Hangzhou Chengdu Shuangcheng four tickets sold out! "2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert" announced

The 2023 Hua Chenyu Mars Concert has been announced in three cities – Hangzhou, Chengdu and Wuhan. This year’s "Mars Concert" will still bring the ultimate fusion of music and play, and will also add local characteristics to bring a unique and novel "garden-style" music experience. All four tickets in the Twin Cities are sold out, and the discussion of "Mars Concert" is a hot search on various platforms, once again witnessing Hua Chenyu’s box office appeal.

In the sound of fans’ "encore", Hua Chenyu announced that the Hangzhou station will be added on April 7 and the Chengdu station will be added on May 2, and announced that the Hangzhou station (April 7) will open for pre-sale on March 26. So far, the "Mars Concert" has been held in Haikou Wuyuanhe Stadium (four-sided platform) in 2019, Haikou Changying Global 100 Fantasy Park in 2021, and Hangzhou station and Chengdu station in 2023. Hua Chenyu will also become the only mainland singer to hold three consecutive days of concerts in Haikou, Hangzhou and Chengdu.

For a long time, Hua Chenyu and the Mars concert team have welcomed every Martian home with the utmost sincerity at all costs, insisting that the ticket price does not increase for ten years, the top stage beauty has a long standby time, and one ticket can enjoy two performances of "afternoon show + evening show". The performance duration is not less than 240 minutes, and there are no less than 30 songs per day. Martians can freely choose the way they like to experience the performance. There are also new songs, interactive patterns, romantic streamers and other rotating surprises, so that everyone can immerse themselves in the world of music, eat and drink, and feel the great mountains and rivers of the motherland. And every Martian also gives the "Mars team" a sense of security with the most practical response. Tickets for the Mars Concert in Hangzhou and Chengdu are still in short supply after two consecutive days, which is enough to show everyone’s unswerving expectations for the "Mars Concert". Recently, the organizers announced that the Hangzhou and Chengdu stations will be open for three consecutive days, and the first concert will be advanced to April 7, quietly advancing the pace of the "Mars Spring Season". This move not only tries to meet the expectations of the Martians, but also shows the extraordinary confidence of the Mars team.

The warm spring sun illuminates the pace of "Mars Concert" dream building. With the approaching performance of Hangzhou Station (April 7th & 8th & 9th), the "Mars Behind-the-Scenes Team" has been in Hangzhou Baima Lake Park for nearly a month in advance. Several large trucks with banners of "Mars Concert" slowly drove into the venue. A fantasy Mars paradise will soon be built on this empty land full of thoughts and expectations, and I look forward to every Martian with sincerity returning home. There are also local netizens who warm their hearts every day to post the real-time progress of Mars construction and witness the grand scene of "rising from the ground". The huge silver ring building draws the fairy tale of Mars in their hearts, evoking countless beautiful imaginations. Fans have expressed that this scene is full of a sense of belonging and security! Many fans have started to prepare the red "war robe" when they "go home", or the real-name squatting concert band rehearses the bed-the-scene, and prepares for the "Mars Spring Tour" early.

The third stop of this year’s "Mars Spring outing season" is Hua Chenyu’s hometown of Wuhan, Hubei. Ten years ago, he set out from here with a musical dream for more people to see. Ten years later, he brought the same passion and led tens of thousands of "Martians" home, bringing another layer of romance to this reunion. Looking forward to the pre-sale of the "Mars Concert" Hangzhou Station (April 7), Chengdu Station (May 2), and Wuhan Station (May 27/28), every Martian can go home smoothly!