Follow the "National Fitness Road" and run towards health and happiness.



  What are the people’s sense of gain and happiness, and what are their expectations and wishes for national fitness? Please follow the reporters from all over the world to find the answer in this picture of the times of "I exercise, I am happy".

  [Reporter’s observation]

  Follow the "National Fitness Road" and run towards health and happiness.

  Guangming Daily reporter Zhang Sheng Gao Jianjin Ren Shuang Su Yan

  A basketball court full of people, a vibrant square and a fitness trail suitable for all ages … … To feel the pulse and vitality of a city, we must look at these "steaming" fitness places.

  Nowadays, the constantly upgraded national fitness facilities and the prosperous mass sports events have made more and more people move and laugh, making their lives more interesting and steaming.

The first Helan Mountain National Mountaineering Competition was held in Helan Mountain National Forest Park in Ningxia, and hiking enthusiasts were in the competition. Xinhua news agency

The dragon boat team participated in the dragon boat race on the Gongshui River in Xuanen County, Hubei Province. Xinhua news agency

  "15-minute fitness circle" measures the happiness radius of the people

  In the early morning of August 3rd, the semi-final of "beautiful countryside" basketball league in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province came to an end. In Qiandongnan, Guizhou Province, the basketball game has become the most lively activity in the "Eating New Festival" of the Miao people on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. The basketball league, called "Village BA" by netizens, has played an international role, relying on Guizhou’s practical measures to implement the national fitness strategy for many years and fully promote the construction of the "six sides" project of national fitness.

  In Fuzhou, Fujian, the theme demonstration activity of "National Fitness Day" in 2022 — — "Wan Li Fudaojian Walking, a provincial walker" is under intense preparation. Ye Desheng, Party Secretary and Director of Fujian Provincial Sports Bureau, who was busy at the scene, told reporters that Fujian actively promoted the construction of sports parks and fitness trails. Up to now, there are 8,891.52 kilometers of various fitness "Fudao" in the province, which greatly improved the happiness index of the people.

  In order to solve the problem of fitness "venue", the central government has continuously improved the system design, and local governments have continuously accelerated practical exploration. Guided by the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of National Fitness Facilities and Developing Mass Sports issued by the State Council and the Opinions on Building a Higher Level Public Service System for National Fitness issued by the State Council of China, in the process of urban renewal and rural revitalization, "15-minute fitness circles" have been continuously built all over urban and rural areas, extending the "last meter" of serving the mass fitness to the doorstep of the people.

  From "Walking around the Ridge" to "Walking along the Waterfront Greenway", the bustling crowd danced to the music on the Little Square in the center of Lianhua Town, Jiande, Zhejiang Province.

  In Changchun, Jilin, citizen Cai Dongting is taking the whole family to do outdoor sports. The Yitong River, which used to stink at home, has become clear and sparkling, with riverside parks springing up and fitness trails slowly spreading along the river. "Everyone looks at the beautiful scenery along the river and no longer has to worry about where to exercise." Cai Dongting told reporters while jogging.

  Looking at the land of China, there are "Frisbee fever", "Marathon fever" and "Bike fever" in urban blocks, and the heat flow of stocks marks the temperature range of national fitness; On the vast fields, "people’s gyms" have opened their doors to meet the fitness needs of farmers.

  "In recent years, the construction of fitness facilities has been intensified from the central finance to local finance." Zou Xinxian, director of the Teaching and Research Section of Public Administration of Beijing Sport University and chief expert on the development of Beijing Winter Olympics culture and ice and snow sports, believes that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the national strategy of national fitness has been implemented in depth, and the contradiction between the supply of public services for national fitness and the growing demand of the people has been shrinking, the venues and facilities have been significantly improved, and the participation of national fitness has been continuously improved.

  "Fitness Menu" and "Exercise Prescription" to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses for sports

  More than 90 days after it was launched, more than 100 events were launched, with more than 11.6 million direct participants … … Since its launch on April 28th this year, the National Fitness Online Games has handed over a bright report card. It is understood that the "Sports Meeting" has carried out more than 100 events such as shuttlecock, skipping rope, curling and chess and cards, and has sent a rich "fitness menu" to the masses.

  These days, Henan guy Wu Chenguang felt in the WeChat circle of friends: "‘ Clouds go to Qilu ’ Although it is over, I still want to continue to exercise and meet the most beautiful scenery in life with every solid step. " What he mentioned is the third "Cloud Walking Qilu" online ten thousand people walking. There were 584,000 people who signed up for the event, 11,000 teams were formed, the total number of punching kilometers was nearly 20.93 million kilometers, and the punching rate was over 63,000. In addition to Shandong, this national fitness event also attracted people from 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities including Liaoning, Chongqing and Beijing.

  After the Tokyo Olympic Games, many China athletes who returned from the games became star coaches to guide mass fitness on the Internet, attracting many young netizens. For example, Zhang Yufei, a famous swimmer in China and a champion of the Tokyo Olympic Games, successfully "went out of the circle" and became a "private education for all", bringing everyone a physical fitness class full of dry goods.

  On the one hand, online sports are unprecedentedly popular, on the other hand, the coverage rate of offline national fitness facilities is constantly improving, and various mass events are blooming. The fiery practice in real life and the magnifying effect of cyberspace make the "big garden" of national fitness more colorful.

  In this "big garden", such a group of people are still active — — More than 2.7 million social sports instructors make physical fitness "guided". "They have become an important force in promoting national fitness." Gu Xiaohua, a national first-class social sports instructor and director of Suzhou Social Sports Instructors Association, was deeply touched: "Today, there are more than 39,700 social sports instructors at all levels in the city, with 44 per 10,000 people. Many citizens are driven by their enthusiasm and professionalism and join the national fitness team."

  The reporter learned that in order to provide more scientific "exercise prescriptions" for the people, the State Sports General Administration, together with the National Health and Wellness Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, and other relevant scientific research units, launched a number of popular science works, developed a number of fitness methods, and organized athletes from national teams and provincial teams to enter primary and secondary schools and communities to carry out fitness guidance services, so as to promote the sharing of competitive sports achievements among the whole people.

  Advocate the concept of age-old friendship and join hands in running towards a healthy China.

  On a hot summer day, on the campus of Wangjiang Road, Daoxiang Village Primary School, Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, coaches such as roller skating, football and table tennis gathered together. The small players sweated like rain, and the summer training was very lively. "At present, the school has obtained technical support and venue support from all walks of life, and more than 1,000 students in the school have richer and more convenient choices for extracurricular activities." Xue Hong, Executive President of Wangjiang Road Campus of Daoxiang Village Primary Education Group, introduced.

  For Chen Huilai, a Fujian walker, walking is economical, safe and suitable for all ages. Since she joined the walking team of the old sports association in 2019, she has been walking for 8 to 10 kilometers every day and organized team walking training.

  Jia Junting Xian, 36, suffered from congenital eye disease, which led to blindness. Sports became her first track to realize her self-worth. In September 2016, she won the gold medal in the women’s T11-T13 4× 100m relay event at the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. She retired the following year and returned to her hometown as a special education teacher. "I have been helped by many people since I was a child. I want to pass on these loves and let more disabled friends feel the sunshine and warmth in sports." She said.

  Over the past few days, the cultural auditorium of Daijia Village, Lianhua Town, Jiande, Hangzhou has been very lively. More than 60 martial arts fans from all over the province are conducting a Tai Chi tuishou referee training and skill test. "To inherit Wushu culture, we must understand the essence of emphasizing morality, ceremony and harmony behind it." Deng Linlin, the chairman of jiande city Wushu Association and the "literary village head" of Lianhua Town, believes that more people should know and learn Wushu to further enrich people’s spiritual and cultural life … …

  In recent years, all localities have explored the creation of a brand featuring farmers’ culture and sports with "one product in one place, one item in one village", developed sports with agricultural characteristics suitable for different groups of people and different regional characteristics, and promoted traditional Chinese sports such as martial arts, dragon boat and health qigong, thus injecting vitality into rural revitalization.



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  大健康理念下 全民健身蔚然成风



  Standing at the historical intersection of the goal of "two hundred years", national fitness presents new characteristics of the times.

  First, the two national strategies of national fitness and healthy China are closely linked and deeply integrated. The concept of "sports is a good doctor" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the integration of sports and health and sports and tourism is gradually deepening. People have changed from "asking me to exercise" to "I want to exercise", and active fitness and scientific fitness are gradually integrated into daily life. By the end of 2021, the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise reached 37.2%. Second, the card points that focus on the people’s fitness needs block the pain points, and the "hardware" and "software" shortcomings are quickly filled. By the end of 2021, there were 3.971 million sports venues in China, with an area of 3.41 billion square meters, with a per capita sports venue area of 2.41 square meters, up by 134.3%, 71.2% and 65.1% respectively compared with 2013. Idle "marginal areas" in cities have been transformed into good places for daily exercise, and more sports venues are open to the society free of charge or at low fees. In terms of the coverage of fitness programs, a large number of activities to facilitate the people, benefit the people and benefit the people have appeared around the people, and sports such as ice and snow, which were strongly influenced by the region in the past, have achieved leap-forward development. Third, the new technology empowers the whole people to keep fit. With the blessing of 5G technology, cloud live broadcast and short video are developing rapidly. The fashionable sports equipment and software platforms are making the threshold of sports lower and lower and getting closer to people’s lives.

  Sports is not only the proper meaning of a strong country, but also the foundation of a happy life for individuals. It is not only an important driving force to promote economic and social development, but also a platform window to show the soft power of the country’s culture. On the new journey, to continue to promote the in-depth development of national fitness, we must better understand the value and significance of national fitness — — For individuals, fitness is the most affordable health investment; In society, national fitness is the most inclusive public service; In the country, national fitness can improve the health level of the whole nation, promote the progress of social civilization and promote the all-round development of people.

  Looking at the whole country, the vigorous national fitness campaign not only allows the people to gain a healthier body and mind, but also becomes a good prescription for people to boost their spirits; The happiness, self-confidence and openness brought by sports contain majestic positive energy and inject new spiritual vitality and development momentum into national rejuvenation.

  On the road to common prosperity, we must firmly establish the concept of great sports and great health, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and continue to promote the deep integration of national fitness and national health with pragmatic measures. We believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, national fitness will become a common practice and become a popular social trend.

  [First-line narration]

  Climb and feel the beauty of mountains and rivers.

  Narrator: Wang Yong, President of Ningxia Yinchuan Hiking Association

  "Ningxia chuan, two-headed. East by the Yellow River and west by Helan Mountain. " Like many mountain climbers and hikers, we like to use high mountains and rivers as natural gymnasiums. Just a few days ago, at the National Mass Fitness Mountaineering Conference and the first Helan Mountain National Mountaineering Competition, mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the world gathered in Yinchuan and headed for the mountains and rivers.

  In 2013, my friends and I founded the Yinchuan Hiking Association, and its members have grown from dozens to more than 25,000 today. In recent years, the government has taken the lead in holding a series of activities, such as the National Mass Fitness Mountaineering Conference, the "I want to go" National Walking Linkage Day, and the Helan Mountain Starry Camping Conference, with the active participation of the Association.

  In response to the call of national fitness, the association also organized the theme hiking activities of "Bonfire Great Wall" and "My Yellow River", and planned to walk all the routes of the Great Wall and Ningxia section of the Yellow River in two years. The association also actively participates in the ecological protection along the Great Wall and the Yellow River, and encourages everyone to pick up the left-behind garbage in mountaineering and hiking by exchanging points for gifts and vouchers to jointly protect the beautiful environment.

  Next, we plan to launch 40 series of hiking activities, "Discover the beauty of Ningxia" and "Me and my hometown", to let more people know about Ningxia, a good place.

  [First-line narration]

  Keep fit and keep in good shape.

  Narrator: Wang Jing, a network fitness expert

  The reason why I participated in online fitness teaching is not only because I majored in physical education in college, but also because I have rich working experience. From fitness coach, sports course designer, coach trainer to being a training director in a fitness institution, these experiences contain my unchanging original intention — — Let more people have good posture and posture.

  After the Spring Festival in 2019, I began to share videos of exercise and fitness online. Unexpectedly, it took only three months to make a lot of explosions. Later, when the COVID-19 epidemic struck, I made a lot of exercise videos that I could train at home, and the response was good. Some fans left messages suggesting that I broadcast live. Now, just turn on my mobile phone and you can find me — — Everyone’s "personal education". I also set up a fitness class online and set up a fat-reducing and shaping camp to get more people moving.

  Thanks to this good era, let’s plug in the wings of the Internet and ride against the wind, so that more people can benefit from the scientific movement for life.

  message board

  In recent years, in order to make the old people in the village have fun, we have built a gateball court. In order to attract the elderly to participate, we organize teams to play games and raise funds to buy sports equipment for the elderly. Due to the low threshold of playing gateball, the enthusiasm of the old people to participate is getting higher and higher. Nowadays, the old people gather at the gateball court as soon as they have time, playing ball and chatting, which is very popular. A small gateball made the old people move and be happy.

  — — Yan Ju, Director of Security Protection in Xianfeng Village, Xiaogushan Town, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Jilin Province

  Our school is located in the suburban industrial zone, parents are busy with their work, and many students have become "chubby" under the love of grandparents. Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy for one year, the school has arranged various forms of inter-class exercises, such as table tennis exercises and fancy rope skipping. P.E. teachers set up interest classes after class and take the children to practice basketball and badminton. This summer, many children teamed up to play football at school, and the campus in summer was full of laughter. Teachers and parents are happy to see the "chubby piers" become vigorous.

  — — Wang Gongqin, Vice President of Longtang School in Feidong County, Anhui Province

  After retirement, I passed the exam and became a social sports instructor, teaching Tai Ji Chuan and Qigong in parks and squares every Monday and Wednesday. Unexpectedly, many young people are also actively involved. Now, in parks, squares and under city walls, the figure of mass exercise can be seen everywhere. I am really happy to see more and more people moving.

  — — Gu Xiaohua, national first-class social sports instructor and director of Suzhou Social Sports Instructors Association, Jiangsu Province.

  I often walk along the trail built by the mountain. Walking through the mountains, there are both slow roads and landscapes, and "China under the toe" is so beautiful that people are relaxed and happy. This year, I participated in the "National Fitness Walking with the Winter Olympics" held in Gushan, the New Year’s Climbing Walk, and the 10,000-person Walking Walk held in Feifeng Mountain. Every weekend, I also organized cross-country hiking in the surrounding Shan Ye, which not only strengthened my physique, but also made me feel the beauty of mountains and rivers.

  — — He Yong, an expert in walking in Fujian Province.

    (Project team: Guangming Daily reporter John Zhang, Wang Jianhong, Zhang Wenpan, Ren Shuang, Gao Jianjin, Su Yan, Chen Guanhe, Wang Simin Guangming Net reporter Liu Xiyu Guangming Daily correspondent Xu Mengling, Yang Yunjie)

Father pushes his son with cerebral palsy to run a marathon: "I promised him to stand behind him all his life."


  Xin’ an riverside

  Qingshan lvshuijian

  Zhejiang Jiande 2022 Xin ‘anjiang Marathon started shooting.

  On the track

  A pair of special contestants caught everyone’s attention

  A middle-aged man in a dark blue sports vest

  Pushing a tricycle.

  In the cart

  The little boy sat quietly.

  Work hard with my father towards the finish line

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  This middle-aged man

  It’s Luo Shujian, 45.

  From Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province

  Is a courier.

  In the cart is his 13-year-old son Xiao Bai.

  And this marathon

  It’s this father and son

  The 54th competition in 7 years.

  The medals hung on the walls of Luo Shujian’s home (provided by the respondents)

  One birth

  Xiao Bai, his son, became the most reluctant person for Luo Shujian.

  In 2009

  Severe asphyxia lasting for 15 minutes at birth.

  Causing xiaobai to have severe brain damage.

  He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth.

  And then appeared.

  Mental retardation, epileptic symptoms and autism tendency

  Later, he was diagnosed as "LGS syndrome" again.

  This is the most difficult type of epilepsy in children to control.

  A doctor once told Luo Shujian

  My son needs to be taken care of all his life.

  With the help of public welfare organizations

  Luo Shujian and his wife took Xiao Bai.

  Found an authoritative expert

  Seizure symptoms of Xiao Bai

  Also got better after using drugs.

  But Xiao Bai still can’t talk.

  Intelligence is only maintained at the level of children.

  Luo Shujian and his family usually take it with them.

  To go out for a walk.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)


  Luo Shujian came across the story of Dick Huo Yite and his son.

  This great father

  Pushing a son with cerebral palsy

  With more than 1000 running races

  Run all over America along the runway

  It is also one of the six marathons in the world.

  Boston marathon

  Touched countless people.

  In 2015

  After learning the information that the Hangzhou Marathon started to register that year,

  Luo Shujian also wants to try.

  In order to improve physical fitness

  He gets up at 4: 30 every morning

  Run at 5 o’clock in the morning

  Go out to work after the end.

  Be fully prepared

  November 1, 2015

  He took his son to participate for the first time.

  Hangzhou Marathon 7 km Mini Run

  And finally finished the game.

  A cart for my son.

  It cost him half a month’s salary.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  On the field

  Luo Shujian found his son Xiao Bai

  The whole process was very exciting and happy.

  "He likes that kind of lively scene.

  And this desire to chase

  Laugh and clap your hands. "

  After discovering that my son likes it very much,

  Luo Shujian was out of control from then on.

  5 km, 10 km

  Half horse, whole horse … …

  In the past seven years, Luo Shujian has pushed his son to complete it.

  54 games, big and small

  Footprints are all over the country

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  For seven years

  In the process of pushing my son to run.

  Luo Shujian for "father"

  Have a deeper understanding

  "I hope to be able to run.

  Can accompany him to walk around the country.

  Let him come into this world without regret.

  By running again and again like this

  I hope he can appreciate the hardships of everyone’s life.

  Also let him feel the warmth and strength in life. "

  Luo Shujian said

  Luo Shujian (third from right) is participating in public welfare activities (provided by respondents)

  Luo Shujian hopes

  Keep running with your son.

  "I promised him to stand behind him all my life."

  He smiled and told reporters

  Meet once, and live up to this life.

  Hail to the great father!

  Life is precious.

  In the wind, in the rain, on the road

  Love makes every step

  Full of power


  Source: Xinhua News Agency WeChat (ID:xinhuashefabu1) Comprehensive Yangguang. com and Jimu News.

  Reporter: Lin Guangyao, Ma Xiaoju

  Producer: Guan Kailiang

  Editor: Li Yongxi, Qing Shan

  Internship: Zhang Zhuojun

Huawei P70 will be released soon, and the organization said that it is expected to drive a new round of opportunities in the mobile phone industry chain.

  The agency pointed out that the release of Mate60 series last year was regarded as the first shot for Huawei to return to the mobile phone market; Looking forward to April, the release of Huawei P70 series is highly anticipated. Huawei P70 will be released soon, and related innovations are expected to drive a new round of opportunities in the mobile phone industry chain.

  Since the "return" of Huawei mobile phone last year, it has made great strides. Counterpoint data shows that Huawei’s mobile phone sales soared by 64% in the first six weeks of this year, and its ranking also rose to the second place, leaving only 1 percentage point behind the number one vivo. As for the growth of Huawei’s sales, some media reported that at present, more growth still comes from Huawei’s Mate60 series. Although the price increase in the secondary market has basically leveled off, there are still some versions that can increase their prices. 5. 600 yuan. As for the newly released Nova, it has also played a certain role. With the help of the mid-end market, it will further promote the rapid growth of Huawei’s mobile phone sales.Zou Lanlan believes that the return of Huawei is expected to reshape the competitive pattern of the domestic mid-to-high-end mobile phone market and promote the industry to regain its vitality.

  According to the theme library of Cailian, among the relevant listed companies:

  The downstream products of the application are mainly touch module manufacturers, and the coverage of well-known terminal customers is achieved through well-known touch module manufacturers. The terminal brands include Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO, OPPO and so on.

  Paint products are mainly used in terminal brands such as HUAWEI, OPPO, 1+, Realme, Coolpad, Lenovo, Samsung, Motorola, Hisense, Voice and TCL.

Messi’s next challenge: wait another 6 years and win the Super Golden Globe Award! Real Madrid legend

The Golden Globe Festival was held in Chatelet Opera House. In the grand finale, Beckham stepped onto the stage and handed the Golden Globe Award to Messi personally. Messi, 36, won the eighth Golden Globe Award. For Messi, this is a well-deserved award-after winning the World Cup in 2022 and being crowned the MVP of the World Cup, the suspense of the Golden Globe Award has actually disappeared.

With eight Golden Globes in hand, Messi continued to expand his lead. C Ronaldo, one of the peerless double arrogance, won the Golden Globe Award five times in total. Platini, cruyff and Van Basten all won three prizes. For football players, the golden ball award symbolizes the supreme honor, and getting the golden ball means sealing the king; Messi with eight golden balls is undoubtedly Wang Zhongwang.

In front of Messi, there is nothing to conquer. If you really want to find one, the "Super Golden Globe Award" may be the award that Messi needs to wait for.

Golden Globe Awards

In the history of the Golden Globe Award in French Football, there was once a winner of the "Super Golden Globe Award": Di Stefano. In 1989, French Football wanted to select the best players for the past 30 years. At that time, six people entered the candidate:

Cruyff with three Golden Globes, Platini with three Golden Globes, Di Stefano with two Golden Globes, beckenbauer with two Golden Globes, Kevin Kevin Keegan with two Golden Globes and rummenigge with two Golden Globes.

Super Golden Globe Award

French Football invites readers and Golden Globe winners to select "the best player in 30 years", that is, the super Golden Globe winner. In the end, Real Madrid legend Di Stefano stood out and won the Super Golden Globe Award, with cruyff ranked second and Platini ranked third.

According to the plan of 30-year evaluation, the second Super Golden Globe winner in history should have been selected in 2019. However, due to unknown reasons, the selection of French Football was cancelled. "French Football" has confirmed that the second Super Golden Globe Award will be awarded at the Golden Globe Festival in 2029.

Who will win the Golden Globe Award after 6 years is unpredictable; But Messi won the Super Golden Globe Award, which is no suspense. From 1999 to 2029, Messi must be the first superstar in the world football, and no one can shake his position. In another six years, we can see the 42-year-old Messi win the Super Golden Globe Award-at that time, Messi may have hung up his boots.

All aircraft engines in China are imported? Super pilot tells you the inside story

  CCTV News:As the "crown jewel" of modern industry, aero-engine has always been a "heart disease" of China aviation industry. With the establishment of China’s 12th military enterprise in Beijing, Chinese people have high hopes for this aero-engine enterprise, hoping that it can achieve the same achievements as "two bombs and one satellite".

  Yesterday, the four-day air force aviation opening activity came to an end, and more than 20 military aircraft in the 34-type domestic weapons and equipment attracted national attention.

△ On September 2, 2016, the 2016 Changchun Aviation Open Day was held in the rain, in which a variety of air force active equipment such as H-6K, JL10, JL9 and Air Police 500 were unveiled.

△ On September 2, 2016, the 2016 Changchun Aviation Open Day was held in the rain, in which a variety of air force active equipment such as H-6K, JL10, JL9 and Air Police 500 were unveiled.

  At the same time, it also brings people cold thinking: what is the current localization ratio of the big country air force, which has a huge demand for aero-engine industry, and what level has it reached? How far are we from the aero-engine power?

  Guogui Wu Decryption: Localization has gone through the process of introduction, imitation, improvement and innovation.

  Guogui Wu, a 57-year-old special pilot of the Air Force, holds the rank of senior colonel. He used to be the captain of the Air Force Bayi Air Show Team and the deputy division commander of an Air Force Aviation Division, with 30 years of flying experience. As an old pilot with actual combat experience, and now a professor in the post-installation teaching and research department of National Defense University, he has unique insights in studying military high-tech, air force weapons and equipment, and equipment safety management.

  At present, what kind of level is the localization ratio and performance of aero-engines in China? Guogui Wu said in an interview that China has established an independent aero-engine industrial system in the process of industrialization, and the performance of imitation engines reached a very high level in the 1960s and 1970s.Among the main combat aircraft, domestic engines have accounted for about 90%.

  The so-called localization here refers to the process of introduction, imitation, improvement and innovation.Due to China’s weak industrial base, in order to meet the strong military demand for aero-engines, the Soviet Union’s aid and imported production methods were adopted. On the basis of the introduction and digestion of Soviet engine production technology, the model was improved, and the scale and serialization of domestic production were gradually realized, which basically met the needs of China’s air, land and sea aviation forces.

  In the 1960s and 1970s, the overall performance of aero-engines produced in China was not much different from the mainstream level in the world at that time. The fundamental difference was that the domestic engines were mainly imitations and modifications, and there was no engine that was completely independently developed and produced.

  "Not only do we have no independent intellectual property rights, but we also have no core technology." Guogui Wu said, therefore, in the 1980s and 1990s, when the aviation technology of the United States, Europe and Russia developed rapidly, and the third generation fighters were generally equipped with a new generation of turbofan engines, China was still "playing around" in the improvement of turbojet engines, hesitating on the road of introducing imitation and independent innovation, and the gap between China and the world’s advanced level was not large. Not only does the new generation of fighters lack the drive of advanced engines, but the engines in service also have some quality and safety hazards, which are called "heart disease" by Chinese people.

  Only a few third-generation aircraft of the main fighter are equipped with imported engines.

△FWS10 aero-engine is an advanced aero-turbofan engine designed and manufactured by China. It is installed on the domestic J -11 aircraft and can also be installed on the J -10 aircraft after modification. Now it has been mass-produced. It has become an ideal device for the third generation fighter in China.

  △FWS10 aero-engine is an advanced aero-turbofan engine designed and manufactured by China. It is installed on the domestic J -11 aircraft and can also be installed on the J -10 aircraft after modification. Now it has been mass-produced. It has become an ideal device for the third generation fighter in China.

  After 60 years of development, China has fighter planes, bombers, attack planes, transport planes and trainers.Systematize the aircraft production capacity of many types of aircraft. In line with this, a relatively complete engine development and production system has been established, which has the series development and production capacity of turboprop, turbojet, turbofan and turboshaft engines. Domestic engines are mainly assembled on fighter planes, fighter planes, bombers, fighter bombers and other main battle planes, and only a few third-generation fighters are equipped with imported engines.

  For example, domestic fighters such as J -5, J -6, J -7 and J -8 are adapted to corresponding domestic engines such as turbojet -5, turbojet -6 and turbojet -7. With the improvement of stability, safety and reliability of Taihang engine, it has been widely installed on three generations of fighters, such as J -11, J -15 and J -16.

  In terms of bombers, H -5 and H -6 realized the localization of engines. The turboprop engines used in Yun -7 and Yun -8 transport planes are all made in China.

  With the maturity of integral technologies such as Zhi -9, Zhi -8 and Zhi -10, the serial development of turboshaft -8, turboshaft -6 and turboshaft -16 engines has been realized on the basis of introduction, which provides a reliable power source for the rapidly expanding domestic helicopter fleet in China.

  At present, China’s aviation industry is in a stage from big to strong, from following up to catching up to developing on a par or even surpassing corners. Whether it is a new generation of military aircraft such as fighters, bombers, transport planes and drones, or large passenger planes and all kinds of general-purpose aircraft, there is an urgent need for strong and reliable driving of advanced engines. The sound and rapid development of aero-engines has become the proper meaning of the "Chinese Dream".

  Guogui Wu said frankly that the country has clearly regarded the engine as a major scientific and technological project in the medium and long-term scientific and technological development plan, and has made up its mind to concentrate manpower, material resources and financial resources to independently research and develop a series of new engines. Domestic aero-engines have entered an unprecedented fast lane of development. In this context, the establishment of China Aviation Engine Group can be said to have a long way to go.

  Development history of aero-engines in China

  Stage 1: imitation and improvement

  In 1950s, China aero-engine industry started from scratch and went through a road full of thorns. In 1956, China’s first turbojet -5 engine was successfully copied in Shenyang, and for a long time thereafter, China aero-engines were mainly copied and improved.

  Even if it is copied, it is not easy. Even if there is no operation manual, it is difficult to disassemble the aero-engine correctly. For example, there are many small holes on the leaves of several square meters and centimeters, and the location of the small holes is very particular, which is determined according to the recorded trend.

  Until 2002, when the domestic turbojet -14 "Kunlun" engine was finalized, China completed the whole process of self-development for the first time, and became the fifth aero-engine producer after the United States, Russia, Britain and France.

  Stage 2: successful localization by purchasing patents.

  The engine used in the flying leopard fighter is made in China and is called "Qinling", which is alsoIt is the first engine product in China that has been patented and successfully localized.

  From introduction to localization, it has experienced 30 years of industrial upgrading. In 1972, China contacted Britain to discuss the introduction of the civil turbofan engine from rolls royce. In 1974, during the negotiation, to our surprise, China directly obtained the patent of Spey military engine, which was a top product at that time.

  However, despite the patent, China’s new industrial materials and other technologies were too backward at that time. It was not until 2013 that this road of localization was completed, and it was equipped on the J-H -7 Flying Leopard fighter, and Flying Leopard became the only main fighter in China that completely got rid of its dependence on imported engines.

  Stage 3: Own independent intellectual property rights.

  In December 2005, turbofan -10, also known as "Taihang" engine, was successfully developed and became my engine.China’s first high-performance turbofan engine with independent intellectual property rights.

  The road to research and development of Taihang engine is also quite difficult. During the test flight, more than 200 technical problems and failures occurred successively. After hard work, the "Taihang" engine was finally equipped on the J -15 fighter and successfully made its first flight in 2012. On a group of J -20 equipment exposed at the beginning of this year, some military fans found that a J -20 was also equipped with an improved Taihang engine. Some military experts said that the "Taihang" engine can be directly equipped on the fourth generation fighter, which laid a good foundation for continuing to develop more advanced, mature and reliable engines in the future.

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State Press and Publication Administration: Strictly Check 40 Internet Obscene Pornography Novels

Information picture

  BEIJING: China’s General Administration of Press and Publication issued a notice on its official website, asking all localities to carry out in-depth administrative law enforcement activities against online pornographic information. Severely investigate and deal with online pornographic novels that disrupt the normal order of online publishing and endanger the physical and mental health of young people.

  In view of the recent publication of pornographic novels on some websites, the State General Administration of Press and Publication issued the Emergency Notice on Severely Investigating and Punishing Pornographic Novels on the Internet, requiring all localities to follow the principle of territorial management and "whoever is in charge is responsible", and to order relevant websites within their jurisdiction to immediately delete pornographic novels listed in the list and prohibit any websites from publishing, linking and disseminating relevant information. For websites that fail to delete obscene pornographic novels and related information as required, administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with relevant regulations.

  Websites that change their addresses to escape supervision should be tracked and searched in time, severely punished according to law, and if necessary, the website will be closed according to law. Cases suspected of committing crimes by publishing obscene pornographic novels and disseminating obscene pornographic information on the Internet should be promptly transferred to public security organs according to regulations.

  The full text of the notice is as follows:

  Severely investigating and dealing with harmful information such as internet obscenity and pornography is an inevitable requirement for building a harmonious socialist society and purifying the environment for the healthy growth of teenagers. It is also an important work of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" and Internet publishing management, and the central leadership attaches great importance to it. Recently, the General Administration of Press and Publication found that some domestic websites published novels with obscene and pornographic contents. The spread of these obscene pornographic novels has disturbed the normal order of online publishing and endangered the physical and mental health of the vast number of teenagers, and must be resolutely and severely investigated according to law. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  First, all localities and departments concerned should carry out in-depth administrative law enforcement activities on online obscene pornographic information in strict accordance with the deployment and requirements of the Work Plan of the Special Action against Internet Obscene Pornography by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Office of the National Working Group on Combating Pornography, and severely crack down on the use of the Internet to spread obscene pornographic information.

  Second, around the "anti-pornography and illegal publications" work leading group office to coordinate with relevant departments, in accordance with the principle of territorial management and "who is in charge, who is responsible", according to the "List of Forty Obscene Pornographic Online Novels" and "List of Domestic Websites Published with Obscene Pornographic Novels" published in this notice, ordered relevant websites within the jurisdiction to immediately delete the obscene pornographic novels listed in the list, and prohibited any websites from publishing, linking and disseminating relevant information.

  Third, the local press and publication administrative departments should strengthen the supervision of Internet publishing content within their respective jurisdictions, and impose administrative penalties on websites that fail to delete obscene pornographic novels and related information as required in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Publishing and the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Publishing. Websites that change their addresses to escape supervision should be tracked and searched in time and severely punished according to law. When necessary, inform the local public security network supervision, telecommunications management and other departments about the situation and close the website according to law.

  Four, the relevant departments of all localities should promptly transfer to the public security organs the cases of publishing obscene pornographic novels and spreading obscene pornographic information on the Internet, and cooperate with the investigation.

  Five, the local press and publication administrative departments and the office of the leading group for the work of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" before August 20, 2007, the local investigation and punishment of online pornographic novels were reported in writing to the General Administration of Press and Publication and the office of the national working group for "eliminating pornography and illegal publications". In case of important information and clues, they should report at any time.

Editor: Wang Yuxi

Xiamen continues to carry out beach protection and restoration to increase more pro-sea space.

Strolling along the beach and overlooking the sea is a pleasant leisure way for Xiamen people. The "Gold Coast" of more than 20 kilometers makes coastal tourism a "golden signboard" in Xiamen. The blue sea and silver beach is not only a gift from nature, but also from the local protection and restoration for many years.
"The beach is a valuable natural resource and plays an important role in ecological services, tourism and leisure, disaster prevention and mitigation." Cai Feng, director of the Third Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources, has been deeply involved in beach protection and restoration for nearly 30 years, leading the team to think of many ways and do a lot of work for the beaches in Xiamen.
According to reports, in the 1980s, due to natural and human factors, the beaches in Xiamen were damaged to varying degrees, and the beaches were eroded and the environment was messy. The common method of early coastal protection is to build hard revetment with riprap and reinforced concrete. Xiamen, on the other hand, follows the principle of "beach is suitable" to restore beaches, enhance coastal protection capacity and carry out systematic protection and restoration of beaches.
"In order to achieve’ retention, no mud, no sand’, we have carried out research and development on beach restoration technology, integrated and formed a technical system, and formulated four industry standards." Cai Feng said that the development of beach protection and restoration has effectively maintained the health of the beach ecosystem and provided a strong guarantee for the sustainable use of beaches and the improvement of the use function of coastal waters.
Since 2007, Xiamen has successively completed the protection and restoration of many beaches such as Guanyin Mountain, Convention and Exhibition Center and Gulangyu Island, with a cumulative restoration area of 1.65 million square meters. Ke Yuzong, director of Xiamen Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, introduced that the beach protection and restoration is based on Xiamen’s natural characteristics, combined with the sea area use planning, and comprehensively considered the feasibility from the perspective of land and sea planning, which restored the natural form, landform and vegetation units of the coastline to the greatest extent, improved the ability of disaster prevention and mitigation, and restored and improved the ecological function.
Guanyinshan Beach, with an area of 400,000 square meters, is the first landmark beach protection and restoration project in Xiamen. With soft and delicate sand and beautiful coastline, it is a popular tourist destination for tourists. In the process of protection and restoration, Xiamen insists on leaving the most beautiful coastline to the people. The total beach area of the city is 2.4 million square meters, which adds more sea-friendly space for citizens and tourists. Xiamen organically combines sports, culture, tourism and leisure facilities, and organizes beach football matches, beach culture festivals and other activities. The once dirty beach has become a scenic beach and an activity area for cultural and sports events.
In recent years, Xiamen has continuously strengthened cooperation with scientific research institutes in beach protection and restoration, increased investment in scientific research and development, and carried out basic and applied scientific research on beach conservation. Together with the Third Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources and other units, a number of industry standards have been compiled and approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources, which has become an important support for scientific and standardized beach maintenance and restoration projects. Related technologies have been gradually extended to Guangdong, Hainan and other provinces, and have also been applied to coastal protection projects in countries such as Thailand and Sri Lanka where the Belt and Road Initiative is jointly built.

Special Feature: Finding the Way in the Changing Situation —— Review of the International Situation in 2019

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19th Special feature: Finding the way in the changing situation — — Review of the International Situation in 2019

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Ban Wei

  In 2019, the second decade of the 21st century is coming to an end.

  This year, the world was full of chaos and challenges: the game between big countries intensified, the governance deficit increased, and the world economy continued to slump. The characteristics of the accelerated evolution of the "great change in a hundred years" are more obvious: the dispute between multilateralism and unilateralism is more acute, protectionism and populism are surging against the current, and power politics and bullying are rampant everywhere.

  This year, globalization and multipolarization are still moving forward with heavy burdens in twists and turns, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is emerging. More and more countries are seriously thinking about what choices should be made in the contest between cooperation and confrontation, multilateralism and unilateralism, and openness and closure.

  The Sound and the Fury

  The change of the "2019 edition" shows that the game between big countries has obviously warmed up.

  Near the end of the year, NATO held a "70th birthday party". However, American leaders repeatedly complained that "NATO is out of date", demanded NATO member countries to substantially increase their military spending, and called the EU an "enemy" of trade. France said that NATO experienced "brain death" and so on, which made the party "play inharmony", and the wrestling of all parties increased. NATO tasted the birthday cake with "trust deficit".

  The German newspaper Le Monde said: "NATO is now threatened from within." Gusev, director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Planning and Forecasting, said: "The complicated relationship between the United States and NATO allies complicates the current international relations."

  This is the latest epitome of the widening rift in traditional relations in western countries. In one year, the G-7 held a summit, but only issued a "one-page statement" that lacked substance, highlighting internal differences and weak influence. As the world’s largest economy, the United States has repeatedly opened new fronts in the global trade war. After announcing the imposition of tariffs on EU aviation and agricultural goods, it plans to retaliate against French digital tax … …

  During the past year, Russia hoped that Russia-US relations would return to normal, but frankly this situation has not yet appeared, and relations with the United States are "regressing and getting worse and worse". Although Russia and Europe have released in good faith from time to time, improving relations is facing challenges. Japan’s Diplomatic magazine said that "cold peace" seems to be becoming the new normal of bilateral relations.

  The change of the "2019 edition" shows that anxiety, tearing and chaos are staged in many parts of the world, and the uncertainty is further increased.

  Political struggles in Latin American countries have intensified, and governance problems have become prominent; The confrontation between Iran and the West and the Syrian conflict are intertwined, which intensifies the turmoil in the Middle East and presents a peace deficit. Britain’s "Brexit" has been delayed for a long time, revealing social tears and institutional difficulties; The United States continues to "retreat from the group" and tries to make the United States "great again" through unilateralism and protectionism, which has impacted the international order.

  The change of the "2019 edition" is also manifested in the continued downturn of the world economy. Georgieva, the new managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said that trade disputes, Britain’s "Brexit" and the uncertainties brought about by geopolitical tensions are inhibiting the global economic growth potential. IMF predicts that the global economic growth this year will be the lowest since the international financial crisis in 2008.

  The sunshine behind the dark clouds

  In the changing world, people can still touch the development force in the deep dive. The light coming out of the clouds still indicates the general trend of global development.

  In the face of changes, "everyone is also looking for new alternatives and ways out." Zheng Yongnian, a professor at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore, pointed out that it is a general trend for more countries to jointly promote multilateralism while some western powers are pursuing economic nationalism and unilateralism.

  This year, in the face of counter-current, globalization is making efforts to take new steps. On November 4th, the Third Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) leaders’ meeting issued a joint statement, announcing that the 15 member countries had concluded all text negotiations and virtually all market access negotiations. The publication of the joint statement marks a major breakthrough in the construction of the East Asia Free Trade Area with the largest population, the largest membership structure and the greatest development potential in the world, highlighting that multilateralism and free trade are still the mainstream in the world.

  Yu Jie, a senior researcher at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, believes that the breakthrough in RCEP negotiations plays an exemplary role in solving the development problem of economic globalization and sets an example for developing countries to seek the right to speak in global governance.

  Earlier, the construction of a free trade area on the African continent was officially launched, and the "marathon" negotiations between MERCOSUR and the EU Free Trade Agreement finally came to fruition. Today, with the increasing downside risks of the world economy, more and more countries realize the importance of maintaining free trade and a rules-based multilateral trading system for hedging risks and seeking growth.

  This year, the world saw the trend of the continuous development of multipolarization. In the great changes, emerging markets and developing countries, represented by BRICS countries, are constantly rising, which has injected strong impetus into the reform of the global economic governance system and effectively promoted the process of world multipolarization.

  This year, the world saw that a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation was emerging. The limit of growth has always been a haze lingering over the development of human society. Nowadays, people are increasingly seeing the bright future of innovation-driven solution to the development difficulties.

  In the past year, the world began to enter the stage of 5G commercial deployment, and the transformation of old and new kinetic energy accelerated; AI intelligence in all fields has provided a broad blue ocean for economic development; New breakthroughs have been made in quantum computing, and its prospects are limitless. The new scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation have provided more opportunities for countries to achieve leap-forward development, and also made it an inevitable logic for countries to increasingly blend interests, share common destiny and win-win cooperation.













Yuan Longping’s sports life: he loves swimming and playing volleyball, and won the swimming championship in Wuhan.

"In order not to be bullied by others, the country must be strong." Yuan Longping has closely linked his personal future with the national interests since he was a child. Before becoming an agronomist, he once thought about joining the army to serve the country and had the dream of saving the country through sports. Throughout his life, Yuan Longping was a sports enthusiast, once won the swimming championship in Wuhan, loved playing volleyball and even refused to join the senior team. And sports also gave Yuan Longping a strong body, so that he can still appear in the fields at the age of 90.
In an interview, when asked how to maintain a good physical and mental state in scientific research, Yuan Longping gave a simple answer-sports. "Sports are beneficial in all aspects and have a role. As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution, and a good body is also the basis for all work."
Yuan Longping once proudly told reporters: "I liked to exercise when I was young, and the swimming competition was the first in Wuhan!"
As early as during the Anti-Japanese War, Yuan Longping, who was only 8 years old, accidentally fell into the water on his way from Hankou to Taoyuan County, Hunan Province with his parents. Fortunately, he was rescued by an old boatman in time. From that day on, young Yuan Longping was determined to learn to swim, even to save people in the water.
After school, Yuan Longping exchanged skills with a master swimmer, and Yuan Longping was responsible for teaching him to solve math problems, in exchange for swimming teaching. According to the memories of Yuan Longping’s classmates at that time, Yuan Longping learned to swim quickly, and he was able to swim across the Yangtze River in only one year, so that when he was young, he went to the other side of the river to watch movies. In order to save money, he almost never took a boat, but swam with his clothes on his head and put them on.
Since the age of 16, Yuan Longping has been a great swimmer in Wuhan No.4 Middle School. He has won the swimming champion in Wuhan, the runner-up in the 100-meter freestyle in Hubei Province and the swimming champion after entering Southwest Agricultural College.
Because of his superb swimming skills, Yuan Longping once went to Chengdu to participate in the competition on behalf of East Sichuan, but he only finished fourth because of his bad stomach. The top three players were all selected into the national team, which may make China lose a swimmer, but make China gain a world-renowned hybrid rice expert.
After work, Yuan Longping insisted on swimming wherever there was water, whether in Yuanshui, near Anjiang Agricultural School, the seaside natural swimming pool on Hainan Island, or Xiangjiang River near the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This habit persisted until he was 70 years old.
In an interview during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Yuan Longping even joked: "Phelps won the gold medal in Beijing and broke the record, but if I go to the competition, maybe he will not be so relaxed!"
Besides keen on swimming, Yuan Longping also loves playing volleyball. There is a volleyball court in front of his residence in Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. As long as the weather is good, he often appears on the court after dinner and plays soft volleyball with the retired staff of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
However, due to his age, Yuan Lao himself felt: "I am playing volleyball everyday now, but I am too old to play."
Yuan Longping also served as honorary chairman of Hunan Volleyball Association, during which he personally kicked off a number of public welfare activities. In 2011, he went to Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences for academic exchange and led a team to play a volleyball friendly match.
Yuan Longping also regards scientific research in the field as a good way to exercise. He believes that working in the fields can breathe fresh air and fully enjoy the sun, which is beneficial to health.
Tap dancing is another specialty of Yuan Longping, and he likes it for a simple reason. "That kind of dance is fast-paced, free and free, and the mood can be relaxed very well." Doing broadcast gymnastics every morning is a sport that the elderly can’t shake.
Except for a little gastritis, Yuan Longping has always been in good health. For this reason, Yuan Longping often said that he has an age of 80, a body of 50, a heart of 30 and a muscle of 20. It is precisely because of years of exercise that in 2008, at the age of 78, he was elected as the No.001 torchbearer of the Beijing Olympic Games.
When it comes to physical strength, Yuan Lao himself is full of confidence. "I like to play sports and run a distance. Physical strength should be affordable."
The staff next to Yuan Longping said: "Academician Yuan can become an Olympic torchbearer, not because of his social status, but more because of an old man’s long-term love and persistence in sports."
On New Year’s Day in 2020, 90-year-old Yuan Longping also sent a message to young people: Pay attention to your health, and exercise more in 2020, and you will be healthy. Just like 90-year-old Yuan Lao said to himself, "This is the real post-90s generation".
Upstream News chongqing morning post reporter Tang Hao