The time for the national postgraduate examination in 2022 has been set!

Cctv newsAccording to the website of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education recently issued the "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Enrollment in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and deployed all enrollment units in various places to co-ordinate the enrollment of postgraduate examinations under the condition of normalization of epidemic prevention and control. The initial test of the 2022 national postgraduate entrance examination is scheduled for December 25-26, 2021, and a few examination subjects that take more than 3 hours or have special requirements such as using sketchpad are scheduled for December 27.

  The "Regulations" clarify that the registration of the national postgraduate entrance examination includes two stages: online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation). Online registration will be arranged from October 5 to October 25 (9:00— 22:00), the work of forecasting names is arranged from September 24 to September 27 (9:00— 22:00)。 All candidates who take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination shall go through the online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures at their designated entry points in accordance with the provisions of the relevant provincial education entrance examination institutions.

  The "Regulations" require further strengthening the standardized management of adjustment work. The basic requirements for the adjustment of candidates are the same as last year. In view of the fact that the preliminary examination subjects of seven majors, such as business administration, public administration, accounting, tourism management, library and information science, engineering management and auditing, are completely consistent, in order to ensure fairness and justice, it is further clarified this year that when candidates transfer between seven majors, on the basis of meeting other transfer conditions, the preliminary examination results must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results of both transferred majors and transferred majors in the transferred areas.

  The "Regulations" emphasize further serious examination of discipline. The majority of candidates are required to consciously establish the awareness of obeying rules and disciplines and honest examinations. During the initial examination, candidates should consciously abide by the "National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Examination Rules" and the examination room discipline of each test center; During the re-examination, candidates should consciously abide by the rules of the examination room of the admissions unit and the "Commitment Letter of Integrity Re-examination" signed by the candidates, and shall not disclose or disseminate the contents of the re-examination questions before the re-examination of the admissions unit is over.

  In order to help the majority of candidates fully and accurately understand the postgraduate enrollment policy, the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education will launch the "2022 National Postgraduate Enrollment Publicity and Consultation" activity on the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (, from September 22 to 26, when all postgraduate enrollment units will answer candidates’ questions online.

Which fashionable electric car is suitable for girls? New day lifts the new trend of "retro futurism"

2024 is a popular new product, and New Day Moses 3.0 sets off a new trend of retro technology aesthetics. Can you imagine that the beauty of the design of an electric car can combine "retro aesthetics" with "future technology" and combine "technology precipitation" with "future technology" to the extreme?

Based on the hot market background of Moses series, combined with the real feedback from merchants and users, New Day Moses 3.0 is further upgraded and developed with the concept of retro futurism. With more elegant retro style and modern advanced technology, it has recently created a high-value female car, which is fashionable, elegant and beautiful.


The interweaving of future and past, fashion and retro.

The design of New Day Moses 3.0 is inspired by the retro design of the Beatles, and the high windshield front panel is fashionable and practical, highlighting the strong retro style. The exterior color matching of the vehicle adopts 18th century French classics.rococoartwindLattice]Camellia White/Luoden Frost Green, Roman Green, Rabbit Ear Powder/Plum Powder, Lime White/Oak Brown, etc. are fashionable and retro, which are the romantic aesthetics favored by artists and the most comfortable 6:3:1 gold color scheme recognized in the world, making people full of exquisite, elegant, gorgeous and delicate visual enjoyment.

Not only is the appearance of the color scheme elegant and profound, but the details of the design are also adopted by Niigata Moses 3.0."High-gloss mirror paint", 4 times spraying, 5 times baking, paint luminosity ≥ 90, more shiny and textured. Paired with those commonly used for jewelry decoration."Bright silver plating accessories"With 15 technological processes, 100+ polishing and 10h+ electroplating, it has better oxidation stability, can effectively prevent oxidation and corrosion, and is more beautiful and upscale.


From the past to the future, alwaysStick to the performance experience

Under the extreme style and high-value appearance, it is a high-profile configuration with full experience. In terms of power, Moses 3.0 is equipped.High performance motor, the power output is stronger; Double hydraulic shock absorption before and after, minimizing the bumpy feeling caused by rough and bumpy roads, and creating electric motorcycle-level comfortable riding. The night riding experience of the vehicle is also very comfortable, with retro rounded headlights and front and rear turn signals, all-round.360 laser lighting system, with stronger brightness, wider visual range and longer illumination distance.

Vehicle seats are made of high-quality delicate leather 3D wrapping design.Palm leather cushionAfter 36 tanning processes, it is more water-resistant and wear-resistant, with good elasticity, comfortable and delicate feel, and it is not easy to produce scars or deformation. Combined with the cloud cushion technology, the high-density rebound sponge with a thickness of 70mm gold is soft and fits the hip curve. The vehicle also supportsBluetooth inductive unlockingOne-button reversingAnd other intelligent functions, girls with small strength can also start and stop easily, comfortable and elegant throughout.


For many users, fashion sense can be said to be the first important factor affecting car purchase decision. An electric car with a good appearance can be more enjoyable and meet various needs such as wearing. On the other hand, New Day Moses 3.0 not only has a good face value, but also every detail, including style design and riding performance, gives people an exquisite and practical experience, allowing functionalism and emotional value to coexist. Let’s get off to a good start in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon and turn comfortable and elegant travel into a daily routine ~

Will there be an extreme cold wave this winter due to the "cliff-like" cooling and snowfall in many places?

  "Extreme cold waves are more likely to break out."

  After the "cliff-like" seasonal cooling during the National Day, a new round of cold air followed after the holiday, bringing strong winds, cooling and rain and snow to the central and eastern regions of China. According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, on the 10th, the impact of cold air was coming to an end. However, there were still moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains in eastern Jilin and eastern Heilongjiang. There are sleet or small to medium snow in the northeastern part of Liaoning, the eastern mountainous area of Jilin and the southeastern mountainous area of Heilongjiang, and there are heavy snowstorms in the eastern mountainous area of Jilin.

  Despite psychological preparation, the temperature drop in early October exceeded expectations, and some areas experienced record-breaking heat and cold overnight in winter. From blowing air conditioners to wearing long trousers, people can’t help wondering: Why did the cold wave come so early this year?

  The temperature in many places in the south is "big diving"

  On October 2, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning of cold wave, which is the earliest cold wave warning issued in the second half of the year since the Central Meteorological Observatory officially launched the early warning release mechanism in 2010. From 14: 00 on October 2 to 20: 00 on October 6, the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China generally dropped by 8 ~ 12℃, and the temperature in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, most of Shaanxi, Huanghuai, Jiang and other places dropped by 12 ~ 16℃, and the local temperature dropped by more than 18℃.

  When the cold wave in the north hit and the temperature dropped sharply, most areas in the south were still as hot as midsummer, and they were in the yellow warning of high temperature, with the local temperature reaching above 40℃. 470 national meteorological stations such as Hefei, Nanchang, Changsha and Hangzhou also broke the record of the highest temperature in October. It is understood that this is also the first time in history that two early warnings of high temperature and cold wave have been released at the same time.

  When the cold air drives straight, the temperature in many places in the south "dives", and the temperature in some areas such as Anhui, Hubei and Jiangsu even drops by more than 20℃. First, it experienced the hottest in the same period in history, and then it experienced a "seasonal" cooling. Many netizens in the south said that it seemed to be a day from summer to winter.

  After the National Day holiday, a new cold air continued to hit, which was accompanied by rain, snowfall and windy weather. From 8th to 10th, a new round of strong cold air will affect the central and eastern regions of China, and the lowest temperature in some northern regions will hit a new low since autumn. In addition to cooling, it also brings strong winds, rainfall and snowfall.

  On the 10th, the impact of cold air came to an end, but there was still cooling and rain and snow in the northeast. On the 11th, the lowest temperature in Guangdong fell below 10℃, and the lowest temperature in most parts of the province hit a new low in the second half of the year.

  This is a crisp autumn in October, and the cold air continues to exert its strength. Many places in China have "seasonal cooling". Why? Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed that in the first half of the National Day holiday, the subtropical high was unusually strong and had a large influence range, and the highest temperature broke the historical extreme value in some parts of the north and south, showing a warmer trend on the whole. Under such circumstances, a strong cold air cut down from the low altitude of the subtropical high from north to south, the ground temperature dropped sharply, and the cold and warm air confronted each other, resulting in rainy weather along the Huaihe River, and the continuous rainy days led to the coldest day in the same period in history.

  The recent frequent cold air activities will have an impact on the drought in the Yangtze River basin in China. Peng Jingbei, a senior engineer in lasg, analyzed that, on average, the precipitation in autumn in the Yangtze River basin is less than that in summer. Precipitation often occurs in areas where cold and warm air meet. When the cold and warm air forces are equal, it is easy to have continuous precipitation. However, since October, China has been hit by strong cold air one after another. On October 8-9, windy weather appeared in Beijing and other places, with gusts of 7-9 and local level of 10. Such a strong wind shows that the cold air is strong, and in this case, it is not easy to sustain heavy precipitation in the southern region. "In fact, on October 5-9, the temperature in the Yangtze River basin was more than 4 C lower than normal, but the meteorological drought in the Yangtze River and its south remained."

  Will it be colder in winter?

  After experiencing the latest high temperature warning and the earliest cold wave warning in history, many netizens are worried that autumn is already very cold, will it be colder this winter and will it experience extreme cold wave?

  Earlier in September, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) predicted that La Nina, which began in 2020, would last until the end of this year, which would be the first "triple" La Nina phenomenon in the 21st century.

  In fact, as early as April-May this year, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences used the scientific apparatus Earth System Simulator to predict that La Nina events will occur for three consecutive years in 2022-2023, and provided accurate prediction and early warning to relevant departments. In the spring and summer of 2022, the sea surface temperature in the tropical Middle East and Pacific Ocean has been in a relatively cold state all the year round, and the coldness has further intensified since autumn. The latest forecast results show that the current La Nina state will continue and develop in autumn and winter in 2022, reaching its peak in winter.

  Will the influence of the new round of La Nina be greater than that of the past two rounds? Zheng Fei, a researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that it is impossible to judge at present. On the one hand, there are few examples of La Nina events for three consecutive years in history, so it is impossible to give a statistical conclusion; On the other hand, the intensity of this La Nina event will be in the category of moderate intensity, and how to develop and influence China’s climate in the future still needs to be predicted continuously to enhance its credibility.

  At the end of September, Xiao Chan, deputy director of the National Climate Center, said at the regular press conference of China Meteorological Bureau that under the background of global warming, the frequency of warm winters has increased since 1986. In the winter after La Nina incident, there were years when the temperature was low. The main characteristics of the abnormal temperature in winter were: the temperature in most parts of the country was lower than normal, especially in northern North China, southern Northeast China, most of southern China, eastern and northern Southwest China, and most of northwest China. After the La Nina incident, the winter precipitation in China mainly shows as follows: a large range of precipitation is less, especially in the eastern part of Northeast China, along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, in the southern part of Southwest China, and in northern Xinjiang. There is more precipitation in the northern part of southwest China and the eastern part of northwest China.

  However, Xiao Chan also pointed out that La Nina event is only one of the external forcing factors that affect China’s winter climate. China’s winter climate is also affected by Arctic sea ice, Eurasian snow and other factors, and the natural variability within the atmospheric system also plays an important role. The Meteorological Bureau will strengthen the judgment and provide more detailed forecast opinions in late October.

  Zheng Fei believes that under the synergistic influence of La Nina event and the warm Arctic Ocean, the cold air activity in China is likely to continue to be strong this winter, and it is prone to staged low temperature and extreme cold events. At present, based on the warm Arctic sea temperature in the previous period and the possibility of La Nina events in the future, it is predicted that the temperature in some parts of northern China will be slightly lower this winter, which may lead to staged low temperature due to the influence of staged cold air, and the possibility of extreme cold wave outbreak is high; In some parts of the south, there is the possibility of disasters such as low temperature, freezing, rain and snow, so we need to be vigilant and raise our awareness of prevention.

  Luo Jingjia, a national distinguished professor of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, also said in an interview with Modern Express that for East Asia, the winter under the influence of La Nina will be colder. However, the emission of carbon dioxide is increasing, and the degree of coldness may not be so obvious compared with the previous La Ni? a event, which may not cause a very cold winter, but its cooling may be reflected by the occurrence of a cold wave phenomenon. "Therefore, we should pay special attention to the number and intensity of possible cold waves this winter."

  Expert: Extreme cold events tend to increase.

  In the past summer, there were rare high temperature and heat waves in all parts of the northern hemisphere. Most parts of China are also shrouded in high temperature, and high temperatures above 40 C continue to appear in many places. Global warming, why is there a strong cold wave?

  Many experts said that there is no contradiction between strong cold wave and global warming. It is in the context of global warming that the climate is more unstable, with the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as rainstorm, high temperature heat wave, drought and flood in summer, extreme low temperature and cold wave in winter increasing. For example, from December 2020 to January 2021, China suffered from extreme cold waves one after another, resulting in large-scale cooling and extreme low temperatures in many places.

  Zhao Liang, a senior engineer in lasg, told China Newsweek that from the statistics of frequency, in the past 20 years, the number of cold wave days in winter in China showed a downward trend as a whole, but there was a great difference in time and space. Spatially, the reduction of cold wave days mainly occurred in the south, but the number of cold wave days in the north, especially in the northeast, did not decrease. In time, the frequency of strong cold waves is more in the first half of winter, and the reduction of cold waves is mainly concentrated in the second half of winter (February).

  It is worth noting that since 2008, the average minimum temperature of the coldest winter period in eastern China, that is, the strongest cold wave events every year, is lower than that in the 1980s and 1990s, that is to say, the strong cold wave events have an increasing trend.

  Zhao Liang further analyzed that the change characteristics of cold events in China are closely related to the important changes of atmospheric circulation and polar system in the northern hemisphere caused by global warming. Among them, the warming of the Arctic in winter and the cooling of the mid-latitude continent — — That is to say, the warm Arctic-cold continent phenomenon is an important change pattern. This phenomenon has an important connection with the outbreak of extreme cold events in mid-latitudes, including China, especially aggravating the strong cooling events in northern China.

  "With the persistence of global climate anomalies, it seems that the extreme cold (cold wave) event in the northern hemisphere in winter has been ‘ Home-cooked meals ’ . But there is great uncertainty about where and when it will happen, "said Yao Yao, an associate researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences. The continuous increase of greenhouse gases has made the earth warmer and warmer, and the atmosphere on which human beings depend has become increasingly unstable. For the northern hemisphere, polar vortex will become unstable more easily in winter. Under the guidance of favorable atmospheric circulation system, cold air will break through the westerly jet barrier more easily and frequently, and then be transported to middle and low latitudes, causing extremely cold (cold wave) weather.

  For the early warning of extreme cold events, Zheng Fei stressed that short-term weather forecast and climate trend forecast for more than two weeks should be strengthened to improve the prevention and early warning of freezing rain and snow disasters. At the same time, agriculture, animal husbandry, energy and transportation industries need to pay close attention to the early warning of freezing rain and snow disasters and formulate effective preventive measures and emergency plans.

What if the car is not easy to start in winter?

In winter, it is often difficult to start a car. If you encounter this situation, you can try to press the accelerator while turning the key to light the fire. This method is very effective, but when the car starts, you should pay attention to loosen the throttle properly, because excessive stepping on the throttle will cause damage to the car. If this method still fails to solve the problem, there may be the following reasons:

1. The battery is short of electricityIt is the most common reason that makes it difficult to start a car in cold weather. The lower the temperature, the lower the battery capacity. Generally speaking, the life of a battery is about 3 years. When the engine is difficult to start, the headlights are dim or the horn sound is unclear, you should check whether the battery is short of electricity.

2. The exhaust pipe is frozen

It is also a common problem. If the car is used less frequently and the route is shorter, the water vapor after engine combustion will freeze in the exhaust pipe, and short-distance driving is not enough to melt it. After a night, there will be more ice, which will affect the starting and exhaust of the vehicle.

3. Poor performance of engine oil or incorrect selection.

It may also lead to difficulties in starting the car. In winter, the viscosity of engine oil increases greatly, which leads to the increase of internal resistance of engine. Therefore, low viscosity engine oil should be used to cope with the cold weather in winter.

Note that the above method is only applicable to the situation that the car is difficult to start. If the problem still exists, please contact professional car maintenance personnel for inspection and maintenance.

Zheshang Bank launched a real estate debt basket and accurately served the real estate financing needs.

On January 26 th, Titanium Media App reported that the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. Actively responding to the call of national policies, we officially launched the real estate debt basket on January 25, 2024, and independently underwritten and issued the first asset-backed debt financing tool for real estate enterprises. Through a series of innovative measures, the bank’s real estate bonds provide market liquidity, accurately support real estate enterprises, boost the market confidence of real estate enterprises and help their financing needs while meeting the trading needs of investment institutions.

It is understood that the real estate bond basket (basket code: BBX026002) launched this time has a trading unit of 30 million yuan, and the portfolio includes three real estate corporate bonds, each of which is 10 million yuan. All of them select high-quality real estate bonds with a remaining maturity of less than 5 years, which has both allocation value and market liquidity. The bonds in the portfolio will be adjusted according to the actual market situation.

While launching the real estate debt basket, Zheshang Bank also innovatively launched the asset-backed debt financing tool for real estate enterprises. On January 25th, Zheshang Bank independently underwritten and issued the asset-backed debt financing instrument (CB) of Huayuan Real Estate Co., Ltd., with a total scale of 290 million yuan and a term of 2 years.

Insert/Fuel/Travel Edition and GTI New Golf Official Map

  [Official Map of New Cars in car home] Recently, Volkswagen officially released a set of official maps of new golf, this time it released a medium-term redesigned golf () (8.5 generations of golf), and the 8th generation of golf currently on sale in China was launched in 2020. This time, Volkswagen released the regular version of golf, the plug-in hybrid version of high-performance golf GTE, the travel version of Golf Variant and the high-performance fuel small steel gun golf GTI. The biggest change of the new models is the replacement of brand-new LED headlights and the new car system. The new car is scheduled to be pre-sold overseas in the spring. It is worth mentioning that in 2024, the golf has reached its 50th anniversary, and the global cumulative sales volume has exceeded 37 million.

● Ordinary Golf

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 eHybrid

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 eHybrid

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 eHybrid

  Let’s take a look at the new regular golf. This time, there is no picture of the pure fuel version. This is a plug-in version, and the charging socket can be seen in the left front of the vehicle. Appearance, compared with the current model, the biggest change of the new car is to upgrade the brand-new LED headlights, and the eyes look sharper. In addition, matrix LED headlights can be selected, and the lighting distance can reach 500 meters.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 eHybrid

  For the interior, the new car adopts a brand-new MIB4 car system and has an intelligent IDA voice assistant. Through natural voice interaction, it can not only control functions such as air conditioning, telephone or navigation, but also broadcast weather forecast, answer common sense questions and obtain all kinds of online information. ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model, will also be integrated into IDA voice assistant. In addition, the screen has also been upgraded, with 10.4-inch and 12.3-inch options, and the air conditioner is controlled by a newly designed touch slider. The shift lever adopts a compact electronic gear handle.

  In terms of power, the regular version of Golf is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder gasoline engine with 114 horsepower and 150 horsepower, and the transmission system is matched with a 6-speed manual gearbox. Volkswagen said that Golf has a 48V light-mixed model, but did not specify which gasoline engine the light-mixed system is matched with. There is also a 1.5T eHybrid plug-in version, the maximum power of the gasoline engine is 150 HP, the transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and it can realize 50 kW DC fast charging, 10%-80% charging in 25 minutes, 100km pure battery life and 1,000 km comprehensive battery life. In addition, a 2.0T engine is available. The gasoline version has a maximum power of 204 HP, and the transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. The diesel version has 114 HP and 150 HP. The former is matched with a 6-speed manual gearbox and the latter is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 eHybrid

  In addition, the new golf is equipped with a series of driver assistance systems. When passing the parking space, the Park Assist Plus system can automatically detect whether the parking space is large enough and start the corresponding parking program. Park Assist Pro system enables drivers to control vehicles to enter and leave parking spaces through mobile phones. The Area View system is another new function on the new car. The system creates a 360-degree panoramic view by synthesizing the images of four cameras, and transmits the corresponding images to the car screen, so that drivers can more easily notice the signs around the kerbs and parking spaces.

● Golf GTI

Home of the car

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) 2024 GTI

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) 2024 GTI

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) 2024 GTI

  The new Golf GTI is a performance model in the golf series, with a positioning lower than (|). The car is also equipped with brand-new LED headlights, and the lower enclosure adopts exaggerated aerodynamic design, which makes this car a bit more powerful. In addition, the car is equipped with brand-new double five-spoke wheels, and the petal-shaped shape is somewhat similar to Alfa Romeo’s style.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf (Import) 2024 GTI

 Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of interior, as a performance model, the steering wheel and doors are decorated in red, the car system is also changed into a red theme style, and the pedals are also made of metal, further rendering the fighting atmosphere. In terms of power, the car is equipped with a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 265 HP, which is 20 HP higher than the current one. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

● Golf GTE

Home of the car

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 GTE

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 GTE

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 GTE

  The new Golf GTE is a high-performance plug-in hybrid vehicle. Its overall design style is similar to that of Golf GTI, and it is painted in a relatively fresh light blue, but the red brake calipers reflect its high-performance identity. The rear of the car adopts a hidden exhaust pipe, and the decoration similar to the diffuser further enhances the sense of movement.

Volkswagen (Import) Golf New Energy (Import) 2024 GTE

  There are a lot of blue decorations in the car, the theme color of the car system has also been changed to blue, and there is an exclusive GTE logo under the steering wheel to highlight its identity as a new energy performance car. In terms of power, the car adopts a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine and a motor, with a comprehensive power of 272hp, and the transmission system is matched with a 6-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

● Golf Variant

Volkswagen (import) Golf (import) 2024 wagon R-Line

Volkswagen (import) Golf (import) 2024 wagon R-Line

Volkswagen (import) Golf (import) 2024 wagon R-Line

Volkswagen (import) Golf (import) 2024 wagon R-Line

  Finally, let’s take a look at the travel version of the new Golf Variant, which uses the R-Line sports kit, and the aerodynamic kits on both sides of the lower surround bring a stronger sense of movement, and the rim is also a very dynamic two-color design. The side lines of the car are more slender, which increases practicality and is a little more stable and elegant than hatchback golf. The interior is consistent with the new model, and the power parameters are not specified separately. It is expected to share the power system with the ordinary golf. (Text/car home Yan Huan)

The controversial part of the article "Multinational Women Want to Marry in China" has been deleted.

  Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean women all want to marry in China?

  After "Chinese businessmen are hard to find" and "many countries are eager to return to China", the articles of WeChat WeChat official account and Sohu series of "Women from many countries want to marry in China" attract people’s attention.

  Some netizens joked, "Women all over the world actually have the same dream, that is, to marry China."

  On April 25th, The Paper searched with the keyword "Everyone wants to marry in China", and nearly 100 articles about "All women in a certain country want to marry in China" were retrieved on the WeChat article retrieval page. The titles of the articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman, I want to marry in China" and "Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China?" "Beautiful Korean girls, why many people want to marry in China" and so on. Searching on Baidu with the same keywords, there are 28500000 related information on the webpage and 452000 related contents on the information page.

  Different from the previous cloned articles on "It’s too difficult for Chinese businessmen", there is no obvious phenomenon of copying and applying copywriting in the content narration of the articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", but their narrative theme is "Women from so-and-so countries want to marry in China".

  In response to the WeChat official account series of WeChat articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", the public relations of WeChat team told The Paper that similar articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China" are different in nature from the malicious marketing WeChat WeChat official account articles. "More than 30 articles retrieved by WeChat backstage are similar in content, but only similar views are expressed differently".

  On April 17, the WeChat team responded to the series of illegal articles, saying that WeChat has been actively cleaning up similar articles that use epidemic marketing, fabricate and integrate false information, and incite public sentiment. From January 1 ST to April 16 th, WeChat platform deleted about 9,000 articles suspected of exaggerating and misleading, restricted the ability or banned 2,500 WeChat official account; 6,915 articles on rumors were deleted, and 20,000 articles were restricted in ability or titles.

  Among them, there are articles with more than 10,000+readings.

  The title of the article includes North Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries Source: WeChat screenshot

  How is the series of articles "A woman from a certain country wants to marry China" produced?

  The Paper found on the WeChat public account and Baidu page that the titles of such articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China." "Many Japanese women want to marry in China. Why?" "Why are North Korean girls crazy about marrying China?" "Blessed are single men. Women all over the world want to marry in China." "Vietnamese girls want to marry in China? They said: "Compared with Japan, being a daughter-in-law in China is really so happy!" "Vietnamese women want to marry in China? It is best not to marry, and experts suggest that it is best to marry Cambodian women.

  The countries mentioned in these articles include North Korea, Ukraine, India, Vietnam, South Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Japan, Nepal and Mongolia.

  How are these articles produced?

  The Paper selected articles with a reading of over 10,000, and found that the contents of the articles mostly narrated the benefits of foreign women marrying in China.

  In three of them, I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry in China, Japanese girls want to marry in China, and why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? Taking China as an example, the main point of the article is to tell that foreign women married to China because of its good environment and high per capita GDP. After marrying in China, China’s wife will get a house, her husband will take the initiative to do housework, and her in-laws will help. In addition, from the perspective of history and humanities, it is not unusual for Vietnamese, Japanese, Mongolian and other countries to intermarry with China.

  "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" Similar article Source: WeChat screenshot

  For example, in Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? In the article, it is mentioned at the beginning of the article that "the main reason is that Mongolia is too poor, and the most important thing is that Mongolia’s fertility rate is negative, … … The country’s current per capita GDP is about 1000 US dollars, and the gap between the rich and the poor is very large. "

  This paper argues that the advantages of Mongolian beauties marrying in China are: the environment in China is better than that in Mongolia, there are more women than men in China, and the quality of men in China is generally higher than that in Mongolia.

  Finally, the article concludes that Mongolia will regain its glory when a beautiful Mongolian woman marries China.

  WeChat article "Why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China" Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that the article was published on March 2, and the account number was "Historical Heritage". The account profile stated "Interesting historical story, folk unofficial history, democratic analysis, telling the past". The main company of the account number was Hefei Downs Household Products Co., Ltd., and the account number was certified and opened on November 14, 2018.

  On April 16th, The Paper called the account entity company about this article, but it was not connected.

  Hundreds of articles on WeChat public accounts, most of which are individuals.

  The Paper found from nearly 155 articles retrieved from the WeChat public account that these articles were published from different WeChat official account, including the personal account "Peach Notes" to promote the "Sex World Revival Plan", and the tourism consulting service number "Taozui Neon" to promote "Travel around Japan". Its account main body is Shanghai Taozui Neon Network Technology Co., Ltd., and there is also a history that claims to tell "interesting historical stories, folk unofficial history and telling the ancient road today". The main body of this kind of WeChat public account is mostly displayed as an individual, and the time of publishing articles can be retrieved from 2017 to April 2020.

  Japanese girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" published by this kind of WeChat public account article has the same theme and slightly deviated expression.

  Take the article "I finally understand why Korean women would rather be single in their own country than marry in China" published on March 27th by the WeChat public account of Changsha Yangyujin Network Technology Co., Ltd., as an example. The writing is similar to the previous article, and it is mentioned at the beginning that the fertility rate in South Korea fell below 1% in 2018. Korean women choose to marry in China on the one hand because South Korea and China have similar cultures, and on the other hand, because China has done a better job of equality between men and women.

  The Paper found that the WeChat public account was registered on December 9, 2018. Prior to this, on April 16, The Paper called the account entity company for this article, but it was not connected.

  Korean girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  Another account shows an individual as the main body. For example, the article "Beautiful Korean Girls, Why Do Many Want to Marry in China" published on May 6, 2019 by Wechat WeChat official account Visual Korea with the registration time of February 1, 2020 also mentions that North Korea is poor and backward in everyone’s impression, and it is still in the 1970s and 1980s in China. North Korean girls have a soft spot for China men, and many North Korean girls want to marry in China.

  Some articles have been deleted.

  As of 20: 40 on 16th, The Paper found that some articles about "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" had been deleted. For example, the current page of "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" is displayed as "This content cannot be viewed due to violation of regulations".

  Previously, the page "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" has been deleted. Source: WeChat screenshot.

  "Beautiful Korean girls, why do many people want to marry in China" published by WeChat official account’s WeChat "Visual Korea", whose account subject is an individual, has also been deleted.

  Why do Korean women want to marry in China? They can’t find the source: WeChat screenshot.

  However, with the keyword "Korean girl, want to marry to China", there are still related WeChat posts in WeChat official account.

  For example, on January 8, 2017, the WeChat public account "Oumeidi Xuefu", whose account body is displayed as an individual, posted "Why do North Korean girls want to marry China crazily?" At the beginning of the article, it was written in a similar way that North Korea’s national conditions are poor, and most North Korean girls are not bad-looking, hardworking and filial to their parents. They are married to China and prefer to live here than their own country.

  The Paper inquired about Article 4.11 of the Operating Specification of WeChat Public Platform, which showed that the incited, exaggerated and misleading content of WeChat platform included "false or exaggerated content of the title involving domestic and foreign politics, military affairs, economic fields and national policies" and "the title is described in an exaggerated way, thus inciting people to do something" and so on. For WeChat official account who has a minor violation, (WeChat) will deal with its name, avatar, function introduction, graphic message and other violations; If the circumstances are serious, the functions of group sending, attention, sharing, search, etc. of the account will be restricted, or the use of the account will be directly restricted.

  The Paper previously reported that in the past two months, there have been many articles entitled "A certain country under the epidemic: it is too difficult for Chinese businessmen to close their shops!" The content of the article in WeChat official account on WeChat "XX country longs to return to China" is exactly the same. More than 60 WeChat WeChat official account posts the same titles and articles in batches, such as Palm Switzerland, Palm Belarus, Palm India and Palm Dublin. After telling the plight of foreign epidemic in Chinese, WeChat official account, entitled "Information about the latest car", published nearly 30 articles entitled "Why does a certain country yearn to return to China" and "Why does a country go out independently from China".

  On April 3rd, The Paper learned from Fuzhou Public Security Bureau that Xue Mou, a manager of WeChat official account who published many false news about "Chinese businessmen are too difficult", had been taken criminal compulsory measures by the police. After arriving at the case, Xue admitted that the relevant articles were all fabricated by him, in order to increase the reading volume and increase the powder in order to make a profit. As for the article "Many countries are eager to return to China", on the evening of April 15th, WeChat responded exclusively to The Paper that such articles were exaggerated and misleading. At present, WeChat has deleted 227 illegal articles "XX countries (or regions) are eager to return to China" and blocked 153 public accounts.

Six economic industries of Dalang Commercial Center, and build Longhua nightlife gathering area.

Jianzhen Client Shenzhen News NetworkJuly 14th (Reporter Hu Ankun, Zheng Ruixin, Zeng Jiaqi) "Night market, night show, night food, night shopping, night entertainment and night reading", come to Dalang Commercial Center in Longhua District at night, so that you can "surf" for one night! Nowadays, night economy plays an important role in helping Shenzhen to build an international consumption center city. In order to vigorously develop the night economy, Longhua District took the lead in setting up a leading group for night economic work in the whole city, and laid out seven night economic demonstration circles, among which Dalang Commercial Center was included in the municipal "night economic demonstration point" to meet your various needs for "nightlife"! At 7: 00 pm on July 13th, Shenzhen News Network launched the theme live broadcast of "Visiting Shenzhen at night to see the vitality of the fifth phase: Come to Longhua to surf together tonight", and hundreds of thousands of netizens followed the reporter’s lens to feel the energetic "nightlife" of big waves.

The reporter’s first stop came to Friendship Book City, where many citizens came to read and enjoy the quiet "night reading" moment. As one of the six theme cultures of Dalang Commercial Center, the theme of "night reading" added a book to "nightlife". The manager of the book mall told the reporter that the passenger flow and turnover of the book mall have reached 80% before the epidemic, and the number of people coming to the book mall to study at night has also increased. The bookstore has a business area of 3,300 square meters, integrating books, culture, sports, coffee and other diverse areas, with more than 80,000 kinds of products. The rich commodities and good environment in the store provide an excellent leisure and cultural place for Dalang residents.

Coming out of the Book City is the second stop of this trip-Milk Tea Street. The night is getting dark, and the popularity of milk tea street is getting more and more prosperous. When friends are tired of shopping, they come here to have a drink and chat. Ms. Lu, who lives nearby, said that the commercial atmosphere of Dalang Commercial Center is strong. After the opening of Metro Line 6, it will be more convenient for citizens to come here. Children also said that they like it here and will often come to the Book City to read books with their classmates.

"Our business is even hotter now than before the epidemic, and people come to dinner at one or two. The Dalang Commercial Center is very popular, and I think it is no different from the East Gate. " Ms. Li, the manager of Hexing Hakka King, talked about the booming business in the store. Hexing Hakka King, which is known as "One Hundred Famous Restaurants in Shenzhen" and "Top Ten Hakka Cuisine Brands", is full of guests. Mr. Huang is a frequent visitor here. He told reporters that he comes here several times a month, and authentic Hakka dishes and fresh seafood are his favorite.

In Dalang Commercial Center, besides delicious food, rich entertainment items are the favorite of young people. "Lehman Racing" is Longhua’s first indoor racing track with more than 2,000 square meters, comprehensive protective facilities, perfect track and entertaining multi-functional activity area, and it is the base camp for fashionable youth gathering activities. According to Ms. Wang, the store manager, since it opened in May, there have been more and more passengers, mainly young people coming to play racing, and there will be more passengers at night, and sometimes queues are needed. The Hero Hui Animation City Amusement Park in the city is always particularly popular during holidays. It is a large-scale fashion animation game theme park carefully built, providing consumers with a completely different feeling from the previous "electronic game hall".

"Boss comes to a bowl of hot and sour powder!" "Iron plate squid needs ten strings!" "Add more spice to the fish with Chinese sauerkraut!" Fanxiang Snack Street is the most "fireworks" place in Dalang Commercial Center. There are 43 restaurants here, where you can find delicious food from north and south of the Yangtze River. The atmosphere of the snack street is as hot as the summer weather. The proprietress of the noodle family told the reporter that the dishes in the store are all Sichuan flavors, and now the business situation has basically returned to before the epidemic. Mr. Wang, the owner of Youzhi Baiwei, said that the busiest time of the day is at night, and the passenger flow is particularly large. The best-selling squid in the store can sell thousands of strings a day.

Not far from the snack street, there is another place where you can feast your eyes-Yangtaishan Food Street. There are 23 shops open here.Shanxi Chinese hamburger, fish with you, Zijin Badao soup …Every family’s business is very hot. Mr. Han, the manager of "Fish You Together", said that the fish with pickled vegetables in the store is very popular. Now there are more people coming to the store to eat than those who order takeout, and there will be more people at night and on weekends. The Zijin Badao Soup in Yangtaishan Food City can be regarded as a perfect interpretation of pigs by Hakkas. Badao Soup is a famous specialty of Zijin, which is based on Hakka local pigs. The proprietress here said that about 300 bowls can be sold every day now, and business will be better at noon.

Taiqing Dessert, located in the third building of Dalang Commercial Center, is a popular food that can’t be missed. It focuses on the research and development of seasonal desserts in Lingnan, featuring authentic Guangdong herbal tea, turtle paste and handmade Chinese desserts, and has become a favorite brand of Shenzhen people.

Known by the public and readers as "the most beautiful library in Shenzhen", the Shufei Life Store has books, wine, coffee, delicious food and art. The last stop of the interview came to "Shufei Life". Ms. Gong, the manager, introduced that there will also be some public welfare lecture halls and flower arranging activities in the store. Mr. Chen told reporters that he often comes here to relax, read books and have a drink. It’s hard to work all day, so it’s very comfortable to enjoy it.

Wang Fajin, assistant to the chairman of Hengguan Investment Development Co., Ltd., the operator of Dalang Commercial Center, said that the operation of Dalang Commercial Center has gradually improved since the resumption of work. At present, there are more than 600 shops, and the catering industry has recovered to the pre-epidemic level, and the retail industry has also been improving. At the end of this year, the third phase of Dalang Commercial Center will be completed and delivered, and the economy will be more prosperous at night. Welcome to visit us again.

It is understood that the municipal demonstration project of night economy in Dalang Commercial Center covers a total area of about 300,000 square meters, and will focus on the development of six economic industries, namely night market, night show, night food, night shopping, night entertainment and night reading, around the characteristics of "international norm", "fashion trend" and "oriental flavor", so as to build Longhua nightlife gathering area and accelerate the construction of an international consumer city. Dalang Commercial Center will upgrade the quality of the first and second phases, and the third phase will fully introduce multiple high-end formats such as "brand shopping center, cultural complex, creative block, children’s city, bar street and night market with lights".

Among them, around the theme of "night market", Dalang Commercial Center will build an "international model" nightlife gathering area, create cool night lighting, and introduce night leisure and entertainment formats such as folk culture street, large bar street, snack food stall street and online celebrity punch street; Around the theme of "Night Show", we will build a performing arts plaza with the theme of performing arts stage, music fountain and world of ice and snow, cultivate performing arts IP, and hold cultural performances such as music festivals, youth song competitions, folk festivals, art festivals and light shows on a regular basis; Around the theme of "Night Eating", we will build a "Midnight Food Store" characteristic food and beverage block, and create the first "China Time-honored Brand" theme food block with local characteristics in the region; Around the theme of "night shopping", we will build a large-scale shopping and entertainment world in all directions, including a large supermarket, a family entertainment city, a home appliance city, a movie city, a sports city, a video game city, a training base and various well-known consumer brands. Around the theme of "night entertainment", we will build two characteristic sightseeing pedestrian streets with "modernity and antiquity", one is the modern western-style East Street; One is West Street which inherits Chinese style; Focusing on the theme of "Night Reading", through the introduction of the cultural complex brand of "Kama Bookstore", with the most beautiful bookstore in China in 2019 as the cultural core and the theme of openness, artistry and comfort, it is comparable to famous brand cultural complexes such as Taiwan Province Eslite and Japanese Amaya.

On New Year’s Day holiday, traveling "blossomed more", and the consumption of cultural tourism in various places was full of vitality and enthusiasm.

  CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the tourism markets around the country are heating up. Let’s follow the reporter’s lens and see the different tourism modes in the north and south during this holiday.

  During the New Year’s Day holiday in 2024, various scenic spots in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province have carefully planned a series of special cultural tourism projects for the New Year’s Day holiday. Visitors can make good wishes for the New Year in the picturesque mood of Jiangnan water town. You can also attend the New Year’s bonfire party to welcome the coming New Year together.

  In Liaoyuan, Jilin Province, the city was lit up by bright lights just after nightfall. China’s traditional elements are integrated with ice and snow, and a large-scale night tour ice and snow theme park is launched, attracting many tourists to experience the charm of ice and snow in an immersive way. In the 30,000-square-meter ice and snow theme park, there are not only snow sculpture, which has more than 10,000 Ma Benteng and other China festival elements, but also crystal clear and colorful ice sculptures. The park also set up a dynamic and colorful stage on the snow to guide tourists to interact together.

  In Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places, a variety of activities have also been held to enrich the holiday experience of citizens and tourists.

  Xianyang, Shaanxi: Feel the Beauty of Folk Music in the New Year Concert

  On December 29th, the 2024 New Year Concert in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province was staged wonderfully. Auspicious and festive melodies and drums played hand in hand, igniting the atmosphere of the audience. Nearly a thousand spectators at the scene felt the beauty of folk music in the flowing notes.

  Jiang ‘an, Sichuan: Making red lanterns to celebrate the New Year.

  In Jiang ‘an, Sichuan, everyone walked into the museum and experienced making handmade lanterns. Under the guidance of volunteers, parents and children stuck lantern paper, inserted lanterns and pasted flowers. Soon, handmade lanterns with New Year elements appeared in front of them.

  During the New Year holiday, scenic spots and hotels in Fujian and Guangxi ushered in a small peak of passenger flow. Let’s watch together.

  In Xiamen, Fujian, various sailing and yacht projects set off a wave of water sports. The little sail shadow fluctuates with the waves, and the motorboat "dazzles and pulls flowers" on the sea. Not far from the shore, canoeing, paddling and other water sports attract tourists of all ages to experience.

  During the New Year’s Day holiday, nearly 1,000 tourists come to Xiamen’s major docks to experience water sports every day. At the same time, water sports have also driven the passenger flow of surrounding scenic spots and the hot sale of water equipment, continuously extending the tourism industry chain and tapping the consumption potential.

  On New Year’s Day holiday, the weather in Nanning, Guangxi is comfortable and pleasant, attracting many foreign tourists to visit, and the local hotel room reservation is hot.

  During the New Year’s Day, the catering market in Nanning was also hot. In addition to traditional round-table dinners, some hotels have launched family-style buffets, which are welcomed by many consumers.

  Chengdu, Sichuan: On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, Chengdu’s tourism is surging.

  On the first day of the New Year holiday, Qingchengshan-Dujiangyan Scenic Area received more than 28,000 tourists. During the holiday of New Year’s Day, Chengdu Kuanzhai Lane Scenic Area joined hands with "Music" to create a street concert, and launched the mobile phone photography unit exhibition of Chengdu International Photography Week, which received a total of 149,000 visitors on the 30th. Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum and Cultural Relics District are as hot as Jinli Historical and Cultural District, with a total of 54,309 visitors.

  Shaanxi: Many scenic spots usher in the peak of passenger flow.

  Relying on high-quality cultural resources, various scenic spots in Shaanxi optimize the supply of tourism products, and launch boutique tourist routes and immersive experience scenes to meet the diversified consumption needs of cultural tourism. Datang City, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, launched a one-stop punch card for food, cultural creation and performing arts to meet the diverse experiences of tourists. On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, as of 8: 00 pm, Datang City that Never sleeps received more than 200,000 domestic and foreign tourists.

  Huaqing Palace Scenic Area launched the activities of "free tickets for wearing Chinese clothes" and "free tickets for reciting Song of Eternal Sorrow", and the tourism mode of "palace culture+immersive scene", allowing visitors to experience the collision between history and modernity. On December 30th, nearly 30,000 tourists were received.

  This year, the Museum of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, a world cultural heritage, received more than 11 million visitors for the first time. On December 30th, the Qin Mausoleum Museum received more than 33,000 domestic and foreign tourists to watch the Terracotta Warriors.

The new trend of "going out to sea" for orders | Customers in neighboring countries continue to add orders after Christmas orders close in 2022.

CCTV News:There are still about two months before Christmas, the traditional western holiday. In Yiwu, Zhejiang, the world’s largest distribution center for Christmas products, delivery has already ended in previous years, but after this year’s order is closed, many customers from neighboring countries continue to add orders.

Li Lu is a salesman of a trading firm. These days, he is busy confirming the logistics of the last few containers of the company’s Christmas order. These Christmas bells and Christmas trees will be sent to Peru after shipment.

The staff of many trading firms told reporters that in previous years, customers usually placed orders in March and April, and merchants delivered goods in July and August. By October, orders were basically closed. But this year, although it is already halfway through October, many foreign trade companies are still taking orders. Yang Shengping, the head of a cross-border e-commerce company, told reporters that the rapid development of supporting logistics has extended the sales cycle of his Christmas products a lot.

At present, many factories have also begun to prepare for next year’s Christmas orders. Zhao Le, an employee of a handicraft company in Yiwu, has received several European and American customers these days, and some customers have already started to place Christmas orders for next year.

Zhao Le, manager of a handicraft company in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province:These styles are from Europe next year, and a large number of new products have been designed for next year. There are still many new products still being proofed in the factory. Some customers have already placed orders, and the orders are ok. For the time being, order 70 or 80 cabinets.

Cai Qinliang, Secretary General of Yiwu Christmas Products Industry Association, Zhejiang Province:Foreign customers will place orders earlier and earlier. Next year’s foreign trade, I predict that some big foreign customers may start placing orders one after another after Christmas this year.