The commission owed is over 1 billion! Well-known real estate agents issued a document, naming Evergrande and Baoneng

  Intermediaries are an important part of the real estate market. Due to the changes in the real estate market in recent years, incidents of intermediaries "asking for salaries" from developers have also occurred from time to time.

  Recently, a document titled "Notice on Matters Related to Shenzhen Zhongyuan Feedback Commission Advance" circulated on the Internet, in which the information that "each developer/agent has not paid Shenzhen Zhongyuan’s commission exceeds 1 billion" attracted attention.

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  Well-known intermediaries post for commissions

  The signature of the online document is "Shi Junrong, CEO of Zhongyuan Group", and the time is August 11, 2023.

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  According to the document, in recent years, the real estate industry has been sluggish, and developers’ capital chains have been broken and thunderous, unable to pay the sales commissions of Zhongyuan Group and its related companies normally, resulting in consecutive huge losses and difficult operations.

  According to First Finance, insiders of Zhongyuan Group confirmed the authenticity of the above documents to First Finance.

  "According to the practice of the real estate sales industry for many years, the income of sales personnel includes basic salary and commission, and the commission needs to be paid after receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent." The above-mentioned commission payment system has been implemented by Zhongyuan Group since its establishment 45 years ago, and the basic salary part of employees has always been paid in full on time every month, and there has never been any delay in salary or malicious arrears of salary.

  Regarding the commissions not received by employees, the above-mentioned document states that if Shenzhen Zhongyuan is required to advance the commission without receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent, even if only the commission of the grassroots employees is advanced, the amount of funds that need to be advanced has exceeded 400 million yuan, which will make the company’s operation more difficult. For the reasons mentioned above, Zhongyuan Group and Shenzhen Zhongyuan do not have the prerequisites for advance payment of employee commissions and partner commissions without receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent. However, considering the living difficulties of some particularly difficult employees, the board of directors of Zhongyuan Group has decided to issue special hardship pensions to employees with special difficulties. Employees with special needs can submit applications according to the process, and the group employee association will review and approve them.

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  Involving Evergrande, Baoneng, etc

  According to public information, Shenzhen Zhongyuan belongs to Zhongyuan Group, which was established in 1978 and is a large-scale comprehensive real estate service enterprise mainly engaged in real estate agency business, including property management, measurement and valuation, mortgage agency, asset management, data integration, and investment immigration.

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  The company’s official website shows that currently, Zhongyuan Group has more than 55,000 employees, 2,500 directly-operated floor shops, and has established branches in 60 cities around the world, with business reaching hundreds of cities. It has become a pioneer and leader in the real estate agency industry.

  According to the Shanghai Securities News, Shenzhen Zhongyuan is the abbreviation of Zhongyuan Real Estate Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. It is a large professional real estate agency company in Shenzhen. Since 2001, the number and sales volume of real estate agents in the secondary market have accounted for the main share of the Shenzhen real estate market.

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  Shenzhen Zhongyuan provides research services for government land investment, full consultation planning and sales agency services for developers, and residential, office, shop, factory rental and sales brokerage services, as well as mortgage, appraisal and other services for customers in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

  The above-mentioned document states that in recent years, the real estate industry has been sluggish, and the capital chains of major developers have been broken one after another. They have been unable to pay the sales commissions of Zhongyuan Group and its related companies normally, resulting in consecutive huge losses and difficult operations.According to statistics, the developers/agents have not paid Shenzhen Zhongyuan commission more than 1 billionThe court has initiated a lawsuit to pursue the amount of 535 million yuan.Where the court has ruled that the amount of enforcement exceeded 400 millionThe amount to be judged 135 million multiple.

  At present, the main developers and projects sued by Shenzhen Zhongyuan include Kaisa, Hengda, Baoneng, Shimao, Longguang, and Jixiangli. The above-mentioned real estate developers who have been sued recently are also subject to various news.

  According to First Finance, Bai Wenxi, vice chairperson of China Enterprise Capital Alliance and chief economist of IPG China, told First Finance that from the perspective of creditor repayment order, the payment of intermediary sales commission should be classified as ordinary creditor’s rights, and the general supplier is in the same sequence, and the repayment order is after the senior debt rights with secured mortgage and other credit enhancement conditions, and before preference share.

  Bai Wenxi said that in the process of chasing commissions, real estate intermediaries can seize as many of the other party’s effective assets and key current accounts as possible by means of pre-litigation preservation, and then fully negotiate with the other party to achieve maximum reconciliation as much as possible, so as to recover claims as soon as possible.

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  Shenzhen second-hand housingDeal size shrinks

  A massive loss of employees

  Data from the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association shows that since 2020, the transaction volume of second-hand houses in Shenzhen has continued to decline. From 2020 to 2022, the number of second-hand houses signed online in Shenzhen (the number of sales and purchase contracts initiated on the Shenzhen real estate information platform, and the number of non-final transactions) was 120,295, 44,375, and 26,853, respectively. The number of second-hand houses recorded in the first half of this year was 20,852, only a fraction of the peak in 2020.

  On July 12 this year, data disclosed by the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association revealed that the average monthly turnover of second-hand real estate agents in Shenzhen in the first half of this year was 0.09 units per person, translating to an intermediary who could only sell 1.08 units a year.

  In recent years, the scale of second-hand housing transactions in Shenzhen has shrunk, leading to a large loss of employees.

  "At the peak of the market, there were more than 60,000 star-rated intermediaries (real-name registration practitioners) in Shenzhen, but now there are only more than 20,000 people left, and the industry is struggling to survive," said a relevant person from the Shenzhen Fangfang Association. In addition, the "newcomer rate" of Shenzhen’s intermediary industry in the first half of this year was about 21.6%. In 2020, when the market is hot, 49.3% of practitioners are newcomers.

  The Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association pointed out that the first-quarter "phased Xiaoyangchun" market in Shenzhen’s second-hand housing market came to an abrupt end after entering April. Even from the second quarter, the monthly transaction volume continued to drop, and returned to the embarrassing situation of less than 3,000 units per month during the annual epidemic. In the final analysis, after the market bottomed out, market confidence has not been completely restored. After entering the second half of the year, with the accumulation of new housing sales pressure, the white-hot competition for second-hand housing and the weakening of market expectations for policies, in the absence of any support to stabilize expectations, it may be difficult for the market to reproduce a similar "phased Xiaoyangchun" market in the first quarter in the near future.

  edit|Sun Zhicheng, Yi QijiangProofreading |Zhao Qing

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  The daily economic news is comprehensive from Securities Times, China Business News, Shanghai Securities News, etc

Mijia fresh fan experience: close the window for ventilation, fresh to forget the existence of PM2.5.

  Haze has made people aware of the existence of PM2.5, serious diseases have made people aware of the harm of formaldehyde, and air purification products have gradually gained recognition from the majority of users. But users who have in-depth understanding know that although air purifiers have obvious effects, they actually treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. The ultimate solution for indoor air purification is a fresh fan.

  Xiaomi, which used to revolutionize the air purifier market with its signature price/performance ratio, is here again with a new fan. The average price of high-performance new fans over 10,000 is the threshold for its low awareness and popularity. Now Xiaomi is ready to break the industry’s profits again.

  On November 6, the official Weibo of Mijia officially released the Mijia fresh fan. The price of 2XXX was reasonable and unexpected. As for whether this product really provided extremely high performance at a very low price, the Global Network Technology Channel was invited to experience it in advance to bring you a first-hand experience.

  A fresh fan is to an air purifier what an air conditioner is to a refrigerator

  Does indoor air purification require only an air purifier? Of course not.

  Air purifiers can purify indoor air quickly and efficiently, which is an indisputable fact, but the source of indoor air is still outdoor. If the outdoor air is out of the meter, you can’t open the window, and if you don’t open the window, you can’t ventilate. Even if there is an indoor air purifier, it just keeps self-circulating, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will get higher and higher. Finally, you have to open the window to introduce the outdoor air containing oxygen, and then use the air purifier to purify it.

  But opening the window once, polluting the indoor air once, and then purifying it again and again, this operation will repeatedly harm health. And directly opening the window and using an air purifier is exaggerated to say that it is equivalent to purifying the entire atmosphere (impossible to do), just like opening the refrigerator door and trying to use the refrigerator to cool the entire room. The self-circulation of the air purifier will naturally make the indoor air cleaner and cleaner, but the air quality is not only an indicator of PM 2.5. At present, carbon dioxide has been included in the current indoor air Quality Standards at home and abroad, and there is a broader consensus that talking about air quality without carbon dioxide is a hooligan. Air that lacks oxygen, no matter how clean it ****** also dangerous to life. This is the importance of fresh fans.

  From the perspective of the Mijia new fan, the lower part of the trend has a punch or so, which directly introduces the outdoor air, and then filters through the lower, middle and upper layers to send the trend air from the top, which solves the problem of oxygen-containing air source.

  What kind of fresh fan is Mijia fresh fan?

  When people hear "fresh air", they are often linked to "fresh air system", which actually refers to the central fresh air system. Generally, air is sent into each room through pipes, which needs to be installed before decoration (hard installation). Most of them are ceiling type, which is more popular in Europe and the United States. However, the central fresh air system occupies a floor height, and it is inconvenient to replace the filter screen. The total cost of final purchase and installation is generally more than 30,000 yuan.

  As people pay more attention to air quality, the demand for fresh fans after installation has increased, and wall-mounted fresh fans have appeared on the market, which is the category that Mijia fresh fans belong to. The cost of wall-mounted fresh fans is generally around 10,000 yuan, and they can be installed at any time without laying pipes. The installation of Mijia fresh fans only takes two hours, and the bottom air inlet hole is still reserved on the side. Users with insufficient wall space in their homes can install them horizontally. If the property does not allow openings, glass openings can also be selected. Therefore, Mijia fresh fans are very competitive in terms of economic cost and energy cost.

  The Mijia fresh fan adopts a touch-sensitive OLED display screen, which can be operated directly after displaying the value. The design of the whole machine follows the simple style of Mijia, and it does not violate the integration into the home design.

  In terms of working principle, the Mijia fresh air fan uses a DC inverter fan to intake air from the bottom air inlet hole, and passes through the lower anti-mosquito filter, the middle-layer medium-efficiency filter, and the upper-layer H13 high-efficiency filter, for a total of three layers of filtration. The anti-mosquito filter adopts a box design to block large particles such as outdoor mosquitoes; the medium-efficiency filter has a removal rate of 80% for particles above PM 0.4; the H13 high-efficiency filter has a power efficiency of more than 99.97% for particles above PM 0.3, and the sterilization rate of Staphylococcus albicans is > 99.9%.

  What’s more eye-catching in terms of parameters is that the Mijia fresh fan has a ventilation capacity of 300m3/h, which is the high performance of about 10,000 yuan of products on the market. It can ventilate a family with a usage area of 105 square meters 1.1 times an hour. However, the quality of the product still needs to be determined by the actual experience.

  Actual use effect

  In order to verify the purification effect of the Mijia fresh fan, we conducted a simulation test: using dry ice to increase the indoor carbon dioxide concentration, using toilet water to simulate indoor formaldehyde and other tVOC pollutants, and closed the window and closed the door in the bedroom (about 30 square meters) where the Mijia fresh fan was installed. When there is severe hypoxia and the aroma is tangy, the data of the Qingping air detector shows that the instantaneous carbon dioxide concentration in the house reaches 4713 ppm, and the tVOV concentration reaches 4.46mg/m3. Far beyond the reasonable indoor range: carbon dioxide below 1000ppm and tVOC should be between 0.2 and 2mg/m.

  Half an hour later, when we entered the bedroom again, there was already a slight chill, the air was as cold as if the window was open, the smell of perfume was impossible, and the air was very fresh. At this time, the reading of Qingping’s air detector showed that the concentration of carbon dioxide was 508 ppm, and the concentration of tVOC dropped to 0.859 mg/m3. In fact, when the test was carried out for 15 minutes, the concentration of tVOC had reached a reasonable range of close to 1 mg/m3.

  After the actual test, the ventilation effect of the Mijia fresh fan is indeed obvious, and if installed in one room, it can actually ventilate the whole family, just like opening the balcony window.

  The most impressive thing is that when you stand in front of the machine with the window closed, you can only hear the noise of the outdoor road, and you can’t feel the operation of the machine at all. It is understood that the Mijia fresh fan is only 35.4 decibels under the maximum air volume, and the sleep mode is as low as 20.4 decibels, which is basically half of the general noise of commercial products.

  At this point in our experience, we almost forgot about PM 2.5. The original value has been reduced from 6.3 to 2.2. It seems that as long as it is turned on, the indoor air quality has no need to worry at all. But some users may wonder, Mijia fresh fan does not have activated carbon filter element, how to remove formaldehyde?

  In fact, the air purifier uses activated carbon to absorb formaldehyde only for collection and storage, and there is a risk of secondary volatilization when the indoor temperature is high. The fresh fan uses a continuous ventilation method to let formaldehyde squeeze out of the door and window seams with the "micro-positive pressure" formed by the fresh air entering the house.

  It is worth noting that formaldehyde does not only exist in houses that have just been renovated. Over time, cracking of wooden furniture joints and tilting of the skin will cause the originally sealed formaldehyde to continue to evaporate, so continuous ventilation is the way to treat the symptoms and root causes.

  When Mijia products are as ubiquitous as air

  Users who have paid a little attention can feel that Mijia’s products have become more and more abundant. Nowadays, air purification products have also extended from air purifiers to fresh fans. As long as they are users who can shop online, they all have one or two Xiaomi ecological chain products. They are really as ubiquitous as air.

  While Mijia products bring benefits, what’s more important is to string together smart life. Mijia new fan also supports Xiao Ai voice control, which can synergy with other Mijia smart home products. Of course, there are also mobile phone remote control switches, air volume adjustment, electric auxiliary heat adjustment, check the status of consumables, etc.

  Obviously, no matter how consumption is upgraded or downgraded, our spending on health cannot be saved, and air is the most important element for survival. Therefore, we also hope that with the promotion of Xiaomi, more users will understand the necessity of buying new fans and make the right choice for the health of their families.

Full Netcom Dual SIM 4G Magic Machine, Huawei P7 Telecom Edition reported 2299 yuan

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  [Reference price]:Huawei P7 Telecom Edition 2299 yuan.
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  [Latest Quotes]:Beijing mobile phone market
  [Quote inquiry]:Beijing mobile phone quotation

After the influx of designers, Xiaohongshu wants to suppress big moves with VOGUE.

In 2023, the prestigious "VOGUE Fashion Fund" project landed in China for the first time. The award was jointly founded by American VOGUE and the American Fashion Designers Association (CFDA), and has nurtured many cutting-edge designers in the past 20 years. A few days ago, the VOGUE Fashion Fund 2024 China Young Designers Support Program was officially launched. This support program will protect the growth of designers in all directions. In addition to winning awards, contestants can also deeply connect with top international fashion resources.

As one of the most eye-catching industry events this year, how to undertake the influence radiated from the designer circle online? Unlike international projects, which often seek the head platform, "VOGUE Fashion Fund" finally chose Xiaohongshu as the exclusive platform partner.

Think about it carefully, such a choice is reasonable-since last year, Xiaohongshu has made full efforts in e-commerce.

Thanks to the unique content gene, Xiaohongshu e-commerce is rapidly forming an atmosphere of integration of brand merchants, buyers and users. Xiaohongshu e-commerce has established brand recognition through rich content, and the advantages of high repurchase rate and low return rate have also made many brands start to make efforts in Xiaohongshu e-commerce, treating it as a high-potential player at the same level as WeChat video number, and the last "traffic depression".

Among them, designers are a special group, which is a circle that matches the platform mind and user portrait of Xiaohongshu. In the past year, the potential of designers in the rise of Little Red Book is obvious: under the topic of Little Red Book # First Person Designer #, the exposure of notes has exceeded 79 million. In 2023, Xiaohongshu launched Xiaohongshu REDlabel, as a store IP with Xiaohongshu certification, unique concept, fashionable attitude and leading the trend. Since March last year, the number of REDlabel brands has increased fourfold.

If we look at the whole industry horizontally, designers are also one of the brightest new forces in the past two years.

In the past, designers in China made their mark in the industry more by "creativity", but the lack of business operation knowledge made the subsequent development of designers’ brands weak. Changes have occurred in recent years. More and more young designers have completed the identity transformation from "designer to manager", and the incubation process of independent designer brands has obviously accelerated. These stylized designer brands have enriched the content of the platform and the source of "goods" with diverse brand temperament, and after gathering people with different interests, they have precipitated and formed "circle culture".

Xiaohongshu, which has rich content and buyers’ resources, naturally has the advantage of attracting designers, but how to maintain this advantage? How to make designers realize commercialization while recognizing the value of content planting grass, Xiaohongshu has its own solution.

Designers who are not obsessed with "explosive models"

Found a friend here

"I don’t really approve of the Internet, or the presentation of some short videos."

In 2014, Linhuanying registered her own original brand under the name of the pinyin of her name "Lin Huanying". At that time, the domestic market style was single, and there was no new national tide or new Chinese style. The most popular markets for clothes with oriental elements are in Europe and America. The sales logic of the apparel industry is mostly "fast-moving", and the high-priced "designer money" appears more in the show.

For a subdivided style like "New Chinese Style", it is no exaggeration to say that we want to find accurate users such as "looking for a needle in a haystack".

But Lin Huanying doesn’t want to give up. In 2023, the "New Chinese Style" became popular, and it swept out of the circle from Xiaohongshu, becoming the fastest growing track. According to the data of thousands of melons, the volume of notes related to "New Chinese Style" in Little Red Books increased by more than 390% last year, and the total amount of interaction increased by more than 188%. After nearly ten years, Lin Huanying finally waited for the "fashion reincarnation" and ushered in her own opportunity.

Lin Huanying described it as a feeling at that time: "I felt that I saw hope in Little Red Book." The notes spontaneously created by a large number of users make the "new Chinese style" completely out of the circle. This platform potential energy leads the cutting-edge trend style and quickly gathers a circle of "loving the new Chinese style". Here, she found fans-or "friends"-who can exchange brand ideas and fabric technology.

LINHUANYING, the manager of the new Chinese clothing brand Lin Huanying

Detonating the style of the minority, even the subdivided categories can find "accurate user groups" for them, input the first batch of users for the brand, and accumulate the reputation of designers through content fermentation, which is the unique value that Xiaohongshu can provide.

Long Hongzi, the founder of the handmade silver jewelry brand "soft mountains Soft Mountain", recalled that when he was studying in london college of fashion in his early years, he brought the traditional accessories of the Yi people, and people around him were very interested in these jewels. This gave her the idea of "building a brand in a literary and humanistic way". However, after returning to China to set up "Soft Mountain", it was not smooth at first.

She often feels lonely. "No one in China can understand what we are doing, and almost no one is optimistic. I don’t even have anyone to discuss, how to do this style of brand is to cross the river by feeling the stones. There is no case reference in China. "

She is eager to know, "What are my guests, living them?"

In 2023, exploring the beauty of tradition, represented by national tide culture and minority culture, became a new popular trend of Little Red Books. "It turns out that what my grandmother and they wear can also be worn by modern young people." Long Hongzi began to receive such private messages frequently on the account of Xiaohongshu. She was surprised to find that the face of the "guest" was no longer blurred. The unique customer community and sharing community in Little Red Book are natural research fields and communication spaces. This made her "a little closer to the real guests".

At the same time, the original vegetable tanning leather brand "Qiuzhen" also found this unique group in Little Red Book: "tap water users". Founder Cheng Baohua attaches great importance to these "real voices". These loyal customers shared their real experience and satisfaction with Qiuzhen products in Little Red Book, which made great contributions to Qiuzhen’s attention and growth. He believes that "because these sharing are real experiences, they are from the heart, so other users can feel that this is a real sharing."

The unique user communication atmosphere and real user voice on Little Red Book platform enable designers to find "confidence" and gain insight into market trends. Even in constant communication and collision, designers generate can come up with new ideas and feed back product development.

However, one problem is that when the field of "content planting" and "user communication" is opened, how can designers be willing to settle in and retain them, not only to "plant grass" but also to realize "transaction"?

From planting grass to trading

How to expand the "living space" of designer brands?

For a long time, Little Red Book has been imitated by other platforms.

Under the background of the peak of Internet demographic dividend, "seeking increment" is no longer the core competitive idea, and how to "tap the stock" is the main theme of competition. And "content" is the most intense battlefield-whether it is to improve the platform DAU (the number of daily active users), or to increase the frequency of users’ use and stretch the duration of users’ use, "content" has a miraculous effect.

For merchants, Xiaohongshu is the most suitable platform for interacting with consumers. When e-commerce enters the era of "diversified and multi-platform operation", many merchants begin to operate across platforms, while Xiaohongshu, video number and other platforms that have not invested much in e-commerce business before are considered as the last "traffic depression".

In 2023, Xiaohongshu obviously accelerated the process of commercialization and increased investment in e-commerce. In this year, Angel, Orfila and other small red book buyers’ live broadcast rooms have been circled one after another. The original power of small red book, "designer", became the first group to catch the small red book e-commerce express train, realizing "opening the market with content and buyers planting grass, and stabilizing the passenger flow with buyers’ cooperation and shops".

Soft mountains soft mountain new products

This is also in line with the expectations of many designers: customers who spend in Xiaohongshu first perceive the brand and content, and then trade, rather than the traditional e-commerce "54321" sales promotion. This gives Xiaohongshu e-commerce a "differentiated" advantage.

Lin Huanying recalled that she registered her corporate account in Xiaohongshu in April 2022, but it was only as a supplement to offline business at that time. It was not until July that she began to spend 50% of her energy on the operation of Xiaohongshu. Until the end of the year, she suddenly discovered that the online demand for Xiaohongshu was very high. She said that she came to Xiaohongshu at first because of "operating costs". "Because of the high investment in offline branding and the large market for other head brands, it is more difficult to start. However, being self-media has little pressure on capital requirements. "

In Xiaohongshu, they experienced three stages of growth. Due to the lack of certain e-commerce experience, they initially achieved initial growth through the investment of commodity notes. After Daren took the initiative to seek cooperation, it achieved a large increase again; After that, in the context of the platform encouraging brands to do shop broadcasting, preparations, anchor search and mutual running-in began in July last year, and shop broadcasting began to improve from September to October. To sum up, through the three steps of "note drainage, live broadcast by talented people, and self-broadcast by shops", we gradually found the rhythm of business.

ALMOND ROCKS(AR), a brand of designer socks, takes a fancy to the "stability" of management.

Its founder said that at first, the unique value of Little Red Book to AR brand mainly lies in its rich content and interactive community, as well as the gathering of buyers who have a unique understanding of wearing and fashion. But they gradually found that this value is not limited to promotion. "Our buyers are all real users. They are opinion leaders in the minority field, and they share the rules and feelings of dressing in daily life. I think this is the most touching thing for consumers." He revealed that the most direct impact is that consumers can understand products from multiple angles, which greatly reduces impulse purchases and the return rate is very low.

The founder of cashmere knitting brand "322 workhouse" believes that the small red book e-commerce is an incremental supplement. "After Xiaohongshu planted grass, even through passwords and other means, there will be a loss rate in the process of forming and transforming another platform. These data feedbacks made the team realize very early that opening a store in Xiaohongshu has the opportunity to minimize the turnover rate and improve the initiative. "

Whether it is because of the controllable operating costs, the consideration of inventory and return rate, or the incremental supplement, these designer brands have started to invest in Xiaohongshu e-commerce for different reasons. Xiaohongshu’s active user content community and rich buyer resources make them grow rapidly and have considerable potential.

The offline physical space of designer socks brand ALMOND ROCKS(AR)

China cutting-edge designer

What kind of long-term business position is needed?

In recent years, China designers have attracted more and more attention on the international stage and brought more and more heavyweight design awards back to China. Most of these designers graduated from famous design and art schools all over the world. Their design styles span traditional and modern times, and the original brand stores they created appear in the streets and lanes, which are gradually becoming the vanguard of China fashion industry.

But in the past, designers were a relatively "closed" group. A designer wants his own brand to survive, and the places where his works can be seen are very limited. Behind the seemingly rich choices, designers often need to pay an "invisible tuition fee". Designers who don’t know how to operate, channel or market may have to bear the price of failure. How to balance creativity and business is also a science-excessive commercialization may make the brand lose its creativity and become boring; However, excessive pursuit of creativity may also leave the market and make the brand unable to survive.

How can these young designers be seen by more people and cross the market cycle when the brand is still young?

Little Red Book, which is not so "commercialized" and has a unique "content gene", may be the most suitable platform to support designers’ brands. Xiaohongshu e-commerce is biased towards the bottom logic of "content community" and has built a set of traffic distribution mechanism with "content" as the core. Even the most individual niche designer brands will not be involved in the endless situation of "advertising and advertising". The right to speak is dispersed to buyers, users and experts, so that small and medium-sized brands also have the opportunity to "mine traffic by content".

These designers who are good at sharing their lifestyles and life concepts are not only the brand owners, but also one of the most important user groups of Xiaohongshu. It can be said that their style is brand style, which constantly attracts users with the same "smell" to approach the brand.

This is also an important reason why Xiaohongshu e-commerce has continuously introduced favorable measures to support designers.

Since last year, Xiaohongshu e-commerce has promoted designer brands with the help of many fashion buyers. Such as Angel, Orfila and Han Huohuo. The offline showroom launched once a month last year has created a space for designers to communicate with fashion buyers, so that designers can be seen by more people. This popular activity was continued this year, creating an online showroom.

In order to better support the brand, Xiaohongshu e-commerce launched the Focus30 list and the Rise100 annual list. This year, the RedForce project was also launched, which provided customized support according to the needs of the brand, such as the latest on-line riding plan, and invited fashion bloggers and designers to jointly build a brand live broadcast room, so as to open a bigger world for designer brands and find new growth.

Recently, Little Red Book REDlabel has become the exclusive platform partner of VOGUE Fashion Fund 2024, which is also to better incubate designer brands. During the event, Little Red Book REDlabel will join hands with VOGUE to open an exclusive registration channel for designers. REDlabel of Xiaohongshu will also provide "note flow incentive" and "green channel for opening a store" for the participating designers, as well as all kinds of training and resource support needed for the long-term operation of the store, so as to help the brand’s fans accumulate and grow, and open up the business path of "content-e-commerce" for them.

From opening a store in the offline trend block to creating the IP of the manager, this is the traditional path of designer brand development in the past.

However, with the increasing popularity of the domestic independent designer market, a more mature and professional way is needed to incubate brands. This requires not only enough fashion resources for irrigation, but also financial and commercial assistance to capital, which requires founders to learn multi-dimensional knowledge such as supply chain management, channel management and cost control to launch brand management.

In a sense, Xiaohongshu e-commerce, which supports designers from various aspects in terms of content, management and resources, has become an important platform for obtaining industry information and communicating with peers, and has also become a "novice training camp" for founders to change from designer status to brand management. In the future, with more and more original designers settling in and opening stores, Little Red Book will also become the core business position of cutting-edge designers in China, and under the unique ecological blessing of "content community", it will become a key channel to get through the dialogue between designers and users.

BYD Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition goes on the market: five hard-core upgrades, starting at 129,800 yuan.

China Economic Weekly-Economic News On April 7, BYD announced that the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS EV 2023 was officially launched, with an official guide price of 129,800 ~ 176,800 yuan. As another sharp edge of the Qin family to subvert fuel, the new car was upgraded with five hard cores, in order to lead the pure electric A sedan to an advanced value.

figure 1

BYD introduced that at the beginning of this year, the company launched the "King Bomb", and the Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition opened a new era of "the same price of oil and electricity" with an entry price of 99,800 yuan. The first month of listing got off to a good start, and the Qin family sold 30,540 cars. With the trend of "Qin" sweeping Liuhe, it topped the sales of all kinds of cars and became the champion of a new generation of family cars. In March, the Qin family sold 40,850 sets, reaching a new high.

The newly-launched Qin PLUS EV also has a brilliant historical record: since its listing, Qin PLUS EV has won the title of pure electric A sedan for many times and is deeply loved by young families.

Figure 2

According to BYD, Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition has launched six models, all of which have upgraded the core technology of E platform 3.0, and the starting price has reached 120,000, so that young friends who want to enter the new energy era in one step can more easily imagine pure electric life.

According to reports, in terms of technology upgrade, the new car upgraded the core technology of E platform 3.0, and the "gold content" of the model was greatly improved. Equipped with high-efficiency heat pump system with wide temperature range, the energy consumption of air conditioning is reduced by 40% under low temperature conditions, and the cruising range at low temperature is greatly improved; With the eight-in-one electric powertrain, the volume and weight of the system are reduced by 10%, and the comprehensive working condition efficiency is as high as 89%.

Figure 3

In terms of power enhancement, the maximum power of the vehicle motor is enhanced to 150kW, and the acceleration time of 0-50km/h is increased to 3.8 seconds; Equipped with industry-leading blade batteries, CLTC can last 610km under comprehensive working conditions, and its comprehensive energy consumption is as low as 12.5kWh/100km, so it eats less and runs faster.

In terms of face value rejuvenation, the appearance of ink jade blue and the interior of warm sun brown are added, so that the texture is in place in one step and the warmth goes with it.

In terms of comfort upgrade, the integrated sports luxury seat increases the punching process and the heat dissipation is greatly improved. It is more comfortable to drive with the cloud cushion with better wrapping.

Figure 4

In the advanced aspect of Zhilian, listening to the voice of the market, the 2023 Champion Edition is equipped with an 8.8-inch (0.2235 m) full LCD instrument, which is rich in content and clear in perception, fully meeting the needs of users; Equipped with DiLink 4.0 intelligent network system, massive applications, free to play.

BYD said that from "A sedan selling crown" to "all-category sedan selling crown", Qin PLUS has changed from a chaser to a leader in the car market, breaking the joint venture monopoly and reshaping the market structure on behalf of China brand. If the 99,800 Qin PLUS DM-i broke through the price moat of the joint venture fuel vehicle for the first time, it accelerated the subversion of the fuel vehicle by inserting the A sedan; Then, Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition will allow high-quality pure electric A sedan to enter the hinterland of fuel price, anchoring the new value of pure electric A sedan, which is expected to make China brand fully grasp the right to speak.

Editor: Sun Bing

First trial: Zheng Yangbo Second trial: Wang Xinjing Third trial: qi zhou


Since obtaining CMA (China Metrology Certification Supervision and Management Committee) qualification in 2022, the public testing service platform of National Intelligent Voice Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as "the platform") has won the qualification certification of China National Accreditation Committee for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) again recently, which indicates that the technical strength and service level of the platform in the field of intelligent voice detection have the testing ability and technical level in line with international standards, and can provide more professional and efficient testing services for third parties.

The public testing service platform of the National Intelligent Voice Innovation Center is a comprehensive and professional public testing service platform built by the National Intelligent Voice Innovation Center. The platform focuses on acoustics and intelligent detection technology, and provides customers with one-stop intelligent detection industry solutions, including not limited to laboratory construction solutions, overall automated testing solutions, special testing of acoustic devices /AI algorithms/smart products, etc., to help customers reduce costs, improve quality and increase efficiency. Through close cooperation with well-known enterprises and research institutions at home and abroad, the platform has formed a set of perfect detection service system and detection technology innovation mechanism, which provides a strong guarantee for the healthy development of China’s intelligent voice industry.

Prior to this, the platform has obtained CMA qualification certification, which indicates that the platform has the third-party testing qualification. CNAS laboratory accreditation is an internationally recognized laboratory competence assessment with strict accreditation standards and procedures. The public testing service platform lasted for one year. After qualification review, document review and on-site expert review, all the review procedures were successfully completed and CNAS laboratory accreditation certificate was obtained. This means that the laboratory quality management system and testing technical ability of the platform meet the requirements of CNAS, and can issue testing reports to the outside world, and ensure the fairness, accuracy and scientificity of testing data. At the same time, the national accreditation system of conformity assessment in China has been integrated into the international accreditation and mutual recognition system, and it plays an important role in the international accreditation and mutual recognition system.

CNAS experts come to the center to review the site.

The acquisition of CNAS means that the platform has the detection ability and technical level in line with international standards, and can provide more professional and efficient detection services for third parties. The platform focuses on the fields of household appliances, automobiles, electronic appliances, and around acoustic devices, AI algorithms, and smart products, it conducts evaluation including but not limited to smart product voice wake-up, voice recognition, semantic understanding, voice synthesis, performance and efficiency.

CNAS and CMA qualification certificates

The CNAS certification of this platform has undoubtedly injected new vitality and motivation into the development of the center. The National Intelligent Voice Innovation Center will take this opportunity to continue to increase investment in technology research and development, innovation in detection technology and standards, improve the service level of the platform, and contribute more to the development of China’s intelligent voice industry.

[Extended reading]:

1. CMA (China Metrology Accreditation), only the third-party testing institutions that have obtained the certificate of metrological certification are allowed to use CMA seal on the inspection report. The inspection report stamped with CMA seal can be used for product quality evaluation, results and judicial appraisal, and has legal effect.

2. CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment) is a national accreditation institution approved and authorized by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration in accordance with the Regulations on Certification and Accreditation in People’s Republic of China (PRC), and is responsible for the accreditation of certification institutions, laboratories, inspection institutions and other related institutions.

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Focus interview: the characteristic industry becomes stronger, and millet flour breaks through the world.

  Cctv news(Focus Interview): In the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects just announced, there is a special snack on the list, which is snail powder in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In recent years, through industrial production and online sales, snail powder has spread all over the country and even sold all over the world. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder reached more than 10 billion yuan, which was 22 times higher than that of five years ago. It took only six years from the birth of the first bagged snail powder enterprise at the end of 2014 to the output of over 10 billion in 2020. Isn’t it amazing? Just in April this year, General Secretary of the Supreme Leader also came to Liuzhou snail powder production enterprises to learn about the industrial development, affirmed the high-quality development of the industry, and put forward new requirements for future development.

  Snail powder, the favorite food of Liuzhou people. For many Liuzhou people, memories from childhood are accompanied by the taste of snail powder.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he specially came to the snail powder production enterprises and affirmed the achievements made in the high-quality development of the snail powder industry.

  Snail powder originated from the street night market in Liuzhou in the 1980s, and it used to be eaten only in Liuzhou. Because of its special technology and many ingredients, and these ingredients must be produced locally to maintain the original flavor, it is very limited to open a shop in other places because of the high cost of air transportation.

  However, in recent years, with the development of e-commerce, especially the richness of online marketing methods such as short videos and live broadcasts, snail powder suddenly became popular. How hot is it? On the Internet, the topic of snail powder always attracts the attention of the whole people, and the reading volume often reaches several hundred million, so snail powder has become a veritable "online celebrity".

  Hot attention has brought hot sales. Especially during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Liuzhou snail powder went against the trend. The 12,000 snail powder shops in the whole network sold nearly 800 million packages of snail powder a year, ranking first in Taobao’s big data sales list. In 2020, the sales revenue of bagged Liuzhou snail powder will reach 10.994 billion yuan, and Liuzhou snail powder has developed from a small roadside stall into a billion-dollar industry.

  In the snail powder e-commerce industrial park in Liuzhou, the anchors of various snail powder enterprises are busy with live broadcasts every day, and sales are very hot. Behind such a huge sales volume is a standardized and large-scale production system to ensure quality and efficiency.

  In a large local snail powder production enterprise, the reporter saw not only a modern production line, but also an intelligent information control center, which uses 5G technology and big data to monitor all aspects of production and sales in real time.

  Not only the production process can be monitored in real time, but also all sales can be counted and analyzed in real time with accurate data, which is convenient for better grasping the market.

  The high-quality development of Liuzhou snail powder industry has become a model for the development of local characteristic industries in China.

  When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited Liuzhou in April this year, he also gave specific guidance on the future development of Liuzhou snail powder industry, with particular emphasis on ensuring quality and safety and promoting standardization and branding.

  Many people say that Liuzhou snail powder is lucky to stand out from the fierce competition and become a dark horse in the snack industry. However, no luck is accidental. No matter which industry is successful, it must have gone through a hard road, with the efforts and efforts of countless people.

  Yan Zhenhua is the founder of a snail powder enterprise in Liuzhou. He plays a special role in the development of snail powder industry.

  Yan Zhenhua first came up with the idea of making snail powder into bagged products because he couldn’t eat snail powder from his hometown when he was in college in other places. He thought it might be a very promising market. After graduation, Yan Zhenhua returned to Liuzhou and began to develop bagged production of snail powder.

  After being rejected many times, finally a factory is willing to cooperate to develop raw materials suitable for bag production. At this time, the local government realized this situation and was keenly aware that it was an opportunity for the development of characteristic industries.

  The local government began to promote the industrial production of snail powder. Because snail powder used to have only physical stores, there was no licensing procedure for industrial production, and everything had to be started from scratch.

  After hard work, in 2014, Yan Zhenhua’s company obtained the first "industrial product production license" for snail powder in China. Since then, snail powder can be produced in bags and sold everywhere. Soon several production enterprises in Liuzhou developed.

  Although the industry started, the initial production was very chaotic.

  At the beginning of the enterprise, all of them were produced in small workshops, with low efficiency and uneven quality. How the industry should go on tests the vision and wisdom of government managers.

  Although snail powder is just a snack, the local government has set the goal of developing it into a "modern industry with characteristics" from the beginning, insisting on standardized and branded production and taking the road of high-quality development. And this first needs to formulate a strict and unified production standard.

  The industrial production of snail powder is from scratch, and all technologies and processes must be explored by ourselves. Entrepreneurs have overcome countless problems, and production equipment has been developed and updated for several generations. These advances are inseparable from the innovative spirit of enterprises and the support and promotion of the government. In this regard, the local government has also made a lot of efforts.

  Developing characteristic industries will not only benefit enterprises, but also benefit local people and make them live a better life. When General Secretary of the Supreme Leader visited in April this year, he also emphasized this point.

  It is also the goal of the local government to make the development of snail powder industry benefit more people. To this end, the local government takes snail powder as the core and vigorously develops the whole industrial chain, so that more people can increase their income and get rich.

  Huang Shoujiang used to be a poor household in the village, living on the meager income of growing rice. In recent years, with the development of snail powder industry, the raw materials of snail powder, such as bamboo shoots, fungus and snails, are also in great demand. So the local government has successively built more than 500,000 mu of breeding bases to encourage farmers, especially poor households, to breed. Huang Shoujiang also planted bamboo shoots with the encouragement of government workers.

  In order to help farmers grow and breed, the local government has issued many practical policies, such as granting subsidies according to the area, sending technicians to guide farmers to standardize and breed, and signing purchase contracts with enterprises, which not only ensures the quality of raw materials, but also solves the worries of farmers.

  Now, the 6 mu of bamboo shoots planted by Huang Shoujiang can increase income by more than 20,000 yuan a year, and with the income from working, it will soon get rid of poverty. In Liuzhou, there are nearly 30,000 poverty-stricken households like Huang Shoujiang who have been lifted out of poverty by breeding snail powder raw materials, and farming has benefited more than 200,000 farmers. Their lives have changed due to industrial development.

  The local characteristic industries have developed well, and it is the local people who get the greatest benefits. In Liuzhou, an increasingly perfect snail powder industrial chain and diversified new industrial formats are taking shape: from raw material production in the upper reaches, food processing and packaging in the middle reaches, to supermarkets, e-commerce and logistics in the lower reaches, to cultural tourism experience and cultural and creative products, etc., the first, second and third industries are integrated and developed, benefiting countless people in the industrial chain. In the future, I hope that this "millet flour industry", like the hope placed by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, will continue on the road of high-quality development and do better and stronger.

Volvo’s new XC60: smarter, for safety.

When it comes to Volvo, "safety" will almost be the first word in everyone’s mind. With the advantages of brand history, reputation and safety performance, Volvo has achieved double growth in brand and sales in China. Among them, XC60 is Volvo’s most popular and highest-selling model. In 2020, XC60 accounted for about 30% of Volvo’s sales in China.

Facing the luxury medium-sized SUV market which is already in the Red Sea, Volvo XC60 (parameter picture) has a place in the highly competitive market with its distinctive Nordic brand label and excellent safety performance.

On June 11th, the new XC60 was officially launched, with a total of 9 styles including 1 B4, 5 B5 and 3 T8. The official guide price is 373,900-603,900 yuan. The new car continues to strengthen its competitiveness to cope with the upgrade of its competitors. The key word this time is "intelligence".

Intelligence is the only way for Volvo to be safe.

"Intelligence" is the only way for Volvo to achieve the ultimate safety in the new era, but people are the starting point and end point of all Volvo technologies. Therefore, the upgrade focus of the new XC60 is intelligence.

In fact, in the intelligent tide of the automobile industry, the safety of automobile products is constantly approaching this aspect, including intelligent and safe driving, pedestrian safety, and car networking. As a representative in the field of automobile safety, Volvo also demonstrated its future layout of intelligent safety technology through the launch of the new XC60.

The first is the intelligent cockpit. The new intelligent concept and technology have further changed our car life and made the car operate like a smart phone.

Volvo’s new XC60 has a built-in native Android car, which is based on the standard version of the car Android system jointly developed by Volvo and Google, which can achieve better adaptation and effectively promote the establishment of an open intelligent ecosystem.

On the other hand, Volvo cooperates with the best partners in various fields, such as Ali, Tencent, Huawei, Iflytek and Gaode Map, to create the best application and service, and it can be accessed through the ONE ID account system. The most intuitive example is the WeChat scan code login machine, which is the only model that can be achieved at present.

The upgrade iteration of intelligent driving technology is the top priority of Volvo safety.

In 2015, the Volvo industry first introduced the Pilot Assist navigation assistance system, equipped with three world-first intelligent safety technologies. The whole system comes standard with City Safety urban safety assistance system, which has been iterated for many times in the past ten years, covering travel safety to every participant on the road and making safety to the extreme.

At the same time, Volvo is constantly approaching the advanced stage of intelligent driving-automatic driving, which is realized by cooperating with a series of technology companies. For example, to become the first automobile brand supported by NVIDIA OrinX chip, the powerful chip provides enough computing power for the automatic driving system, and the brand-new electronic and electrical architecture based on the central computing platform and Ethernet will ensure the high-speed data throughput required by the automatic driving function.

Volvo plans to achieve highly automatic driving assistance functions such as navigation assistance and automatic lane change according to the route set by navigation in 2023. Around 2025, automatic driving without human intervention will be realized on closed road sections. At present, it has reached a strategic partnership with Waymo, the world’s leading autonomous driving company.

In China, Volvo cooperated with Didi Chuxing to launch XC60 self-driving taxi service in Shanghai last year, and in April this year, Didi provided hundreds of XC90 self-driving cars equipped with redundant systems supporting steering and braking functions.

With the upgrading of the three strengths, the new XC60 is more competitive and has more cards.

The XC60 model has been recognized by many elite consumers in the city and established a good reputation. Therefore, the internal and external design of this annual change has not changed much. After all, this design is excellent enough. Choosing fine-tuning will be more rational and safe, mainly through the adjustment of details and materials to improve the overall texture and grade of the car.

For example, the straight waterfall chrome plating on the front face of the luxury model adds a broken line design, and the C-shaped chrome trim on both sides of the old bumper is replaced with a long strip design on the new model, which stretches the visual width of the front of the car. The sports version is replaced with a more radical bumper, and the net adopts a sharper and more dynamic blackened dot matrix style.

There are also many changes in the new XC60. All electronic gear bars have replaced the old mechanical gear bars, and the luxury version has used the Swedish royal national treasure Orrefors crystal gear bar. In addition, the medium-high configuration version will be equipped with or equipped with B&W Baohua Weijian audio system, and the whole system is still the only CleanZone? Nordic clean cockpit at the same level. On the whole, the cockpit of XC60 has a very distinctive temperament and luxury label compared with BBA of the same level and competitors of second-tier luxury brands. Many consumers choose XC60 for this set of interior.

Intelligent cockpit and safety upgrade are all reflected in the new XC60. For example, the only native built-in Android car system at the same level, the open Ali/Tencent/Huawei open ecological full coverage and Iflytek natural speech semantic recognition system provide drivers and passengers with a more convenient travel experience. In addition, the threshold of City Safety urban intelligent safety system is further lowered, and all XC60 models are equipped.

In terms of performance, the power control chassis of the new XC60 has been fully upgraded.

In terms of power, the whole new car is upgraded with 48V light mixing system, which further improves the overall performance and fuel saving level, and also significantly improves NVH and ride comfort.

Volvo Cars has formed a complete electrified product matrix including pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and light hybrid vehicles. According to Volvo’s timetable for electrification transformation, all product lines will be electrified in 2021; In 2030, it became a pure electric luxury car enterprise; Strive to become a climate zero-load benchmark enterprise in 2040.

In terms of chassis control, the damping adjustment of the shock absorber of the new car tends to improve comfort, and with the seat jointly developed by the Royal Swedish Medical College, the driving comfort is further improved.

In addition, the new XC60 adopts an electronically controlled braking system to achieve a braking response of 0.15 seconds, and the braking response speed is increased by 2 times; There is also a full-time intelligent four-wheel drive system +4C adaptive chassis and air suspension equipment, which greatly improves the driving safety and handling.

Zero integer ratio is the best, attracting more rational users.

In the current market, XC60 still focuses on mainstream rivals such as Mercedes-Benz GLC, BMW X3 and Audi Q5L. In terms of brand power, Volvo may not be as good as it is, but in terms of product quality, XC60′ s advantages lie in more complete safety equipment and more cost-effective configuration advantages. There is also the tonality and connotation of Volvo’s unique brand.

Another thing I have to mention is the zero integral ratio. In the 12th Vehicle Zero-integral Ratio System Data released by China Automotive Technology Research Institute, the zero-integral ratio coefficient of BMW Brilliance X3 is 700.72%, that of Beijing Benz GLC is 614.69%, that of FAW Audi Q5L is 479.20%, and that of Volvo XC60 is only 466.60%, which is obviously the lowest among competing products of the same level.

The lower the zero integral ratio, the lower the maintenance cost of this model, not only the XC60, but also the models under the Volvo brand have lower zero integral ratio than the same level, which is a big attraction for the rational luxury car consumers, and many users who choose Volvo are actually rational buyers.

Zhong Shu

Nowadays, the competition of luxury medium-sized SUVs is becoming more and more fierce, and the "differentiation" characteristics of products will become a breakthrough. The unique Nordic design and people-oriented safety concept of XC60 will attract more and more attention. At the same time, fully accessing the online ecosystem of Ali, Tencent and Huawei, and Volvo embracing local suppliers in China to further meet the domestic market demand will become Volvo’s competitive advantage.

Lei Jun did not mention the future of Xiaomi Automobile.

People live their dreams.

How many people like Xiaomi, which should be reflected in sales.

In 2022, Xiaomi’s global smartphone shipments remained third, ahead of Samsung and Apple.

In the latest market report, in the second quarter of 2023, Samsung ranked first with 53 million units, Apple ranked second with 43 million units, and Xiaomi ranked third with 33.2 million units.

Looking at the steady development, the third in the world, Xiaomi should relax, and his country is saved.

In numerous global data analysis reports, companies standing at the top of the pyramid are not happy, and they almost follow the same sentence, "In 2022, global smartphone shipments fell by 11.7% year-on-year, reaching the lowest level in nine years."

The bottleneck of smart phones still appears as scheduled.

The third place in the world, but in the domestic market, Xiaomi’s share is falling behind.

Obviously, this is not an accident.

Xiaomi needs to release more information to the market. In addition to mobile phones and other digital products, cars can boost morale.

Xiaomi’s approach is to remain mysterious.

Without releasing too much information to the outside world, Xiaomi Automobile can withstand loneliness and race against time.

I believe it is Lei Jun’s intention.

On August 14th, Lei Jun’s annual speech, which had been laid for many days, was officially opened.

In Weibo, # Lei Jun’s Annual Speech Topic #, which has contributed nearly 10 million readings, is full of expectations for Lei Jun’s speech and praise for Lei Jun himself.

Everyone has a filter for Lei Jun.

Annual speech as scheduled, simple stage design; This is only Lei Jun’s fourth lecture, but if possible, fans hope that Brother Jun will keep it.

This kind of thing, which exists like a promise, is a beautiful little fortunate. Cheers and shouts accompanied Lei Jun to the stage.

"Growth" kicked off.

I was moved by Lei Jun during the three-hour speech.

One person, one pen.

A stage, a play.

Simple blue shirt+jeans, which is the standard of technology experts; I still can’t change the local accent, which makes me play at some moments.

Kan Kan talked for 3 hours, and Lei Jun talked about starting a business and working all the way from college time. This kind of "looking back" seems to sigh the passage of time.

Recalling Wu Da’s life, Lei Jun is warm.

The beauty of youth and yearning for the future are the blueprints that every college student will paint "I want …".

Lei Jun said, "I read a book in the library, Fire in Silicon Valley, and established my lifelong dream."

With only one book, you can build a lifelong dream.

If everyone can be as simple and crisp as Lei Jun, then we should all succeed.

A book is enough to arouse a person’s lifelong goals. What a pure thing it is.

Dreamers are always pure.

Fire in Silicon Valley is on fire.

Under the appeal of Lei Jun, Fire in Silicon Valley rekindled the click-through rate and purchase rate.

This is the celebrity effect.

"If there is a fire in your heart, you are willing to take practical actions; Those who work hard and don’t calculate the gains and losses should succeed, shouldn’t they? "

Although this kind of inspirational prologue can be seen everywhere, you have to copy "since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!" for 1000 times before you can get started.

Find a way, use it, and then stick to it. It seems that any successful thing cannot escape these three things.

It’s hard to persist, isn’t it?

Lei Jun said, "In fact, no matter what problems you encounter, others may have encountered them, solved them, and even have standard answers. You just need to ask someone."

I quite agree with him.

As the old saying goes, you are not ashamed to ask questions.

Asking for advice with an open mind should be the first step to learn to study effectively.

In those unsuccessful years, persistence and self-encouragement are the only motivation to "live". Many people will choose to give up before the quantitative change to the qualitative change, saying all kinds of words to comfort themselves, for fear that others will misunderstand their weakness.

A successful person never talks about suffering.

Now he is successful. In front of others, he is an outstanding alumnus who can return to school with scenery, stand on the stage of the 130th anniversary of Wuhan University, and look back on the past life of Wuhan University in front of more than 17,000 people. It is the senior brothers of those students who are equally ambitious and eager to succeed.

Cheers always overwhelm everything.

Because he is Lei Jun.

He is the bright star in the rise of China’s mobile phone industry; Xiaomi’s mobile phone stores have opened all over the mainland of China; In countless business circles, the orange LOGO is always so conspicuous, and the extremely simplified furnishings in the store and household appliances other than digital products such as mobile phones make users look new.

Xiaomi has more than just a mobile phone.

He also has more applications in the smart home system; Crucially, he is a civilian.

The products with extremely high cost performance and minimalist design make Xiaomi quickly go out of the circle, and the products with intelligent ecological network connection make Xiaomi change from a simple mobile phone manufacturer to an ecological closed loop.

Xiaomi’s entrepreneurship is the best performance of Lei Jun’s persistence and hardship.

With an annual sales of 150 million mobile phones, Xiaomi is glorious.

The decline in revenue exceeded 14%, and Xiaomi was also anxious.

When the global millet flour is cheering for Xiaomi’s mobile phone, many people put forward that "it is a disadvantage that Xiaomi can’t be high-end".

A muffled thunder made the world quiet.

As difficult as any brand needs high-end, Xiaomi’s high-end process has made Lei Jun very painful.

He said, "The most painful and biggest growth in the past decade is high-end exploration."

When you get used to his high cost performance, high-end is the cornerstone that hinders the purchase rate.

Xiaomi’s test of water on Xiaomi 10 is successful, but it is said that Xiaomi 11 and Xiaomi 12 are failures. I am not a mobile phone fan, and there is only one Xiaomi mobile phone I used, and I still don’t know where it is; But I know that to make a product high-end and beyond the price of brand awareness, it must be amazing and perfect.

The network said that because of the quality problems of Xiaomi 11 and Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi suffered serious losses at the beginning; As a result, Lei Jun began to reflect on his decision, and the company also began to question the necessity of "high-end road".

At this moment, who should you ask?

Although Lei Jun believes that "there is a standard answer to some things", no one should be able to solve this standard answer.

Although there is ambiguity, high-end is almost the only way for Xiaomi.

If the mobile phone business cannot be realized for the time being, then Xiaomi’s car-making may be the peak of Xiaomi’s high-end.

It is Lei Jun’s confidence in Xiaomi.

In 2022, the number of connected devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) on Xiaomi AIOT platform increased by 35.8% year-on-year to 589 million; The annual revenue of smart home appliances increased by over 40% year-on-year; The annual shipment of Xiaomi tablet increased by over 160% year-on-year.

These data are telling us that Xiaomi has money.

On the basis of money, Xiaomi automobile was born conditionally.

I think Lei Jun thinks so, too.

In March 2021, Xiaomi officially announced that it would enter the automobile industry and "fight for Xiaomi Automobile", which started the first step of Lei Jun’s impact on the high-end ceiling.

At that time, Lei Jun was confident and excited. "Xiaomi has money and Xiaomi can afford it."

But I think Xiaomi can’t afford to lose.

The high-end that was questioned, set sail again, and Lei Jun started another venture.

Independent research and development of batteries, motors, electronic control, but also self-built factories.

Xiaomi Group currently has a complete IOT service ecosystem and consumer electronics portfolio, which is another layer of confidence for Lei Jun in automobile supply.

Did Xiaomi Automobile take the lead in investing 3.1 billion yuan to accompany you?

Should you be excited?

Lei Jun made a car at the end, and the mobile phone circle boiled.

Compared with the unreliability of Apple’s car-making, Xiaomi’s car process remains mysterious, but it has been moving forward.

Although the automobile industry is worried about it.

Despite the same manufacturing industry, the resistance of alternating mountains seems to be whispering, so don’t be too optimistic.

Lei Jun is confident.

We are locked in the sentence "Xiaomi’s first smart car will be mass-produced in 2024", and the countdown begins.

Lei Jun is ambitious.

His goal is that Xiaomi Automobile will enter the first camp of the industry in 2024.

These boasting are to cheer themselves up.

This complex big project, in Lei Jun’s view, can be broken down into countless independent points, solved one by one, and finally achieved perfection, just like the study in that year.

Is that the truth?

The unsolvable problem of building a car has become more confusing under the premise that Lei Jun will not reveal more details.

At the opening of the lecture in 2023, we expect to get new progress about Xiaomi Automobile.

Even the slightest trace.

Can’t get it, always in turmoil; Those who are favored have nothing to fear.

Lin xi’s lyrics are always so precise. However, hope still failed, Lei Jun, without a word.

Especially low-key, do you want to be vigorous when it breaks out?

Practitioners in the automobile industry have also begun to become scouts. In those few articles, they are trying to find any clues about the progress of Xiaomi Automobile, for example, the progress of the factory.

The news that Xiaomi Automobile Factory was completed in Beijing Yizhuang New Town was confirmed, and the offline delivery center industry of Xiaomi Automobile is being started as scheduled.

The unanimous "smooth progress" of Xiaomi executives is the only official source of news for Xiaomi Automobile.

So mysterious, so desperate, Lei Jun’s cross the rubicon, do you feel it?

Honestly, I didn’t.

Returning to rationality, why does Xiaomi build a car?

Is it because of the intelligent layout of Xiaomi itself?

Is it because of the huge and strong fan base behind Xiaomi’s ecology, or because of the dilemma of the ceiling of the mobile phone industry?

Will the original intention of Xiaomi’s need to change be exactly the same as Huawei’s?

The only difference is that Huawei chose a good helper, and Xiaomi decided to fight alone.

But I still firmly believe that there are always several outlets in this seemingly interlinked world, which makes it difficult for them to walk separately.

Xiaomi’s pressure is not small, and the data can be reflected.

According to the network data, in the whole year of 2022 and Q1 of 2023, Xiaomi’s mobile phone revenue declined by 20%. Keeping the third place in the world, the declining market share is the biggest drop among the major manufacturers.

The decline of the mobile phone business and the unclear start of the car have also become the own label of Xiaomi Automobile, a new entrant.

If people live for their dreams, should it become "living for reality" at this moment?

Some people say that Lei Jun is too optimistic, and he really underestimates the risk value of the automobile industry. But we are not Lei Jun, so we can’t consider what he is thinking.

But he is the man who created the Xiaomi empire.

I think that the annual speech in 2023 may be a charge before the birth of Xiaomi Automobile.

It seems that there is no car speech, but it is full of the shadow of making a car.

Lei Jun took his dream seriously, tried to break it down into one achievable goal after another, and then tried his best to achieve it, and so did Xiaomi. Only by down-to-earth growth can we have enough self-confidence, courage and determination to meet all the unknown challenges. "The same is true for Xiaomi to build a car.

Lei Jun’s dream is great. I want to interpret it as, "Xiaomi Auto will eventually achieve greatness because of its perseverance in these years." This confidence about cars was put into the speech by Lei Jun one by one.

I still firmly believe that those consoled chicken soup for the soul are Lei Jun’s interpretation of Xiaomi Automobile at this moment.

Schopenhauer said, "Life is either painful or boring, and happiness is also a delusion." This thoroughly pessimistic philosopher spoke frankly about the emptiness of human nature.

I think Lei Jun would also say, "Since life is boring, I will try to fill it."

The 2020 Tik Tok Entertainment Annual Award was announced, and Zhejiang Satellite TV was awarded many honors.

With the rise and development of mobile Internet, short videos provide more subdivided and high-quality content for users with different interests, and embracing short videos has become the choice of more and more people. Tik Tok Entertainment Annual Award was officially launched on January 18th, 2021. Based on Tik Tok Entertainment Big Data, the project made an annual inventory around four modules: stars, movies, dramas and variety shows, awarded industry honors to entertainment IP, companies and creators who made outstanding performance in a year, and officially released the "2020 Tik Tok Entertainment White Paper".

Among them, Zhejiang Satellite TV has won many honors in various aspects such as platform, variety show and TV, and has been recognized by the industry. Zhejiang Satellite TV likes to mention the annual influence platform. Ace to Ace won the most popular TV variety show of the year, The Voice of Heaven won the annual music variety show, Poems and Distant Places won the annual cultural variety show, Travel Notes around Youth won the annual breakthrough variety show, and Wu Tong, deputy director of Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center, won the honor of TV person of the year.

The official Tik Tok fans of Zhejiang Satellite TV broke 17.6 million, produced 8,500 short videos independently, praised 640 million, and played about 200 billion. In addition, programs such as Run, Ace to Ace, and Voice from Heaven have all opened the Tik Tok platform, and there are countless short videos that have broken millions of likes and tens of millions of broadcasts. Zhejiang Satellite TV has blossomed on the vibrato platform with full matrix coverage, becoming a veritable "short video business king".

"Ace to Ace" has a good reputation and popularity in Qi Fei. During the program broadcast, the large and small screens are linked, and the topic "Ace to Ace" has been broadcast in Tik Tok for 12.8 billion, and short videos have repeatedly broken the circle to attract the audience’s attention. In the special period of the national anti-epidemic battle, "Ace to Ace" entered the epidemic prevention propaganda battle with thunder, showing the responsibility and responsibility of Taitai, handing over the stage to the "bravest people", and showing the strength of a variety show to warm people’s hearts and a heavy sense of social responsibility besides laughter.

With the slogan of "Voice from Heaven", "Voice from Heaven" plays music program movements, and the topic of "Voice from Heaven" has reached 5 billion in Tik Tok. The core idea of the program is to restore the moving essence of music, and thus produce emotional resonance and emotional release with tension.

"There are Poems and Distant Places", directed by the Propaganda Department of committee of cpc zhejiang provincial committee, is a brand-new practice program of integrating literature and tourism in Zhejiang Satellite TV. This program is based on the cultural travel program, exploring the poetry road culture in Zhejiang and discovering the beauty of Zhejiang culture. In terms of short video communication, "There are Poems and Distant Places" combines humanities with variety, and the short video "Crossing the River with a Reed" has a broadcast volume of over 100 million.

"Travel Notes around Youth" is a tour group composed of "Spring Tour Family", which starts a wonderful journey to various cities to appreciate the most distinctive local cultural elements and feel the Chinese cultural heritage. Explore the scenery along the way, enjoy local cuisine, and go all the way to the sun. This season, Travel Notes of Youth Circle has made great strides in the volume of communication on the Tik Tok platform, with 24 short videos with tens of millions of broadcasts.

Wu Tong, deputy director of Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center, has produced a series of excellent programs, such as Ace to Ace, Youth Travel Season 2, I am an Actor, etc., with a double harvest of word-of-mouth ratings, continuous short videos, and repeated innovations in screen interaction. Wu Tong, who loves to try new things, won the honor of "Tik Tok TV Person of the Year", which is well deserved.

Short video, short time and long love. In the future, Zhejiang Satellite TV will produce more excellent TV programs and create more excellent short video content to accompany more viewers in all directions.