Melting glaciers and soil erosion, causing ecological pain in the source region of the Yangtze River

  At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic had a great impact on the economic development of our country. But for the real estate market, "housing, housing, not speculation" is the same tone. Overall, under the influence of the epidemic this year, some real estate enterprises have certain pressure to achieve their annual goals. Superimposed on the deleveraging demand under strict supervision, the capital chain of real estate enterprises is facing a test, and the sales pressure is further intensified.

  In this context, as of December 4, 2020, the cumulative sales of Shimao Strait Development Company (hereinafter referred to as "Shimao Strait") exceeded the 100 billion mark. As a regional company, it took only five years for Shimao Strait to go from a 10 billion scale to a 100 billion camp, becoming one of the fastest companies to enter the 100 billion camp.

Guangzhou Shimao Swan Bay real map

  Recently, our reporter learned in an exclusive interview that it is thanks to the 17 years of experience in focusing on the Fujian market that Shimao Strait has successfully realized the organic integration of regional focus and global expansion. Under the current development opportunities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Shimao Strait will focus on the Greater Bay Area. While continuing to achieve steady growth, it has also explored a unique development path and become a reference sample for the whole industry with leading experience.

  Sustained steady growth, running out of the "Shimao Strait Speed"

  In the Shimao Strait 100 billion yuan performance scale, according to Yihan data show that Fujian Province over 65 billion yuan, the first year into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to complete the results of over 30 billion yuan. In addition, Hainan Free Trade Zone also has nearly 3 billion yuan sales contribution.

  Looking back at the development trajectory of Shimao Strait, the company has always maintained a rare growth rate in the real estate industry. Sales in 2016 were 10.70 billion yuan, 25.10 billion yuan in 2017, and 50.50 billion yuan in 2018, with a three-year compound growth rate of more than 117%. Even in the "strictest regulation in history" environment in 2019, Shimao Strait still maintained a 60% growth rate, achieving a performance scale of about 90 billion yuan throughout the year.

  In just five years, Shimao Strait has completed a leap from 10 billion to 100 billion. Lv Yi, executive director of Shimao Group and chairperson and president of Shimao Strait Development Company, said that the company can achieve the 100 billion milestone due to three points: first, the goal and spirit. The company’s strategic direction in recent years and the Shimao Strait spirit that has been passed down for 17 years guide the work direction and status of Shimao Strait people; second, reform and implementation. Reform has allowed Shimao Strait to continuously break through bottlenecks, and implementation has ensured the realization of reform goals; third, opportunities and reflections. Shimao Strait has seized many opportunities, including opportunities in Fujian Province, opportunities outside the province, opportunities to enter the Greater Bay Area, opportunities for integration, and opportunities for cooperation.

  Lu Yi has also said in public that the rapid development of Shimao Strait in recent years is mainly due to the organizational reform and management reform of Shimao Group, which has carried out corporatized management of its regional companies. Lu Yi believes that the management of the organization is a dissipative structure, alternating between balance and imbalance, stability and instability, so that the organization can maintain vitality. Under the guidance of this strategy, Shimao Strait has cultivated a group of managers with "entrepreneurial spirit", and the enterprise has achieved individual and individual feedback to the enterprise, and promoted a good momentum of common development.

  China Index Research Institute analysis pointed out that the comprehensive development strength of Shimao Strait has been continuously improving, and it has overtaken many powerful real estate enterprises in the "2020 China Real Estate Regional Company Excellence List TOP10". Yan Yuejin, Chief Research Officer of E-House Research Institute Think Tank Center, told reporters that as a regional company, Shimao Strait’s sales have exceeded 100 billion yuan, and it took only 17 years to go through the process that it took 20 to 30 years for 100 billion enterprises to go from 10 billion to 100 billion. It only took five years, which also shows that it has performed well in terms of scale expansion and corporate growth.

  Focusing on the core battlefield and deeply empowering the Greater Bay Area

  In 2019, the Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was implemented, and the Greater Bay Area entered its first year of development. "The development model of the Greater Bay Area is highly compatible with Shimao Group’s dream and responsibility in the Bay Area," said Lu Yi. Shimao Group has gathered more than 30 years of operating experience, and has invested important resources and core forces in the Greater Bay Area in an all-round way, making it a core area for the future development and full cultivation of the group. "

  In 2019, Shimao Strait established the strategy of deepening the Greater Bay Area; in 2020, it will further expand the territory of the Bay Area, put nearly half of the value of 500 billion yuan into the Bay Area, and cover the regional core market with more than 40 plates. With abundant high-quality soil storage and benchmarking strategic projects, the Greater Bay Area will be empowered by regionalization and diversification.

  According to incomplete statistics, since the beginning of 2020, Shimao Strait has connected three sons in Dongguan, with a new value of more than 12 billion yuan; continued to layout Foshan, increase the land reserves of Shunde and Chancheng; and added Jiangmen and Maoming and other places. As of now, Shimao Strait has rapidly deployed in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen and other core cities in the Bay Area, forming a comprehensive layout of the three core areas of Haixi Economic Zone, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Hainan Free Trade Zone (Hong Kong).

  Shimao Strait told reporters that the Bay Area is the future of Shimao Group’s deep cultivation area. At present, the group’s value in the Bay Area ranks second among real estate enterprises in the Bay Area, of which Shimao Strait has a value of nearly 250 billion yuan in the Bay Area.

  In the company’s internal view, the Greater Bay Area beyond reasonable doubt is a hotspot city cluster for future development. In the next ten years, the entire Greater Bay Area will see 30 million population increase, laying the foundation for the unlimited development potential of this hot land of global attention. In fact, Shimao Strait, as the vanguard flag and innovation test field of Shimao Group, is more like the "special zone" within Shimao Group, which has been given great space by the group. Shimao Strait contributes about 1/3 of the performance scale of Shimao Group every year with the reform spirit of daring to break through, dare to take risks, dare to try, and dare to be the first in the world. Yan Yuejin analysis believes that Shimao Strait has a very important leading role in the Greater Bay Area market, especially with the increase in the development of the market around Guangzhou, which requires the participation of compound real estate companies like Shimao Strait.

  Establish benchmarking projects and drive brand power with product strength

  In 2017, Shimao Strait took the lead in landing the group’s product series and was fully recognized by the market. The first bright series product Xiamen Shimao Bright Tiancheng entered the market for 18 months, with a total sales of more than 7 billion yuan; the first national style product was born in Fuzhou Shimao Yunshang Guling, adding 4 billion yuan to the project.

  When Lu Yi first entered the Bay Area in the Shimao Strait, he pointed out: "Only through benchmarking projects with good products, high quality, good operation, good service and high influence can we quickly open up the situation in the newly entered provinces and lay a solid foundation for deep cultivation in many provinces."

  After the Shimao Strait entered the Bay Area, works such as Guangzhou Shimao Swan Bay, Guangzhou Shimao Tianyue, and Shenzhen Huangting Shimao Yuxi have been landed one after another. For a long time, Shimao Strait has cherished the value of land and has spared no effort to continuously excavate and shape "product power".

  For example, the above three projects are located in the core of the city and have not been able to enter the market for many years. In the eyes of many companies, they are "thankless" projects. However, Shimao Strait believes that it is a rare opportunity to have the opportunity to enter the core area of the city, establish a benchmark and establish a brand. For this reason, the company spent 42 days to perfect more than 100 details of the Swan Bay project from the inside to the outside, and achieved a premium rate of 50% to 80%. The success of the Swan Bay project has also given Shimao Strait more cooperation opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. Shenzhen Huangting Shimao Yuxi is one of them.

  After the successful transformation of Shimao Strait, Shimao Swan Bay has been positioned as a benchmark in Guangzhou and even the Greater Bay Area. It can be said that the creation of a series of benchmark projects has not only made great gains in the performance of Shimao Strait, but also quickly recognized the corporate brand.

  Diversified development, practicing the "big aircraft strategy"

  Diversified development has always been the growth gene of Shimao Group, which is called "big aircraft strategy" within the group. Real estate is the "main body"; the "solid wings" are business operations, hotel operation, property management and finance, etc., and the "stable tail" is high-tech, medical care, education, elderly care, culture and other quality resources. As the vanguard flag and innovative experimental field of Shimao Group, Shimao Strait is the most determined solidifier of these diversified formats.

  Shimao Strait has fully implemented the "big aircraft strategy" of the comprehensive development of the group’s diverse businesses, and has now formed a good development situation of coordinated multi-business development. The business sectors include real estate development, super projects, landmark city complexes, hotels, commerce, cultural tourism development, culture, and high-tech.

  In the process of empowering the Greater Bay Area, the company has integrated high-tech companies including Alibaba Cloud and SenseTime Technology; introduced high-quality educational resources such as Reed College of Harrow School and Forbidden Academy; signed contracts with internationally renowned hotel brands such as Conrad and Fairmont; created the Bay Area Living False God Pan Jiangmen Shimao Bihai Silver Lake, leading a new lifestyle in the Bay Area.

  After the layout of 100 billion, adhere to "user-centric"

  In recent years, the large-scale development of regional companies has become an industry trend. But with the real estate industry entering the era of stock, user requests have undergone fundamental and profound changes.

  Regarding the development path of "after 100 billion", Lu Yi had a clear understanding a long time ago. "The volume of Shimao Strait is getting bigger and bigger, and the goal of struggle is getting bigger and bigger. We must adhere to the company’s traditions: strong execution, profound self-reflection, and down-to-earth self-innovation. Only by having the courage to reform can we break through the bottleneck."

  When it comes to the company level, how to break through the bottleneck of "after 100 billion", Shimao Strait said that with the changes in the market and the adjustment of the business strategy module based on the organization, the company has identified three strategic goals for the future: aspire to become the most influential real estate company, the real estate company with the strongest ability to integrate resources, and the real estate company that can create value for users.

  Under this trend, Shimao Strait regards the strategy of efficient deep cultivation and benchmarking as the source of life under the development of mature markets.

  Whether it is a project, a region, a city, or an enterprise’s management standards, execution standards, product standards, service standards, organizational capabilities and corporate culture, Shimao Strait will launch a benchmarking strategy in all dimensions, learn from the strongest, defeat the strongest, and become the strongest. Based on this, Shimao Strait will not only deeply and thoroughly implement the group’s "big aircraft strategy" to empower the city in the future, focus on users, and create value for users, but also succeed in benchmarking strategies in various fields.

  In response to the future operation trend of the real estate industry, the company believes that the stability of the industry will become increasingly high, and the survival of the fittest caused by this round of cyclical adjustment will greatly increase the concentration of the entire real estate industry, promoting the maturity, specialization, and systematization of the industry.

  In response to the opportunities in the future cooperation market, the company told reporters that the real estate industry is expected to enter a stable and calm stage. Therefore, there will be many opportunities for mergers and acquisitions or cooperation opportunities in the future, which is the general trend. Opportunities and risks have always coexisted, and the company will try to consolidate itself and avoid risks as much as possible.?

Is it recommended to buy Xiaomi air conditioner? After using it for more than a year, how is the quality of Xiaomi air conditioner to be honest!

The biggest dark horse in the 618 air conditioner market this year should be Xiaomi air conditioner, especially its star model giant power saving series, which sold out directly, sold 100,000 + units in a week, and topped the chart 1.5-horse first-class energy efficiency air conditioner sales ranking TOP1, cumulatively sold 1 million + units!

Xiaomi, which was once regarded as a "layman" by Gree, now ranks fourth in sales in the air-conditioning industry and third in sales. This achievement has stunned many air-conditioning brands, even the leading brand in the air-conditioning industry, Gree Midea, is willing to bow down!

So is the Xiaomi air conditioner worth buying? As a user who has been using Xiaomi air conditioners for more than a year, I would like to share my experience here. How is the quality of Xiaomi air conditioners? To provide you with some reference opinions.

1. Xiaomi 1.5-horse air conditioner hanging up huge power saving N1A1 use experience

There are many complaints on the Internet that Xiaomi air conditioners are OEM of Changhong, and the quality is not good, etc., but in fact Changhong’s own air conditioners are of good quality, but the sales volume is not as good as those of Glimei. (Personally feel that Changhong OEM is better than the previous TCL OEM quality)

And compared to Changhong’s own air conditioner, Xiaomi air conditioner is not just as simple as changing the logo, but also can use Mijia and Xiao Ai classmates, which is especially friendly for people with Xiaomi family buckets at home.

In terms of appearance design, Xiaomi air conditioner giant power saving N1A1 adopts a simple and fashionable appearance, and its unique shape and color scheme not only make the air conditioner itself a kind of decoration, but also improve the beauty of the whole home.

In terms of performance, Xiaomi air conditioner giant power saving N1A1 also performs well. Using full DC frequency conversion technology, 30 seconds of cooling and 60 seconds of rapid heating, whether it is cooling or heating, it can reach the set temperature in a short time, and maintain a stable operating state, greatly improving the user experience.The power saving effect is also very obvious. It took about 2 kWh to turn on for 9 hours.

In terms of hardware parameters, it is also on par with or even beyond the models of big brands such as Gree, such as the energy efficiency ratio APF of 5.27, the circulating air volume of 680m 3/h, and the high temperature cooling and low temperature quick heating function at -32 ° C to 60 ° C. Basically, it has all the functions it should have.

In terms of actual experience, the cooling and heating effect is no different from other brands, but the noise is relatively loud when it is first turned on, but it is within the acceptable range.

In addition, the detailed design of Xiaomi air conditioner is also more intimate, such as the dual control function of temperature and humidity, as well as the one-button anti-direct blowing function and the top-mounted filter design, which can be used with other functional modules of Xiaomi air conditioner, making it very practical.

Of course, the most attractive thing is the price. In the past, a 1.5-horse air conditioner cost more than 2,000, but now the Xiaomi N1A1 only needs it.1799 yuan.It is hundreds cheaper than when I first started, and various discounts can be superimposed. Some lucky friends will eventually get unexpected discounts.

Second, the experience of using Xiaomi cabinet air conditioners

For the choice of living room air conditioner cabinet, the price advantage of Xiaomi’s giant power-saving 3-horse model is very prominent, about 4,500 yuan. The round design looks elegant, and it looks good in the corner of the living room.

The AFP value is 4.45, which is better than the national standard. The combination of a strong circulating air volume of 1200m 3/h and a large cross-flow fan allows for rapid cooling and long air supply distance in summer.

In terms of intelligent functions, Xiaomi air conditioner cabinets also perform well. It supports Mijia APP remote control, and users can adjust temperature, humidity and other parameters at 0.5 ° C anytime, anywhere to achieve precise control. At the same time, the independent dehumidification function is still more practical in the southern region.

Overall, Xiaomi’s three-horse vertical cabinet air conditioner is very resistant in terms of appearance, intelligent linkage, configuration, and price. After using it for more than a year, I feel satisfied in all aspects and deserve this price.


Is it recommended to buy Xiaomi air conditioners? Overall, I personally think Xiaomi air conditioners are still very cost-effective. It not only performs well in terms of design, performance, quality, etc., but also has an intelligent operating system and energy-saving technology, making it more convenient and comfortable to use.

In addition, there are also big V reviews on the Internet, and the comprehensive score of Xiaomi air conditioner is still good, which also proves that the quality control of Xiaomi air conditioner is much better than before.

If you are considering buying a new air conditioner and seeking cost-effectiveness, Xiaomi Air Conditioning is a worthy option.

How can a Inner Mongolia beverage company achieve a leap?

Text | Fat Whale Headlines Amy Dawen

Xi’an’s Bingfeng, Beijing’s Arctic Ocean, Qingdao’s Laoshan Cola, Sichuan’s Tianfu Cola, everyone "takes the mountain as king", but recently there is a big kiln soda that spans the north and south and is rapidly becoming popular.

You know, this beverage company from Inner Mongolia has a history of 30 years, but until 2017, Dayao was only a well-known marginal beverage in the north, and even the local people in Inner Mongolia did not drink much, belonging to the beverage company with difficulties in survival. But by 2022, Dayao achieved a big leap and became a "Coke-level" national beverage.

We have built eight production bases in line with national standards, covering the four major regions of Northwest China, North China, East China and Northeast China. We have completed market layout in 31 provinces and autonomous regions across the country, established more than 1,000 dealer teams, and completed the construction of more than one million end point channels. The turnover has been sold to 3 billion, and the local marginal beverage has successfully become a well-known beverage in the country. We have completed the dream of "nationalization" of local beverages such as Bingfeng, Arctic Ocean, and Laoshan Cola.

And to do all this, the big kiln did not follow the "domestic product feelings" that many companies are taking. Although the "domestic product feelings" road has been verified and effective by countless companies, there is also a fundamental problem, that is, it will lose its influence as the heat of the event decreases. So, how can the "old brand" big kiln that does not follow the domestic product feelings make itself break through the geographical restrictions "big red and big purple"? The answer is three sharp blades.

Product Communication: Breaking the Routine

The first sharp edge of the kiln is to create breakthroughs in the product.

What to buy is the first problem to be solved by marketing. Without a knock-out product, many zeros of marketing lose the most important leading 1. Can soda products still be innovative? Countless beverages are being done, and it seems that there are various categories. How can we innovate?

Big Kiln seized a "mindset" in the soda industry and started "micro-innovation". Almost all glass bottles were made into 240ml bottles by convention. Everyone did it, and everyone never thought there was any problem. But think about it, when you drink soda, do you have a feeling of unfulfilled satisfaction? And this feeling of not enough is the opportunity of Big Kiln.

Big Kiln Soda Water put forward the concept of "Big Soda Water", shouting the slogan "Big Soda Water, Drink Big Kiln", and took the lead in launching 520ml and 550ml large-capacity glass bottles, but on the basis of doubling the capacity, the price is similar to other 240ml drinks. For example, on, Big Kiln soda glass bottles with 520ml * 12 bottles cost 64.90 yuan, while Arctic glass bottles with 248ml * 12 bottles cost 66.90 yuan. Just the innovation in capacity and the advantage in price allowed Big Kiln to create a new category in the soda industry – "big soda".

This micro-innovation allowed Big Kiln to seize the opportunity, and used the brainwashing slogan of "Big Soda, Drink Big Kiln" to occupy consumers’ consumption minds of "Big Soda" and forcefully bind "Big Soda" and "Big Kiln". From then on, when everyone thought of drinking soda, the large and inexpensive Big Kiln "Big Soda" became the first choice.

Scene communication, catering linkage

The second sharp blade of the big kiln is to bind the catering consumption scene.

With the product, it also needed a suitable scene. The "big soda" in the big kiln was born to be prepared for "nightlife catering" such as supper, hot pot, barbecue, food stalls, etc. So, how can we enter this consumption scene? It is the problem that the big kiln needs to solve.

The "nightlife dining" scene has been divided into major beverages and sodas. In addition to the two series of carbonated beverages of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, there are also major local sodas, leaving not much room for the "big kiln". How can the merchants give up some big brands and local characteristics and choose the big kiln? The big kiln’s method is to give merchants and distributors higher profit margins, so that profits can open up the consumption scene for the "big kiln".

For the big kiln soda, the price of the first-level dealer is about 17.5 yuan/box, the second-level dealer is about 22 yuan/box, and then the price is about 25 yuan/box at the end point. After conversion, the gross profit of each bottle of soda can reach about 3 to 4 yuan. What is the concept of gross profit? Merchants selling a bottle of Coca-Cola for 3 yuan can only earn about 0.6 yuan. That is to say, the profit has reached 6 times that of Coke. Such profit temptation is the core weapon for the big kiln to enter the major catering scenes in the north and south.

Under the blessing of the nightlife scene, the advantage of "big soda" is even more obvious. Before occupying the minds of consumers, the big kiln successfully occupied the minds of merchants and distributors.

Star Communication: Locking Wu Jing

The third sharp blade of the big kiln is to bind stars and take advantage of the situation to spread.

Celebrity endorsement is a common routine in marketing, but which celebrity endorsement to choose? In fact, it is very particular. As a food and beverage company, the adaptability of celebrities and consumption scenes must be high, and stars with high temperament are not suitable for the hot scene of catering. And to let more people pay attention to this drink, the recognition of celebrities has become a necessary condition.

Among the national-level celebrities, the big kiln chose Wu Jing, who was eaten by both men and women. Once selected, the big kiln and Wu Jing were "strongly bound". You search for the big kiln, and before opening the official website, the big kiln began to tell you "Wu Jing endorses the big kiln" with "great fanfare".

In fact, the strong bond between Dayao and Wu Jing did not last long. In early 2022, Dayao **ficially announced Wu Jing as the spokesperson. At this time, Wu Jing’s popularity was not as high as those ** "Wolf Warrior" and "Wandering Earth". However, with the exposure ** this year’s ****** Festival file "Wandering Earth 2", Dayao also took advantage ** Wu Jing’s east wind to continue to develop. In order to further expand its influence, Dayao took the advertisement to the extreme. Online, Wu Jing held the TVC ** "Dayao" on CCTV, and **fline, the ******* subway light box advertisement refreshed everyone’s understanding.

Relying on Xiaohongshu and Douyin blogger’s recommendation and promotion, Dayao has pushed traffic marketing to the extreme. And Wu Jing’s endorsement has also brought huge rewards to Dayao. Many consumers follow the Dayao soda that Wu Jing knows. Among the soda, the unique "Wujing avatar" of Dayao soda has become the reason for many consumers to choose.

Fat Whale Review

The product and scene of "Big Soda" and "Catering Scene" were dual-bound, and with precise and intensive marketing, Dayao quickly introduced it to consumers across the country. It made Dayao from a second-line beverage in Inner Mongolia to a national-level beverage across the north and south.

Looking at the rise of the big kiln, the three sharp blades did not seem to have taken a particularly big step in terms of products, scenes and endorsements. They were all carrying out "micro-innovation", but the three micro-innovations produced huge marketing effects and promoted the big development of the big kiln. Maybe in marketing, we need to learn from the targeted micro-innovation of the big kiln and see more possibilities for change. Launches "Resonance Program" to Help Shanghai Merchants Resume

"During the period when I didn’t open the door, I opened my eyes every day for money, and it cost 40,000 to 50,000 a month. It was too anxious." After finally reopening in late April, Boss Li of Pingcheng Boutique Fruit Store in Jing’an District, Shanghai, he faced a new challenge: opening takeout for the first time and learning to operate online from scratch.

At present, in accordance with the principle of "orderly liberalization, limited flow, effective control, and classified management", how can small and medium-sized merchants who resume business and resume market in stages speed up recovery, reduce pressure, and better "touch the net" development? In this regard, on May 22, announced the launch of the "Resonance Plan" for the merchant market, hoping to support merchants and help riders, and do its best to better serve the public, add vitality to the market, and fully support the recovery.

Incentive subsidies + fee reductions, "resonance plan" focuses on merchant pain points

Since this round of epidemic in Shanghai, has fully invested in anti-epidemic supply and vigorously supported citizens’ living security and emergency needs. has tens of thousands of riders shuttling through the streets and alleys to deliver fresh vegetables, living expenses, urgent medicines and other materials to the city’s communities.

Among them, "All-round Supermarket" ensures the safety of parity and distribution through the service model of "community collection + fixed-point distribution". Since it started operation on March 28, it has distributed necessities such as meat, eggs, milk and rice noodles grains and oil to hundreds of thousands of families; in response to the dining needs of the public, and Shanghai fixed-point catering merchants have increased transportation capacity investment and community coverage in the way of "community group meals", and delivered tens of thousands of group buying meals in time every day; in the face of the public’s drug demand, has also launched a variety of new modes of drug delivery, including community group buying medical materials for epidemic prevention, "community collection + centralized distribution", and also cooperated with hospitals to "emergency drug delivery special car", etc., to continuously increase supply At the end of April, the average daily delivery of medicines exceeded 100,000 orders.

As Shanghai accelerates the pace of business resumption, launched a special project relief plan to fully support the recovery of Shanghai merchants.

During the epidemic, business operations have been affected to varying degrees. At present, in the market recovery stage, many businesses are facing pressure such as liquidity and market investment. The "Resonance Plan" of includes four measures: provide 500 million yuan incentive within two months after the lifting of the ban to reduce business operating costs; provide special project fee reduction subsidies to ease financial pressure; provide special mentoring training and digital support to improve business operation capabilities; provide riders with nearly 70 million yuan in additional subsidies to enhance employment security.

According to the introduction, the first batch of 500 million yuan incentive subsidies of the "resonance plan" will provide over 200 million yuan to merchants, including order subsidies and incentives, distribution cost subsidies, marketing cost subsidies and special project traffic support; about 300 million yuan will also be invested to distribute consumption red envelope coupons to citizens, provide project special membership discounts, etc., and will also extend the food card that cannot be used under objective conditions and compensate for food beans, so that merchants with high-quality service and honest management can increase revenue more quickly and effectively.

At the same time, in order to ease the financial pressure of merchants, and the Financial Institution Group provide discounted loans of varying amounts and up to 500,000 yuan for eligible merchants, hoping to help merchants reduce the burden of opening after the epidemic.

In addition to subsidies, there are fee reductions. provides a "green channel" for merchants, which can launch takeaway business within 1 hour at the soonest. In addition, newly opened online and eligible high-quality catering merchants will be given a rate discount of up to 5%; eligible retailers such as general merchandise and fresh fruits can also get a certain rate discount. will also enhance the digital operation ability of merchants through special service and special project training.

For riders, the first phase of will provide an additional about 70 million yuan for order incentives and epidemic prevention subsidies, and will also set up more smart dining cabinets and "1 square meter warm rider station" to stabilize employment and improve security.

Community merchants receive traffic support and look forward to business resuming as soon as possible

Su Xiaoliu is a favorite dim sum shop in Shanghai. To overcome the pressure in this round of epidemic, he joined the guarantee supply on April 16. After the platform resumed online, he obtained the platform traffic support in time.

Xuhui ITC store is one of the first three stores to resume supply, and the launch of same-day takeout is "order surge". To this end, also helps to adjust the capacity allocation, provide distribution cost subsidies, and strengthen the guarantee of logistics performance.

"During this time, we sold more than 10,000 copies in a single store." Mr. Sheng, the operation manager of Su Xiaolu, told the author that from the background data, the various support effects of the platform are very obvious.

Heisei Boutique Fruit Store is also one of the beneficiaries of’s support measures.

On April 20, the fruit store, which had been closed for more than a month, reopened. Previously, this store only had offline retail. During the closure and control period, Mr. Li realized the importance of takeaway, and the owner applied to open a store in as soon as possible after opening. Soon under the green channel of the platform, the fruit store launched takeaway services.

"My parents distribute goods in the store, and I buy and receive orders at home. We are relatively affordable, and on the first day we went online, there were hundreds of orders." Mr. Li introduced that in order to strictly prevent the epidemic, the door will only be opened when there is an order. One door and one disinfection will be opened hundreds of times a day.

As a novice in takeout, he had never handled so many takeout orders. He learned a lot of free tutorials online, optimized the operation and delivery method, and the takeout store quickly hit the right track.

Recently, his fruit store also received traffic support from "After going online for takeout, we have income, and we are finally relieved. With orders, we have living water, and we can survive. The order incentives, price-break discounts subsidies, and especially traffic support and marketing subsidies launched by the platform are all real needs for us."

After the launch of the "Resonance Plan", many merchants said that with the support of the food delivery platform, they can ease the anxiety of survival to a certain extent, and measures such as order incentives and subsidies can also effectively reduce costs and ease the pressure on funds. said that further plans are still being formulated to provide greater support and jointly accelerate the market recovery. "We expect the fireworks in the market to continue as usual, and all business partners and the familiar Shanghai will get better and better."

Government and enterprises work together to bail out, and "fireworks" will return as soon as possible

"Shanghai’s current epidemic situation is generally stable and improving", this sentence at the press conference, the public began to feel: the rail transit bus gradually resumed operation, the park classification opened step by step, some downtown shopping malls have been unblocked to welcome guests, Moments posted more and more "return to work electronic pass", and even takeaway no longer needs group buying, even if one person, Blue Knight can be sent to the community.

Shanghai has been looking forward to the "fireworks" for two months, and it is slowly approaching you and me step by step.

According to the current schedule, commercial outlets should resume offline business in an orderly manner, and "online ordering, offline delivery" should be implemented. The catering industry should also implement services such as "online order, takeaway home"… Since the home epidemic prevention, the consumption habits of Shanghai citizens have also been slowly changing, and the consumption proportion of takeaway orders has become higher and higher. As an indispensable part of the city’s operation, takeaway has always tried its best to better serve the citizens.

However, we must also be aware that the social and economic impact of the epidemic will not disappear completely with the "lifting of the seal".

Faced with challenges in liquidity, service manpower, and material supply, some merchants may usher in "darkness before dawn". Due to the long-term closure and no income, the liquidity of closed merchants, especially small and medium-sized merchants, husband and wife stores, is difficult. At the same time, factors such as rent store expenses, labor costs, and labor return are also under great pressure. There are also challenges in supply and logistics supply chain.

How to retain the "fireworks" in the life of Shanghai? All parties in Shanghai are actively working hard. In the process of resuming business and the market, merchants and platforms cannot do without "gathering sand into a tower" and watching each other.

In order to reduce the losses of the epidemic to merchants, has launched an emergency "shutdown protection" mechanism in Shanghai. Platform merchants that have suspended business due to the epidemic can open it independently, lock in monthly sales, scoring, etc., and remain unchanged during the shutdown period to ensure that merchants can quickly return to normal business after the lockdown is lifted. For problems such as the difficulty of temporarily recruiting workers in small stores, also sets up a special channel in the background of merchants to help solve them.

At the same time, the business support plan pioneered by is not limited to short-term assistance measures. It effectively targets the pain points of merchants, reduces the pressure of merchants, accelerates recovery, and overcomes difficulties together. It also helps merchants to go online and digital transformation as soon as possible, and truly "give it a fish".

At present, many merchants in Shanghai have switched from store retail to online takeout on the platform. While maintaining operations to generate income, it is also conducive to epidemic prevention and safety. In the stage of resumption of business and market recovery, effectively supporting merchants to "touch the Internet" will also help promote economic recovery.

For example, in order to reduce the impact of the epidemic, provides merchants with a "green channel" to launch takeaway business within 1 hour at the soonest. In addition to special project incentives and traffic support, the "Resonance Plan" also enhances the digital operation capabilities of merchants through special service and special project training, including arranging a special project service team of more than 300 people to optimize the operation of targeted services merchants; providing nearly 2,000 hours of free open courses for merchants to conduct free takeaway operator training and certification services; supermarkets, convenience stores, fresh fruit, medicine and other merchants will receive intelligent diagnosis, management and marketing suggestions for goods, and the AI dish analysis system "Hungry Xiaowei" will also help catering brands develop new products for free.

Improving digital capabilities for the future and enabling businesses to achieve sustainable development may also become a "way to break the bottleneck" in the development of retail industries such as catering.

Of course, the full recovery of market economic vitality requires the participation of the whole industry and strong policy support.

Shanghai has issued the "21 Anti-Epidemic Helping Enterprises" policy, comprehensively implementing measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, rent reduction and exemption, financial subsidies, financial support, and assistance to enterprises to stabilize jobs. At least 32 departments and 16 districts have issued supporting implementation rules. Relevant functional areas of business can join hands with the Internet platform and public service platform integration, support merchants’ liquidity, human employment, material supply, and stimulate consumption, etc., give full play to the greater role of the Internet platform in "urban services", and provide targeted services such as policy publicity, appeal coordination, and guidance and consultation for small and medium-sized businesses to resume work and production, and resume business and return to the market through a combination of online and offline methods.

At present, the epidemic prevention and control situation in Shanghai is generally stable and improving, and it is entering the transformation stage of normalization prevention and control. The fireworks on the street will also be restored to its previous vitality under the joint efforts of all parties.

Bank of China Chongqing Branch: Enhancing the efficiency of high-quality financial services and stimulating the vitality of new Chongqing construction

Bank of China Chongqing Branch supports Chongqing’s high-quality development with high-level financial services.

The tide rises two rivers, and high-quality development sounds the horn. Bank of China Chongqing Branch firmly grasps the proposition of the high-quality development era, deeply integrates into the national major strategy, closely follows the regional development situation, continuously improves the quality and efficiency of comprehensive financial services, and strives to support the development of the real economy and the needs of people’s lives. It helps the construction of a modern new Chongqing to emerge with vigorous vitality.

Top Service Municipal Party Committee "No. 1 Project" Accelerates "Double Circle" Interconnection

In 2024, the "List of Major Projects for the Joint Construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing in 2024" lists a total of 300 projects with a total investment of about 3.60 trillion yuan, promoting the Chengdu and Chongqing regions to further strengthen the "industrial cluster", deepen "collaborative innovation", and improve the "life circle" of the Shuangcheng, and the construction of the "double circle" will be accelerated in an all-round way. As an important platform for the construction of the new district and the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, the Gaozhu New District in Sichuan and Chongqing is relying on the successive implementation of enterprises and projects.

As a state-owned bank rooted in the local area, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has always been an important financial force supporting the construction of Sichuan-Chongqing Gaozhu New Area. Especially since 2023, the bank has closely followed the investment promotion and development plan of the new area, actively connected with a number of key projects, and supported the construction of the new area’s science and technology innovation base. The cumulative credit has exceeded 460 million yuan.

A major project can drive one piece and affect one side. Focusing on key projects and major projects related to the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has made every effort. Since 2023, the bank has included infrastructure projects such as high-speed rail, airports, and rail transit into active growth industries, adding more than 40 billion yuan of credit approval for major projects such as the Chongqing-Wan Railway, Hunan-Chongqing Expressway, and Jiangbei Airport, with a total investment of 7 billion yuan. Focusing on the construction of the Western (Chongqing) Science City, the bank actively deepens the coordination of comprehensive businesses such as bank settlement, credit services and investment consulting services, investment and loan linkage, and financial consulting, and vigorously supports the construction of park projects and industrial development.

While continuing to promote the implementation of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee’s "No. 1 Project" major project, Bank of China Chongqing Branch does not forget the "minutiae" of caring for people’s livelihood, and strives to enrich the happiness base color of residents in Sichuan and Chongqing.

It is reported that the bank insists on promoting financial digital transformation, empowering various businesses with a number of achievements in the field of financial technology and diversified financial digital products, and expanding application scenarios such as smart social security, smart medical care, and smart government construction in multiple dimensions to help improve the quality and efficiency of convenience services in Sichuan and Chongqing cities.

Since 2023, the bank has cooperated with the Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to complete the construction of the social bank direct connection platform, realizing the full online transfer of public-to-public transfers; actively followed up the medical insurance electronic voucher project cooperated by the head office of the Bank of China and the National Healthcare Security Administration, supported the medical security information platform in Chongqing, the upgrading of the informatization level of medical institutions, and the interconnection of information systems between the two parties; and assisted the Chongqing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau to build a medical insurance convenience service workstation in Chengdu and Chongqing, providing 18 medical insurance affairs for residents in Chengdu and Chongqing; providing information construction for the full coverage of 16 prisons in Chongqing, assisting the construction of smart justice, and improving the level of judicial convenience services with financial power.

Deeply empowering the "channel economy" to release the momentum of open development

At the connection point between the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Chongqing shoulders the important task of leading and driving the opening up of the western region, and strives to build a large channel, a large hub, a large port, a large logistics, and a large platform, so that the channel can better radiate to the west, serve the whole country, connect ASEAN, and integrate into the world.

Bank of China Chongqing Branch actively implements the high-level national strategy of opening up to the outside world, vigorously supports the joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", actively serves the new pattern of double-cycle development, and provides comprehensive support for "financing, financing and intelligence" for the development of Chongqing’s open economy and the construction of inland open highlands.

By the end of 2023, the bank will support the construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt through the construction of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, the three major bonded zones, the construction of port highlands, the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project, the Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone and other national independent innovation demonstration zones, and the Chongqing China-Europe Railway. The balance of related credit financing exceeds 26 billion yuan. In the field of "going global" for service enterprises, relying on the "cross-border matching service" model creatively created by the head office, it has successively held on-site matchmaking meetings for international trade customers, "China-Hungary SME Cross-border Investment and Trade Fair", "2019 China (Western) ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Cross-border Investment and Trade Matchmaking Meeting for Industrial and Commercial Enterprises", etc., to help Chongqing enterprises realize a series of international cooperation such as trade, investment and technology introduction. Experts in various fields are invited to participate in the previous China-Singapore Finance Summits in depth, and put forward constructive opinions on cross-border finance, green finance and other aspects; the Singapore branch is linked to hold activities such as "Chongqing Enterprises Go to Singapore Direct Financing Business Exchange Conference".

From April 1st to 3rd this year, the series of activities of "CIIE Entering Chongqing" was grandly held, aiming to rely on Chongqing’s location advantages, resource endowments and industrial characteristics to invite exhibitors, investment promotion institutions and multinational companies to participate in the CIIE, further play the role of important platforms such as investment promotion of the CIIE, and amplify the spillover effect of the platform. This event attracted more than 160 foreign-funded enterprises and investment promotion institutions from more than 10 countries and regions, including the United States, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, etc., involving digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, automobiles and parts, biomedicine, food, consumer goods, service trade and other industries. During the event, Bank of China Chongqing Branch relied on the Bank of China’s "Huiru Wish · Bank of China e-Enterprise Win" global enterprise ecosystem to hold the "Import Expo into Chongqing" Bank of China online matchmaking matchmaking meeting. Chongqing enterprises and overseas enterprises were invited to demonstrate their respective advantages and discuss cooperation intentions through "online one-to-one" negotiation. At the scene, 8 enterprises signed a cooperation agreement with merchants, and 1 enterprise reached an overseas on-site inspection intention.

It is worth mentioning that, as the only strategic partner of the CIIE, Bank of China has supported the CIIE for six consecutive years. Among them, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has actively implemented the responsibility of the only strategic partner of the head office "CIIE", providing financial services for more than 400 Chongqing enterprises to participate in the CIIE, and helping Chongqing enterprises share China’s high-quality opening-up opportunities.

Continue to promote transformation and upgrading, and help Chongqing move towards "new"

New quality productivity is regarded as a key fulcrum for leveraging the high-quality development of China’s economy, and is becoming a surging driving force for "hundreds of competing flows" in various places. Chongqing stands on the manufacturing industry, and the importance and urgency of developing new quality productivity is self-evident. In this context, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has combined with Chongqing to build a "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system, tilted credit policies to enterprises in advanced manufacturing, "specialized and new" enterprises, strategic emerging industries and other fields, paid close attention to the development opportunities of electronic information, basic manufacturing and materials, intelligent manufacturing and other industries, increased financing support for upstream and downstream supply chains of enterprises, and helped Chongqing build an important electronic information industry manufacturing base in the world. It will fully serve the optimization and upgrading of Chongqing’s industrial structure.

In 2023, the bank has provided more than 5 billion yuan in trade financing for important electronic information enterprises in Chongqing; more than 510 new supply chain finance businesses have been added, and the business occurrence is equivalent to nearly 4 billion yuan; the number of supply chain trade financing 1 + N customers has increased by more than 60% compared with the beginning of the year.

The characteristics of new quality productivity are innovation, the key lies in quality, and the essence is advanced productivity. Strengthening financial supply in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and "helping" and "sending" science and technology innovation enterprises have become an important step for Bank of China Chongqing Branch to "new". In addition to continuously increasing credit tilt, the bank insists on adapting measures to local conditions, using "BOC Intelligent Chain" as a breakthrough point to expand supply chain financing, activate the vitality of upstream and downstream enterprises in the scientific and technological innovation industry, explore more accurate full-life cycle financial service solutions, and join hands with enterprises, heart-to-heart, to help Chongqing’s new quality productivity accelerate the formation.

In recent years, the bank has successively launched special products such as "Science and Technology Growth Loan" and "Bank of China Innovation Points Loan". Among them, as the contractor of "Bank of China Science and Technology Finance Pilot Credit Business", the bank has launched "Innovation Points Loan" special products with the help of the "Innovation Points Model" of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Through a series of risk control model judgments and process optimization, the bank has innovatively launched "Science and Technology Growth Loan" products to help high-quality development of science and technology enterprises. By the end of 2023, the bank has approved a credit quota of more than 470 million yuan for 77 technology-based private small and micro enterprises through the "Science and Technology Growth Loan" and "Bank of China Innovation Points Loan" products, and the credit balance exceeds 320 million

The relevant person in charge of Bank of China Chongqing Branch said that on the new journey of accelerating the construction of a modern financial power, it will continue to practice the political and people’s nature of financial work, do a solid job in the "five major articles", support the real economy more effectively, improve service quality and efficiency more comprehensively, control financial risks more effectively, strive to create a new situation of transformation and development, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a modern new Chongqing.

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On June 13, the drone performed a field patrol task in a paddy field plot in the fifth management area of the Friendship Branch of the Beidahuang Agricultural joint stock company in Heilongjiang to view the rice seedlings (drone photos).

Xinhua News Agency, compiled by Xu Xiaoxuan and Shen Bohan

Recently, the Central Kindergarten of Lijiaxiang Town, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province held a campus "paper-cutting culture and art festival". Xu Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, photographed on June 13, children were led by their teachers to visit the paper-cutting exhibition.

This is a photo of "Xiangxiang" on display at the "Giant Panda’Xiangxiang ‘Family Birthday Party" held at the Chinese Cultural Center in Tokyo, Japan, on June 12.

That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei. That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei. That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei. That night, the 7th National College Student Art Exhibition opened in Xiangyang, Hubei.

Harvesters work in a rice field in Wenyu Village, Changliu Town, Haikou City, Hainan Province on June 12 (drone photo). Recently, the early rice in Haikou City, Hainan Province has ripened one after another, and local farmers have taken advantage of the fine weather to harvest the sickle. Recently, the early rice in Haikou City, Hainan Province has ripened one after another, and local farmers have taken advantage of the fine weather to harvest the sickle.

It is a good season for summer planting, and farmers in Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang, Henan and other places seize the agricultural season to carry out rice seedling and transplanting work. It is a good season for summer planting, and farmers in Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang, Henan and other places seize the agricultural season to carry out rice seedling and transplanting work.

On the same day, Tailong Town, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province held a sea dragon boat race at the Tailong Central Fishing Port. Dragon boat teams from various villages carried out sea racing and celebratory Dragon Boat Festival activities to pray for good weather and abundant grain. On the same day, Tailong Town, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province held a sea dragon boat race at the Tailong Central Fishing Port. Dragon boat teams from various villages carried out sea racing and celebratory Dragon Boat Festival activities to pray for good weather and abundant grain.

On that day, Beijing ushered in hot weather, and many outdoor workers stuck to their posts to ensure the operation of public services. On that day, Beijing ushered in hot weather, and many outdoor workers stuck to their posts to ensure the operation of public services. On that day, Beijing ushered in hot weather, and many outdoor workers stuck to their posts to ensure the operation of public services.

This is the construction site of Mozhai Wujiang Bridge on the Yuxiang Double Line Expressway taken on June 9 (drone photo). Recently, the Wujiang Bridge on the Yuxiang Double Line Expressway in Mozhai, Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing entered the last 2-meter continuous beam pouring construction operation, and the bridge is about to close the whole bridge.

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After Didi’s "scold", more pragmatic actions are needed


 Didi has recently been quite "attentive", launching a complain program of "Chattering Didi", which is self-deprecating, self-deprecating, mutual tearing, "red-faced sweating", which has attracted a lot of laughter and applause. The president, Ms. Liu Qing, personally "went to the grassroots" and worked as an operator to respond to users’ complaints. The funny and warm feelings are combined, and while adding points to Didi, there are also voices of doubt.

In the public video, Liu Qing asked Didi executives to go to the first-line experience operator when they were promoted. From her personal experience, the professionalism is debatable. Grassroots customer service is a variety of cooperation work. If this can represent Didi’s customer service level, it will actually increase users’ concerns. We can’t say this is a "show", but professional people do professional things. Even if executives come to answer the phone as customer service, can they reap real problems? The key is that on-the-job customer service strictly implements relevant systems.

Look at the complain link again. The selected roles are talk show stars, luxury car stars, drivers, and product manager representatives. Is this user sample down-to-earth and can it represent the voice of the majority? In response to specific questions: the price increase of taxis, take "riding a bicycle will pass by the fruit store to buy expensive cherries" to prove that taxis are more cost-effective; the big data kill problem, the response is "You have only driven a few times, are we familiar with you?"; the estimated price error problem, take the black car price "darker" as a comparison; the customer thinks that the navigation detours far and insists on his own direction, which boils down to the passenger’s "will to ride a bicycle".

For another example: passengers can’t get a taxi, and the product manager attributed the root cause to limited transportation capacity, "I can’t do it". The problem is that behind the limited transportation capacity, is it a regulatory problem in various places? Or is it a problem with the platform? In a business, if there is demand, there will be supply. Who doesn’t make money? If the reflection is not deep, the problem is difficult to solve.
Didi allows users, drivers, and staff to "make a big noise" and figure out the problem in complaining, ridiculing, and speculating. This is a good thing.After all, it opened the door to facing the problem directly, but the problem was that the on-site answers were more hesitant, which closed the door to solving the problem again.

Therefore, many netizens have questioned,Is this spending money to scold, or whitewashing and boasting?

Looking at the scope of the problems discussed in this Roast, it is generally limited to shallow levels such as long queuing time, opaque price, inaccurate positioning, inaccurate navigation, and stingy taxi coupons.Safety is rarely discussed.Finally, Liu Qing’s sentence "On security issues, we are not joking" ended hastily. Judging from the effect of solving the problem, this kind of open dialogue seems to "address only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue". On the surface, it is lively. If you think about it carefully, there is no real solution to the fundamental problem.

For travel, it’s not about how fast you run, but how stable you run without "rolling over". Users don’t necessarily demand how perfect the app is.What matters more is that the service is cost-effective and safe.A correct understanding of the problem is the prerequisite for correcting the problem later.

Some people think that it is difficult to travel, and it is inherently difficult, and they are too harsh on Didi. Many people commute to get off work and travel without Didi. We are patient with service improvement and innovation. As a "breaker", we must have a great responsibility.

Self-blackening is a good starting point, don’t keep "blackening".Liu Qing also realized that "users always think that Didi is cheating people". We have seen too many examples of companies "humbly admitting their mistakes and not changing their lives", such as telecommunications harassment, bidding rankings, big data push… After many companies fall into a crisis, they either pass the problem on to temporary workers to take the blame, or directly attack the media to spread rumors, or hide and be an "ostrich". Didi has chosen a good way to dare to scold, and now it needs more pragmatic actions, otherwise scolding is equivalent to scolding in vain.

The commission owed is over 1 billion! Well-known real estate agents issued a document, naming Evergrande and Baoneng

  Intermediaries are an important part of the real estate market. Due to the changes in the real estate market in recent years, incidents of intermediaries "asking for salaries" from developers have also occurred from time to time.

  Recently, a document titled "Notice on Matters Related to Shenzhen Zhongyuan Feedback Commission Advance" circulated on the Internet, in which the information that "each developer/agent has not paid Shenzhen Zhongyuan’s commission exceeds 1 billion" attracted attention.

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  Well-known intermediaries post for commissions

  The signature of the online document is "Shi Junrong, CEO of Zhongyuan Group", and the time is August 11, 2023.

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  According to the document, in recent years, the real estate industry has been sluggish, and developers’ capital chains have been broken and thunderous, unable to pay the sales commissions of Zhongyuan Group and its related companies normally, resulting in consecutive huge losses and difficult operations.

  According to First Finance, insiders of Zhongyuan Group confirmed the authenticity of the above documents to First Finance.

  "According to the practice of the real estate sales industry for many years, the income of sales personnel includes basic salary and commission, and the commission needs to be paid after receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent." The above-mentioned commission payment system has been implemented by Zhongyuan Group since its establishment 45 years ago, and the basic salary part of employees has always been paid in full on time every month, and there has never been any delay in salary or malicious arrears of salary.

  Regarding the commissions not received by employees, the above-mentioned document states that if Shenzhen Zhongyuan is required to advance the commission without receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent, even if only the commission of the grassroots employees is advanced, the amount of funds that need to be advanced has exceeded 400 million yuan, which will make the company’s operation more difficult. For the reasons mentioned above, Zhongyuan Group and Shenzhen Zhongyuan do not have the prerequisites for advance payment of employee commissions and partner commissions without receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent. However, considering the living difficulties of some particularly difficult employees, the board of directors of Zhongyuan Group has decided to issue special hardship pensions to employees with special difficulties. Employees with special needs can submit applications according to the process, and the group employee association will review and approve them.

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  Involving Evergrande, Baoneng, etc

  According to public information, Shenzhen Zhongyuan belongs to Zhongyuan Group, which was established in 1978 and is a large-scale comprehensive real estate service enterprise mainly engaged in real estate agency business, including property management, measurement and valuation, mortgage agency, asset management, data integration, and investment immigration.

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  The company’s official website shows that currently, Zhongyuan Group has more than 55,000 employees, 2,500 directly-operated floor shops, and has established branches in 60 cities around the world, with business reaching hundreds of cities. It has become a pioneer and leader in the real estate agency industry.

  According to the Shanghai Securities News, Shenzhen Zhongyuan is the abbreviation of Zhongyuan Real Estate Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. It is a large professional real estate agency company in Shenzhen. Since 2001, the number and sales volume of real estate agents in the secondary market have accounted for the main share of the Shenzhen real estate market.

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  Shenzhen Zhongyuan provides research services for government land investment, full consultation planning and sales agency services for developers, and residential, office, shop, factory rental and sales brokerage services, as well as mortgage, appraisal and other services for customers in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

  The above-mentioned document states that in recent years, the real estate industry has been sluggish, and the capital chains of major developers have been broken one after another. They have been unable to pay the sales commissions of Zhongyuan Group and its related companies normally, resulting in consecutive huge losses and difficult operations.According to statistics, the developers/agents have not paid Shenzhen Zhongyuan commission more than 1 billionThe court has initiated a lawsuit to pursue the amount of 535 million yuan.Where the court has ruled that the amount of enforcement exceeded 400 millionThe amount to be judged 135 million multiple.

  At present, the main developers and projects sued by Shenzhen Zhongyuan include Kaisa, Hengda, Baoneng, Shimao, Longguang, and Jixiangli. The above-mentioned real estate developers who have been sued recently are also subject to various news.

  According to First Finance, Bai Wenxi, vice chairperson of China Enterprise Capital Alliance and chief economist of IPG China, told First Finance that from the perspective of creditor repayment order, the payment of intermediary sales commission should be classified as ordinary creditor’s rights, and the general supplier is in the same sequence, and the repayment order is after the senior debt rights with secured mortgage and other credit enhancement conditions, and before preference share.

  Bai Wenxi said that in the process of chasing commissions, real estate intermediaries can seize as many of the other party’s effective assets and key current accounts as possible by means of pre-litigation preservation, and then fully negotiate with the other party to achieve maximum reconciliation as much as possible, so as to recover claims as soon as possible.

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  Shenzhen second-hand housingDeal size shrinks

  A massive loss of employees

  Data from the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association shows that since 2020, the transaction volume of second-hand houses in Shenzhen has continued to decline. From 2020 to 2022, the number of second-hand houses signed online in Shenzhen (the number of sales and purchase contracts initiated on the Shenzhen real estate information platform, and the number of non-final transactions) was 120,295, 44,375, and 26,853, respectively. The number of second-hand houses recorded in the first half of this year was 20,852, only a fraction of the peak in 2020.

  On July 12 this year, data disclosed by the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association revealed that the average monthly turnover of second-hand real estate agents in Shenzhen in the first half of this year was 0.09 units per person, translating to an intermediary who could only sell 1.08 units a year.

  In recent years, the scale of second-hand housing transactions in Shenzhen has shrunk, leading to a large loss of employees.

  "At the peak of the market, there were more than 60,000 star-rated intermediaries (real-name registration practitioners) in Shenzhen, but now there are only more than 20,000 people left, and the industry is struggling to survive," said a relevant person from the Shenzhen Fangfang Association. In addition, the "newcomer rate" of Shenzhen’s intermediary industry in the first half of this year was about 21.6%. In 2020, when the market is hot, 49.3% of practitioners are newcomers.

  The Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association pointed out that the first-quarter "phased Xiaoyangchun" market in Shenzhen’s second-hand housing market came to an abrupt end after entering April. Even from the second quarter, the monthly transaction volume continued to drop, and returned to the embarrassing situation of less than 3,000 units per month during the annual epidemic. In the final analysis, after the market bottomed out, market confidence has not been completely restored. After entering the second half of the year, with the accumulation of new housing sales pressure, the white-hot competition for second-hand housing and the weakening of market expectations for policies, in the absence of any support to stabilize expectations, it may be difficult for the market to reproduce a similar "phased Xiaoyangchun" market in the first quarter in the near future.

  edit|Sun Zhicheng, Yi QijiangProofreading |Zhao Qing

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  The daily economic news is comprehensive from Securities Times, China Business News, Shanghai Securities News, etc

Mijia fresh fan experience: close the window for ventilation, fresh to forget the existence of PM2.5.

  Haze has made people aware of the existence of PM2.5, serious diseases have made people aware of the harm of formaldehyde, and air purification products have gradually gained recognition from the majority of users. But users who have in-depth understanding know that although air purifiers have obvious effects, they actually treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. The ultimate solution for indoor air purification is a fresh fan.

  Xiaomi, which used to revolutionize the air purifier market with its signature price/performance ratio, is here again with a new fan. The average price of high-performance new fans over 10,000 is the threshold for its low awareness and popularity. Now Xiaomi is ready to break the industry’s profits again.

  On November 6, the official Weibo of Mijia officially released the Mijia fresh fan. The price of 2XXX was reasonable and unexpected. As for whether this product really provided extremely high performance at a very low price, the Global Network Technology Channel was invited to experience it in advance to bring you a first-hand experience.

  A fresh fan is to an air purifier what an air conditioner is to a refrigerator

  Does indoor air purification require only an air purifier? Of course not.

  Air purifiers can purify indoor air quickly and efficiently, which is an indisputable fact, but the source of indoor air is still outdoor. If the outdoor air is out of the meter, you can’t open the window, and if you don’t open the window, you can’t ventilate. Even if there is an indoor air purifier, it just keeps self-circulating, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will get higher and higher. Finally, you have to open the window to introduce the outdoor air containing oxygen, and then use the air purifier to purify it.

  But opening the window once, polluting the indoor air once, and then purifying it again and again, this operation will repeatedly harm health. And directly opening the window and using an air purifier is exaggerated to say that it is equivalent to purifying the entire atmosphere (impossible to do), just like opening the refrigerator door and trying to use the refrigerator to cool the entire room. The self-circulation of the air purifier will naturally make the indoor air cleaner and cleaner, but the air quality is not only an indicator of PM 2.5. At present, carbon dioxide has been included in the current indoor air Quality Standards at home and abroad, and there is a broader consensus that talking about air quality without carbon dioxide is a hooligan. Air that lacks oxygen, no matter how clean it ****** also dangerous to life. This is the importance of fresh fans.

  From the perspective of the Mijia new fan, the lower part of the trend has a punch or so, which directly introduces the outdoor air, and then filters through the lower, middle and upper layers to send the trend air from the top, which solves the problem of oxygen-containing air source.

  What kind of fresh fan is Mijia fresh fan?

  When people hear "fresh air", they are often linked to "fresh air system", which actually refers to the central fresh air system. Generally, air is sent into each room through pipes, which needs to be installed before decoration (hard installation). Most of them are ceiling type, which is more popular in Europe and the United States. However, the central fresh air system occupies a floor height, and it is inconvenient to replace the filter screen. The total cost of final purchase and installation is generally more than 30,000 yuan.

  As people pay more attention to air quality, the demand for fresh fans after installation has increased, and wall-mounted fresh fans have appeared on the market, which is the category that Mijia fresh fans belong to. The cost of wall-mounted fresh fans is generally around 10,000 yuan, and they can be installed at any time without laying pipes. The installation of Mijia fresh fans only takes two hours, and the bottom air inlet hole is still reserved on the side. Users with insufficient wall space in their homes can install them horizontally. If the property does not allow openings, glass openings can also be selected. Therefore, Mijia fresh fans are very competitive in terms of economic cost and energy cost.

  The Mijia fresh fan adopts a touch-sensitive OLED display screen, which can be operated directly after displaying the value. The design of the whole machine follows the simple style of Mijia, and it does not violate the integration into the home design.

  In terms of working principle, the Mijia fresh air fan uses a DC inverter fan to intake air from the bottom air inlet hole, and passes through the lower anti-mosquito filter, the middle-layer medium-efficiency filter, and the upper-layer H13 high-efficiency filter, for a total of three layers of filtration. The anti-mosquito filter adopts a box design to block large particles such as outdoor mosquitoes; the medium-efficiency filter has a removal rate of 80% for particles above PM 0.4; the H13 high-efficiency filter has a power efficiency of more than 99.97% for particles above PM 0.3, and the sterilization rate of Staphylococcus albicans is > 99.9%.

  What’s more eye-catching in terms of parameters is that the Mijia fresh fan has a ventilation capacity of 300m3/h, which is the high performance of about 10,000 yuan of products on the market. It can ventilate a family with a usage area of 105 square meters 1.1 times an hour. However, the quality of the product still needs to be determined by the actual experience.

  Actual use effect

  In order to verify the purification effect of the Mijia fresh fan, we conducted a simulation test: using dry ice to increase the indoor carbon dioxide concentration, using toilet water to simulate indoor formaldehyde and other tVOC pollutants, and closed the window and closed the door in the bedroom (about 30 square meters) where the Mijia fresh fan was installed. When there is severe hypoxia and the aroma is tangy, the data of the Qingping air detector shows that the instantaneous carbon dioxide concentration in the house reaches 4713 ppm, and the tVOV concentration reaches 4.46mg/m3. Far beyond the reasonable indoor range: carbon dioxide below 1000ppm and tVOC should be between 0.2 and 2mg/m.

  Half an hour later, when we entered the bedroom again, there was already a slight chill, the air was as cold as if the window was open, the smell of perfume was impossible, and the air was very fresh. At this time, the reading of Qingping’s air detector showed that the concentration of carbon dioxide was 508 ppm, and the concentration of tVOC dropped to 0.859 mg/m3. In fact, when the test was carried out for 15 minutes, the concentration of tVOC had reached a reasonable range of close to 1 mg/m3.

  After the actual test, the ventilation effect of the Mijia fresh fan is indeed obvious, and if installed in one room, it can actually ventilate the whole family, just like opening the balcony window.

  The most impressive thing is that when you stand in front of the machine with the window closed, you can only hear the noise of the outdoor road, and you can’t feel the operation of the machine at all. It is understood that the Mijia fresh fan is only 35.4 decibels under the maximum air volume, and the sleep mode is as low as 20.4 decibels, which is basically half of the general noise of commercial products.

  At this point in our experience, we almost forgot about PM 2.5. The original value has been reduced from 6.3 to 2.2. It seems that as long as it is turned on, the indoor air quality has no need to worry at all. But some users may wonder, Mijia fresh fan does not have activated carbon filter element, how to remove formaldehyde?

  In fact, the air purifier uses activated carbon to absorb formaldehyde only for collection and storage, and there is a risk of secondary volatilization when the indoor temperature is high. The fresh fan uses a continuous ventilation method to let formaldehyde squeeze out of the door and window seams with the "micro-positive pressure" formed by the fresh air entering the house.

  It is worth noting that formaldehyde does not only exist in houses that have just been renovated. Over time, cracking of wooden furniture joints and tilting of the skin will cause the originally sealed formaldehyde to continue to evaporate, so continuous ventilation is the way to treat the symptoms and root causes.

  When Mijia products are as ubiquitous as air

  Users who have paid a little attention can feel that Mijia’s products have become more and more abundant. Nowadays, air purification products have also extended from air purifiers to fresh fans. As long as they are users who can shop online, they all have one or two Xiaomi ecological chain products. They are really as ubiquitous as air.

  While Mijia products bring benefits, what’s more important is to string together smart life. Mijia new fan also supports Xiao Ai voice control, which can synergy with other Mijia smart home products. Of course, there are also mobile phone remote control switches, air volume adjustment, electric auxiliary heat adjustment, check the status of consumables, etc.

  Obviously, no matter how consumption is upgraded or downgraded, our spending on health cannot be saved, and air is the most important element for survival. Therefore, we also hope that with the promotion of Xiaomi, more users will understand the necessity of buying new fans and make the right choice for the health of their families.

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Huawei P7 Telecom Edition
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Huawei P7 Telecom Edition  Huawei P7 Telecom Edition 

Huawei P7 Telecom Edition  Huawei P7 Telecom Edition 

  Huawei P7 Telecom Edition uses its own HiSilicon Kirin 910T 1.8GHz quad-core processor, 1.8GHz main frequency, 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, and supports maximum 64GB memory expansion. 5.0-inch 1080P resolution IPS screen, using in-cell technology, the front and back bodies cover the third-generation Corning Gorilla Glass. 13 million pixel rear + 8 million pixel front-facing camera, the main camera adopts F2.0 aperture, Sony 4th generation stacked sensor. Based on Android 4.4.2 customized Emotion 2.3 operating system and 2500mAh capacity battery.

PConline Product Library– Specifications
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series Huawei P7 series
Model P7 Telecom Edition
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weight 124G
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  Editor’s comment:As a brand-new flagship model, Huawei P7 Telecom Edition not only has a slim and fashionable appearance, but also has a very practical configuration. And this Telecom Edition model also supports triple Netcom and dual SIM dual standby, and has ten-level beauty functions. For friends who love selfies, Huawei P7 Telecom Edition is a good choice.[Return to Beijing Branch to view more]

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  [Reference price]:Huawei P7 Telecom Edition 2299 yuan.
  [Sales merchant]: Beijing Shengtong Innovation Technology Development Co., Ltd.
  [Business address]: 701, Building 1 + 1, No. 10 Caihefang Road, Haidian District
  [Business phone]: 13331021967 010-62680165
  [Latest Quotes]:Beijing mobile phone market
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