Football analysis of Friday’s SMG, Bologna vs Lazio, Palmas vs Atletico Madrid, Greater Paris

Friday 001: Bologna vs Lazio

This game is the 11th round of Serie A. Bologna plays against Lazio at home. As a mid-stream team in the League, Bologna’s unbeaten rate is still relatively high this season, with 15 points, ranking eighth in the League. The team has never lost in the face of some strong teams, Juventus, Inter Milan and La Burroughs, and its gold content is still very high. Lazio, as a team that performed very well in the league last season, is second only to Naples. However, in the case of multi-line operations this season, the current lineup seems to be not very supportive, and its performance in the league is relatively unstable. At present, it only gets 16 points and ranks seventh in the league. Judging from the past confrontation between the two teams, Bologna has not lost at home in recent seasons, and its mentality is still relatively stable.

In this game, the game data of the whole game gives 0 tower with the same value as that of the two teams, and the on-the-spot reference in the later stage is basically stable, and there is not much tendency for the two teams as a whole. Based on the preparation situation of the two teams, the author thinks that it is difficult for La Chan ‘ao to win away.

Conclusion: the main push wins, and the second push draws.

Score recommendation: 1-1, 1-0, 2-1 (for reference only)

Friday 003 las palmas vs Atletico Madrid

Las palmas, they performed well in recent games, successfully won Manakol 3-0 away, and won two consecutive games in various competitions. However, it should be noted that the team has just become a King’s Cup game in the middle of the week, so it may be at a certain disadvantage in physical reserve. Atletico Madrid’s offensive performance is stable, with only one goal in the last 10 matches, and the average efficiency is as high as 2.1 goals. They occupied a big advantage in the last six meetings with las palmas, and achieved 5 wins and 1 loss.

This game: On the whole, this game will be a match between two powerful teams. Although Rasl Mas’s defense is excellent, Atletico Madrid’s offensive strength and overall performance are even better. Therefore, this game is more optimistic about Atletico Madrid’s chances of winning.

Recommend negative and let negative.

The score is 0-2 1-2

Friday 004 Paris Saint-Germain vs Montpellier

Paris Saint-Germain: Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2 away from home in the league, and won four consecutive victories in all competitions. It should be noted that the team has a strong momentum at home and won all the last four home games. This game may still be highly regarded at home.

Montpellier: Montpellier beat Toulouse 3-0 at home in the league, and won two of the last three games. It is in good condition. On the other hand, the team’s recent away play is still insufficient, and the last four away games have only achieved 1 win, 1 draw and 2 losses. You still need to be more careful in this away game.

In the last five meetings between the two sides, Paris Saint-Gervais scored 4 wins and 1 draw, and its track record was dominant. According to the data given by the institutions, most of the concessions given by the relevant institutions were at -1.5 initially, and most of them are at -1.75 at present, but the value of the home team is still declining, and the support of the institutions for the home team is increasing, which is beneficial to the home team. This field can pay attention to the big Paris victory.

Recommend letting win and letting even.

The score is 4-0 3-1 4-1

There is no "artifact" to rely on in encouraging education.

"You are a clever boy, and I believe you can solve this problem." "Your efforts and persistence are very commendable" … Recently, the "child-praising artifact" similar to the "100-sentence kuawa template" became popular on the Internet.

Many parents "encourage" their children according to the template, thinking that they have got the "truth" of education, and many parents are worried. So, what is the really effective encouragement education for children?

Parents put down their sticks, abandoned their roars and embarked on the road of "non-violence" family education, believing that "good children are boastful" is worthy of recognition and promotion. But encouragement is not just "praising children", we should really make good use of encouraging education and avoid going to the other extreme. This is obviously not a problem that can be solved by a template, and we must not be superstitious and rely on "artifacts."

The theoretical sources of encouraging education are rich, such as expectation theory, behaviorism teaching theory and achievement motivation theory. Attribution theory in social psychology is an important theoretical source of stimulating education.

The encouragement of parents or teachers is actually to guide children and students to attribute their actions or results positively, to form a positive hint for children, and to guide children to work hard in the right direction in their future study and life. It should be pointed out that "encouraging education" or "encouraging education" is not always expressed by "praise". There is not only positive encouragement, but also timely criticism and guidance. Criticism is also a kind of encouragement. Therefore, encouraging education is not equal to "praising education", and its connotation and extension are not covered by "praising children’s artifacts".

What needs to be more vigilant is that simple "praise education" is prone to such negative effects: children’s pride, excessive emphasis on the positive evaluation of others, self-doubt after encountering difficulties, and serious collapse of confidence may occur.

In a word, "praise education" is only one of the methods of encouraging education, and we need to master the correct methods to avoid negative effects.

First, let children get the feeling of love. Sincere and loving language is the most powerful. If parents’ words and deeds can make children feel love, they will certainly give them the greatest encouragement and feel happiness and joy. The stylized language may be useful for young children, but for older children, the perfunctory feeling and "plastic texture" come to the fore, and the effect can be imagined.

Second, the key is to truly discover the bright spot of children. The core of encouraging education is that parents should find the bright spot of their children, instead of trying to organize language and "please" their children with praise. In order to change from "yelling at mom and dad" to "praising mom and dad", parents must first change the perspective of observing their children and truly discover and appreciate their excellent side. If you don’t really feel that your child is doing well, "hard praise" may embarrass both sides. And if we really find a bright spot recognized by both sides, then this bright spot will become brighter and brighter.

Third, the orientation should be clear and the direction should be specific. Clear orientation means that encouragement for children should be designed, for example, from personal efforts rather than from uncontrollable factors such as appearance. Pointing to the concrete means that the encouraged matters must point to the concrete actual behavior, not the virtual or expected matters.

Fourth, trust and pass the trust signal to the children. In encouraging education, the signal of trust to children plays a very important role. Trust is not a slogan, but should be practiced by parents. On the one hand, some parents trust their children, on the other hand, they do many things that make them lack trust, which makes them lose trust in their parents, and encouraging education is not easy to use.

In a word, encouraging education is a good method in parenting education, but it is by no means equal to "praising education". To make encouraging education effective, parents’ love, patience and carefulness are indispensable, especially the change of children’s observation perspective and evaluation perspective. (The author is the librarian of Xichang National Preschool Teachers College) Author: Liao Dekai

Source: China Education News Network

Sports and baseball that continue to climb the top of the whole network.

In China, baseball has a history of more than one hundred years, dating back to the establishment of the Shanghai Baseball Club in 1863. In 1915, China won the second place in the Great Asian Baseball Championship held in Shanghai. For a time, the popularity and development of baseball in China reached an unprecedented height.

Unfortunately, in the 1960s, baseball was once criticized as a "bourgeois movement", and baseball culture began to decline gradually in China.

It was not until 2007 that Americans brought MLB to China, and it seemed that there was a brilliant spark between China people and baseball again.

"Some people wear baseball shirts and baseball caps, but there is hardly anyone around who can play baseball."This sentence perfectly answers the question of today’s title."Why is baseball the most familiar and unfamiliar sport?"

  • In China, a sport is not popular, except for not playing it every day, perhaps because of the lack of a sports idol like Ding Junhui who has a snooker ball on fire. …

  • To put it more popularly, when there are programs such as Baseball in China and Baseball Listen to Me, it is estimated that it is difficult for you to be unfamiliar with it.

  • Just like no one stipulates that skateboarding shoes must be able to play skateboarding and basketball shoes must be able to play basketball, no one stipulates that people who can’t play baseball can’t wear baseball shirts or caps, right?

  • Under the subtle influence of trend culture, most people who don’t even know the rules of baseball may not realize that they have been deeply influenced by baseball.

For example, a baseball cap, which was originally a long-brimmed hat used by baseball players to shade the sun, has now become a necessary three-piece suit for trendy old drivers.

From New Era to luxury brands, from Fifth Avenue in New York to Indian farmers’ market, from trendsetter ootd to star airport street shooting, baseball caps can be seen.

Baseball jacket, also known as Varsity Jacket. Jackets, once used to honor excellent baseball players, replaced the original sweaters.

Later, with the popularity of Hip-Hop, it went out of the campus and was labeled as "street trend", which became a classic clothing style. Although it is not directly related to baseball, it also leads a generation of trends and becomes the benchmark of the trend.

Baseball shirts, a trend item with high appearance rate in recent years, were once really baseball players’ uniforms.

Most baseball shirts have different colors and signs to show their teams, and they can also distinguish between two teams of players and the ball card.

  • Baseball is the representative of American culture.On the court, the baseball players clapped their hands and hugged each other with the shouts of the fans, feeling the strength and encouragement of the team.It also affects fashion and street clothes unconsciously and quietly.

  • Also asLEE, a denim brand representing American culture, was also influenced by baseball.As early as 1983, he hired Major League Baseball (MLB) Philadelphia Philips Philipes.Ace player Mike Schmidt(Mike Schmidt) is the brand spokesperson.

  • in those yearsSchmitt wore a red striped baseball uniform to shoot a print advertisement for Lee.It has become a classic image in the hearts of many baseball fans.

  • Baseball is recognized as the sport with the highest IQ requirement in the world, and new tactics need to be formulated at any time according to the opponent’s judgment. Baseball’s reaction to a person, as well as the ability to make correct tactics and choose in a complicated situation instantly, strength, coordination, flexibility and time and space judgment are all very beneficial.

  • Baseball is very suitable for Asians who are smart, quick-witted and quick-witted. Playing baseball has an excellent role in improving students’ physical fitness, intelligence and teamwork spirit.

  • Diego Maradona forgot the other 10 teammates and went to the meeting alone; Kobe can break through many defensive layups and score points; At the crucial moment, teammates handed the ball to Jordan; Baseball and individual heroism can’t score, so we must rely on teamwork or sacrifice ourselves to send our teammates to base to win.

  • Baseball is suitable for team development and can be used as a team development project; It is also listed as a military training project, which shows the high demand and training significance for the group’s "combat" ability!

  • Compared with other sports such as football, basketball and rugby,Less physical confrontation and high safety.Age groups can sink to children and reach the elderly.

  • From the off-court culture, there is a family atmosphere. The English name of home plate in baseball is "home", which means home, and compared with the tension of basketball or football, the scene of baseball game is more of a warm family atmosphere, not only with father and son, but also with mother and daughter, just like a picnic.

  • "Parents are the first teachers for children’s growth", but children prefer equal dialogue to formal education. In the process of practicing baseball, a stick, a ball and a pair of gloves build a bridge between children and their parents. It is a sport with low intensity and endless fun. Up to 70-year-old grandfathers and down to 6-year-old dolls can compete together. It is an ideal sport for the whole family to entertain during holidays.

First of all, baseball players must be dressed neatly and appropriately, and they must be meticulous from shoes to hats before they can play. Not only do we have a lot of etiquette before the competition, but we will also thank the staff, the audience and the venue after the competition.

Only equestrian, golf and baseball costumes in the world are required to wear belts, which shows that baseball is a gentleman’s sport.

On the baseball field, you will always face a baseball that flies like a bullet with a whistle. Courage is the quality you must possess, whether in defense or attack. In the blink of an eye or a little sideways, baseball will slip away from your fingertips. Only by facing your opponent directly can you win. No matter how much you are ahead, you must bravely face the hitter to win. It is impossible to win by consuming time like football or basketball.

Value embodiment of league building:

1)Happy course: rich and interesting programs, entertaining and entertaining. Let everyone know baseball as soon as possible in happiness.

2)Humanistic spiritEveryone performs their duties, understands and respects each other, and plays an important role.

3)leadershipGive full play to one’s ability, and improve the overall leadership of the team and individuals while exercising communication and cooperation through a highly intense learning experience.

4)teamworkThe essence of baseball, individual collision sublimates the value of the team in mutual cooperation.

5)brainstormingLearn to think, from passive acceptance to active exploration, and enhance collective cohesion.

Baseball is a "family sport". A stick, a ball, a pair of gloves and a tacit look between father and son are all building a friendly relationship with children. When parents accompany their children to train, the children are treated as adults, and parents are treated as partners. They can talk on an equal footing and grow together, and they can establish communication in a more relaxed and relaxed way and spend the whole day happily at home.

Baseball winter and summer camp activities, not only let children develop physically and intellectually in an all-round way, but also let children observe etiquette, know how to be independent and learn to manage themselves. On the court, they will also gain the most sincere friendship.


Full of happy sports, from swinging to hitting the ball, to running to base, and experiencing unlimited fun between movements;


Breaking through all the differences in territory, class, culture and age, anyone can participate, feel and enjoy baseball;


Physical fitness is exercise, which cultivates people’s sensitivity and improves their mental maturity in competitive tactics, and is the perfect combination of technology and wisdom;


Emphasize the cooperation between team members and partners, which embodies the team spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance;


Baseball culture etiquette education, enhance the deep affection between family members;


Baseball clothing is a popular fashion element in the world. Many big-name stars wear famous baseball uniforms when they go out in public places.

The game is not limited to Blizzard. Take stock of MMO online games that can help quit "binge addiction".

At 0: 00 on January 24, World of Warcraft officially ended its operation in mainland China. It was the fault of the developer or the agent, and the hard work of more than ten years finally passed and dissipated. At the beginning of the 15-minute countdown to the server shutdown, strangers said goodbye to each other on the channel, "May the wind guide your direction".

With the character in Naglan forced to return to the login interface, and with the prompt that there is no available server, the world that has been with him for more than ten years has ended "temporarily".

Because of World of Warcraft, I have kept my game habits for many years. I tried several MMOs with my old friends in YY during the Spring Festival holiday, but they couldn’t fit in well and fell into a dilemma.

Sword net 3:

Whether it is the official version or the nostalgic version, the optimization is not satisfactory. Whether it is the 4090 graphics card or the 2080 graphics card, all graphics cards are equal in front of Sword Net III, and it is impossible to achieve a smooth frame number like World of Warcraft. The multi-stage jumping in its proud Lightness Skill system will make newcomers feel puzzled, because the Lightness Skill System will only show the corresponding function buttons after the player jumps, and the newcomers can’t even find a way to land quickly when they start trying.

But after all, "Sword Net III" is also an old game for many years, with a strong social atmosphere. The PVE copy game comes with a gold team assistant, and the copy is simple and the equipment is cheap. Direct 54 yuan also presented gold coins, and selling the gold coins actually only required about 5 yuan.

Guild Wars 2:

It’s really a refreshing game experience. Jumping music and world event design are great, and you can also experience magnificent battle scenes in the wild. The biggest innovation of the game is that it is out of the triangle mode of warfare, law and animal husbandry. Different occupations are not a single skill group, and switching to different weapons will have different skills. Players can play different output cycles by switching weapons in battle. Old people in the game are also very kind to newcomers, and often provide a set of equipment to novice players for free. However, for old players of Warcraft, there will be a certain cognitive gap because they are not in the mode of warfare and grazing.

> > > > > Stop taking Warcraft, and try Guild Wars 2, a good time for the lion city to go online in into the pit. < < < < <


It may be very suitable for players with formal clothes to play the game, because there are certain requirements for the DPS of T and N in the replica battle, but the battle mode will be different. The GCD of FF14 is long (various 2.5S skills in the early stage) and the judgment is delayed, and the fluency of the battle is not as good as that of World of Warcraft, and the plug-ins that players are used to in Warcraft are basically defined as plug-ins that cannot be used in FF14. For the old Warcraft players with nostalgic clothes, I am afraid that some older players are not good at accepting the picture and mechanism.

Swords of legends OL:

The optimization is average, and the game is really conscientious. The copy battle also has technical content and the picture is very good. Basically, every profession has two kinds of functional gameplay, and there are different genres to choose from under different functions. For example, the school of Imperial Sword can be divided into the rainbow of the air Sect and the flying star of the sword Sect. Shenhong can be divided into two schools: Blasting Sword and Yunlong. Under the current version, a set of equipment can freely switch attributes according to different functions (the additional attributes of the equipment need to be selected by the player himself), and the function selection of the team becomes more flexible in the copy battle, similar to the switching specialization in Warcraft, but there is no need to prepare an additional set of equipment.

It’s just that the overall feeling of playing the game is mediocre, and everything has no characteristics, that is to say, the game is good except PVP, but it’s not fun, and PVP is almost abandoned because there are too few players playing PVP activities as a whole.

Anti-cold veteran clothes:

The game has a good sense of attack and a strong Jianghu atmosphere, and it is worthy of being a breathing Jianghu. Just as a veteran’s clothing with classic equipment and mounts in Warcraft as the attraction, the skin to be given needs to be copied to get fragments before it can be finally obtained, which has a sense of deceiving players. And as a Warcraft player who has to spray the card for several years, it is inevitable that there are some psychological obstacles to play an improved version of the game that requires money to breathe, and I am really uneasy about the subsequent development of this game. Although numerical props are not sold in the game now, who knows what will happen in the future?

After several similar MMO games were tried and the substitutes were fruitless, a group of old players of Warcraft nostalgia service faced the dilemma of being helpless. I wonder if I can try another game mode. After all, the influence of World of Warcraft is too deep, and similar games can’t play the taste of Warcraft at all. Maybe the new game mode is easier to integrate without the game type of Warcraft itself. With this mentality, I decided to search for turn-based online games that can be played by office workers.

I searched, and there really is a game called Peach Blossom Garden 2, which is dedicated to office workers.

"Peach Blossom Garden 2" is just the sixth anniversary in official website, and it is also a domestic game that has been in operation for many years. In any case, domestic games will never have to worry about the contradiction between agents and developers, which will lead to the dilemma that the game will stop serving and the players have nowhere to go.

The core gameplay of "Peach Blossom Garden 2" is consistent with the traditional turn-based gameplay. In theory, you can easily play the game by choosing the output sect and automatically hanging up. It is relatively troublesome to treat and control the sect because it needs point-to-point operation in difficult battles.

The gameplay of Peach Blossom Garden 2 basically integrates the common gameplay in turn-based games, which is similar to daily tasks such as mentoring and running rings and other activities. When you first enter the game, you may be at a loss because of the rich content and no game experience, but there are corresponding guidelines in the game, which can reduce the learning cost of players.

At the same time, in order to increase the experience of new players, the game also has built-in novice login activities to reduce the resistance that players encounter in the early stage of the game. Newcomers will be given a set of weapons and equipment as well as powerful beasts and fairies for free when they log in on the 7 th.

There are also new service target activities, in which players can obtain a variety of valuable resources such as in-game currency and role training by reaching a series of goals such as combat power, crusade, manor, achievement and official position.

Seven days before the new service, players can get lucky draw opportunities when they reach 50, 100 and 150 every day, and they can draw high gold tickets, Taoyuan points, appearance props, etc., and even have a chance to get Goku!

Of course, for office workers, the biggest feature of Peach Blossom Garden 2 is zero cost, which is much better than other turn-based games, which require tens of thousands of inputs to get a group number.

Without blizzard and Warcraft, as office workers, choosing turn-based games can also be a choice. Peach Blossom Garden 2 is the latest product of the turn-based classic IP Peach Blossom Garden series. There is no mall in the game, all the items fall, and the props can be traded. Turn-based classic gameplay is available here, plus you can send advanced mounts and high-funded beasts when you log in, which can accompany players to visit Xanadu!

It is related to education investment, and the latest voices of the three departments.

Recently, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Bureau of Statistics held a national promotion meeting on financial education investment and education funds statistics. The meeting systematically summed up the main achievements in the statistical work of financial education investment and education funds since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, exchanged typical experiences, and made arrangements for the work this year and the next period.

The meeting emphasized that it is a strategic plan made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to give priority to the development of education to ensure that the proportion of national fiscal education expenditure to GDP is generally not less than 4%, that the fiscal general public budget education expenditure only increases year by year, and that the average general public budget education expenditure according to the number of students in school only increases year by year. All localities should always give priority to the development of education, further intensify their work, and ensure that the responsibility for investment is put in place.Ensure that the "two increases only do not decrease" are put in place and that the annual budget is implemented in place. It is necessary to strengthen management and ensure the standardized and efficient use of education funds.

The meeting emphasized that the statistics of education funds is an important comprehensive and basic work to systematically reflect the information of education economy, an important starting point to promote the implementation of the responsibility of education investment, and an important support to formulate and improve the education investment policy. It is necessary to actively adapt to the requirements of high-quality development, further improve the statistical system of education funds, and establish and improve the dynamic monitoring mechanism for the implementation of education funds. It is necessary to further improve the statistical standards, indicators and systems of education funds, improve the statistical quality and ability of education funds, and give full play to the supporting role of information consultation, monitoring and supervision and decision-making.

Responsible comrades of relevant departments and directly affiliated units of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the National Bureau of Statistics attended the meeting at the main venue, and responsible comrades of education, finance and statistics departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), cities with separate plans and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps attended the meeting by video at the sub-venue.

Source: Ministry of Education website