Wang Sicong was photographed dating Internet celebrity Feng Timo, and the two actually ate this!

Wang Sicong Feng Timo

1905 movie network news A few days ago, some media took a photo of Wang Sicong dating well-known Internet celebrity Feng Timo. In the photo, Wang Sicong was dressed in black, without a hat or sunglasses, and Feng Timo was wearing a gray sweater and carrying a huge black backpack. The two were sitting on a very small seat against the wall. According to the LOGO on the drink cup in front of Wang Sicong and the LOGO on the wall, this store is likely to be a large multinational chain restaurant company McDonald’s!

Not to mention that Wang Sicong, as a famous rich second generation in the circle, has always been generous. Not long ago, she was photographed driving more than 7 million supercars to take beautiful women for a ride. Just saying that Feng Timo is definitely the leader in Internet celebrity live streaming hosting. With her singing video, she is now as popular as a traffic star. Her live broadcast income alone has exceeded 10 million. She not only appeared in various variety shows such as "Happy Camp" and "Everyday Up", but also sang on the same stage as popular singers. Although she has a good future, she has suddenly fallen into the whirlpool of public opinion recently and did not return to her bank until May 23, but her income exceeded one million on that day, which shows that her popularity has not been affected.

Von Timo Data Map

And what kind of story is behind this sudden appearance on the street to date Wang Sicong? After all, Wang Sicong has always been a "playboy", with more than 20 Internet celebrity girlfriends, and now he is in the same frame as Feng Timo, which inevitably makes netizens daydream. However, some people speculate that Wang Sicong intends to sign Feng Timo, so the two are talking about work-related matters.