Bank of China Chongqing Branch: Enhancing the efficiency of high-quality financial services and stimulating the vitality of new Chongqing construction

Bank of China Chongqing Branch supports Chongqing’s high-quality development with high-level financial services.

The tide rises two rivers, and high-quality development sounds the horn. Bank of China Chongqing Branch firmly grasps the proposition of the high-quality development era, deeply integrates into the national major strategy, closely follows the regional development situation, continuously improves the quality and efficiency of comprehensive financial services, and strives to support the development of the real economy and the needs of people’s lives. It helps the construction of a modern new Chongqing to emerge with vigorous vitality.

Top Service Municipal Party Committee "No. 1 Project" Accelerates "Double Circle" Interconnection

In 2024, the "List of Major Projects for the Joint Construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing in 2024" lists a total of 300 projects with a total investment of about 3.60 trillion yuan, promoting the Chengdu and Chongqing regions to further strengthen the "industrial cluster", deepen "collaborative innovation", and improve the "life circle" of the Shuangcheng, and the construction of the "double circle" will be accelerated in an all-round way. As an important platform for the construction of the new district and the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, the Gaozhu New District in Sichuan and Chongqing is relying on the successive implementation of enterprises and projects.

As a state-owned bank rooted in the local area, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has always been an important financial force supporting the construction of Sichuan-Chongqing Gaozhu New Area. Especially since 2023, the bank has closely followed the investment promotion and development plan of the new area, actively connected with a number of key projects, and supported the construction of the new area’s science and technology innovation base. The cumulative credit has exceeded 460 million yuan.

A major project can drive one piece and affect one side. Focusing on key projects and major projects related to the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has made every effort. Since 2023, the bank has included infrastructure projects such as high-speed rail, airports, and rail transit into active growth industries, adding more than 40 billion yuan of credit approval for major projects such as the Chongqing-Wan Railway, Hunan-Chongqing Expressway, and Jiangbei Airport, with a total investment of 7 billion yuan. Focusing on the construction of the Western (Chongqing) Science City, the bank actively deepens the coordination of comprehensive businesses such as bank settlement, credit services and investment consulting services, investment and loan linkage, and financial consulting, and vigorously supports the construction of park projects and industrial development.

While continuing to promote the implementation of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee’s "No. 1 Project" major project, Bank of China Chongqing Branch does not forget the "minutiae" of caring for people’s livelihood, and strives to enrich the happiness base color of residents in Sichuan and Chongqing.

It is reported that the bank insists on promoting financial digital transformation, empowering various businesses with a number of achievements in the field of financial technology and diversified financial digital products, and expanding application scenarios such as smart social security, smart medical care, and smart government construction in multiple dimensions to help improve the quality and efficiency of convenience services in Sichuan and Chongqing cities.

Since 2023, the bank has cooperated with the Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to complete the construction of the social bank direct connection platform, realizing the full online transfer of public-to-public transfers; actively followed up the medical insurance electronic voucher project cooperated by the head office of the Bank of China and the National Healthcare Security Administration, supported the medical security information platform in Chongqing, the upgrading of the informatization level of medical institutions, and the interconnection of information systems between the two parties; and assisted the Chongqing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau to build a medical insurance convenience service workstation in Chengdu and Chongqing, providing 18 medical insurance affairs for residents in Chengdu and Chongqing; providing information construction for the full coverage of 16 prisons in Chongqing, assisting the construction of smart justice, and improving the level of judicial convenience services with financial power.

Deeply empowering the "channel economy" to release the momentum of open development

At the connection point between the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Chongqing shoulders the important task of leading and driving the opening up of the western region, and strives to build a large channel, a large hub, a large port, a large logistics, and a large platform, so that the channel can better radiate to the west, serve the whole country, connect ASEAN, and integrate into the world.

Bank of China Chongqing Branch actively implements the high-level national strategy of opening up to the outside world, vigorously supports the joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", actively serves the new pattern of double-cycle development, and provides comprehensive support for "financing, financing and intelligence" for the development of Chongqing’s open economy and the construction of inland open highlands.

By the end of 2023, the bank will support the construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt through the construction of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, the three major bonded zones, the construction of port highlands, the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project, the Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone and other national independent innovation demonstration zones, and the Chongqing China-Europe Railway. The balance of related credit financing exceeds 26 billion yuan. In the field of "going global" for service enterprises, relying on the "cross-border matching service" model creatively created by the head office, it has successively held on-site matchmaking meetings for international trade customers, "China-Hungary SME Cross-border Investment and Trade Fair", "2019 China (Western) ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Cross-border Investment and Trade Matchmaking Meeting for Industrial and Commercial Enterprises", etc., to help Chongqing enterprises realize a series of international cooperation such as trade, investment and technology introduction. Experts in various fields are invited to participate in the previous China-Singapore Finance Summits in depth, and put forward constructive opinions on cross-border finance, green finance and other aspects; the Singapore branch is linked to hold activities such as "Chongqing Enterprises Go to Singapore Direct Financing Business Exchange Conference".

From April 1st to 3rd this year, the series of activities of "CIIE Entering Chongqing" was grandly held, aiming to rely on Chongqing’s location advantages, resource endowments and industrial characteristics to invite exhibitors, investment promotion institutions and multinational companies to participate in the CIIE, further play the role of important platforms such as investment promotion of the CIIE, and amplify the spillover effect of the platform. This event attracted more than 160 foreign-funded enterprises and investment promotion institutions from more than 10 countries and regions, including the United States, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, etc., involving digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, automobiles and parts, biomedicine, food, consumer goods, service trade and other industries. During the event, Bank of China Chongqing Branch relied on the Bank of China’s "Huiru Wish · Bank of China e-Enterprise Win" global enterprise ecosystem to hold the "Import Expo into Chongqing" Bank of China online matchmaking matchmaking meeting. Chongqing enterprises and overseas enterprises were invited to demonstrate their respective advantages and discuss cooperation intentions through "online one-to-one" negotiation. At the scene, 8 enterprises signed a cooperation agreement with merchants, and 1 enterprise reached an overseas on-site inspection intention.

It is worth mentioning that, as the only strategic partner of the CIIE, Bank of China has supported the CIIE for six consecutive years. Among them, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has actively implemented the responsibility of the only strategic partner of the head office "CIIE", providing financial services for more than 400 Chongqing enterprises to participate in the CIIE, and helping Chongqing enterprises share China’s high-quality opening-up opportunities.

Continue to promote transformation and upgrading, and help Chongqing move towards "new"

New quality productivity is regarded as a key fulcrum for leveraging the high-quality development of China’s economy, and is becoming a surging driving force for "hundreds of competing flows" in various places. Chongqing stands on the manufacturing industry, and the importance and urgency of developing new quality productivity is self-evident. In this context, Bank of China Chongqing Branch has combined with Chongqing to build a "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system, tilted credit policies to enterprises in advanced manufacturing, "specialized and new" enterprises, strategic emerging industries and other fields, paid close attention to the development opportunities of electronic information, basic manufacturing and materials, intelligent manufacturing and other industries, increased financing support for upstream and downstream supply chains of enterprises, and helped Chongqing build an important electronic information industry manufacturing base in the world. It will fully serve the optimization and upgrading of Chongqing’s industrial structure.

In 2023, the bank has provided more than 5 billion yuan in trade financing for important electronic information enterprises in Chongqing; more than 510 new supply chain finance businesses have been added, and the business occurrence is equivalent to nearly 4 billion yuan; the number of supply chain trade financing 1 + N customers has increased by more than 60% compared with the beginning of the year.

The characteristics of new quality productivity are innovation, the key lies in quality, and the essence is advanced productivity. Strengthening financial supply in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and "helping" and "sending" science and technology innovation enterprises have become an important step for Bank of China Chongqing Branch to "new". In addition to continuously increasing credit tilt, the bank insists on adapting measures to local conditions, using "BOC Intelligent Chain" as a breakthrough point to expand supply chain financing, activate the vitality of upstream and downstream enterprises in the scientific and technological innovation industry, explore more accurate full-life cycle financial service solutions, and join hands with enterprises, heart-to-heart, to help Chongqing’s new quality productivity accelerate the formation.

In recent years, the bank has successively launched special products such as "Science and Technology Growth Loan" and "Bank of China Innovation Points Loan". Among them, as the contractor of "Bank of China Science and Technology Finance Pilot Credit Business", the bank has launched "Innovation Points Loan" special products with the help of the "Innovation Points Model" of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Through a series of risk control model judgments and process optimization, the bank has innovatively launched "Science and Technology Growth Loan" products to help high-quality development of science and technology enterprises. By the end of 2023, the bank has approved a credit quota of more than 470 million yuan for 77 technology-based private small and micro enterprises through the "Science and Technology Growth Loan" and "Bank of China Innovation Points Loan" products, and the credit balance exceeds 320 million

The relevant person in charge of Bank of China Chongqing Branch said that on the new journey of accelerating the construction of a modern financial power, it will continue to practice the political and people’s nature of financial work, do a solid job in the "five major articles", support the real economy more effectively, improve service quality and efficiency more comprehensively, control financial risks more effectively, strive to create a new situation of transformation and development, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a modern new Chongqing.