Jiang Wen’s film returns to the IMAX big screen, romantically writing the joys and hatreds of the Republic of China

1905 movie network news On July 13, director Jiang Wen’s new work "Evil Does Not Suppress Justice", co-directed by Jiang Wen, Peng Yuyan, Liao Fan, Zhou Yun and Xu Qing, officially landed in more than 500 IMAX theaters across the country. On July 14, IMAX held a media viewing conference in Beijing. This film, which Ning Hao rated as "special Jiang Wen", made the audience addicted with its ups and downs of suspense plot and intensive and intense action scenes. Under the help of the crystal clear image quality of the IMAX cinema screen and the realistic and shocking sound system, the audience seemed to be immersed in a romantic and suspenseful revenge story of the Republic of China, and deeply appreciated the long-lost youth and rivers and lakes of director Jiang Wen.

IMAX freehand presents "Jiang Wen-style good play", and the media comments on the film "spicy and powerful"

Adapted from Zhang Beihai’s novel "The Hidden Man," the final chapter of Jiang Wen’s trilogy of the Republic of China takes place in Beijing, under the rule of the Beiyang government, and tells the story of Li Tianran, played by Peng Yuyan, avenging his teachers. With a good and evil storyline, intensive fighting with knives and guns, sharp and fast editing, ubiquitous jokes, and romantic and melodious Western soundtrack, a "very Jiang Wen" -style drama has conquered the media and film critics, and won a burst of reputation. The film critics Mission Impossible praised the film as "a pot of spirits labeled by Jiang Wen, happy with enmity, spicy and powerful, and the violent aesthetic wantonly in the ice and snow of Beiping, flying on the top of the roof."

"Evil does not suppress good" is Jiang Wen’s sixth film, and it is also his second collaboration with IMAX. Director Jiang Wen specially created Beiping of the Republic of China, which is particularly eye-catching on the IMAX high definition bright big screen. With a clear and realistic picture texture and a penetrating sound system, the audience is fully immersed in the imaginative world. When Li Tianran flew on the roof, the audience seemed to follow him on the roof, sometimes with swords and shadows, flying on the wall, sometimes generously singing and happy enmity. After the screening, the media all lamented that the film was "burning, cool, happy and full of energy". Some media feedback said that "the IMAX big screen makes you see the easter eggs of Jiang Wen’s movies full of imagination everywhere". Some people even said that "after reading it, it is still unfinished, and it is worth enjoying it again and again. I am ready to brush the IMAX version again in the near future."

IMAX delicately reshapes the scenery of Beiping in the Republic of China, Jia Zhangke praises "fascinating"

On the IMAX big screen, the audience was deeply impressed by the Peiping of the Republic of China, which was infused with Jiang Wen’s romantic feelings. Even director Jia Zhangke could not help but praise it after the screening: "The old Peiping under the lens of director Jiang Wen is fascinating, and the Peiping without traffic jams and heavy snow in the movie is really beautiful. The whole movie is a rooftop poem, strong and affectionate." The Beijing city in the film is like a character hidden in the dark, quietly emitting the atmosphere of the times and the unique charm: the iconic bell tower, city walls, alleys, bricks and tiles will restore the original style of the old Beijing of the Republic of China, and the beautiful overlook perspective is presented under the IMAX large screen and delicate image quality, making the audience seem to have traveled through time and space and entered the former Beiping.

The luxury lineup gathers on the IMAX big screen, and the stars work together to interpret the chaotic times in Peiping

Jiang Wen, Peng Yuyan, Liao Fan, Zhou Yun, and Xu Qing, several powerful actors of different styles, are also highly anticipated by the audience this time. The big screen that extends from the floor to the ceiling of the IMAX theater is not only wider but also higher and more curved, making the audience feel that sitting in any position can feel as if several movie stars are in front of the sharp confrontation. According to media reports, Peng Yuyan has once again become a fan on the IMAX big screen with his breakthrough acting skills, appropriately matching Li Tianran’s unique enthusiasm and youthful feeling in his early twenties; Liao Fan’s villain Zhu Qianlong is also impressive, with a simple and rough two-cropped beard, sparse eyebrows, and blue veins bursting on his forehead.

Zhou Yun and Xu Qing’s perfect interpretation of the two important female characters in the film makes it impossible to look away from the IMAX big screen. Zhou Yun’s frown and smile vividly and vividly interpret Guan Qiaohong, a woman with a complex heart who hides the sewing workshop; Xu Qing incarnates as an "angel devil" to play Tang Fengyi, a beautiful courtesan among the dormant and powerful, with a smiling pear vortex, a graceful figure wrapped in a cheongsam, and an innocent expression pretending to be coquettish. The fish and dragons are mixed with many parties to wrestle, and the interests of power and hatred are crisscrossed. The IMAX big screen will present their most graceful figure and the most delicate performance with its excellent texture.

The IMAX version is transformed by IMAX DMR ? (Digital Reproduction Technology) to provide audiences with unparalleled audio-visual quality that meets the ? standards of the IMAX viewing experience. Crystal-clear images, combined with tailor-made IMAX theater design, and a powerful digital sound system also create a unique environment for moviegoers to truly feel the "immersive" viewing experience.