The controversial part of the article "Multinational Women Want to Marry in China" has been deleted.

  Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean women all want to marry in China?

  After "Chinese businessmen are hard to find" and "many countries are eager to return to China", the articles of WeChat WeChat official account and Sohu series of "Women from many countries want to marry in China" attract people’s attention.

  Some netizens joked, "Women all over the world actually have the same dream, that is, to marry China."

  On April 25th, The Paper searched with the keyword "Everyone wants to marry in China", and nearly 100 articles about "All women in a certain country want to marry in China" were retrieved on the WeChat article retrieval page. The titles of the articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman, I want to marry in China" and "Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China?" "Beautiful Korean girls, why many people want to marry in China" and so on. Searching on Baidu with the same keywords, there are 28500000 related information on the webpage and 452000 related contents on the information page.

  Different from the previous cloned articles on "It’s too difficult for Chinese businessmen", there is no obvious phenomenon of copying and applying copywriting in the content narration of the articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", but their narrative theme is "Women from so-and-so countries want to marry in China".

  In response to the WeChat official account series of WeChat articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", the public relations of WeChat team told The Paper that similar articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China" are different in nature from the malicious marketing WeChat WeChat official account articles. "More than 30 articles retrieved by WeChat backstage are similar in content, but only similar views are expressed differently".

  On April 17, the WeChat team responded to the series of illegal articles, saying that WeChat has been actively cleaning up similar articles that use epidemic marketing, fabricate and integrate false information, and incite public sentiment. From January 1 ST to April 16 th, WeChat platform deleted about 9,000 articles suspected of exaggerating and misleading, restricted the ability or banned 2,500 WeChat official account; 6,915 articles on rumors were deleted, and 20,000 articles were restricted in ability or titles.

  Among them, there are articles with more than 10,000+readings.

  The title of the article includes North Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries Source: WeChat screenshot

  How is the series of articles "A woman from a certain country wants to marry China" produced?

  The Paper found on the WeChat public account and Baidu page that the titles of such articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China." "Many Japanese women want to marry in China. Why?" "Why are North Korean girls crazy about marrying China?" "Blessed are single men. Women all over the world want to marry in China." "Vietnamese girls want to marry in China? They said: "Compared with Japan, being a daughter-in-law in China is really so happy!" "Vietnamese women want to marry in China? It is best not to marry, and experts suggest that it is best to marry Cambodian women.

  The countries mentioned in these articles include North Korea, Ukraine, India, Vietnam, South Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Japan, Nepal and Mongolia.

  How are these articles produced?

  The Paper selected articles with a reading of over 10,000, and found that the contents of the articles mostly narrated the benefits of foreign women marrying in China.

  In three of them, I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry in China, Japanese girls want to marry in China, and why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? Taking China as an example, the main point of the article is to tell that foreign women married to China because of its good environment and high per capita GDP. After marrying in China, China’s wife will get a house, her husband will take the initiative to do housework, and her in-laws will help. In addition, from the perspective of history and humanities, it is not unusual for Vietnamese, Japanese, Mongolian and other countries to intermarry with China.

  "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" Similar article Source: WeChat screenshot

  For example, in Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? In the article, it is mentioned at the beginning of the article that "the main reason is that Mongolia is too poor, and the most important thing is that Mongolia’s fertility rate is negative, … … The country’s current per capita GDP is about 1000 US dollars, and the gap between the rich and the poor is very large. "

  This paper argues that the advantages of Mongolian beauties marrying in China are: the environment in China is better than that in Mongolia, there are more women than men in China, and the quality of men in China is generally higher than that in Mongolia.

  Finally, the article concludes that Mongolia will regain its glory when a beautiful Mongolian woman marries China.

  WeChat article "Why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China" Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that the article was published on March 2, and the account number was "Historical Heritage". The account profile stated "Interesting historical story, folk unofficial history, democratic analysis, telling the past". The main company of the account number was Hefei Downs Household Products Co., Ltd., and the account number was certified and opened on November 14, 2018.

  On April 16th, The Paper called the account entity company about this article, but it was not connected.

  Hundreds of articles on WeChat public accounts, most of which are individuals.

  The Paper found from nearly 155 articles retrieved from the WeChat public account that these articles were published from different WeChat official account, including the personal account "Peach Notes" to promote the "Sex World Revival Plan", and the tourism consulting service number "Taozui Neon" to promote "Travel around Japan". Its account main body is Shanghai Taozui Neon Network Technology Co., Ltd., and there is also a history that claims to tell "interesting historical stories, folk unofficial history and telling the ancient road today". The main body of this kind of WeChat public account is mostly displayed as an individual, and the time of publishing articles can be retrieved from 2017 to April 2020.

  Japanese girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" published by this kind of WeChat public account article has the same theme and slightly deviated expression.

  Take the article "I finally understand why Korean women would rather be single in their own country than marry in China" published on March 27th by the WeChat public account of Changsha Yangyujin Network Technology Co., Ltd., as an example. The writing is similar to the previous article, and it is mentioned at the beginning that the fertility rate in South Korea fell below 1% in 2018. Korean women choose to marry in China on the one hand because South Korea and China have similar cultures, and on the other hand, because China has done a better job of equality between men and women.

  The Paper found that the WeChat public account was registered on December 9, 2018. Prior to this, on April 16, The Paper called the account entity company for this article, but it was not connected.

  Korean girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  Another account shows an individual as the main body. For example, the article "Beautiful Korean Girls, Why Do Many Want to Marry in China" published on May 6, 2019 by Wechat WeChat official account Visual Korea with the registration time of February 1, 2020 also mentions that North Korea is poor and backward in everyone’s impression, and it is still in the 1970s and 1980s in China. North Korean girls have a soft spot for China men, and many North Korean girls want to marry in China.

  Some articles have been deleted.

  As of 20: 40 on 16th, The Paper found that some articles about "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" had been deleted. For example, the current page of "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" is displayed as "This content cannot be viewed due to violation of regulations".

  Previously, the page "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" has been deleted. Source: WeChat screenshot.

  "Beautiful Korean girls, why do many people want to marry in China" published by WeChat official account’s WeChat "Visual Korea", whose account subject is an individual, has also been deleted.

  Why do Korean women want to marry in China? They can’t find the source: WeChat screenshot.

  However, with the keyword "Korean girl, want to marry to China", there are still related WeChat posts in WeChat official account.

  For example, on January 8, 2017, the WeChat public account "Oumeidi Xuefu", whose account body is displayed as an individual, posted "Why do North Korean girls want to marry China crazily?" At the beginning of the article, it was written in a similar way that North Korea’s national conditions are poor, and most North Korean girls are not bad-looking, hardworking and filial to their parents. They are married to China and prefer to live here than their own country.

  The Paper inquired about Article 4.11 of the Operating Specification of WeChat Public Platform, which showed that the incited, exaggerated and misleading content of WeChat platform included "false or exaggerated content of the title involving domestic and foreign politics, military affairs, economic fields and national policies" and "the title is described in an exaggerated way, thus inciting people to do something" and so on. For WeChat official account who has a minor violation, (WeChat) will deal with its name, avatar, function introduction, graphic message and other violations; If the circumstances are serious, the functions of group sending, attention, sharing, search, etc. of the account will be restricted, or the use of the account will be directly restricted.

  The Paper previously reported that in the past two months, there have been many articles entitled "A certain country under the epidemic: it is too difficult for Chinese businessmen to close their shops!" The content of the article in WeChat official account on WeChat "XX country longs to return to China" is exactly the same. More than 60 WeChat WeChat official account posts the same titles and articles in batches, such as Palm Switzerland, Palm Belarus, Palm India and Palm Dublin. After telling the plight of foreign epidemic in Chinese, WeChat official account, entitled "Information about the latest car", published nearly 30 articles entitled "Why does a certain country yearn to return to China" and "Why does a country go out independently from China".

  On April 3rd, The Paper learned from Fuzhou Public Security Bureau that Xue Mou, a manager of WeChat official account who published many false news about "Chinese businessmen are too difficult", had been taken criminal compulsory measures by the police. After arriving at the case, Xue admitted that the relevant articles were all fabricated by him, in order to increase the reading volume and increase the powder in order to make a profit. As for the article "Many countries are eager to return to China", on the evening of April 15th, WeChat responded exclusively to The Paper that such articles were exaggerated and misleading. At present, WeChat has deleted 227 illegal articles "XX countries (or regions) are eager to return to China" and blocked 153 public accounts.

China Consumers Association and China Tea Association: Advocating moderate tea packaging to promote green and civilized consumption.

  China Consumers Association and China Tea Circulation Association jointly issued a proposal today to advocate moderate tea packaging and promote green and civilized consumption.

  "Tea is the national drink". China is the hometown of tea and has a profound tea drinking culture. Tea and tea culture have become a beautiful business card of China in the world. In recent years, the tea industry has developed by leaps and bounds. More categories and brands of tea have entered the consumer market, deeply integrated into the lives of China people, and improved the quality of life of consumers in China. However, there have also been some excessive luxury and extravagance in the packaging of tea products, which has damaged the rights and interests of consumers, affected the image of the tea industry and is not conducive to its healthy development.

  On September 1, 2023, "Restricting Over-packaging of Commodities Requires Food and Cosmetics" will be fully implemented. In terms of consumers’ rights and interests, the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests also stipulates that "the state advocates civilized, healthy, resource-saving and environmental-friendly consumption patterns and opposes waste". It has become the consensus of all walks of life, including operators and consumers, that "it is the duty of operators to practise economy and consumers to oppose waste". The recent consumer perception survey conducted by China Consumers Association shows that consumers have concentrated on the problem of over-packaging of tea, and hope that the tea industry will set an example in eliminating over-packaging and promoting green and civilized consumption.

  China Consumers Association and China Tea Circulation Association, starting from opposing excessive packaging of tea, jointly issued an initiative of "advocating moderate packaging of tea and promoting green and civilized consumption" to the majority of operators and consumers in line with the principle of laying equal stress on standardizing the production of tea products according to law and promoting the development of tea industry to meet the needs of consumers.

  First, strictly abide by state regulations and resolutely operate according to law.

  Tea business operators shall abide by the Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Law on Promotion of Circular Economy, the Law on Promotion of Cleaner Production, the Law on Anti-unfair Competition, the Advertising Law, the Food and Cosmetics for Restricting Overpackaging of Commodities, and other laws and national standards, and produce according to the standards according to law. Conscientiously carry out self-inspection and self-inspection, implement, use and meet the standards as soon as possible, ensure that the rectification is in place when the standards are implemented, and promote the return of tea products to the attributes of the goods themselves. For goods with accessories, accessories, etc., we should make reasonable combinations according to law in accordance with the necessary principles, and do not play "edge ball", so there is no luck.

  Second, fair competition and respect for consumer rights and interests

  Respect the rights and interests given to consumers by the Consumer Protection Law. By standardizing commodity packaging, scientific pricing and reasonable marketing, we will provide consumers with quality and affordable products. According to the principle of plain code and real price, the accessories and accessories are marked separately, so that consumers can choose independently. Consciously resist using commodity packaging as a gimmick to induce or mislead consumers to make purchases. Respect consumers’ rights such as the right to know, the right to choose independently and the right to fair trade. Do not use excessive packaging for unfair competition, and do not harm the legitimate rights and interests of other operators.

  Third, promote frugality and promote green consumption

  Tea operators should firmly establish the concepts of "safety, practicality, resource conservation, green simplicity and consumer friendliness" and promote frugality. Actively explore the establishment of packaging recycling mechanism, adhere to the principle of combining source management with end management, and advocate a new concept of simple but not simple commodity packaging. Continuously improve product innovation research and development capabilities and production technology level, and provide consumers with more categories and specifications of healthy and nutritious tea products. In terms of tea packaging, according to the requirements of different tea categories, brands, varieties and quality, the packaging materials should be appropriate, the structure should be optimized, the materials used should be moderate, harmless processing and green production should be achieved. Advocate tea operators to publicize information such as energy efficiency, water efficiency, environmental performance and carbon emission in the whole production chain of tea raw material production, processing and packaging for consumers’ choice and social supervision.

  Four, industry self-discipline, sharing scientific and technological achievements

  Tea operators should fully understand the importance and urgency of opposing waste, especially over-packaging, and take opposing waste, especially over-packaging, as an important criterion for cooperative product selection. The tea industry should cooperate in unifying product standards and promoting common accessories, and reach a consensus to jointly reduce the waste of repeated purchases by consumers due to inconsistent product specifications and standards. Actively develop and use new packaging materials that are conducive to resource conservation, actively promote new technologies, new designs and new processes that meet the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, and actively adopt recyclable, easy-to-handle, degradable and reusable packaging. Encourage tea operators to open to the outside world the standards, patents and process formulas that are conducive to the production of green and low-carbon products for other operators to use in order to enhance social benefits.

  Five, strengthen scientific guidance and promote rational consumption.

  Advocate tea operators to humanize product packaging, improve the proportion of new packaging and simple packaging, reduce the volume and weight of packaging, save packaging costs, and be "law-abiding", "advocate", "innovator" and "sharer" to resist excessive packaging of tea. Advocate consumers to establish a scientific and rational consumption concept, try to buy and choose resource-saving products, and be pioneers, practitioners, propagandists and supervisors against excessive packaging of tea. Appeal to consumers to consciously choose simple and moderate packaging products when visiting relatives and friends, and refuse to pay for excessive packaging; Try to bring your own shopping bag when shopping to reduce the consumption and pollution of packaging. At the same time, we will take the initiative to complain and report the waste behavior that violates the national standard of excessive packaging of tea in consumption, and jointly promote the formation of a lifestyle and consumption pattern that saves resources and protects the environment.

  (CCTV reporter Wang Wei)

On New Year’s Day holiday, traveling "blossomed more", and the consumption of cultural tourism in various places was full of vitality and enthusiasm.

  CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the tourism markets around the country are heating up. Let’s follow the reporter’s lens and see the different tourism modes in the north and south during this holiday.

  During the New Year’s Day holiday in 2024, various scenic spots in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province have carefully planned a series of special cultural tourism projects for the New Year’s Day holiday. Visitors can make good wishes for the New Year in the picturesque mood of Jiangnan water town. You can also attend the New Year’s bonfire party to welcome the coming New Year together.

  In Liaoyuan, Jilin Province, the city was lit up by bright lights just after nightfall. China’s traditional elements are integrated with ice and snow, and a large-scale night tour ice and snow theme park is launched, attracting many tourists to experience the charm of ice and snow in an immersive way. In the 30,000-square-meter ice and snow theme park, there are not only snow sculpture, which has more than 10,000 Ma Benteng and other China festival elements, but also crystal clear and colorful ice sculptures. The park also set up a dynamic and colorful stage on the snow to guide tourists to interact together.

  In Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places, a variety of activities have also been held to enrich the holiday experience of citizens and tourists.

  Xianyang, Shaanxi: Feel the Beauty of Folk Music in the New Year Concert

  On December 29th, the 2024 New Year Concert in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province was staged wonderfully. Auspicious and festive melodies and drums played hand in hand, igniting the atmosphere of the audience. Nearly a thousand spectators at the scene felt the beauty of folk music in the flowing notes.

  Jiang ‘an, Sichuan: Making red lanterns to celebrate the New Year.

  In Jiang ‘an, Sichuan, everyone walked into the museum and experienced making handmade lanterns. Under the guidance of volunteers, parents and children stuck lantern paper, inserted lanterns and pasted flowers. Soon, handmade lanterns with New Year elements appeared in front of them.

  During the New Year holiday, scenic spots and hotels in Fujian and Guangxi ushered in a small peak of passenger flow. Let’s watch together.

  In Xiamen, Fujian, various sailing and yacht projects set off a wave of water sports. The little sail shadow fluctuates with the waves, and the motorboat "dazzles and pulls flowers" on the sea. Not far from the shore, canoeing, paddling and other water sports attract tourists of all ages to experience.

  During the New Year’s Day holiday, nearly 1,000 tourists come to Xiamen’s major docks to experience water sports every day. At the same time, water sports have also driven the passenger flow of surrounding scenic spots and the hot sale of water equipment, continuously extending the tourism industry chain and tapping the consumption potential.

  On New Year’s Day holiday, the weather in Nanning, Guangxi is comfortable and pleasant, attracting many foreign tourists to visit, and the local hotel room reservation is hot.

  During the New Year’s Day, the catering market in Nanning was also hot. In addition to traditional round-table dinners, some hotels have launched family-style buffets, which are welcomed by many consumers.

  Chengdu, Sichuan: On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, Chengdu’s tourism is surging.

  On the first day of the New Year holiday, Qingchengshan-Dujiangyan Scenic Area received more than 28,000 tourists. During the holiday of New Year’s Day, Chengdu Kuanzhai Lane Scenic Area joined hands with "Music" to create a street concert, and launched the mobile phone photography unit exhibition of Chengdu International Photography Week, which received a total of 149,000 visitors on the 30th. Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum and Cultural Relics District are as hot as Jinli Historical and Cultural District, with a total of 54,309 visitors.

  Shaanxi: Many scenic spots usher in the peak of passenger flow.

  Relying on high-quality cultural resources, various scenic spots in Shaanxi optimize the supply of tourism products, and launch boutique tourist routes and immersive experience scenes to meet the diversified consumption needs of cultural tourism. Datang City, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, launched a one-stop punch card for food, cultural creation and performing arts to meet the diverse experiences of tourists. On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, as of 8: 00 pm, Datang City that Never sleeps received more than 200,000 domestic and foreign tourists.

  Huaqing Palace Scenic Area launched the activities of "free tickets for wearing Chinese clothes" and "free tickets for reciting Song of Eternal Sorrow", and the tourism mode of "palace culture+immersive scene", allowing visitors to experience the collision between history and modernity. On December 30th, nearly 30,000 tourists were received.

  This year, the Museum of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, a world cultural heritage, received more than 11 million visitors for the first time. On December 30th, the Qin Mausoleum Museum received more than 33,000 domestic and foreign tourists to watch the Terracotta Warriors.

Merry Christmas in 2021, a beautiful greeting, a collection of words about Merry Christmas in 2021.

"This article is from Minnan. com"
Christmas is another year. Chinese people still like this festival very much. On Christmas Eve, they will also send apples to each other. Of course, Christmas will also send gifts to each other and warm Christmas wishes. The following Minnan Net ( Xiaobian brings: A collection of beautiful wishes for a Merry Christmas in 2021.
Merry Christmas in 2021: a beautiful message.
Dear, although I can’t spend our first Christmas with you, I still want to send you my deep blessing, wishing you a more beautiful tomorrow.
2. Warm greetings and sincere wishes. May happiness always accompany you, and may you have full hopes of happy harvest, which will overflow in this new year.
3. Your peace is my wish, your sincerity is my happiness, and my gift to you is my lifelong blessing! Merry Christmas!
4. It’s another festive season. The University of Hong Kong wishes you a Merry Christmas! May all the troubles dissipate and all the dreams come true. No matter where you are, HKU is always with you!
5. The warm atmosphere of Christmas Eve: the moonlight, the bell, the shadow and my little blessing; It conveys the holiday message: Merry Christmas!
6. Christmas is coming again. Think that there is nothing for you, and I don’t intend to give you too much. I only give you 50 million: be happy! Be healthy! Be safe! Be content! Don’t forget me!
7. The bell rang in my ears, and gradually became clear with my memory; Snowflakes fall in my palm, and gradually blur with a smile; The law of happiness falls in your palm. Who will comfort you? I will accompany you on Christmas night.
8. Which courier company does Santa Claus come from? I have waited for ten years and didn’t arrive. I want to give a bad review.
9. Have you ever seen a sand dune wrapped in silver? Dune Christmas tips: Cedar, bonfire, barbecue, and companions who play together can’t be less! Merry Christmas to everyone ~
10. It’s cold and snowy, the night is long, a pot of warm wine, and I wish you all a Merry Christmas ~
Merry Christmas 2021 collection of talks
1. If one day you are put in a bag by Santa Claus, don’t worry, because you are the Christmas present I want.
2. In a blink of an eye, it’s Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. At this moment, may all your unhappiness disappear, and the future days will be safe and happy forever. Merry Christmas and be safe!
3. As Christmas approaches, I want to send my sincere and sincere wishes to you. May your love be full, your career be smooth and beneficial, your life be perfect and beautiful, your mood be sweet, your family love and happiness last forever!
Today, I am the messenger of Christmas Eve, and I send all my best wishes to you. You must seriously accept the happiness I gave you. I hope you will be so happy every day!
5. There is something in the world called love, which is born in attraction and harmonious in sublimation. One of your friends is you, knowing by accident and ending in eternity. My friend sent me my deep blessing on the occasion of Christmas!
6. The dust of the years has not diminished the hard work of missing. May your life be relaxed everywhere, accompanied by the most beautiful happiness, and I wish you a merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, dear. Do you know who I am? This question may not be important to you, but it cares about me.
8. Hello, Santa Claus. I’ve warmed the bed. You can tuck the person I like into my bed. Thank you.
9. Love is silent and love is eternal. Christmas with flying snow, baby, our hearts are embracing each other!
10. Bai Xueer flutters and deer bells knock, and the sweet Christmas Eve comes again. What a wonderful Christmas! Love is silent, love is eternal, dear, merry Christmas!
The above is the whole content. For more exciting, please continue to pay attention to Xiaobian.

Good morning world | Suspected hacker attack, 60% of gas stations in Iran shut down.

Global focus

On December 18, 2023, in Tehran, Iran, vehicles lined up outside a gas station in Tehran, Iran.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, on December 18, vehicles refueled in a gas station in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, due to hacking, the gas station stopped serving.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Shana News Agency, a subsidiary of Iran’s Ministry of Oil, said that the fuel supply of some gas stations in Iran was temporarily stopped on December 18 due to technical problems.

According to Israeli media reports on December 18th, a hacker group "once associated with Israel" claimed to have attacked Iran’s gas station system. This hacker group previously claimed that at the end of 2021, it launched cyber attacks against Iran’s gas stations, railway systems and steel mills. The organization posted on social media on December 18 that they launched cyber attacks against Iran again that day, which led to the paralysis of most gas stations across Iran.

On December 18, 2023, in Tehran, Iran, cars lined up outside the gas station.

On December 18, 2023, in Tehran, Iran, motorcycles waited for refueling outside a gas station in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

Jalil As-Sarari, deputy minister of Iran’s Oil Ministry and CEO of Iran’s National Refining and Marketing Company, said in an interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network that 60% of Iran’s gas stations have cut off fuel supply due to problems in the point-of-sale system and online payment function. He promised that all gas stations would resume supply that night.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, due to hacking, the gas station stopped serving.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, the closed gas station was filmed in Tehran, Iran.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, on December 18, vehicles refueled in a gas station in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

Global overview

The flood level in Queensland, Australia continues to rise and the airport is closed again.

On December 18th, 2023, local time, the flood disaster was shot at Cairns Airport in Queensland, Australia.

On December 18, 2023, local time, at Cairns Airport, Queensland, Australia, the vehicle was soaked in the rising flood.

According to Xinhua News Agency on December 18th, Queensland suffered the biggest flood on record, with serious water accumulation at the local Cairns International Airport, and some planes on the runway were flooded.

According to the Australian Meteorological Administration, on December 18th, local time, the flood levels in Cairns and Port Douglas in Queensland continued to rise. In the past 40 hours, the local rainfall has exceeded 600 mm, of which 307 mm was recorded locally in the past 24 hours.

Local time December 18, 2023, Queensland, Australia, residents affected by floods.

According to statistics, from the night of 17th to the early morning of 18th, the emergency department of Queensland conducted about 300 times to assist in rescue. Cairns, a famous tourist city, has been besieged by the once-in-a-century flood, and residents of several surrounding towns have been evacuated. At present, the local airport has been closed and all international and domestic flights have been cancelled.

On December 18, 2023, local time, a highway collapsed in Queensland, Australia.

On December 18, 2023, local time, in Cairns, Queensland, Australia, residents moved by boat.

The explosion of the oil depot in Guinea’s capital has killed 13 people.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Conakry, Guinea, the scene of the fuel warehouse fire.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Conakry, Guinea, the scene of the fuel warehouse fire.

According to Xinhua News Agency, a large fuel warehouse in Conakry exploded in the early morning of the 18th, causing a fire, and a large number of buildings and vehicles were burned. After the explosion, relevant professional organizations immediately put into rescue work to control the fire and minimize losses.

The explosion in the fuel warehouse has killed 13 people and injured more than 170 others. Most of the injured people have been sent to hospital, and 89 of them were discharged after receiving treatment.

On December 18, 2023, in Conakry, Guinea, residents watched the burning oil depot billow smoke.

On December 18, 2023, local time, in Conakry, Guinea, a fire broke out at the fuel warehouse, and flames rose at the scene.

Guinea’s transitional government issued a statement saying that all public and private sector workers in Conakry will remain at home except the national defense and security departments and the medical industry, and all schools and gas stations will be closed. The government will investigate the cause of the incident and the person responsible.

Photo of this article: Xinhua News Agency, 澎湃 Image, IC photo

exchange of experience

From Putuo in the Red West of Shanghai to Ludian County in the hinterland of Wumeng Mountain, since 2021, the two places have witnessed the deep affection of Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation. Since the beginning of this year, Putuo District has continued to carry forward the spirit of "people are reliable (general) and things are done (tuo)", constantly expanding the depth of cooperation with an unshakable political stance and down-to-earth work style, helping Ludian County to realize endless new industries, constantly improving the employment level, and helping the rural revitalization to make great strides forward … The days of local people are getting more and more prosperous.

The development of key industries helps rural revitalization

When it comes to high-quality apple producing areas, many Shanghai residents’ first reaction is apples from the north. But in fact, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province is the largest high-quality apple production base in the south of China.

In Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, apples have been planted for more than 70 years. They are known for their bright color, delicate meat, rich juice, rich fruit aroma and rich selenium. However, due to the extensive traditional planting mode and the lack of modern grading inspection and testing technology, the standardization and marketization of local high-quality apples are low. In recent years, the similar situation has changed. Relying on the cooperation mechanism between Shanghai and Yunnan, the apple industry in Ludian is accelerating.

At the end of 2021, with the help of the cooperation mechanism between the east and the west in Putuo District, Ludian County introduced enterprises to contract and plant 2,200 mu of apple base in Taoyuan Township, and adopted modern planting mode.

Apple has become the local "fruit of getting rich". Two years have passed, and apples in Ludian County have been harvested one after another. This year, the local industrial park cold storage was also built, with a maximum cold storage capacity of over 10,000 tons, which effectively helped the locally abundant apples to be transported into the cold storage in time for storage and preservation, and the peak sales were staggered, thus enhancing the added value for the apple industry.

"Now, the cold storage has driven the apple sorting line workshop to put into use, attracting more than 300 people around, with a per capita income of nearly 30,000 yuan, and the local people have increased their income." Xu Xiong, a cadre of aiding Yunnan in Putuo District, member of the Standing Committee of Ludian County Committee and deputy county magistrate, told reporters in a telephone interview.

Apples are crisp, and walnuts, another important crop in Ludian County, are more ripe.

Ludian County is the key walnut production base in Yunnan Province, and also the origin and main producing area of hemp walnut, with a planting area of more than 850,000 mu. Since the pairing assistance between Putuo District and Ludian County, in accordance with the principle of "central requirements, Ludian needs, Putuo can", Putuo District has invested real money, sincerity, and hard work to help the local area fill the shortcomings in the deep processing and development of walnut industry.

In 2021, based on the project of intensive processing workshop of walnut industry in Ludian County, Ludian County introduced professional food production enterprises, developed high value-added products, expanded the market of walnuts, and developed intensive processing products of walnuts such as walnut oil, walnut kernels and walnut leisure snacks, which brought employment and income to local people, and embarked on a road of rural revitalization with industrial employment and effectively stimulated endogenous development momentum.

"Driven by the walnut intensive processing workshop project, this year, relevant production enterprises took the initiative to go to Longtoushan Town, Jiangdi Town and Huodehong Town to buy green-skinned walnuts from farmers. Farmers no longer peel green-skinned walnuts and sun-dried walnuts as in previous years, and then look for sales. Now, you can easily sell walnuts at your doorstep, saving labor and enriching the’ money bag’. " Jie Yi, a cadre of aiding Yunnan in Putuo District and deputy director of Rural Revitalization Bureau of Ludian County, told the reporter.

The frozen park and industrial park are just a microcosm of Putuo’s contribution to local industrial development under the cooperation of Shanghai and Yunnan. Since the "hand in hand" between Putuo District and Ludian County in 2021, more than 60 projects have been implemented in Putuo District, and the deep processing production lines of characteristic agricultural products such as apples, peppers and walnuts in Ludian County will all be established, and a number of key projects will be built, such as the cold storage of Ludian County Industrial Park, Xinjie Town Xinjie Community and Rural Revitalization Demonstration Site, Blueberry Industry Demonstration Base, and Natural Energy Water Lifting Project.

"The industry is booming, and the sales market should be broadened. Since 2021, since Putuo District paired up to help Ludian County, the aid cadres have focused on consumption cooperation and boosted’ cloud products into Shanghai’. We have helped local sales of agricultural and sideline products to exceed 57 million yuan, helping local people to increase their income." Xie Yixin said with joy.

Employment "in and out" enhances residents’ sense of gain

Maojiawan Easy Relocation and Resettlement Area is the second largest easy relocation and resettlement area in China, with the largest number of poverty-stricken households and nearly 40,000 people. How to continuously meet the employment needs of local residents, so that the majority of easy-to-move people can realize "moving out, staying stable and getting rich"?

This year, Putuo District continued to introduce food enterprises, and recruited jobs such as small kebabs, boneless chicken feet, and beef and mutton prefabricated dishes. At the same time, in order to further satisfy Ludian County’s concentration of enterprises and industries that attract investment from the east and the west to the plateau characteristic green food industrial park supporting the resettlement area, it is convenient for the people who are easy to move to and from work nearby. For enterprises that have been operating in the local area, Ludian County has actively done a good job in enterprise service and helped production enterprises to connect with the Shanghai market through the cooperation mechanism between the east and the west.

In addition to developing local industries, the transfer of labor force to employment is one of the most direct and effective ways to increase farmers’ income. On the basis of previous years, relying on Ludian Sub-station of Putuo Labor Cooperation Workstation, this year, we will build a part-time market in the part-time gathering place of Yi Qian ‘an District in Maojiawan.

"Under the multi-measures employment measures, Ludian County has helped nearly 2,000 rural laborers to find jobs and nearly 400 rural laborers to find jobs in Shanghai this year. It also held 15 labor cooperation training courses to train more than 650 rural laborers. " Jie Yi told reporters.

In Ludian County, the cadres of Putuo District’s aid to Yunnan always insist on the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, preventing large-scale poverty return in poverty-stricken areas, and promoting the income increase of poverty-stricken people. In accordance with the requirements of "the central government requires what Ludian needs and Putuo can do", taking the cooperation between Shanghai and Yunnan as an important opportunity, they actively explore and carry the resource endowment of Putuo District, regard industrial development as the top priority of the cooperation between the east and the west of Ludian County, and pay close attention to the industry, promote employment and promote.

When it comes to 2024, aid cadres in Yunnan are full of energy and confidence. "In June next year, our three-year attachment period is coming to an end. As always, we will carry forward the good style of" people are reliable (general) and things are done (tuo) ",do a good job in all kinds of assistance work, collect officials for this round of aid to Yunnan, and make a good start for successors." Xu Xiong expressed his position.

"I will be cautious to the end, continue to maintain high work enthusiasm and rigorous work style, and strive to be a’ five-owned’ reliable cadre in the new era, seize the day and live up to the glory." Jie Yi said.

Source: Shanghai Putuo

Shangguan author: Shanghai cooperation and exchange

Fierce controversy! With the rise of football in China, fans are constantly cursing.

After the news that the main players of China football team were injured in Thailand came out, it caused extensive controversy and discussion. According to media reports, Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, needs a long recovery period of at least 8 months because of tearing the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee. The striker of Thailand, Dangda, also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult for him to play against China on November 16th. In this regard, Soccer reported that China became the winner because Thailand lost important players before the preliminaries. However, such a report attracted a lot of fans’ scolding. Some fans said that China football now needs to rely on the injury of its opponent to win, which is really disgusting. They think that the football level in China is so low that it has fallen to the point where people want to be injured or even sent off, which is really worrying.

There are also fans who believe that the China men’s soccer team seems unable to win no matter whether the main players of Thailand are injured or not. They are pessimistic about the future of football in China, and think that China can’t win against Japanese teams and strong European teams, and they are still discussing how to beat Thailand and Vietnam, which is ridiculous. However, some fans are optimistic about China football. They believe that the China team can play its own strength in the face of stable opponents. They mentioned the fierce confrontation between the Japanese team and the European powers, and thought that China could meet the challenges of Thailand and Viet Nam as long as it played steadily. In any case, China Football got some good news in the news that the main players of Thailand were injured. Fans have different expectations and views on the performance of China team.

Whether optimistic or pessimistic, only when the China team can prove its strength in the competition can the fans have more confidence in it.

The above contents and materials are all from the internet, and the relevant data, and the theoretical research is based on the internet data, does not mean that the author agrees with the laws, rules, opinions and behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant materials. I am not responsible for any problems arising from the above or related issues, and the author of this article does not bear any direct or indirect legal responsibilities.

Night reading and prose scenery all the way

[Night Reading Prose] Scenery all the way. mp3sixteen past seven
From Dongfeng Express

The scenery on the way to zipper is often so charming. It was already two o’clock in the morning when I arrived at the lake. The oncoming cold wind gave me a warm hug, which suddenly blew away the fatigue of the journey and the deep sleep at night.

This 100-kilometer journey passes through dozens of large and small villages, endless pastures, sand islands with towering peaks, and greetings from tourists on the road, all of which add a little interest to this 100-kilometer tour. We sang military songs and encouraged each other to come to the lake.

After a year, I walked this road again, but the fierce yaks and unrestrained horses in the pasture along the way seem to have changed a batch, just like my comrades on this trip. A group of new faces walked hand in hand on this road.

Yes! It has been more than half a year since the squad leader left the army. I can’t help but feel foolish when I think of our tandem encouragement and walking on this familiar and unfamiliar road.

At this time, the company commander’s voice brought me back to reality. The company commander said, "Monitor Wang, you will be on duty at night for a while. You can arrange it according to the actual situation." I immediately ran to discuss with the other three squad leaders: "Why don’t you send two capable guards to each class?"

In this way, I took the recruit of our class, Xiao Du, and stood on the first patrol post. Xiao Du and I walked on this endless grassland, and the fragrance of the soil swept through, which is the natural taste. Looking at the lake, there is a bright moon in the distant mountains, and the silver moonlight fills the whole lake, making the lake with ripples as blue as the ocean, and the various signs on the lake are also shining with a trace of Yin Hui. In a thousand miles of moonlight, the tent we live in seems so insignificant that even the stars in the sky seem to be just symbols on the sky.

Hunter, a military dog over one year old, ran out of the tent from nowhere, turned left and right beside me, and sometimes licked my trouser legs and wagged his little tail vigorously to show his love here.

A cool breeze blows gently, and the moon is bright. Xiao Du and I slowed down, and Hunter wagged his tail and followed, enjoying the beauty of this area.

There is a river around the tent, and the thin water is shining, and the tender grass beside the river grows green, which adds a touch of agility to this river injected into the lake. Perhaps our footsteps alarmed the fish at the entrance, and they swam happily and didn’t want to leave.

A gust of cold wind brought me yearning. Last time I came with the monitor, the river was surrounded by wild flowers all over the place, and it was dancing willfully. At that time, I sat by the river with the monitor and talked about the feeling of coming to the army. I said, "The army is actually quite monotonous, boring and tasteless." The monitor said, "Life in the army is not boring, but it is still beautiful. You have to be good at discovering it." Now, I have repeated this sentence with Xiao Du.

Going north, rows of withered Sophora japonica are not glamorous and eye-catching, but silently guarding this natural beauty, like a veteran of military career, striving for fame and fortune, taking root in the military camp.

Walking to the hillside seems to be closer to the moon. The bright moonlight illuminates the open space in front of the tent area like day, and the camouflage net with complex colors is clearly visible. The distant castle peak is covered with a layer of silver gauze, mysterious and quiet. There is no light in the scattered small villages at the foot of the mountain at this time, only yellow walls and red tiles are seen, and there are dim acacia trees.

At night in the country, there are no lights, no bustling noise of the city, only peace and serenity! Xiao Du and I leaned against the fence to look at the bright moon, the stars, the night view, and the cold wind blowing, and my thoughts were myriad.

In the army, I am not a member of "heartbroken people are in the end of the world", and I am not lonely as "till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon, to bring me my shadow and make us three". I am glad that I have countless comrades to accompany me; I am glad that my youth has a little more happiness in camouflage; I am glad that comrades-in-arms are not brothers but brothers.

In contrast, we struggle in the military career, what’s wrong with a little regret? There is a corner in the city or country where you live, and there is a lamp among thousands of lights, which is enough! When work is not smooth, life is frustrated, and mood is low, find a self-healing way to release yourself, write down the sun, moon and stars, flowers bloom and fall, and go to Qiu Lai in spring …

The night was particularly quiet, and Xiao Du said, "Monitor, it’s time to be laid off." Back to the tent, I looked at my sleeping comrades, turned on my mobile phone, sent a sentence "I understand the beauty of the army" to the old squad leader who was far away from home, and then slept under the pillow of moonlight.

Author:Wang xinglai

Broadcast: Zhang Yuming

Source: Rocket Soldier

Counting the 66 most beautiful scenery in China, it is not easy to go to 10, and it is too happy to go to 30.

In everyone’s years, there has been a longing for travel, a trip that says go. However, in reality, for various reasons, this beautiful hope is difficult to come true. If you haven’t set foot on that dream trip, you might as well follow this article today and see 66 beautiful places in China!

1. The most beautiful ancient city wall in China-Wan Li Great Wall.

Up and down for more than 2,000 years, more than 100,000 miles vertically and horizontally,It’s not a hero who doesn’t reach the Great Wall. It condenses the wisdom of ancient people, is a miracle on this blue planet, and is the pride and pride hidden in the bones of China people.

2. The most beautiful palace in China-Beijing Forbidden City.

I don’t know how many people stopped by the Zhu Qiang Jin Wa in the Forbidden City. Whether it is the plane layout or the magnificent three-dimensional effect, it is an unparalleled masterpiece and a national treasure.

3. Xi ‘an, the most beautiful ancient capital of China.

From Chang ‘an to Xi ‘an, this is the starting point of the Silk Road. Every brick and tile, every ruin, has countless history and stories, and the fascinating music of Chinese civilization is buried, which is also the Millennium glory of the ancient country.

4. The most beautiful spring in China-Linzhi

In winter, the silverware has not been removed, and it is already a sea of flowers, a paradise surrounded by fragrance, competing for beauty like a drunken cloud, and meeting the most beautiful spring in China with the people I love most.Peach blossom appointment to Linzhi.

5. The most beautiful temple in China-Labrang Temple.

This is a common sacred place in the hearts of believers, walking between the white walls and yellow eaves.A long warp corridor,Keep turning the warp beam,Whispering Sanskrit,The scent of Tibetan incense,All this is enough to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

6. The most beautiful belief in China-Seda in western Sichuan

No matter how many words are used to describe a place that is back to nature and quiet, it is not as good as taking a look at it in person. From the moment I met Seda, I knew that this would be the place I would miss in my life.

7. Erhai Lake, the most beautiful romantic place in China.

Erhai Lake is not a sea, but it is more beautiful than any sea, blowing the wind of Erhai Lake, bathed in the sunshine of Erhai Lake, immersed in the comfort of mountains and rivers, and heading for the distance. What a poetic life.

8. Lugu Lake, the most beautiful oriental daughter country in China.

Walking between the mountains and rivers of Lugu Lake, looking up is the blue sky. Squinting, enjoying under this blue sky, feeling that reaching out can touch happiness. The sunshine is slightly oblique, and the warm light is covered with the lake, which is full of charm.

9. Xishuangbanna, the most beautiful tropical rain forest in China.

This is an ideal and magical paradise for the Dai people. Numerous rare birds, animals and exotic plants thrive in this paradise, which is the most beautiful oasis on the Tropic of Cancer! Symbiotic things are bathed in poetic spring scenery and picturesque autumn wind.

10. The most beautiful and pure paradise in China-Daocheng Aden

People who have never been to Daocheng will be fascinated by a photo, and those who have been to Daocheng will never forget it at a glance! Everything is beautiful beyond imagination. Daocheng Aden can afford all the admiration in the world.

11. Kanas Lake, the most beautiful lake in China.

Kanas is a lake with a story. Whether it is obsessed with its legend or its color, it is full of mystery and charm. Every minute is a dream of entering the depths of the forest, giving people a sense of elegance and dust removal.

12. Luoping, the most beautiful karst landform in China.

The magical and beautiful Luoping Peak Forest has vast peaks. Against the background of blue sky and white clouds, various cone-shaped hills are dotted in the boundless yellow sea, and the blue peaks and golden waves set each other off in an interesting way, which is extremely beautiful.

13. hulun buir grassland, the most beautiful grassland in China.

The northern country, Jasper Hulunbeier, is endless with green and fragrant vegetation, which makes people feel relaxed and intoxicated.existHulun BuirThere is a kind of trip that is worthwhile, and I don’t want to leave when I come.

14. Lhasa, the most beautiful hiding place in China.

Everyone has a dream called Lhasa, which is the ultimate dream in many people’s hearts. Only when you have been there and felt it with your heart can you realize the sublimation of a person’s heart, which is something you can’t feel elsewhere.

15. Hemu Village, the most beautiful fairy tale village in China.

A forest and grassland, an ancient village, beautiful grasses, Kanas fairy tale world.Taste a pot of green tea, listen to a bird song, browse a roll of idle books and enjoy the stars. Everything is so beautiful.

16. Ejina, the most beautiful Populus euphratica forest in China.

China’s most fascinating autumn scenery, Ejina’s waiting for 3,000 years. An autumn wind draws the most beautiful scenery and stories. This is a place where you can only travel once a year. If you miss it, you have to wait another year.

17. The most beautiful forest in China-Daxinganling

The northernmost side of China is the rivers and mountains, with beautiful and incomparable vast forests.Playing the most beautiful autumn fairy tales,The color of all things’ life is released here, and you can walk into the autumn of Daxing ‘anling and feel a reincarnation of life.

18. The most beautiful gallery in China-Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

Since ancient times, the Three Gorges has written too many beautiful legends, just like a hearty ink painting, which is novel and beautiful.The beauty here is more breathtaking than many famous mountains and rivers.

19. Lijiang River, the most beautiful landscape in China.

There are thousands of paintings in the Baili River, and the landscape of the Lijiang River is the best in the world. There are surprises everywhere in this landscape. You can visit the Lijiang River, see the reflection of Qifeng, the clear water and green hills, the pastoral songs and the quaint countryside. Everything is so poetic.

20. The most beautiful ink painting in China-Wuyuan

Wuyuan isA place naturally full of poetry,Beautiful as a mistake into a dream, like a slowly unfolding mountain ink painting. In the brewing of time, it becomes more and more charming and makes people daydream.

21. The most beautiful scenery in China-West Lake

If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to put on light makeup and heavy makeup. There are too many beautiful and moving legends about the West Lake.The scenery at four o’clock is different and picturesque. For thousands of years, many people yearn to stroll through Su Causeway and enjoy the West Lake.

22. Huangguoshu Waterfall, the most beautiful celestial fairy spring in China.

Huangguoshu Waterfall is famous as the largest waterfall in China, and many words of praise can’t describe the magnificence of its pouring down. A beautiful view,Fixed on the mountain canyon, it is full of poetry and painting, which makes people relaxed and happy.

23. The most beautiful Danxia landform in China-Zhangye

Don’t look forward to the snow on Qilian Mountain, and mistake Zhang Ye for Jiangnan. I didn’t come here in person, I didn’t see it with my own eyes, and I couldn’t imagine it. This mysterious region, which has exceeded 100 million years, is beautiful and magnificent.

24. the ancient town of xitang, the most beautiful water town in China.

The water in the Spring and Autumn Period, the towns in the Tang and Song Dynasties, the buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the modern people are the most appropriate descriptions of the ancient town of xitang. Everything in the water town, in the long years, savoring the mellow taste of time, there is always a scene that can fall in the heart.

25. The most beautiful garden in China-Humble Administrator’s Garden

Rich Jiangnan water town, thisIs the memory of an era in China,Even after more than 400 years, you can still feel the elegant circulation, full of poetry and painting everywhere. It is true that you don’t know the beauty of gardens until you reach Suzhou!

26. The most beautiful ginkgo village in China-Tengchong Ginkgo Village

From the first touch of new green blooming branches to the last golden leaf quietly ending, the city is covered with the peerless beauty of golden flower.,Woven into an intoxicating beauty of the village in the forest, trees at home and people in the painting.

27. Danba, the most beautiful beauty valley village in China.

Accompanied by the gentle breeze, overlooking the scattered Tibetan towers, enjoying the boundless scenery and steaming buttered tea in the Dadu River Valley, everything is so lively and fragrant, which makes people feel like strolling in Xanadu.

28. The most beautiful Hakka building in China-Fujian Tulou

Unique residential buildings in the world,Carrying the sky and clouds, it is full of stars and stories in the flowing years, fermenting a steaming, lively and fragrant fireworks life, which is extremely fantastic and beautiful.

29. Yuanyang Terrace, the most beautiful terrace in China.

The Hani people, who have lived in Yuanyang Mountain for generations, have carved gorgeous and colorful scenery on this plain land. Under the light and shadow, it is like a dream, just like an extremely elegant ink painting, with an indescribable fairy charm.

30. Chaka Salt Lake, the most beautiful sky in China.

This is a place called the mirror of the sky, where people always have the illusion that reach for the sky is stretched out and stars are scattered all over the earth. This beautiful scene can reveal the truest beauty in the world.

31. The most beautiful blue in China-Qinghai Lake

Water and sky are the same color, and the sea and sky are connected.A huge jade jade plate, horizontally embedded between mountains and grasslands, is a picture of wind blowing grass and seeing cattle and sheep pastoral.At first glance, it is vast and ethereal, full of poetry and painting.

32. The most beautiful no-man’s land in China-Hoh Xil

This is the roof of the world of the world,The desolate and mysterious forbidden area of life has made countless people wave upon wave and vowed to conquer this land.This is a paradise for wild animals. Everything is quiet and peaceful in the vast world.

33. The most beautiful ghost city in China-Wuerhe Fengcheng

The world’s beautiful Yadan, carved by wind and rain, is a masterpiece of nature, as if it were a dreamy maze world, and it is amazing to feel the dreamy and mysterious brilliant Yadan through it.

34. The most beautiful Millennium Watch in China-Crescent Spring in Mingsha Mountain.

A piece of green is hidden in Mingsha Mountain, crescent spring lies in oasis, spring is in quicksand, drought is not exhausted, and wind and sand do not fall.Being in the beautiful scenery of blue sky and white clouds, Shaming Springs, I feel the magical charm of nature.

35. The most beautiful highway in China-Duku Highway

This miracle highway hidden in the depths of Tianshan Mountain can conquer your eyes and shake your heart in just one second. Look at the four seasons all the way, and you will never really understand its exquisiteness if you don’t go once in your life!

36. Meili Snow Mountain, the most beautiful snow mountain in China.

Meili’s Rizhao Jinshan is a rare scenic spot that many people dream of.The golden light fell from the sky and shone on the top of the snow-capped mountains.Between the clouds, it only takes a brake, and the sky is golden and moving beyond words.

37. Mount Everest, the most beautiful mountain in China.

This is the closest place to the sky, the mysterious sacred mountain in everyone’s heart, and the place that countless people yearn for. The sky here is as blue as washing, spotless, and the mountains are towering, and the mountains stop, which has never been so appropriate.

38. Emei Mountain, the most beautiful Buddhist shrine in China.

Mount Emei is the best in the world, with four seasons in one mountain and different days in ten miles, just like a fairyland in Heaven.Like a thousand years, like a thousand years, the sun rises and the stars set, and so on,Bring people into that dreamy magical realm.

39. Laojun Mountain, the most beautiful paradise on earth in China.

Go to the world for a grand banquet and see the world’s prosperity.The cloud takes the mountain as its body and the mountain takes the cloud as its clothing.Far and near peaks are at your feet, the sea of clouds is rolling, and the peaks are looming, like a perfect picture of a fairyland, where heaven and man are one.

40. The most beautiful color in China-Jiuzhaigou

Jiuzhai is a dream, which is too beautiful to be true, but it really exists in the world. The colors you have seen or have never seen are all gathered here.Full of the most beautiful colors in the world.

41. Fanjing Mountain, the most beautiful city in China.

This is China’s sky city,Only the ingenuity of nature can create this unique and shocking masterpiece like myths and legends!The unpredictable beauty makes people intoxicated with the infinite Zen of Brahma Pure Land.

42. The most beautiful desert in China-Badain Jaran Desert.

The desert is lonely and straight, and the long river sets the yen. Here, you can see that Sha Feng, the lake and the blue sky are mysteriously blended together, which is a fantastic charm.No desert is more beautiful than Bataan.

43. Nujiang Grand Canyon, the most beautiful canyon in China.

This is the original ecological secret of China’s possession.A flower and a tree here recite the rhythm of life, and echo each other here carries the triumph of civilization, and every sound of it is enough to wash the soul.

44. Huangshan Mountain, the most beautiful natural bonsai in China.

It is the best evaluation of Huangshan Mountain to return without looking at the mountains and Huangshan Mountain without looking at the mountains.There are thousands of beautiful scenery in Huangshan Mountain, just like a fairyland on earth. There is always a place where you want poetry and distance.

45. Guo Liang Village, the most beautiful cliff family in China.

As far as the eye can see, the Taihang Mountain is towering, and the cliffs stand tall and steep, and the mountains and rivers are full of poetry and painting. If you feel that life is too complicated, you might as well take a nap here for a few days and feel the slow time here quietly.

46. Chengdu, the laziest city in China.

Chengdu is a city that you don’t want to leave when you come.Will be moved by the life here in Bashi. When you set foot on this land of Chengdu, you can always slow down unconsciously, and the world suddenly becomes quiet, simple and happy.

47. Chongqing, the most beautiful mountain city and foggy city in China.

The magical terrain and dreamy night scenes have attracted countless people. Eat hot pot to watch the night scene and simply kill time.Bayu is as beautiful as a splendid land, so you can get some leisure and walk into Chongqing with beautiful mountains, water and people.

48. Weizhou Island, the most beautiful island in China.

Riding an electric donkey on Weizhou Island and bumping into the sea breeze, shuttling through the dense shade and walking leisurely along the coastline, the waves are undulating at the feet, away from the bustling and noisy, which is really a kind of enjoyment.

49. The most beautiful waterway in China-Xitai Jiner Lake Highway.

The G315 National Road runs through the West Tai Ji Nair Lake, splitting the lake in half, with emerald green on the left and Tiffany blue on the right. The atmosphere is quiet as if it were a lifetime ago, and you can take amazing photos with your mobile phone at any time.

50. The most beautiful ink and wash scenery in China-Zhangjiajie West Sea Peak Forest

There are thousands of stone peaks in Shentang Bay, Wulingyuan, which is a unique peak forest landscape in the world.Stone peaks appear and disappear,Beautiful, just like ink painting, walking in the meantime, as in Traveling in a pictorial world.

51. Utsu, the most beautiful water Yadan in China.

In the endless desert Gobi, a piece of Wang Yang emerges out of thin air, and Yadan landform stands on this piece of Wang Yang. Yadan of different sizes is all over the blue water, with no end in sight, giving people unlimited freedom to daydream.

52. The most beautiful glacier world in China-Cuojia Glacier.

The Cuojia Glacier is an ice blue world in the depths of Tibet, and enters the primitive glacier.It’s like walking into a crystal palace.It’s like going back to the ancient ice age.As if through time and space, came to another planet.

53. Old Town of Lijiang, the most beautiful ancient city in China.

Between the green hills and the tiles, by the flowing water of the small bridge covered with green flowers, enjoy the warm embrace of the sun and the gentle caress at night, let the mood fly freely and experience the true charm of life.

54. Zada Tulin, the most beautiful Martian world in China.

The north wind of the plateau blows out the rough land of western Tibet, which is extremely barren and also the ultimate temptation, full of mysterious dreaminess. This is a place that will make you worthwhile, and you will find that desolation can be so beautiful.

55. Zhagana, the most beautiful pure land on earth in China.

This is a magical secret in Gannan, and the scenery is as beautiful as a fairyland. Under the blue sky and white clouds, everything is poetic. Zhagana, half fireworks and half fairy, is a holy place that you go to at least once in your life.

56. The most beautiful colorful canyon in China-Anji Sea.

It is called rivers and canyons flowing from modernist abstract paintings, and it is the source of color hidden in the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain. The ever-changing light and shadow rendering is dazzling and spectacular.

It is one of the buildings with the thinnest waist and the most difficult construction in the world, and has created a series of buildings that are the best in the world. There is the world’s tallest horizontal Ferris wheel at the top of the tower, which can enjoy the ultimate beauty of the Pearl River and the bright night in Guangzhou.

This is a large limestone cave, which was formed in the Quaternary Pleistocene more than 1.2 million years ago. It is magnificent, exquisite and dazzling, just like a gorgeous underground art palace.

At night in Hong Kong, there are not only brightly lit, bustling and noisy metropolitan customs, but also Baiyun Mountain Hills and warm sea breeze. Chinese and western cultures blend here, bringing unique charm here, and the beautiful night scene makes the city more romantic.

It’s like a huge Eight Diagrams Array. The street layout is like a magical maze. There are 8 avenues and 64 streets, and the roads and roads are connected. There is no traffic light, but the traffic is unimpeded. Here you don’t have to worry about traffic jams.

This place, which is the most like Mars on the earth, is under the stunning Kunlun Mountain, and the eyes of the earth have been spewing for thousands of years. The suffocating feeling of barren grass gives people an indescribable shock.It’s a little unreal.

This is a border town where you can pretend to be in Russia, with lush hulun buir grassland, rippling Hulun Lake, towering country doors and passionate Mongolian customs, which makes people fascinated.

This is a mysterious forbidden area, with too many stories and legends.Covered with virgin forests, lakes, strange peaks and different rocks,It is a paradise for explorers. There are too many unsolved mysteries hidden here, which are mysterious and fascinating.

Tianchi Lake, hidden between mountains and mountains, is pure and strange blue, with snow peaks reflected, spruce surrounded and clear water like a mirror.It’s beautiful,Like a jade pond in the sky falling on this earth, it cools the eyes and cleans the soul.

On the banks of the Irtysh River, the geological changes of hundreds of millions of years and the rich textures of colorful beaches are constantly changing in depth against the background of blue sky and white clouds, just like coral bushes on the seabed, swaying a mysterious charm of life.

A bright spot on the Sichuan-Tibet line,It is a fascinating photography paradise and a picturesque paradise.The scenery along the way conquered many friends who came here.Every minute can surprise you.

Only when traveling can a person hear his own voice. It will tell you that the world is wider than expected. go toLooking forward to the distant place, you don’t have to envy foreign countries, you don’t have to go abroad, you just have to travel around China and see the beautiful scenery of the motherland, and you are also a super traveler!

These unique beautiful scenery in China can amaze all your time. Let’s visit the 66 most beautiful poems and distant places in China one by one! How many of these places have you been to? Which do you think is the most beautiful? What other beautiful places in China have you been to? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. Let’s talk together.

Minimalist history of the Song Dynasty: The history of the Song Dynasty is a story of taking money to set things up and finally being settled by money.

The history of the Song Dynasty is a story of being rich and willful, and finally going bankrupt.

Zhao Kuangyin launched the mutiny in Chen Qiao, and became the new village head and the biggest landlord in the world after he took the fashion show with the highest rate of return in history.

When he became a village head, Boss Zhao was most worried that his subordinates would go their own way, leaving them with no way out.

After thinking for a moment, Boss Zhao asked his men to drink a glass of wine. Let the men kneel at a word.

"What if your men want you to wear imperial robes?"

Shi Shouxin, Gao Huaide and other generals offered their knees in succession, asking the boss to give them a way out of life.

In the end, Zhao Kuangyin gave them a way to cash out.

Everyone’s efforts with me are nothing more than making profits. Now it’s on the market. You said that you didn’t hurry up and cash out, but you were still waiting for ants to climb the tree.

Before the Song Dynasty, during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, when soldiers were in their hands, they quite owned the original shares, which became larger and larger. After exceeding the shares in the hands of the chairman, they could hold a board meeting, either abdicating or bloodbath, so as to re-elect.

Now, Zhao Kuangyin, taking advantage of his underlings’ insufficient performance shares, directly let these entrepreneurs cash out and take the money to leave.

The next day, a general called in sick and asked for an indefinite medical leave. Soon, this phenomenon showed signs of human-to-human transmission. The generals sold their military power in succession. Since then, the performance shares have been in the hands of the Zhao family, and the fashion shows that were often staged in the Five Dynasties and Ten Countries have almost disappeared.

This thing is called a glass of wine to release the soldiers, which is the most cost-effective glass of wine in the history of the village.

Then, Zhao Kuangyin played a set of "strong and weak" combination boxing.

In the past, our time, with soldiers and food in hand, rushed into the board of directors to lift the table without a word. Zhao Kuangyin simply confiscated all our military, financial and judicial powers. All the strong men in the place were incorporated into the central imperial army, leaving only the old, the sick and the disabled to guard the gate.

Even the central imperial army, Lao Zhao was not at ease. He divided the imperial army into three departments, namely, the department in front of the temple, the department in charge of guards and horses, and the department in charge of guards and soldiers.

There are three generals in Sanya respectively.

However, this handsome man is too low-quality. They only have the command right, but they have no right to transfer troops and send troops.

It is entirely up to Lao Zhao to decide what soldiers to deploy and when to start.

Lao Zhao also made a special balance, with 100,000 imperial troops in Beijing and 100,000 scattered around the country. In this way, the central imperial army can easily settle the rebellion of the foreign imperial army. Together, the foreign imperial guards can also stop the mutiny in Beijing.

The imperial guard in Beijing and the imperial guard in other places are still changing at any time, so that the soldiers don’t know who will be, and the soldiers in the world will really only be surnamed Zhao.

With such an adjustment, the chaos of the soldiers is gone, but the status of the general has plummeted. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, a general could be awarded the title of marquis for his meritorious military service.Going out will enter the phase. Going out is the general, and coming back is the prime minister. After the song dynasty, that is, the senior tool man in the village, it is impossible to become a super executive.

Thanks to this, the Song Dynasty stabilized, and Lao Zhao began to get rich, and when he got rich, he became willful. As soon as you have money, you want to take money to hit people.

The sixteen states of Youyun are the ones that Zhao Kuangyin wants to smash with money.

Sixteen states of deep and remote clouds are in the north of the village, which is the northern barrier of the village. Without this piece, riders from the north can easily rush to the middle of the village. In order to rebel, Shi Jingtang sold this place to Liao.

Liao country isA small branch set up by the Khitans in the north. The first big brother is called Yelu Abaoji.

When Bao Ji was born, the Khitan was still in the primitive clan and tribal society. This kind of society was when people were in a good mood, and everyone drank in a big bowl and ate meat. When feeling bad, chop off your head and rob your wife.

Bao Ji’s grandfather was killed in an infighting, and his father moved away from home. Grandma painted his face black to protect him, and then hid it in someone else’s tent.

This little face with a black face is crawling alone in the counting room. No one would have thought that this child would change the fate of the Khitans and affect the history of China for hundreds of years.

Where no one noticed, Bao Ji grew up and the good days finally came. His uncle held the power of the Khitan. And he grew into a good battlefield embryo. It is as high as nine feet, I don’t know if it is calculated according to the size of that dynasty, but the lowest is nearly two meters. Moreover, the history book is rich and sharp. I didn’t quite understand what it means to be rich on the top and sharp on the bottom, until one day, when I was watching cartoons, a Popeye who ate spinach suddenly appeared on the screen.

It means that the chest muscles are developed.

Paul’s strength is great, he can pull 300 Jin, and his riding and shooting skills are also very strong. Nomads can’t play the violin, but they can play the horseshoe piano and can’t ride the wall. Riding and shooting must be learned.

In the struggle with the tribes in the grassland, Bao Ji showed his extraordinary military skills and repeatedly made meritorious military service. Soon after, he became the military leader of the Khitan, leading the tribe to sweep across northern Xinjiang. It can be said that as long as the wind blows low, you can see the Khitan people’s cattle, sheep and horses.

As early as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Bao Ji went to Zhongyuan to rob with his military forces. Unexpectedly, although the Five Dynasties were chaotic and divided, Qin Shihuang didn’t even know the map of China, but the war was fierce. Mr. Bao Ji didn’t get a bargain, so he had to hand over the task of going south to his son Yeludeguang.

Yelvdeguang finally seized the opportunity to take a stake in Shi Jingtang when he was robbing the throne with his brother-in-law Li Congke, and he was assigned to sixty states of deep and remote clouds. Later, he once entered the Central Plains, but it was too hot in the south, so Yelvdeguang couldn’t stay, so he had to withdraw from the grassland and died halfway. It is said that it was also made into dried meat by a chef in the village.

But the sixteen states of Youyun have always been in the hands of Liao people. For the Central Plains dynasty, it means that the other party has a king fried in his hand and can throw things at your head from time to time.

To solve this problem, Zhao Kuangyin showed the essence of local tyrants. He said that he had laid a solid foundation in various countries and got a lot of good things. I saved all these things and saved a certain amount, so I talked with Liao and used the money to buy back sixteen states of Youyun.

The idea is beautiful, and the reality is very skinny.

I had just saved almost all my money, and when I was about to buy it, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly died.

His death is a famous mysterious event in the history of Song Dynasty. It is said that on that day, Zhao Kuangyin was having dinner and drinking with his brother. At this time, others saw from the window, candlelight flickering, Zhao Guangyi suddenly jumped up, as if to avoid something. Zhao Kuangyin knocked on the ground with yu fu: "Good for it, good for it." It’s for the sound of candles and axes.

On this day, Zhao Kuangyin died. After his death, the throne passed not to his son, but to Zhao Guangyi. And six years later, Zhao Pu, a former executive (prime minister) who was in a state of semi-unemployment, suddenly took out a golden chamber, which said that Zhao Kuangyin had arranged with the Queen Mother that the throne would be passed on to his younger brother Zhao Guangyi in the future.

Zhao Guangyi was justified when he became emperor. Then work hard.

The most important task is to take down the sixteen states of Youyun.

Zhao Guangyi lit up the military forces to win the Northern Han Dynasty, which has always been tenacious in the north, and also incorporated Yang Ye, a member of the Northern Han Dynasty, who was defeated by Liao soldiers in several battles, and was called "Yang Invincible".

With the Northern Han Dynasty, it was much more convenient to attack the sixteen states of Youyun. The army made a high-altitude attack at the gates of Youzhou, but it didn’t attack for seven days in a row. Dasong’s army had already passed the start-up period, and there were only a handful of famous soldiers. When the Liao army arrived, Song Jun was defeated, and Mr. Zhao Guangyi slipped back in a donkey cart.

Since then, Zhao Guangyi organized another attack, but Dasong exposed the problem of no commander-in-chief. None of the armies could attack as a whole. In the end, they not only suffered a heavy defeat, but also cheated Yang Ye.

At that time, it was agreed that Yang Ye would lead the way to meet them, and commander-in-chief Pan Mei would ambush them in the back. But when Yang Ye lost at the front, Pan Mei blew the assembly number, leaving Yang Ye behind, which led to the capture of General Yang Lao, who died of hunger strike.

In novels, Pan Mei is often portrayed as a villain and a traitor. Mr. Pan Mei is indeed average and has made mistakes, but it may be a bit exaggerated to be called a big traitor.

After Yang Ye’s death, his son Yang Yanzhao continued to join the army, guarding the frontier fortress, and won numerous battles, so he was called "Yang Liuyu". Yang Wenguang, the son of Yang Liuyi, is also a fierce soldier. The three generations of Yang family galloped on the battlefield, which made people admire, so there was a famous novel "Yang Jiajiang" behind them.

After two rounds of fighting, the Tangut people in Xiazhou in the northwest began to split up. At that time, when the emperor was Song Zhenzong, the son of Zhao Yiguang. As the third generation of emperors, Song Zhenzong’s methods to solve problems were simple and rude.

Don’t you just want some money?
Here you are!

Song Zhenzong sealed Xiping King to Li Deming, the leading brother of Xiazhou. Every year, he threw 40,000 gold, 40,000 brocade and 20,000 Jin of tea at Xiazhou at a fixed point, so-called old coins.

Take the money, we are all fine, don’t make trouble.

Seeing how generous the Song Dynasty was, Liao, the eldest brother in the north, couldn’t sit still.

It’s late, let’s go and have a windfall!

Song Zhenzong got a fright when he went there. He ran away with oil on his feet, and directly grabbed him by himself.

This is Minister Kou Zhun.

"Don’t worry, let’s go up and play a dozen. If we run to the south, our DaSong will be finished."

Hearing this, Song Zhenzong ran to the south without insurance, and finally got up the courage.

Running to the Yellow River, Song Zhenzong felt hasty this time, and wanted to run back. Unexpectedly, Gao Qiong, the imperial coach, knocked on Song Zhenzong’s coachman with a piece of wood.

Go away!

Song Zhenzong’s frame crossed the Yellow River in a fog.

Unexpectedly, the effect was particularly good. When the defenders of the Song Dynasty in Zhoucheng saw that all the bosses were on the scene, their morale was greatly boosted.

Originally, Song Jun could beat the Liao army at high altitude, but Song Zhenzong decided to stop when it was too late, and made peace with the Liao country, agreeing to give silver 102,000 yuan a year, so that everyone would be fine and not fight. History is called "the alliance of the Yuan Dynasty"

Spending money to buy peace was also done in the Han Dynasty, but Lao Zhao’s family took it to the extreme.

Who else refuses to accept? Hit him with money!

Under the money attack of local tyrant Song, the three kingdoms of Song, Liao and Xixia began a period of peace.

That’s the question. Why was the Song Dynasty so rich?
The main reason is that business activities are too prosperous.

Unlike other dynasties, which emphasized agriculture and suppressed commerce, the Song Dynasty encouraged commerce. Just look at the prosperity of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.

When there are more commercial activities, Lao Zhao can get a commission, two percent for transporting goods and three percent for selling goods in stores. There are also various miscellaneous taxes. For example, merchant ships have to cross the stream to "cross the stream for money"

The commercial tax collected in the Song Dynasty was as high as 20 million yuan a year. You said that it would cost 100,000 yuan to buy peace. Isn’t it fragrant? Besides, the money can be earned back through trade with Xixia, the Liao country.

As for the problem of face, as long as you are thick-skinned, it is others who are embarrassed.

The rest of my life will be like this. Unexpectedly, the local tyrant Song also began to have an economic crisis.

Let’s stop here for today and continue tomorrow.