Jiang Wen’s film returns to the IMAX big screen, romantically writing the joys and hatreds of the Republic of China

1905 movie network news On July 13, director Jiang Wen’s new work "Evil Does Not Suppress Justice", co-directed by Jiang Wen, Peng Yuyan, Liao Fan, Zhou Yun and Xu Qing, officially landed in more than 500 IMAX theaters across the country. On July 14, IMAX held a media viewing conference in Beijing. This film, which Ning Hao rated as "special Jiang Wen", made the audience addicted with its ups and downs of suspense plot and intensive and intense action scenes. Under the help of the crystal clear image quality of the IMAX cinema screen and the realistic and shocking sound system, the audience seemed to be immersed in a romantic and suspenseful revenge story of the Republic of China, and deeply appreciated the long-lost youth and rivers and lakes of director Jiang Wen.

IMAX freehand presents "Jiang Wen-style good play", and the media comments on the film "spicy and powerful"

Adapted from Zhang Beihai’s novel "The Hidden Man," the final chapter of Jiang Wen’s trilogy of the Republic of China takes place in Beijing, under the rule of the Beiyang government, and tells the story of Li Tianran, played by Peng Yuyan, avenging his teachers. With a good and evil storyline, intensive fighting with knives and guns, sharp and fast editing, ubiquitous jokes, and romantic and melodious Western soundtrack, a "very Jiang Wen" -style drama has conquered the media and film critics, and won a burst of reputation. The film critics Mission Impossible praised the film as "a pot of spirits labeled by Jiang Wen, happy with enmity, spicy and powerful, and the violent aesthetic wantonly in the ice and snow of Beiping, flying on the top of the roof."

"Evil does not suppress good" is Jiang Wen’s sixth film, and it is also his second collaboration with IMAX. Director Jiang Wen specially created Beiping of the Republic of China, which is particularly eye-catching on the IMAX high definition bright big screen. With a clear and realistic picture texture and a penetrating sound system, the audience is fully immersed in the imaginative world. When Li Tianran flew on the roof, the audience seemed to follow him on the roof, sometimes with swords and shadows, flying on the wall, sometimes generously singing and happy enmity. After the screening, the media all lamented that the film was "burning, cool, happy and full of energy". Some media feedback said that "the IMAX big screen makes you see the easter eggs of Jiang Wen’s movies full of imagination everywhere". Some people even said that "after reading it, it is still unfinished, and it is worth enjoying it again and again. I am ready to brush the IMAX version again in the near future."

IMAX delicately reshapes the scenery of Beiping in the Republic of China, Jia Zhangke praises "fascinating"

On the IMAX big screen, the audience was deeply impressed by the Peiping of the Republic of China, which was infused with Jiang Wen’s romantic feelings. Even director Jia Zhangke could not help but praise it after the screening: "The old Peiping under the lens of director Jiang Wen is fascinating, and the Peiping without traffic jams and heavy snow in the movie is really beautiful. The whole movie is a rooftop poem, strong and affectionate." The Beijing city in the film is like a character hidden in the dark, quietly emitting the atmosphere of the times and the unique charm: the iconic bell tower, city walls, alleys, bricks and tiles will restore the original style of the old Beijing of the Republic of China, and the beautiful overlook perspective is presented under the IMAX large screen and delicate image quality, making the audience seem to have traveled through time and space and entered the former Beiping.

The luxury lineup gathers on the IMAX big screen, and the stars work together to interpret the chaotic times in Peiping

Jiang Wen, Peng Yuyan, Liao Fan, Zhou Yun, and Xu Qing, several powerful actors of different styles, are also highly anticipated by the audience this time. The big screen that extends from the floor to the ceiling of the IMAX theater is not only wider but also higher and more curved, making the audience feel that sitting in any position can feel as if several movie stars are in front of the sharp confrontation. According to media reports, Peng Yuyan has once again become a fan on the IMAX big screen with his breakthrough acting skills, appropriately matching Li Tianran’s unique enthusiasm and youthful feeling in his early twenties; Liao Fan’s villain Zhu Qianlong is also impressive, with a simple and rough two-cropped beard, sparse eyebrows, and blue veins bursting on his forehead.

Zhou Yun and Xu Qing’s perfect interpretation of the two important female characters in the film makes it impossible to look away from the IMAX big screen. Zhou Yun’s frown and smile vividly and vividly interpret Guan Qiaohong, a woman with a complex heart who hides the sewing workshop; Xu Qing incarnates as an "angel devil" to play Tang Fengyi, a beautiful courtesan among the dormant and powerful, with a smiling pear vortex, a graceful figure wrapped in a cheongsam, and an innocent expression pretending to be coquettish. The fish and dragons are mixed with many parties to wrestle, and the interests of power and hatred are crisscrossed. The IMAX big screen will present their most graceful figure and the most delicate performance with its excellent texture.

The IMAX version is transformed by IMAX DMR ? (Digital Reproduction Technology) to provide audiences with unparalleled audio-visual quality that meets the ? standards of the IMAX viewing experience. Crystal-clear images, combined with tailor-made IMAX theater design, and a powerful digital sound system also create a unique environment for moviegoers to truly feel the "immersive" viewing experience.

Wahaha plummeted by more than 20 billion yuan, and the Nutrition Express is still struggling to support its performance

"2016 China’s top 500 private enterprises released the report" shows that in 2015 Wahaha operating income 49.40 billion yuan, compared with 2014 revenue plummeted more than 20 billion yuan, causing industry attention.

Industry analysts believe that the real main reason for Wahaha’s decline in performance lies in its aging brand, lack of star products, and too single market.

Revenue plummeted by more than 20 billion yuan 

2015 revenue plummeted more than 20 billion yuan, equivalent to losing the entire nutrition fast line, Wahaha performance decline once disclosed quickly caused concern and concern in the industry. According to publicly disclosed data, 2013-2015 Wahaha revenue were 78.30 billion yuan, 72.80 billion yuan and 49.40 billion yuan, showing a downward trend year by year.

Regarding the plunge in revenue in 2015, Wahaha responded that the main reason was that the data of Hongsheng Beverage Group Co., Ltd., which was controlled by Zong Qinghou’s daughter Zong Fuli, was not consolidated. In addition, online rumors and product transformation and upgrading also had a certain impact.

The official stressed that Wahaha’s current production and sales are normal, and the company has paid 3.10 billion yuan in taxes to the state from January to July this year. "Not only does the company not have a penny of bank loans, but it also has tens of billions of yuan in deposits."

Zong Qinghou said recently that the beverage industry is facing a downward trend. Wahaha’s growth rate fell from more than 20% in previous years to 4% last year and only 2% in the first half of this year. For the reason of the decline, Zong Qinghou concluded that it was affected by malicious attacks on online rumors.

"China’s beverage industry will always be a sunrise company, and as long as it is done well, I think it will always develop healthily. Because no matter what, people always want to eat and drink."

Nutrition Express still supports Wahaha’s performance

In Wahaha’s entire product system, there is an over-reliance on individual products. According to Wahaha’s previously disclosed figures, as of the end of 2014, Wahaha had a total of more than 100 categories of milk beverages, bottled water, carbonated beverages, tea beverages, juice beverages and functional beverages. Among many products, Nutrition Express, which has a product age of nearly ten years, is still the largest single product supporting Wahaha’s performance.

According to public data, the sales of Nutrition Express in 2013 exceeded 20 billion yuan, which means that this single product alone contributed about 1/4 of Wahaha’s performance. The previous online rumors that Nutrition Express contains Botox also caused Wahaha’s performance to suffer, and the revenue loss was said to be as high as 5 billion yuan.

According to industry insiders, the sales performance of old products such as Nutrition Express, AD calcium milk, and purified water has accounted for more than half of Wahaha’s overall revenue, and the market performance of these large single products is also declining. With the rise of new beverage brands, Wahaha Nutrition Express’s market share is also gradually shrinking. In the bottled water sector, brands such as Nongfu Spring and China Resources Yibao have made competition more intense and continue to occupy Wahaha’s market share of purified water.

Food Industry Researcher, China Brand Research InstituteZhu Danpeng believes that the aging of the Wahaha brand is manifested in three aspects: first, Zong Qinghou is still addicted to the business philosophy of the late 1990s and early 2000s; second, the entire Wahaha executive team has been working hard with Zong Qinghou for many years and has been assimilated seriously. It cannot make changes in time for market changes; third, market research and development is "like a boiled frog", innovation is delayed, and the success rate of new products is getting lower and lower.

Wahaha’s self-help requires innovation

With the decline of the third- and fourth-tier markets and more intense competition, since the end of 2015, Wahaha has seen its own shortcomings and decided to make up for the shortcomings of the mainstream market in first- and second-tier cities. Subsequently, Wahaha launched some new products to meet the needs of first- and second-tier mainstream consumer groups. Wahaha launched some new beverages, such as C drive, coconut milk vegetable protein drink "Come and squeeze", blood orange juice, etc., but failed to win market recognition.

For Wahaha’s new strategy, Zhu Danpeng is not very optimistic, believing that Wahaha’s brand power and recognition in first- and second-tier cities have declined very severely. At present, Wahaha’s brand recognition and price positioning are mainly in third- and fourth-tier markets, but in the price range of more than 5 or 6 yuan, Wahaha basically has no products.

For Wahaha’s future prospects, industry analysts believe that if it fails to achieve brand rejuvenation, product innovation, and a redefinition of its marketing model, Wahaha’s performance will accelerate its decline.

The Running Era of Zhang Xinghai and Sailis

Original, Microscopic Story Editorial Department

Zhang Xinghai still remembers the scene when he first met Yu Chengdong.

At that meeting, the two exchanged in-depth views on new energy vehicles. Due to the same direction, the cooperation intention of Huawei and Cyrus was finalized after several hours of talks.

Later in public, Mr. Yu said: "What impresses me deeply about him [Zhang Xinghai] is his keen sense of smell and determination."

It was with this exceptional business sense that in the 1980s, Zhang Xinghai made a fortune in Baxian County, under the jurisdiction of Chongqing, by relying on a spring, and went south along the Jialing River and the Yangtze River to do business in Shanghai.

Then, with the pioneering energy of the people of Sichuan and Chongqing, he rushed into the automobile industry regardless of the outside world’s prejudice against traditional manufacturing. After more than 30 years of success in business, he chose the new energy automobile industry three times.

Today, Cyrus cars have been racing forward for 38 years. On February 5, the Cyrus Auto Super Factory was completed and put into operation and the first delivery event of the M9 was held in Chongqing. In this super factory under the "brain of the automobile industry", thousands of new cars are ready to go, and the scene is spectacular.

The Cyrus car represented by Zhang Xinghai has also undergone several important turns in the changing times, and has gradually become what it is now – leaving its own position in China’s new car movement and representing the progress of China’s industrial upgrading.

The following is the true story about Cyrus cars:

Text | Chang Ningning

Editing | Zoran

Zhang Xinghai’s story begins with a spring.

In the 1980s, Chongqing’s industry developed rapidly, but everyone was held back by a small spring.

Spring is an important component in industrial manufacturing. But in China at that time, spring manufacturing was monopolized by foreign companies, and the price of an imported spring exceeded $1.

Zhang Xinghai, a 23-year-old young man born in Baxian County, Chongqing, smelled of business opportunities. In 1986, Zhang Xinghai and several brothers invested only 8,000 yuan to establish a Phoenix Spring Factory in his hometown, Fenghuang Town, Baxian County, Chongqing, engaged in spring processing of household appliances.

Picture | In 1986, Zhang Xinghai founded Chongqing Baxian Phoenix Electric Spring Factory

The people around him were not optimistic about Zhang Xinghai’s career, and they all advised him not to waste his efforts. Everyone thought that "China cannot produce a square silk spring with the same performance as foreign countries". But Zhang Xinghai was not convinced and decided to make a high-level spring in Chongqing.

Hard work pays off, and it didn’t take long for Zhang Xinghai to produce a domestic spring with the same performance as an imported spring, but the price was only 1 yuan. After the cost was knocked down, high-quality and cheap domestic springs soon went into marketing activities in Chongqing, replacing local imported springs.

In order to make his own spring have a wider range of application scenarios, Zhang Xinghai took a green train for more than 20 hours to a factory in Jilin for door-to-door promotion and sales.

When the other party saw the spring brought by Zhang Xinghai, his eyes glowed and he shouted, "This is the spring we want." Before he could rub his swollen legs, Zhang Xinghai took the order.

Fenghuang Town has also become the place where Zhang Xinghai made his fortune. The Phoenix Spring Factory has changed from a small tile factory to a large local enterprise with multiple factories.

In the 1990s, Zhang Xinghai became a veritable Chinese "spring king", and he took a spring as an opportunity to enter the field of auto parts. Zhang Xinghai’s shock absorbers have been recognized by a number of manufacturers, including Changan Automobile and Jialing Motorcycle. The products are exported overseas, and a business office has also been established in Vietnam.

The industry of Phoenix Spring Factory is growing, and there are more and more customers for shock absorbers, gradually becoming a leader in China’s segmentation field.

In 2002, Yu’an Group was born.

"Yu" is the abbreviation of Chongqing, which has been divided into independent municipalities. Since Chongqing became a municipality in 1997, its industry has occupied a pivotal position in China. Named after the words "Yu" and "An", it not only means that the company has moved from a township enterprise to a bigger stage, but also means more business exploration in the future.

To some extent, from Baxian township enterprise to Chongqing representative group, it is not only the story of a young man seizing the opportunity of the times, but also the fundamental reason why Sailis was able to "do a line, specialize in a line, become a line", "do a car, specialize in a car, become a popular car".

Yu’an Group soon began a battle for "time".

In the year of the millennium, it is not easy to take the helm of a private enterprise that is not well-off. Chongqing, as an important industrial town in the southwest, is also a famous automobile city. Many companies are entering the vehicle business, and companies that take the train of the times are developing rapidly. Otherwise, if you hesitate, you will quickly fall behind.

Boat against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

At this time, although Yu’an had entered the field of auto parts supply, under a single business model, the company’s bottleneck was very obvious. "Only making parts, that is relying on others", and entering the whole vehicle became an inevitable choice.

This decision caused an uproar within the company. In the eyes of those who disagreed, automobiles are heavy industry, and if they press the wrong direction, they may fall short. As the absolute leader, Zhang Xinghai has long been dissatisfied with the business of a spring, and finally he still defied public opinion and entered the whole vehicle.

At first, the company chose to enter the motorcycle business. At this time, Chongqing, as the largest motorcycle producer in the country, owns Jialing, Lifan, Zongshen, Wangjiang, Wangjiang Suzuki and other brands. The market saturation competition is fierce, and it is difficult for "novice" Yu’an Group to obtain the market.

Just at this time, Changan Automobile opened up the market with the help of miniature cars, and Dongfeng Automobile began to look for joint ventures across the country to enter related industries. Zhang Xinghai, who sensed the opportunity, immediately decided to cooperate with Dongfeng Automobile, and thus transferred to the automobile track. During this period, Yu’an Group was changed into a more recognizable "well-off stock", echoing the "All People Run for Well-off" in the context of the times.

It was also an opportunity for mutual achievement – Dongfeng Motor, as the economic pillar of Hubei, could not leave Hubei, so it could not join forces with other companies that also shoulder the responsibility of staying in the local area.

In order to promote this cooperation, Xiaokang shares offered enough sincerity and agreed to locate the first phase of the factory in Shiyan, Hubei.

Zhang Xinghai saw it very thoroughly. "The automobile industry has a large investment and a long industrial chain. It cannot be advanced by saying that it can enter. It must have advantages in products, brands, talents and technology. Our joint venture and cooperation with Dongfeng is the integration of the advantages of all parties."

Due to the small reputation of the well-off, even after cooperating with Dongfeng, many people questioned its strength. But Zhang Xinghai did not respond at that time, and it was not until several years later that he publicly stated the situation at that time, "[At that time] I was not optimistic about me, and the more I wanted to do well."

Time gives the answer. In the next 20 years, Dongfeng Xiaokang’s branding impression even far exceeded Dongfeng Fengshen’s own brand.

Figure | On May 13, 2012, Dongfeng Xiaokang 1 million vehicles rolled off the assembly line

With policies such as "cars to the countryside", Dongfeng Xiaokang has firmly captured the market share of mini-cars. In 2009, it ranked among the top three in China’s mini-car industry, with a market share of more than 10% that year.

Dongfeng Xiaokang has become a representative of an era, and its classic bread models have also helped many Chinese small and micro enterprises achieve wealth. Xiaokang shares also listed on class A shares in 2016.

In previous reports, Zhang Xinghai is low-key and simple-looking, and has been called a "sweeping monk".

His actions also reveal that "doing business is not about making more money, but long-term", which is also a portrayal of his entrepreneurship.

In 2016, China regarded the new energy automobile industry as an important pillar industry in the 13th Five-Year Plan. Although the sales of new energy vehicles in that year were 507,000, which was less than a fraction of traditional fuel vehicles, and required huge upfront investment, the market recognition of new energy was not high.

Zhang Xinghai, who saw the future trend, decided to enter the field of new energy vehicles against all odds, and established a new brand "Sailis" to conquer the technology research and development of new energy vehicles.

In order to learn about new energy vehicles, 53-year-old Zhang Xinghai became the first Tesla owner in Chongqing, and also established a research and development institution in the United States to become an innovation pioneer. At one point, he mortgaged 70% of his shares.

These "measures" caused criticism from the industry, and even the company’s share price fell in response. Everyone was really not optimistic about Zhang Xinghai’s decision – at that time, the company did not even have the basic "three electricity" (battery, motor, electronic control) foundation, and there were more than 100 companies competing in the market, and most of the entrepreneurs were young generation.

In comparison, the Cyrus has few "bright spots".

But Zhang Xinghai insisted on his choice. "We are technically poor and afraid, so we must break through the technology blockade." As a witness to China’s economic take-off and the automotive industry, he is all too aware of the humiliating history of domestic traditional manufacturers being suppressed due to technical barriers. Since breaking through the "spring monopoly", he has regarded technology as the core of breaking through.

The layman looks at the facade, the expert looks at the back door.

In January 2019, Xiaokang and Huawei held a comprehensive cooperation signing ceremony. The two sides will further promote cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles and carry out comprehensive cooperation in the fields of industrial Internet, ICT infrastructure, new energy vehicle intelligence, and networking. Subsequently, the two sides jointly launched the AITO series of products, setting a series of industry records.

In 2022, Xiaokang officially renamed itself Cyrus, announcing its full entry into the new energy sector.

If the original cooperation with Dongfeng was for Xiaokang to obtain technical support from the other party, then this cooperation with Huawei shows the profound technical capabilities accumulated in the automotive industry for more than 20 years: such as industry-leading range extension technology, self-developed software and hardware platform technology, and advanced technologies in various fields such as chassis tuning, test platform, and quality control.

In the Sailis Automotive Smart Factory, there are more than 300 intelligent machines in the welding workshop alone to achieve 100% automation of key processes, and some production lines also use laser remote fly welding, which can quickly complete fine welding without contact.

All this was in exchange for Zhang Xinghai’s "smashing pots and selling iron". Even Yu Chengdong admits that Cyrus is "a rare car company that understands the market".

In 2023, Zhang Xinghai and his team traveled to Sichuan and Tibet, covering 2,200 kilometers in 41 hours

In order to pursue the ultimate product experience, in 2023, Zhang Xinghai decided to form a team with his friends as a user and go on a "trip to Sichuan and Tibet" of the Cyrus AITO series and other high-end brand fuel vehicles PK, which finally lasted 41 hours and crossed 2,200 kilometers, all the way to Lhasa.

Through extreme tenacity, Cyrus handed over a satisfactory answer.

Data show that the new AITO M7 jointly developed by Sailis Automobile and Huawei has been continuously breaking records since its launch in September last year, and the cumulative order has exceeded 140,000 units, becoming an industry phenomenon.

In 2023, the highest increase in the share price of Sailis reached 144.81%, ranking among the 100 billion market value, ranking third in the market value of China’s new energy vehicle companies. In addition, since the listing of AITO Q M9 in December 2023, the cumulative value of Dasheng has exceeded 40,000 units.

While Cyrus has achieved success, Zhang Xinghai’s vision is also changing.

"The traditional car manufacturing industry has been monopolized by foreign countries for too long, and the opportunity of new energy vehicles must be seized." At the 2023 two sessions, Zhang Xinghai focused on the transformation and upgrading of China’s automobile industry and high-quality development and gave relevant proposals. He hopes that in the field of new energy vehicles, China can achieve curve overtaking and more excellent enterprises can appear.

Throughout the 38-year entrepreneurial journey, from Phoenix Spring Factory to today’s Sailis Automobile, Zhang Xinghai’s entrepreneurial journey has run through the era of Chinese enterprise development.

Due to its complete experience of this era, Cyrus has become the best example for interpreting an era.

As an important figure in the new forces of car manufacturing, Zhang Xinghai’s introduction cannot be limited to the single dimension of the founder of the car company. As a witness to the 38-year cycle and the changes of Chinese car companies, Zhang Xinghai’s direction has not changed since the 1980s when he broke through the "spring monopoly".

On February 5th, the Sailis Automotive Super Factory held a completion and commissioning event in Chongqing and delivered the first batch of M9 owners.

In Zhang Xinghai’s words, "Cyrus Auto Super Factory is not only the benchmark of Cyrus and Chongqing, but also the benchmark factory in the world!" It is worth mentioning that in the top ten list of luxury brands in the Chinese market in January this year, Cyrus ranked among the top five, second only to traditional luxury car brands BBA and Tesla.

All of this is due to Zhang Xinghai’s initial persistence and Sailis’s adherence to the tenet of "user-centered, wholeheartedly serving users". The AITO Qinjie M9 is now not only the high-end of Sailis, the high-end of Chongqing, but also the high-end model of the world.

It can be predicted that for Zhang Xinghai, Cyrus will not be his end. The industry is developing vigorously, and he will always move forward.

Original title: "The Running Era of Zhang Xinghai and Cyrus"

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The new M5 trailer is released, the car body is blackened, and the price is expected!

As soon as the price of the front foot was reduced, the preview of M5 was released by the back foot.

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The new M5 is still an annual redesigned version. From the preview, a new car paint color scheme has been added, and the LOGO, wheel hub, window trim and other places have been blackened, and the new recognition is still very high.

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The specific power parameters have not been announced this time, and the new car will be officially released at the auto show, which should comply with this "price reduction tide" and make the action of reducing prices and increasing distribution.

Rural women after 1995: the miserable life of millions of online celebrity

Our society is driven by the most basic gears.

Didi drivers, take-away riders, express delivery staff, cleaning staff, small vendors-these workers’ faces are the people we deal with the most every day.

Submerged in these faces are silent working women.

They are traditional women in China, who swallow the greatest amount of suffering in one gulp and maintain thousands of small families in the wind, frost, rain and snow. They have been given too many roles and heavy labels, but they have never complained about resistance or questioned.

This is the third report in the series "Invisible She: Portrait of Female Laborers", and we have entered the life of rural women.

Produced by Tiger Sniffing Youth Culture Group

Author | Cucumber soda

Edit | Zhazha County

This article first appeared in WeChat official account’s "That Ng" (ID: Huxiu4Youth), a young content of Tiger Sniffing. Here, we present the faces, stories and attitudes of young people today.

There is a kind of woman who is becoming the object of internet onlookers.

Most of them come from the countryside and have given birth to more than one child. Their only daily life is to take care of the life of the whole family and have an automatic invisible husband.

They are not very old, some of them were born in 1999, and the oldest is born in 1985. They come from underdeveloped areas, such as Northwest China and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

With the popularity of smart phones, they recorded their daily life and sent it to Tik Tok, who was called "Bitter Melon Brigade" by netizens. Some people use their lives to warn girls not to fall in love with their brains, while others advise them to leave toxic marriages and families.

At first, people just had fun. But in the end, you will find that these "pleasures" are all made up of suffering.


There is a popular saying among young people: the most vicious curse to a person is to make him a cow of Xiaoying’s family in the next life.

Who is Xiaoying?

She is probably the hottest rural woman in Tik Tok at present, with 2.01 million fans.

Her daily life consists of a few fixed things: cleaning a house that can never be cleaned, feeding a few scrawny scalpers forever, pulling two sallow and emaciated daughters, and taking care of a useless husband who has been "confinement" all the year round.

According to a few words in Xiaoying’s live broadcast, we can know that she was born in 1996, a Yi nationality in Yunnan. At the age of 17, she fell in love with her brain and married her current husband Wang Shifu. Her husband has a more famous name, called "Shanglaru", which means "handsome man" in Yunnan dialect. But reality is like a joke. Her husband, Lalu, is not only a handsome man, but also an ordinary man who drinks too much, is unkempt and has a bad face.

Xiaoying’s more than 500 video works, if you brush them from the beginning, you will find that her life is like a Chaplin black comedy with dubbing.

Her movements are original without thinking, and sometimes there are some funny and playful eggs.

At the beginning of each video, Xiaoying will say "mei ga", which is a modal particle in Yunnan dialect. Next, like reading a running account, she will describe the contents of the video screen, which is nothing more than what farm work she did and what she cooked today.

I don’t know if it’s because of unskilled technology, or Xiaoying doesn’t care at all. The sound and pictures of each of her videos are out of sync. The dubbing is still picking potatoes in the mountains, and the picture has been fried with shredded potatoes in the pot; The dubbing is still thawing the fish, and the fish in the picture is already burning in the pot.

?Famous picture: Xiaoying plays the disc

Her accent is pure Yunnan Mandarin, and the pronunciation of every word is unexpected. For example, pronounce "go" as "gram", "potato" as "gum" and "comb your hair" as "dredge".

The finishing touch is the soundtrack of voiceover. Either the bgm of the weather forecast or bgm’s "Going Home" after class bell has a strange and awkward black humor.

But it is precisely because of this shoddy impression that her comment area has become a paradise for college students. Netizens will also "persuade to escape" at first, but when they find that they can’t persuade them, they begin to tease her and make her into a hot stalk.

Some people also want to play "Xiaoying" in the glory of the king. On some university campuses, there are even leaflets printed with Xiaoying expression packs.

In Xiaoying, there is a sense of absurdity that "all efforts are in vain".

Garbage is like a resurrection point that automatically refreshes every day. Xiaoying bends over to clean the room every day, but the next day, a new dirty room appears automatically. Like rice that chickens can’t eat and noodles that dogs can’t lick, Xiaoying is always trapped in a desperate cycle of cleaning garbage.

Xiaoying loves cleanliness, but she doesn’t know which link has gone wrong. Xiaoying is very diligent and keeps the house in a mess every day.

Netizens have summed up that Xiaoying’s family is most tired of three things: washing machine, oil pollution net and Xiaoying himself.

The old double-drum washing machine is always working in pants, and there are sheets and quilts that can’t be washed at home, but they are always dark and can’t be washed clean; A bottle of greasy dirt can be used by Xiaoying to spray everything, but after wiping it, the home is still greasy; The concrete floor in the house is always dirt and garbage, which is cleaned with a wet mop and turned into clear water and mud.

For the first time, you will see the suffering of the countryside from her; The second time you look at it, you will be amused by Xiaoying’s clumsiness and nonsense; Seeing more and more, you will find that Xiaoying’s life is too abstract, and after people laugh, there are pains from it.

Xiaoying is very kind to her two daughters and cooks almost every day.

Unfortunately, her cooking skills are tricky, and she often makes cooking moves that ordinary people can’t understand.

She brushed the ribs with washing powder, and the sewage from the brush was directly fed to the cows. Live fish can be cooked directly without scaling and viscera removal; Stir-fried pig liver chewed by mice; Every time you boil lettuce, put several pieces of ginger in it; Even eagle-eyed netizens saw the crawling bugs when Xiaoying cut bacon.

Xiaoying’s two children are the least picky eaters in the world. Under Xiaoying’s feeding, she was sallow and emaciated all the year round and suffered from malnutrition.

Xiaoying’s cattle are the worst.

Xiaoying feeds the cow on time every day, even several times, but the old cow looks thinner and thinner, leaving only a skeleton. You can see the expression on the cow’s face. Netizens can’t stand it anymore, and even want animal protection organizations to save Xiaoying’s cattle.

Hungry and not dying, eating and not eating enough-this is the real torture. Cows that have lost their right-angled shoulders, when they wake up every day, are probably thinking "Why am I still alive?".

Xiaoying doesn’t feed the cows with fresh forage, but only some paste made of miscellaneous bran and corn flour. Internet users from all corners of the country are anxious to make suggestions: my family raises cattle, and I will teach you to raise them in this way, and the cows will certainly get fat.

Worst of all, the cow dung in the cowshed is half a meter high, and Xiaoying will trample it down. She did this because she thought it would be warmer for cows to sleep with cow dung on the ground. The netizens who were anxious all over the world taught her: "Cow dung must be shoveled every day. Which animal wants to sleep on its own excrement?"

I can’t imagine how much attention can be paid to such a home if it is handed over to Sister Northeast Rain.

Behind the ironic video, people can’t bear to accuse Xiaoying of not doing housework and farm work well.

In the video, she seldom sits down to rest. She can carry straw and hay several times larger than her body, shovel cow dung from a whole cowshed, and tie her children to her back all the year round when picking potatoes on the mountain. Once she weighed herself, and the number displayed on the scale was 36.8 kg. Netizens commented that this number was only available on the thermometer.

So where’s her husband?

If there is a dress in Shangla, it says such a low-level yellow joke as "recycling girls at a high price".

He spent all day in confinement, restoring a pure image of a lazy man in China. At home, he didn’t lift a finger, playing games with his mobile phone, and he was as calm as a mountain. Even if he occasionally appears in the farmland, he also looks at Xiaoying’s back basket and his hands are empty.

Local netizens in Yunnan often witness Lalu eating and drinking in restaurants on the street, and beer never leaves his hand. On the other hand, Xiaoying’s mother and daughter are three, and several dishes on the dinner table are sparse, and they are sallow and emaciated all day.

People want Xiaoying to earn money and hope that she can escape from this family; People also don’t want Xiaoying to make money, and they are afraid that Lalu will take away her income. However, Xiaoying’s reply makes people laugh and cry even more: if Shanglaru is raising a mistress outside, call her back and do housework with her.

Left: Pull-up with empty hands.

Right: Xiaoying’s injured hand doing farm work.

To what extent do the people hate pulling up?

Pull up like drinking all day, and finally drank himself into pancreatitis, lying in a hospital bed with unbearable pain. Everyone smiled and their mouths were like honey-

"Is there any risk of recovery from this disease?" I hope that pancreatitis can be defeated at an early date.

Some people advised advertisers not to send anything to Xiaoying in the past two months, so that she could not afford to treat Lalu. Some people even want to transfer money to local netizens in Yunnan, so that people can help themselves go to the hospital and pull it up like a big fight. Shangraru’s hospital bed has become a punching point for netizens in Yunnan.

Of course, malice doesn’t happen for no reason. Xiaoying once injured her arm when she was doing farm work. She went to the hospital for treatment alone, only one arm could be used, and she had to look after the children. Now that Lalu is in hospital, Xiaoying has to take care of her children and her grandchildren. Xiaoying, who weighs less than 80 pounds, has only a light bone left.

Perhaps only when Lala is gone will Xiaoying’s life have new possibilities.

If a lover is like watering a flower, then pulling it up is like a bottle of paraquat.

Xiaoying was actually a beautiful Yi girl before she married Shanglaru. When she was 17 years old, she fell in love with her brain. She chose to marry Shanglaru. Now 28 years old, she said in the live broadcast room that two children trapped her and she couldn’t leave the house.

She even wrote and sang a folk song:

"At the beginning, Lalu chased me and said that I would not work, and that I would be supported in my life. Now I can’t finish my work every day."

The bitter life has not changed Xiaoying, who is still kind in essence.

When a fan finds a village to help her work, she cooks a table of food. Although it’s not delicious, it’s a piece of mind that she can take out. There are also netizens who want to let the "explosive makeup artist rabbit" who is very popular recently "explode" Xiaoying, but she also refused, because she felt that this trip was a long way and could not bring any practical benefits to the other party.

In fact, she listened to what the netizen advised her.

She pulled down the asbestos shingles in the old house. Learn to shovel cow dung, re-feed the cows, and feed the cows with brown sugar water. The room for the eldest daughter is the cleanest place in the whole family. She always buys new skirts and headdresses for her two daughters, and even buys a brand-new set for the children to go to bed and get off the table, which is a dream gift for many children.

When she was sitting on the desk, she couldn’t help being in a trance: if Xiaoying had been sitting on the desk at that time, maybe she wouldn’t be living like this now.

She hasn’t been to any school, nor has she been to the outside world. She entered a marriage without any life guidance. Even when helping the eldest daughter with her homework, she almost mispronounced all the pinyin.

Netizens hate iron and steel, and advised her to leave the mountain and take her two daughters to study in the county.

But some situations are not as simple as you and I imagined in big cities. Apart from making videos, Xiaoying may not even have the skills to make a living.

She is optimistic, and at the same time she is a little sober and crazy.

On one occasion, a netizen asked her what the benefits of getting married were in the live broadcast room. She smiled bitterly and replied, "The benefits of marriage are only known to happy people."

On another occasion, she drank too much sweet rice wine and fell asleep in the field. This scene has also become Xiaoying’s famous scene, and many people even took this picture as an expression pack.

In the mountains where she can’t escape, the young girl can only continue to shoot videos, at least this is the fastest way to improve her life.

Now Xiaoying still maintains the habit of loving beauty and is a person who loves life. Her optimism in poverty has a cruel impression.

When moving crops in the field, she will specially stop to compare with the camera; A brand-new mirror is installed at home, and she will smile at herself in the mirror and turn around.

In addition to vlog, Xiaoying will also shoot some videos of herself wearing makeup, wearing skirts and dancing with flowers. Behind them are the mountains and sunshine in Yunnan, which is the most desirable place for the urban middle class and the place where Xiaoying has been trapped for 28 years.

Although the ultraviolet rays on the plateau tanned her and her face was covered with wrinkles because of doing farm work, it can still be seen that Xiaoying is a girl with beautiful facial features.

At this time, everyone realized that Xiaoying was only in her twenties.



Another 97-year-old girl named Daru lived in a village in Gansu, and netizens joked that she lived a life of "Xin Zhe Ku" (Xin Zhe Ku: the place where guilty slaves served hard labor in Qing Dynasty dramas).

Her life vlog is similar to Xiaoying’s. She has three children and is a full-time housewife. But unlike Xiaoying, her family has strict rules and dogmas and needs to serve her parents-in-law.

At four o’clock every morning, when the northwest sky is still dark, it is as big as getting up.

"As soon as I open my eyes, there are countless things waiting for me"-this is the prologue of one of her videos.

She first added a new charcoal block to the stove, then put on a headscarf and a down jacket, cleaned the fallen leaves in the yard in the night, and then filled them into the kang hole to burn.

Back in the house, it was as big as starting to cook breakfast for the whole family. My parents-in-law want to eat steamed buns and cakes baked every day, so she starts to mix flour, bake cakes, cook porridge and stir-fry every morning, and nothing can go wrong-if she is late for breakfast, "my father-in-law will be angry". My husband’s family will be unhappy if the bun for breakfast remains the same.

As big as living in a separate room with children, it is also a kitchen. At four o’clock in the morning, she rolled noodles on the kang and then cooked with a charcoal stove. And her parents-in-law sleep in another spacious and bright main room with much better conditions. Three meals a day should be prepared in your own room, taken to your in-laws’ room, and then returned to the kitchen to eat with the children.

Left: In-laws’ room

Right: as big as a room with children.

Besides cooking, washing clothes and cleaning, I have to go to the hillside to fill the kang hole with fallen leaves in my back basket, and then make lunch before my father-in-law comes home from worship. The video was speeded up by her, showing only a few seconds. In fact, it took her several hours to sweep the fallen leaves together.

Like Xiaoying’s washing machine, Da Rujia also uses a pair of washing machines with pants. Soak the clothes in water, wash them, spin them dry, and dry them in the air-these actions are repeated constantly, as big as washing them from noon until dark, and taking time to make a lunch for my father-in-law in the middle.

The sun and sky in the northwest are pale, surrounded by dry and yellow, and there is no life for girls standing in it.

When I go back to my parents’ house, Dairu usually smiles. She is the youngest daughter, with her brother, sister-in-law and sister taking care of her, and she can play the coquetry with her parents. But when I get to my husband’s house, it’s as if I’m smiling only when I’m with my children, and she’s just working at other times. Before she got married, she couldn’t cook either, and she was scolded by her husband’s family in the process of learning to cook.

At first, netizens complained about her in the comment area, and some people advised her to escape and live on the pancake craft. Later, when everyone got tired of reading it, they began to leave messages. This is called "Marry a XX man and enjoy the life of a lover". "Before you got married, didn’t their families eat?"

But she seldom complains, because here,All daughter-in-law lead a similar life.

In the video, she said, "In fact, happiness and unhappiness depend on who you meet. As long as the person you are looking for loves you enough and has you in his heart, he will give you enough preferences and exceptions."

Obviously, I didn’t enjoy this preference and exception.

She told in the video that she and her husband got married only once, and the two sides didn’t understand at all. Now that they have been married for several years, their likes and dislikes for each other are still blank, like strangers under the same roof, "because there is no time to sit together and get to know each other."

Even so, they gave birth to two children.

Gansu netizens in the comment area said that in some areas with strict rules, young people are so combined at the request of their parents.

The most frightening thing is not the life as big as a big one, but that her two daughters may repeat her mistakes, from generation to generation, and they will not see the morning sun.

Two months ago, I tried to contact Daru, hoping to visit her home, but she refused me twice in a row.

For the first time, she was afraid that her parents-in-law would be angry if they knew. She said: "I didn’t let my in-laws know that I made the video. My father-in-law has a bad temper. When he says he will turn his face, he thinks it is a shameful thing to make the video, and he is very opposed."

The second time, she was afraid that her identity would cause controversy: "I am afraid that my story will be used by others to attack us. I’m afraid that my life like this is rare, and many people don’t understand it and think it may be a specific constraint. "

Many netizens found that compared with incoherent Xiaoying, Da Ru’s Mandarin was more fluent, his writing level was better, and even the video was cut well. Soon, she received some cooperation orders for domestic skin care products and small household appliances.

Perhaps because she earned money with goods, Dairu’s family status has also improved a little, and she has gained a little freedom in this yard. In the video of the last two months, even the invisible husband appeared, and he occasionally helped Daru do some heavy farm work.

Below one of her hottest videos, she wrote a copy like this:

"The schoolbag is heavy, but it is as light as a feather compared with your future, and the hardships of study and life are always the same."

In the era of short video, these women who were trapped in the mountains and caves all their lives finally tore a tiny hole.

They can see the outside world, and the outside world can see them.

howeverSurvivors in the city, however, covered their heads with a light sentence "Your cognition is worthy of your suffering".

Why didn’t you resist?

Why don’t you get a divorce?

Why didn’t you run away?

Why don’t you study hard?


Lu Xun has given the answer. After Nora left, she either degenerated or came back. Because they need money, they need to be able to afford the economic conditions to support 2-3 children. Can they find a job to support their children in today’s society without receiving higher education?

The most painful thing in life is that there is no way to go after waking up. Happy is the dreamer; If you don’t see the way to go, the most important thing is not to wake him.

However, since Nora woke up, it was not easy to return to her dream, so she had to go; But after leaving, sometimes it is inevitable to fall or come back. Otherwise, we have to ask: what did she bring besides her awakened heart? If there is only a scarf with a purple velvet rope like the gentlemen, it is completely useless no matter how wide it is two or three feet. She needs to be richer, and she has something in her bag. To put it bluntly, she needs money.

Dreams are good; Otherwise, money matters.

The word money is ugly, or it will be laughed at by noble gentlemen, but I always feel that people’s comments are not only yesterday and today, but also before and after meals. Anyone who admits that food needs money to buy, but regards money as despicable, if he can press his stomach, he is afraid that there will always be fish in it that has not been digested, and he will have to starve him for a day and then listen to his comments.

Man is the product of the environment.

The suffering of grassroots women is not determined by "cognition", but an objective reality that is hard to change under the shadow of huge structural injustice and historical inheritance discrimination.

They have no chance to form a so-called "cognition" from a feminist perspective. Their economic conditions are not enough for them to form the so-called "subjectivity of female individuals".

Xiaoying and Daru, nicknamed "Bitter Melon Brigade" and "Army of Innovators", share a similar set of lives-

They are "not expected" from birth. Due to the tradition of land distribution, women are "landless" people, and instinct drives generations to fight for a male offspring. Coupled with the ancestral temple system, women are the gender excluded from genealogy and ancestral temples. They have been digesting this intergenerational discrimination since childhood.

Under the lack of education system, they only have basic general education level. It is difficult for them to continue their education, because the opportunity of education will be transferred to the male brothers at home with great probability. At the age when their values have not been established, their parents are the masters and are pushed into the whirlpool of marriage in exchange for bride price and other funds. They give birth prematurely, and they are trapped in the cocoon room between parenting and housework.

Accidentally looking up between heavy work, let them seize the last straw of the short video era, and improve their family’s economic situation by filming their daily lives in exchange for some opportunities to bring goods and broadcast live-and economic behavior is the only way to improve their situation.

Visible to the naked eye, after these rural women have fans on the Internet, the attitudes of their husbands and in-laws have obviously improved, and they have empowered themselves through the Internet to some extent.

Just like her once mysterious husband and husband’s family, in recent videos, she will also help her share the housework actively. Xiaoying’s family’s Lalu has also converged a lot and will go home to help Xiaoying do some work.

Over the years, feminism has become a fashionable luxury among the urban middle class.

However, the threshold for talking about feminism is to go out of second-and third-tier cities, receive higher education, receive logical thinking training, read the Second Sex and more documents, and participate in the discussion of feminist topics.

Some women will use theories and big words to criticize these women who stay in the mountain village and criticize their lack of courage to change their lives.

However, for the parties trapped in the mountain village, theory is the most meaningless thing, which is not as important as two or two rapeseed oils for dinner.

They can only extract feminism from their own lives. Perhaps for them, making more money, giving their children a better life and sending them out to read more books are their feminism.

In the famous documentary "The Way Out", the director spent six years recording children from three classes.

Yuan Hanhan, a Beijing child, can drop out of school at any time, study art, talk about philosophy, study abroad in Europe, practice in Shanghai’s top art galleries, and then start his own art investment company.

Ma Baijuan from Gansu, however, has no teachers who can speak Mandarin. At the age of 12, her biggest dream was to "go to Beijing to go to college when she grows up, then work, earn 1000 yuan every month and buy noodles for her family".

She dropped out of school at the age of 15 because her family thought it useless for girls to study. At the age of 16, she married a distant cousin and compared the size of her pregnant belly with other sisters.

At the end of the scene about her, the elders at home threatened the film crew that if they didn’t pay 20 thousand yuan, they wouldn’t be allowed to follow her again.

Having a daughter means getting married and relying on a son-in-law, which is such a way out-this is still the end faced by most grassroots women in this vast land.

Urban and rural areas are folded too fast, and people blindly accuse them of narrowness, ignorance and weakness. The divided world has been forgotten by too many people, and there are still thousands of women trapped in backward areas, who have no gender awareness, lack of sex education and have little knowledge of fertility.

Xiaoying, dancing with her daughter in the mountain village, has only a washing machine, a few cows and endless weeds and straws in her life. But under the street lamp at night, she is also creating her own tiny freedom.

Below her video comment area, a netizen’s words were sandwiched between thousands of jokes about stalks-

"I dare not laugh at Xiaoying, because that’s how my mother came."

Nezha Automobile released the preview of Nezha L interior of medium and large SUV.

  Nezha Auto officially released a set of Nezha L interior concept maps. Nezha L, as the first medium and large SUV model under Nezha, is built on the platform of mountains and seas, and will provide both pure electric power and extended range power.

Nezha automobile released the preview of Nezha l interior of medium and large SUV _fororder_image001.

  Nezha L adopts semi-enclosed air intake grille, decorated with dot matrix modeling. The hood of the front of the car is slightly pressed down to create a lower prone effect. The front light group adopts an integrated headlight group, and a three-stage LED daytime running light design is used inside the light group to further enhance the recognition. The new car is visually narrow at the front and wide at the back, and the square wheel mouth with streamlined body highlights the sense of strength. The taillight adopts a family-run design, and with the upturned duckling tail, the tail looks quite sporty. The bumper and chrome trim at the bottom of both sides broaden the lateral vision of the whole vehicle, and the wide sense of body is stronger. The length, width and height of the new car are 4770/1900/1660mm and the wheelbase is 2810mm respectively. Two tyre size options, 225/55 R19 and 225/60 R18, are available.

Nezha automobile released the preview of Nezha l interior of medium and large SUV _fororder_image002.

Nezha automobile released the preview of Nezha l interior of medium and large SUV _fororder_image003.

  Nezha L adopts embracing layout with double screen design, and the dashboard adopts hidden design, which will broaden the driving field of vision when driving. The new car provides lateral support on both sides of the front seat and the headrest, and leg rests are provided under the co-pilot seat, which may adopt a design similar to "Queen’s Co-driver", and the seat has good comfort and support. Nezha L is also equipped with a car refrigerator, and the overall interior meets the current mainstream configuration of new energy vehicles.

Nezha Automobile released the preview of Nezha L interior of medium and large SUV _fororder_image004.

Nezha automobile released the preview of Nezha l interior of medium and large SUV _fororder_image005.

Nezha Automobile released the preview of Nezha L interior of medium and large SUV _fororder_image006.

  Nezha L will provide two power options: pure electric version and extended range hybrid version. The extended-range hybrid version will be equipped with a 1.5-liter four-cylinder naturally aspirated range extender, code-named H15R, developed by Chongqing Xiaokang Power, a subsidiary of Cyrus. The maximum power of the engine is 91 horsepower, and it is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from honeycomb energy. The maximum power of the motor of the pure electric version is 170kW, and the lithium iron phosphate battery with honeycomb energy is also used. (Source: Nezha Auto)

Geely Galaxy is on fire again, with luxurious interiors

Space and vehicle comfort are closely related, and today we bring you this car. Let’s take a look.

First of all, from the appearance point of view, the front face design of the Galaxy E8 has taken a simple route, which looks more stable and atmospheric. The headlights are very in line with the consumer’s aesthetic, and the shape is quite simple. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing, etc. To the side of the body, the body size of the car is 5010MM*1920MM*1465MM, the car adopts a capable line, the body gives a very delicate feeling, with large-sized thick-walled tires, the overall visual effect is very full. On the rear design, the rear and the front of the car echo each other, the tail lights look very unique, and the overall layout is impressive.

Sitting in the car, the interior style is very unique, very in line with the taste of young consumers. The steering wheel of the car is very in line with the interior style, equipped with functions such as manual up and down + front and rear adjustment of the steering wheel, which feels good. From the central control point of view, the 45-inch central control screen is used for decoration, which makes the interior style impressive and looks quite dynamic. The dashboard and seats are also eye-catching. The dashboard design is remarkable, and it looks very technological. The car adopts imitation leather seats, which are wide and thick, and the overall riding experience is soft and comfortable.

The Galaxy E8 is equipped with an electric motor with a total power of 475KW and a total torque of 710N.m. It has good acceleration, excellent cruising range, and good power performance.

The car is equipped with vehicle to everything, driving mode selection, remote control key, Bluetooth key, interior ambient light, traction control (ASR/TCS, etc.) and other configurations. The configuration is not bad, and there is no problem in meeting daily use.

After watching today’s talk, do you have a lot of ideas? The car’s moderate size is a very suitable choice for many families, and the interior space is enough for daily use by families.

Focus 315 | Worrying about Coffee and Milk Tea Food safety touches people’s hearts.

  Cailian | New Consumer Daily March 16th (edited by Liang Youyun), around the annual "315 Consumer Rights Day", food safety has once again become a hot spot affecting people’s hearts.

  Compared with traditional restaurants, new brands of tea and chain coffee have sprung up in recent years, and a cup of milk tea and coffee every day has become the daily life of many young urban white-collar workers. Marketing activities and ridicule such as "the first cup of milk tea in autumn" and "coffee for life" have influenced many consumers’ choices.

  However, as a ready-made beverage, it is very easy to cause food safety problems in case of insufficient service training, irregular production process, inadequate hygiene and safety in stores, and disorderly supervision of franchise stores.

  The New Consumer Daily collected and sorted out some "coffee and milk tea troubles" that have been exposed by relevant departments and hotly debated by netizens since 2022.

  Drinking foreign bodies became the most common complaint.

  "Drinking bugs in XXX", "Eating stones in XX" and "Finding hair in the package" have become the most frequently complained topics of netizens.

  Black cat complaints search "foreign body" keywords, showing that the number of complaints as many as 33 thousand. Among them, brands such as Mi Xue Bing Cheng, Naixue Tea, Youlemei, Gu Ming Tea and Auntie in Shanghai have all received complaints from consumers about eating foreign objects in the past month.

  Judging from the frequency of appearance, Mi Xue Ice City has become a "frequent visitor" on the list. Eating stones, finding hair in unopened drinks, black unidentified objects and sharp plastic thorns have all become complaints. On the platform, there are 4,820 complaints about Mi Xue Ice City, which is much higher than 1,431 complaints from aunts in Shanghai, 1,361 complaints about Naixue’s tea, 965 complaints about hi tea and 675 complaints about ancient tea.

  On the whole, although brands such as Naixue Tea and Xicha, which are mainly self-operated stores, also have food hygiene complaints, from the data point of view, brand stores which are mainly franchised are more likely to be complained about foreign objects. With the more stores nationwide, there is a risk that the management control of the parent company will decline, and complaints will increase accordingly.

  Brands should actively do a good job of self-inspection, eliminate potential safety hazards caused by irregular operation, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to check and rectify in time when signs are found. In this way, we can continue to retain consumers and enhance brand influence.

  However, it must be pointed out that in many food safety complaints, it is true that some people maliciously add foreign objects to drinks to blackmail brands in order to obtain compensation.

  Store health problems have become the focus of investigation.

  According to the data from the General Administration of Market Supervision, there is a positive correlation between the number of complaints about consumption and the level of consumption activity. While the brand is actively doing business, it should also focus on health issues.

  Store hygiene has always been the "hardest hit" in the catering industry. Unscrupulous merchants often use the kitchen or under the counter that consumers can’t see to hide their real environmental hygiene, food shelf life and irregular production. Milk tea, coffee and other products that need to add fresh fruit and fresh milk are also frequently notified and punished.

  In 2021, Yihetang Store was exposed that the clerk did not apply for a health certificate, and many cockroaches were found in the food processing area. In mid-2022, another investigator found that Yihetang milk tea had food safety hazards such as the continued use of expired ingredients and the peeling of fruits by shop assistants. At the beginning of 2023, another customer reported through video that he had drunk foreign substances in Yihetang milk tea, which led customers to seek medical treatment for acute gastroenteritis.

  In 2022, Starbucks, a well-known chain coffee brand, was also fined 10,000 yuan for expired food and altered shelf life.

  On the eve of "315", according to WeChat official account of Beijing Consumers Association, Beijing Hemao Catering Co., Ltd. (signboard: Mi Xue Bing Cheng) was given an administrative warning and ordered to suspend business for rectification because it dismantled the disinfection pool of tools and appliances without authorization. This is the third time that the brand has received a warning and punishment from Beijing State Administration for Market Regulation in the past two years.

  The use of expired raw materials, problem fruits, etc. seems to be a chronic disease in the industry, and it is often difficult for innocent consumers to prove that they are lucky enough not to eat anything different. Only when the parent company of the brand establishes an efficient management system and the market supervision and management department increases the density of attention and inspection can the irregular store operation be effectively deterred.

  Food additives have sparked heated discussions.

  The short video blogger’s phrase "technology and hard work" touched the nerves of many consumers. At present, many people often focus on the preservatives and flavors of bottled drinks, but the freshly made tea and coffee that can’t see the ingredient list should also be paid attention to.

  As China’s food safety law only stipulates that there should be a label on the packaging in prepackaged foods, and the label must indicate the ingredients or ingredient list. However, in the face of the rapid rise of the labels and ingredients of ready-made drinks such as milk tea and coffee, there is no explicit requirement for labeling, and it is entirely up to the self-discipline of merchants.

  Do you use real milk? Is it boiled with real tea? What is "0 candy"? What is the caffeine and sugar content of each drink? These problems often appear in the process of customer consumption.

  In order to maintain the taste and reduce the production cost, beverages often use creamer, non-dairy creamer and other raw materials. Is it reasonable to add them? Is it harmful to human health? Become the hot topic of netizens.

  At present, the deputies of Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress have proposed to amend and improve the Food Safety Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and increase the mandatory requirement of labeling the drinks that are now made and sold. At the same time, referring to the national food safety standards "General Rules for Labeling in prepackaged foods" and "General Rules for Nutrition Labeling in prepackaged foods", the labels of the drinks that are now made and sold should indicate the specific contents of energy, core nutrients and other nutrients such as sugar and vitamins and their percentage in nutrient reference values (NRV).

  Drinks are also "short of two pounds"?

  In addition to food safety, the "shrinking" of beverages has also become a topic of concern to netizens recently.

  On the eve of 315, Rui Xing and Modern China Tea Shop were spat in succession. Among them, Luckin Coffee has only half a cup left in the cup after ice removal; In Modern China Tea Shop, after the milk foam melts, there are only two-thirds of the drinks left in the cup. In this regard, the response of the above two brands is similar, that is, the drinks in the store are made according to the standard process, and the reduction of drinks is normal.

  The New Consumer Daily observed that in addition to the above two brands, many milk tea brands have noted in the delivery that there is a lack of ice or some ingredients after removal.

  According to people in the industry, the way to remove ice is to shake the ice cubes with a full cup of beverage, and then filter the ice cubes after the beverage cools down, so there will be some defects in the final product. Regarding the problem that there is no shortage of drinks, the person said that in order to ensure a unified taste, the amount of ice is different, and the proportion of raw materials for drinks will be different. Previously, shop assistants would make their own supplements, but in recent years, due to the increasingly strict in-store monitoring, shop assistants must make them according to the process, and dissatisfaction with cups has become the norm.

  Some lawyers have warned that this behavior may constitute fraud. Although there is no subjective malice and concealment of the brand, a big difference can still constitute the essence of short weight. Consumers can complain and report to 12315, or file a lawsuit. After the fraud is determined, they can claim triple compensation, starting from 500 yuan.

Design power can play, cost-effective, buy a compact SUV must see the Star Yue L.

When it comes to compact SUVs, you can’t avoid Geely Xing Yue L, which is a model that has won great attention from the market with its all-round strength.

The exterior design of Xingyue L is undoubtedly one of its highlights. The front face adopts the latest "Cosmic Echo" design language of Geely family, with LED matrix headlights, showing a strong sense of technology and fashion. The body lines are smooth and full of tension, which is not only beautiful and elegant, but also optimized in aerodynamics, reducing wind resistance and improving fuel economy. As for the interior, the most eye-catching thing is the triple screen design that almost crosses the entire center console. It is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which not only has a shocking visual effect, but also leads the same level in operating fluency and intelligent interconnection experience, satisfying the dual pursuit of modern consumers for science and technology and practicality.

Space is one of the important indicators to measure the practicality of SUV, and Xingyue L has given a satisfactory answer in this respect. The wheelbase reaches an astonishing 2845mm, far exceeding that of the same class, providing ample legroom for both front and rear passengers. The seat is wrapped in high-grade materials, which has reached the luxury car level in terms of support and comfort, and can keep the best condition during long-distance travel. In addition, the flexible trunk space can easily meet the various loading needs of family travel.

In terms of power, Xingyue L is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine, providing two versions of high and low power, matching with 7-speed wet dual clutch or 8AT gearbox, and the power output is smooth and strong. In the actual driving process, whether it’s a city shuttle or a high-speed cruise, you can feel a steady stream of power reserves. The adjustment of suspension system is biased towards comfort, while retaining a certain sense of road feedback, which can maintain a good body posture even in the face of complex road conditions and give drivers enough confidence.

For consumers who pursue high-quality car life, the Star Yue L is undoubtedly the preferred model worthy of consideration.

Reduce the price! Subsidies! Cars with more than 200,000 yuan are directly discounted by 100,000 yuan? The "price war" started! These cars are all cheap →

Guangzhou, Guangdong: A variety of models get together to promote consumers’ opportunities.

In China, the sales of new energy vehicles are increasing.In 2022, the annual sales of new energy vehicles in China was 6.887 million, a year-on-year increase of 93.4%.According to the latest data of the Federation, the retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China reached 31.6% in February 2023, far exceeding the level of the same period last year. This brings double challenges of market and price to the traditional fuel vehicle market. What changes have taken place in the consumer market?

CCTV reporter Yan Yaqian:At the scene of an automobile consumption festival in Guangzhou, Guangdong, many consumers came to buy cars and choose cars. There are about 50 automobile brands in the whole exhibition area, and there are as many as 150 models on display.

The staff told reporters that the biggest change in this year’s auto show is that the preferential strength has increased significantly. In addition to the 1000 yuan-3,000 yuan consumption subsidy, various manufacturers also have different degrees of promotional activities.

Mo Zunming, a staff member of Guangzhou Dongfeng Nissan booth:The original price of this car is 271,300 yuan, which means a discount of 85,000 yuan. There are licensing subsidies and insurance subsidies, and the maximum discount can be more than 100,000 yuan.

The staff told the reporter that two years ago, the proportion of new energy vehicles at the auto show was only 20%, and there were few concessions. This year, the proportion of new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles is equivalent, and the promotion efforts have also increased. In the face of competition, in order to win more customers, fuel car manufacturers are also reducing prices and promoting sales. The "price war" is in full swing, which also makes consumers with car purchase plans eager to try.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei, Guangdong, Jilin, Sichuan and other places have introduced various policies aimed at stimulating automobile consumption, including issuing coupons, extending the time of car purchase subsidies, and increasing car purchase indicators.China Association of Automobile Manufacturers predicts that the total automobile sales in China will be 27.6 million in 2023, up 3% year-on-year, of which the sales of passenger cars will be 23.8 million, up 1.3% year-on-year; The sales volume of new energy vehicles was 9 million, a year-on-year increase of 35%.

New energy vehicles have cut prices and fuel vehicles have entered the market to "fight"

At the beginning of January this year, Tesla launched the "first shot" of car price reduction, and then new energy brands such as Wenjie, Tucki and Zero Run followed suit.At the beginning of March, the news of a group of "Dongfeng" car companies’ promotion pushed the "price war" of this price reduction promotion to a climax. With the promotion of new energy vehicles at reduced prices, fuel vehicles have increased subsidies to "fight". What changes are reflected behind this in the automobile industry?

In March, in Hubei Province, several brands of Dongfeng Motor Group jointly cut prices, and Citroen C6, which only sold for 120,000 yuan, rushed to the hot search, and "flying to Hubei to buy a car" became a hot topic.

After Hubei, more than 40 car companies and nearly 100 models have joined the "price war" in Shanghai, Guangdong, Jilin and other regions, which has also stimulated consumers’ enthusiasm for buying.

The reporter learned that for fuel vehicles, on the one hand, the price reduction promotion is due to fierce market competition, on the other hand, the "National Six B", which is known as the most stringent emission standard, will be implemented. Car companies that used the "National Six A" emission standard models need to clean up their inventory before the implementation of the new regulations, and price reduction is undoubtedly the most direct and effective means. The price reduction of new energy vehicles also benefited from the sharp drop in the price of raw materials upstream of power batteries. According to industry insiders, in the long run, the new energy vehicle market has great development potential.

Ni Wei, Chief Analyst of Everbright Securities Automobile:The impact of fuel vehicle price reduction on new energy vehicles will become smaller and smaller, because users will naturally stratify; At the same time, the R&D investment of car companies based on the next generation is basically in the field of new energy vehicles, so we think that the competitiveness of fuel vehicles will become weaker and weaker.

Market participants said that "green and low carbon" has become the transformation direction of the automobile industry, and the rapidly growing brands and models of new energy vehicles are also the performance of traditional automobile enterprises and market transformation. In the foreseeable future, the fast-growing new energy vehicles will launch rounds of challenges to fuel vehicles, and the fuel vehicles themselves are also fully transforming into new energy vehicles. Traditional car companies and new forces will meet again on a smarter and greener track.