Hangzhou Chengdu Shuangcheng four tickets sold out! "2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert" announced

The 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert has been announced in three cities – Hangzhou, Chengdu and Wuhan. This year’s "Mars Concert" will still bring the ultimate fusion of music and play, and will also add local characteristics to bring a unique and novel "garden-style" music experience. All four tickets in the Twin Cities are sold out, and the discussion of "Mars Concert" is a hot search on various platforms, once again witnessing Hua Chenyu’s box office appeal.

In the sound of fans’ "encore", Hua Chenyu announced that the Hangzhou station will be added on April 7 and the Chengdu station will be added on May 2, and announced that the Hangzhou station (April 7) will open for pre-sale on March 26. So far, the "Mars Concert" has been held in Haikou Wuyuanhe Stadium (four-sided platform) in 2019, Haikou Changying Global 100 Fantasy Park in 2021, and Hangzhou station and Chengdu station in 2023. Hua Chenyu will also become the only mainland singer to hold three consecutive days of concerts in Haikou, Hangzhou and Chengdu.

For a long time, Hua Chenyu and the Mars concert team have welcomed every Martian home with the utmost sincerity at all costs, insisting that the ticket price does not increase for ten years, the top stage beauty has a long standby time, and one ticket can enjoy two performances of "afternoon show + evening show". The performance duration is not less than 240 minutes, and there are no less than 30 songs per day. Martians can freely choose the way they like to experience the performance. There are also new songs, interactive patterns, romantic streamers and other rotating surprises, so that everyone can immerse themselves in the world of music, eat and drink, and feel the great mountains and rivers of the motherland. And every Martian also gives the "Mars team" a sense of security with the most practical response. Tickets for the Mars Concert in Hangzhou and Chengdu are still in short supply after two consecutive days, which is enough to show everyone’s unswerving expectations for the "Mars Concert". Recently, the organizers announced that the Hangzhou and Chengdu stations will be open for three consecutive days, and the first concert will be advanced to April 7, quietly advancing the pace of the "Mars Spring Season". This move not only tries to meet the expectations of the Martians, but also shows the extraordinary confidence of the Mars team.

The warm spring sun illuminates the pace of "Mars Concert" dream building. With the approaching performance of Hangzhou Station (April 7th & 8th & 9th), the "Mars Behind-the-Scenes Team" has been in Hangzhou Baima Lake Park for nearly a month in advance. Several large trucks with banners of "Mars Concert" slowly drove into the venue. A fantasy Mars paradise will soon be built on this empty land full of thoughts and expectations, and I look forward to every Martian with sincerity returning home. There are also local netizens who warm their hearts every day to post the real-time progress of Mars construction and witness the grand scene of "rising from the ground". The huge silver ring building draws the fairy tale of Mars in their hearts, evoking countless beautiful imaginations. Fans have expressed that this scene is full of a sense of belonging and security! Many fans have started to prepare the red "war robe" when they "go home", or the real-name squatting concert band rehearses the bed-the-scene, and prepares for the "Mars Spring Tour" early.

The third stop of this year’s "Mars Spring outing season" is Hua Chenyu’s hometown of Wuhan, Hubei. Ten years ago, he set out from here with a musical dream for more people to see. Ten years later, he brought the same passion and led tens of thousands of "Martians" home, bringing another layer of romance to this reunion. Looking forward to the pre-sale of the "Mars Concert" Hangzhou Station (April 7), Chengdu Station (May 2), and Wuhan Station (May 27/28), every Martian can go home smoothly!

Focus 315 | Worrying about Coffee and Milk Tea Food safety touches people’s hearts.

  Cailian | New Consumer Daily March 16th (edited by Liang Youyun), around the annual "315 Consumer Rights Day", food safety has once again become a hot spot affecting people’s hearts.

  Compared with traditional restaurants, new brands of tea and chain coffee have sprung up in recent years, and a cup of milk tea and coffee every day has become the daily life of many young urban white-collar workers. Marketing activities and ridicule such as "the first cup of milk tea in autumn" and "coffee for life" have influenced many consumers’ choices.

  However, as a ready-made beverage, it is very easy to cause food safety problems in case of insufficient service training, irregular production process, inadequate hygiene and safety in stores, and disorderly supervision of franchise stores.

  The New Consumer Daily collected and sorted out some "coffee and milk tea troubles" that have been exposed by relevant departments and hotly debated by netizens since 2022.

  Drinking foreign bodies became the most common complaint.

  "Drinking bugs in XXX", "Eating stones in XX" and "Finding hair in the package" have become the most frequently complained topics of netizens.

  Black cat complaints search "foreign body" keywords, showing that the number of complaints as many as 33 thousand. Among them, brands such as Mi Xue Bing Cheng, Naixue Tea, Youlemei, Gu Ming Tea and Auntie in Shanghai have all received complaints from consumers about eating foreign objects in the past month.

  Judging from the frequency of appearance, Mi Xue Ice City has become a "frequent visitor" on the list. Eating stones, finding hair in unopened drinks, black unidentified objects and sharp plastic thorns have all become complaints. On the platform, there are 4,820 complaints about Mi Xue Ice City, which is much higher than 1,431 complaints from aunts in Shanghai, 1,361 complaints about Naixue’s tea, 965 complaints about hi tea and 675 complaints about ancient tea.

  On the whole, although brands such as Naixue Tea and Xicha, which are mainly self-operated stores, also have food hygiene complaints, from the data point of view, brand stores which are mainly franchised are more likely to be complained about foreign objects. With the more stores nationwide, there is a risk that the management control of the parent company will decline, and complaints will increase accordingly.

  Brands should actively do a good job of self-inspection, eliminate potential safety hazards caused by irregular operation, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to check and rectify in time when signs are found. In this way, we can continue to retain consumers and enhance brand influence.

  However, it must be pointed out that in many food safety complaints, it is true that some people maliciously add foreign objects to drinks to blackmail brands in order to obtain compensation.

  Store health problems have become the focus of investigation.

  According to the data from the General Administration of Market Supervision, there is a positive correlation between the number of complaints about consumption and the level of consumption activity. While the brand is actively doing business, it should also focus on health issues.

  Store hygiene has always been the "hardest hit" in the catering industry. Unscrupulous merchants often use the kitchen or under the counter that consumers can’t see to hide their real environmental hygiene, food shelf life and irregular production. Milk tea, coffee and other products that need to add fresh fruit and fresh milk are also frequently notified and punished.

  In 2021, Yihetang Store was exposed that the clerk did not apply for a health certificate, and many cockroaches were found in the food processing area. In mid-2022, another investigator found that Yihetang milk tea had food safety hazards such as the continued use of expired ingredients and the peeling of fruits by shop assistants. At the beginning of 2023, another customer reported through video that he had drunk foreign substances in Yihetang milk tea, which led customers to seek medical treatment for acute gastroenteritis.

  In 2022, Starbucks, a well-known chain coffee brand, was also fined 10,000 yuan for expired food and altered shelf life.

  On the eve of "315", according to WeChat official account of Beijing Consumers Association, Beijing Hemao Catering Co., Ltd. (signboard: Mi Xue Bing Cheng) was given an administrative warning and ordered to suspend business for rectification because it dismantled the disinfection pool of tools and appliances without authorization. This is the third time that the brand has received a warning and punishment from Beijing State Administration for Market Regulation in the past two years.

  The use of expired raw materials, problem fruits, etc. seems to be a chronic disease in the industry, and it is often difficult for innocent consumers to prove that they are lucky enough not to eat anything different. Only when the parent company of the brand establishes an efficient management system and the market supervision and management department increases the density of attention and inspection can the irregular store operation be effectively deterred.

  Food additives have sparked heated discussions.

  The short video blogger’s phrase "technology and hard work" touched the nerves of many consumers. At present, many people often focus on the preservatives and flavors of bottled drinks, but the freshly made tea and coffee that can’t see the ingredient list should also be paid attention to.

  As China’s food safety law only stipulates that there should be a label on the packaging in prepackaged foods, and the label must indicate the ingredients or ingredient list. However, in the face of the rapid rise of the labels and ingredients of ready-made drinks such as milk tea and coffee, there is no explicit requirement for labeling, and it is entirely up to the self-discipline of merchants.

  Do you use real milk? Is it boiled with real tea? What is "0 candy"? What is the caffeine and sugar content of each drink? These problems often appear in the process of customer consumption.

  In order to maintain the taste and reduce the production cost, beverages often use creamer, non-dairy creamer and other raw materials. Is it reasonable to add them? Is it harmful to human health? Become the hot topic of netizens.

  At present, the deputies of Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress have proposed to amend and improve the Food Safety Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and increase the mandatory requirement of labeling the drinks that are now made and sold. At the same time, referring to the national food safety standards "General Rules for Labeling in prepackaged foods" and "General Rules for Nutrition Labeling in prepackaged foods", the labels of the drinks that are now made and sold should indicate the specific contents of energy, core nutrients and other nutrients such as sugar and vitamins and their percentage in nutrient reference values (NRV).

  Drinks are also "short of two pounds"?

  In addition to food safety, the "shrinking" of beverages has also become a topic of concern to netizens recently.

  On the eve of 315, Rui Xing and Modern China Tea Shop were spat in succession. Among them, Luckin Coffee has only half a cup left in the cup after ice removal; In Modern China Tea Shop, after the milk foam melts, there are only two-thirds of the drinks left in the cup. In this regard, the response of the above two brands is similar, that is, the drinks in the store are made according to the standard process, and the reduction of drinks is normal.

  The New Consumer Daily observed that in addition to the above two brands, many milk tea brands have noted in the delivery that there is a lack of ice or some ingredients after removal.

  According to people in the industry, the way to remove ice is to shake the ice cubes with a full cup of beverage, and then filter the ice cubes after the beverage cools down, so there will be some defects in the final product. Regarding the problem that there is no shortage of drinks, the person said that in order to ensure a unified taste, the amount of ice is different, and the proportion of raw materials for drinks will be different. Previously, shop assistants would make their own supplements, but in recent years, due to the increasingly strict in-store monitoring, shop assistants must make them according to the process, and dissatisfaction with cups has become the norm.

  Some lawyers have warned that this behavior may constitute fraud. Although there is no subjective malice and concealment of the brand, a big difference can still constitute the essence of short weight. Consumers can complain and report to 12315, or file a lawsuit. After the fraud is determined, they can claim triple compensation, starting from 500 yuan.

Ele.me Launches "Resonance Program" to Help Shanghai Merchants Resume

"During the period when I didn’t open the door, I opened my eyes every day for money, and it cost 40,000 to 50,000 a month. It was too anxious." After finally reopening in late April, Boss Li of Pingcheng Boutique Fruit Store in Jing’an District, Shanghai, he faced a new challenge: opening takeout for the first time and learning to operate online from scratch.

At present, in accordance with the principle of "orderly liberalization, limited flow, effective control, and classified management", how can small and medium-sized merchants who resume business and resume market in stages speed up recovery, reduce pressure, and better "touch the net" development? In this regard, on May 22, Ele.me announced the launch of the "Resonance Plan" for the merchant market, hoping to support merchants and help riders, and do its best to better serve the public, add vitality to the market, and fully support the recovery.

Incentive subsidies + fee reductions, "resonance plan" focuses on merchant pain points

Since this round of epidemic in Shanghai, Ele.me has fully invested in anti-epidemic supply and vigorously supported citizens’ living security and emergency needs. Ele.me has tens of thousands of riders shuttling through the streets and alleys to deliver fresh vegetables, living expenses, urgent medicines and other materials to the city’s communities.

Among them, Ele.me "All-round Supermarket" ensures the safety of parity and distribution through the service model of "community collection + fixed-point distribution". Since it started operation on March 28, it has distributed necessities such as meat, eggs, milk and rice noodles grains and oil to hundreds of thousands of families; in response to the dining needs of the public, Ele.me and Shanghai fixed-point catering merchants have increased transportation capacity investment and community coverage in the way of "community group meals", and delivered tens of thousands of group buying meals in time every day; in the face of the public’s drug demand, Ele.me has also launched a variety of new modes of drug delivery, including community group buying medical materials for epidemic prevention, "community collection + centralized distribution", and also cooperated with hospitals to "emergency drug delivery special car", etc., to continuously increase supply At the end of April, the average daily delivery of medicines exceeded 100,000 orders.

As Shanghai accelerates the pace of business resumption, Ele.me launched a special project relief plan to fully support the recovery of Shanghai merchants.

During the epidemic, business operations have been affected to varying degrees. At present, in the market recovery stage, many businesses are facing pressure such as liquidity and market investment. The "Resonance Plan" of Ele.me includes four measures: provide 500 million yuan incentive within two months after the lifting of the ban to reduce business operating costs; provide special project fee reduction subsidies to ease financial pressure; provide special mentoring training and digital support to improve business operation capabilities; provide riders with nearly 70 million yuan in additional subsidies to enhance employment security.

According to the introduction, the first batch of 500 million yuan incentive subsidies of the "resonance plan" will provide over 200 million yuan to merchants, including order subsidies and incentives, distribution cost subsidies, marketing cost subsidies and special project traffic support; about 300 million yuan will also be invested to distribute consumption red envelope coupons to citizens, provide project special membership discounts, etc., and will also extend the food card that cannot be used under objective conditions and compensate for food beans, so that merchants with high-quality service and honest management can increase revenue more quickly and effectively.

At the same time, in order to ease the financial pressure of merchants, Ele.me and the Financial Institution Group provide discounted loans of varying amounts and up to 500,000 yuan for eligible merchants, hoping to help merchants reduce the burden of opening after the epidemic.

In addition to subsidies, there are fee reductions. Ele.me provides a "green channel" for merchants, which can launch takeaway business within 1 hour at the soonest. In addition, newly opened online and eligible high-quality catering merchants will be given a rate discount of up to 5%; eligible retailers such as general merchandise and fresh fruits can also get a certain rate discount.

Ele.me will also enhance the digital operation ability of merchants through special service and special project training.

For riders, the first phase of Ele.me will provide an additional about 70 million yuan for order incentives and epidemic prevention subsidies, and will also set up more smart dining cabinets and "1 square meter warm rider station" to stabilize employment and improve security.

Community merchants receive traffic support and look forward to business resuming as soon as possible

Su Xiaoliu is a favorite dim sum shop in Shanghai. To overcome the pressure in this round of epidemic, he joined the guarantee supply on April 16. After the Ele.me platform resumed online, he obtained the platform traffic support in time.

Xuhui ITC store is one of the first three stores to resume supply, and the launch of same-day takeout is "order surge". To this end, Ele.me also helps to adjust the capacity allocation, provide distribution cost subsidies, and strengthen the guarantee of logistics performance.

"During this time, we sold more than 10,000 copies in a single store." Mr. Sheng, the operation manager of Su Xiaolu, told the author that from the background data, the various support effects of the platform are very obvious.

Heisei Boutique Fruit Store is also one of the beneficiaries of Ele.me’s support measures.

On April 20, the fruit store, which had been closed for more than a month, reopened. Previously, this store only had offline retail. During the closure and control period, Mr. Li realized the importance of takeaway, and the owner applied to open a store in Ele.me as soon as possible after opening. Soon under the green channel of the platform, the fruit store launched takeaway services.

"My parents distribute goods in the store, and I buy and receive orders at home. We are relatively affordable, and on the first day we went online, there were hundreds of orders." Mr. Li introduced that in order to strictly prevent the epidemic, the door will only be opened when there is an order. One door and one disinfection will be opened hundreds of times a day.

As a novice in takeout, he had never handled so many takeout orders. He learned a lot of free Ele.me tutorials online, optimized the operation and delivery method, and the takeout store quickly hit the right track.

Recently, his fruit store also received traffic support from Ele.me. "After going online for takeout, we have income, and we are finally relieved. With orders, we have living water, and we can survive. The order incentives, price-break discounts subsidies, and especially traffic support and marketing subsidies launched by the platform are all real needs for us."

After the launch of the "Resonance Plan", many merchants said that with the support of the food delivery platform, they can ease the anxiety of survival to a certain extent, and measures such as order incentives and subsidies can also effectively reduce costs and ease the pressure on funds. Ele.me said that further plans are still being formulated to provide greater support and jointly accelerate the market recovery. "We expect the fireworks in the market to continue as usual, and all business partners and the familiar Shanghai will get better and better."

Government and enterprises work together to bail out, and "fireworks" will return as soon as possible

"Shanghai’s current epidemic situation is generally stable and improving", this sentence at the press conference, the public began to feel: the rail transit bus gradually resumed operation, the park classification opened step by step, some downtown shopping malls have been unblocked to welcome guests, Moments posted more and more "return to work electronic pass", and even takeaway no longer needs group buying, even if one person, Blue Knight can be sent to the community.

Shanghai has been looking forward to the "fireworks" for two months, and it is slowly approaching you and me step by step.

According to the current schedule, commercial outlets should resume offline business in an orderly manner, and "online ordering, offline delivery" should be implemented. The catering industry should also implement services such as "online order, takeaway home"… Since the home epidemic prevention, the consumption habits of Shanghai citizens have also been slowly changing, and the consumption proportion of takeaway orders has become higher and higher. As an indispensable part of the city’s operation, takeaway has always tried its best to better serve the citizens.

However, we must also be aware that the social and economic impact of the epidemic will not disappear completely with the "lifting of the seal".

Faced with challenges in liquidity, service manpower, and material supply, some merchants may usher in "darkness before dawn". Due to the long-term closure and no income, the liquidity of closed merchants, especially small and medium-sized merchants, husband and wife stores, is difficult. At the same time, factors such as rent store expenses, labor costs, and labor return are also under great pressure. There are also challenges in supply and logistics supply chain.

How to retain the "fireworks" in the life of Shanghai? All parties in Shanghai are actively working hard. In the process of resuming business and the market, merchants and platforms cannot do without "gathering sand into a tower" and watching each other.

In order to reduce the losses of the epidemic to merchants, Ele.me has launched an emergency "shutdown protection" mechanism in Shanghai. Platform merchants that have suspended business due to the epidemic can open it independently, lock in monthly sales, scoring, etc., and remain unchanged during the shutdown period to ensure that merchants can quickly return to normal business after the lockdown is lifted. For problems such as the difficulty of temporarily recruiting workers in small stores, Ele.me also sets up a special channel in the background of merchants to help solve them.

At the same time, the business support plan pioneered by Ele.me is not limited to short-term assistance measures. It effectively targets the pain points of merchants, reduces the pressure of merchants, accelerates recovery, and overcomes difficulties together. It also helps merchants to go online and digital transformation as soon as possible, and truly "give it a fish".

At present, many merchants in Shanghai have switched from store retail to online takeout on the platform. While maintaining operations to generate income, it is also conducive to epidemic prevention and safety. In the stage of resumption of business and market recovery, effectively supporting merchants to "touch the Internet" will also help promote economic recovery.

For example, in order to reduce the impact of the epidemic, Ele.me provides merchants with a "green channel" to launch takeaway business within 1 hour at the soonest. In addition to special project incentives and traffic support, the "Resonance Plan" also enhances the digital operation capabilities of merchants through special service and special project training, including arranging a special project service team of more than 300 people to optimize the operation of targeted services merchants; providing nearly 2,000 hours of free open courses for merchants to conduct free takeaway operator training and certification services; supermarkets, convenience stores, fresh fruit, medicine and other merchants will receive intelligent diagnosis, management and marketing suggestions for goods, and the AI dish analysis system "Hungry Xiaowei" will also help catering brands develop new products for free.

Improving digital capabilities for the future and enabling businesses to achieve sustainable development may also become a "way to break the bottleneck" in the development of retail industries such as catering.

Of course, the full recovery of market economic vitality requires the participation of the whole industry and strong policy support.

Shanghai has issued the "21 Anti-Epidemic Helping Enterprises" policy, comprehensively implementing measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, rent reduction and exemption, financial subsidies, financial support, and assistance to enterprises to stabilize jobs. At least 32 departments and 16 districts have issued supporting implementation rules. Relevant functional areas of business can join hands with the Internet platform and public service platform integration, support merchants’ liquidity, human employment, material supply, and stimulate consumption, etc., give full play to the greater role of the Internet platform in "urban services", and provide targeted services such as policy publicity, appeal coordination, and guidance and consultation for small and medium-sized businesses to resume work and production, and resume business and return to the market through a combination of online and offline methods.

At present, the epidemic prevention and control situation in Shanghai is generally stable and improving, and it is entering the transformation stage of normalization prevention and control. The fireworks on the street will also be restored to its previous vitality under the joint efforts of all parties.

Bank of China Chongqing Branch: Enhancing the efficiency of high-quality financial services and stimulating the vitality of new Chongqing construction

Bank of China Chongqing Branch supports Chongqing’s high-quality development with high-level financial services.

The tide rises two rivers, and high-quality development sounds the horn. Bank of China Chongqing Branch firmly grasps the proposition of the high-quality development era, deeply integrates into the national major strategy, closely follows the regional development situation, continuously improves the quality and efficiency of comprehensive financial services, and strives to support the development of the real economy and the needs of people’s lives. It helps the construction of a modern new Chongqing to emerge with vigorous vitality.

Top Service Municipal Party Committee "No. 1 Project" Accelerates "Double Circle" Interconnection

In 2024, the "List of Major Projects for the Joint Construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing in 2024" lists a total of 300 projects with a total investment of about 3.60 trillion yuan, promoting the Chengdu and Chongqing regions to further strengthen the "industrial cluster", deepen "collaborative innovation", and improve the "life circle" of the Shuangcheng, and the construction of the "double circle" will be accelerated in an all-round way. As an important platform for the construction of the new district and the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, the Gaozhu New District in Sichuan and Chongqing is relying on the successive implementation of enterprises and projects.

As a state-owned bank rooted in the local area, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has always been an important financial force supporting the construction of Sichuan-Chongqing Gaozhu New Area. Especially since 2023, the bank has closely followed the investment promotion and development plan of the new area, actively connected with a number of key projects, and supported the construction of the new area’s science and technology innovation base. The cumulative credit has exceeded 460 million yuan.

A major project can drive one piece and affect one side. Focusing on key projects and major projects related to the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has made every effort. Since 2023, the bank has included infrastructure projects such as high-speed rail, airports, and rail transit into active growth industries, adding more than 40 billion yuan of credit approval for major projects such as the Chongqing-Wan Railway, Hunan-Chongqing Expressway, and Jiangbei Airport, with a total investment of 7 billion yuan. Focusing on the construction of the Western (Chongqing) Science City, the bank actively deepens the coordination of comprehensive businesses such as bank settlement, credit services and investment consulting services, investment and loan linkage, and financial consulting, and vigorously supports the construction of park projects and industrial development.

While continuing to promote the implementation of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee’s "No. 1 Project" major project, Bank of China Chongqing Branch does not forget the "minutiae" of caring for people’s livelihood, and strives to enrich the happiness base color of residents in Sichuan and Chongqing.

It is reported that the bank insists on promoting financial digital transformation, empowering various businesses with a number of achievements in the field of financial technology and diversified financial digital products, and expanding application scenarios such as smart social security, smart medical care, and smart government construction in multiple dimensions to help improve the quality and efficiency of convenience services in Sichuan and Chongqing cities.

Since 2023, the bank has cooperated with the Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to complete the construction of the social bank direct connection platform, realizing the full online transfer of public-to-public transfers; actively followed up the medical insurance electronic voucher project cooperated by the head office of the Bank of China and the National Healthcare Security Administration, supported the medical security information platform in Chongqing, the upgrading of the informatization level of medical institutions, and the interconnection of information systems between the two parties; and assisted the Chongqing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau to build a medical insurance convenience service workstation in Chengdu and Chongqing, providing 18 medical insurance affairs for residents in Chengdu and Chongqing; providing information construction for the full coverage of 16 prisons in Chongqing, assisting the construction of smart justice, and improving the level of judicial convenience services with financial power.

Deeply empowering the "channel economy" to release the momentum of open development

At the connection point between the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Chongqing shoulders the important task of leading and driving the opening up of the western region, and strives to build a large channel, a large hub, a large port, a large logistics, and a large platform, so that the channel can better radiate to the west, serve the whole country, connect ASEAN, and integrate into the world.

Bank of China Chongqing Branch actively implements the high-level national strategy of opening up to the outside world, vigorously supports the joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", actively serves the new pattern of double-cycle development, and provides comprehensive support for "financing, financing and intelligence" for the development of Chongqing’s open economy and the construction of inland open highlands.

By the end of 2023, the bank will support the construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt through the construction of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, the three major bonded zones, the construction of port highlands, the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project, the Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone and other national independent innovation demonstration zones, and the Chongqing China-Europe Railway. The balance of related credit financing exceeds 26 billion yuan. In the field of "going global" for service enterprises, relying on the "cross-border matching service" model creatively created by the head office, it has successively held on-site matchmaking meetings for international trade customers, "China-Hungary SME Cross-border Investment and Trade Fair", "2019 China (Western) ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Cross-border Investment and Trade Matchmaking Meeting for Industrial and Commercial Enterprises", etc., to help Chongqing enterprises realize a series of international cooperation such as trade, investment and technology introduction. Experts in various fields are invited to participate in the previous China-Singapore Finance Summits in depth, and put forward constructive opinions on cross-border finance, green finance and other aspects; the Singapore branch is linked to hold activities such as "Chongqing Enterprises Go to Singapore Direct Financing Business Exchange Conference".

From April 1st to 3rd this year, the series of activities of "CIIE Entering Chongqing" was grandly held, aiming to rely on Chongqing’s location advantages, resource endowments and industrial characteristics to invite exhibitors, investment promotion institutions and multinational companies to participate in the CIIE, further play the role of important platforms such as investment promotion of the CIIE, and amplify the spillover effect of the platform. This event attracted more than 160 foreign-funded enterprises and investment promotion institutions from more than 10 countries and regions, including the United States, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, etc., involving digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, automobiles and parts, biomedicine, food, consumer goods, service trade and other industries. During the event, Bank of China Chongqing Branch relied on the Bank of China’s "Huiru Wish · Bank of China e-Enterprise Win" global enterprise ecosystem to hold the "Import Expo into Chongqing" Bank of China online matchmaking matchmaking meeting. Chongqing enterprises and overseas enterprises were invited to demonstrate their respective advantages and discuss cooperation intentions through "online one-to-one" negotiation. At the scene, 8 enterprises signed a cooperation agreement with merchants, and 1 enterprise reached an overseas on-site inspection intention.

It is worth mentioning that, as the only strategic partner of the CIIE, Bank of China has supported the CIIE for six consecutive years. Among them, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has actively implemented the responsibility of the only strategic partner of the head office "CIIE", providing financial services for more than 400 Chongqing enterprises to participate in the CIIE, and helping Chongqing enterprises share China’s high-quality opening-up opportunities.

Continue to promote transformation and upgrading, and help Chongqing move towards "new"

New quality productivity is regarded as a key fulcrum for leveraging the high-quality development of China’s economy, and is becoming a surging driving force for "hundreds of competing flows" in various places. Chongqing stands on the manufacturing industry, and the importance and urgency of developing new quality productivity is self-evident. In this context, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has combined with Chongqing to build a "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system, tilted credit policies to enterprises in advanced manufacturing, "specialized and new" enterprises, strategic emerging industries and other fields, paid close attention to the development opportunities of electronic information, basic manufacturing and materials, intelligent manufacturing and other industries, increased financing support for upstream and downstream supply chains of enterprises, and helped Chongqing build an important electronic information industry manufacturing base in the world. It will fully serve the optimization and upgrading of Chongqing’s industrial structure.

In 2023, the bank has provided more than 5 billion yuan in trade financing for important electronic information enterprises in Chongqing; more than 510 new supply chain finance businesses have been added, and the business occurrence is equivalent to nearly 4 billion yuan; the number of supply chain trade financing 1 + N customers has increased by more than 60% compared with the beginning of the year.

The characteristics of new quality productivity are innovation, the key lies in quality, and the essence is advanced productivity. Strengthening financial supply in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and "helping" and "sending" science and technology innovation enterprises have become an important step for Bank of China Chongqing Branch to "new". In addition to continuously increasing credit tilt, the bank insists on adapting measures to local conditions, using "BOC Intelligent Chain" as a breakthrough point to expand supply chain financing, activate the vitality of upstream and downstream enterprises in the scientific and technological innovation industry, explore more accurate full-life cycle financial service solutions, and join hands with enterprises, heart-to-heart, to help Chongqing’s new quality productivity accelerate the formation.

In recent years, the bank has successively launched special products such as "Science and Technology Growth Loan" and "Bank of China Innovation Points Loan". Among them, as the contractor of "Bank of China Science and Technology Finance Pilot Credit Business", the bank has launched "Innovation Points Loan" special products with the help of the "Innovation Points Model" of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Through a series of risk control model judgments and process optimization, the bank has innovatively launched "Science and Technology Growth Loan" products to help high-quality development of science and technology enterprises. By the end of 2023, the bank has approved a credit quota of more than 470 million yuan for 77 technology-based private small and micro enterprises through the "Science and Technology Growth Loan" and "Bank of China Innovation Points Loan" products, and the credit balance exceeds 320 million

The relevant person in charge of Bank of China Chongqing Branch said that on the new journey of accelerating the construction of a modern financial power, it will continue to practice the political and people’s nature of financial work, do a solid job in the "five major articles", support the real economy more effectively, improve service quality and efficiency more comprehensively, control financial risks more effectively, strive to create a new situation of transformation and development, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a modern new Chongqing.

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On June 13, the drone performed a field patrol task in a paddy field plot in the fifth management area of the Friendship Branch of the Beidahuang Agricultural joint stock company in Heilongjiang to view the rice seedlings (drone photos).

Xinhua News Agency, compiled by Xu Xiaoxuan and Shen Bohan

Recently, the Central Kindergarten of Lijiaxiang Town, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province held a campus "paper-cutting culture and art festival". Xu Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, photographed on June 13, children were led by their teachers to visit the paper-cutting exhibition.

This is a photo of "Xiangxiang" on display at the "Giant Panda’Xiangxiang ‘Family Birthday Party" held at the Chinese Cultural Center in Tokyo, Japan, on June 12.

That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei. That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei. That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei. That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei.

Harvesters work in a rice field in Wenyu Village, Changliu Town, Haikou City, Hainan Province on June 12 (drone photo). Recently, the early rice in Haikou City, Hainan Province has ripened one after another, and local farmers have taken advantage of the fine weather to harvest the sickle. Recently, the early rice in Haikou City, Hainan Province has ripened one after another, and local farmers have taken advantage of the fine weather to harvest the sickle.

It is a good season for summer planting, and farmers in Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang, Henan and other places seize the agricultural season to carry out rice seedling and transplanting work. It is a good season for summer planting, and farmers in Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang, Henan and other places seize the agricultural season to carry out rice seedling and transplanting work.

On the same day, Tailong Town, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province held a sea dragon boat race at the Tailong Central Fishing Port. Dragon boat teams from various villages carried out sea racing and celebratory Dragon Boat Festival activities to pray for good weather and abundant grain. On the same day, Tailong Town, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province held a sea dragon boat race at the Tailong Central Fishing Port. Dragon boat teams from various villages carried out sea racing and celebratory Dragon Boat Festival activities to pray for good weather and abundant grain.

On that day, Beijing ushered in hot weather, and many outdoor workers stuck to their posts to ensure the operation of public services. On that day, Beijing ushered in hot weather, and many outdoor workers stuck to their posts to ensure the operation of public services. On that day, Beijing ushered in hot weather, and many outdoor workers stuck to their posts to ensure the operation of public services.

This is the construction site of Mozhai Wujiang Bridge on the Yuxiang Double Line Expressway taken on June 9 (drone photo). Recently, the Wujiang Bridge on the Yuxiang Double Line Expressway in Mozhai, Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing entered the last 2-meter continuous beam pouring construction operation, and the bridge is about to close the whole bridge.

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After Didi’s "scold", more pragmatic actions are needed


 Didi has recently been quite "attentive", launching a complain program of "Chattering Didi", which is self-deprecating, self-deprecating, mutual tearing, "red-faced sweating", which has attracted a lot of laughter and applause. The president, Ms. Liu Qing, personally "went to the grassroots" and worked as an operator to respond to users’ complaints. The funny and warm feelings are combined, and while adding points to Didi, there are also voices of doubt.

In the public video, Liu Qing asked Didi executives to go to the first-line experience operator when they were promoted. From her personal experience, the professionalism is debatable. Grassroots customer service is a variety of cooperation work. If this can represent Didi’s customer service level, it will actually increase users’ concerns. We can’t say this is a "show", but professional people do professional things. Even if executives come to answer the phone as customer service, can they reap real problems? The key is that on-the-job customer service strictly implements relevant systems.

Look at the complain link again. The selected roles are talk show stars, luxury car stars, drivers, and product manager representatives. Is this user sample down-to-earth and can it represent the voice of the majority? In response to specific questions: the price increase of taxis, take "riding a bicycle will pass by the fruit store to buy expensive cherries" to prove that taxis are more cost-effective; the big data kill problem, the response is "You have only driven a few times, are we familiar with you?"; the estimated price error problem, take the black car price "darker" as a comparison; the customer thinks that the navigation detours far and insists on his own direction, which boils down to the passenger’s "will to ride a bicycle".

For another example: passengers can’t get a taxi, and the product manager attributed the root cause to limited transportation capacity, "I can’t do it". The problem is that behind the limited transportation capacity, is it a regulatory problem in various places? Or is it a problem with the platform? In a business, if there is demand, there will be supply. Who doesn’t make money? If the reflection is not deep, the problem is difficult to solve.
Didi allows users, drivers, and staff to "make a big noise" and figure out the problem in complaining, ridiculing, and speculating. This is a good thing.After all, it opened the door to facing the problem directly, but the problem was that the on-site answers were more hesitant, which closed the door to solving the problem again.

Therefore, many netizens have questioned,Is this spending money to scold, or whitewashing and boasting?

Looking at the scope of the problems discussed in this Roast, it is generally limited to shallow levels such as long queuing time, opaque price, inaccurate positioning, inaccurate navigation, and stingy taxi coupons.Safety is rarely discussed.Finally, Liu Qing’s sentence "On security issues, we are not joking" ended hastily. Judging from the effect of solving the problem, this kind of open dialogue seems to "address only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue". On the surface, it is lively. If you think about it carefully, there is no real solution to the fundamental problem.

For travel, it’s not about how fast you run, but how stable you run without "rolling over". Users don’t necessarily demand how perfect the app is.What matters more is that the service is cost-effective and safe.A correct understanding of the problem is the prerequisite for correcting the problem later.

Some people think that it is difficult to travel, and it is inherently difficult, and they are too harsh on Didi. Many people commute to get off work and travel without Didi. We are patient with service improvement and innovation. As a "breaker", we must have a great responsibility.

Self-blackening is a good starting point, don’t keep "blackening".Liu Qing also realized that "users always think that Didi is cheating people". We have seen too many examples of companies "humbly admitting their mistakes and not changing their lives", such as telecommunications harassment, bidding rankings, big data push… After many companies fall into a crisis, they either pass the problem on to temporary workers to take the blame, or directly attack the media to spread rumors, or hide and be an "ostrich". Didi has chosen a good way to dare to scold, and now it needs more pragmatic actions, otherwise scolding is equivalent to scolding in vain.

The combustion ban schedule has been delayed again and again. When will fuel vehicles be eliminated?

Author: Xiao Yu; please bring the above information for reprinting as automatic authorization

In the past few years, we have seen the "death penalty court verdict" of fuel vehicles in the news every now and then. Today, a certain car company announced that it will completely stop production of traditional fuel vehicles in the near future. Tomorrow, a certain country announced that before the mid-21st century, all commercially available models will be turned into electric vehicles.

As early as September 2017, MIIT had stated that China was also studying and formulating a "ban on combustion" timetable. After the tone was set, all kinds of news were flying around. Because the independent brands announced that they would stop production of traditional fuel vehicles in 2025, many news initially said that the time for China to completely ban combustion would be 2025. Later, an official background "Study on the Exit Schedule of Traditional Fuel Vehicles in China" also said that private cars in first-class cities will achieve comprehensive new energy in 2030, and China is expected to achieve a complete withdrawal of traditional fuel vehicles by 2050. Everyone immediately guessed that a complete ban on combustion will be achieved in 2050.

Three years later, there is still no certainty when China will fully phase out traditional fuel vehicles.

At the recent "Second Global New Energy Vehicle Supply Chain Innovation Conference", a scholar named Wang Binggang proposed: "China’s new energy vehicles and energy-saving vehicles should be developed simultaneously. It is not recommended to abandon traditional vehicles, it is not recommended to formulate a timetable for banning combustion, and it is not recommended to put forward the slogan of banning combustion in China."

Wang Binggang is the head of the expert group of the National Clean Vehicle Action Coordination Leading Group, the director of the Technical Committee of the National Electric Passenger Vehicle Technology Innovation Alliance, and the head of the National New Energy Vehicle Innovation Engineering Expert Group. His opinion represents not only himself, but also the many experts involved in national decision-making behind him. I believe everyone has smelled the signal that China’s ban on combustion may never come.

In contrast, other countries’ combustion ban schedules are completely certain, such as Norway in 2025, the Netherlands in 2030, and the United Kingdom in 2040. As we all know, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, Chinese car companies have a great advantage in new energy technologies. In recent years, they have been talking about overtaking in curves. Why is there a curve braking now? To put it simply, in order to avoid "policy waste". With China’s current conditions, it is very unrealistic to completely stop the production of fuel vehicles in 2030. Even by 2050, China’s general environment is still not suitable for only selling new energy vehicles. The introduction of a timetable is just causing trouble for everyone.

The countries that have implemented the ban on combustion have several things in common. First, they are often small in size, with Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom all being relatively small. New energy vehicles represented by pure electric vehicles, at least with the current level of technology, can only reach a few hundred kilometers. When the electricity is used up, it is necessary to charge the nest. For small countries, this battery life is enough to cope with a domestic trip and is more convenient to use.

Second, their economies are more developed, and the auto market is close to saturation. When everyone has a car, it is difficult for the auto industry to sell new cars. Changes in regulations will accelerate the obsolescence of old cars, which is a way to stimulate car consumption.

Third, their electricity mainly comes from clean power generation. European countries, represented by Norway and the Netherlands, use a lot of nuclear power, wind power, hydropower, and solar energy instead of coal and oil for thermal power, which means that their new energy vehicles are really "zero emissions" when they operate, rather than transferring emissions to power stations.

The above three characteristics are also the basis for the implementation of a comprehensive ban on combustion. Unfortunately, China does not have a single feature. Our country is very vast, and the geographical environment is very complex. New energy vehicles with a range of several hundred kilometers may not even save money on a single charge. Our average car ownership per thousand people is 154, the UK is 519, and Norway is 584. Obviously, China’s automobile market still has great potential. There is no need for a mandatory ban on combustion to stimulate consumption for the time being. 70% of our electricity is thermal power obtained by burning coal. If the combustion is completely banned, it is equivalent to the power of the car being basically provided by coal. This is not an environmentally friendly thing.

Regarding electricity, we have to say a few more words. Many people know that China needs to import a large amount of oil every year, and then feel that as long as the car is fully new energy, it can reduce its dependence on imported oil and ensure China’s energy security. The current ban on combustion is only to replace oil burning with indirect coal burning. Coal and oil are both non-renewable energy sources. China’s coal self-sufficiency is higher, but it also needs to import more than 300 million tons per year. Coupled with the consumption of new energy vehicles, China’s coal resources will only dry up faster, and it will be more dependent on imported coal. Isn’t it the same thing?

It is precisely because we do not have the conditions that we are calling for the ban on fuel vehicles at this time, and the whole of China will pay a huge price for it. And the dividends that come from this price are not much. Only Chinese car companies that have an advantage in the field of new energy can make a lot of money because of this, and everyone else will suffer.

At present, the correct path for China to take is not to set a timetable for banning combustion and let the market eliminate fuel vehicles. For a long time to come, the tone of China’s auto market should be that fuel-efficient vehicles and new energy vehicles should go hand in hand, walking on two legs. On the one hand, continue to tap the potential of internal combustion engines and drain their last bit of potential. On the other hand, improve new energy vehicles and related facilities to make them more comfortable and environmentally friendly to use.

Future new energy vehicles may switch to graphene batteries with extremely high performance (essentially a super capacitor rather than a chemical battery), which can be charged in a few seconds and have a range of thousands of kilometers; perhaps they will be replaced by hydrogen fuel cells, just like a fuel car refueling, full of hydrogen and you can run. Anyway, it will not be the current "electric dad". It will take a lot of time for new energy vehicles to complete the transformation from dad to true god, which may take decades or hundreds of years. At the same time, human beings have to complete the transformation of energy structure, no longer relying on coal to generate electricity, and switching to cleaner power generation methods, which will be a more difficult task.

Most countries in the world, like China, do not have the conditions for a ban on combustion, so they take a wait-and-see attitude, like the United States, Germany, and France, which release rumors of a ban on combustion every now and then, but there is no actual action at all; car companies are just playing word games to cope with the increasingly strong calls for environmental protection. Now the car companies that have announced that they will stop producing traditional fuel vehicles should be studied carefully. They are all models that are driven by engines. They add a 48V system to the engine, which is not a "traditional fuel car". This is a real monkey…

Everything must be prioritized. Should fuel vehicles be eliminated? Should! Should fuel vehicles be eliminated now?

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Speed Leopard Liu Chao: The new power of commercial vehicles lies in product definition and is not eager to seek sales.

  In Liu Chao’s view, many new commercial vehicles have emerged, but if the product positioning is inaccurate and cannot meet the market demand, then a car may be dumped before it can be sold. "The pure electric commercial vehicle market is very large, and anything can happen. We may not always be in an invincible position, and we must adjust our strategy at any time according to market changes."

  Liu Chao said that our initial target this year is to sell 300 vehicles, but if the verification process goes smoothly, more sales may be achieved. Yu Yang said, "We don’t define this year as the sales year, but we hope to quickly verify and iterate the products when realizing mass transportation, and making the products well is the primary goal."

  "Now many new commercial vehicles have emerged, but if the product positioning is inaccurate and cannot meet the market demand, it may be dumped in an instant, so product definition and technological leadership are very important." Liu Chao, chairman and CEO of Speedleopard Technology, said in an interview with China Economic Net reporter recently that our strategy this year is to be steady and steady, and continue to polish our products while serving our existing customers.

  Focusing on bulk transportation, the new force of commercial vehicles focuses on defining products.

  Looking back about 10 years ago, the new forces of passenger car manufacturing mushroomed, and "Wei Xiaoli" was established at that time, and now it has developed into a brand with an annual sales of more than 100,000 vehicles. Liu Chao said, "From the perspective of the development of the new forces of car-making, it is because of the drive of’ Wei Xiaoli’ that passenger cars are available.Behind the current achievements is technological innovation. "

  Compared with passenger cars, the new power of commercial vehicles was established 7-8 years later, mainly because commercial vehicles pursue the ultimate energy efficiency and cost, and help users to make profits. Liu Chao said bluntly, "Compared with big manufacturers, we only need to focus on technological innovation and change, so we have a certain technological leading edge."

  According to Liu Chao, in view of the short battery life of the current "oil to electricity" electric truck,Self-gravity leads to transportation loss of tons, halving battery life in winter, back safety and many other pain points. Speed Leopard has greatly improved the performance of the whole vehicle through core technologies such as distributed electric drive bridge, 800V high-voltage power domain motherboard, intelligent chassis domain control and integrated thermal management.

  In Liu Chao’s view, many new commercial vehicles have emerged, but if the product positioning is inaccurate and cannot meet the market demand, then a car may be dumped if it cannot be sold. On the other hand, if you stay ahead of technology, you still have a chance to stay at the table.

  As the first model of Super Leopard Technology, Super Leopard Black King Kong locates intelligent electric heavy trucks specially designed for bulk transportation scenes. Liu Chao said, "China.There are more than 20 scenarios. At present, we only do bulk transportation, but this market segment has a market share of nearly 50%. As a start-up enterprise, if Subao Technology can succeed in this market segment, it will be the first step of marketization. "

  In addition, traditional commercial vehicle enterprises are also forced to transform into electric intelligence, but the process will be more difficult than passenger cars. Liu Chao said that the former five main engine manufacturers of commercial vehicles, for example, may consider how to get rid of the "burden" when they want to invest in electric intelligence. In contrast, our decision-making is faster, and we may have been at the forefront.

  "Of course, the market for pure electric commercial vehicles is very large, and anything can happen. We may not always be in an invincible position. This is unrealistic, and we must adjust our strategy at any time according to market changes." Liu Chao added.

  Do not rush to seek sales volume, and establish a benign relationship between supply and demand with suppliers.

  As a new force of commercial vehicles, Speed Leopard has abundant resources, and the actual measurement of its products is also excellent, with dozens of potential customers. Liu Chao said that these customers support SpeedLeopard to have more fault tolerance in the early stage, but our strategy this year is to be cautious about the first stage of rapid loading.

  Liu Chao added, we hope to provide good service, and at the same time, we will continue to polish our products, so that new technologies can stand the test of time, and then deliver them to customers all over the country or even around the world in batches. "Our initial goal this year is to sell 300 vehicles, but if the verification process is smooth, more sales may be achieved."

  Yu Yang, vice president of brand and marketing of Super Leopard Technology, also believes that in the field of commercial vehicles, each brand has its own distinctive product and brand characteristics, and it will also anchor a transportation scene. At this stage, we are more concerned about product attributes in special demand scenarios. We don’t define this year as the sales year, but hope to quickly verify and iterate the products when realizing batch transportation, and making the products well is the primary goal.

  Talking about the cooperative relationship with suppliers, Liu Chao said that the whole vehicle industry chain is very long, and it is impossible for any car company to take care of everything, nor does it have the ability. "China has a perfect supply chain system. We only need to do the core extreme energy efficiency and the’ black box’ related to customer value well, and adhere to the self-research and continuous update and evolution of core technologies, and the rest will cooperate with suppliers in depth."

  Liu Chao sighed, I know that it is not easy for start-ups, and whether the first product can be a hit is particularly important, so I put forward high requirements for parts companies. Parts companies are also under great pressure, but finally we overcame various difficulties to make our first product available, and we hope to go on with early suppliers for a long time.

  In addition, "both automakers and parts companies are facing cost pressure, and we hope to work together to reduce costs and form a healthier and benign relationship between supply and demand, instead of simply defining ourselves as Party A." Liu Chao said. (Photo/Text China Economic Net reporter Jiang Zhiwen)

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

  [Aika Auto 2021 Shanghai Auto Show Original]

  At the Shanghai Auto Show, Zhiji Auto brought its heavyweight product (|). Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Auto, Jiao Qiao, the owner of Zhiji Auto, and Tuoyue, the senior director of Zhiji Auto Intelligent Driving Project, had a dialogue with the media, which answered some questions that netizens were concerned about Zhiji L7 in detail. The following is a record of the dialogue.

  Media: The pre-sale price of L7 is announced, saying that Zhizhi has established itself as a high-end electric vehicle brand. What is the basis for supporting Zhiji’s high-end development? How does Zhiji obtain and solve user needs? What role did Ali play in Zhiji automobile system?

  Zhiji Automobile: As the seventh largest OEM in the world, SAIC is undoubtedly the first in China. SAIC did not face any financial pressure when it was doing the Zhiji project. Therefore, we are not looking for the cooperation between Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba because of the demand for funds, but mainly to integrate the corresponding resources.

  Alibaba has accumulated a lot in e-commerce and cloud computing, and Ali Dharma Institute has many forward-looking technologies, such as very advanced Alibaba Cloud technology, cloud computing technology, large-scale parallel data security technology, and related technologies such as customer operation in new retail. This is the core reason for Zhiji Automobile to seek Ali investment.

  Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, known as China Silicon Valley, has talent advantages in chips, software, data, intelligence and many fields related to new energy. SAIC and Pudong have many years of in-depth cooperation, and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech can also provide chip, software and data support for Zhiji Automobile.

  Based on the above reasons, we introduced Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba as the two major shareholders of Zhiji Automobile. 

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

CEO-CEO of Zhiji Automobile-Tamia Liu

  SAIC, as a high-end brand of Zhiji Automobile, is confident in — —

  First, SAIC is already an established manufacturer in the manufacturing field, and its manufacturing supply chain capability is one of the strongest in the world. SAIC has an annual production and sales capacity of 7 million vehicles, while the China market only produces and sells about 24 million automobile products every year. The paint line, stamping line and final assembly line of SAIC are the strongest in China, and our car will be produced in Shanghai Lingang Global Lighthouse Factory. The technological level of this lighthouse factory, the level of robots and the precision of technological equipment are the strongest in the world. In addition, SAIC has a supply chain master like Huayu Automobile.

  To give two examples, Yanfeng, a subsidiary of Huayu Automobile, is the largest and most technologically advanced interior integration solution provider in the world. Huayu Vision has also surpassed the global level in high-end headlights. Therefore, in terms of parts and components, the ability to support Zhiji automobile is very strong.

  Second, from the technology itself, both hardware and software can fully support a luxury brand.

  SAIC has invested heavily in hardware, software and platform. For example, the chassis platform used by Zhiji L7 came from 2016, when SAIC established a secret internal project team — — Project X is the predecessor of this car platform. It adapts to the future pure electricity exclusive architecture and the future SOA software architecture. Research and development work from 2016 to 2020, we have done a lot of accumulation in the early stage of this platform.

  The car based on this platform can cover a wheelbase of 2800 ~ 3200mm, with a very large span. It can be compatible with battery packs ranging from 600 km to 1000 km, and can also be compatible with fast-changing and slow-changing battery technologies. At the same time, using all-aluminum chassis structure, all-aluminum material has two benefits for electric vehicles. The first is lightweight. At present, electric vehicles have two electric shafts and four-wheel drive, which are relatively heavy, so they must be lightweight. Secondly, the all-aluminum chassis, for electric advanced cars, is easier to guarantee handling and power.

  At the same time, the rear wheel is equipped with the rear wheel steering function only available in millions of luxury cars, reaching plus or minus 12 degrees. The wheelbase of Zhiji L7 is 3100mm, which is the standard wheelbase of a complete C-class car. However, its steering radius is large, which makes it a little difficult to park in the city. The active steering of the rear wheel is to solve this problem, so that the steering radius is smaller and the frame control is more dexterous. At high speed, it can also rotate in the same direction, so that the yaw rate can be reduced by about 35% like driving a yacht, so that the vibration of the car is minimal when you change lanes. The rear wheel steering of many luxury cars is optional, but it is standard on Zhiji L7 car. There are many bright spots like this, so it can fully support the performance of the chassis of an advanced luxury brand from the hardware.

  From the software point of view, SAIC has just released its SOA strategy not long ago. Zhiji Automobile is the application of SAIC SOA and the core user of SAIC Software Center Zero Beam. SOA platform has a very subversive value for consumers, which will help Zhiji brand to build what smart auto time should look like.

  There are three kinds of target groups, namely, technology enthusiasts, egoists and fashion followers. These consumer groups are relatively young Kochi consumers with strong purchasing power and high knowledge level in the market. They have a common feature, that is, our brand slogan "I am self-reliant", because young consumers are very confident in their judgment of self-values and knowledge. Based on this judgment, the flexible software and hardware integration of SOA can be customized, which can bring me freedom and personal value to consumers.

  Originally, air conditioners, seats, doors, skylights, intelligent driving, etc. on the car body were all mastered by core suppliers, and different suppliers were "islands of information". Today, with the SOA platform, we have the ability to encapsulate the underlying architecture of software atomically, and users can combine it at will. There are thousands of SOA capabilities that can be developed by 90 controllers. In theory, we can create unlimited combinations and customize the required functions according to the needs, instead of being limited by the so-called OEM. This is our interpretation of customers, which is also the point that our SOA can really empower.

  Therefore, no matter in terms of soft or hard capabilities, or in terms of SAIC’s manufacturing capabilities, support capabilities, supply chain capabilities and quality control capabilities, it can fully support Zhiji, a luxury brand of China.

  The automobile entered China in the 19th century, and it has been an imported western brand for so many years. But now the industry is rapidly upgrading to electric intelligence, especially intelligence. I think with China people’s deep understanding of intelligence and investment in Internet facilities, the smart electric vehicles in China will change the world in the future.

  Media: What should be the structure of car companies in user-oriented enterprises? What are the uniqueness compared with these enterprises?

  Zhiji Auto: We refuse to be a copycat of user data.

  User data is very important, which will drive enterprises to move forward slowly and become the core driving force of iterative service experience. Therefore, we are the first to launch the CSOP user data rights plan, which has certain revolutionary changes in the company’s initial genes, which is not the same as other enterprises.

  We set aside 4.9% of the equity income, and through 300 million "original stones", we gave back to our users for their data contribution. Take intelligent driving as an example, intelligent driving needs to be iteratively upgraded, and this requires continuous accumulation of user data to solve 10% of the long tail problem. Users can obtain the original stone through "in-program mining" or "cultivation mining", and the original stone can contribute to his data. In this way, users will become our co-creation partners in the era of smart cars, and they will have a deeper sense of participation. We will also give some feedback to users, make corresponding changes and changes to some suggestions and problems, and give them good products and corresponding rights and interests.

  The company "Zhiji and I" is the operator of the 4.9% share income. This company is currently in charge of Jiao Qiao, truly standing on the front line and standing with customers. At the same time, he is also responsible for the communication between the user manager and the user in Zhiji Automobile, including the online community operated by our future users, including content production and so on.

  From the organizational structure, it is completely different from the original automobile company. Our marketing will not have ATL and BTL. The original air launch, the middle fault, the 4S shop can’t meet, the operation is facing difficulties, and the marketing value will be greatly reduced. Now the real right to speak is in KOC and KOL, and most of our energy is in data-driven content sharing. The whole organizational structure is based on private domain operation and super user operation. We will break the original rules and re-establish brand-new channels.

  Cars are high-value and low-frequency, while the Internet is low-value and high-frequency, which determines that it is difficult for automobile enterprises to operate customers, and our CSOP has completely solved this problem, which makes the viscosity between enterprises and customers very high, even higher than that of being hungry. The opportunity and frequency of customer operation will be completely different from the original, which gives us the opportunity to do real in-depth operation, which is a cornerstone for our marketing to be transformed into data-driven operation.

  Media: Has Zhiji given any consideration to the plan of financing and listing?

  Zhiji Automobile: We have a very complete plan for financing and listing, and there will be A, B and C financing plans and a very clear listing plan.

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

Person in charge of Zhiji automobile users-Jiao Qiao

  Media: Where will the focus of Zhiji’s future investment be?

  Zhiji Automobile: First of all, SAIC invested in Momenta for Zhiji Project. Momenta is one of the leading companies in autonomous driving software and algorithms, and is rated as one of the top 50 innovative enterprises in Silicon Valley. It is a very senior science and technology company in the field of autonomous driving. SAIC is Momenta’s golden customer, and has a very deep cooperation with them, so Zhiji Automobile can provide you with IMAD’s extraordinary customer experience today.

  In the past few years, SAIC has increased its investment in software, such as companies in algorithms, software and data factories like Momenta; At the same time, we will also invest in key hardware areas, such as Horizon.

  In addition, SAIC has invested in some soft and hard companies, which will become the origin of our empowerment, such as a company in Austria, Europe — — TTTech, the head enterprise of aircraft flight control RTOS. In the aspect of automatic driving control, real-time operating system is an unavoidable technical barrier. SAIC has established a joint venture with TTTech for a long time, and Zhiji Automobile will also use TTTech’s most advanced RTOS technology.

  Besides, in terms of batteries, SAIC is not only a business partner of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, but also an investor of early CATL. Zhiji automobile can be applied to the top technology of CATL.

  Media: Door to Door Pilot intelligent driving system, what is the current situation? There will be a lot of rising hardware costs in intelligent driving. How can Zhiji balance the rising hardware costs and pass them on to users, or how can users use this data to feed back their own hardware costs?

  Zhiji Automobile: We have started a lot of intelligent driving test. The so-called Door to Door Pilot intelligent driving experience is to complete the whole intelligent assisted driving experience of automatic parking in the parking lot according to the preset navigation plan, through city navigation and high-speed navigation until the user leaves the car at the drop-off point and the vehicle automatically parks in the parking space.

  Now everyone is targeting at structured roads, urban expressways or expressways, such as NGP or NOA, to realize the ability of multi-scene connection. Intelligent driving function is the next track, or a new arms race. For this piece, we have been conducting road tests since the end of last year, including the most challenging urban scene.

  In terms of cost, let me give you an example. Originally, there were two things in the automobile industry, one called ESP and the other called ABS. At first, ESP was the exclusive configuration of high-end cars and high-end brands, and the hardware cost of the system was several thousand dollars. Later, it was proved that it could reduce the death rate of serious traffic accidents. After various countries made it standard, the cost decreased by more than 90%. The meaning of this example is that, first of all, intelligent driving should not be a tool for any business to make profits. I believe that intelligent driving will definitely become a standard in time, because it can really reduce the death rate of traffic accidents and is a social welfare, just like ESP in that year.

  If it becomes standard, the cost will definitely be reduced. At present, the main challenge of intelligent driving perception system and chip system is to reach the vehicle regulation level, for example, the camera of vehicle regulation, whose requirements are mainly the process safety requirements of vehicle regulation and the requirements of high temperature, high humidity and high precision of vehicle regulation, which itself does not necessarily increase the material cost. The key is your understanding of the vehicle condition. When this industry awareness system becomes more and more standard, that is, when the assembly volume is increasing, its level will be significantly improved and the price will drop significantly, which has been confirmed many times in the automobile industry. As long as you have enough quantity and demand, the price is definitely not a problem.

  In addition, the core now is IDP, which is the arithmetic control unit of intelligent driving. At present, this piece has two constraints, and the price of the chip is difficult to negotiate. Moreover, the universal chip based on vision is not really designed specifically for automatic driving perception. Its computing power of 30 tops may be 40% to 50% for real perception. In the future, the chip that is really used for autonomous driving perception may be customized.

  The IPD chip is put on the car after being made into a control calculation unit, which requires a balance between production capacity, output and technical requirements. At present, only high-end cars are equipped with IPD chips. In the future, there will be a lot of room for decline in both perception and planning unit itself, so that it is possible to bring intelligent driving experience to all consumers.

  Moreover, intelligent driving is an investment-intensive period in recent years, and the cost is very high. With the maturity of technology in the future, its efficiency will be greatly reduced, and consumers in the future can experience intelligent driving ability with more frequencies and lower thresholds.

  Media: At present, in the field of autonomous driving perception, various enterprises have different technical paths. Excuse me, in the future, will Zhiji’s auto-driving system choose lidar as the technical development direction?

  Zhiji Automobile: Zhiji L7 chose the vision-based automatic driving perception solution; The whole vehicle is equipped with 12 cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, military-grade ultra-high precision inertial navigation, high-precision maps and V2X terminal technology.

  Based on the advanced visual perception system, Zhiji L7 is also compatible with the redundancy scheme of lidar software and hardware architecture, and supports the upgrade capability of NVIDIA Orin X(500~1000+TOPS) and two lidar systems. Later, when the lidar enters the mature stage of commercial mass production, Zhiji L7 can quickly and conveniently upgrade the lidar system capability. Our second car, the LS7, will also be equipped with advanced laser radar software and hardware system after mass production.

  Media: When is Zhiji Automobile expected to realize L4-class autonomous driving of a single route? When can I experience the Door to Door Pilot autopilot of Zhiji automobile?

  Zhiji Automobile: In fact, the Zhiji L7, which started the pre-sale today, has the self-driving ability of Door to Door Pilot in some cities when it is delivered. Starting from June this year, we will gradually open test drive opportunities to media friends, hoping to bring you an experience worth looking forward to.

  Media: The pre-sale price of Zhiji L7 is 408,800 yuan. What kind of consideration is the price based on? Think of it as a flagship car, and then push a variety of lower-level models, or do you have other considerations? In the era of intelligent electric vehicles, intelligent driving may become the standard of vehicles. In this case, what do you think luxury electric vehicles should look like in the future? What does it support its high price?

  Zhiji Automobile: Frankly speaking, we only introduced the price of the Angel Edition after careful consideration.

  Zhiji L7 is positioned as a luxury pure electric smart car. In terms of size, the wheelbase of Zhiji L7 is 3100mm, which is basically the size of C class and (|), but the size can’t explain everything, because the wheelbase of electric car is different from that of gasoline car.

  In terms of configuration, Zhiji L7 is equipped with CDC electronically controlled suspension and rear wheel steering, which are only available in 800,000 or even millions of traditional cars, as well as our all-aluminum chassis and front double wishbone/rear multi-link suspension system, which are also available in hundreds of thousands of gasoline cars, so from the physical hardware itself, we adopt leapfrog configuration.

  In addition, we have to look at what luxury quality is from another angle. There are two aspects that I particularly want to talk about. The first is design. We didn’t do a design analysis meeting like a fuel car, because the skill of high-end brand design itself is not based on words, but on your feelings. We invited the top designers in the world to design Zhiji L7 to ensure the proportion and streamline of the car body, and we have an overall grasp. If you look at it from 45 degrees behind Zhiji L7, this car brings you a very luxurious atmosphere.

  On the other hand, it is the manufacturing process. For example, Zhiji L7 will be produced in Lingang Lighthouse Factory of SAIC. We have invested more than 100 million yuan to improve the stamping manufacturing capacity of Lingang factory from 300 to 400, so that the quality standard can be improved by leaps and bounds.

  In addition, in terms of VOC control of vehicle interior, our quality and materials are absolutely outstanding, and the total VOC emission inside the vehicle is only one tenth of the national standard, which is definitely the standard of European home improvement industry. From this aspect, I think it is a new way and dimension to express luxury.

  Media: rough stones and crystals are very interesting, but I feel that the gameplay is very complicated. Where are the core interests of users? Recently, data security has attracted great attention. How can we ensure the security of this data and the privacy of users?

  Zhiji Automobile: Actually, the gameplay is very simple. We have two ways to get the original stone. The first type is "nurturing mining". Users only need to download our official APP, participate in brand co-creation activities or interactions, such as limited special exhibitions of art, and discuss how digital art can be combined with smart cockpits, such as publishing suggestions on Zhiji cars on the APP. You can get crystals in activities like this. Then the original stone is extracted in the form of a blind box, and when it is really delivered, the original stone will be activated and grow together with the value of our company.

  The second type is "in-program mining", which aims at the real Zhiji car owners in the future. After owning Zhiji car, they will run a certain mileage every year. When driving Zhiji car, the original stone will fall according to a certain probability, and the more they drive, the greater the probability of getting the original stone.

  We will also regularly publish tasks in the community. For example, when studying intelligent driving, we need some data in specific areas, and car owners can drive to punch in on weekends. Accumulate a certain amount of data, through data backflow, simulation and algorithm, and then we will iterate our intelligent driving technology to give users better products, and at the same time we will give users more feedback. Therefore, it is very simple to play. Both ways, whether you buy a car or not, can participate in our CSOP gameplay.

  When did you choose to do the CSOP user data rights plan? We know very clearly that data is two-sided.

  First of all, starting from the strategy, we have two cameras, a DMS and a CMS in the car, but in order to protect consumers’ privacy, we promise never to adopt the technology of Face ID, and we can completely solve this problem technically. For example, if you are sleepy and your eyelids are fighting, we only need to extract the core information of your face, such as eyebrows and eyelids. In the system, even if hackers come to attack in reverse, they will never find a complete face.

  Secondly, we have established the IDPP Data Privacy Protection Committee, which is set up by experts in customer privacy, and is independent. In the process of developing many new functions, some functions that may violate consumers’ privacy will be decided and evaluated by them.

  Thirdly, we use some advanced technologies, such as zero-knowledge proof, differential privacy, database firewall, etc. to protect data security.

  Based on the above three aspects, users can rest assured that we can use data to create an experience for users without infringing on users’ privacy.

  Media: (|) The concept of 4.9% equity co-creation was also put forward at the press conference; In this regard, what does Zhiji Automobile think?

  Zhiji Automobile: Frankly speaking, our mood is very complicated. A few days ago, I wrote a paragraph on WeChat, saying that CSOP is only the inevitable logic that Zhiji Automobile has led the times, and it will definitely be recognized and follow by more and more people. But I didn’t expect that just a few days later, I would be followed by such a simple and rude follow.

  The reason why it is said that the mood is complicated is because it is difficult for people to imitate CSOP easily. Behind this innovation, we need to invest huge resources and do our homework.

  The first is the compliance barrier, and its operating rules must comply with laws and regulations. The core of this plan is to give back the income corresponding to 4.9% equity to users. To this end, in the past year, we invited more than a dozen law firms to repeatedly scrutinize and study one by one, in order to not only give back the rights and interests for the contribution of user data, but also comply with the supervision of laws and regulations in a seamless way to ensure the smooth operation of CSOP after its launch. Any follower who wants to do this must also do his homework; It is irresponsible to users to imitate and act rashly.

  The second is technical barriers. If we want to give back to users’ rights and interests fairly, justly and openly, we must have strong and advanced technology to support it. There are smart contract technologies, users’ data security and users’ privacy security, which are very complicated and necessary.

  We say that in the intelligent era, the data provided by users is the core driving force for the growth of enterprises; Therefore, all enterprises want to be user-oriented enterprises. According to the logic of this era, the CSOP of Zhiji Automobile is the terminator of white user data. We should also say: following the logic of the intelligent age, if you continue to be vain, you are choosing to be the enemy of the times.

  I believe that there will be more and more followers of Zhizhi in the future.

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

Senior director of Zhiji automobile intelligent driving project-Tuoyue

  Media: What kind of differentiated label does Zhiji Automobile want to put on itself in the track of the intelligent age?

  Zhiji automobile: in the intelligent age, data determines experience and software defines automobile. Every  mile  counts,Every  byte  builds! It is the label of Zhiji automobile. We make every kilometer of users’ travel generate value, so that every data provided by users can become the fuel to promote brand progress and product evolution. In the symbiosis and co-creation with users, the user experience is constantly improved, and the user travel experience is getting better and better.

  Media: The first batch of consumers in the pure electric vehicle consumer market have already generated replacement demand. Excuse me, has Zhiji Automobile launched a targeted replacement plan for these "old owners" of pure electric vehicles?

  Zhiji Automobile: I feel that this is a question of exploring the target market. First of all, Zhiji Automobile values the rapidly growing high-end pure electric smart car market segment. In March this year, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China was 189,000, with a year-on-year growth rate of 300%+, and it is still growing rapidly; Among them, 85% are pure electric vehicles, and the market share of pure electric vehicles with a price of more than 250,000 yuan has increased from 4% to 35%, an increase of nearly 9 times, which clearly shows that the consumption trend of new energy market is tilting towards high-end and high endurance; The goal of Zhiji Automobile is to get our due share from this incremental market first.

  But this is not the whole story. The more important goal of Zhiji Automobile is to occupy a place in the luxury car market. After 28 years of continuous growth, the passenger car market in China began to grow negatively in 2018; On the other hand, from 2018 to 2020, luxury car brands represented by BBA maintained a positive growth rate of double digits in the China market, with an annual sales volume of about 3.5 million vehicles. Therefore, Zhiji Automobile should not only focus on the new energy vehicle market with a monthly sales volume of 189,000 vehicles, but also focus on the luxury car market with an annual sales volume of about 3.5 million vehicles and is making great strides; And the latter is more important. Because in the luxury car market, the proportion of post-85 s and post-90 s is rapidly increasing, and they are the "golden users" of Zhiji Automobile.

  Young users in China have the following characteristics: First, they don’t think BBA is a myth. Users who are a little older have a traditional path of car selection and upgrading in traditional values, for example, upgrading to Mercedes-Benz after getting started and having a small career, and upgrading to &hellip if they have the ability again; … BBA is the representative of a luxury car brand in this path. However, this upgrade route is being gradually broken by young people in China. He doesn’t think BBA is the only landmark in the upgrade route.

  Secondly, young people in China are really "little pink" at heart, and have stronger values and self-confidence. They have a very strong judgment on their own knowledge and values. This view has been repeatedly confirmed in industries such as FMCG and clothing, and it will certainly happen in the automobile industry. Therefore, a truly powerful new species of smart electric vehicles, born in China, must have a strong appeal to young people in China.

  In a word, the core market of Zhiji Automobile is 85% of the new energy vehicle market (pure electric vehicle market segment), and with the young Kochi users in the 3.5 million luxury car market, this market is at least 2 million in annual sales.

  Therefore, the imagination of the growth of Zhiji Automobile is very large.