Burning ice and snow spell out the future; skiing can also be practiced at sea, and the training in the Winter Olympics is more abundant

CCTV News:Snowboarding is a key event in the Winter Olympics. As the Winter Olympics approaches, athletes are actively preparing for the games. How do the athletes who participate in snowboarding train in summer or when there is no suitable venue?

Because the project setting, technical essentials and athletes’ own conditions are highly similar to the snowboarding events in the Winter Olympics, the State Sports General Administration has now taken electric surfing as an important auxiliary training subject for snowboarding to help train for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

A few days ago, the 2021 China Electric Surfboard Open was closed in Hainan, and many athletes preparing for the snowboarding in the 2022 Winter Olympics also appeared at the competition site. It is understood that the electric surfboard is relatively new as a sport developed from surfing and skiing. The ring race and slalom are very similar to snowboarding, and the athletes’ standing posture, board control skills and speed are also very similar.

Wang Zitong, an athlete of the national training team for cross-border cross-country snowboarding in the Water Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport:Balance, including technical movements, has certain similarities. We have some surges and waves in the sea, which are very similar to some packages and platforms we encounter in the snow, so we can practice the same skills and have the same sense of balance whether in summer or winter.

For this reason, the State Sports General Administration has taken electric surfing as an important auxiliary training subject for snowboarding, which also makes electric surfboards an important equipment for the summer training of the cross-border cross-country snowboarding national training team.

Zhang Yin, Deputy Director of the Second Department of the Water Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration:It is a common way in the world to use power surfboards as a summer training method for snowboarding. Since the national training team for cross-border cross-country snowboarding was established in 2018, it has practiced special skills through power surfboards in summer.

In the new era, China’s high-quality economic development, industrial and financial cooperation and building a manufacturing power.

  The large-scale fire fighting/water rescue amphibious aircraft AG600 was assembled and rolled off in Zhuhai a few days ago. This is another major achievement made by China in the field of large aircraft. Every breakthrough of "Made in China" is a powerful annotation of China’s economy. Xinhua news agency

  [Economic Interface, Building a Modern Economic System]

  Manufacturing is the main body of the real economy and the foundation of the construction of a modern economic system. How to allocate more financial resources to the key areas and weak links of manufacturing development in accordance with the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote the transformation from China manufacturing to China creation, from China speed to China quality, and from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, are major issues facing China’s high-quality economic development in the new era.

  Finance is the lifeblood of modern economy, and smooth finance leads to substantial prosperity. Finance supports the construction of manufacturing power, on the one hand, it needs finance to return to its origin and enhance the ability to serve the development of manufacturing industry; On the other hand, it is also necessary to actively create conditions to provide guarantee support for financial reform and innovation.

  1. What is the root cause?

  Financing is difficult and expensive for manufacturing industry.

  [status quo]

  Data show that from 2006— In the decade of 2016, the proportion of loans in China’s manufacturing industry dropped from 25% to 16.2%. Affected by this, the growth rate of China’s manufacturing investment continued to decline from 2012 to 4.2% in 2016, and it decreased by 27.4 percentage points in five years, which lasted for a long time and the decline was unprecedented. Although it stopped falling and rebounded in 2017, it was only 4.8%.

  Financing is difficult and expensive, which is a prominent problem in the development of China’s manufacturing industry in recent years.

  2006— In the decade of 2016, the proportion of loans in China’s manufacturing industry dropped from 25% to 16.2%. Affected by this, the growth rate of China’s manufacturing investment has continued to decline since 2012. Investment is not only related to the current economic growth, but also to the cultivation and generation of new kinetic energy, which plays a key role in optimizing the supply structure. The weak investment has seriously restricted the optimization and upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry.

  The formation of this problem is first related to the inadaptability of China’s manufacturing development under the new normal, and also reflects the inadaptability of China’s financial structure. For a long time, the development of China’s manufacturing industry has a remarkable "speed-benefit" feature, with economic growth reaching more than 10%, and all industries, trades and enterprises will make profits; Once the economic growth is lower than 8%, many industries will suffer industry-wide losses. With China’s economic development entering a new normal, the growth rate has shifted from high-speed growth of about 10% to medium-high-speed growth of about 7%, and the efficiency of enterprises has begun to decline continuously. The research shows that the average return on equity of China’s A-share non-financial listed companies has been declining since 2010, from 12.9% to 6.8% in 2015, while the weighted average asset-liability ratio has increased from 58.2% in 2010 to 60.1% in 2015. In 2016, the leverage ratio of the enterprise sector was still as high as 165%, far higher than the international warning line of 90%.

  From the perspective of financial structure, bank loans, bonds and stocks currently account for more than 80% of the financing amount of the real economy. These three financing methods all have typical procyclical characteristics. When the economic situation is good, the benefits of enterprises are good, banks are willing to lend, and it is easier to issue bonds and stocks; The economic situation is not good, and the efficiency of enterprises is declining. For the sake of risk prevention and control, banks will be reluctant to lend, suppress loans or even cut off loans, and it is difficult to issue bonds and stocks. Before 2012, this financing method will not have much problem for the investment development of enterprises, because the economic growth rate has decreased, but it is a short-term fluctuation in high-speed growth, and it will soon resume high-speed growth. In other words, China’s financial structure based on bank loans is more suitable for the previous high-speed growth stage. Facing the requirements of high-quality development in the new era, it also needs reform, optimization and innovative development.

  Revitalizing manufacturing industry, especially advanced manufacturing industry, is the key to realize a virtuous circle of economy in the short term and the lifeline of national economy in the long term. Finance is the lifeblood of modern economy, and smooth finance leads to substantial prosperity. Facing the inevitable requirement of China’s economic development in the new era and the fierce competition in the world, we must focus on eliminating the financing constraints of manufacturing development, guide and promote finance to improve the efficiency and level of service manufacturing development, and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power.

  2. How to support it

  Create new demands of powerful countries for financial development.


  The development of China’s manufacturing industry in the new era requires not only effective financing support from finance, but also a series of service solutions including consulting, investment and financial management, so as to realize the transformation from "financing" to "integrating wisdom".

  At present, the scale of China’s manufacturing industry has been ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years, but the problems of insufficient development imbalance such as key core technologies being controlled by people and lack of world-renowned brands are still very prominent. We must implement the innovation-driven development strategy with greater efforts, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries, support the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries, and promote quality change, efficiency change and power change.

  Different development needs different financial support. First, we should vigorously implement differentiated credit policies. At present, bank credit funds account for more than 2/3 of China’s real economy financing. In accordance with the requirements of supply-side structural reform, we should improve and optimize credit conditions, support the manufacturing industry to increase varieties, improve quality and create brands, actively resolve excess production capacity, eliminate backward production capacity, and give full play to the role of finance in promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. At the same time, we should vigorously develop small and medium-sized banks and private financial institutions. It is strictly forbidden for bank funds to enter the stock market and real estate market for speculation and so-called innovation that is divorced from the real economy. In fact, after World War II, Germany and Japan also experienced a situation similar to today’s China. In order to accelerate the upgrading and development of manufacturing industry, both governments have adopted structural credit support policies.

  Second, vigorously develop industrial chain finance, financial leasing and other financial services that are directly integrated with the industry. Industrial chain finance is a service model that financial institutions rely on the core enterprises in the industrial chain to provide comprehensive solutions for all enterprises in the industrial chain. Compared with bank loans, it is more service-oriented and targeted. However, financial leasing integrates financing and material integration, and reduces the pressure of one-time payment of funds, which provides an effective way for enterprises to upgrade their technical equipment. In 1950s and 1960s, the United States upgraded its technical equipment in this way. At present, the penetration rate of financial leasing in developed countries such as the United States and Britain remains above 50%, while China has not yet reached 5%, and there is still much room for improvement.

  Third, actively develop venture capital (VC), private equity funds (PE) and other financing products, and explore service modes such as equity pledge loans and investment-loan linkage to provide long-term and stable financial support for the innovation and development of manufacturing industry. VC is future-oriented, and values the potential and benefits of the future development of enterprises. It does not require the past operating conditions, nor does it require enterprises to provide financing mortgages. PE is a combination of financing and financing, which not only provides capital support for enterprise development, but also provides all-round value-added services for enterprises, such as coordinating the relationship between enterprises and other enterprises in the industry, expanding procurement or sales channels, improving governance structure, etc. It is a capital that can span the economic cycle and is intellectual capital. VC and PE still have great development potential in China.

  Fourth, efforts should be made to provide specialized comprehensive financial services for enterprises to "go global". The "Belt and Road" construction is an important measure for China to implement all-round opening up in the new era. As an important part and implementer of this strategy, it is inevitable for the manufacturing industry to "go global". However, the economic development level of the 65 countries along the "Belt and Road" is uneven, and the social system is very different. Relevant research shows that in 33 countries, the proportion of stock transactions to GDP is less than 10%, and direct financing is almost lacking; There are 24 countries with higher real interest rates than China, and the credit supply is seriously insufficient. Faced with this situation, we must coordinate financial support methods such as policy banks and commercial banks, banks and non-banks, financial innovation and institutional mechanism reform, and strive to provide professional, personalized and diversified financial support for the manufacturing industry to "go global".

  3. Explore practice

  Realize the benign interaction between finance and manufacturing industry


  In order to promote the benign interaction and coordinated development between finance and manufacturing, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission have jointly issued and implemented a series of policies and measures since 2016, and conducted exploration and practice of industrial and financial cooperation.

  Finance is related to the overall economic and social development and has its own development laws and requirements. Finance supports the construction of manufacturing power, on the one hand, it needs finance to return to its origin and enhance the ability to serve the development of manufacturing industry; On the other hand, it is also necessary to actively create conditions to provide guarantee support for financial reform and innovation.

  The General Office of the State Council clearly stated in the Notice on Establishing the Made in China 2025 National Demonstration Zone (Guo Ban Fa [2017] No.90) that it is necessary to "actively promote the integration of industry and finance, establish an industry-finance information docking platform, innovate financial support methods, and enhance the ability and efficiency of financial support for manufacturing development". The so-called integration of production and operation refers to the institutional innovation practice carried out by government departments, financial institutions and industrial enterprises to improve the efficiency and level of financial service manufacturing. Among them, government departments mainly build platforms and mechanisms for the interaction and cooperation between financial institutions and industrial enterprises, and at the same time, make necessary improvements and reforms to relevant policies and regulations and institutional mechanisms, support the market to play a leading role in the allocation of financial resources, and do not interfere in the business decisions of financial institutions and manufacturing enterprises.

  The integration of production and operation has been highly recognized and actively participated by all parties concerned for more than a year, and remarkable results have been achieved. Taking the docking between banks and enterprises as an example, according to incomplete statistics, as of December 2017, more than 5,000 banking institutions involved in the integration of production and operation have actually issued loans of more than 3 trillion yuan to more than 95,000 enterprises. The root of this achievement lies in the fact that the integration of industry and finance has realized the communication and interaction between financial institutions and industrial enterprises at the macro and micro levels by establishing the coordination mechanism of industrial and financial information docking and direct docking between banks and enterprises, and solved the information asymmetry problem of all parties; By means of financial discount, reward, compensation and shareholding, the problem that financial departments are unwilling to invest and enterprises cannot afford to invest has been solved; It provides an effective way to actively and steadily promote financial reform through pilot projects and gradual advancement.

  At present, the integration of industry and production is just the beginning. In the next step, we will focus on the following six aspects: First, make full use of big data, cloud computing and other information technology means to establish more convenient, fast and efficient information communication channels; The second is to expand the field of production-integration, support enterprises to effectively use the capital market to optimize the industrial organization structure and industry layout, encourage financial institutions to innovate services and support enterprises to "go global"; Third, give full play to the leverage guiding role of financial funds and drive financial capital to support the development of strategic, basic and leading industries; Fourth, encourage financial innovation products and services, and support the construction of the Made in China 2025 National Demonstration Zone; Fifth, evaluate and summarize the situation of industrial integration in pilot cities, put forward reform suggestions, and promote the reform of financial system and mechanism; The sixth is to promote enterprises to incorporate the content of production integration into strategic planning and management process reengineering, build industrial culture in the new period and enhance the soft power of enterprises.

   (Author: Wang Xinzhe, chief economist of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

Central Meteorological Observatory: Cold air will affect most parts of China. There is heavy fog in Huanghuai and other places in North China.

CCTV News:According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, due to the influence of strong cold air, from 10th to 13th, northerly winds of 4~6 grades will appear in most parts of northwest China, North China, Northeast China and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, with the temperature dropping by 4~8℃, and the temperature in central and southeastern Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin and southeastern Heilongjiang will drop by 10~14℃, and the local temperature will be above 14℃. It is estimated that from the morning of November 10th to the morning, there will be foggy weather with visibility less than 1km in parts of eastern Beijing, Tianjin, northeastern and southern Hebei, southeastern Shanxi, northwestern and southern Shandong, Jiangsu, eastern Anhui, Shanghai, northern Zhejiang, central and northern Shaanxi and Hetao area of Inner Mongolia.

  Cold air will affect most parts of China.

  Affected by strong cold air, from 10th to 13th, northerly winds of 4-6 grades will appear in most parts of northwest China, North China, Northeast China and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, and the temperature will drop by 4-8℃. The temperatures in central and southeastern Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin and southeastern Heilongjiang will drop by 10-14℃, and the local temperature will be above 14℃.

  Among them, from 08: 00 on November 10 to 08: 00 on December 12, the temperature in central and eastern Xinjiang, most of Inner Mongolia, Gansu, eastern and northern Qinghai, Ningxia, Shaanxi, western Shanxi, northern Hebei, western Liaoning, western Jilin, western Henan, northeastern Sichuan and other places will drop by 4~6℃, and the cooling range in parts of western and southern Gansu, Hetao area of Inner Mongolia and northwestern Shaanxi will reach 8 ~ 10. There will be 4~6 northerly winds and 7~8 gusts in the above areas (see Figure 1). The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the gale cooling forecast at 06: 00 on November 10th.

  Figure 1 National gale cooling forecast chart (08: 00 on November 10th-08: 00 on December 12th)

  Affected by cold and warm air, there will be a wide range of rain and snow weather in the central and eastern regions from the 10th to the 12th, with heavy rain in parts of Shaanxi, south-central Shanxi, central and northeastern Hebei and south-central Liaoning. There are heavy snowstorms in parts of central and southeastern Inner Mongolia, northern Liaoning, Jilin and southeastern Heilongjiang.

  There is heavy fog in Huanghuai and other places in North China

  It is estimated that from the morning of November 10th to the morning, there will be foggy weather with visibility less than 1km in parts of eastern Beijing, Tianjin, northeastern and southern Hebei, southeastern Shanxi, northwestern and southern Shandong, Jiangsu, eastern Anhui, Shanghai, northern Zhejiang, central and northern Shaanxi, Hetao area of Inner Mongolia, etc. Among them, visibility is less than 500km in parts of southern Tianjin, northern Jiangsu, northeastern Anhui, Shanghai, northern Zhejiang and Hetao area of Inner Mongolia. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a foggy yellow warning at 06: 00 on November 10.

  Specific forecast for the next three days

  From 08: 00 on November 10 to 08: 00 on November 11, there were small to medium snow or sleet and local heavy snow in parts of western and northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern and northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, central and eastern Gansu and northern Ningxia. There are small to moderate rains in Hetao area of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, south-central Gansu, most of Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, southwestern Hebei, western and northern Henan, Sichuan Basin and eastern Zhejiang, among which there is heavy rain (25 ~ 45 mm) in parts of northwestern Shaanxi. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in parts of eastern Xinjiang, most of Inner Mongolia, Hexi in Gansu and Ningxia (see Figure 2).

  Figure 2 National Precipitation Forecast Chart (08: 00 on November 10th-08: 00 on November 11th)

  From 08: 00 on November 11th to 08: 00 on the 12th, there were small to medium snow or sleet in parts of Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, western Jilin, eastern and southern Qinghai, central and southern Gansu, Ningxia, northwestern Shaanxi and northern Hebei, among which there were heavy snowstorms (10 ~ 19 mm) in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia and western Jilin. There are small to moderate rains in the eastern and southern parts of Northeast China, south-central North China, eastern Northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghan and Sichuan Basin, among which there are heavy rains (25-45 mm) in parts of central Jilin, western Liaoning, southwestern Shaanxi, north-central Hebei, northeastern Beijing and southwestern Shandong. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in most parts of Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, Huanghuai and other places (see Figure 3).

  Figure 3 National Precipitation Forecast Chart (08: 00 on November 11th-08: 00 on December 12th)

  From 08: 00 on November 12 to 08: 00 on November 13, there were small to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, central and eastern Jilin, central and northern Liaoning, southern Qinghai, northern and eastern Tibet, and northern Sichuan Plateau. Among them, there were heavy snowstorms (10-19 mm) in parts of southeastern Heilongjiang and central and eastern Jilin. There are small to moderate rains in parts of the south of Northeast China, the southeast of Northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, northern Jiangnan, eastern Southwest China and Hainan Island, among which there are heavy rains (25 ~ 35 mm) in parts of eastern Liaoning and northeastern Chongqing. There are 4 ~ 7 winds in parts of central Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, northern Hunan and northern Zhejiang (see Figure 4). There are 7 ~ 8 strong winds in Bohai Sea.

  Figure 4 National Precipitation Forecast Chart (08: 00 on November 12-08: 00 on November 13)

  Influence and concern

  From the night of 1.9 to the 13th, strong cold air continued to affect our country, with strong winds cooling in the central and eastern regions and large-scale rain and snow in the north, and we were concerned about the adverse effects on traffic, urban operation, human health and energy supply.

  2.10-11 Fog or haze weather and its influence in Huanghuai and other places in North China;

  3. Pay attention to the development trend of meteorological drought in Jiangnan and northern South China;

  4 forest and grassland and urban and rural fire prevention meteorological services.

The controversial part of the article "Multinational Women Want to Marry in China" has been deleted.

  Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean women all want to marry in China?

  After "Chinese businessmen are hard to find" and "many countries are eager to return to China", the articles of WeChat WeChat official account and Sohu series of "Women from many countries want to marry in China" attract people’s attention.

  Some netizens joked, "Women all over the world actually have the same dream, that is, to marry China."

  On April 25th, The Paper searched with the keyword "Everyone wants to marry in China", and nearly 100 articles about "All women in a certain country want to marry in China" were retrieved on the WeChat article retrieval page. The titles of the articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman, I want to marry in China" and "Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China?" "Beautiful Korean girls, why many people want to marry in China" and so on. Searching on Baidu with the same keywords, there are 28500000 related information on the webpage and 452000 related contents on the information page.

  Different from the previous cloned articles on "It’s too difficult for Chinese businessmen", there is no obvious phenomenon of copying and applying copywriting in the content narration of the articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", but their narrative theme is "Women from so-and-so countries want to marry in China".

  In response to the WeChat official account series of WeChat articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China", the public relations of WeChat team told The Paper that similar articles on "Women from many countries want to marry in China" are different in nature from the malicious marketing WeChat WeChat official account articles. "More than 30 articles retrieved by WeChat backstage are similar in content, but only similar views are expressed differently".

  On April 17, the WeChat team responded to the series of illegal articles, saying that WeChat has been actively cleaning up similar articles that use epidemic marketing, fabricate and integrate false information, and incite public sentiment. From January 1 ST to April 16 th, WeChat platform deleted about 9,000 articles suspected of exaggerating and misleading, restricted the ability or banned 2,500 WeChat official account; 6,915 articles on rumors were deleted, and 20,000 articles were restricted in ability or titles.

  Among them, there are articles with more than 10,000+readings.

  The title of the article includes North Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries Source: WeChat screenshot

  How is the series of articles "A woman from a certain country wants to marry China" produced?

  The Paper found on the WeChat public account and Baidu page that the titles of such articles are mostly "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China." "Many Japanese women want to marry in China. Why?" "Why are North Korean girls crazy about marrying China?" "Blessed are single men. Women all over the world want to marry in China." "Vietnamese girls want to marry in China? They said: "Compared with Japan, being a daughter-in-law in China is really so happy!" "Vietnamese women want to marry in China? It is best not to marry, and experts suggest that it is best to marry Cambodian women.

  The countries mentioned in these articles include North Korea, Ukraine, India, Vietnam, South Korea, Belarus, Myanmar, Japan, Nepal and Mongolia.

  How are these articles produced?

  The Paper selected articles with a reading of over 10,000, and found that the contents of the articles mostly narrated the benefits of foreign women marrying in China.

  In three of them, I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry in China, Japanese girls want to marry in China, and why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? Taking China as an example, the main point of the article is to tell that foreign women married to China because of its good environment and high per capita GDP. After marrying in China, China’s wife will get a house, her husband will take the initiative to do housework, and her in-laws will help. In addition, from the perspective of history and humanities, it is not unusual for Vietnamese, Japanese, Mongolian and other countries to intermarry with China.

  "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" Similar article Source: WeChat screenshot

  For example, in Why do all Mongolian beauties want to marry in China? In the article, it is mentioned at the beginning of the article that "the main reason is that Mongolia is too poor, and the most important thing is that Mongolia’s fertility rate is negative, … … The country’s current per capita GDP is about 1000 US dollars, and the gap between the rich and the poor is very large. "

  This paper argues that the advantages of Mongolian beauties marrying in China are: the environment in China is better than that in Mongolia, there are more women than men in China, and the quality of men in China is generally higher than that in Mongolia.

  Finally, the article concludes that Mongolia will regain its glory when a beautiful Mongolian woman marries China.

  WeChat article "Why do Mongolian beauties want to marry in China" Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that the article was published on March 2, and the account number was "Historical Heritage". The account profile stated "Interesting historical story, folk unofficial history, democratic analysis, telling the past". The main company of the account number was Hefei Downs Household Products Co., Ltd., and the account number was certified and opened on November 14, 2018.

  On April 16th, The Paper called the account entity company about this article, but it was not connected.

  Hundreds of articles on WeChat public accounts, most of which are individuals.

  The Paper found from nearly 155 articles retrieved from the WeChat public account that these articles were published from different WeChat official account, including the personal account "Peach Notes" to promote the "Sex World Revival Plan", and the tourism consulting service number "Taozui Neon" to promote "Travel around Japan". Its account main body is Shanghai Taozui Neon Network Technology Co., Ltd., and there is also a history that claims to tell "interesting historical stories, folk unofficial history and telling the ancient road today". The main body of this kind of WeChat public account is mostly displayed as an individual, and the time of publishing articles can be retrieved from 2017 to April 2020.

  Japanese girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  The Paper found that "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" published by this kind of WeChat public account article has the same theme and slightly deviated expression.

  Take the article "I finally understand why Korean women would rather be single in their own country than marry in China" published on March 27th by the WeChat public account of Changsha Yangyujin Network Technology Co., Ltd., as an example. The writing is similar to the previous article, and it is mentioned at the beginning that the fertility rate in South Korea fell below 1% in 2018. Korean women choose to marry in China on the one hand because South Korea and China have similar cultures, and on the other hand, because China has done a better job of equality between men and women.

  The Paper found that the WeChat public account was registered on December 9, 2018. Prior to this, on April 16, The Paper called the account entity company for this article, but it was not connected.

  Korean girls want to marry in China. Source: WeChat screenshot

  Another account shows an individual as the main body. For example, the article "Beautiful Korean Girls, Why Do Many Want to Marry in China" published on May 6, 2019 by Wechat WeChat official account Visual Korea with the registration time of February 1, 2020 also mentions that North Korea is poor and backward in everyone’s impression, and it is still in the 1970s and 1980s in China. North Korean girls have a soft spot for China men, and many North Korean girls want to marry in China.

  Some articles have been deleted.

  As of 20: 40 on 16th, The Paper found that some articles about "Women in a certain country want to marry in China" had been deleted. For example, the current page of "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" is displayed as "This content cannot be viewed due to violation of regulations".

  Previously, the page "I am a Vietnamese woman and I want to marry China" published by WeChat public account "Peach Notes" has been deleted. Source: WeChat screenshot.

  "Beautiful Korean girls, why do many people want to marry in China" published by WeChat official account’s WeChat "Visual Korea", whose account subject is an individual, has also been deleted.

  Why do Korean women want to marry in China? They can’t find the source: WeChat screenshot.

  However, with the keyword "Korean girl, want to marry to China", there are still related WeChat posts in WeChat official account.

  For example, on January 8, 2017, the WeChat public account "Oumeidi Xuefu", whose account body is displayed as an individual, posted "Why do North Korean girls want to marry China crazily?" At the beginning of the article, it was written in a similar way that North Korea’s national conditions are poor, and most North Korean girls are not bad-looking, hardworking and filial to their parents. They are married to China and prefer to live here than their own country.

  The Paper inquired about Article 4.11 of the Operating Specification of WeChat Public Platform, which showed that the incited, exaggerated and misleading content of WeChat platform included "false or exaggerated content of the title involving domestic and foreign politics, military affairs, economic fields and national policies" and "the title is described in an exaggerated way, thus inciting people to do something" and so on. For WeChat official account who has a minor violation, (WeChat) will deal with its name, avatar, function introduction, graphic message and other violations; If the circumstances are serious, the functions of group sending, attention, sharing, search, etc. of the account will be restricted, or the use of the account will be directly restricted.

  The Paper previously reported that in the past two months, there have been many articles entitled "A certain country under the epidemic: it is too difficult for Chinese businessmen to close their shops!" The content of the article in WeChat official account on WeChat "XX country longs to return to China" is exactly the same. More than 60 WeChat WeChat official account posts the same titles and articles in batches, such as Palm Switzerland, Palm Belarus, Palm India and Palm Dublin. After telling the plight of foreign epidemic in Chinese, WeChat official account, entitled "Information about the latest car", published nearly 30 articles entitled "Why does a certain country yearn to return to China" and "Why does a country go out independently from China".

  On April 3rd, The Paper learned from Fuzhou Public Security Bureau that Xue Mou, a manager of WeChat official account who published many false news about "Chinese businessmen are too difficult", had been taken criminal compulsory measures by the police. After arriving at the case, Xue admitted that the relevant articles were all fabricated by him, in order to increase the reading volume and increase the powder in order to make a profit. As for the article "Many countries are eager to return to China", on the evening of April 15th, WeChat responded exclusively to The Paper that such articles were exaggerated and misleading. At present, WeChat has deleted 227 illegal articles "XX countries (or regions) are eager to return to China" and blocked 153 public accounts.

China Consumers Association and China Tea Association: Advocating moderate tea packaging to promote green and civilized consumption.

  China Consumers Association and China Tea Circulation Association jointly issued a proposal today to advocate moderate tea packaging and promote green and civilized consumption.

  "Tea is the national drink". China is the hometown of tea and has a profound tea drinking culture. Tea and tea culture have become a beautiful business card of China in the world. In recent years, the tea industry has developed by leaps and bounds. More categories and brands of tea have entered the consumer market, deeply integrated into the lives of China people, and improved the quality of life of consumers in China. However, there have also been some excessive luxury and extravagance in the packaging of tea products, which has damaged the rights and interests of consumers, affected the image of the tea industry and is not conducive to its healthy development.

  On September 1, 2023, "Restricting Over-packaging of Commodities Requires Food and Cosmetics" will be fully implemented. In terms of consumers’ rights and interests, the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests also stipulates that "the state advocates civilized, healthy, resource-saving and environmental-friendly consumption patterns and opposes waste". It has become the consensus of all walks of life, including operators and consumers, that "it is the duty of operators to practise economy and consumers to oppose waste". The recent consumer perception survey conducted by China Consumers Association shows that consumers have concentrated on the problem of over-packaging of tea, and hope that the tea industry will set an example in eliminating over-packaging and promoting green and civilized consumption.

  China Consumers Association and China Tea Circulation Association, starting from opposing excessive packaging of tea, jointly issued an initiative of "advocating moderate packaging of tea and promoting green and civilized consumption" to the majority of operators and consumers in line with the principle of laying equal stress on standardizing the production of tea products according to law and promoting the development of tea industry to meet the needs of consumers.

  First, strictly abide by state regulations and resolutely operate according to law.

  Tea business operators shall abide by the Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Law on Promotion of Circular Economy, the Law on Promotion of Cleaner Production, the Law on Anti-unfair Competition, the Advertising Law, the Food and Cosmetics for Restricting Overpackaging of Commodities, and other laws and national standards, and produce according to the standards according to law. Conscientiously carry out self-inspection and self-inspection, implement, use and meet the standards as soon as possible, ensure that the rectification is in place when the standards are implemented, and promote the return of tea products to the attributes of the goods themselves. For goods with accessories, accessories, etc., we should make reasonable combinations according to law in accordance with the necessary principles, and do not play "edge ball", so there is no luck.

  Second, fair competition and respect for consumer rights and interests

  Respect the rights and interests given to consumers by the Consumer Protection Law. By standardizing commodity packaging, scientific pricing and reasonable marketing, we will provide consumers with quality and affordable products. According to the principle of plain code and real price, the accessories and accessories are marked separately, so that consumers can choose independently. Consciously resist using commodity packaging as a gimmick to induce or mislead consumers to make purchases. Respect consumers’ rights such as the right to know, the right to choose independently and the right to fair trade. Do not use excessive packaging for unfair competition, and do not harm the legitimate rights and interests of other operators.

  Third, promote frugality and promote green consumption

  Tea operators should firmly establish the concepts of "safety, practicality, resource conservation, green simplicity and consumer friendliness" and promote frugality. Actively explore the establishment of packaging recycling mechanism, adhere to the principle of combining source management with end management, and advocate a new concept of simple but not simple commodity packaging. Continuously improve product innovation research and development capabilities and production technology level, and provide consumers with more categories and specifications of healthy and nutritious tea products. In terms of tea packaging, according to the requirements of different tea categories, brands, varieties and quality, the packaging materials should be appropriate, the structure should be optimized, the materials used should be moderate, harmless processing and green production should be achieved. Advocate tea operators to publicize information such as energy efficiency, water efficiency, environmental performance and carbon emission in the whole production chain of tea raw material production, processing and packaging for consumers’ choice and social supervision.

  Four, industry self-discipline, sharing scientific and technological achievements

  Tea operators should fully understand the importance and urgency of opposing waste, especially over-packaging, and take opposing waste, especially over-packaging, as an important criterion for cooperative product selection. The tea industry should cooperate in unifying product standards and promoting common accessories, and reach a consensus to jointly reduce the waste of repeated purchases by consumers due to inconsistent product specifications and standards. Actively develop and use new packaging materials that are conducive to resource conservation, actively promote new technologies, new designs and new processes that meet the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, and actively adopt recyclable, easy-to-handle, degradable and reusable packaging. Encourage tea operators to open to the outside world the standards, patents and process formulas that are conducive to the production of green and low-carbon products for other operators to use in order to enhance social benefits.

  Five, strengthen scientific guidance and promote rational consumption.

  Advocate tea operators to humanize product packaging, improve the proportion of new packaging and simple packaging, reduce the volume and weight of packaging, save packaging costs, and be "law-abiding", "advocate", "innovator" and "sharer" to resist excessive packaging of tea. Advocate consumers to establish a scientific and rational consumption concept, try to buy and choose resource-saving products, and be pioneers, practitioners, propagandists and supervisors against excessive packaging of tea. Appeal to consumers to consciously choose simple and moderate packaging products when visiting relatives and friends, and refuse to pay for excessive packaging; Try to bring your own shopping bag when shopping to reduce the consumption and pollution of packaging. At the same time, we will take the initiative to complain and report the waste behavior that violates the national standard of excessive packaging of tea in consumption, and jointly promote the formation of a lifestyle and consumption pattern that saves resources and protects the environment.

  (CCTV reporter Wang Wei)

On New Year’s Day holiday, traveling "blossomed more", and the consumption of cultural tourism in various places was full of vitality and enthusiasm.

  CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the tourism markets around the country are heating up. Let’s follow the reporter’s lens and see the different tourism modes in the north and south during this holiday.

  During the New Year’s Day holiday in 2024, various scenic spots in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province have carefully planned a series of special cultural tourism projects for the New Year’s Day holiday. Visitors can make good wishes for the New Year in the picturesque mood of Jiangnan water town. You can also attend the New Year’s bonfire party to welcome the coming New Year together.

  In Liaoyuan, Jilin Province, the city was lit up by bright lights just after nightfall. China’s traditional elements are integrated with ice and snow, and a large-scale night tour ice and snow theme park is launched, attracting many tourists to experience the charm of ice and snow in an immersive way. In the 30,000-square-meter ice and snow theme park, there are not only snow sculpture, which has more than 10,000 Ma Benteng and other China festival elements, but also crystal clear and colorful ice sculptures. The park also set up a dynamic and colorful stage on the snow to guide tourists to interact together.

  In Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places, a variety of activities have also been held to enrich the holiday experience of citizens and tourists.

  Xianyang, Shaanxi: Feel the Beauty of Folk Music in the New Year Concert

  On December 29th, the 2024 New Year Concert in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province was staged wonderfully. Auspicious and festive melodies and drums played hand in hand, igniting the atmosphere of the audience. Nearly a thousand spectators at the scene felt the beauty of folk music in the flowing notes.

  Jiang ‘an, Sichuan: Making red lanterns to celebrate the New Year.

  In Jiang ‘an, Sichuan, everyone walked into the museum and experienced making handmade lanterns. Under the guidance of volunteers, parents and children stuck lantern paper, inserted lanterns and pasted flowers. Soon, handmade lanterns with New Year elements appeared in front of them.

  During the New Year holiday, scenic spots and hotels in Fujian and Guangxi ushered in a small peak of passenger flow. Let’s watch together.

  In Xiamen, Fujian, various sailing and yacht projects set off a wave of water sports. The little sail shadow fluctuates with the waves, and the motorboat "dazzles and pulls flowers" on the sea. Not far from the shore, canoeing, paddling and other water sports attract tourists of all ages to experience.

  During the New Year’s Day holiday, nearly 1,000 tourists come to Xiamen’s major docks to experience water sports every day. At the same time, water sports have also driven the passenger flow of surrounding scenic spots and the hot sale of water equipment, continuously extending the tourism industry chain and tapping the consumption potential.

  On New Year’s Day holiday, the weather in Nanning, Guangxi is comfortable and pleasant, attracting many foreign tourists to visit, and the local hotel room reservation is hot.

  During the New Year’s Day, the catering market in Nanning was also hot. In addition to traditional round-table dinners, some hotels have launched family-style buffets, which are welcomed by many consumers.

  Chengdu, Sichuan: On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, Chengdu’s tourism is surging.

  On the first day of the New Year holiday, Qingchengshan-Dujiangyan Scenic Area received more than 28,000 tourists. During the holiday of New Year’s Day, Chengdu Kuanzhai Lane Scenic Area joined hands with "Music" to create a street concert, and launched the mobile phone photography unit exhibition of Chengdu International Photography Week, which received a total of 149,000 visitors on the 30th. Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum and Cultural Relics District are as hot as Jinli Historical and Cultural District, with a total of 54,309 visitors.

  Shaanxi: Many scenic spots usher in the peak of passenger flow.

  Relying on high-quality cultural resources, various scenic spots in Shaanxi optimize the supply of tourism products, and launch boutique tourist routes and immersive experience scenes to meet the diversified consumption needs of cultural tourism. Datang City, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, launched a one-stop punch card for food, cultural creation and performing arts to meet the diverse experiences of tourists. On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, as of 8: 00 pm, Datang City that Never sleeps received more than 200,000 domestic and foreign tourists.

  Huaqing Palace Scenic Area launched the activities of "free tickets for wearing Chinese clothes" and "free tickets for reciting Song of Eternal Sorrow", and the tourism mode of "palace culture+immersive scene", allowing visitors to experience the collision between history and modernity. On December 30th, nearly 30,000 tourists were received.

  This year, the Museum of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, a world cultural heritage, received more than 11 million visitors for the first time. On December 30th, the Qin Mausoleum Museum received more than 33,000 domestic and foreign tourists to watch the Terracotta Warriors.

Merry Christmas in 2021, a beautiful greeting, a collection of words about Merry Christmas in 2021.

"This article is from Minnan. com"
Christmas is another year. Chinese people still like this festival very much. On Christmas Eve, they will also send apples to each other. Of course, Christmas will also send gifts to each other and warm Christmas wishes. The following Minnan Net (www.mnw.cn) Xiaobian brings: A collection of beautiful wishes for a Merry Christmas in 2021.
Merry Christmas in 2021: a beautiful message.
Dear, although I can’t spend our first Christmas with you, I still want to send you my deep blessing, wishing you a more beautiful tomorrow.
2. Warm greetings and sincere wishes. May happiness always accompany you, and may you have full hopes of happy harvest, which will overflow in this new year.
3. Your peace is my wish, your sincerity is my happiness, and my gift to you is my lifelong blessing! Merry Christmas!
4. It’s another festive season. The University of Hong Kong wishes you a Merry Christmas! May all the troubles dissipate and all the dreams come true. No matter where you are, HKU is always with you!
5. The warm atmosphere of Christmas Eve: the moonlight, the bell, the shadow and my little blessing; It conveys the holiday message: Merry Christmas!
6. Christmas is coming again. Think that there is nothing for you, and I don’t intend to give you too much. I only give you 50 million: be happy! Be healthy! Be safe! Be content! Don’t forget me!
7. The bell rang in my ears, and gradually became clear with my memory; Snowflakes fall in my palm, and gradually blur with a smile; The law of happiness falls in your palm. Who will comfort you? I will accompany you on Christmas night.
8. Which courier company does Santa Claus come from? I have waited for ten years and didn’t arrive. I want to give a bad review.
9. Have you ever seen a sand dune wrapped in silver? Dune Christmas tips: Cedar, bonfire, barbecue, and companions who play together can’t be less! Merry Christmas to everyone ~
10. It’s cold and snowy, the night is long, a pot of warm wine, and I wish you all a Merry Christmas ~
Merry Christmas 2021 collection of talks
1. If one day you are put in a bag by Santa Claus, don’t worry, because you are the Christmas present I want.
2. In a blink of an eye, it’s Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. At this moment, may all your unhappiness disappear, and the future days will be safe and happy forever. Merry Christmas and be safe!
3. As Christmas approaches, I want to send my sincere and sincere wishes to you. May your love be full, your career be smooth and beneficial, your life be perfect and beautiful, your mood be sweet, your family love and happiness last forever!
Today, I am the messenger of Christmas Eve, and I send all my best wishes to you. You must seriously accept the happiness I gave you. I hope you will be so happy every day!
5. There is something in the world called love, which is born in attraction and harmonious in sublimation. One of your friends is you, knowing by accident and ending in eternity. My friend sent me my deep blessing on the occasion of Christmas!
6. The dust of the years has not diminished the hard work of missing. May your life be relaxed everywhere, accompanied by the most beautiful happiness, and I wish you a merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, dear. Do you know who I am? This question may not be important to you, but it cares about me.
8. Hello, Santa Claus. I’ve warmed the bed. You can tuck the person I like into my bed. Thank you.
9. Love is silent and love is eternal. Christmas with flying snow, baby, our hearts are embracing each other!
10. Bai Xueer flutters and deer bells knock, and the sweet Christmas Eve comes again. What a wonderful Christmas! Love is silent, love is eternal, dear, merry Christmas!
The above is the whole content. For more exciting, please continue to pay attention to Xiaobian.

Good morning world | Suspected hacker attack, 60% of gas stations in Iran shut down.

Global focus

On December 18, 2023, in Tehran, Iran, vehicles lined up outside a gas station in Tehran, Iran.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, on December 18, vehicles refueled in a gas station in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, due to hacking, the gas station stopped serving.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Shana News Agency, a subsidiary of Iran’s Ministry of Oil, said that the fuel supply of some gas stations in Iran was temporarily stopped on December 18 due to technical problems.

According to Israeli media reports on December 18th, a hacker group "once associated with Israel" claimed to have attacked Iran’s gas station system. This hacker group previously claimed that at the end of 2021, it launched cyber attacks against Iran’s gas stations, railway systems and steel mills. The organization posted on social media on December 18 that they launched cyber attacks against Iran again that day, which led to the paralysis of most gas stations across Iran.

On December 18, 2023, in Tehran, Iran, cars lined up outside the gas station.

On December 18, 2023, in Tehran, Iran, motorcycles waited for refueling outside a gas station in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

Jalil As-Sarari, deputy minister of Iran’s Oil Ministry and CEO of Iran’s National Refining and Marketing Company, said in an interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network that 60% of Iran’s gas stations have cut off fuel supply due to problems in the point-of-sale system and online payment function. He promised that all gas stations would resume supply that night.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, due to hacking, the gas station stopped serving.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, the closed gas station was filmed in Tehran, Iran.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Tehran, Iran, on December 18, vehicles refueled in a gas station in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

Global overview

The flood level in Queensland, Australia continues to rise and the airport is closed again.

On December 18th, 2023, local time, the flood disaster was shot at Cairns Airport in Queensland, Australia.

On December 18, 2023, local time, at Cairns Airport, Queensland, Australia, the vehicle was soaked in the rising flood.

According to Xinhua News Agency on December 18th, Queensland suffered the biggest flood on record, with serious water accumulation at the local Cairns International Airport, and some planes on the runway were flooded.

According to the Australian Meteorological Administration, on December 18th, local time, the flood levels in Cairns and Port Douglas in Queensland continued to rise. In the past 40 hours, the local rainfall has exceeded 600 mm, of which 307 mm was recorded locally in the past 24 hours.

Local time December 18, 2023, Queensland, Australia, residents affected by floods.

According to statistics, from the night of 17th to the early morning of 18th, the emergency department of Queensland conducted about 300 times to assist in rescue. Cairns, a famous tourist city, has been besieged by the once-in-a-century flood, and residents of several surrounding towns have been evacuated. At present, the local airport has been closed and all international and domestic flights have been cancelled.

On December 18, 2023, local time, a highway collapsed in Queensland, Australia.

On December 18, 2023, local time, in Cairns, Queensland, Australia, residents moved by boat.

The explosion of the oil depot in Guinea’s capital has killed 13 people.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Conakry, Guinea, the scene of the fuel warehouse fire.

On December 18, 2023, local time, Conakry, Guinea, the scene of the fuel warehouse fire.

According to Xinhua News Agency, a large fuel warehouse in Conakry exploded in the early morning of the 18th, causing a fire, and a large number of buildings and vehicles were burned. After the explosion, relevant professional organizations immediately put into rescue work to control the fire and minimize losses.

The explosion in the fuel warehouse has killed 13 people and injured more than 170 others. Most of the injured people have been sent to hospital, and 89 of them were discharged after receiving treatment.

On December 18, 2023, in Conakry, Guinea, residents watched the burning oil depot billow smoke.

On December 18, 2023, local time, in Conakry, Guinea, a fire broke out at the fuel warehouse, and flames rose at the scene.

Guinea’s transitional government issued a statement saying that all public and private sector workers in Conakry will remain at home except the national defense and security departments and the medical industry, and all schools and gas stations will be closed. The government will investigate the cause of the incident and the person responsible.

Photo of this article: Xinhua News Agency, 澎湃 Image, IC photo

exchange of experience

From Putuo in the Red West of Shanghai to Ludian County in the hinterland of Wumeng Mountain, since 2021, the two places have witnessed the deep affection of Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation. Since the beginning of this year, Putuo District has continued to carry forward the spirit of "people are reliable (general) and things are done (tuo)", constantly expanding the depth of cooperation with an unshakable political stance and down-to-earth work style, helping Ludian County to realize endless new industries, constantly improving the employment level, and helping the rural revitalization to make great strides forward … The days of local people are getting more and more prosperous.

The development of key industries helps rural revitalization

When it comes to high-quality apple producing areas, many Shanghai residents’ first reaction is apples from the north. But in fact, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province is the largest high-quality apple production base in the south of China.

In Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, apples have been planted for more than 70 years. They are known for their bright color, delicate meat, rich juice, rich fruit aroma and rich selenium. However, due to the extensive traditional planting mode and the lack of modern grading inspection and testing technology, the standardization and marketization of local high-quality apples are low. In recent years, the similar situation has changed. Relying on the cooperation mechanism between Shanghai and Yunnan, the apple industry in Ludian is accelerating.

At the end of 2021, with the help of the cooperation mechanism between the east and the west in Putuo District, Ludian County introduced enterprises to contract and plant 2,200 mu of apple base in Taoyuan Township, and adopted modern planting mode.

Apple has become the local "fruit of getting rich". Two years have passed, and apples in Ludian County have been harvested one after another. This year, the local industrial park cold storage was also built, with a maximum cold storage capacity of over 10,000 tons, which effectively helped the locally abundant apples to be transported into the cold storage in time for storage and preservation, and the peak sales were staggered, thus enhancing the added value for the apple industry.

"Now, the cold storage has driven the apple sorting line workshop to put into use, attracting more than 300 people around, with a per capita income of nearly 30,000 yuan, and the local people have increased their income." Xu Xiong, a cadre of aiding Yunnan in Putuo District, member of the Standing Committee of Ludian County Committee and deputy county magistrate, told reporters in a telephone interview.

Apples are crisp, and walnuts, another important crop in Ludian County, are more ripe.

Ludian County is the key walnut production base in Yunnan Province, and also the origin and main producing area of hemp walnut, with a planting area of more than 850,000 mu. Since the pairing assistance between Putuo District and Ludian County, in accordance with the principle of "central requirements, Ludian needs, Putuo can", Putuo District has invested real money, sincerity, and hard work to help the local area fill the shortcomings in the deep processing and development of walnut industry.

In 2021, based on the project of intensive processing workshop of walnut industry in Ludian County, Ludian County introduced professional food production enterprises, developed high value-added products, expanded the market of walnuts, and developed intensive processing products of walnuts such as walnut oil, walnut kernels and walnut leisure snacks, which brought employment and income to local people, and embarked on a road of rural revitalization with industrial employment and effectively stimulated endogenous development momentum.

"Driven by the walnut intensive processing workshop project, this year, relevant production enterprises took the initiative to go to Longtoushan Town, Jiangdi Town and Huodehong Town to buy green-skinned walnuts from farmers. Farmers no longer peel green-skinned walnuts and sun-dried walnuts as in previous years, and then look for sales. Now, you can easily sell walnuts at your doorstep, saving labor and enriching the’ money bag’. " Jie Yi, a cadre of aiding Yunnan in Putuo District and deputy director of Rural Revitalization Bureau of Ludian County, told the reporter.

The frozen park and industrial park are just a microcosm of Putuo’s contribution to local industrial development under the cooperation of Shanghai and Yunnan. Since the "hand in hand" between Putuo District and Ludian County in 2021, more than 60 projects have been implemented in Putuo District, and the deep processing production lines of characteristic agricultural products such as apples, peppers and walnuts in Ludian County will all be established, and a number of key projects will be built, such as the cold storage of Ludian County Industrial Park, Xinjie Town Xinjie Community and Rural Revitalization Demonstration Site, Blueberry Industry Demonstration Base, and Natural Energy Water Lifting Project.

"The industry is booming, and the sales market should be broadened. Since 2021, since Putuo District paired up to help Ludian County, the aid cadres have focused on consumption cooperation and boosted’ cloud products into Shanghai’. We have helped local sales of agricultural and sideline products to exceed 57 million yuan, helping local people to increase their income." Xie Yixin said with joy.

Employment "in and out" enhances residents’ sense of gain

Maojiawan Easy Relocation and Resettlement Area is the second largest easy relocation and resettlement area in China, with the largest number of poverty-stricken households and nearly 40,000 people. How to continuously meet the employment needs of local residents, so that the majority of easy-to-move people can realize "moving out, staying stable and getting rich"?

This year, Putuo District continued to introduce food enterprises, and recruited jobs such as small kebabs, boneless chicken feet, and beef and mutton prefabricated dishes. At the same time, in order to further satisfy Ludian County’s concentration of enterprises and industries that attract investment from the east and the west to the plateau characteristic green food industrial park supporting the resettlement area, it is convenient for the people who are easy to move to and from work nearby. For enterprises that have been operating in the local area, Ludian County has actively done a good job in enterprise service and helped production enterprises to connect with the Shanghai market through the cooperation mechanism between the east and the west.

In addition to developing local industries, the transfer of labor force to employment is one of the most direct and effective ways to increase farmers’ income. On the basis of previous years, relying on Ludian Sub-station of Putuo Labor Cooperation Workstation, this year, we will build a part-time market in the part-time gathering place of Yi Qian ‘an District in Maojiawan.

"Under the multi-measures employment measures, Ludian County has helped nearly 2,000 rural laborers to find jobs and nearly 400 rural laborers to find jobs in Shanghai this year. It also held 15 labor cooperation training courses to train more than 650 rural laborers. " Jie Yi told reporters.

In Ludian County, the cadres of Putuo District’s aid to Yunnan always insist on the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, preventing large-scale poverty return in poverty-stricken areas, and promoting the income increase of poverty-stricken people. In accordance with the requirements of "the central government requires what Ludian needs and Putuo can do", taking the cooperation between Shanghai and Yunnan as an important opportunity, they actively explore and carry the resource endowment of Putuo District, regard industrial development as the top priority of the cooperation between the east and the west of Ludian County, and pay close attention to the industry, promote employment and promote.

When it comes to 2024, aid cadres in Yunnan are full of energy and confidence. "In June next year, our three-year attachment period is coming to an end. As always, we will carry forward the good style of" people are reliable (general) and things are done (tuo) ",do a good job in all kinds of assistance work, collect officials for this round of aid to Yunnan, and make a good start for successors." Xu Xiong expressed his position.

"I will be cautious to the end, continue to maintain high work enthusiasm and rigorous work style, and strive to be a’ five-owned’ reliable cadre in the new era, seize the day and live up to the glory." Jie Yi said.

Source: Shanghai Putuo

Shangguan author: Shanghai cooperation and exchange

Fierce controversy! With the rise of football in China, fans are constantly cursing.

After the news that the main players of China football team were injured in Thailand came out, it caused extensive controversy and discussion. According to media reports, Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, needs a long recovery period of at least 8 months because of tearing the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee. The striker of Thailand, Dangda, also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult for him to play against China on November 16th. In this regard, Soccer reported that China became the winner because Thailand lost important players before the preliminaries. However, such a report attracted a lot of fans’ scolding. Some fans said that China football now needs to rely on the injury of its opponent to win, which is really disgusting. They think that the football level in China is so low that it has fallen to the point where people want to be injured or even sent off, which is really worrying.

There are also fans who believe that the China men’s soccer team seems unable to win no matter whether the main players of Thailand are injured or not. They are pessimistic about the future of football in China, and think that China can’t win against Japanese teams and strong European teams, and they are still discussing how to beat Thailand and Vietnam, which is ridiculous. However, some fans are optimistic about China football. They believe that the China team can play its own strength in the face of stable opponents. They mentioned the fierce confrontation between the Japanese team and the European powers, and thought that China could meet the challenges of Thailand and Viet Nam as long as it played steadily. In any case, China Football got some good news in the news that the main players of Thailand were injured. Fans have different expectations and views on the performance of China team.

Whether optimistic or pessimistic, only when the China team can prove its strength in the competition can the fans have more confidence in it.

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