Autonavi announced the launch of "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Integrated Navigation", which realizes the first unified navigation experience in the Greater Bay Area based on Beidou

  Recently, on the 24th anniversary of Macau’s return to China, Autonavi Maps announced the official launch of "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Integrated Navigation". This service is based on the research and development of the Beidou satellite navigation system, and is committed to providing accurate and convenient navigation and travel services in the Greater Bay Area. It realizes a seamless connection with the use experience of Autonavi maps in the mainland, so as to better serve the increasingly hot "south-up-north-down" two-way travel and promote economic integration and development. This is also the first map navigation product in the industry to span the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao region and achieve a unified experience.

  According to reports, in order to achieve the goal of integrated travel and navigation in the Greater Bay Area, this Autonavi map is based on Beidou positioning technology and has launched a number of innovative functions for Hong Kong and Macao, including lane-level navigation, intelligent traffic light countdown, tunnel navigation, and intersection guidance maps, etc., which have greatly improved the level of route planning and navigation services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  For example, the Beidou lane-level navigation service, Autonavi’s self-developed deep learning model, can realize the 3D automatic modeling of the whole road network integration, and realize the fully automated 3D mapping of building roads, natural environment, urban landmarks and other elements in the map in Hong Kong and Macao; and based on the AI dynamic vision technology for driver human factors engineering, it can dynamically adjust the navigation screen closer to the driving perspective according to the current location and road shape, and build a digital world that combines virtual and real, allowing users to see what they get during the navigation process, "second understanding".

  After the launch of "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Integrated Navigation", Autonavi Beidou lane-level navigation has been further popularized nationwide and has become the largest lane-level navigation service in the world.

  There is also an intelligent traffic light countdown service, which is also based on the continuous and stable positioning ability of the Beidou system, combined with cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and smart transportation to build core computing power, so that the real-world traffic light countdown countdown can be realized on the APP. "Mirror" reproduction.

  According to reports, the Autonavi smart traffic light service was first launched in the mainland in May 2022. This is the first red light countdown service in the industry to be launched on the smartphone terminal and "anticipate" second-level changes in computing power. As of now, the daily countdown service provided by Autonavi smart traffic lights nationwide has exceeded 2 billion.

  In addition, Autonavi tunnel navigation has also been launched in Hong Kong and Macao. Based on the self-developed "inertial navigation spatial positioning technology", it integrates mobile phone sensors, road networks, mobile networks, satellites and other elements for mixed real-time computing, which greatly alleviates the stability of positioning signals in tunnels.

  Autonavi tunnel navigation was first launched in March this year and is the first domestic tunnel navigation technology solution with complete positioning capabilities and based on smartphones.

  There is also the Autonavi cross-city bus service, which can also realize the integrated travel plan planning that spans any city and region in the Greater Bay Area, covers multiple travel modes such as bus, walking, cycling, and calculates extremely fine time and distance, truly achieving a "door-to-door without dead ends", one-click intercity public travel planning service.

  In addition to the above features, Autonavi Maps has also added practical services such as intersection guidance large map, riding and walking navigation in the Greater Bay Area, and greatly updated and optimized the data "freshness" in the area (for example, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge that has just started trial operation has also been included in the route planning plan), dedicated to further strengthening the unity of navigation and travel services in the Greater Bay Area.

  As a professional provider of digital map content, navigation and location-based service solutions, Autonavi Maps has always been committed to using technological innovation to transform various cutting-edge technologies into civilian transportation services to provide users with a better travel experience. In the future, Autonavi Maps will also continue to improve in the field of technology to better serve the transportation of the majority of users.

Mijia fresh fan experience: close the window for ventilation, fresh to forget the existence of PM2.5.

  Haze has made people aware of the existence of PM2.5, serious diseases have made people aware of the harm of formaldehyde, and air purification products have gradually gained recognition from the majority of users. But users who have in-depth understanding know that although air purifiers have obvious effects, they actually treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. The ultimate solution for indoor air purification is a fresh fan.

  Xiaomi, which used to revolutionize the air purifier market with its signature price/performance ratio, is here again with a new fan. The average price of high-performance new fans over 10,000 is the threshold for its low awareness and popularity. Now Xiaomi is ready to break the industry’s profits again.

  On November 6, the official Weibo of Mijia officially released the Mijia fresh fan. The price of 2XXX was reasonable and unexpected. As for whether this product really provided extremely high performance at a very low price, the Global Network Technology Channel was invited to experience it in advance to bring you a first-hand experience.

  A fresh fan is to an air purifier what an air conditioner is to a refrigerator

  Does indoor air purification require only an air purifier? Of course not.

  Air purifiers can purify indoor air quickly and efficiently, which is an indisputable fact, but the source of indoor air is still outdoor. If the outdoor air is out of the meter, you can’t open the window, and if you don’t open the window, you can’t ventilate. Even if there is an indoor air purifier, it just keeps self-circulating, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will get higher and higher. Finally, you have to open the window to introduce the outdoor air containing oxygen, and then use the air purifier to purify it.

  But opening the window once, polluting the indoor air once, and then purifying it again and again, this operation will repeatedly harm health. And directly opening the window and using an air purifier is exaggerated to say that it is equivalent to purifying the entire atmosphere (impossible to do), just like opening the refrigerator door and trying to use the refrigerator to cool the entire room. The self-circulation of the air purifier will naturally make the indoor air cleaner and cleaner, but the air quality is not only an indicator of PM 2.5. At present, carbon dioxide has been included in the current indoor air Quality Standards at home and abroad, and there is a broader consensus that talking about air quality without carbon dioxide is a hooligan. Air that lacks oxygen, no matter how clean it ****** also dangerous to life. This is the importance of fresh fans.

  From the perspective of the Mijia new fan, the lower part of the trend has a punch or so, which directly introduces the outdoor air, and then filters through the lower, middle and upper layers to send the trend air from the top, which solves the problem of oxygen-containing air source.

  What kind of fresh fan is Mijia fresh fan?

  When people hear "fresh air", they are often linked to "fresh air system", which actually refers to the central fresh air system. Generally, air is sent into each room through pipes, which needs to be installed before decoration (hard installation). Most of them are ceiling type, which is more popular in Europe and the United States. However, the central fresh air system occupies a floor height, and it is inconvenient to replace the filter screen. The total cost of final purchase and installation is generally more than 30,000 yuan.

  As people pay more attention to air quality, the demand for fresh fans after installation has increased, and wall-mounted fresh fans have appeared on the market, which is the category that Mijia fresh fans belong to. The cost of wall-mounted fresh fans is generally around 10,000 yuan, and they can be installed at any time without laying pipes. The installation of Mijia fresh fans only takes two hours, and the bottom air inlet hole is still reserved on the side. Users with insufficient wall space in their homes can install them horizontally. If the property does not allow openings, glass openings can also be selected. Therefore, Mijia fresh fans are very competitive in terms of economic cost and energy cost.

  The Mijia fresh fan adopts a touch-sensitive OLED display screen, which can be operated directly after displaying the value. The design of the whole machine follows the simple style of Mijia, and it does not violate the integration into the home design.

  In terms of working principle, the Mijia fresh air fan uses a DC inverter fan to intake air from the bottom air inlet hole, and passes through the lower anti-mosquito filter, the middle-layer medium-efficiency filter, and the upper-layer H13 high-efficiency filter, for a total of three layers of filtration. The anti-mosquito filter adopts a box design to block large particles such as outdoor mosquitoes; the medium-efficiency filter has a removal rate of 80% for particles above PM 0.4; the H13 high-efficiency filter has a power efficiency of more than 99.97% for particles above PM 0.3, and the sterilization rate of Staphylococcus albicans is > 99.9%.

  What’s more eye-catching in terms of parameters is that the Mijia fresh fan has a ventilation capacity of 300m3/h, which is the high performance of about 10,000 yuan of products on the market. It can ventilate a family with a usage area of 105 square meters 1.1 times an hour. However, the quality of the product still needs to be determined by the actual experience.

  Actual use effect

  In order to verify the purification effect of the Mijia fresh fan, we conducted a simulation test: using dry ice to increase the indoor carbon dioxide concentration, using toilet water to simulate indoor formaldehyde and other tVOC pollutants, and closed the window and closed the door in the bedroom (about 30 square meters) where the Mijia fresh fan was installed. When there is severe hypoxia and the aroma is tangy, the data of the Qingping air detector shows that the instantaneous carbon dioxide concentration in the house reaches 4713 ppm, and the tVOV concentration reaches 4.46mg/m3. Far beyond the reasonable indoor range: carbon dioxide below 1000ppm and tVOC should be between 0.2 and 2mg/m.

  Half an hour later, when we entered the bedroom again, there was already a slight chill, the air was as cold as if the window was open, the smell of perfume was impossible, and the air was very fresh. At this time, the reading of Qingping’s air detector showed that the concentration of carbon dioxide was 508 ppm, and the concentration of tVOC dropped to 0.859 mg/m3. In fact, when the test was carried out for 15 minutes, the concentration of tVOC had reached a reasonable range of close to 1 mg/m3.

  After the actual test, the ventilation effect of the Mijia fresh fan is indeed obvious, and if installed in one room, it can actually ventilate the whole family, just like opening the balcony window.

  The most impressive thing is that when you stand in front of the machine with the window closed, you can only hear the noise of the outdoor road, and you can’t feel the operation of the machine at all. It is understood that the Mijia fresh fan is only 35.4 decibels under the maximum air volume, and the sleep mode is as low as 20.4 decibels, which is basically half of the general noise of commercial products.

  At this point in our experience, we almost forgot about PM 2.5. The original value has been reduced from 6.3 to 2.2. It seems that as long as it is turned on, the indoor air quality has no need to worry at all. But some users may wonder, Mijia fresh fan does not have activated carbon filter element, how to remove formaldehyde?

  In fact, the air purifier uses activated carbon to absorb formaldehyde only for collection and storage, and there is a risk of secondary volatilization when the indoor temperature is high. The fresh fan uses a continuous ventilation method to let formaldehyde squeeze out of the door and window seams with the "micro-positive pressure" formed by the fresh air entering the house.

  It is worth noting that formaldehyde does not only exist in houses that have just been renovated. Over time, cracking of wooden furniture joints and tilting of the skin will cause the originally sealed formaldehyde to continue to evaporate, so continuous ventilation is the way to treat the symptoms and root causes.

  When Mijia products are as ubiquitous as air

  Users who have paid a little attention can feel that Mijia’s products have become more and more abundant. Nowadays, air purification products have also extended from air purifiers to fresh fans. As long as they are users who can shop online, they all have one or two Xiaomi ecological chain products. They are really as ubiquitous as air.

  While Mijia products bring benefits, what’s more important is to string together smart life. Mijia new fan also supports Xiao Ai voice control, which can synergy with other Mijia smart home products. Of course, there are also mobile phone remote control switches, air volume adjustment, electric auxiliary heat adjustment, check the status of consumables, etc.

  Obviously, no matter how consumption is upgraded or downgraded, our spending on health cannot be saved, and air is the most important element for survival. Therefore, we also hope that with the promotion of Xiaomi, more users will understand the necessity of buying new fans and make the right choice for the health of their families.

The combustion ban schedule has been delayed again and again. When will fuel vehicles be eliminated?

Author: Xiao Yu; please bring the above information for reprinting as automatic authorization

In the past few years, we have seen the "death penalty court verdict" of fuel vehicles in the news every now and then. Today, a certain car company announced that it will completely stop production of traditional fuel vehicles in the near future. Tomorrow, a certain country announced that before the mid-21st century, all commercially available models will be turned into electric vehicles.

As early as September 2017, MIIT had stated that China was also studying and formulating a "ban on combustion" timetable. After the tone was set, all kinds of news were flying around. Because the independent brands announced that they would stop production of traditional fuel vehicles in 2025, many news initially said that the time for China to completely ban combustion would be 2025. Later, an official background "Study on the Exit Schedule of Traditional Fuel Vehicles in China" also said that private cars in first-class cities will achieve comprehensive new energy in 2030, and China is expected to achieve a complete withdrawal of traditional fuel vehicles by 2050. Everyone immediately guessed that a complete ban on combustion will be achieved in 2050.

Three years later, there is still no certainty when China will fully phase out traditional fuel vehicles.

At the recent "Second Global New Energy Vehicle Supply Chain Innovation Conference", a scholar named Wang Binggang proposed: "China’s new energy vehicles and energy-saving vehicles should be developed simultaneously. It is not recommended to abandon traditional vehicles, it is not recommended to formulate a timetable for banning combustion, and it is not recommended to put forward the slogan of banning combustion in China."

Wang Binggang is the head of the expert group of the National Clean Vehicle Action Coordination Leading Group, the director of the Technical Committee of the National Electric Passenger Vehicle Technology Innovation Alliance, and the head of the National New Energy Vehicle Innovation Engineering Expert Group. His opinion represents not only himself, but also the many experts involved in national decision-making behind him. I believe everyone has smelled the signal that China’s ban on combustion may never come.

In contrast, other countries’ combustion ban schedules are completely certain, such as Norway in 2025, the Netherlands in 2030, and the United Kingdom in 2040. As we all know, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, Chinese car companies have a great advantage in new energy technologies. In recent years, they have been talking about overtaking in curves. Why is there a curve braking now? To put it simply, in order to avoid "policy waste". With China’s current conditions, it is very unrealistic to completely stop the production of fuel vehicles in 2030. Even by 2050, China’s general environment is still not suitable for only selling new energy vehicles. The introduction of a timetable is just causing trouble for everyone.

The countries that have implemented the ban on combustion have several things in common. First, they are often small in size, with Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom all being relatively small. New energy vehicles represented by pure electric vehicles, at least with the current level of technology, can only reach a few hundred kilometers. When the electricity is used up, it is necessary to charge the nest. For small countries, this battery life is enough to cope with a domestic trip and is more convenient to use.

Second, their economies are more developed, and the auto market is close to saturation. When everyone has a car, it is difficult for the auto industry to sell new cars. Changes in regulations will accelerate the obsolescence of old cars, which is a way to stimulate car consumption.

Third, their electricity mainly comes from clean power generation. European countries, represented by Norway and the Netherlands, use a lot of nuclear power, wind power, hydropower, and solar energy instead of coal and oil for thermal power, which means that their new energy vehicles are really "zero emissions" when they operate, rather than transferring emissions to power stations.

The above three characteristics are also the basis for the implementation of a comprehensive ban on combustion. Unfortunately, China does not have a single feature. Our country is very vast, and the geographical environment is very complex. New energy vehicles with a range of several hundred kilometers may not even save money on a single charge. Our average car ownership per thousand people is 154, the UK is 519, and Norway is 584. Obviously, China’s automobile market still has great potential. There is no need for a mandatory ban on combustion to stimulate consumption for the time being. 70% of our electricity is thermal power obtained by burning coal. If the combustion is completely banned, it is equivalent to the power of the car being basically provided by coal. This is not an environmentally friendly thing.

Regarding electricity, we have to say a few more words. Many people know that China needs to import a large amount of oil every year, and then feel that as long as the car is fully new energy, it can reduce its dependence on imported oil and ensure China’s energy security. The current ban on combustion is only to replace oil burning with indirect coal burning. Coal and oil are both non-renewable energy sources. China’s coal self-sufficiency is higher, but it also needs to import more than 300 million tons per year. Coupled with the consumption of new energy vehicles, China’s coal resources will only dry up faster, and it will be more dependent on imported coal. Isn’t it the same thing?

It is precisely because we do not have the conditions that we are calling for the ban on fuel vehicles at this time, and the whole of China will pay a huge price for it. And the dividends that come from this price are not much. Only Chinese car companies that have an advantage in the field of new energy can make a lot of money because of this, and everyone else will suffer.

At present, the correct path for China to take is not to set a timetable for banning combustion and let the market eliminate fuel vehicles. For a long time to come, the tone of China’s auto market should be that fuel-efficient vehicles and new energy vehicles should go hand in hand, walking on two legs. On the one hand, continue to tap the potential of internal combustion engines and drain their last bit of potential. On the other hand, improve new energy vehicles and related facilities to make them more comfortable and environmentally friendly to use.

Future new energy vehicles may switch to graphene batteries with extremely high performance (essentially a super capacitor rather than a chemical battery), which can be charged in a few seconds and have a range of thousands of kilometers; perhaps they will be replaced by hydrogen fuel cells, just like a fuel car refueling, full of hydrogen and you can run. Anyway, it will not be the current "electric dad". It will take a lot of time for new energy vehicles to complete the transformation from dad to true god, which may take decades or hundreds of years. At the same time, human beings have to complete the transformation of energy structure, no longer relying on coal to generate electricity, and switching to cleaner power generation methods, which will be a more difficult task.

Most countries in the world, like China, do not have the conditions for a ban on combustion, so they take a wait-and-see attitude, like the United States, Germany, and France, which release rumors of a ban on combustion every now and then, but there is no actual action at all; car companies are just playing word games to cope with the increasingly strong calls for environmental protection. Now the car companies that have announced that they will stop producing traditional fuel vehicles should be studied carefully. They are all models that are driven by engines. They add a 48V system to the engine, which is not a "traditional fuel car". This is a real monkey…

Everything must be prioritized. Should fuel vehicles be eliminated? Should! Should fuel vehicles be eliminated now?

Vegetables have deteriorated, stir-fried vegetables by the trash… This may be the takeaway processing point you ordered, do you still dare to eat it?

  CCTV News:The catering processing plant is next to the waste pile, without any legal procedures, nor any anti-rodent, fly, or dust facilities… The delicious food you order through the online platform may come from here, do you still dare to eat it?

  Public complaints: Online ordering causes diarrhea

  Recently, Ms. Wang, who lives near the Supo overpass in Chengdu, told reporters that she ordered food for her three children through the Internet. Although it tasted good, she ate a small wire in the dish at that time. She guessed that the wire ball used for washing dishes fell off, so she didn’t care. But about two hours after the meal, the eldest and third children who ate a lot developed stomach discomfort and diarrhea, and were immediately sent to a nearby clinic. The doctor said that it may be caused by eating food with excessive bacteria.

- What?

The refrigerators in unlicensed restaurants were seized.

  Unannounced visit: Unlicensed restaurants are hidden next to a waste dump

  How is the sanitary condition of the source restaurant of online ordering in Chengdu? The reporter decided to conduct an undercover investigation into this.

  The reporter found the "target" next to the waste pile in the innermost part of the Xianglong Farmers Market. The restaurant is very simple, and it uses a scrap auto repair shop to do catering business. There are no relevant "three defenses" facilities at all. According to regulations, it is not allowed to engage in catering processing.


The delivery battery car is waiting to be loaded.

  According to the guidance of the insider, the reporter went to another Fengge barbecue restaurant at No. 32 Yinghe Street, Jinniu District. Nearby residents told reporters that the takeaway business is very hot. The reporter found that the store was still burning honeycomb coal, the store was messy, and the floor was dirty.

  Law enforcement strikes: restaurants are unlicensed, vegetables have turned yellow and deteriorated

  On the 16th, law enforcement officers of the Chengdu Qingyang District Market and Quality Supervision Administration Bureau, together with local public security and urban management, came to the no-door brand restaurant next to the waste pile for law enforcement inspection. There are many boxes of finished products waiting to be delivered in the store, and some of the piled vegetables have turned yellow and begun to deteriorate.


Chefs in unlicensed restaurants without health licenses are investigated by law enforcement

  After investigation, the store did not provide health permits and health certificates and other procedures. It did not have rodent-proof, fly-proof, dust-proof, and facilities at all. It should not be next to the waste pile and should be kept away from pollution sources. Then law enforcement officers sealed up the restaurant according to law.

  Subsequently, the law enforcement officers came to Feng Ge’s barbecue restaurant. The legal person of the store confessed to the law enforcement officers that it mainly carried out takeout through an online platform. Only two of the staff in the store provided health certificates, and the ground hygiene in the store did not meet the requirements. The law enforcement officers immediately ordered the store to close for rectification, and the acceptance pending was qualified before it could open for business.

  How can takeout eat with peace of mind?

  When ordering takeaway, first of all to see if the takeaway business license is complete, brick and mortar store where the specific, it is best to choose the brick and mortar store we have been to choose the network order, when choosing to buy, too far away stores try not to choose, try to shorten the delivery time, avoid the possibility of food deterioration, and if you encounter food safety problems, the first time to contact the takeaway network platform, and you can complain to the local food supervision bureau.


  In addition, the regulatory authorities to grasp the entity, no matter how the network shouts, the final landing of the black heart shop or entity. On the one hand, the regulatory authorities should improve supervision means to fill the regulatory blind spot, improve penalties, establish and improve the credit system, blacklist, increase the cost of illegal operations.

  On the other hand, as an online platform related to food safety, it should undertake the functions of review and supervision for restaurant qualifications and environment. Market supervision departments should strengthen the supervision of these platforms and issue guidance on operability. (Source of this article: China News Service, CCTV News)

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

  [Aika Auto 2021 Shanghai Auto Show Original]

  At the Shanghai Auto Show, Zhiji Auto brought its heavyweight product (|). Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Auto, Jiao Qiao, the owner of Zhiji Auto, and Tuoyue, the senior director of Zhiji Auto Intelligent Driving Project, had a dialogue with the media, which answered some questions that netizens were concerned about Zhiji L7 in detail. The following is a record of the dialogue.

  Media: The pre-sale price of L7 is announced, saying that Zhizhi has established itself as a high-end electric vehicle brand. What is the basis for supporting Zhiji’s high-end development? How does Zhiji obtain and solve user needs? What role did Ali play in Zhiji automobile system?

  Zhiji Automobile: As the seventh largest OEM in the world, SAIC is undoubtedly the first in China. SAIC did not face any financial pressure when it was doing the Zhiji project. Therefore, we are not looking for the cooperation between Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba because of the demand for funds, but mainly to integrate the corresponding resources.

  Alibaba has accumulated a lot in e-commerce and cloud computing, and Ali Dharma Institute has many forward-looking technologies, such as very advanced Alibaba Cloud technology, cloud computing technology, large-scale parallel data security technology, and related technologies such as customer operation in new retail. This is the core reason for Zhiji Automobile to seek Ali investment.

  Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, known as China Silicon Valley, has talent advantages in chips, software, data, intelligence and many fields related to new energy. SAIC and Pudong have many years of in-depth cooperation, and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech can also provide chip, software and data support for Zhiji Automobile.

  Based on the above reasons, we introduced Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba as the two major shareholders of Zhiji Automobile. 

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

CEO-CEO of Zhiji Automobile-Tamia Liu

  SAIC, as a high-end brand of Zhiji Automobile, is confident in — —

  First, SAIC is already an established manufacturer in the manufacturing field, and its manufacturing supply chain capability is one of the strongest in the world. SAIC has an annual production and sales capacity of 7 million vehicles, while the China market only produces and sells about 24 million automobile products every year. The paint line, stamping line and final assembly line of SAIC are the strongest in China, and our car will be produced in Shanghai Lingang Global Lighthouse Factory. The technological level of this lighthouse factory, the level of robots and the precision of technological equipment are the strongest in the world. In addition, SAIC has a supply chain master like Huayu Automobile.

  To give two examples, Yanfeng, a subsidiary of Huayu Automobile, is the largest and most technologically advanced interior integration solution provider in the world. Huayu Vision has also surpassed the global level in high-end headlights. Therefore, in terms of parts and components, the ability to support Zhiji automobile is very strong.

  Second, from the technology itself, both hardware and software can fully support a luxury brand.

  SAIC has invested heavily in hardware, software and platform. For example, the chassis platform used by Zhiji L7 came from 2016, when SAIC established a secret internal project team — — Project X is the predecessor of this car platform. It adapts to the future pure electricity exclusive architecture and the future SOA software architecture. Research and development work from 2016 to 2020, we have done a lot of accumulation in the early stage of this platform.

  The car based on this platform can cover a wheelbase of 2800 ~ 3200mm, with a very large span. It can be compatible with battery packs ranging from 600 km to 1000 km, and can also be compatible with fast-changing and slow-changing battery technologies. At the same time, using all-aluminum chassis structure, all-aluminum material has two benefits for electric vehicles. The first is lightweight. At present, electric vehicles have two electric shafts and four-wheel drive, which are relatively heavy, so they must be lightweight. Secondly, the all-aluminum chassis, for electric advanced cars, is easier to guarantee handling and power.

  At the same time, the rear wheel is equipped with the rear wheel steering function only available in millions of luxury cars, reaching plus or minus 12 degrees. The wheelbase of Zhiji L7 is 3100mm, which is the standard wheelbase of a complete C-class car. However, its steering radius is large, which makes it a little difficult to park in the city. The active steering of the rear wheel is to solve this problem, so that the steering radius is smaller and the frame control is more dexterous. At high speed, it can also rotate in the same direction, so that the yaw rate can be reduced by about 35% like driving a yacht, so that the vibration of the car is minimal when you change lanes. The rear wheel steering of many luxury cars is optional, but it is standard on Zhiji L7 car. There are many bright spots like this, so it can fully support the performance of the chassis of an advanced luxury brand from the hardware.

  From the software point of view, SAIC has just released its SOA strategy not long ago. Zhiji Automobile is the application of SAIC SOA and the core user of SAIC Software Center Zero Beam. SOA platform has a very subversive value for consumers, which will help Zhiji brand to build what smart auto time should look like.

  There are three kinds of target groups, namely, technology enthusiasts, egoists and fashion followers. These consumer groups are relatively young Kochi consumers with strong purchasing power and high knowledge level in the market. They have a common feature, that is, our brand slogan "I am self-reliant", because young consumers are very confident in their judgment of self-values and knowledge. Based on this judgment, the flexible software and hardware integration of SOA can be customized, which can bring me freedom and personal value to consumers.

  Originally, air conditioners, seats, doors, skylights, intelligent driving, etc. on the car body were all mastered by core suppliers, and different suppliers were "islands of information". Today, with the SOA platform, we have the ability to encapsulate the underlying architecture of software atomically, and users can combine it at will. There are thousands of SOA capabilities that can be developed by 90 controllers. In theory, we can create unlimited combinations and customize the required functions according to the needs, instead of being limited by the so-called OEM. This is our interpretation of customers, which is also the point that our SOA can really empower.

  Therefore, no matter in terms of soft or hard capabilities, or in terms of SAIC’s manufacturing capabilities, support capabilities, supply chain capabilities and quality control capabilities, it can fully support Zhiji, a luxury brand of China.

  The automobile entered China in the 19th century, and it has been an imported western brand for so many years. But now the industry is rapidly upgrading to electric intelligence, especially intelligence. I think with China people’s deep understanding of intelligence and investment in Internet facilities, the smart electric vehicles in China will change the world in the future.

  Media: What should be the structure of car companies in user-oriented enterprises? What are the uniqueness compared with these enterprises?

  Zhiji Auto: We refuse to be a copycat of user data.

  User data is very important, which will drive enterprises to move forward slowly and become the core driving force of iterative service experience. Therefore, we are the first to launch the CSOP user data rights plan, which has certain revolutionary changes in the company’s initial genes, which is not the same as other enterprises.

  We set aside 4.9% of the equity income, and through 300 million "original stones", we gave back to our users for their data contribution. Take intelligent driving as an example, intelligent driving needs to be iteratively upgraded, and this requires continuous accumulation of user data to solve 10% of the long tail problem. Users can obtain the original stone through "in-program mining" or "cultivation mining", and the original stone can contribute to his data. In this way, users will become our co-creation partners in the era of smart cars, and they will have a deeper sense of participation. We will also give some feedback to users, make corresponding changes and changes to some suggestions and problems, and give them good products and corresponding rights and interests.

  The company "Zhiji and I" is the operator of the 4.9% share income. This company is currently in charge of Jiao Qiao, truly standing on the front line and standing with customers. At the same time, he is also responsible for the communication between the user manager and the user in Zhiji Automobile, including the online community operated by our future users, including content production and so on.

  From the organizational structure, it is completely different from the original automobile company. Our marketing will not have ATL and BTL. The original air launch, the middle fault, the 4S shop can’t meet, the operation is facing difficulties, and the marketing value will be greatly reduced. Now the real right to speak is in KOC and KOL, and most of our energy is in data-driven content sharing. The whole organizational structure is based on private domain operation and super user operation. We will break the original rules and re-establish brand-new channels.

  Cars are high-value and low-frequency, while the Internet is low-value and high-frequency, which determines that it is difficult for automobile enterprises to operate customers, and our CSOP has completely solved this problem, which makes the viscosity between enterprises and customers very high, even higher than that of being hungry. The opportunity and frequency of customer operation will be completely different from the original, which gives us the opportunity to do real in-depth operation, which is a cornerstone for our marketing to be transformed into data-driven operation.

  Media: Has Zhiji given any consideration to the plan of financing and listing?

  Zhiji Automobile: We have a very complete plan for financing and listing, and there will be A, B and C financing plans and a very clear listing plan.

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

Person in charge of Zhiji automobile users-Jiao Qiao

  Media: Where will the focus of Zhiji’s future investment be?

  Zhiji Automobile: First of all, SAIC invested in Momenta for Zhiji Project. Momenta is one of the leading companies in autonomous driving software and algorithms, and is rated as one of the top 50 innovative enterprises in Silicon Valley. It is a very senior science and technology company in the field of autonomous driving. SAIC is Momenta’s golden customer, and has a very deep cooperation with them, so Zhiji Automobile can provide you with IMAD’s extraordinary customer experience today.

  In the past few years, SAIC has increased its investment in software, such as companies in algorithms, software and data factories like Momenta; At the same time, we will also invest in key hardware areas, such as Horizon.

  In addition, SAIC has invested in some soft and hard companies, which will become the origin of our empowerment, such as a company in Austria, Europe — — TTTech, the head enterprise of aircraft flight control RTOS. In the aspect of automatic driving control, real-time operating system is an unavoidable technical barrier. SAIC has established a joint venture with TTTech for a long time, and Zhiji Automobile will also use TTTech’s most advanced RTOS technology.

  Besides, in terms of batteries, SAIC is not only a business partner of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, but also an investor of early CATL. Zhiji automobile can be applied to the top technology of CATL.

  Media: Door to Door Pilot intelligent driving system, what is the current situation? There will be a lot of rising hardware costs in intelligent driving. How can Zhiji balance the rising hardware costs and pass them on to users, or how can users use this data to feed back their own hardware costs?

  Zhiji Automobile: We have started a lot of intelligent driving test. The so-called Door to Door Pilot intelligent driving experience is to complete the whole intelligent assisted driving experience of automatic parking in the parking lot according to the preset navigation plan, through city navigation and high-speed navigation until the user leaves the car at the drop-off point and the vehicle automatically parks in the parking space.

  Now everyone is targeting at structured roads, urban expressways or expressways, such as NGP or NOA, to realize the ability of multi-scene connection. Intelligent driving function is the next track, or a new arms race. For this piece, we have been conducting road tests since the end of last year, including the most challenging urban scene.

  In terms of cost, let me give you an example. Originally, there were two things in the automobile industry, one called ESP and the other called ABS. At first, ESP was the exclusive configuration of high-end cars and high-end brands, and the hardware cost of the system was several thousand dollars. Later, it was proved that it could reduce the death rate of serious traffic accidents. After various countries made it standard, the cost decreased by more than 90%. The meaning of this example is that, first of all, intelligent driving should not be a tool for any business to make profits. I believe that intelligent driving will definitely become a standard in time, because it can really reduce the death rate of traffic accidents and is a social welfare, just like ESP in that year.

  If it becomes standard, the cost will definitely be reduced. At present, the main challenge of intelligent driving perception system and chip system is to reach the vehicle regulation level, for example, the camera of vehicle regulation, whose requirements are mainly the process safety requirements of vehicle regulation and the requirements of high temperature, high humidity and high precision of vehicle regulation, which itself does not necessarily increase the material cost. The key is your understanding of the vehicle condition. When this industry awareness system becomes more and more standard, that is, when the assembly volume is increasing, its level will be significantly improved and the price will drop significantly, which has been confirmed many times in the automobile industry. As long as you have enough quantity and demand, the price is definitely not a problem.

  In addition, the core now is IDP, which is the arithmetic control unit of intelligent driving. At present, this piece has two constraints, and the price of the chip is difficult to negotiate. Moreover, the universal chip based on vision is not really designed specifically for automatic driving perception. Its computing power of 30 tops may be 40% to 50% for real perception. In the future, the chip that is really used for autonomous driving perception may be customized.

  The IPD chip is put on the car after being made into a control calculation unit, which requires a balance between production capacity, output and technical requirements. At present, only high-end cars are equipped with IPD chips. In the future, there will be a lot of room for decline in both perception and planning unit itself, so that it is possible to bring intelligent driving experience to all consumers.

  Moreover, intelligent driving is an investment-intensive period in recent years, and the cost is very high. With the maturity of technology in the future, its efficiency will be greatly reduced, and consumers in the future can experience intelligent driving ability with more frequencies and lower thresholds.

  Media: At present, in the field of autonomous driving perception, various enterprises have different technical paths. Excuse me, in the future, will Zhiji’s auto-driving system choose lidar as the technical development direction?

  Zhiji Automobile: Zhiji L7 chose the vision-based automatic driving perception solution; The whole vehicle is equipped with 12 cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, military-grade ultra-high precision inertial navigation, high-precision maps and V2X terminal technology.

  Based on the advanced visual perception system, Zhiji L7 is also compatible with the redundancy scheme of lidar software and hardware architecture, and supports the upgrade capability of NVIDIA Orin X(500~1000+TOPS) and two lidar systems. Later, when the lidar enters the mature stage of commercial mass production, Zhiji L7 can quickly and conveniently upgrade the lidar system capability. Our second car, the LS7, will also be equipped with advanced laser radar software and hardware system after mass production.

  Media: When is Zhiji Automobile expected to realize L4-class autonomous driving of a single route? When can I experience the Door to Door Pilot autopilot of Zhiji automobile?

  Zhiji Automobile: In fact, the Zhiji L7, which started the pre-sale today, has the self-driving ability of Door to Door Pilot in some cities when it is delivered. Starting from June this year, we will gradually open test drive opportunities to media friends, hoping to bring you an experience worth looking forward to.

  Media: The pre-sale price of Zhiji L7 is 408,800 yuan. What kind of consideration is the price based on? Think of it as a flagship car, and then push a variety of lower-level models, or do you have other considerations? In the era of intelligent electric vehicles, intelligent driving may become the standard of vehicles. In this case, what do you think luxury electric vehicles should look like in the future? What does it support its high price?

  Zhiji Automobile: Frankly speaking, we only introduced the price of the Angel Edition after careful consideration.

  Zhiji L7 is positioned as a luxury pure electric smart car. In terms of size, the wheelbase of Zhiji L7 is 3100mm, which is basically the size of C class and (|), but the size can’t explain everything, because the wheelbase of electric car is different from that of gasoline car.

  In terms of configuration, Zhiji L7 is equipped with CDC electronically controlled suspension and rear wheel steering, which are only available in 800,000 or even millions of traditional cars, as well as our all-aluminum chassis and front double wishbone/rear multi-link suspension system, which are also available in hundreds of thousands of gasoline cars, so from the physical hardware itself, we adopt leapfrog configuration.

  In addition, we have to look at what luxury quality is from another angle. There are two aspects that I particularly want to talk about. The first is design. We didn’t do a design analysis meeting like a fuel car, because the skill of high-end brand design itself is not based on words, but on your feelings. We invited the top designers in the world to design Zhiji L7 to ensure the proportion and streamline of the car body, and we have an overall grasp. If you look at it from 45 degrees behind Zhiji L7, this car brings you a very luxurious atmosphere.

  On the other hand, it is the manufacturing process. For example, Zhiji L7 will be produced in Lingang Lighthouse Factory of SAIC. We have invested more than 100 million yuan to improve the stamping manufacturing capacity of Lingang factory from 300 to 400, so that the quality standard can be improved by leaps and bounds.

  In addition, in terms of VOC control of vehicle interior, our quality and materials are absolutely outstanding, and the total VOC emission inside the vehicle is only one tenth of the national standard, which is definitely the standard of European home improvement industry. From this aspect, I think it is a new way and dimension to express luxury.

  Media: rough stones and crystals are very interesting, but I feel that the gameplay is very complicated. Where are the core interests of users? Recently, data security has attracted great attention. How can we ensure the security of this data and the privacy of users?

  Zhiji Automobile: Actually, the gameplay is very simple. We have two ways to get the original stone. The first type is "nurturing mining". Users only need to download our official APP, participate in brand co-creation activities or interactions, such as limited special exhibitions of art, and discuss how digital art can be combined with smart cockpits, such as publishing suggestions on Zhiji cars on the APP. You can get crystals in activities like this. Then the original stone is extracted in the form of a blind box, and when it is really delivered, the original stone will be activated and grow together with the value of our company.

  The second type is "in-program mining", which aims at the real Zhiji car owners in the future. After owning Zhiji car, they will run a certain mileage every year. When driving Zhiji car, the original stone will fall according to a certain probability, and the more they drive, the greater the probability of getting the original stone.

  We will also regularly publish tasks in the community. For example, when studying intelligent driving, we need some data in specific areas, and car owners can drive to punch in on weekends. Accumulate a certain amount of data, through data backflow, simulation and algorithm, and then we will iterate our intelligent driving technology to give users better products, and at the same time we will give users more feedback. Therefore, it is very simple to play. Both ways, whether you buy a car or not, can participate in our CSOP gameplay.

  When did you choose to do the CSOP user data rights plan? We know very clearly that data is two-sided.

  First of all, starting from the strategy, we have two cameras, a DMS and a CMS in the car, but in order to protect consumers’ privacy, we promise never to adopt the technology of Face ID, and we can completely solve this problem technically. For example, if you are sleepy and your eyelids are fighting, we only need to extract the core information of your face, such as eyebrows and eyelids. In the system, even if hackers come to attack in reverse, they will never find a complete face.

  Secondly, we have established the IDPP Data Privacy Protection Committee, which is set up by experts in customer privacy, and is independent. In the process of developing many new functions, some functions that may violate consumers’ privacy will be decided and evaluated by them.

  Thirdly, we use some advanced technologies, such as zero-knowledge proof, differential privacy, database firewall, etc. to protect data security.

  Based on the above three aspects, users can rest assured that we can use data to create an experience for users without infringing on users’ privacy.

  Media: (|) The concept of 4.9% equity co-creation was also put forward at the press conference; In this regard, what does Zhiji Automobile think?

  Zhiji Automobile: Frankly speaking, our mood is very complicated. A few days ago, I wrote a paragraph on WeChat, saying that CSOP is only the inevitable logic that Zhiji Automobile has led the times, and it will definitely be recognized and follow by more and more people. But I didn’t expect that just a few days later, I would be followed by such a simple and rude follow.

  The reason why it is said that the mood is complicated is because it is difficult for people to imitate CSOP easily. Behind this innovation, we need to invest huge resources and do our homework.

  The first is the compliance barrier, and its operating rules must comply with laws and regulations. The core of this plan is to give back the income corresponding to 4.9% equity to users. To this end, in the past year, we invited more than a dozen law firms to repeatedly scrutinize and study one by one, in order to not only give back the rights and interests for the contribution of user data, but also comply with the supervision of laws and regulations in a seamless way to ensure the smooth operation of CSOP after its launch. Any follower who wants to do this must also do his homework; It is irresponsible to users to imitate and act rashly.

  The second is technical barriers. If we want to give back to users’ rights and interests fairly, justly and openly, we must have strong and advanced technology to support it. There are smart contract technologies, users’ data security and users’ privacy security, which are very complicated and necessary.

  We say that in the intelligent era, the data provided by users is the core driving force for the growth of enterprises; Therefore, all enterprises want to be user-oriented enterprises. According to the logic of this era, the CSOP of Zhiji Automobile is the terminator of white user data. We should also say: following the logic of the intelligent age, if you continue to be vain, you are choosing to be the enemy of the times.

  I believe that there will be more and more followers of Zhizhi in the future.

Dialogue with Zhiji Automobile: The imagination of growth is very large.

Senior director of Zhiji automobile intelligent driving project-Tuoyue

  Media: What kind of differentiated label does Zhiji Automobile want to put on itself in the track of the intelligent age?

  Zhiji automobile: in the intelligent age, data determines experience and software defines automobile. Every  mile  counts,Every  byte  builds! It is the label of Zhiji automobile. We make every kilometer of users’ travel generate value, so that every data provided by users can become the fuel to promote brand progress and product evolution. In the symbiosis and co-creation with users, the user experience is constantly improved, and the user travel experience is getting better and better.

  Media: The first batch of consumers in the pure electric vehicle consumer market have already generated replacement demand. Excuse me, has Zhiji Automobile launched a targeted replacement plan for these "old owners" of pure electric vehicles?

  Zhiji Automobile: I feel that this is a question of exploring the target market. First of all, Zhiji Automobile values the rapidly growing high-end pure electric smart car market segment. In March this year, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China was 189,000, with a year-on-year growth rate of 300%+, and it is still growing rapidly; Among them, 85% are pure electric vehicles, and the market share of pure electric vehicles with a price of more than 250,000 yuan has increased from 4% to 35%, an increase of nearly 9 times, which clearly shows that the consumption trend of new energy market is tilting towards high-end and high endurance; The goal of Zhiji Automobile is to get our due share from this incremental market first.

  But this is not the whole story. The more important goal of Zhiji Automobile is to occupy a place in the luxury car market. After 28 years of continuous growth, the passenger car market in China began to grow negatively in 2018; On the other hand, from 2018 to 2020, luxury car brands represented by BBA maintained a positive growth rate of double digits in the China market, with an annual sales volume of about 3.5 million vehicles. Therefore, Zhiji Automobile should not only focus on the new energy vehicle market with a monthly sales volume of 189,000 vehicles, but also focus on the luxury car market with an annual sales volume of about 3.5 million vehicles and is making great strides; And the latter is more important. Because in the luxury car market, the proportion of post-85 s and post-90 s is rapidly increasing, and they are the "golden users" of Zhiji Automobile.

  Young users in China have the following characteristics: First, they don’t think BBA is a myth. Users who are a little older have a traditional path of car selection and upgrading in traditional values, for example, upgrading to Mercedes-Benz after getting started and having a small career, and upgrading to &hellip if they have the ability again; … BBA is the representative of a luxury car brand in this path. However, this upgrade route is being gradually broken by young people in China. He doesn’t think BBA is the only landmark in the upgrade route.

  Secondly, young people in China are really "little pink" at heart, and have stronger values and self-confidence. They have a very strong judgment on their own knowledge and values. This view has been repeatedly confirmed in industries such as FMCG and clothing, and it will certainly happen in the automobile industry. Therefore, a truly powerful new species of smart electric vehicles, born in China, must have a strong appeal to young people in China.

  In a word, the core market of Zhiji Automobile is 85% of the new energy vehicle market (pure electric vehicle market segment), and with the young Kochi users in the 3.5 million luxury car market, this market is at least 2 million in annual sales.

  Therefore, the imagination of the growth of Zhiji Automobile is very large.

What is the capacity of BYD Han dm fuel tank?

Byd Han dm’s fuel tank capacity is 48 liters. As a medium and large car, BYD Han dm has body dimensions of 4,960mm, 1,910mm and 1,495mm respectively, with a wheelbase of 2,920mm. In addition to the plug-in hybrid version, there is also a pure electric version. This plug-in hybrid car uses a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine with a maximum horsepower of 192 HP and a maximum torque of 320 Nm. It is equipped with in-cylinder direct injection technology and uses an aluminum alloy cylinder head. Matching the engine is a 6-speed dual-clutch gearbox, which can improve the shift speed and transmission efficiency of the car. In terms of suspension, the front suspension of BYD Han dm adopts McPherson independent suspension, and the rear suspension adopts multi-link independent suspension, which improves the ground adhesion and grip of wheels.

Focus interview: the characteristic industry becomes stronger, and millet flour breaks through the world.

  Cctv news(Focus Interview): In the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects just announced, there is a special snack on the list, which is snail powder in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In recent years, through industrial production and online sales, snail powder has spread all over the country and even sold all over the world. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder reached more than 10 billion yuan, which was 22 times higher than that of five years ago. It took only six years from the birth of the first bagged snail powder enterprise at the end of 2014 to the output of over 10 billion in 2020. Isn’t it amazing? Just in April this year, General Secretary of the Supreme Leader also came to Liuzhou snail powder production enterprises to learn about the industrial development, affirmed the high-quality development of the industry, and put forward new requirements for future development.

  Snail powder, the favorite food of Liuzhou people. For many Liuzhou people, memories from childhood are accompanied by the taste of snail powder.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he specially came to the snail powder production enterprises and affirmed the achievements made in the high-quality development of the snail powder industry.

  Snail powder originated from the street night market in Liuzhou in the 1980s, and it used to be eaten only in Liuzhou. Because of its special technology and many ingredients, and these ingredients must be produced locally to maintain the original flavor, it is very limited to open a shop in other places because of the high cost of air transportation.

  However, in recent years, with the development of e-commerce, especially the richness of online marketing methods such as short videos and live broadcasts, snail powder suddenly became popular. How hot is it? On the Internet, the topic of snail powder always attracts the attention of the whole people, and the reading volume often reaches several hundred million, so snail powder has become a veritable "online celebrity".

  Hot attention has brought hot sales. Especially during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Liuzhou snail powder went against the trend. The 12,000 snail powder shops in the whole network sold nearly 800 million packages of snail powder a year, ranking first in Taobao’s big data sales list. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder will reach 10.994 billion yuan, and Liuzhou snail powder has developed from a small roadside stall into a billion-dollar industry.

  In the snail powder e-commerce industrial park in Liuzhou, the anchors of various snail powder enterprises are busy with live broadcasts every day, and sales are very hot. Behind such a huge sales volume is a standardized and large-scale production system to ensure quality and efficiency.

  In a large local snail powder production enterprise, the reporter saw not only a modern production line, but also an intelligent information control center, which uses 5G technology and big data to monitor all aspects of production and sales in real time.

  Not only the production process can be monitored in real time, but also all sales can be counted and analyzed in real time with accurate data, which is convenient for better grasping the market.

  The high-quality development of Liuzhou snail powder industry has become a model for the development of local characteristic industries in China.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he also gave specific guidance on the future development of Liuzhou snail powder industry, with particular emphasis on ensuring quality and safety and promoting standardization and branding.

  Many people say that Liuzhou snail powder is lucky to stand out from the fierce competition and become a dark horse in the snack industry. However, no luck is accidental. No matter which industry is successful, it must have gone through a hard road, with the efforts and efforts of countless people.

  Yan Zhenhua is the founder of a snail powder enterprise in Liuzhou. He plays a special role in the development of snail powder industry.

  Yan Zhenhua first came up with the idea of making snail powder into bagged products because he couldn’t eat snail powder from his hometown when he was in college in other places. He thought it might be a very promising market. After graduation, Yan Zhenhua returned to Liuzhou and began to develop bagged production of snail powder.

  After being rejected many times, finally a factory is willing to cooperate to develop raw materials suitable for bag production. At this time, the local government realized this situation and was keenly aware that it was an opportunity for the development of characteristic industries.

  The local government began to promote the industrial production of snail powder. Because snail powder used to have only physical stores, there was no licensing procedure for industrial production, and everything had to be started from scratch.

  After hard work, in 2014, Yan Zhenhua’s company obtained the first "industrial product production license" for snail powder in China. Since then, snail powder can be produced in bags and sold everywhere. Soon several production enterprises in Liuzhou developed.

  Although the industry started, the initial production was very chaotic.

  At the beginning of the enterprise, all of them were produced in small workshops, with low efficiency and uneven quality. How the industry should go on tests the vision and wisdom of government managers.

  Although snail powder is just a snack, the local government has set the goal of developing it into a "modern industry with characteristics" from the beginning, insisting on standardized and branded production and taking the road of high-quality development. And this first needs to formulate a strict and unified production standard.

  The industrial production of snail powder is from scratch, and all technologies and processes must be explored by ourselves. Entrepreneurs have overcome countless problems, and production equipment has been developed and updated for several generations. These advances are inseparable from the innovative spirit of enterprises and the support and promotion of the government. In this regard, the local government has also made a lot of efforts.

  Developing characteristic industries will not only benefit enterprises, but also benefit local people and make them live a better life. When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited in April this year, he also emphasized this point.

  It is also the goal of the local government to make the development of snail powder industry benefit more people. To this end, the local government takes snail powder as the core and vigorously develops the whole industrial chain, so that more people can increase their income and get rich.

  Huang Shoujiang used to be a poor household in the village, living on the meager income of growing rice. In recent years, with the development of snail powder industry, the raw materials of snail powder, such as bamboo shoots, fungus and snails, are also in great demand. So the local government has successively built more than 500,000 mu of breeding bases to encourage farmers, especially poor households, to breed. Huang Shoujiang also planted bamboo shoots with the encouragement of government workers.

  In order to help farmers grow and breed, the local government has issued many practical policies, such as granting subsidies according to the area, sending technicians to guide farmers to standardize and breed, and signing purchase contracts with enterprises, which not only ensures the quality of raw materials, but also solves the worries of farmers.

  Now, the 6 mu of bamboo shoots planted by Huang Shoujiang can increase income by more than 20,000 yuan a year, and with the income from working, it will soon get rid of poverty. In Liuzhou, there are nearly 30,000 poverty-stricken households like Huang Shoujiang who have been lifted out of poverty by breeding snail powder raw materials, and farming has benefited more than 200,000 farmers. Their lives have changed due to industrial development.

  The local characteristic industries have developed well, and it is the local people who get the greatest benefits. In Liuzhou, an increasingly perfect snail powder industrial chain and diversified new industrial formats are taking shape: from raw material production in the upper reaches, food processing and packaging in the middle reaches, to supermarkets, e-commerce and logistics in the lower reaches, to cultural tourism experience and cultural and creative products, etc., the first, second and third industries are integrated and developed, benefiting countless people in the industrial chain. In the future, I hope that this "millet flour industry", like the hope placed by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, will continue on the road of high-quality development and do better and stronger.

How badly they were cut to get rid of the bill

Wen’s financial stories are written by Ning Yutian and edited by Chen Jiying.

From the four love stories of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Legend of White Snake, Legend of Meng Jiangnu and butterfly lovers" to one of the four happy events of China "Wedding Night"; From the grape tree on Tanabata to the first cup of milk tea in autumn; From the old adage that "there are three unfilial things, and no heirs are great" to the daily routine of urging marriage and love for seven aunts and eight aunts on holidays … … Marriage has always been the eternal obsession of most people in China.

At the same time, with the demand for marriage and love reaching its peak after 1990s, gradually entering marriageable age after 00, the divorce rate rising year by year, and the aging population increasing, the number of singles with marriage and love needs is growing. By 2019, the total number of singles in China is about 300 million.

However, the world is not very friendly to single dog. They may not only be questioned by their parents and puzzled by their relatives and friends, but also go through eighty-one difficult on the road of courtship: racking their brains to take off their orders but being hunted by "killing pigs"; Falling out of love and being cheated by emotional recovery institutions; In order to get rid of one-way PUA training, but lost the ability of true love … …

Wheat was born in a rural family, the cooking style of dry wood stoves, the father who sold coolies to make money, and the mother who had to hesitate to buy clothes for tens of dollars … … The bleak family situation has made wheat thrifty and bitter since childhood.

After graduating from college, she became a salesman with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan. After the holiday at the end of the year, she went home for the New Year with the money she had saved for half a year, but it ushered in the beginning of a nightmare … …

The epidemic came unexpectedly, the company’s business was stagnant, and her family worried about her risk of infection and tried their best to prevent wheat from reworking.

In this way, she broke her income. However, "I feel uncomfortable if I don’t make money for a day", and she began to find ways to make money online.

At the end of March, she decided to try sending short videos in Tik Tok. The first video was only played for 20 or 30 minutes, but someone paid attention to it and privately believed in Wheat.

The two chatted. "At that time, I thought he was very interesting and nice. Later, he asked me to add his QQ."

Watching the men’s QQ space and vibrato videos, Mai found that the other party turned out to be an excellent boy in all aspects: Fudan University’s bright academic qualifications, decent and rich programmer work, two generations of well-off family in business, and high-end and comfortable petty bourgeoisie life … … "At first, I felt that there was a big gap between us, and he was too unattainable; Looking at the photos, he has tattoos and earrings, which is a bit evil and looks very fancy. I can’t control it. "

However, the boy seems to be very concerned about wheat, and he actively shared his growing experience, took his parents out for a trip, accompanied his uncle for morning running and fitness, and helped his friends in distress … … "We talk about everything, just like my old friends who have known each other for years."

In this way, wheat gradually became interested in this male netizen.

On April 1 ST, the male netizen asked Mai to help manage his investment account, and also told him his password and investment method.

"I was very touched and felt that he trusted me so much." Not long after, Mai witnessed the income of thousands of dollars in the boy’s account.

One day later, the boy generously shared his way to get rich with Wheat. "This is the way I found by taking advantage of the loopholes in the platform, and I won’t lose money." He claimed that he also misappropriated the company’s funds to bet, so he asked Wheat to keep it secret. "Otherwise, I will face legal risks."

"In order not to hurt him, I took the initiative to delete the chat record and reminded him to delete it too." Wheat is convinced.

At the beginning, wheat invested 2000 yuan and earned hundreds in a few minutes; Then invest another 20,000 yuan, and thousands of dollars will arrive in an instant; "But every time I have to go to the customer service to recharge, I feel so troublesome. Just charge a little more and withdraw the cash together."

Wheat took out all his savings of80,000 yuan and took a handful of All in.

"Later, he told me that there was an activity recently, and if I upgraded, I could get more lottery money, and then encouraged me to continue to replenish my money."

When Wheat hesitated, the boy used the killer weapon: "We finally have so much principal, so we should invest more, and then we can buy a house together."

So, Wheat remembered the passbook at home again, and added 500,000 yuan. Seeing that the account balance rose from more than 500,000 yuan to more than 1 million yuan, Wheat was ecstatic and anxious to withdraw the money.

At the same time, I am also grateful to her "noble person". "I asked him for Alipay account number or bank card number, and I wanted to transfer some money to him, so that I could be grateful."

The boy claimed that he had forgotten to pay back the money before, so he stopped using Alipay. "He also said that he didn’t want my money. He earned more than me, and I was even more moved."

However, joy begets sorrow, and before wheat has taken out the money, the account number shows that it has been frozen. "I immediately panicked. He said that his was also frozen. Let me not panic. He has encountered this situation before. Let me ask the customer service how to unfreeze it."

After consulting customer service, Wheat learned that it had to recharge 150,000 yuan before it could be thawed. In order to avoid the huge sinking cost, she took out the last 100,000 yuan from the passbook at home and borrowed 50,000 yuan from the online loan platform.

The account was finally unfrozen. Wheat thought it was ready to withdraw cash, but the customer service said that it needed 7 times of running water, that is, more than 7 million yuan.

Before the wheat collected enough money, the account balance suddenly fell from more than 1.5 million to 83 yuan; The boy also said that the money he invested was also trapped, leaving only a dime.

"He said he was sorry for me first, and then he was pathetic, saying he was afraid to go back to the company and tell his family. I began to feel sorry for him. I felt that my family had not discovered my loss. His pressure was definitely greater than mine. Instead, I began to comfort him and let him not blame himself. "

However, the boy gradually became indifferent to wheat and disappeared completely after the end of April. She once worried that he disappeared because he was taken away by the police … …

"At that time, I was so concerned about him that I felt that even if he was sentenced to ten, twenty or thirty years, I would wait for him, and even thought about taking care of his parents and filial piety for him when I was free."

While Wheat was worried about his "lover", his mother found that the passbook at home was missing, and when she watched her mother get angry in a hurry, Wheat confessed … … Mother suddenly collapsed on the ground.

The family took the wheat to the police, but she never wanted to believe that her "soul mate" was a liar. Later, she searched and browsed various cases of "killing pig plates" on the Internet, and she woke up like a dream.

After the incident was exposed, grandma swore every day that wheat was a black sheep; My sister also blamed her for losing her parents’ hard-earned money for a lifetime, and even hit her with anger; Father was silent and never spoke to her again … …

My mother was afraid of wheat, so she comforted her all the time, even contradicting the whole family. "That was the dowry that my mother saved for you."

Wheat is deeply in remorse and remorse. The liar cheated her of her money and stole her heart. "Now, I hate him and hope that he will be caught and brought to justice; But sometimes I want to love him, and it’s ridiculous to think about it. There should be few people who know that they are cheated and miss the liar. "

After being cheated by the emotional recovery agency, Chenchen posted the experience of being cheated on Xiaohongshu, and the followers were in an endless stream.

There are not a few victims with similar experiences, and many comments in the comment area: "Good exposure! I have also been cheated, and I want to ask how to recover the money "; "I was almost cheated, and he kept urging me to pay"; "Is there any XX organization cheated" … …

There are also many people who plan to place an order, "I am still ready to participate"; "It’s so expensive to recover" … …

Xiaohongshu met a constellation blogger and signed 3400 yuan to save the service.

Last year, Chenchen quarreled with her boyfriend who had been in love for many years and broke up.

Very sad, Chenchen searched for "How to save XX constellation boyfriend" in Xiaohongshu, and a sign blogger’s post attracted her attention. After Chenchen left a message below, the blogger quickly wrote Chenchen privately and proposed to add WeChat to help Chenchen save her boyfriend.

Chenchen was cautious at first, and specifically asked whether to charge. After getting a negative reply, she added the blogger WeChat.

After adding WeChat, the blogger claimed that he was only an emotional teacher’s assistant, and pushed WeChat, who claimed to be Liu Zhe’s "emotional counselor", to Chenchen.

Liu Zhe said that it is not difficult to recover. "I am in the same constellation as your boyfriend. He must still love you, but you can only make a plan by paying money. You will probably get five or six thousand in this situation."

Chenchen said that he was short of money, and Liu Zhe made an exception and discounted it to 3400.

Seeing that Chenchen was still hesitating, Liu Zhe sent a business license, a screenshot of Tianyan, etc., showing that the other organization was named Encounter Psychological Consulting Co., Ltd. (now renamed X Wo Education Consulting Co., Ltd.).

At the same time, Liu Zhe repeatedly reminded Chenchen that "if you miss the best opportunity, you will regret it later", creating a sense of urgency. At the same time, he also promised that the recovery was ineffective and the fee could be refunded.

In the end, Chenchen’s defense line completely collapsed, and he paid a monthly service of 3,400 yuan.

After paying the money, he was recommended to Enmou, the director of the guidance department, who arranged one-on-one "emotional mentor" for him, calling himself Jane Eyre.

During the service, Jane Eyre instructed Chenchen to send some positive energy circle of friends visible only to her and her boyfriend, "or forward the WeChat official account articles recommended by her. They didn’t give me any psychological counseling from beginning to end. At that time, I was slightly depressed, and they didn’t care. They just said a word — — ‘ Calm down ’ 。”

Day after day, Chenchen’s relationship with her boyfriend made no progress, and finally her boyfriend blacked her out directly. So Jane Eyre instructed her to bring gifts to her boyfriend’s house.

At first, Chenchen strongly refused, "My boyfriend is stubborn, which will annoy him", but under the brainwashing of Jane Eyre and the urgency of saving her boyfriend, Chenchen got up the courage to go, and as a result, her boyfriend closed the door and disappeared.

After the relationship deteriorated completely, Chenchen continued to ask for help.

Jane Eyre’s plan is to improve women’s charm and emotional intelligence in the morning. "You have to sign up for two more courses."

At this time, Chenchen was completely awake and asked the organization to refund in full. As a result, the organization not only refused to refund, but also blamed Chenchen’s "own problems" for the failure of recovery.

Chenchen suddenly remembered that when she talked with Liu Zhe about buying classes in the early stage, the latter provided her with a contract sample about the refund, so she quickly turned out the contract. What shocked her was that the contract finally signed was "a thousand miles away" from the contract presented by Liu Zhe during the initial communication — — The refund clause is missing.

At the same time, the above-mentioned "teachers" have blacked them out and deleted them; The redemption agencies that provide services for them and the WeChat nicknames of "teachers" have been renamed several times; The account content of the aforementioned Little Red Book constellation blogger has also been completely emptied … …

In fact, the "master of emotion" has no license to work, and his education and experience are not limited.

Chenchen was not the only one who was deceived. In July this year, the Shanghai police detected the case of "emotional redemption" fraud, arrested 69 suspects, and initially verified more than 500 cases involving more than 7 million yuan across the country.

Caijing Story also talked about the victims of several emotional recovery institutions and summarized the routines of the above-mentioned emotional recovery institutions: the content platform publishes emotional articles to drain — Contact and contact induce signing a bill to buy a class — Prevarication, procrastination, perfunctory, and providing unreliable and unfeasible suggestions — Success depends entirely on nature, and failure will lead to a second promotion renewal fee — PUA shirks its responsibility if the fee is not renewed.

There are many similar victims. In the case of black cat complaints, "emotional consultation" was used as the key word, and more than 600 complaints were retrieved. Most of the complainants’ experiences were exactly the same as those of Chenchen.

There are also many such fraud cases on Chinese judgment documents online.

Moreover, such fraudulent institutions have built a mature organizational system, including media propaganda department, technology department, customer service department, planning department and other departments.

The Media Propaganda Department publishes emotional articles on major platforms, operates platform accounts to attract customers, collects and deletes negative information of the company, is responsible for compiling false comments on platform accounts and official online shopping malls, and uses the "screenshot monster-WeChat conversation to generate a false chat record to" create "successful cases of emotional recovery to attract more customers;

The technical department is responsible for promoting false stories to save feelings, saving successful cases, using search keywords to bid on Baidu, Google and other platforms, and establishing web pages;

The customer service department manages receptionists and customer service personnel, and the customer service specifically contacts the victims through WeChat to promote various services such as warming up love, emotional recovery, and persuasion of mistress … …

In a recruitment software, many emotional consulting companies have a low threshold for the position of "emotional/marriage consultant": on the one hand, the job description has a strong sales color; On the other hand, there are no rigid requirements such as psychology-related majors and psychological counseling certificates, and more labels are "unlimited experience" and "unlimited academic qualifications".

After Caijing Story once communicated the above positions in the name of job hunting and told the other party that there was no psychological counseling certificate, many companies still said it was acceptable.

In other words, the "master of emotional recovery" who holds Cupid’s arrow in your eyes and can influence marriage and love is likely to be a young man with no psychological knowledge and not rich emotional experience.

In this regard, Quan Yunfeng, the founder of Peng Orange Psychology, told Caijing Story: "There is no ’ in psychology; Emotional redemption ’ This entry, in essence, is a concept that has been commercially packaged. And their routines, including WeChat chatting and sending friends circle, have long been out of the scope of psychological counseling. "

He also revealed to the "Financial Stories" that the marketing investment of many so-called emotional counseling institutions now accounts for more than 60%. "This has been divorced from the origin of psychological counseling services."

The little hero can’t tell whether he is a victim or a perpetrator. "Maybe both? !”

Xiaojie, who was born in a small county in the Central Plains, is a typical Phoenix man. Because he studied in an engineering college, there were more men than women, and he never talked about his girlfriend until he graduated from college.

After graduating, he worked for five or six years, bought a house in a second-tier city, and did not call several times in succession. His parents kept urging marriage, so at the beginning of 2018, he successively downloaded a number of social software, such as Momo and Exploration.

Through the online chat on the screen, the confession of love slipped left and right, which eliminated his shyness and shyness, but either he fell into the embarrassment of nothing to say when chatting, or when he met offline, Xiaojie would "see the light die" with the girls.

Hard hit, Xiaojie was ready to turn to the Internet, and then went to the website of a love training institution.

On the page, various training products are displayed in different categories: 599 yuan crash course, 1599 yuan introductory course, 3599 yuan systematic training course, 7899 yuan growth advanced class and so on.

A number of contact information popped up on the screen, and Xiaojie tried to add a tutor to consult. The other party first sent him a free study material and encouraged him to sign up for class.

At this time, Xiaojie was dubious and didn’t intend to report to class. After reading the free materials roughly, he began to try.

Drawing a tiger according to a cat, Xiaojie, who was originally dull, tried to play a "caring and warm man". In the second half of 2018, Xiaojie finally decided to have a relationship with a lady.

When he first tasted the sweetness of love, Xiaojie was satisfied and even planned to call his girlfriend home to see his parents during the Spring Festival, but his girlfriend was at arm’s length with him.

It was not until a movie that his girlfriend got up and went to the bathroom and dropped his mobile phone on his seat. Xiaojie accidentally saw his girlfriend’s WeChat message pop-up window, only to find out that he was just one of his girlfriend’s spare tires.

Angry at heart, Xiaojie didn’t understand why his girlfriend was derailed, so he asked the love tutor he had contacted before. The other party said that he had to pay for consulting specific cases, and promised that as long as he participated in the training, "everyone is a girl who can’t catch up." This time, Xiaojie paid without hesitation.

After paying the fee, Xiaojie was pulled into a WeChat group, and the tutor also encouraged everyone in the group. "We will all be professional players in the future."

"Now it seems that those means are not on the table."

The first step of pick up hot chicks’s method is to change his values first. "In fact, what they teach is not the way of love, but the way of divorce with strong utility.".

Secondly, to eliminate social barriers, we should "dare to take the initiative to attack". For this reason, under the guidance of our mentor, a group of people marched into the nightclub, which was the first time that Xiaojie walked into such a colorful place — — Of course, this experience is not free, and the extra charge is 800 yuan.

"I feel full that I have opened it, and I am not flustered when I see a girl."

Third, learn to package yourself. "Gao Fushuai has the highest success rate," Xiaojie said.

To this end, the tutor suggested that they open a WeChat trumpet, and then provide a variety of fake brand-name clothing for them to buy, pose and send to their circle of friends. "To show the feeling of being rich inadvertently, this WeChat trumpet must be isolated from the circle of acquaintances and professions."

During that period, Xiaojie felt that he was very divided and everything was ready. It was time to take the initiative. "When talking about a girl, she should be classified first, and then when to hint at love, when to meet offline, when to touch physically, when to have intimate relations, and when to break through every barrier, there are routines."

At first, Xiaojie enjoyed it very much. From the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2019, he reused the above routines and frequently contacted girls in various social software. Finally, as many as 12 of them went to the "love" stage.

When the emotional relationship seems at your fingertips, Xiaojie suddenly feels dull. On the one hand, he is afraid to show his true self in front of the girl, and he is exhausted. On the other hand, in order to disguise his "Gao Fushuai" identity, Xiaojie spent a lot of money during his "love" and was overwhelmed. He never dared to talk about marriage with a girlfriend for fear of his identity being exposed. "What’s the point of this? !”

And he is obviously not a "PUA" master. Other PUA students in the same institution even show off that they are stepping on multiple boats. At the same time, many girlfriends are dead set on them, and even lovers from different places come from afar. Male students avoid it but are proud; On the internet, some women who are deeply involved in PUA routines are trapped in depression and even die.

Xiaojie was disgusted with all this. At the end of 2019, he left the circle completely. "I spent more than 10,000 yuan, failed to take off the bill and bought a lonely one." He is still looking for the other half — — In a clumsy and sincere way, not in a seemingly efficient PUA.

With the marriage and love industry becoming a golden track, there are endless platforms for marriage and love, such as Lily Jiayuan, soul, zhenai and Iran, and Internet giants are also scrambling to get a piece of it: QQ dating and blind date area; Online matchmaker blind date in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker; Heartbeat duet of national K songs … …

Opportunities seem to be everywhere, but it is not easy to successfully get rid of the order. When singles are trying to get rid of their bills, those emotional swindlers are also lurking at the other end of the screen, waiting for opportunities to hunt, cheat money and punish their hearts … … Good things are often dangerous, such as love, and how many scams are fake in your name. (Wheat, Xiaojie and Chenchen are all pseudonyms, and the pictures are all from the respondents except the source.)

To do live broadcast with goods, you need to master 6 marketing skills.

What points do enterprises need to step on if they want to do video marketing well? This paper introduces six main points for everyone, hoping to inspire you.

In 2017, anchor Viya seized the new outlet of Taobao live broadcast and became the first anchor to enter the live broadcast with goods. More than 4 million Taobao fans, the highest number of live viewers exceeded 8 million, and the goods were 267 million in 2 hours. In 2018, the turnover reached 2.7 billion.

In 2018, Li Jiaqi’s five-and-a-half-hour Taobao live broadcast sold 23,000 orders and completed a turnover of 3.53 million. During the Double Eleven period, it challenged Ma Yun to become a "lipstick brother" and the whole network became popular.

In 2019, according to the double 11 record announced by Tmall, the live broadcast of Double Eleven Taobao drove the transaction to nearly 20 billion yuan. And there are more than 10 live broadcast rooms with a turnover of 100 million yuan and more than 100 live broadcast rooms with a turnover of 10 million yuan.

Viya, the anchor, also ranked first in the popularity list of Taobao live broadcast. Zhao Yuanyuan, the head of Taobao live broadcast operation, revealed in the early morning that Viya’s sales during the Double Eleven this year had reached her sales for the whole year of last year. In the whole year of 2018, Viya led the turnover of 2.7 billion.

Is live shopping really just a new retail method in recent three years? After the analysis of growth phenomenon, it is not. Live shopping is essentially the 2.0 version of TV shopping.

Comparing TV shopping with live shopping, in fact,It’s just that in different times, consumers borrow the same expressions from different communication tools, and their essential logic is the same.They all try their best to communicate with fans/audiences and show the selling points of the products in a specific environment in order to achieve the transaction.

But the progress of live delivery is thatLive broadcast can realize real-time interaction with fans.. When fans have questions, they can leave messages directly in the live broadcast room, and the anchor can interact with fans across the screen and help them answer questions online, which restores the scene of offline consumption. What’s better is that the shopping guide (anchor) here does not have those uncomfortable faces of offline shopping guide, which greatly improves the shopping experience. Live shoppingCreate a scene where old friends chat.Quickly close the distance between fans and anchors and drive the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

The essence of marketing is to build trust with users. From the traditional offline retail to the content e-commerce and online celebrity live broadcast in the Internet era, the essence of sales has not changed, but the sales channels are constantly updated.

In the past 30 years, in the era of radio and television, when commodity production was not so rich and the means of communication were relatively simple, people would shop from TV and listen to the host on TV constantly "998, as long as 998, eight arrows with eight hearts". This kind of incitement made people immediately brainwashed and called the order hotline.

Nowadays, with the advent of the Internet era, commodity production is further enriched, the means of communication are more diversified, and the content is still produced, but the channels for carrying information have changed. Now short videos and live broadcasts are essentially newspapers and televisions in the past.

"All girls, buy it!" As soon as it appears, it is awkward; On the other hand, the information in the text now is equivalent to the media of newspapers and magazines 30 years ago.

So the growth of flying elephants came to the conclusion,Now live shopping is the 2.0 version of TV shopping.

Nowadays, video marketing is still in its infancy. Strictly speaking, pictures, texts, short videos and long videos can all be brought, but the most efficient way to bring goods is live broadcast. Many serious Taobao users get used to watching live broadcasts, but they can’t read pictures and texts any more. This principle is the same as getting used to watching pictures and texts of Tik Tok Aauto Quicker who don’t want to read Weibo WeChat WeChat official account, and getting used to watching TV is just like not focusing on reading newspapers. The expression of video is far more intuitive and impactful than words and sounds.

Coupled with the arrival of the 5G era, video is even more powerful. In the past, newspapers mobilized readers’ vision, and after TV came out, we could watch or listen. After the video comes out, you can not only listen and watch, but also have people there to try products and chat with you, which can mobilize your senses in a 360-degree way, stimulate your nerves and transform you. This is why some people usually consume rationally, but they can’t help but pick their hands when they watch the live broadcast.

Therefore, the growth flying elephant believes that there will still be more room for development in the future, and there will be a continued version 3.0.

Next, the growth of flying elephants is for everyone.Analyze what points an enterprise needs to step on if it wants to do a good job in video marketing.

If you choose products with enough profit margin, businesses should make money through video marketing, and people who bring goods must make money, which means that the price of goods must contain rebate commission for people who bring goods. However, often the price of the live broadcast room is indeed relatively low. How is this done? After our analysis of the growth of flying elephants, there are the following two situations:

1. Part of the situation is that merchants really make profits for the sake of quantity. Some online celebrity really carry a large quantity of goods, so they have bargaining chips with merchants, and they use the amount to drive down the price crazily and get a very low cost price, so that they can not only sell the lowest price in the whole network, but also make money.

But in the long run, this kind of list is not a list that merchants are willing to take for a long time. After all, the profit is extremely meager. If you are not careful, it will become a loss-making business.

23. Selling special customized models from online celebrity, many online celebrity will let you go to Taobao to search for the same model on the spot when selling goods live. You can search and find that this product does exist, and the price is 299, while the live broadcast room only sells 89.

You think it’s a good deal, but the truth is, what you see.That commodity is specially designed to resist the price., almost no sales, this product mainly depends on video marketing to bring goods, and now many manufacturers are customizing various products for the major platforms online celebrity, and a very important link in promoting products is to put the same product on Taobao and set a high price.

In fact, this routine has long been played by merchants. The same product is marked with different models online and in physical stores, so you can’t do absolute price comparison, thus avoiding a lot of trouble.

Many anchors are born at the grassroots level. In order to have no sense of distance from their fans,Take the "friend recommendation" personal designOn the contrary, many stars also follow the trend to do live broadcast with goods, such as Li, a former famous host of Hunan Satellite TV, who tried to bring goods but met with a fiasco.

Some of these anchors often open chat posts, and inadvertently reveal the bitterness behind their work in the "trumpet" that fans all know, so that the audience can realize that glamorous anchors, like ordinary people, will get sick, tired and stay up late. They sacrifice their hobbies and socializing for their careers, which is very similar to the story of ordinary people’s life, and can instantly narrow the distance between fans and anchors, which is enough to help anchors successfully circle fans.

Secondly, in line with the fan front, follow the fans to bargain with the merchants, gain the trust of fans, and lower the threshold of fans’ hearts.

Finally,Clear positioning, not easy to cross the border.

Just like Li Jiaqi, we all know that his personal name is "Brother Lipstick". Because of his superior carrying ability, the manufacturer of non-stick pan found him, but there was a huge mistake, and the non-stick pan stuck in a mess at the scene of frying eggs. Although the follow-up Li Jiaqi’s public relations were handled properly, this rollover made these anchors give them a wake-up call.

When Li Jiaqi was in Amway lipstick,Always describe you with this lipstick through the imagination of the scene.

If you want to be a lady today, choose a super elegant plum sauce purple lipstick;

If you want to take the girl route again tomorrow, then come to a rotten tomato color, Bo Tu it, and you are a young girl full of vitality;

The day after tomorrow is Hong Kong-style retro style, so you can’t go wrong if you take it with matte red.

By contrast, just like other bloggers, describe this lipstick as moist in texture, positive in color, strong in brand background and affordable, which can only convey the information of lipstick to users, but it does not directly hit people’s hearts.Li Jiaqi is well versed in women’s psychology and knows that what every girl yearns for is a more beautiful self.Therefore, when I was in Amway, I abstracted various scenes, making girls feel that they are not only missing a dress in the closet forever, but also a lipstick on the dressing table forever.

Secondly,Frequent golden sentences,“OMG! This is so beautiful! All girls, buy it! " Let the rumors spread that "the sky is not afraid, the land is not afraid, and I am afraid of Jiaqi OMG!"

The anchor sells goods not just by low prices, but more.Through coupons, gifts, limits, price limitsTo arouse fans’ curiosity and interest in products,Give fans the feeling of taking advantage.. The growth elephant once said,What customers want now is not a bargain, nor an advantage, but a feeling of taking advantage.

The anchor keeps rendering to create an atmosphere of "if you don’t buy it now, you’ll never get this bargain again". I’m afraid it will be out of stock one second later!

"Today, there are limited to 2,000 orders, and there are not many. After grabbing it, there will be no more!" Don’t chop your hands at this time, but when.

Taobao is based on its own natural platform advantage, and it is also an organization that set foot on live broadcast and brought goods early, and its sales conversion rate is still the highest.General consumer goods are the best sellers..

Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok are content logic, and their daily life is high. The difference is thatAauto Quicker pays attention to private domain traffic precipitation.The vermicelli is sticky, which is suitable for promoting products whose customer unit price is generally below 300 yuan.

Tik Tok has a large flow.However, due to its algorithm-oriented restrictions, Tik Tok’s traffic can’t be privatized, so it’s worthless.Beauty products are better transformed..

In addition to the above platforms with a large volume of goods, there are also some other platforms that have tried water and added different elements.

Pinduoduo first tried the water and moved the fission game into the live broadcast room.

JD.COM is also promoting the Red Man Incubation Plan recently, and has invested at least 1 billion resources for this purpose.

The "Grass Planting Platform" Xiaohongshu will also broadcast live e-commerce, allowing creators to broadcast live with note-taking gameplay, online gameplay and red envelope gameplay.

Marketing must be continuous, and the effect is obvious.

In an interview with reporters, Li Jiaqi said that he broadcast 389 live broadcasts in 365 days a year.This high-intensity and high-frequency live broadcast is to cultivate fans’ habit of watching live broadcasts and maintain loyalty.

At the same time, careful answering questions or entertaining communication can narrow the distance between KOL and fans, realize emotional resonance, and establish intimacy and trust between anchors and fans. In this way, it is logical to bring goods.

According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, the species that survive every big change are not the strongest ones, nor the ones with the highest intelligence, but the ones that can make the most positive response to the change.

[1] Zhao Yuanyuan, the person in charge of Taobao live broadcast: the live broadcast of the show is big brother, and the live broadcast of e-commerce is big sister.

[2] How long can live broadcast with goods fire?

[3] Analysis and optimization of TV shopping program host’s program production process


Author: Once, WeChat official account: Growth Flying Elephant

This article was originally published by @ 中中中中中中. Everyone is a product manager, and it is forbidden to reprint without the permission of the author.

The title map comes from Unsplash and is based on CC0 protocol.

In the face of the explosion of Huawei, why are you most anxious about ideals?

Ideal has held many strategic meetings in recent years. At the strategic meeting in early 2021, Li Xiang specially invited Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen from the US delegation, and finally came to the conclusion that 2025 is the turning point of the new energy vehicle market in China, and the ideal must achieve an annual sales volume of 1.6 million units in order not to be eliminated.

From 2021 to now, car companies are indeed facing this increasingly fierce competition. On the one hand, the market share is further concentrated in Tesla and BYD. On the other hand, traditional car companies such as Volkswagen and General Motors have begun to launch key models. At the same time, there are also Huawei and Apple that are not moving for the time being. It can be called the hundred regiments battle of the electric car version.

In September of this year, Huawei released the new M7, which wrinkled a pool of spring water. According to 36Kr, the ideal is once again on the verge of an enemy, and another strategy meeting has been held in recent days. It is reported that the meeting has a huge agenda, lasting for four days, and intensively discussed the strategic direction and landing rhythm of LI in the next 5-10 years. Strategically, BYD, Huawei and Tesla were listed as strong rivals in Ideal Interior according to the market structure in 2025, and BYD ranked first. This year, the name has been changed to Huawei.

Facing Huawei, the ideal of top students has become the most anxious one.

Li Xiang’s attention and anxious attitude are somewhat surprising. After all, when it comes to anxiety, it’s definitely not ideal-horizontally comparing Tucki, Weilai, Zero Run and other peers, the ideal delivery volume, revenue and profit are all leading the way, and the position of the new power to build cars is secure.

In terms of delivery volume, a total of 36,060 new cars were delivered in September, a year-on-year surge of 212.7%, which also set a new high in a single month. Although the delivery volume of Tucki and Weilai has also improved, there are only 15,310 vehicles and 15,641 vehicles respectively, and the gap is visible to the naked eye. Judging from the growth rate, Ideal has been climbing steadily in the first three quarters of this year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 296.3% in the third quarter, which is not in an order of magnitude with the other two old enemies.

(Source: Ideal official Weibo)

Looking at the data on the financial side, the ideal advantage is more obvious. In the second quarter of this year, the ideal net profit of returning to the mother was as high as 2.31 billion yuan, and the profit in the first half of this year has almost filled the losses in the previous three fiscal years. Compared with bicycle profit and gross profit rate, ideal is more outstanding: in the second quarter, ideal bicycle income was 323,200, bicycle net profit was 26,700, gross profit rate of automobile sales reached 21%, and Tesla’s bicycle gross profit rate was 18.65% in the same period.

Since the situation is excellent, why does Huawei make its ideals so tense? First of all, ask the new M7, which can be said to be the direct competitor of the ideal L7.

It’s nothing new in the automobile circle in recent years to show the advantages of products by comparing competing data. There are also two such roles in the new M7 conference, one is BMW X5L and the other is ideal L7.

At present, these two models rank first and third respectively in the sales ranking of medium and large SUVs in China, among which the first and second are ideal L7 and L8 respectively.

BMW X5L, as a popular model in the era of fuel vehicles, can be seen as "compared" in many press conferences, but L7 seems to be difficult to understand. After all, the competing product of the new M7 should be L8 in time sequence. Why does the new M7 list L7 as a competing product?

This is because the new M7 is no longer just a 5-door and 6-seat model, but also redesigned the layout and added 5-door and 5-seat models. In terms of vehicle size, the boundary M7 is also closer to the ideal L7, the former is 5020*1945*1760mm, and the latter is 5050*1995*1750mm.

In terms of pricing, the 2024 model M7 has launched five models, with the price range of 249,800 yuan to 329,800 yuan, which is about 70,000 yuan lower than that of the 2022 model.

Compared with the three versions of the ideal L7, which cost RMB 31.98, RMB 33.98 and RMB 379,800, the new M7 has opened a sufficient price gap. In particular, the M7 Max five-seat intelligent driving version with high-order intelligent driving assistance and the ideal L7 Air without air suspension and laser radar have formed a strong dislocation competition situation, and the M7 Max six-seat intelligent driving version and the L8 Air will have the same high probability.

In addition to outstanding cost performance, Huawei Mate 60 series has driven Huawei’s popularity to an unprecedented level, and then the brand power has spilled over to the world. Some analysts believe that the determined price reduction of the new M7 is only the main reason for the sharp increase in sales in the world. The fundamental reason is the social sensation brought by Huawei Mate series, which brings huge passenger flow to stores. And Huawei has a huge user base in China, which overlaps with the potential users in LI.

According to the latest data, Huawei has ordered more than 60,000 new M7 vehicles in the market for about one month.

(Source: Wen Jie Guan Wei)

Huawei is different from its former rivals: it can make products and do marketing.

In addition to the direct competition of products, Huawei is very different from its former competitors.

LI creates a sense of luxury through the big sofa with refrigerator and color TV. Compared with the traditional BBA, it is very cost-effective in space and interior decoration. Coupled with excellent marketing, the sales volume keeps rising.

However, the ideal moat is too shallow, because it does not have its own core technology, and it has no outstanding advantages in three-electric system, energy efficiency, chassis, range extender, intelligence and other technologies. It is constantly reported that it is impossible to brake when encountering a large truck on a sunny day, and it is impossible to recognize the scratching accident of the ice cream cone at high speed. A series of negative news about intelligent driving such as "overturning" at the press conference site can be seen.

A good product is the perfect combination of technology and business, and the ideal meets the real opponent, because Huawei knows both technology and marketing.

What Li Xiang really fears is not a certain product in the world, but the powerful combat capability of Huawei Corps. Huawei’s "wolf nature" is well known in the industry, and its capital reserve, technical strength, channel resources and organizational ability are far from what ordinary startups can compare.

Huawei’s characteristic is that after finding the breakthrough, the relevant business groups devote themselves to it in a legion manner, relying on the staff size of 200,000 people and the bonus of engineers to achieve the ultimate efficiency and cost performance. Just like a dam break, we will turn our potential energy into market share.

In the past, Huawei has proved this in the communications and mobile phone markets. Even after being sanctioned by the United States, Huawei still eats more than half of the domestic high-end mobile phone market.

And the old question M7 once brought great shock to the ideal. "In the third quarter of 2022, the release and trading of M7 in the world directly crippled Li ONE. We have never met such a strong opponent. For a long time, we have no strength to fight back."

(Source: Li Xiang Weibo)

This is Li Xiang’s description of M7 in an essay in June this year.

Ideal is prepared to spend money to make up for the shortcomings of his own wisdom.

In the face of such competitors, it is not difficult to understand that Li wants to choose to temporarily avoid its edge when talking about Huawei.

According to the 36Kr report, a person familiar with the matter said that the ideal dialogue technique originally at the sales end has now been cancelled, and the M7 has not been mentioned on its own initiative. "If a car owner asks about it, say that the L6 that is ideal for next year is a price product with the M7."

However, as the saying goes, the brave will win in the narrow road. In the face of Huawei’s continuous invasion of its hinterland, the ideal will naturally not really be left unchecked. In this regard, the ideal choice is to save money and use it to make up for the shortcomings of your own wisdom.

According to 36Kr, how to "spend money well" has become an internal consensus of Ideal. The financial report shows that as of the end of the second quarter, the ideal cash on hand was 73.77 billion yuan, equivalent to the sum of Weilai and Tucki in the same period. Next, choosing the direction and crazy investment are the keys to the ideal to break the game.

In terms of products, the ideal thinking about the demand side is to choose to continue to deepen the main battlefield of family segmentation and extend the product planning to 2027. On the other hand, Li Xiang is still working hard to break the bottleneck of production capacity. On October 10th, he issued a document saying that the impact of Changzhou factory upgrading and Beijing factory qualification switching at the end of September has been lifted. "We can challenge the delivery of 40,000 in advance this month".

At the same time, for the function of intelligent driving, Li Xiang also has a "late step" reflection, and bluntly said, "The lessons that fall behind due to insufficient investment can only be solved by strengthening investment." At the same time, it is ideal to promote the person in charge of perception and system to vice president respectively, which is a signal that the weight of smart driving business is upgraded. In addition, on October 10th, LI officially released more than 50 jobs for intelligent driving in one breath, covering software algorithms, large models, vehicle hardware, testing, operation and other fields.

Some people close to the ideal revealed that they think that by 2025, the decisive battle of smart cars in the second half will be over. At that time, they will come out if they can run out, and they will be gone if they can’t. Because the data model and training amount have been finalized, what is needed behind it is a large number of start-up users, which is the decisive battle time in these three years. Ideal will try to overtake at the corner of the smart driving track.

No one can accurately predict whether the smart driver of the ideal future will catch up later, but it can be predicted that after the end of the year, Ideal and Huawei will further meet in product matrix and technology. In the next knockout, any short board may give the opponent a chance to overtake.

In this context, family background and technology will become the key words for new energy vehicle enterprises to compete.