Artificial Intelligence: Embracing Change and Protecting Value

  [Kehai Tide Watching]

  In the past few years, a large number of innovative technologies have emerged in the field of artificial intelligence, and key breakthroughs have been made in the fields of autonomous driving, voice and image recognition, medical diagnosis, intellectual competitive sports, etc. Intelligent scenes that people once could only imagine in science fiction movies are quietly coming, and an intelligent era full of infinite possibilities has been fully opened.

  Artificial intelligence with several ups and downs

  Artificial intelligence is not a new concept in science. As early as half a century ago, computer science giants represented by Turing, Weiner, McCarthy, Shannon and so on began to explore artificial intelligence scientifically. Turing took the lead in putting forward the basic proposition of artificial intelligence "Can machines think" in his paper "Computing Machines and Intelligence" published in 1950, and designed the famous "Turing Test" — — If a machine can start a dialogue with human beings without being identified as a machine, then the machine is intelligent, which has become the first research to define the standard of artificial intelligence from the scientific level. At the same time, Wiener put forward the famous "cybernetics" and discussed the unity of machine and human — — People or machines accomplish a certain purpose through feedback, which reveals the possibility of simulating people with machines and lays an important foundation for the proposal of artificial intelligence. In 1955, McCarthy, Minsky, Shannon and others, as co-sponsors, invited a group of scholars to discuss Artificial Intelligence at Dartmouth College in the United States, and used the term artificial intelligence, which led to the rise of artificial intelligence scientific research.

  Although artificial intelligence has always attracted the attention of the scientific community, due to the constraints of basic technical conditions such as computing power, algorithms and data, artificial intelligence technology and commercial development have not been smooth sailing, and even once fell into a trough. Until May, 1997, IBM computer system "Deep Blue" defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, which once again triggered global attention to artificial intelligence. Since then, Professor Hilton of the University of Toronto in Canada has made a key breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence with deep learning as the main technical line. Artificial intelligence has been applied in natural language processing, speech recognition, image recognition, machine translation, fraud detection, product recommendation, etc. In addition, mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things have matured and formed a technical community effect, providing a technical environment for the technological breakthrough of artificial intelligence. A number of IT giants such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Baidu, Tencent, etc. also foresaw the commercial dawn of artificial intelligence and accelerated the industrial layout of artificial intelligence. In October 2016, the then US President Barack Obama released the report "National Strategic Plan for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development" at the White House Frontier Summit. This strategic plan, known as the new "Apollo Moon Landing Plan" in the United States, marked the US government’s emphasis on artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence has reached a turning point of breakthrough.

  According to the development stage and level of artificial intelligence, some foreign experts divide artificial intelligence into three stages: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). Weak artificial intelligence is good at unilateral ability, such as only having the intelligence to play chess. Strong artificial intelligence refers to artificial intelligence that has the same cognitive ability as human beings in all aspects; Super artificial intelligence refers to surpassing the limits of human intelligence in all fields. Generally speaking, human artificial intelligence is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence moving towards strong artificial intelligence.

  Cutting-edge technology that subverts the future

  As a subversive technology with "singularity" characteristics, artificial intelligence can not only drive a new round of scientific and technological innovation and economic growth, but also overcome a series of development difficulties faced by human beings in the fields of transportation, environment and health care, thus creating a new paradigm for global economic and social development.

  In 2016, Accenture, a famous consulting firm, released a report saying that artificial intelligence will become the driving force for a new round of global economic growth. By 2035, by changing job attributes and creating new man-machine relationship, artificial intelligence will double the economic growth rate, and the problems that have plagued the world economy for a long time, such as production stagnation, resource mismatch and labor shortage, will be solved, and people will be able to get out of "inefficient" work and do truly efficient and creative work.

  Intelligent transportation and unmanned driving are the key areas of artificial intelligence development at present. In the future, the transportation facilities with artificial intelligence application will not only include passenger cars, but also trucks, aircraft and personal robots. Automated transportation will be everywhere, and cars will become better drivers than humans. Intelligent transportation systems will effectively overcome urban traffic jams and parking difficulties, reduce the incidence of car accidents and reduce automobile emissions, and there will be fewer private cars for urban residents, thus changing the overall appearance of the city and bringing a brand-new form of urban organization.

  Artificial intelligence will also make great achievements in the medical field, which will help mankind overcome a series of medical problems to a great extent and solve the problem of uneven distribution of medical resources. Take IBM Watson as an example. An expert from the Medical College of the University of North Carolina in the United States asked Watson to analyze and diagnose more than 1,000 cancer cases. It was found that Watson gave the same treatment plan as a human oncologist in more than 99% of the cases. A Tokyo woman with leukemia was sentenced to death by a doctor, but Watson read the relevant 4,000-meter-thick medical materials within 10 minutes and gave a treatment plan to save her. Recently, a teenager in Britain underwent medical surgery based on artificial intelligence technology and got rid of epilepsy for seven years. The doctor asked the robot to drill into his brain, stimulated the cerebral cortex through electrodes, and found out the part that caused the seizure. The doctor removed the lesion.

  An out-of-control problem of no trial and error

  When artificial intelligence technology continues to reshape people’s work, study and lifestyle, and brings infinite happiness to mankind, it is also generating more and more open problems.

  1. Artificial intelligence is out of control. It is an ancient and ultimate problem of artificial intelligence whether it can keep control of an artificial intelligence system that is far smarter than human beings one day. The problem of control and out-of-control is so important because human beings may not have the opportunity to try and make mistakes at all. Although it is generally believed that the existing artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence, many experts believe that the era of super artificial intelligence is not far away, and the form of super artificial intelligence can realize recursive self-improvement and lead to the final "intelligent explosion". In 2008, a survey of experts at the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference held in Oxford University showed that machine super-intelligence has surpassed nuclear war, various manipulated epidemics and climate change to become the greatest threat to mankind. By 2100, the possibility of this artificial intelligence leading to human extinction is 5%. In this regard, the author of "A Brief History of the Future" and Israeli historian Herali pointed out three possible directions for human beings: human beings will lose their economic and military uses, and the economic system will no longer be valuable; For the system, human beings as a whole will have value but individuals will have no value; However, the system will find value in some individuals, but they will become a new species of superman, not the general public. "System" refers to a new social form produced by the rapid development of biological science and information technology.

  2. Machine discrimination. In the Internet of Everything environment, artificial intelligence systems based on massive data and powerful algorithms are influencing or even replacing individual behavior decisions. Under the trend of artificial intelligence replacing individual decisions, algorithm deviation and machine discrimination are not uncommon and have great influence. For example, Google’s photo software has wrongly labeled black people as "gorillas", and Flickr’s automatic tagging system has also wrongly labeled black people’s photos as "apes" or "animals". The problem of Google’s algorithmic discrimination has attracted people’s attention. In Google search, it is easier to find advertisements implying a criminal history than searching for white people’s names. In Google’s advertising service, men see more high-paying job advertisements than women.

  3. Skilled unemployment. Technical unemployment is also a major challenge arising from the development of artificial intelligence. Kaplan, a professor of artificial intelligence and ethics at Stanford University, believes that the most important challenge for human beings to deal with artificial intelligence lies in the change of labor force and the distribution of wealth in the whole society, which has an impact on the stability of the existing society. Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, also pointed out that the wide application of high technology in computer-controlled, fully automated and networked production and service industries, such as the use of robots, may lead to the loss of a large number of jobs in the future.

  4. Human-machine emotional ethics. The development of artificial intelligence technology will lead to the subversion of traditional human ethics. In the autumn of 2015, the British BBC and CNBC reported that an American company had created a female image "sex robot", and the person in charge of the company believed that the product could help the widowed solve their life troubles. It is reported that the robot presupposes a variety of personality patterns, such as "communicative" and "obedient", but the product has aroused extensive ethical discussion.

  As Hassabis, the founder of DeepMind, said: "Artificial intelligence is a great technology. It is neutral in itself and may be used in good places or bad places, so we must ensure that its users are responsible." In this regard, the United States, Britain, Japan, as well as the United Nations, the European Union, IEEE and other international organizations have issued strategies, laws, standards and norms of artificial intelligence, hoping to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry through the guidance of artificial intelligence policies and ethics. We should scientifically regulate artificial intelligence from laws and regulations, social security, technical standards and application norms, so as to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry and prepare for the future of artificial intelligence.

   (Author: Hui Zhibin, deputy director of Internet Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Father pushes his son with cerebral palsy to run a marathon: "I promised him to stand behind him all his life."


  Xin’ an riverside

  Qingshan lvshuijian

  Zhejiang Jiande 2022 Xin ‘anjiang Marathon started shooting.

  On the track

  A pair of special contestants caught everyone’s attention

  A middle-aged man in a dark blue sports vest

  Pushing a tricycle.

  In the cart

  The little boy sat quietly.

  Work hard with my father towards the finish line

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  This middle-aged man

  It’s Luo Shujian, 45.

  From Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province

  Is a courier.

  In the cart is his 13-year-old son Xiao Bai.

  And this marathon

  It’s this father and son

  The 54th competition in 7 years.

  The medals hung on the walls of Luo Shujian’s home (provided by the respondents)

  One birth

  Xiao Bai, his son, became the most reluctant person for Luo Shujian.

  In 2009

  Severe asphyxia lasting for 15 minutes at birth.

  Causing xiaobai to have severe brain damage.

  He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth.

  And then appeared.

  Mental retardation, epileptic symptoms and autism tendency

  Later, he was diagnosed as "LGS syndrome" again.

  This is the most difficult type of epilepsy in children to control.

  A doctor once told Luo Shujian

  My son needs to be taken care of all his life.

  With the help of public welfare organizations

  Luo Shujian and his wife took Xiao Bai.

  Found an authoritative expert

  Seizure symptoms of Xiao Bai

  Also got better after using drugs.

  But Xiao Bai still can’t talk.

  Intelligence is only maintained at the level of children.

  Luo Shujian and his family usually take it with them.

  To go out for a walk.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)


  Luo Shujian came across the story of Dick Huo Yite and his son.

  This great father

  Pushing a son with cerebral palsy

  With more than 1000 running races

  Run all over America along the runway

  It is also one of the six marathons in the world.

  Boston marathon

  Touched countless people.

  In 2015

  After learning the information that the Hangzhou Marathon started to register that year,

  Luo Shujian also wants to try.

  In order to improve physical fitness

  He gets up at 4: 30 every morning

  Run at 5 o’clock in the morning

  Go out to work after the end.

  Be fully prepared

  November 1, 2015

  He took his son to participate for the first time.

  Hangzhou Marathon 7 km Mini Run

  And finally finished the game.

  A cart for my son.

  It cost him half a month’s salary.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  On the field

  Luo Shujian found his son Xiao Bai

  The whole process was very exciting and happy.

  "He likes that kind of lively scene.

  And this desire to chase

  Laugh and clap your hands. "

  After discovering that my son likes it very much,

  Luo Shujian was out of control from then on.

  5 km, 10 km

  Half horse, whole horse … …

  In the past seven years, Luo Shujian has pushed his son to complete it.

  54 games, big and small

  Footprints are all over the country

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  For seven years

  In the process of pushing my son to run.

  Luo Shujian for "father"

  Have a deeper understanding

  "I hope to be able to run.

  Can accompany him to walk around the country.

  Let him come into this world without regret.

  By running again and again like this

  I hope he can appreciate the hardships of everyone’s life.

  Also let him feel the warmth and strength in life. "

  Luo Shujian said

  Luo Shujian (third from right) is participating in public welfare activities (provided by respondents)

  Luo Shujian hopes

  Keep running with your son.

  "I promised him to stand behind him all my life."

  He smiled and told reporters

  Meet once, and live up to this life.

  Hail to the great father!

  Life is precious.

  In the wind, in the rain, on the road

  Love makes every step

  Full of power


  Source: Xinhua News Agency WeChat (ID:xinhuashefabu1) Comprehensive Yangguang. com and Jimu News.

  Reporter: Lin Guangyao, Ma Xiaoju

  Producer: Guan Kailiang

  Editor: Li Yongxi, Qing Shan

  Internship: Zhang Zhuojun

National fitness-sports are at the right time

Original title: National Fitness-Sports at the Right Time

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On the vernal equinox of the same day, a tug-of-war competition was held in the shopping mall of Erdaoqiao Community, Erdaoqiao Street, Tianshan District, Urumqi, to advocate national fitness and enjoy the warm sunshine in spring.

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

World Weekly Story: What is the circus that claims to have the greatest performance on earth?

  CCTV News (World Weekly):How many children went to the circus on Children’s Day? Circus performance is one of the good memories of childhood for many people. Today, in some large theme parks, the most popular performance is circus. But on May 21st, a 146-year-old "Lingling Circus", known as "the greatest performance on earth" and one of the three largest circuses in the world, held its final curtain call in new york and announced its closure. The news made many people feel particularly sad, but it also made others jump for joy. What does the closure of Lingling Circus mean?

   Wonderful performance bid farewell to "the greatest performance on earth"

  On May 21st, the farewell performance of Lingling Circus was held in Nassau Veterans Memorial Gymnasium in Long Island, new york, USA.

  Before the performance, Kenneth Field, CEO of the American Field Entertainment Company, the parent company of Lingling Circus, gave a speech in the center of the stage.

  After a tense 10-second countdown, the performance officially began.

  The whole performance lasted for 2 hours and 30 minutes, which was wonderful and won applause from the audience.

  After this final performance, the 146-year history of Lingling Circus came to an end.

  Audience: It was very interesting. The performance was fantastic, but it was very sad. My children just cried and asked me, Mom, why is the circus closed? Today, I brought my mother, aunt and friends to watch the performance. It was a little sad, but I was glad that we could come. I saw their circus when I was a child.

  Audience: Unfortunately, the circus has become a symbol of American culture.

  Past lives of Lingling Circus


  The history of Lingling Circus can be traced back to 1871.

  At that time, Phineas Taylor Barnum, an American, organized a circus performance by showing rare animals and people with strange shapes, which was very popular with the audience.

  Ten years later, barnum cooperated with his main competitor, james bailey, and established "barnum and Bailey Circus", the predecessor of Lingling Circus.

  After barnum and Bailey died, another "Lingling Brothers Circus" formed by five brothers from Wisconsin bought "barnum and Bailey Circus" and merged into "Lingling Circus".

  At the beginning of the 20th century, Lingling Circus began to change its style. Instead of taking animal exhibitions as its selling point, it trained animals to perform with circus actors, among which elephant training became the signature program of Lingling Circus.

  In 1967, Lingling Circus was bought by the Field family. The circus continues to expand, hiring a large number of employees and paying a lot of money to collect the world’s rare animals. Every year, Lingling Circus will tour more than 100 cities and become an important part of American entertainment culture. Together with two rising stars: new york Big Apple Circus and Cirque du Soleil, it is known as the three largest circuses in the world.

  The golden age of circus performance is fading away.

  However, with the rise of film and television entertainment, electronic games and the Internet, the golden age of circus performance is gradually fading away.

  Due to high operating costs and declining ticket sales, many circuses have closed down in recent years.

  In November 2016, the 39-year-old new york Big Apple Circus declared bankruptcy and auctioned its assets in January this year.

  Jonathan Iverson, head of Lingling Circus: It’s a pity that today’s society no longer pursues miracles that can’t be seen on the Internet.

  In addition to the pressure of operation, the criticism from public opinion has also put the circus featuring animal performances in an awkward position.

  Double pressure of management and public opinion crushed Lingling Circus.

  Members of animal protection organizations: They mistreat animals.

  Audience: Never mind? ? They won’t do that.

  Members of animal protection organizations: They abuse animals with tools.

  Audience: Have you really seen these behaviors you are talking about?

  In the eyes of animal protection organizations, circus is the hardest hit area of animal abuse.

  Because most performing animals will be forcibly taken away from their parents after birth. In the process of training, animal trainers will use various ways to destroy their will.

  Elephant performance was once a classic performance of Lingling Circus.

  The elephants on the stage look docile and clever, but their growth process is full of fear and helplessness.

  He was separated from his parents at an early age and received human training. During the training process, the animal trainer will tie up the limbs of the elephant with ropes. Once the elephant’s performance fails to meet the requirements, the animal trainer will stab their sensitive parts with the hook stick in his hand, forcing the elephant to obey because of fear, and finally achieve the goal of domestication.

  Even if they are trained successfully and become star actors, the situation of these animals is equally pitiful.

  Because most circuses use the way of touring performances and travel all the year round, the train has become the home of circus members. They married with children, living on the train, look romantic. But animals are different. On endless roads, they are always chained by cold chains and live in narrow carriages.

  In 2011, for violating the Animal Welfare Law, Field Entertainment paid a fine of US$ 270,000, or about RMB 1.86 million, to the US Department of Agriculture.

  However, Field Entertainment does not admit that it has abused animals.

  Their attitude made animal protection organizations increase their protests against the circus.

  Every time Lingling Circus holds a performance, members of animal protection organizations can be seen outside the venue. They seriously discourage the audience who come to watch the performance.

  Members of animal protection organizations: Now they will go in and watch the performance without looking back, and when they realize the seriousness, they will stand on our side.

  Member of animal protection organization: If you don’t want your children to be treated like this, why do you have the heart to let other people’s children suffer from this?

  Under the pressure of public opinion, finally, in May 2016, after completing the last elephant performance, Field Entertainment decided to retire the elephants in the group and send them to the Florida Animal Protection Center.

  Without the elephant in the town, the circus ticket revenue "dropped sharply".

  In January this year, Lingling Circus announced that it would be completely closed at the end of May due to high operating costs and declining ticket sales. After the closure, all the animals in the group will be sent to other suitable places, but the company did not disclose the specific place.

  Field, CEO of Field Entertainment, USA: Circus has experienced world wars, every economic cycle and many changes. People don’t like circus as much as they used to.

  Circus should also keep pace with the times. Cirque du Soleil’s "O" show relies on technology instead of animals.

  Today, among the three major circuses in the world, the only one left is Cirque du Soleil from Canada.

  This circus, founded in 1984, found a new way, not relying on animal performances to attract attention, but relying on high-tech dance design to gather the world’s best acrobats and gymnasts, coupled with a Hollywood blockbuster-like plot, to present a gripping performance, which soon became a great success and has received rave reviews so far.

  "Thirty years ago, a circus without animal performances would be regarded as deceiving the audience, but now people like a different circus."

  -Denver Post

  Conclusion: More humane, safer, more environmentally friendly and healthier entertainment.

  Some people say that the closure of Lingling Circus marks the decline of this traditional form of entertainment.

  However, many people are still optimistic about the future of circus, thinking that circus performance is also advancing with the times, seeking changes in form and content.

  Indeed, with the change of social concepts and the development of scientific and technological means, people’s entertainment methods have been constantly updated. What we expect is that the mainstream development direction will become more humane, safer, more environmentally friendly and healthier.

Writer Alai talks about the film industry: there is a distance between excessive entertainment and commercialization and society

  Yesterday, Young Sangji, adapted from Mao Dun literature prize winner Alai, appeared at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Director Zhang Guodong, art consultant Reed and producer Peggy Chiao appeared at the event site. In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star journalist, several creators revealed the behind-the-scenes story of the filming.

  Director Zhang Guodong/

  Hit it off with the original author Alai.

  Juvenile Sanji is adapted from the literary work Three Cordyceps by the famous writer Alai, which is a novella created by Alai and first published in January 2016. From the world in a child’s eyes, the film "Juvenile Sanji" tells the story of the Tibetan teenager Sanji’s self-drifting journey in pursuit of knowledge and taking Cordyceps as a clue. On this adventure journey, the fantasy drifting of three cordyceps sinensis presents a variety of human beings, and the innocence of children shines brightly in the gloomy secular world.

  Director Zhang Guodong revealed the origin of filming "Young Sanchi". He said that it was in the process of turning over a circle of friends that he suddenly saw a fragment of Alai’s original work. "It was a circle of friends sent by a friend of mine. After watching it for 15 minutes, I felt that this was the story I needed. The story he talked about digging cordyceps was actually very similar to my experience. At this time, I picked up the phone and called Teacher Alai. As a result, we hit it off with Teacher Alai.

  Zhang Guodong had filmed a documentary on Tibetan subjects before, which made Alai feel more at ease to give him the work. "I showed the documentary to Teacher Alai at that time, and after watching the film, he said ‘ You can take it and shoot it as you like. I don’t care about anything ’ In this way, Teacher Alai handed "Three Cordyceps" to me, and I took the team for about 20 days. The scene of the heavy snow shot by the little actor should actually be helped by God, from 4 am to 7 pm. After we finished work, the snow stopped. "

  In the film, Sanji’s actor is very eye-catching and has been well received by many audiences. The director said, "At that time, so many children caught me by his acting skills, so I took him from the snowy mountain to Chengdu, and we lived together for 15 days. I took him to see elephants and monkeys, and didn’t give him any training or invite a professional teacher to play in the zoo."

  The director revealed that during the filming process, the little actor almost didn’t need to talk about the play. "I never called him to the room alone to talk about how to shoot this play, especially the scene with the principal. He said ‘ Director, can I do it again ’ , he said ‘ I should drop the book on the floor to express my anger ’ . I feel that he is like a genius. I think this little actor is equivalent to a real Cordyceps sent by Snow Mountain. Like a gem, he is the brightest and also lights up our movie. "

  Screenwriter reed/

  Some viewers don’t go to the cinema to seek affection.

  It is particularly worth mentioning that Reed, a famous screenwriter who once created classic films such as Farewell My Concubine and Living, served as the artistic consultant of Young Sanchi. When he mentioned why he joined this small-budget film, Reed replied: "Its type determines the number of audiences. It is not a commercial blockbuster, and this film actually has no pressure from commercial blockbusters, because the investment is very small and the shooting process is very frugal. In fact, the reason why I was willing to participate at that time was that the story was unpretentious, which touched me very much. "

  At the event, Reed also mentioned the current situation of the film market in China. He said: "Everyone knows that there are some very vulgar phenomena in China films. China’s movies are far from the real social life because of excessive entertainment and commercialization. When entering the cinema, some viewers are actually looking for entertainment instead of seeking to be moved, so excessive entertainment has caused very bad consequences. " Reed later mentioned the differences between Young Sanchi and some entertainment films. "The function of this film is to carve time. This film carves Tibetan life, children’s experiences and stories, and it also carves Tibetan people’s life very truly today. This is the significance of this film."

  When asked if there were any differences with director Zhang Guodong in the creative process, Reed said, "As a creative work, there will be differences at any time. In fact, I may like this child too much, and I hope he can get this book. Of course, this is a wishful feeling. We feel that as a documentary type, the ending is also right. Not everyone’s dreams will come true, not that everyone’s wishes can be easily realized. This child, I hope he will get this book when he grows up. "

  Zhang Guodong also said that Reed is a senior, which has helped him a lot: "We started to cooperate with documentaries, and then we will cooperate with three films, all of which are made by Mr. Reed as an art producer and script consultant. In fact, Mr. Reed has been supporting me and cultivating me, and we will have some disputes in this process. I was particularly moved by teacher reed’s remark ‘ We should not be sloppy in our creation. We should be strict with ourselves and not let go of every detail of the film. If you relax a little here and there, the whole film will fall ’ . In the 10 years of contact with teacher reed, I know movies, study movies, and shoot movies. I think filmmakers should do what filmmakers should do. They never tell lies when making movies. When I make movies, I may slack off, but Teacher Reed is like an anchor. My movie today can look like this, which was cultivated by Teacher Reed all the way. "

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Zhang Shihao from Shanghai.

Reading for all has infinite charm.

Carrying out "reading for all" activities throughout the country is an important measure to build a learning society and an indispensable cultural construction to realize the great Chinese dream. Since the nationwide reading activity was launched, it has received enthusiastic response from all walks of life and achieved remarkable results.

Why should we advocate reading for all? In short, reading can cure fools and improve intelligence; Long knowledge and broad thinking; Learn skills and increase your skills; Enrich one’s thoughts and cultivate one’s sentiments. One person benefits from reading; Read for all and benefit all. In a word: opening books is beneficial. For individuals, reading can improve their quality and change their destiny; For the nation, reading can inherit civilization and spread science. Therefore, Confucius never let go of the book all his life, and in his seventies, he still "read the Book of Changes and compiled three unique works by Wei"; Gorky "threw himself at the book, just like a hungry man threw himself at the bread". Zheng Chenggong sincerely felt that "cultivating the heart is nothing more than wanting, and the joy is nothing more than reading"; Ji Xianlin sincerely praised "reading is the best thing in the world". They all turned reading into a necessity of life, and enjoyed it tirelessly, so they benefited greatly and benefited for life. They come from different ages and engage in different occupations, which can be regarded as a microcosm of national reading.

Reading for all evolved from "World Reading Day". The purpose of setting up reading day is to call on everyone in the whole society to read, so that books can become a necessity and reading can become a part of life. Therefore, every year on World Reading Day, we will sum up our experience, discuss our gains and losses, and put forward improvement measures to make the reading activities for the whole people more solid and effective.

Reading for the whole people depends on persistence and long-term success. Marx studied hard all his life, and regarded reading as his life. No matter how poor and difficult his life was, he never forgot to study, often forgot to eat and sleep, day and night, and finally slept on his desk. Mao Zedong studied tirelessly since he was a teenager, read widely and loved reading all his life. He was still studying a few hours before his death. They are all models who insist on reading, which makes people stop at the mountains. Unfortunately, some of us spend three days fishing and two days drying the net, reading a few pages when we are happy, and putting them on the shelf when we are depressed; Turn over a few articles in your spare time, and forget about it when you are busy with your work. Such a reading attitude, in a spirit, exposed to ten cold, it is difficult to gain something. In view of this, we should also persevere in reading, and the long running water will not stop, and over time, water drops and stones will wear out before we can read out the benefits and effects.


全民阅读,要加强引导,让大家多读好书,多读经典。所谓好书,一是具有思想性、艺术性、可读性;二是经得起时间检验,能够传世;三是被评论家广泛认可,拥有大量读者。若按这三个标准衡量,好书与古今中外那些经典书最为接近。人生如白驹过隙,书籍却浩如烟海。为提高生命的知识含量和学习效率, 就一定要多读经典,以便在有限时间获取更有价值的知识。多读经典,于个人可以广见识、明事理、受熏陶,善莫大焉;对社会而言,则可教化民众,端正风气,提高全民族精神文明素质,对于我们正在打造的书香社会更是功德无量。

Reading by the whole people should keep pace with the times in various ways. It can be either a flat paper book reading or an e-book reading; You can read on the computer network or on the mobile phone WeChat. It can be a big time to concentrate on studying, or it can be a casual browsing of leftover materials; It can be the sound of books in the classroom, or it can be "immediately, on the pillow, on the toilet" when you are busy. In short, it’s not stick to one pattern, it’s good to read it, and it’s beneficial to read it

Reading for all makes reading a common practice. Taking reading as a way of life is not only a rational and conscious choice, but also a need to adapt to the objective situation. Reading can be a subjective hobby, because if you are interested, you will feel happy, such as drinking good wine and soaking in the spring breeze. At the same time, you can cultivate your sentiment, open your mind, improve your consciousness and broaden your knowledge. Reading is also an objective need, which can acquire knowledge, learn skills, increase talents and broaden ideas, so as to be competent for the work, keep up with the situation, meet challenges calmly and be invincible in the fierce competition. (Author: Chen Lumin)

Double super in one city! Why is Qingdao football fruitful?

Public Network reporter Mao Daoguang reports from Qingdao

The past weekend has become the most unforgettable day for Qingdao football!

In the 29th round of League A, Qingdao West Coast, which holds the initiative, beat Guangzhou team 2-0, thus locking the Super League seat in advance for next season. At this point, there are two Super League teams for the first time in the history of Qingdao football, and it has become the seventh city in China that will soon have the "Super League Derby" after Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Success is never achieved overnight. In the past ten years, Qingdao professional football has set foot on the top of the mountain and once fell into a trough. Fortunately, Qingdao football has never given up lightly, and with a tenacity, it has regained the road of chasing dreams in difficulties.

One city "double super"! At this moment, Qingdao football has realized the "dream of two heroes" in the top leagues in China, and let the whole country see the profound connotation of "Football City" and let football become the shining business card of this city again!


Looking back at Qingdao football in recent years, there are too many moments worth remembering!

Drinking ice for 9 years, blood is hard to cool! After many years of silence, Qingdao Manatee returned to the Super League from China B, and made its home debut 10 years later in Youth Stadium, the first 50,000 professional football stadium newly opened in Shandong this season, beating former enemy Beijing Guoan 3-1, which made countless fans dream back to 10 years ago and rekindled the hope of Qingdao football.

Qingdao West Coast Football Club, formerly known as Qingdao Kangtaiyuan Commercial Concrete Football Team, was established in 2007. In 2019, it was awarded the qualification of Grade B, and officially entered the China Football Professional League in 2020. In April, 2022, Qingdao Youth Island Football Club officially moved into German Football Asia Base. After playing in League A in the 2022 season, the young team hit it off with the West Coast, a city of youth, and set a more ambitious goal: changing its name to the West Coast, fighting for Qingdao and fighting for the West Coast New District.

The home relocation to Qingdao West Coast University Town Stadium marks that Qingdao West Coast New District has the first team to compete in professional football matches. As a new landmark of the West Coast New District, Guzhenkou University Town Stadium can accommodate 20,000 people and is one of the closest stadiums in China. It has been officially unveiled and put into use on May 10th this year. As the home of Qingdao West Coast Team in League A and Qingdao Red Lion Team in League B, it has been frequently unveiled in national competitions.

This autumn, Qingdao Manatee relegated to the Super League two rounds ahead of schedule, Qingdao West Coast overtook the Super League one round ahead of schedule, and Qingdao women’s football team returned to the domestic women’s football professional league, all of which are inseparable from the silent cultivation of Qingdao football for many years. With the end of the "Jinyuan Football" era, the inherent advantages of Qingdao football have gradually emerged, and the achievements of football development and youth training have blossomed everywhere, which has also polished the "golden signboard" of football again.

"The success of the West Coast Club is inseparable from the attention of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the support from all walks of life. With two super league teams, Qingdao football has reached a new height. I hope that we can make persistent efforts next, and Qingdao Football can continue to contribute to China Football. " Tian Weiguo, director of Qingdao Football Activity Management Center, said this.


As a prestigious "Football City", on January 25th, 2022, Qingdao was successfully selected as one of the first nine key cities for football development in China during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This is the third time that Qingdao has won this honor since 1979 and 1992. In 2023, Qingdao Football has achieved full coverage of football professional clubs at all levels, including Super League, China A, China B, Women A and Five Super League.

The achievement of such excellent results is inseparable from Qingdao’s policy support for football development.

In terms of support for professional sports clubs, Qingdao Sports Bureau issued the Measures for Supporting and Encouraging High-level Professional Sports Clubs in Qingdao according to the spirit of the document "Implementation Opinions on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote High-quality Development of Sports Industry". The Qingdao Municipal Sports Bureau will set up a sports industry support incentive fund, which will invest 35 million yuan every year to support the high-level professional sports clubs in Qingdao, and reward them according to the results of professional leagues.

In November of the same year, the leading group for the promotion of football reform and development in Qingdao also issued the "Construction Plan of National Key Cities for Football Development in Qingdao during the Tenth Five-Year Plan". The plan clearly sets the goals to be achieved by 2025, focusing on building 1-2 super league teams; Realize the 9-level elite echelon of Super League Club and the 7-level elite echelon of Zhongjia Club; Set up 1-2 professional women’s football clubs … and the goal of focusing on building 1-2 super league teams was first fulfilled this autumn.

Looking at the whole country, there are only a handful of cities that can be called "football cities". Qingdao has enjoyed a good reputation for many years, which is inseparable from its excellent youth training system and good youth football competitions.

For a long time, Qingdao youth football has a profound foundation and outstanding achievements in youth training. The traditional event "Mayor Cup" campus football league has gone through 32 seasons. The league also achieved full coverage from the primary school, junior high school, senior high school and university four-level campus football league system. By the end of 2021, the "Mayor Cup" campus football league had organized 3,694 games, in which 22,553 players from 1,510 teams participated. Qingdao campus football is constantly exploring the deeper field of integration of sports and education. The introduction of a series of security policies and the practice of trying first provide protection for children who like playing football and take care of their studies.

By 2023, 10 Qingdao athletes, including Wang Ziming, Liu Yang, Li Lei, Wei Zhang, Wang Haobin, Li Suda, Liu Chen, Zhang Yiqian, Shuo Yang and Shao Mingzhen, have been selected into national football teams at all levels, and outstanding talents are constantly emerging; Qingdao U9-U14 football team won five championships in six groups in the 2023 Shandong Football Championship, and Qingdao U16 women’s football team became the first team to advance to the top four of the National Student (Youth) Games, with excellent competitive results.

In addition, Dong Lu, a well-known football commentator, also praised Qingdao’s youth training in the recent live broadcast. He said that Qingdao has a large number of football talents and good football development genes. Youth training clubs such as Qingdao West Coast Football Club and Qingdao Zhuifeng Youth Football Club have performed very well on the field, and many high-level athletes and coaches are also impressive.


"Fight, Qingdao team!" It is not only a slogan, but also engraved into the football memory of a generation.

Counting the football history of Qingdao, at the beginning of the China Professional League, Qingdao established its own professional team-Qingdao Manatee. The time can be traced back to December 31st, 1993. Qingdao Manatee Football Club was formally established, and it became one of the founding teams of Chinese Football Association Super League together with Shandong Taishan, Beijing Guoan, Tianjin Jinmenhu and Shenzhen Team.

In 2002, Qingdao Yizhong Manatee hired Li Zhangzhu, a famous Korean coach, as the head coach, and the team won the China Football Association Cup, which was the first national championship in the history of Qingdao professional football. Qingdao Huanghai Qinggang Team won the championship in the 2019 season and successfully overtook it. In the 2020 season, Qingdao Manatee Team and Qingdao West Coast Team also staged the "Qingdao Derby" in the second season. In the 2021 season, the Qingdao Manatee team took the lead in rushing to the A, and the West Coast team subsequently succeeded in rushing to the A in the play-offs of the 2021 season. In the 2022 season, the two teams will continue to stage the "Qingdao Derby" in the Chinese team. Last year, the Manatees took the lead in overtaking, and the West Coast team gained a foothold in the Chinese team. By the 2023 season, the West Coast team was successful, while the Manatee team was successful in relegation in the Super League.

At the recently concluded 2023 China Qingdao Fashion Sports Industry Conference, Liu Jianhong attended as a guest, also talked about Qingdao at the scene, and praised the development of Qingdao football. He said, "In 1996, as a reporter of CCTV’s Football Night, I came to Qingdao to interview League A and B, and witnessed the process of the Manatees returning from League A to League A that year." After leaving CCTV, Liu Jianhong came to Qingdao again in 2021. He presided over the expedition ceremony of Qingdao Manatee. The Manatee was successfully upgraded from B in that year, and it was successful at the end of 2022. Today, the Manatee has become a strong force in the Super League again. As a football city, Qingdao and Liu Jianhong have witnessed the ups and downs of Qingdao football for so many years.

In the long history of football development in China, Qingdao football has experienced ups and downs, but it has never been absent.


Derby is an unavoidable topic in a region where football is booming. Two teams in the same region staged a "peak showdown", accompanied by tens of thousands of fans shouting like a tsunami, the two sides joined hands in the game to contribute to the offensive and defensive war, and the fierce physical confrontation and the collision of beliefs among fans undoubtedly made it the most eye-catching game at present, which also made the football economy "hot"!

Looking around the world, there are the famous Manchester derby and North London derby in the Premier League, the national derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga, the "Milan duo" in Serie A, and the most intense national derby between Boca and Riverbed Argentina.

In China, the derby in the same city is also one of the most concerned games. Compared with the "Jinglu War" and "Jingyue War", the once Guangzhou Derby, Wuhan Derby and Tianjin Derby gradually disappeared from public view with the fading of "Jinyuan Football". Now, the joining of Qingdao Derby not only injects fresh blood into the league, but also appears more precious in timing.

Looking forward to the 2024 season, Qingdao will usher in the "city derby" of the Super League for the first time, Qingdao manatee and Qingdao West Coast will usher in "love and kill each other", and the "football economy" will gradually spread from the north shore of Jiaozhou Bay, which was on fire this year, to the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay. At that time, the two teams will also dedicate a wonderful showdown for Qingdao and even the national fans.

One city "double super"! This is an affirmation of the hard work of Qingdao football for many years, and it has injected a "cardiotonic agent" into the development of Qingdao football. Whether manatees avoid relegation, or the West Coast overtake, or the gradual improvement of the youth training system, to a certain extent, it reflects the long-term vision and unremitting pursuit of Qingdao’s football career development.

Dapeng rises with the wind in one day, soaring to Wan Li. In the future, Qingdao Football will take advantage of the east wind of "building a key city for national football development" to vigorously promote the deepening of football reform, do a good job in training and transporting youth football, comprehensively improve the overall development level of football, and make the reputation of "Football City" a "golden signboard" of Qingdao.

Messi’s next challenge: wait another 6 years and win the Super Golden Globe Award! Real Madrid legend

The Golden Globe Festival was held in Chatelet Opera House. In the grand finale, Beckham stepped onto the stage and handed the Golden Globe Award to Messi personally. Messi, 36, won the eighth Golden Globe Award. For Messi, this is a well-deserved award-after winning the World Cup in 2022 and being crowned the MVP of the World Cup, the suspense of the Golden Globe Award has actually disappeared.

With eight Golden Globes in hand, Messi continued to expand his lead. C Ronaldo, one of the peerless double arrogance, won the Golden Globe Award five times in total. Platini, cruyff and Van Basten all won three prizes. For football players, the golden ball award symbolizes the supreme honor, and getting the golden ball means sealing the king; Messi with eight golden balls is undoubtedly Wang Zhongwang.

In front of Messi, there is nothing to conquer. If you really want to find one, the "Super Golden Globe Award" may be the award that Messi needs to wait for.

Golden Globe Awards

In the history of the Golden Globe Award in French Football, there was once a winner of the "Super Golden Globe Award": Di Stefano. In 1989, French Football wanted to select the best players for the past 30 years. At that time, six people entered the candidate:

Cruyff with three Golden Globes, Platini with three Golden Globes, Di Stefano with two Golden Globes, beckenbauer with two Golden Globes, Kevin Kevin Keegan with two Golden Globes and rummenigge with two Golden Globes.

Super Golden Globe Award

French Football invites readers and Golden Globe winners to select "the best player in 30 years", that is, the super Golden Globe winner. In the end, Real Madrid legend Di Stefano stood out and won the Super Golden Globe Award, with cruyff ranked second and Platini ranked third.

According to the plan of 30-year evaluation, the second Super Golden Globe winner in history should have been selected in 2019. However, due to unknown reasons, the selection of French Football was cancelled. "French Football" has confirmed that the second Super Golden Globe Award will be awarded at the Golden Globe Festival in 2029.

Who will win the Golden Globe Award after 6 years is unpredictable; But Messi won the Super Golden Globe Award, which is no suspense. From 1999 to 2029, Messi must be the first superstar in the world football, and no one can shake his position. In another six years, we can see the 42-year-old Messi win the Super Golden Globe Award-at that time, Messi may have hung up his boots.

The fuselage of domestic large aircraft C929 will be made in Hangzhou.

  On March 12th, the "Domestic Top Matching" project in Qiantang District, Hangzhou-the domestic wide-body aircraft fuselage composite parts development and production project entered the final stage, which is expected to be completed in the middle of this year. The project will build a research and production base for fuselage parts of wide-body passenger aircraft. After it is put into production, it will assemble the middle parts of 45 aircraft with an annual output and about 4 aircraft with a monthly output, which can meet the demand of 50%-60% of domestic 250-seat passenger aircraft dual-channel jet aircraft in the next 20 years, further fill the shortcomings of Zhejiang in the field of advanced aviation manufacturing, especially in the field of aviation composite materials, and build an important platform for regional scientific and technological innovation, industrial structure upgrading and breakthroughs in high-end manufacturing.

  In March, 2021, Zhejiang Huarui Airlines was successfully selected as the sole primary supplier of China Commercial Aircraft C929 fuselage, and was included in the domestic large aircraft model sequence by introducing the world’s advanced aviation composite manufacturers.

  In September of the same year, the main project of Zhejiang Huarui Aviation Manufacturing Project landed in Zhizhi Garden, with the goal of building the largest aviation composite material factory in China, meeting the requirements of supporting the production of large fuselage parts of China Commercial Aircraft, and helping the domestic large aircraft C929 to develop flight test and mass production.

All aircraft engines in China are imported? Super pilot tells you the inside story

  CCTV News:As the "crown jewel" of modern industry, aero-engine has always been a "heart disease" of China aviation industry. With the establishment of China’s 12th military enterprise in Beijing, Chinese people have high hopes for this aero-engine enterprise, hoping that it can achieve the same achievements as "two bombs and one satellite".

  Yesterday, the four-day air force aviation opening activity came to an end, and more than 20 military aircraft in the 34-type domestic weapons and equipment attracted national attention.

△ On September 2, 2016, the 2016 Changchun Aviation Open Day was held in the rain, in which a variety of air force active equipment such as H-6K, JL10, JL9 and Air Police 500 were unveiled.

△ On September 2, 2016, the 2016 Changchun Aviation Open Day was held in the rain, in which a variety of air force active equipment such as H-6K, JL10, JL9 and Air Police 500 were unveiled.

  At the same time, it also brings people cold thinking: what is the current localization ratio of the big country air force, which has a huge demand for aero-engine industry, and what level has it reached? How far are we from the aero-engine power?

  Guogui Wu Decryption: Localization has gone through the process of introduction, imitation, improvement and innovation.

  Guogui Wu, a 57-year-old special pilot of the Air Force, holds the rank of senior colonel. He used to be the captain of the Air Force Bayi Air Show Team and the deputy division commander of an Air Force Aviation Division, with 30 years of flying experience. As an old pilot with actual combat experience, and now a professor in the post-installation teaching and research department of National Defense University, he has unique insights in studying military high-tech, air force weapons and equipment, and equipment safety management.

  At present, what kind of level is the localization ratio and performance of aero-engines in China? Guogui Wu said in an interview that China has established an independent aero-engine industrial system in the process of industrialization, and the performance of imitation engines reached a very high level in the 1960s and 1970s.Among the main combat aircraft, domestic engines have accounted for about 90%.

  The so-called localization here refers to the process of introduction, imitation, improvement and innovation.Due to China’s weak industrial base, in order to meet the strong military demand for aero-engines, the Soviet Union’s aid and imported production methods were adopted. On the basis of the introduction and digestion of Soviet engine production technology, the model was improved, and the scale and serialization of domestic production were gradually realized, which basically met the needs of China’s air, land and sea aviation forces.

  In the 1960s and 1970s, the overall performance of aero-engines produced in China was not much different from the mainstream level in the world at that time. The fundamental difference was that the domestic engines were mainly imitations and modifications, and there was no engine that was completely independently developed and produced.

  "Not only do we have no independent intellectual property rights, but we also have no core technology." Guogui Wu said, therefore, in the 1980s and 1990s, when the aviation technology of the United States, Europe and Russia developed rapidly, and the third generation fighters were generally equipped with a new generation of turbofan engines, China was still "playing around" in the improvement of turbojet engines, hesitating on the road of introducing imitation and independent innovation, and the gap between China and the world’s advanced level was not large. Not only does the new generation of fighters lack the drive of advanced engines, but the engines in service also have some quality and safety hazards, which are called "heart disease" by Chinese people.

  Only a few third-generation aircraft of the main fighter are equipped with imported engines.

△FWS10 aero-engine is an advanced aero-turbofan engine designed and manufactured by China. It is installed on the domestic J -11 aircraft and can also be installed on the J -10 aircraft after modification. Now it has been mass-produced. It has become an ideal device for the third generation fighter in China.

  △FWS10 aero-engine is an advanced aero-turbofan engine designed and manufactured by China. It is installed on the domestic J -11 aircraft and can also be installed on the J -10 aircraft after modification. Now it has been mass-produced. It has become an ideal device for the third generation fighter in China.

  After 60 years of development, China has fighter planes, bombers, attack planes, transport planes and trainers.Systematize the aircraft production capacity of many types of aircraft. In line with this, a relatively complete engine development and production system has been established, which has the series development and production capacity of turboprop, turbojet, turbofan and turboshaft engines. Domestic engines are mainly assembled on fighter planes, fighter planes, bombers, fighter bombers and other main battle planes, and only a few third-generation fighters are equipped with imported engines.

  For example, domestic fighters such as J -5, J -6, J -7 and J -8 are adapted to corresponding domestic engines such as turbojet -5, turbojet -6 and turbojet -7. With the improvement of stability, safety and reliability of Taihang engine, it has been widely installed on three generations of fighters, such as J -11, J -15 and J -16.

  In terms of bombers, H -5 and H -6 realized the localization of engines. The turboprop engines used in Yun -7 and Yun -8 transport planes are all made in China.

  With the maturity of integral technologies such as Zhi -9, Zhi -8 and Zhi -10, the serial development of turboshaft -8, turboshaft -6 and turboshaft -16 engines has been realized on the basis of introduction, which provides a reliable power source for the rapidly expanding domestic helicopter fleet in China.

  At present, China’s aviation industry is in a stage from big to strong, from following up to catching up to developing on a par or even surpassing corners. Whether it is a new generation of military aircraft such as fighters, bombers, transport planes and drones, or large passenger planes and all kinds of general-purpose aircraft, there is an urgent need for strong and reliable driving of advanced engines. The sound and rapid development of aero-engines has become the proper meaning of the "Chinese Dream".

  Guogui Wu said frankly that the country has clearly regarded the engine as a major scientific and technological project in the medium and long-term scientific and technological development plan, and has made up its mind to concentrate manpower, material resources and financial resources to independently research and develop a series of new engines. Domestic aero-engines have entered an unprecedented fast lane of development. In this context, the establishment of China Aviation Engine Group can be said to have a long way to go.

  Development history of aero-engines in China

  Stage 1: imitation and improvement

  In 1950s, China aero-engine industry started from scratch and went through a road full of thorns. In 1956, China’s first turbojet -5 engine was successfully copied in Shenyang, and for a long time thereafter, China aero-engines were mainly copied and improved.

  Even if it is copied, it is not easy. Even if there is no operation manual, it is difficult to disassemble the aero-engine correctly. For example, there are many small holes on the leaves of several square meters and centimeters, and the location of the small holes is very particular, which is determined according to the recorded trend.

  Until 2002, when the domestic turbojet -14 "Kunlun" engine was finalized, China completed the whole process of self-development for the first time, and became the fifth aero-engine producer after the United States, Russia, Britain and France.

  Stage 2: successful localization by purchasing patents.

  The engine used in the flying leopard fighter is made in China and is called "Qinling", which is alsoIt is the first engine product in China that has been patented and successfully localized.

  From introduction to localization, it has experienced 30 years of industrial upgrading. In 1972, China contacted Britain to discuss the introduction of the civil turbofan engine from rolls royce. In 1974, during the negotiation, to our surprise, China directly obtained the patent of Spey military engine, which was a top product at that time.

  However, despite the patent, China’s new industrial materials and other technologies were too backward at that time. It was not until 2013 that this road of localization was completed, and it was equipped on the J-H -7 Flying Leopard fighter, and Flying Leopard became the only main fighter in China that completely got rid of its dependence on imported engines.

  Stage 3: Own independent intellectual property rights.

  In December 2005, turbofan -10, also known as "Taihang" engine, was successfully developed and became my engine.China’s first high-performance turbofan engine with independent intellectual property rights.

  The road to research and development of Taihang engine is also quite difficult. During the test flight, more than 200 technical problems and failures occurred successively. After hard work, the "Taihang" engine was finally equipped on the J -15 fighter and successfully made its first flight in 2012. On a group of J -20 equipment exposed at the beginning of this year, some military fans found that a J -20 was also equipped with an improved Taihang engine. Some military experts said that the "Taihang" engine can be directly equipped on the fourth generation fighter, which laid a good foundation for continuing to develop more advanced, mature and reliable engines in the future.