If you don’t manage the rental well, you will get rid of the team. How is the progress after the party secretary gets angry?

  On February 1, Zheng Junkang, the secretary of the Liuzhou Municipal Party Committee of Guangxi, "angrily scolded" the city’s transportation bureau for not managing the taxi chaos, triggering a heated debate across the country. Ten days later, the secretary said again, asking the public security to take action to rectify the taxi, strictly investigating the monopoly and "black" situation. Half a month has passed, how about the rectification of the taxi chaos in Liuzhou City?  

On February 13, people took a taxi in front of the Liuzhou bus terminal.

  On February 13, people took a taxi in front of the Liuzhou bus terminal.

  The secretary angrily scolded the transportation bureau: it is not good to manage the rental and take down the entire team

  Previously, in Liuzhou railway station, airport and other places, taxi drivers did not set meters, sat on the ground to raise prices, refused to carry passengers, "picking and choosing", and pooling passengers to charge indiscriminately. This series of chaos has often been reported in the newspapers and has been criticized by citizens and tourists.

  On the 1st, Zheng Junkang, secretary of the Communist Party of China’s Liuzhou Municipal Party Committee, put down his harsh words against the taxi chaos. He ordered the city’s transportation department to manage the taxi chaos within two months, otherwise it will be held accountable. He said: "The relevant departments can’t control this phenomenon, right? If you don’t manage it well, you will be dealt with by the entire team. If you don’t dare to control it, you will send someone who dares to control it."

  After being named, the Liuzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau said it would use the most severe measures to rectify "chaos". The Liuzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau studied and formulated the "Liuzhou Taxi Car" Chaos "special project centralized rectification action plan", and carried out arrangements for taxi rectification actions. The city’s comprehensive traffic law enforcement detachment increased the intensity of road law enforcement and invested in unannounced visits to investigate and deal with taxis who were reported and complained. After filing a case, the reward was 200 yuan for **** people.

On the 13th, taxis in front of Liuzhou Railway Station entered the waiting point in an orderly manner to wait for passengers.

  On the 13th, taxis in front of Liuzhou Railway Station entered the waiting point in an orderly manner to wait for passengers.

  Unannounced visit: How is the taxi chaos rectified?

  After a series of rectification for half a month, how is the current taxi chaos in Liuzhou? On the 13th, the reporter visited the Liuzhou Railway Station, Bus Terminal, South Bus Station, Airport and other problem-prone areas.

  On February 13, people in Liuzhou Railway Station queued up in an orderly manner to take a taxi.

  A warning sign was set up on the side of the road near the railway station, prohibiting taxis from parking and picking up passengers at will, and all taxis were only allowed to wait for passengers at the specified location… I saw a long queue of passengers in an orderly manner in front of the taxi waiting point at the railway station, and the staff of the Comprehensive Traffic Law Enforcement Detachment commanded here to help passengers stop cars and supervise taxis to regulate passengers. There were also taxi reporting and complaint phone warning signs on the scene, and it was difficult to see traces of "starting prices on the ground", "refusing to load" and "pooling".

  On February 13, in front of the railway station in Liuzhou City, a prompt was set up to prohibit cruise taxis from picking up and dropping off passengers.

  That night, when a passenger asked to put his luggage in a seat after taking a taxi, the taxi driver refused. At the scene, the staff of the Liuzhou Traffic Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment stepped forward to coordinate. The staff member said: "From 7:00 to 24:00 every day, there are additional law enforcement officers on duty to strengthen the management of taxi operation order."

  At the South Bus Station, many passengers were able to reach taxis on the road in front of the station, and some taxi drivers got off to help passengers carry their luggage and place it in the trunk.

There are complaint telephone warning signs set up in the taxi and other passenger areas of Liuzhou Railway Station.

  There are complaint telephone warning signs set up in the taxi and other passenger areas of Liuzhou Railway Station.

  Although taxi chaos has been regulated to a certain extent, there are still "picking passengers" and "refusing to take them" in some areas. At the exit of the Liuzhou bus terminal, several taxis were waiting for passengers in the taxi passenger waiting area. At this time, Ms. Zeng came to take a taxi with a 26-inch suitcase and several boxes of apples, but was rejected. Ms. Zeng said that she was going to Liunan, but was rejected by a driver on the grounds that the road was a one-way street. Unfortunately, because Ms. Zeng had too much luggage, she could not carry things across the road to take a taxi by herself, so she had to wait in place for her family to pick her up.

  Shortly after, another group of two adults and three children were about to take a taxi here, but the driver forcibly carpooled and asked them to wait for other passengers to leave. The passenger believed that there were already five people in the group who were unwilling to carpool and left to find a car.

  In addition to the designated area, across the road from the bus terminal, the reporter observed that there were also many passengers waiting for a taxi, and most of the taxis were metered. The reporter randomly took a taxi to a destination one kilometer away. The driver did not think the distance was too close or shared a car, but went directly by metered.

Taxi passenger waiting area in front of Liuzhou Bus Terminal on February 13.

  Taxi passenger waiting area in front of Liuzhou Bus Terminal on February 13.

  Strictly investigate monopolies and "black" situations

  Previously, many people responded that taxis at Liuzhou Airport never used a meter, and the fare was one price. And taxis reported that Liuzhou Airport only allowed a small number of taxis who paid the fare to pick up passengers in the designated area in front of the terminal building, resulting in this situation. To this end, the Liuzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission Discipline Inspection Team in the city and the Municipal Price Bureau launched an investigation and handling. After investigation, Liuzhou Airport, on the grounds of anti-terrorism, controlled a certain number of taxis to pick up passengers in the front area of the terminal building, charging 200 yuan per month. Only 50 taxis registered at Liuzhou Airport were allowed to undertake passenger transportation business at the airport, and other taxis could not enter the front area of the terminal to wait for passengers.

  The practice of Liuzhou Airport restricts and excludes competition, resulting in taxis that have not been registered at Liuzhou Airport carrying passengers from the urban area to the airport after unloading passengers cannot enter the terminal to carry passengers. Unregistered taxis have the phenomenon of emptying the return journey. In order to make up for the loss caused by the return journey, taxi drivers charge passengers in the direction of the airport without meters.

  On February 3, Liuzhou Price Bureau issued a "Notice of Order to Correct" to Liuzhou Airport, requiring Liuzhou Airport to correct immediately from the date of receipt of the notice. On February 4, Liuzhou Airport cancelled airport taxi parking fees and cancelled airport taxi filing limits.

  At the same time, the Liuzhou Public Security Bureau has launched a month-long centralized rectification operation to comprehensively strengthen the rectification of taxi chaos and vigorously promote the rectification of five cars. If the evil forces involving taxis and "five cars" are found in the rectification operation, the public security organs will implement "zero tolerance" to crack down on them.

On February 13, staff of Liuzhou Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team guided passengers to take a taxi in front of the railway station.

  On February 13, staff of Liuzhou Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team guided passengers to take a taxi in front of the railway station.

  Can it be controlled or not?

  At present, there are 11 cruise taxi enterprises in Liuzhou, and the number of cruise taxis is 2,398. Taxi refusal, arbitrary charging, carpooling and other chaos are management problems derived from the development of the taxi industry, and have always been the key rectification goals of taxi industry management departments across the country.

  Regarding the chaos of taxis in Liuzhou City, the Liuzhou Municipal Transportation Administration responded: "There is no phenomenon that I dare not control, and there is no situation that I cannot control."

  Hong Weilin, director of Liuzhou Road Transport Management Office, introduced that in recent years, the impact of online car-hailing and the increase in private car ownership have led to a sharp drop in the income of cruise taxi drivers, and some drivers expect to increase their income through carpooling and bargaining. At the same time, the taxi market is sluggish, the quality of the workforce is reduced, the main responsibility of the operator, and the weakening of administrative supervision have all led to taxi chaos.

  After half a month of rectification, as of now, the Liuzhou Traffic Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment has carried out rectification and investigation of a total of 854 cruising taxis, accepted a total of 76 complaints, and verified that 1 complaint with prizes has been honored.

  According to the rectification plan, anyone who refuses to intercept, negotiate, forcibly splice passengers, take a detour, or dump passengers halfway will be fined 2,000 yuan. Among them, a taxi with a license plate of Gui BT3935 from the car rental branch of Liuzhou Second Transportation Liability Co., Ltd. committed crimes against the wind within 3 days, and there were 2 illegal acts, and two fines of 1,000 yuan and 2,000 yuan were issued. A taxi with a license plate of Gui BT9762 from Liuzhou Tongbang Automobile Transportation Co., Ltd. has been temporarily detained for bargaining charges without dealing with the previous illegal act.

On February 13, people took a taxi at Liuzhou South Bus Station, and the driver got off to help carry luggage.

  On February 13, people took a taxi at Liuzhou South Bus Station, and the driver got off to help carry luggage.

  Rectification is not a gust of wind

  Nowadays, the informatization construction of the taxi industry in Liuzhou has not kept up with the development of the times, and the on-board facilities have been seriously implemented. Some management systems in the industry have caused daily management to be difficult to be in place, and road law enforcement inspections alone cannot achieve overdue results. It is necessary to improve the long-term management mechanism and informatization construction as soon as possible.

  Chen Jian, deputy director of the Liuzhou Transportation Bureau, said that in addition to increasing inspections and severe penalties for the chaos in the taxi industry, the city is planning to introduce some long-term management measures. These include the normalization of law enforcement supervision, the systematization of credit assessment, the intelligence of daily supervision, the popularization of civilization creation, the institutionalization of linkage management, and the legalization of operation management.

  Through the development of a taxi driver registration system, unregistered taxi drivers will not be able to work in the future. At the same time, we will strengthen the assessment and management of taxi companies and drivers. Combined with administrative penalties and integrity assessments, we will study the blacklist mechanism. If it is serious, the driver’s qualification certificate will be cancelled, and other companies will not be allowed to hire again. In addition, we will use big data to improve on-board facilities and equipment, conduct scientific management, and use scientific and technological means to strengthen the supervision of drivers.

  Photo/Text: Zhou Xiaonan, Lin Xin