wheat was a black sheep; My sister also blamed her for losing her parents’ hard-earned money for a lifetime, and even hit her with anger; Father was silent and never spoke to her again … …

My mother was afraid of wheat, so she comforted her all the time, even contradicting the whole family. "That was the dowry that my mother saved for you."

Wheat is deeply in remorse and remorse. The liar cheated her of her money and stole her heart. "Now, I hate him and hope that he will be caught and brought to justice; But sometimes I want to love him, and it’s ridiculous to think about it. There should be few people who know that they are cheated and miss the liar. "

After being cheated by the emotional recovery agency, Chenchen posted the experience of being cheated on Xiaohongshu, and the followers were in an endless stream.

There are not a few victims with similar experiences, and many comments in the comment area: "Good exposure! I have also been cheated, and I want to ask how to recover the money "; "I was almost cheated, and he kept urging me to pay"; "Is there any XX organization cheated" … …

There are also many people who plan to place an order, "I am still ready to participate"; "It’s so expensive to recover" … …

Xiaohongshu met a constellation blogger and signed 3400 yuan to save the service.

Last year, Chenchen quarreled with her boyfriend who had been in love for many years and broke up.

Very sad, Chenchen searched for "How to save XX constellation boyfriend" in Xiaohongshu, and a sign blogger’s post attracted her attention. After Chenchen left a message below, the blogger quickly wrote Chenchen privately and proposed to add WeChat to help Chenchen save her boyfriend.

Chenchen was cautious at first, and specifically asked whether to charge. After getting a negative reply, she added the blogger WeChat.

After adding WeChat, the blogger claimed that he was only an emotional teacher’s assistant, and pushed WeChat, who claimed to be Liu Zhe’s "emotional counselor", to Chenchen.

Liu Zhe said that it is not difficult to recover. "I am in the same constellation as your boyfriend. He must still love you, but you can only make a plan by paying money. You will probably get five or six thousand in this situation."

Chenchen said that he was short of money, and Liu Zhe made an exception and discounted it to 3400.

Seeing that Chenchen was still hesitating, Liu Zhe sent a business license, a screenshot of Tianyan, etc., showing that the other organization was named Encounter Psychological Consulting Co., Ltd. (now renamed X Wo Education Consulting Co., Ltd.).

At the same time, Liu Zhe repeatedly reminded Chenchen that "if you miss the best opportunity, you will regret it later", creating a sense of urgency. At the same time, he also promised that the recovery was ineffective and the fee could be refunded.

In the end, Chenchen’s defense line completely collapsed, and he paid a monthly service of 3,400 yuan.

After paying the money, he was recommended to Enmou, the director of the guidance department, who arranged one-on-one "emotional mentor" for him, calling himself Jane Eyre.

During the service, Jane Eyre instructed Chenchen to send some positive energy circle of friends visible only to her and her boyfriend, "or forward the WeChat official account articles recommended by her. They didn’t give me any psychological counseling from beginning to end. At that time, I was slightly depressed, and they didn’t care. They just said a word — — ‘ Calm down ’ 。”

Day after day, Chenchen’s relationship with her boyfriend made no progress, and finally her boyfriend blacked her out directly. So Jane Eyre instructed her to bring gifts to her boyfriend’s house.

At first, Chenchen strongly refused, "My boyfriend is stubborn, which will annoy him", but under the brainwashing of Jane Eyre and the urgency of saving her boyfriend, Chenchen got up the courage to go, and as a result, her boyfriend closed the door and disappeared.

After the relationship deteriorated completely, Chenchen continued to ask for help.

Jane Eyre’s plan is to improve women’s charm and emotional intelligence in the morning. "You have to sign up for two more courses."

At this time, Chenchen was completely awake and asked the organization to refund in full. As a result, the organization not only refused to refund, but also blamed Chenchen’s "own problems" for the failure of recovery.

Chenchen suddenly remembered that when she talked with Liu Zhe about buying classes in the early stage, the latter provided her with a contract sample about the refund, so she quickly turned out the contract. What shocked her was that the contract finally signed was "a thousand miles away" from the contract presented by Liu Zhe during the initial communication — — The refund clause is missing.

At the same time, the above-mentioned "teachers" have blacked them out and deleted them; The redemption agencies that provide services for them and the WeChat nicknames of "teachers" have been renamed several times; The account content of the aforementioned Little Red Book constellation blogger has also been completely emptied … …

In fact, the "master of emotion" has no license to work, and his education and experience are not limited.

Chenchen was not the only one who was deceived. In July this year, the Shanghai police detected the case of "emotional redemption" fraud, arrested 69 suspects, and initially verified more than 500 cases involving more than 7 million yuan across the country.

Caijing Story also talked about the victims of several emotional recovery institutions and summarized the routines of the above-mentioned emotional recovery institutions: the content platform publishes emotional articles to drain — Contact and contact induce signing a bill to buy a class — Prevarication, procrastination, perfunctory, and providing unreliable and unfeasible suggestions — Success depends entirely on nature, and failure will lead to a second promotion renewal fee — PUA shirks its responsibility if the fee is not renewed.

There are many similar victims. In the case of black cat complaints, "emotional consultation" was used as the key word, and more than 600 complaints were retrieved. Most of the complainants’ experiences were exactly the same as those of Chenchen.

There are also many such fraud cases on Chinese judgment documents online.

Moreover, such fraudulent institutions have built a mature organizational system, including media propaganda department, technology department, customer service department, planning department and other departments.

The Media Propaganda Department publishes emotional articles on major platforms, operates platform accounts to attract customers, collects and deletes negative information of the company, is responsible for compiling false comments on platform accounts and official online shopping malls, and uses the "screenshot monster-WeChat conversation to generate a false chat record to" create "successful cases of emotional recovery to attract more customers;

The technical department is responsible for promoting false stories to save feelings, saving successful cases, using search keywords to bid on Baidu, Google and other platforms, and establishing web pages;

The customer service department manages receptionists and customer service personnel, and the customer service specifically contacts the victims through WeChat to promote various services such as warming up love, emotional recovery, and persuasion of mistress … …

In a recruitment software, many emotional consulting companies have a low threshold for the position of "emotional/marriage consultant": on the one hand, the job description has a strong sales color; On the other hand, there are no rigid requirements such as psychology-related majors and psychological counseling certificates, and more labels are "unlimited experience" and "unlimited academic qualifications".

After Caijing Story once communicated the above positions in the name of job hunting and told the other party that there was no psychological counseling certificate, many companies still said it was acceptable.

In other words, the "master of emotional recovery" who holds Cupid’s arrow in your eyes and can influence marriage and love is likely to be a young man with no psychological knowledge and not rich emotional experience.

In this regard, Quan Yunfeng, the founder of Peng Orange Psychology, told Caijing Story: "There is no ’ in psychology; Emotional redemption ’ This entry, in essence, is a concept that has been commercially packaged. And their routines, including WeChat chatting and sending friends circle, have long been out of the scope of psychological counseling. "

He also revealed to the "Financial Stories" that the marketing investment of many so-called emotional counseling institutions now accounts for more than 60%. "This has been divorced from the origin of psychological counseling services."

The little hero can’t tell whether he is a victim or a perpetrator. "Maybe both? !”

Xiaojie, who was born in a small county in the Central Plains, is a typical Phoenix man. Because he studied in an engineering college, there were more men than women, and he never talked about his girlfriend until he graduated from college.

After graduating, he worked for five or six years, bought a house in a second-tier city, and did not call several times in succession. His parents kept urging marriage, so at the beginning of 2018, he successively downloaded a number of social software, such as Momo and Exploration.

Through the online chat on the screen, the confession of love slipped left and right, which eliminated his shyness and shyness, but either he fell into the embarrassment of nothing to say when chatting, or when he met offline, Xiaojie would "see the light die" with the girls.

Hard hit, Xiaojie was ready to turn to the Internet, and then went to the website of a love training institution.

On the page, various training products are displayed in different categories: 599 yuan crash course, 1599 yuan introductory course, 3599 yuan systematic training course, 7899 yuan growth advanced class and so on.

A number of contact information popped up on the screen, and Xiaojie tried to add a tutor to consult. The other party first sent him a free study material and encouraged him to sign up for class.

At this time, Xiaojie was dubious and didn’t intend to report to class. After reading the free materials roughly, he began to try.

Drawing a tiger according to a cat, Xiaojie, who was originally dull, tried to play a "caring and warm man". In the second half of 2018, Xiaojie finally decided to have a relationship with a lady.

When he first tasted the sweetness of love, Xiaojie was satisfied and even planned to call his girlfriend home to see his parents during the Spring Festival, but his girlfriend was at arm’s length with him.

It was not until a movie that his girlfriend got up and went to the bathroom and dropped his mobile phone on his seat. Xiaojie accidentally saw his girlfriend’s WeChat message pop-up window, only to find out that he was just one of his girlfriend’s spare tires.

Angry at heart, Xiaojie didn’t understand why his girlfriend was derailed, so he asked the love tutor he had contacted before. The other party said that he had to pay for consulting specific cases, and promised that as long as he participated in the training, "everyone is a girl who can’t catch up." This time, Xiaojie paid without hesitation.

After paying the fee, Xiaojie was pulled into a WeChat group, and the tutor also encouraged everyone in the group. "We will all be professional players in the future."

"Now it seems that those means are not on the table."

The first step of pick up hot chicks’s method is to change his values first. "In fact, what they teach is not the way of love, but the way of divorce with strong utility.".

Secondly, to eliminate social barriers, we should "dare to take the initiative to attack". For this reason, under the guidance of our mentor, a group of people marched into the nightclub, which was the first time that Xiaojie walked into such a colorful place — — Of course, this experience is not free, and the extra charge is 800 yuan.

"I feel full that I have opened it, and I am not flustered when I see a girl."

Third, learn to package yourself. "Gao Fushuai has the highest success rate," Xiaojie said.

To this end, the tutor suggested that they open a WeChat trumpet, and then provide a variety of fake brand-name clothing for them to buy, pose and send to their circle of friends. "To show the feeling of being rich inadvertently, this WeChat trumpet must be isolated from the circle of acquaintances and professions."

During that period, Xiaojie felt that he was very divided and everything was ready. It was time to take the initiative. "When talking about a girl, she should be classified first, and then when to hint at love, when to meet offline, when to touch physically, when to have intimate relations, and when to break through every barrier, there are routines."

At first, Xiaojie enjoyed it very much. From the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2019, he reused the above routines and frequently contacted girls in various social software. Finally, as many as 12 of them went to the "love" stage.

When the emotional relationship seems at your fingertips, Xiaojie suddenly feels dull. On the one hand, he is afraid to show his true self in front of the girl, and he is exhausted. On the other hand, in order to disguise his "Gao Fushuai" identity, Xiaojie spent a lot of money during his "love" and was overwhelmed. He never dared to talk about marriage with a girlfriend for fear of his identity being exposed. "What’s the point of this? !”

And he is obviously not a "PUA" master. Other PUA students in the same institution even show off that they are stepping on multiple boats. At the same time, many girlfriends are dead set on them, and even lovers from different places come from afar. Male students avoid it but are proud; On the internet, some women who are deeply involved in PUA routines are trapped in depression and even die.

Xiaojie was disgusted with all this. At the end of 2019, he left the circle completely. "I spent more than 10,000 yuan, failed to take off the bill and bought a lonely one." He is still looking for the other half — — In a clumsy and sincere way, not in a seemingly efficient PUA.

With the marriage and love industry becoming a golden track, there are endless platforms for marriage and love, such as Lily Jiayuan, soul, zhenai and Iran, and Internet giants are also scrambling to get a piece of it: QQ dating and blind date area; Online matchmaker blind date in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker; Heartbeat duet of national K songs … …

Opportunities seem to be everywhere, but it is not easy to successfully get rid of the order. When singles are trying to get rid of their bills, those emotional swindlers are also lurking at the other end of the screen, waiting for opportunities to hunt, cheat money and punish their hearts … … Good things are often dangerous, such as love, and how many scams are fake in your name. (Wheat, Xiaojie and Chenchen are all pseudonyms, and the pictures are all from the respondents except the source.)

Volvo’s new XC60: smarter, for safety.

When it comes to Volvo, "safety" will almost be the first word in everyone’s mind. With the advantages of brand history, reputation and safety performance, Volvo has achieved double growth in brand and sales in China. Among them, XC60 is Volvo’s most popular and highest-selling model. In 2020, XC60 accounted for about 30% of Volvo’s sales in China.

Facing the luxury medium-sized SUV market which is already in the Red Sea, Volvo XC60 (parameter picture) has a place in the highly competitive market with its distinctive Nordic brand label and excellent safety performance.

On June 11th, the new XC60 was officially launched, with a total of 9 styles including 1 B4, 5 B5 and 3 T8. The official guide price is 373,900-603,900 yuan. The new car continues to strengthen its competitiveness to cope with the upgrade of its competitors. The key word this time is "intelligence".

Intelligence is the only way for Volvo to be safe.

"Intelligence" is the only way for Volvo to achieve the ultimate safety in the new era, but people are the starting point and end point of all Volvo technologies. Therefore, the upgrade focus of the new XC60 is intelligence.

In fact, in the intelligent tide of the automobile industry, the safety of automobile products is constantly approaching this aspect, including intelligent and safe driving, pedestrian safety, and car networking. As a representative in the field of automobile safety, Volvo also demonstrated its future layout of intelligent safety technology through the launch of the new XC60.

The first is the intelligent cockpit. The new intelligent concept and technology have further changed our car life and made the car operate like a smart phone.

Volvo’s new XC60 has a built-in native Android car, which is based on the standard version of the car Android system jointly developed by Volvo and Google, which can achieve better adaptation and effectively promote the establishment of an open intelligent ecosystem.

On the other hand, Volvo cooperates with the best partners in various fields, such as Ali, Tencent, Huawei, Iflytek and Gaode Map, to create the best application and service, and it can be accessed through the ONE ID account system. The most intuitive example is the WeChat scan code login machine, which is the only model that can be achieved at present.

The upgrade iteration of intelligent driving technology is the top priority of Volvo safety.

In 2015, the Volvo industry first introduced the Pilot Assist navigation assistance system, equipped with three world-first intelligent safety technologies. The whole system comes standard with City Safety urban safety assistance system, which has been iterated for many times in the past ten years, covering travel safety to every participant on the road and making safety to the extreme.

At the same time, Volvo is constantly approaching the advanced stage of intelligent driving-automatic driving, which is realized by cooperating with a series of technology companies. For example, to become the first automobile brand supported by NVIDIA OrinX chip, the powerful chip provides enough computing power for the automatic driving system, and the brand-new electronic and electrical architecture based on the central computing platform and Ethernet will ensure the high-speed data throughput required by the automatic driving function.

Volvo plans to achieve highly automatic driving assistance functions such as navigation assistance and automatic lane change according to the route set by navigation in 2023. Around 2025, automatic driving without human intervention will be realized on closed road sections. At present, it has reached a strategic partnership with Waymo, the world’s leading autonomous driving company.

In China, Volvo cooperated with Didi Chuxing to launch XC60 self-driving taxi service in Shanghai last year, and in April this year, Didi provided hundreds of XC90 self-driving cars equipped with redundant systems supporting steering and braking functions.

With the upgrading of the three strengths, the new XC60 is more competitive and has more cards.

The XC60 model has been recognized by many elite consumers in the city and established a good reputation. Therefore, the internal and external design of this annual change has not changed much. After all, this design is excellent enough. Choosing fine-tuning will be more rational and safe, mainly through the adjustment of details and materials to improve the overall texture and grade of the car.

For example, the straight waterfall chrome plating on the front face of the luxury model adds a broken line design, and the C-shaped chrome trim on both sides of the old bumper is replaced with a long strip design on the new model, which stretches the visual width of the front of the car. The sports version is replaced with a more radical bumper, and the net adopts a sharper and more dynamic blackened dot matrix style.

There are also many changes in the new XC60. All electronic gear bars have replaced the old mechanical gear bars, and the luxury version has used the Swedish royal national treasure Orrefors crystal gear bar. In addition, the medium-high configuration version will be equipped with or equipped with B&W Baohua Weijian audio system, and the whole system is still the only CleanZone? Nordic clean cockpit at the same level. On the whole, the cockpit of XC60 has a very distinctive temperament and luxury label compared with BBA of the same level and competitors of second-tier luxury brands. Many consumers choose XC60 for this set of interior.

Intelligent cockpit and safety upgrade are all reflected in the new XC60. For example, the only native built-in Android car system at the same level, the open Ali/Tencent/Huawei open ecological full coverage and Iflytek natural speech semantic recognition system provide drivers and passengers with a more convenient travel experience. In addition, the threshold of City Safety urban intelligent safety system is further lowered, and all XC60 models are equipped.

In terms of performance, the power control chassis of the new XC60 has been fully upgraded.

In terms of power, the whole new car is upgraded with 48V light mixing system, which further improves the overall performance and fuel saving level, and also significantly improves NVH and ride comfort.

Volvo Cars has formed a complete electrified product matrix including pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and light hybrid vehicles. According to Volvo’s timetable for electrification transformation, all product lines will be electrified in 2021; In 2030, it became a pure electric luxury car enterprise; Strive to become a climate zero-load benchmark enterprise in 2040.

In terms of chassis control, the damping adjustment of the shock absorber of the new car tends to improve comfort, and with the seat jointly developed by the Royal Swedish Medical College, the driving comfort is further improved.

In addition, the new XC60 adopts an electronically controlled braking system to achieve a braking response of 0.15 seconds, and the braking response speed is increased by 2 times; There is also a full-time intelligent four-wheel drive system +4C adaptive chassis and air suspension equipment, which greatly improves the driving safety and handling.

Zero integer ratio is the best, attracting more rational users.

In the current market, XC60 still focuses on mainstream rivals such as Mercedes-Benz GLC, BMW X3 and Audi Q5L. In terms of brand power, Volvo may not be as good as it is, but in terms of product quality, XC60′ s advantages lie in more complete safety equipment and more cost-effective configuration advantages. There is also the tonality and connotation of Volvo’s unique brand.

Another thing I have to mention is the zero integral ratio. In the 12th Vehicle Zero-integral Ratio System Data released by China Automotive Technology Research Institute, the zero-integral ratio coefficient of BMW Brilliance X3 is 700.72%, that of Beijing Benz GLC is 614.69%, that of FAW Audi Q5L is 479.20%, and that of Volvo XC60 is only 466.60%, which is obviously the lowest among competing products of the same level.

The lower the zero integral ratio, the lower the maintenance cost of this model, not only the XC60, but also the models under the Volvo brand have lower zero integral ratio than the same level, which is a big attraction for the rational luxury car consumers, and many users who choose Volvo are actually rational buyers.

Zhong Shu

Nowadays, the competition of luxury medium-sized SUVs is becoming more and more fierce, and the "differentiation" characteristics of products will become a breakthrough. The unique Nordic design and people-oriented safety concept of XC60 will attract more and more attention. At the same time, fully accessing the online ecosystem of Ali, Tencent and Huawei, and Volvo embracing local suppliers in China to further meet the domestic market demand will become Volvo’s competitive advantage.

Polls show McCain’s support is far ahead of the Republican Party.

Topic: 2008 US Presidential Election

  Beijing, Jan. 28 (Xinhua)-The results of the South Carolina primary election in the US presidential election have had an effect on the polls of candidates from both parties. Arizona Senator John McCain, who was originally only slightly ahead, soared in the polls after winning the South Carolina primary on the 19th, and now leads other Republican candidates by two figures. After New York Senator Hillary Clinton lost the election in South Carolina on the 26th, the national polls dropped immediately.

  According to the "Central News Agency" report, the latest Gallup national poll released on the 27th shows that McCain is far ahead of other Republican candidates with 31% support. Before the South Carolina primary, McCain was only six percentage points ahead of the second-place huckabee by 26%.

  The current support of other candidates in the Republican camp is that former Massachusetts Governor Romney is 21%; Former Arkansas Governor huckabee 18%; Former new york Mayor Giuliani 12%.

  In the Democratic camp, before the South Carolina primary, Hillary Clinton was ahead of the second-place Obama by 32% with 47% support. On the 27th, Hillary’s support dropped to 45%, while Obama continued to maintain 32%. Former North Carolina Senator Edwards ranked third with 13%, two percentage points higher than before the South Carolina primary.

Editor: Zhao Deli

The "most luxurious" domestic car once added 120 thousand to wait in line for the bus, but now no one wants to sell it at a loss

The price increase of a domestic car is more than 100 thousand, which is really unimaginable in the past. A few years ago, the Cyber Edition model from a domestic car became a hot potato in the market once it was listed. The official price was 308,000 yuan. However, due to its excellent off-road performance and cool design, it was named domestic big G by the majority of off-road enthusiasts, and the pre-sale order for two days broke 30,000. At that time, it was hard to find a car. Car dealers hoarded this car in large quantities, and then sold it at a high price. At one time, it even needed to increase the price by 120,000 yuan to clinch a deal. It can be seen that its popularity is self-evident. It is estimated that even Great Wall Motor would not have thought that 300 would be so hot. Is it a limited collection value of 3000 sets? Or is it a moment of hype to attract attention? With such a question, today we will interpret this model in detail. Is it worth the price?

Appearance, the whole body frame looks like a square box design similar to Mercedes-Benz G-Class and Jeep herdsman. The front face uses a large area of blackened honeycomb air intake grille, which is matched with a penetrating LED strip that echoes the daytime running lights inside the headlight group. After lighting, it forms a penetrating light strip effect, which is full of science fiction. The air intake on the hood highlights the wild and powerful performance of the car. The bumper below is surrounded by a bulge, and the whole front face can be said to be the perfect fusion of mecha and wildness. In addition, a Y-shaped LED light source is added to the front bumper, and four LED strip are also designed in front of the spoiler on the roof, which is very Cyberpunk’s feel.

In terms of size, the length, width and height dimensions of the new car are: 4679*1967*1958mm, and the wheelbase is 2750mm, which is a compact SUV.The filling material of the seat is very thick, the wrapping is good, and the lateral support is also in place.

On the side, the new car is equipped with a set of 21-inch blackened forged rims (275/45 R21) and also uses brake calipers with the same color interior. The wheel cover also has a shape similar to a cooling hole extending to the fender, which is matched.The raised square box body and the triple window all have a sense of sight of big G. The spare tire box with a square tail is very individual. The roof uses a large spoiler tail, and the rear bumper shape echoes the front bumper, which is also a big surrounding shape of racing style. The taillight group adopts a vertical taillight group, and at the same time, a blackened sports kit is added to the bottom of the rear enclosure, which shows a good dynamic atmosphere with the carbon fiber tail above the rear windshield.

The details of the car are really great. A large area of white material is used, a large number of carbon fiber materials and NAPPA leather materials are coated, and the details are covered with a touch of black andMetallic texturedDecorated with chrome trim,The luxury and texture in the car will be instantly raised to a higher level. The center console is equipped with a three-position steering wheel, a 12.3-inch LCD instrument and a 12.3-inch central control panel. At the same time, the new car adopts a round air-conditioning outlet similar to Mercedes-Benz G-Class, with small clocks and electronic gear shifting mechanism in the middle of the table, and various knobs+function buttons are arranged around the gear handle.

In terms of configuration, it provides 360-degree panoramic images, 9-speaker Swallow Lishi audio, 64-color ambient lights, K-MAN nitrogen shock absorbers, carbon fiber tail fins, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, active braking, full-speed adaptive cruise, fatigue driving tips, front and rear parking radar, automatic start and stop, automatic parking, uphill assist, steep slope descent, keyless entry, keyless start and built-in driving recorder.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 167kW and a peak torque of 387 N m. The transmission is matched with an 8AT gearbox, providing part-time 4wd system. In addition, the new car is also equipped with front and rear differential locks, all-terrain feedback, crawling mode, tank U-turn, off-road information display and other functions, and also provides 9 driving modes.And the non-loaded body professional off-road chassis is adopted.

Generally speaking, it is hard to find a car for the tank 300 Cyber Edition, which is the hunger marketing of the Great Wall. It creates the feeling of scarcity of goods through quantification, so as to achieve the intention of selling well or even increasing the price.But in fact, in fact, the ornamental attribute of this car is greater than the functional attribute, soTank 300 Cyber EditionIs it really hard to find a car? Is it really so charming? I don’t think so! Because in the year before last, the price of cyber tanks dropped significantly compared with the peak period. Some car dealers dropped by 80,000, and some car dealers bought at a high price at that time, but now they can only sell at a loss. Why did the magic car that had to increase the price by 120 thousand yuan suddenly lose its fragrance? What do you think is the reason? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

Lei Jun did not mention the future of Xiaomi Automobile.

People live their dreams.

How many people like Xiaomi, which should be reflected in sales.

In 2022, Xiaomi’s global smartphone shipments remained third, ahead of Samsung and Apple.

In the latest market report, in the second quarter of 2023, Samsung ranked first with 53 million units, Apple ranked second with 43 million units, and Xiaomi ranked third with 33.2 million units.

Looking at the steady development, the third in the world, Xiaomi should relax, and his country is saved.

In numerous global data analysis reports, companies standing at the top of the pyramid are not happy, and they almost follow the same sentence, "In 2022, global smartphone shipments fell by 11.7% year-on-year, reaching the lowest level in nine years."

The bottleneck of smart phones still appears as scheduled.

The third place in the world, but in the domestic market, Xiaomi’s share is falling behind.

Obviously, this is not an accident.

Xiaomi needs to release more information to the market. In addition to mobile phones and other digital products, cars can boost morale.

Xiaomi’s approach is to remain mysterious.

Without releasing too much information to the outside world, Xiaomi Automobile can withstand loneliness and race against time.

I believe it is Lei Jun’s intention.

On August 14th, Lei Jun’s annual speech, which had been laid for many days, was officially opened.

In Weibo, # Lei Jun’s Annual Speech Topic #, which has contributed nearly 10 million readings, is full of expectations for Lei Jun’s speech and praise for Lei Jun himself.

Everyone has a filter for Lei Jun.

Annual speech as scheduled, simple stage design; This is only Lei Jun’s fourth lecture, but if possible, fans hope that Brother Jun will keep it.

This kind of thing, which exists like a promise, is a beautiful little fortunate. Cheers and shouts accompanied Lei Jun to the stage.

"Growth" kicked off.

I was moved by Lei Jun during the three-hour speech.

One person, one pen.

A stage, a play.

Simple blue shirt+jeans, which is the standard of technology experts; I still can’t change the local accent, which makes me play at some moments.

Kan Kan talked for 3 hours, and Lei Jun talked about starting a business and working all the way from college time. This kind of "looking back" seems to sigh the passage of time.

Recalling Wu Da’s life, Lei Jun is warm.

The beauty of youth and yearning for the future are the blueprints that every college student will paint "I want …".

Lei Jun said, "I read a book in the library, Fire in Silicon Valley, and established my lifelong dream."

With only one book, you can build a lifelong dream.

If everyone can be as simple and crisp as Lei Jun, then we should all succeed.

A book is enough to arouse a person’s lifelong goals. What a pure thing it is.

Dreamers are always pure.

Fire in Silicon Valley is on fire.

Under the appeal of Lei Jun, Fire in Silicon Valley rekindled the click-through rate and purchase rate.

This is the celebrity effect.

"If there is a fire in your heart, you are willing to take practical actions; Those who work hard and don’t calculate the gains and losses should succeed, shouldn’t they? "

Although this kind of inspirational prologue can be seen everywhere, you have to copy "since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!" for 1000 times before you can get started.

Find a way, use it, and then stick to it. It seems that any successful thing cannot escape these three things.

It’s hard to persist, isn’t it?

Lei Jun said, "In fact, no matter what problems you encounter, others may have encountered them, solved them, and even have standard answers. You just need to ask someone."

I quite agree with him.

As the old saying goes, you are not ashamed to ask questions.

Asking for advice with an open mind should be the first step to learn to study effectively.

In those unsuccessful years, persistence and self-encouragement are the only motivation to "live". Many people will choose to give up before the quantitative change to the qualitative change, saying all kinds of words to comfort themselves, for fear that others will misunderstand their weakness.

A successful person never talks about suffering.

Now he is successful. In front of others, he is an outstanding alumnus who can return to school with scenery, stand on the stage of the 130th anniversary of Wuhan University, and look back on the past life of Wuhan University in front of more than 17,000 people. It is the senior brothers of those students who are equally ambitious and eager to succeed.

Cheers always overwhelm everything.

Because he is Lei Jun.

He is the bright star in the rise of China’s mobile phone industry; Xiaomi’s mobile phone stores have opened all over the mainland of China; In countless business circles, the orange LOGO is always so conspicuous, and the extremely simplified furnishings in the store and household appliances other than digital products such as mobile phones make users look new.

Xiaomi has more than just a mobile phone.

He also has more applications in the smart home system; Crucially, he is a civilian.

The products with extremely high cost performance and minimalist design make Xiaomi quickly go out of the circle, and the products with intelligent ecological network connection make Xiaomi change from a simple mobile phone manufacturer to an ecological closed loop.

Xiaomi’s entrepreneurship is the best performance of Lei Jun’s persistence and hardship.

With an annual sales of 150 million mobile phones, Xiaomi is glorious.

The decline in revenue exceeded 14%, and Xiaomi was also anxious.

When the global millet flour is cheering for Xiaomi’s mobile phone, many people put forward that "it is a disadvantage that Xiaomi can’t be high-end".

A muffled thunder made the world quiet.

As difficult as any brand needs high-end, Xiaomi’s high-end process has made Lei Jun very painful.

He said, "The most painful and biggest growth in the past decade is high-end exploration."

When you get used to his high cost performance, high-end is the cornerstone that hinders the purchase rate.

Xiaomi’s test of water on Xiaomi 10 is successful, but it is said that Xiaomi 11 and Xiaomi 12 are failures. I am not a mobile phone fan, and there is only one Xiaomi mobile phone I used, and I still don’t know where it is; But I know that to make a product high-end and beyond the price of brand awareness, it must be amazing and perfect.

The network said that because of the quality problems of Xiaomi 11 and Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi suffered serious losses at the beginning; As a result, Lei Jun began to reflect on his decision, and the company also began to question the necessity of "high-end road".

At this moment, who should you ask?

Although Lei Jun believes that "there is a standard answer to some things", no one should be able to solve this standard answer.

Although there is ambiguity, high-end is almost the only way for Xiaomi.

If the mobile phone business cannot be realized for the time being, then Xiaomi’s car-making may be the peak of Xiaomi’s high-end.

It is Lei Jun’s confidence in Xiaomi.

In 2022, the number of connected devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) on Xiaomi AIOT platform increased by 35.8% year-on-year to 589 million; The annual revenue of smart home appliances increased by over 40% year-on-year; The annual shipment of Xiaomi tablet increased by over 160% year-on-year.

These data are telling us that Xiaomi has money.

On the basis of money, Xiaomi automobile was born conditionally.

I think Lei Jun thinks so, too.

In March 2021, Xiaomi officially announced that it would enter the automobile industry and "fight for Xiaomi Automobile", which started the first step of Lei Jun’s impact on the high-end ceiling.

At that time, Lei Jun was confident and excited. "Xiaomi has money and Xiaomi can afford it."

But I think Xiaomi can’t afford to lose.

The high-end that was questioned, set sail again, and Lei Jun started another venture.

Independent research and development of batteries, motors, electronic control, but also self-built factories.

Xiaomi Group currently has a complete IOT service ecosystem and consumer electronics portfolio, which is another layer of confidence for Lei Jun in automobile supply.

Did Xiaomi Automobile take the lead in investing 3.1 billion yuan to accompany you?

Should you be excited?

Lei Jun made a car at the end, and the mobile phone circle boiled.

Compared with the unreliability of Apple’s car-making, Xiaomi’s car process remains mysterious, but it has been moving forward.

Although the automobile industry is worried about it.

Despite the same manufacturing industry, the resistance of alternating mountains seems to be whispering, so don’t be too optimistic.

Lei Jun is confident.

We are locked in the sentence "Xiaomi’s first smart car will be mass-produced in 2024", and the countdown begins.

Lei Jun is ambitious.

His goal is that Xiaomi Automobile will enter the first camp of the industry in 2024.

These boasting are to cheer themselves up.

This complex big project, in Lei Jun’s view, can be broken down into countless independent points, solved one by one, and finally achieved perfection, just like the study in that year.

Is that the truth?

The unsolvable problem of building a car has become more confusing under the premise that Lei Jun will not reveal more details.

At the opening of the lecture in 2023, we expect to get new progress about Xiaomi Automobile.

Even the slightest trace.

Can’t get it, always in turmoil; Those who are favored have nothing to fear.

Lin xi’s lyrics are always so precise. However, hope still failed, Lei Jun, without a word.

Especially low-key, do you want to be vigorous when it breaks out?

Practitioners in the automobile industry have also begun to become scouts. In those few articles, they are trying to find any clues about the progress of Xiaomi Automobile, for example, the progress of the factory.

The news that Xiaomi Automobile Factory was completed in Beijing Yizhuang New Town was confirmed, and the offline delivery center industry of Xiaomi Automobile is being started as scheduled.

The unanimous "smooth progress" of Xiaomi executives is the only official source of news for Xiaomi Automobile.

So mysterious, so desperate, Lei Jun’s cross the rubicon, do you feel it?

Honestly, I didn’t.

Returning to rationality, why does Xiaomi build a car?

Is it because of the intelligent layout of Xiaomi itself?

Is it because of the huge and strong fan base behind Xiaomi’s ecology, or because of the dilemma of the ceiling of the mobile phone industry?

Will the original intention of Xiaomi’s need to change be exactly the same as Huawei’s?

The only difference is that Huawei chose a good helper, and Xiaomi decided to fight alone.

But I still firmly believe that there are always several outlets in this seemingly interlinked world, which makes it difficult for them to walk separately.

Xiaomi’s pressure is not small, and the data can be reflected.

According to the network data, in the whole year of 2022 and Q1 of 2023, Xiaomi’s mobile phone revenue declined by 20%. Keeping the third place in the world, the declining market share is the biggest drop among the major manufacturers.

The decline of the mobile phone business and the unclear start of the car have also become the own label of Xiaomi Automobile, a new entrant.

If people live for their dreams, should it become "living for reality" at this moment?

Some people say that Lei Jun is too optimistic, and he really underestimates the risk value of the automobile industry. But we are not Lei Jun, so we can’t consider what he is thinking.

But he is the man who created the Xiaomi empire.

I think that the annual speech in 2023 may be a charge before the birth of Xiaomi Automobile.

It seems that there is no car speech, but it is full of the shadow of making a car.

Lei Jun took his dream seriously, tried to break it down into one achievable goal after another, and then tried his best to achieve it, and so did Xiaomi. Only by down-to-earth growth can we have enough self-confidence, courage and determination to meet all the unknown challenges. "The same is true for Xiaomi to build a car.

Lei Jun’s dream is great. I want to interpret it as, "Xiaomi Auto will eventually achieve greatness because of its perseverance in these years." This confidence about cars was put into the speech by Lei Jun one by one.

I still firmly believe that those consoled chicken soup for the soul are Lei Jun’s interpretation of Xiaomi Automobile at this moment.

Schopenhauer said, "Life is either painful or boring, and happiness is also a delusion." This thoroughly pessimistic philosopher spoke frankly about the emptiness of human nature.

I think Lei Jun would also say, "Since life is boring, I will try to fill it."

SAIC Motor Group: Zhiji Automobile has not yet launched a battery replacement model.

  () Financial Research Center on October 21st, some investors asked (). As mentioned above, customers of mid-to high-end models don’t care about the monthly battery rental fee. When can your company’s Zhiji automobile expand and develop a battery replacement model?

  The company replied that, dear investors, hello, Zhiji Automobile has not yet launched a battery replacement model, and the battery replacement scheme will be studied according to market conditions and user needs.

  Click to enter the interactive platform to see more reply information.

Football-Serie A: Juventus beat Lecce.

  On September 26th, Juventus player Bremer (left) competed with Lecce player Krstovic. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On the same day, in the sixth round of the Italian Football League in the 2023-2024 season, Juventus beat Lecce 1-0 at home.

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic (middle) celebrated after scoring a goal. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic (right) scored a goal in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic (right) scored a goal in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player rugani (left) competed with Lecce player Krstovic. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player Labio (right) competed with Lecce player Bran. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic (left) competed with Lecce player Venuti. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player Locatelli (right) and Lecce player Oden competed in the match. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic (right) celebrated after scoring a goal. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic (front left) competed with Lecce player ramadani. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

  On September 26th, Juventus player milic was in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Federico Tardito)

Tik Tok plans to acquire Linked Commerce for 1.4 billion yuan, or it will fill the short board of offline scene acquiring business | Dachang Finance.

Eight years after Hailian Jinhui bought Linked Commerce for more than 1 billion yuan, this fully qualified payment license may be sold to Tik Tok for nearly 1.4 billion yuan.

On the evening of April 3, Hailian Jinhui (002537.SZ) announced that the company had signed the Equity Transfer Agreement with Tianjin Tongrong E-Commerce Co., Ltd., and planned to link its wholly-owned subsidiary with Advantage Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "linkage advantage")100% equity of Linked Advantage Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Linked Commerce) was transferred to Tianjin Tongrong.    

In terms of transaction price, referring to the appraisal report issued by Shanghai Dongzhou Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd., the appraisal value of all shareholders’ equity of Linked Commerce as of the appraisal base date is 1.382 billion yuan, and the price of this equity transfer is set as: the benchmark transfer consideration of 750 million yuan+the adjusted amount of net assets ("net assets consideration", the net assets of Linked Commerce on the appraisal base date is 649 million yuan) based on the consolidated statement of the equity delivery date of the target company.

The announcement also revealed that as early as January 2016, the company purchased 91.56% equity of Linkage Advantage by issuing shares, of which the transaction price of Linkage Commercial Assets Group was 1.063 billion yuan. On July 14, 2016, the equity delivery procedures were completed, and Linkage Advantage became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

After the completion of this transaction, linked commerce will no longer be included in the scope of consolidated statements of Hailian Jinhui; Tianjin Tongrong intends to merge Linked Commerce through its wholly-owned subsidiary Wuhan Hezhong Yibao Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Hezhong Yibao") after completing the equity delivery of the transferred Linked Commerce. The announcement emphasizes that the above transactions and mergers need to be approved by the central bank.

According to public information, Wuhan Hezhong Yibao Technology Co., Ltd. is the main body of the "Tik Tok Payment" license. According to the eye inspection, after the penetration, Hezhong Yibao holds 99% of the shares, and the other 1% is held by Zhang Lidong, the chairman of ByteDance.

This means that if the transaction is completed, Tik Tok will once again obtain a payment license through an affiliated company at a price of about 1.4 billion yuan.

Regarding this transaction, the relevant person in charge of Tik Tok Payment said that the transaction is to support offline transaction scenarios such as life service and provide more convenient payment and service experience for users and businesses in the Tik Tok system.

According to the interface journalist, as early as August 2020, Tik Tok had acquired a payment license-Wuhan Hezhong Yibao Technology Co., Ltd. through its affiliated company, and launched Tik Tok Payment. However, Hezhong Yibao’s licensed business type is only "Internet Payment", lacking the offline bank card acquiring business type. The business types of Linkage Advantage E-Commerce Co., Ltd. acquired this time include Internet payment, mobile phone payment and bank card acquiring business nationwide, and its license renewal was also approved by the central bank in January 2024.

Wang Pengbo, an analyst with Broadcom Consulting, said that the reason why Tik Tok acquired Linked Commerce was to supplement the offline bank card acquiring license. With the payment license that was only qualified for online payment, Tik Tok has set up a complete payment system online. After obtaining the qualification of offline bank card acquiring, Tik Tok Payment can further expand the payment business offline, cooperate with life service and other businesses, make up the closed-loop business, reduce the channel cost, and further strengthen the control of offline merchants.

At the same time, he also said that although the license qualification of Linked Commerce is very complete, the licensed company has been punished by the central bank many times before, and whether Linked Commerce has a complete offline entity merchant network needs to be verified. Generally speaking, payment institutions prefer to acquire more pure payment institutions without business, and it is easier to start work in time without historical burden.

According to the data, in 2018, Linked Commerce was fined more than 26 million yuan for illegal transactions, providing online payment services and transferring domestic foreign exchange abroad in violation of regulations. In July 2021, Linked Commerce also received a fine from the Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China, and was fined 7.61 million yuan for four violations. Gao Zhangpeng, then executive director of Linked Advantage and head of the anti-money laundering working group, and Huang Rong, then president of the company and head of the anti-money laundering working group, were fined 98,000 yuan and 83,000 yuan respectively.

Wang Pengbo also pointed out that in terms of compliance, according to the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non-bank Payment Institutions, the same shareholder may not directly or indirectly hold more than 10% equity of two or more non-bank payment institutions of the same business type; The same actual controller may not control two or more non-bank payment institutions of the same business type. According to the new regulations, Tik Tok may still need to further integrate its payment licenses.

He said that from the perspective of industry influence, in the short term, Tik Tok needs to consider integrating payment institutions that have already cooperated with Tik Tok in offline local life business, and balance the interests between self-operated and aggregated service providers; In the long run, it is very likely that Tik Tok will further change the market share of existing offline acquirers through subsidies and other means.

Modern Hospital Development Forum in the New Period and the New Book Release Conference of Medical Process and Spatial Organization

At the beginning of the new year in 2020, the "Modern Hospital Development Forum in the New Period and the New Book Release Conference of Medical Process and Spatial Organization" hosted by China Northwest Architectural Design and Research Institute was held in the ancient city of Xi ‘an. Wang Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Construction Northwest Institute, delivered a speech at the release conference.

Mr. Ouyang Dong, vice president of China Building Industry Press, congratulated the meeting and fully affirmed the new book.

Mr. Li Baoshan, Vice President and Secretary General of Hospital Construction and Equipment Branch of China Medical Equipment Association, came to congratulate and gave a keynote speech on "Development Trend of Modern Hospitals in the New Era".

Ms. Yi Fenghua, Secretary General of Shaanxi Civil Architecture Society, Ms. Dai Wudi, Deputy Director of Planning Department of Xi ‘an Health and Health Commission, Mr. Li Yueyan and Mr. Li Zhimin, Vice Presidents of School of Architecture of Xi ‘an University of Architecture and Technology, Ms. Liu Qibo, Vice President of School of Architecture of Chang ‘an University, Mr. Qin Zhongsheng, Dean of Jincheng People’s Hospital of Shanxi Province, Director Liu Yuquan of Northwest Research Base of Medical Technology and Deputy General Manager Liang Xiaoguang of Zhonglian Northwest Engineering Design and Research Institute, Tian Ce, Deputy Chief Architect of Shaanxi Architectural Design and Research Institute, and Yang Xiaoping, Chief Architect of Xi ‘an Architectural Design and Research Institute, and other representatives attended the meeting and had extensive exchanges and discussions on the topic of "Development of Modern Hospitals in the New Era", so as to make suggestions for China’s medical construction in the new era.

Zhao Yuanchao, a national engineering survey and design master and chief architect of Northwest China Construction Institute, read a congratulatory letter from Mr. Zhang Jinqiu, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, and delivered a speech.

Li Jianguang, chief architect and editor-in-chief of Northwest Institute of China Construction, introduced the compilation of Medical Process and Spatial Organization. Some leaders and chief architects of China Construction Northwest Institute attended this academic event.

Medical Process and Spatial Organization is a special book about medical process and spatial organization of medical buildings. This book consists of five parts: the first chapter is the basic concept, the second chapter is the hospital functional system, the third chapter is the design principle and organization mode of medical process and medical space, the fourth chapter is the medical process and spatial organization of typical medical functional units, and the fifth chapter is the hospital construction project.

The readers of this book are architects engaged in hospital architectural planning, and can also be used as reference for hospital construction, managers and teachers and students in colleges and universities.


How to visit Guangzhou Auto Show? How to choose your favorite car? The citizens at the scene have something to say.

  The 21st Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Auto Show") is in full swing in Pazhou Pavilion of China Import and Export Fair. On November 18, the first audience open day coincided with Saturday, and the venue was crowded and lively.

  How to visit the auto show? How to choose your favorite vehicle? What are the highlights of the RV exhibition area? What new products and services have smart cars launched? With these questions, the reporter visited the Guangzhou Auto Show and listened to the voices from the citizens on the spot.

  Buy a new energy vehicle or a fuel vehicle? The public has different opinions.

  This Guangzhou Auto Show has attracted mainstream auto brands and new energy auto companies from all over the world. The exhibition area covers an area of 220,000 square meters, with a total of 1,132 vehicles, including 469 new energy vehicles, accounting for 40%. Various brands, rich models, preferential promotions and multiple price ranges … Guangzhou Auto Show attracted many citizens to buy their favorite models with its series of advantages.

  In front of Huawei’s HarmonyOS Zhixing booth, Ms. He is listening carefully to the lecturer’s introduction of related technologies and products. She told reporters that she made a special trip from Shenzhen, hoping to choose a suitable car here.

  Regarding the purchase of traditional fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles, Ms. He expressed her preference for new energy vehicles for her own consideration. "Because I don’t know much about parking, I really want to know more about the function of automatic parking. In addition, intelligent driving, automatic obstacle avoidance, artificial intelligence technology, etc. are all points I care about. "

  In the field of new energy vehicle segmentation, she prefers hybrid electric power. "My budget is less than 300,000, and my daily travel is mainly to work and the suburbs. I may drive back to my hometown during the holiday. If you can charge and refuel, you will feel more at ease. " In addition, car brands are also an important factor affecting Ms. He’s car purchase. "At this stage, if you buy a car, you will still choose a well-known car company, which feels more secure in quality and safety."

  For those who prefer to buy new energy vehicles or traditional fuel vehicles, the reporter interviewed some citizens randomly at the scene. People who intend to buy new energy vehicles often mention the following points: the price of the car is superior, the charging cost is lower, the model is more scientific and technological, the level of intelligence is high, and relevant policy support is provided. However, they also mentioned problems such as mileage anxiety, difficulty in charging and inadequate charging infrastructure.

  Many people who choose traditional fuel vehicles mention that they prefer to use fuel vehicles, which are suitable for long-distance travel, lower maintenance costs and better driving experience. The disadvantage is that the vehicle price is relatively high, the fuel cost is expensive, and the product update is slow, so it is difficult to meet the needs of intelligent travel.

  With the development of the automobile market, consumers’ choices are also changing. Mr. Zheng bought a hybrid electric vehicle in 2017, and three years later he bought a fuel vehicle. In this regard, he said: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to generalize. It will be more comfortable to drive a fuel car at high speed, but it will be smoother to drive a hybrid car in the city. I will definitely buy a tram in the future, but now I feel that the tram still has quite a few limitations, such as low battery life at high speed, easy to get hot when charging, and cannot guarantee 100% safety. "

  Different groups of people have different needs? Precise positioning of car enterprises

  The competition on the car track is fierce. How can car companies attract customers with high-quality products and high cost performance? At the exhibition hall, some car companies strive to attract more target customers by reducing prices in a limited time, giving discounts, live online and providing customized services.

  Different groups of people have different needs, and car companies need accurate positioning to win customers.

  In some booths, car companies put camping tables and chairs and bicycles on the roof to set off the highlights of products with specific life scenes. Mr. Ge, who likes cycling and outdoor camping, said frankly, "It is really attractive. When I see the car, I think of the outdoor camping scene. My budget for buying a car is around 150,000. After watching it for a while, there are also many favorite products. "

  In response to the needs of some family trips, some car companies have positioned themselves as "affordable, comfortable and specially designed for family trips"; Some car companies also put forward a more ideal concept of "home" for young people …

  There are also some car companies that are ingenious and choose a relatively small track. For example, Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi launched E9 Caring Edition, which is equipped with an electric welfare wheelchair to facilitate the elderly, pregnant women, the disabled and other groups to travel.

  An elderly person experienced it on the spot, and someone on the side said, "This kind of innovation is really practical and humanistic. My parents are old, and it looks good to buy this car to take them out. " In this regard, a staff member of GAC Chuanqi said that the car is still in the research and development stage and is expected to be mass-produced next year.

  A sense of science and technology, practicality, intelligence and personalization … At the Guangzhou Auto Show, a wide variety of products with different positioning made the public feast their eyes. "I have been to the Guangzhou Auto Show before, and I obviously feel that the number of new energy vehicles has increased this year. The exhibition areas of new energy auto shows such as Tesla, Ideality, Tucki and BYD are quite cool, and the intelligent level of cars is also surprising. In particular, the release of some concept cars makes people can’t help but imagine the future direction of automobile development. " At the Xpeng Motors Pavilion, Mr. Wang, a veteran car fan, looked at Li Chuo’s car suspended in the air and said.

  At the scene, many citizens passing by the exhibition area took a group photo with the car, and some people gave the imagination of "technology changes life and where to travel in the future".

  RV is expensive. Can’t afford it? Three or four hundred thousand also have a choice.

  When asked, how do you feel about coming to Guangzhou Auto Show to see the RV? Many citizens have mentioned that the price of RV is cheaper than expected, and there are many choices for 300,000 yuan to 400,000 yuan.

  "I used to think that the RV was very expensive and only existed in the beautiful travel life of others in the short video. But when I came to the RV area of Guangzhou Auto Show today, I knew for the first time that I could buy a RV for 300,000 yuan. Just now, my friends and I went up to experience it, which was quite comfortable. I have never thought of buying a car before, and this moment was ignited. " Ms. Wang, who is in her thirties, said with a smile.

  Another couple also expressed similar feelings. Mr. Chen, who came to see the exhibition with his girlfriend, said: "I didn’t have much chance to see so many models before, but I was really surprised today." The price of the RV broke my stereotype. " His girlfriend couldn’t help feeling, "I don’t even want to buy a house with an RV. It would be great if the relevant infrastructure could keep up. "

  At the scene, DTV, Yutong RV, Jiangwei RV, Great Wall RV and other brands displayed a variety of highly competitive products. According to the relevant person in charge of Yutong RV, from more than 80,000 yuan to more than one million yuan, they launched different grades of RVs to meet the differentiated needs of the market. Among them, the range of 400,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan sold more. "Retirees and freelancers buy most, they have more free time and like to travel outdoors."

  A retired couple are sitting in an RV to experience the comfort of the driver’s seat. They also checked the size of the bathroom, the size of the bed board, the length of the water pipe and the size of the water tank. Aunt Huang told reporters that she and her husband have been "playing RV" for many years, and recently they plan to replace a new RV. "With the RV, you can travel freely, where the car is, where the home is, and life is full of fun." However, Aunt Huang also suggested that you should think carefully before buying a car. Is it really necessary? Do you have time to travel? Can you accept problems such as parking difficulties and trouble in water and electricity supply? If you just want to experience it, renting a car is also an option.