After Didi’s "scold", more pragmatic actions are needed


 Didi has recently been quite "attentive", launching a complain program of "Chattering Didi", which is self-deprecating, self-deprecating, mutual tearing, "red-faced sweating", which has attracted a lot of laughter and applause. The president, Ms. Liu Qing, personally "went to the grassroots" and worked as an operator to respond to users’ complaints. The funny and warm feelings are combined, and while adding points to Didi, there are also voices of doubt.

In the public video, Liu Qing asked Didi executives to go to the first-line experience operator when they were promoted. From her personal experience, the professionalism is debatable. Grassroots customer service is a variety of cooperation work. If this can represent Didi’s customer service level, it will actually increase users’ concerns. We can’t say this is a "show", but professional people do professional things. Even if executives come to answer the phone as customer service, can they reap real problems? The key is that on-the-job customer service strictly implements relevant systems.

Look at the complain link again. The selected roles are talk show stars, luxury car stars, drivers, and product manager representatives. Is this user sample down-to-earth and can it represent the voice of the majority? In response to specific questions: the price increase of taxis, take "riding a bicycle will pass by the fruit store to buy expensive cherries" to prove that taxis are more cost-effective; the big data kill problem, the response is "You have only driven a few times, are we familiar with you?"; the estimated price error problem, take the black car price "darker" as a comparison; the customer thinks that the navigation detours far and insists on his own direction, which boils down to the passenger’s "will to ride a bicycle".

For another example: passengers can’t get a taxi, and the product manager attributed the root cause to limited transportation capacity, "I can’t do it". The problem is that behind the limited transportation capacity, is it a regulatory problem in various places? Or is it a problem with the platform? In a business, if there is demand, there will be supply. Who doesn’t make money? If the reflection is not deep, the problem is difficult to solve.
Didi allows users, drivers, and staff to "make a big noise" and figure out the problem in complaining, ridiculing, and speculating. This is a good thing.After all, it opened the door to facing the problem directly, but the problem was that the on-site answers were more hesitant, which closed the door to solving the problem again.

Therefore, many netizens have questioned,Is this spending money to scold, or whitewashing and boasting?

Looking at the scope of the problems discussed in this Roast, it is generally limited to shallow levels such as long queuing time, opaque price, inaccurate positioning, inaccurate navigation, and stingy taxi coupons.Safety is rarely discussed.Finally, Liu Qing’s sentence "On security issues, we are not joking" ended hastily. Judging from the effect of solving the problem, this kind of open dialogue seems to "address only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue". On the surface, it is lively. If you think about it carefully, there is no real solution to the fundamental problem.

For travel, it’s not about how fast you run, but how stable you run without "rolling over". Users don’t necessarily demand how perfect the app is.What matters more is that the service is cost-effective and safe.A correct understanding of the problem is the prerequisite for correcting the problem later.

Some people think that it is difficult to travel, and it is inherently difficult, and they are too harsh on Didi. Many people commute to get off work and travel without Didi. We are patient with service improvement and innovation. As a "breaker", we must have a great responsibility.

Self-blackening is a good starting point, don’t keep "blackening".Liu Qing also realized that "users always think that Didi is cheating people". We have seen too many examples of companies "humbly admitting their mistakes and not changing their lives", such as telecommunications harassment, bidding rankings, big data push… After many companies fall into a crisis, they either pass the problem on to temporary workers to take the blame, or directly attack the media to spread rumors, or hide and be an "ostrich". Didi has chosen a good way to dare to scold, and now it needs more pragmatic actions, otherwise scolding is equivalent to scolding in vain.

Catering enterprises in the face of the epidemic in addition to force takeaway, what other tricks?

  The delivery guy sprayed disinfectant on his body.

  Catering enterprise employees "fire line to join" fresh food platform.

  Soup base, ingredients, special thermal insulation container… Takeaway hot pot "all internal organs"

  Text, Photo/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter Zeng Fanying, Correspondent Zhang Bin, Xian Wenxin

  Yesterday was the first day after the Spring Festival that enterprises resumed work and production, and many catering businesses have experienced a long Spring Festival holiday.

  At present, many catering enterprises are facing difficulties, actively responding, and exploring and seeking to break through. Recently, various catering private enterprises have launched countermeasures to meet market demand and create more new opportunities for their own development. How effective various countermeasures are remains to be seen. Are they ready for the arrival of "spring"?

  Countermeasure 1: cooked food, work in progress, fresh ingredients can be takeaway

  "Alan’s Food Group" is the WeChat "fan group" of Liyatu, a well-known western restaurant in Guangzhou. In just one week, the number of people in the WeChat group has exceeded 400. Fans place orders in the WeChat group to buy Liyatu’s online products, and the store uses "errands" to deliver them to their doors. The restaurant either publishes "advertisements" through the WeChat official account and Moments, or launches a takeaway platform, or communicates through WeChat customer service to achieve consumption. A Chaoshan beef hot pot-themed store in Dongshankou generates 70% of its daily turnover from takeout. As dine-in food is cold, takeout has become the main source of income for many restaurants. Catering companies have also paid attention to takeaway safety issues: body temperature monitoring, safety labels, contactless delivery, sealed boxes… all kinds of measures have been used.

  In addition, sinking community service is also one of the directions to break through. Chen Na, director of the brand value growth center of Yunnan Yunhai Food Catering Management Co., Ltd., said that after the epidemic, they increased the investment of some resources in online retail and quickly organized manpower to establish distribution policies. "We are exploring the establishment of a community service station within a radius of three kilometers of the store. This service station uses the advantages of Yunhai Food’s existing supply chain and logistics to help residents within a three-kilometer radius to purchase fresh ingredients and work in progress, and then deliver them to their door through community group buying." Chen Na said, "At present, we have established 100 community stations across the country."

  Countermeasure 2: Sharing labor to ease cost pressure

  Wei Xuxiang, founder of United Food, told reporters that in an ordinary Cantonese restaurant with an area of about two or three hundred square meters, the labor cost accounts for about 15% to 20%, which is higher than the rental cost.

  The reporter learned that at present, a number of urban areas in the province have issued announcements requiring restaurants to stop eating in the lobby to avoid dinners, and Panyu District is one of them. Many employees are temporarily out of work, and labor costs are a big expense for catering companies. Recently, Hema Fresh, a subsidiary of Ali, has reached a "shared employment" with catering companies to solve the problem of personnel waiting for work in catering companies, reduce the cost pressure of catering companies, and also alleviate the challenge of insufficient manpower in the supermarket lifestyle consumer industry.

  Guangzhou Daily’s full media reporter learned that more than 30 catering companies, including Xibei, Naxue, and Tanyu, are communicating and cooperating with Hema. At present, 57 degrees Xiang, Chayan Yuese, Shu Daxia, Wangxiangyuan and other catering companies have reached a cooperation with Hema, and will support more than 500 employees of Hema in total. They will be involved in packing, sorting, shelves, catering and other work, and their labor compensation will be paid by Hema. Hu Qiugen, general manager of national operation and management of Hema, said that catering companies need to solve the problem of personnel waiting for work. At the same time, their employees are safe and professionally trained, "which can quickly help solve the difficulties of increasing orders and insufficient manpower."

  Yunnan Yunhai Food Catering Management Co., Ltd. brand value growth center director Chen Na said that the current line traffic counting is low, in addition to docking box horse, they are also docking other online retail, to achieve the output of the human part, to ease the pressure of manpower.

  Cheng Gang, secretary-general of the Guangdong Catering Service Industry Association, told Guangzhou Daily that the association is currently working with professional third-party human resources enterprises to meet their needs, hoping to allocate the rich manpower of Guangdong catering enterprises by transferring jobs or enterprises, including coordinating the deployment of excess manpower from some catering enterprises to pharmaceutical enterprises and factories with greater demand for personnel.

  Countermeasure 3: "Slim down" in time and wait for the market to recover

  These days, the chairperson of Yaohua Catering Group, Qu, can’t sleep at night again, thinking about solutions. Two days ago, he made a painful decision to close five of his brand stores. So far, there are 15 stores left in the group, distributed in Liwan, Yuexiu, Tianhe and Baiyun districts. Yaohua Group is a Guangzhou Catering Group with a series of Lingnan-style brands such as Goose Gong Village, Banmanwan, Lingnan True Flavor, Flavor Rice Congee City, and Shahefen Village. There are a total of 2,000 or 3,000 employees in its 20 stores. Now, he has to "break his arm" and give up some stores in order to reduce losses as much as possible. At the same time, he compensates employees and introduces other stores that "pass the file" to work according to the needs of employees.

  Diandude, a well-known catering company in Guangzhou, revealed that all its store dine-in business is currently closed, leaving only a few stores to operate takeaway business. "On the one hand, we respond actively, and on the other hand, we face it calmly and wait patiently," Shen Zhihui, general manager of Diandude, told reporters. Shen Zhihui’s family has been engaged in the catering industry for generations and also experienced the "SARS" period. He said that the response at that time was to "lose weight", reduce the business area, focus on the main business, and at the same time pay attention to food safety and wait for the market recovery.

Countdown to "Wuzhen time" ing! Are you ready?

  From November 16th to 18th, the highly anticipated 3rd World Internet Conference will be held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. At that time, the world Internet will once again enter "Wuzhen time".


  In 2014, the World Internet Conference "landed" in Wuzhen. This beautiful town in the south of the Yangtze River is famous for its connection with the Internet. Now, the annual World Internet Conference has entered its third year. After two years of accumulation, Wuzhen, a thousand-year-old town, has also taken on new life because of the integration of the Internet. Tomorrow, it will open its arms again to welcome guests and friends from all over the world.

  At this moment, Wuzhen was ready…

  At present, the conference volunteers are in place, some media have started work, and all preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. If you don’t believe me, look~


In order to ensure the smooth progress of media reports, the WI-FI signal in Wuzhen will be fully covered.


  It is understood that,This conference will feature six forums and 20 topics, covering cutting-edge hot issues such as Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, Internet governance, and Internet international cooperation.

  The third Internet Conference is approaching. Do you remember the highlights of the previous two sessions?


  On December 16, 2015, the 2nd World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. The top leader of the President attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Photo by Li Tao, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

  The Supreme Leader’s Four Principles and Five Propositions

  At the Second World Internet Conference, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech.It is proposed that to promote the reform of the global Internet governance system, four principles should be adhered to, namely, respect for network sovereignty, and safeguardingPeace and security, promoting open cooperation, and building good order.

  In response to how countries should expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, the Supreme Leader put forward five propositions, namely, to accelerate global network infrastructure building and promote interconnection; to create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform to promote exchanges and mutual learning; to promote the innovative development of the network economy and promote common prosperity; to ensure cyber security and promote orderly development; to build an Internet governance system and promote fairness and justice.

  The speech of the supreme leader caused heated discussions among the guests, and everyone said that President Xi’s speech was down-to-earth and heart-warming, reflecting the attitude and direction of our country’s Internet openness and cooperation, and planning a blueprint for the development of our country’s Internet industry in the next 5 to 10 years.

  This year, what will the Supreme Leader Chairperson say? Stay tuned~

  The First Internet Conference New Products and New Concepts

  The "Light of the Internet" theme exhibition of the first Internet Conference mainly showcased the development achievements of China’s Internet in the past 20 years. More than 50 well-known Internet companies at home and abroad, including BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent), the three major domestic communication operators, Huawei,, etc., showcased the cutting-edge technologies and application achievements of the Internet industry at that time. For example, Ant Financial Services, Tencent Smart Wear, Baidu Interactive Mirror… In addition, Internet bosses also delivered keynote speeches.

  Ma Yun: Solving the problem of counterfeiting can only rely on the Internet

  At the first World Internet Conference, Alibaba Group Executive Chairperson Jack Ma delivered a keynote speech, saying that the problem of counterfeiting can only be solved by the Internet. He believes that merchants are most afraid of selling counterfeits on Taobao, because it is easy to find out who is selling, and the public security can find it immediately.

  Zhou Hongyi: The Internet must have the concept of "great security"

  With the increasing popularity of the Internet, cyber security has also attracted more and more attention. During the first World Internet Conference, Zhou Hongyi, chairperson and CEO of Qihoo 360, said that the establishment of a cyber security environment should not be limited to just killing viruses, but should further strengthen the concept of "big security".

  Rebs talks about Xiaomi’s "dream" and is ridiculed by Apple

  At the first World Internet Conference, Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi Technology, said of his dream: "According to our current mastery and investment in the Internet, Xiaomi may become the world’s number one smartphone company in five to 10 years." In this regard, Bruce Sewell, senior vice-president of Apple, quipped: "It is always easy to say, but it is not so easy to do."

As the permanent site of the World Internet Conference, Internet elements can be seen everywhere on the ancient streets of Wuzhen.

  The Second Internet Conference achieved full intelligence, and new economic forces emerged

  The second Internet Conference has a new "Light of the Internet" Expo. Nearly 260 companies from the Asia-Pacific region, the United States, Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world participated in the exhibition, and more than 80 special conferences were held, which fully showcased the cutting-edge technologies and latest achievements of Internet development at home and abroad. Baidu driverless cars, Volvo "smart connected cars", and China Telecom’s 5G technology have all appeared. So, what is the difference between this summit and the previous one?

  Summit to achieve full intelligence, dedicated APP is awesome

  As the permanent venue of the World Internet Conference, Wuzhen has achieved a comprehensive improvement in networking and intelligence under the driving force of Internet development. In 2015, the summit developed a dedicated APP and established a conference cloud system to realize 4G network and Internet experience in all time and space.

  Emergence of new economic power of Internet celebrities

  In 2015, a new ethnic group was born, the Internet celebrities, which is a significant feature on Alibaba’s e-commerce platform. Its production is another manifestation of the power of the whole new economy. Zhang Yong, Alibaba’s chief executive, believes that they rely entirely on the power of individuals to gather a group of like-minded fans to follow her, and ultimately generate economic opportunities and business opportunities. This is very amazing.


  Blue calico salesperson Zhao Bingsen introduced to reporters that through the Internet, sales channels have been fully opened, and monthly online sales can reach more than 100,000 yuan.


  Looking back at the achievements and highlights of the previous two summits, what are the people and things worth paying attention to at this Internet Conference? More exciting, let’s wait and see.

  Reporter: Wang Rui, Wang Wenwei

  Photo by Han Jing

The 2023 of Wei Xiaoli! Who is happy and who is sad? The wheel of destiny of the new force of building a car begins a new round of rotation?

Text/Peninsula All Media Reporter Zheng Tianzhong

Recently, major brands of new car-making forces collectively released the delivery volume in December 2023 and the annual delivery volume in 2023. There is no accident in the dispute of "selling the crown". LI’s sales in December exceeded 50,000 units, and the annual sales reached an astonishing 376,000 units, which is truly "far ahead"; The second place is Weilai Automobile, with the annual delivery exceeding 160,000 units, up 30% year-on-year. The figures are gratifying, but whether its prospects are bright or not is quite controversial. Followed by the car with zero running and Xpeng Motors, the gap between them is very small in 2023, with sales of more than 140,000 units, with zero running slightly ahead. Some "left behind" are Nezha Automobile. In 2023, the delivery volume of Nezha was 127,400 units, down 16% year-on-year.

Obviously, the "Wei Xiaoli" who started almost at the same time have opened the gap in 2023. The good ones can directly challenge BBA, and the poor ones will face the test of survival. In the extremely involuted market, where will the new forces of making cars go?

LI, which has no pure electric products, is "far ahead" in delivery.

Transcript of 2023: In December, LI delivered 50,353 new cars, up 22.72% from the previous month and 137.15% from the same period of last year, which was the first time that it delivered more than 50,000 new cars per month. By the end of December, LI delivered a total of 376,030 vehicles in 2023, up by 182.21% year-on-year. In this regard, LI CEO Li Xiang said, "All the goals in 2023 have been achieved: 376,000, 50,000, 20,000 and 300. Challenge higher goals in 2024: 800,000, 100,000, 30,000 and 2000 ". In other words, the annual delivery target of LI in 2024 is 800,000 vehicles.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the Ideal MEGA will be officially released on March 1, 2024, which is the fourth model of LI and the first MPV model. The ideal MEGA has made its debut at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show and started blind ordering. The estimated price will be less than 600,000 yuan.

Comments: 376,000 units! This means that the delivery volume of LI in 2023 is more than twice that of Weilai, which has completely opened the distance with other new car-making forces "small partners". What’s more commendable is that the price of ideal models is more than 300,000 yuan. On the basis of such a high price, LI can achieve sales of nearly 380,000 units, which is comparable to Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi. I have to say that although LI only focuses on extended range and has no pure electric products yet, its ability to find the market and demand is too strong, and "sofa color TV refrigerator" can be a classic case of automobile sales in China!

Facing the "involution", where is Weilai’s future?

Transcript of 2023: In December, Weilai Automobile delivered 18,012 vehicles, up 12.86% from the previous month and 13.89% from the previous month; In 2023, a total of 160,038 vehicles were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 30.66%. On NIO Day 2023, Weilai’s first luxury car ET9 was unveiled, with a pre-sale price of 800,000 yuan, but the new car will not be delivered until the first quarter of 2025.

Comments: In 2023, the delivery volume exceeded 160,000 units, ranking second in the "Five Xiaoqiang", a new force in car manufacturing. Weilai’s report card looks ok, but it is not optimistic in reality. First of all, the sales volume of Weilai’s 160,000 units has an exponential gap from the ideal sales volume of 376,000 units, which is hard to match. On the contrary, there is a zero run and Tucki’s breathing behind it; Secondly, Weilai’s eight models, including ES8, ES6, ES7, EC6, EC7, ET7, ET5 and ET5T, have achieved such an achievement. Correspondingly, there are only three ideal models for sale: L7, L8 and L9. Taking November 2023 as an example, the top-selling models of Weilai are ES6, ET5T and EC6, and the monthly sales of other models are less than 2,000. The industry believes that the out-of-control pace of product iterative update is the main reason why its sales volume is less than market expectations.

The most fundamental reason is that the new energy vehicle market is extremely involuted this year. The high-end smart driving and air suspension that originally appeared only in high-end models have also become popular in models with a price of more than 200,000 yuan. Correspondingly, the Weilai model with a price of more than 300,000 yuan is not so powerful in terms of cost performance. In addition, throughout 2024, Weilai Automobile will not have a new generation of models, so the test it faces will be very great.

Zero running kills a "blood road" in terms of cost performance.

Transcript of 2023: In December, 18,618 zero-running cars were delivered, a slight increase of 0.59% from the previous month and a year-on-year increase of 119.22%. On December 24th, 2023, Zhu Jiangming, the founder of Zero Run Automobile, said in an open letter of the 8th anniversary of the establishment of Zero Run that more than 20,000 vehicles may be delivered in December, but from the latest delivery data, the zero run automobile failed to achieve this expectation. In 2023, a total of 144,155 zero-running cars were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 29.67%.

Comments: In 2023, the zero-run car wanted to understand a truth, that is, it did not have outstanding brand recognition. If it wants to survive and develop in this cruel market, it can only be "rolled up", and the main thing is a high cost performance. In the first half of 2023, it carried out one-step price reduction. For example, as a medium and large-sized new energy car, the zero-run C01 started at 145,800 yuan for the extended-range version and 149,800 yuan for the pure-electric version, and its cost performance was "bursting". After the zero-run T03 discount, it is only 49,900 yuan, which is also quite prominent in the small pure tram camp!

After getting rid of the crisis, Tucki finally got better.

Transcript of 2023: In December, Xpeng Motors delivered 20,115 vehicles, up by 0.37% month-on-month and 78.13% year-on-year, and delivered more than 20,000 vehicles for three consecutive months, reaching a new monthly delivery record. In 2023, Xpeng Motors delivered 141,601 vehicles, up by 17.26% year-on-year. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Tucki X9 has just been listed, with the price ranging from 359,800 yuan to 419,800 yuan. As the flagship model under Tucki’s "Boom" structure, the new car is positioned as a medium and large MPV, and its power is pure electric power system.

Comments: Due to the "mistake" in the pricing of G9 at the beginning of listing, Xpeng Motors suffered a decline in sales at the beginning of 2023. Fortunately, Tucki G6 of "last stand" finally showed its sincerity in price, and the starting price of 209,900 yuan really shocked the market at that time, and Tucki’s monthly sales began to sprint towards 20,000 units. Then the new G9 went on the market in September, 2023, with a crazy drop of 46,000 yuan, which once again opened the market. Coupled with the competitive price of X9, Xpeng Motors finally ate a "reassurance"!

Nezha cars are pinned on overseas markets?

Transcript of 2023: Nezha Automobile delivered 127,496 vehicles in 2023, down 16.16% year-on-year. In December, the delivery volume of Nezha automobiles was 5,135, down 58.93% from the previous month and 34.12% from the same period of last year, which was the sixth consecutive month that it ranked last in the list of "Five Xiaoqiang".

Comments: Compared with Ideal, Weilai, Tucki and Zero Run, the presence of Nezha cars in the car world is indeed a little lower, and its current situation is not ideal. In this regard, Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha Automobile, also conducted a review. He believes that "it was not done well in 2023, mainly because the new and old products were not well connected and the rhythm was chaotic; The listing price of new products is too high, although the adjustment was in place in the second half of the year, it lost the opportunity; Loss-making product lines greatly reduce production; The mode of communication is old and there are good things that can’t be said; The marketing headquarters is centralized and weak in management. " Zhang Yong said that in 2024, Nezha Automobile will launch two new models and adjust its marketing system. In addition, Nezha Auto is seeking to boost its sales through the development of overseas markets. According to official data, in 2023, the sales volume of Nezha Auto in overseas markets exceeded 20,000.

General comment: swim against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat

Judging from the situation in 2023, the new car-making forces "Five Xiaoqiang" Ideal, Weilai, Tucki, Zero Run and Nezha are facing different situations. The ideal sales lead is relatively large, and the profitability is also good. Weilai, Tucki and Zero Run are still fighting together in terms of delivery volume. Who can be a big attraction in early 2024? And Nezha Auto needs to make real efforts to improve its sales and presence. At the same time, the competition in the whole new energy market is very fierce. Traditional independent brands, joint venture brands and luxury car brands will all make big moves in 2024, and the situation faced by the new forces of building cars is still grim. As the saying goes, "sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat", and "Five Xiaoqiangs" need to have a full sense of competition to further enhance their shortcomings.

The commission owed is over 1 billion! Well-known real estate agents issued a document, naming Evergrande and Baoneng

  Intermediaries are an important part of the real estate market. Due to the changes in the real estate market in recent years, incidents of intermediaries "asking for salaries" from developers have also occurred from time to time.

  Recently, a document titled "Notice on Matters Related to Shenzhen Zhongyuan Feedback Commission Advance" circulated on the Internet, in which the information that "each developer/agent has not paid Shenzhen Zhongyuan’s commission exceeds 1 billion" attracted attention.

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  Well-known intermediaries post for commissions

  The signature of the online document is "Shi Junrong, CEO of Zhongyuan Group", and the time is August 11, 2023.

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  According to the document, in recent years, the real estate industry has been sluggish, and developers’ capital chains have been broken and thunderous, unable to pay the sales commissions of Zhongyuan Group and its related companies normally, resulting in consecutive huge losses and difficult operations.

  According to First Finance, insiders of Zhongyuan Group confirmed the authenticity of the above documents to First Finance.

  "According to the practice of the real estate sales industry for many years, the income of sales personnel includes basic salary and commission, and the commission needs to be paid after receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent." The above-mentioned commission payment system has been implemented by Zhongyuan Group since its establishment 45 years ago, and the basic salary part of employees has always been paid in full on time every month, and there has never been any delay in salary or malicious arrears of salary.

  Regarding the commissions not received by employees, the above-mentioned document states that if Shenzhen Zhongyuan is required to advance the commission without receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent, even if only the commission of the grassroots employees is advanced, the amount of funds that need to be advanced has exceeded 400 million yuan, which will make the company’s operation more difficult. For the reasons mentioned above, Zhongyuan Group and Shenzhen Zhongyuan do not have the prerequisites for advance payment of employee commissions and partner commissions without receiving the sales commission from the developer/agent. However, considering the living difficulties of some particularly difficult employees, the board of directors of Zhongyuan Group has decided to issue special hardship pensions to employees with special difficulties. Employees with special needs can submit applications according to the process, and the group employee association will review and approve them.

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  Involving Evergrande, Baoneng, etc

  According to public information, Shenzhen Zhongyuan belongs to Zhongyuan Group, which was established in 1978 and is a large-scale comprehensive real estate service enterprise mainly engaged in real estate agency business, including property management, measurement and valuation, mortgage agency, asset management, data integration, and investment immigration.

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  The company’s official website shows that currently, Zhongyuan Group has more than 55,000 employees, 2,500 directly-operated floor shops, and has established branches in 60 cities around the world, with business reaching hundreds of cities. It has become a pioneer and leader in the real estate agency industry.

  According to the Shanghai Securities News, Shenzhen Zhongyuan is the abbreviation of Zhongyuan Real Estate Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. It is a large professional real estate agency company in Shenzhen. Since 2001, the number and sales volume of real estate agents in the secondary market have accounted for the main share of the Shenzhen real estate market.

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  Shenzhen Zhongyuan provides research services for government land investment, full consultation planning and sales agency services for developers, and residential, office, shop, factory rental and sales brokerage services, as well as mortgage, appraisal and other services for customers in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

  The above-mentioned document states that in recent years, the real estate industry has been sluggish, and the capital chains of major developers have been broken one after another. They have been unable to pay the sales commissions of Zhongyuan Group and its related companies normally, resulting in consecutive huge losses and difficult operations.According to statistics, the developers/agents have not paid Shenzhen Zhongyuan commission more than 1 billionThe court has initiated a lawsuit to pursue the amount of 535 million yuan.Where the court has ruled that the amount of enforcement exceeded 400 millionThe amount to be judged 135 million multiple.

  At present, the main developers and projects sued by Shenzhen Zhongyuan include Kaisa, Hengda, Baoneng, Shimao, Longguang, and Jixiangli. The above-mentioned real estate developers who have been sued recently are also subject to various news.

  According to First Finance, Bai Wenxi, vice chairperson of China Enterprise Capital Alliance and chief economist of IPG China, told First Finance that from the perspective of creditor repayment order, the payment of intermediary sales commission should be classified as ordinary creditor’s rights, and the general supplier is in the same sequence, and the repayment order is after the senior debt rights with secured mortgage and other credit enhancement conditions, and before preference share.

  Bai Wenxi said that in the process of chasing commissions, real estate intermediaries can seize as many of the other party’s effective assets and key current accounts as possible by means of pre-litigation preservation, and then fully negotiate with the other party to achieve maximum reconciliation as much as possible, so as to recover claims as soon as possible.

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  Shenzhen second-hand housingDeal size shrinks

  A massive loss of employees

  Data from the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association shows that since 2020, the transaction volume of second-hand houses in Shenzhen has continued to decline. From 2020 to 2022, the number of second-hand houses signed online in Shenzhen (the number of sales and purchase contracts initiated on the Shenzhen real estate information platform, and the number of non-final transactions) was 120,295, 44,375, and 26,853, respectively. The number of second-hand houses recorded in the first half of this year was 20,852, only a fraction of the peak in 2020.

  On July 12 this year, data disclosed by the Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association revealed that the average monthly turnover of second-hand real estate agents in Shenzhen in the first half of this year was 0.09 units per person, translating to an intermediary who could only sell 1.08 units a year.

  In recent years, the scale of second-hand housing transactions in Shenzhen has shrunk, leading to a large loss of employees.

  "At the peak of the market, there were more than 60,000 star-rated intermediaries (real-name registration practitioners) in Shenzhen, but now there are only more than 20,000 people left, and the industry is struggling to survive," said a relevant person from the Shenzhen Fangfang Association. In addition, the "newcomer rate" of Shenzhen’s intermediary industry in the first half of this year was about 21.6%. In 2020, when the market is hot, 49.3% of practitioners are newcomers.

  The Shenzhen Real Estate Intermediaries Association pointed out that the first-quarter "phased Xiaoyangchun" market in Shenzhen’s second-hand housing market came to an abrupt end after entering April. Even from the second quarter, the monthly transaction volume continued to drop, and returned to the embarrassing situation of less than 3,000 units per month during the annual epidemic. In the final analysis, after the market bottomed out, market confidence has not been completely restored. After entering the second half of the year, with the accumulation of new housing sales pressure, the white-hot competition for second-hand housing and the weakening of market expectations for policies, in the absence of any support to stabilize expectations, it may be difficult for the market to reproduce a similar "phased Xiaoyangchun" market in the first quarter in the near future.

  edit|Sun Zhicheng, Yi QijiangProofreading |Zhao Qing

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Autonavi announced the launch of "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Integrated Navigation", which realizes the first unified navigation experience in the Greater Bay Area based on Beidou

  Recently, on the 24th anniversary of Macau’s return to China, Autonavi Maps announced the official launch of "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Integrated Navigation". This service is based on the research and development of the Beidou satellite navigation system, and is committed to providing accurate and convenient navigation and travel services in the Greater Bay Area. It realizes a seamless connection with the use experience of Autonavi maps in the mainland, so as to better serve the increasingly hot "south-up-north-down" two-way travel and promote economic integration and development. This is also the first map navigation product in the industry to span the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao region and achieve a unified experience.

  According to reports, in order to achieve the goal of integrated travel and navigation in the Greater Bay Area, this Autonavi map is based on Beidou positioning technology and has launched a number of innovative functions for Hong Kong and Macao, including lane-level navigation, intelligent traffic light countdown, tunnel navigation, and intersection guidance maps, etc., which have greatly improved the level of route planning and navigation services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  For example, the Beidou lane-level navigation service, Autonavi’s self-developed deep learning model, can realize the 3D automatic modeling of the whole road network integration, and realize the fully automated 3D mapping of building roads, natural environment, urban landmarks and other elements in the map in Hong Kong and Macao; and based on the AI dynamic vision technology for driver human factors engineering, it can dynamically adjust the navigation screen closer to the driving perspective according to the current location and road shape, and build a digital world that combines virtual and real, allowing users to see what they get during the navigation process, "second understanding".

  After the launch of "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Integrated Navigation", Autonavi Beidou lane-level navigation has been further popularized nationwide and has become the largest lane-level navigation service in the world.

  There is also an intelligent traffic light countdown service, which is also based on the continuous and stable positioning ability of the Beidou system, combined with cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and smart transportation to build core computing power, so that the real-world traffic light countdown countdown can be realized on the APP. "Mirror" reproduction.

  According to reports, the Autonavi smart traffic light service was first launched in the mainland in May 2022. This is the first red light countdown service in the industry to be launched on the smartphone terminal and "anticipate" second-level changes in computing power. As of now, the daily countdown service provided by Autonavi smart traffic lights nationwide has exceeded 2 billion.

  In addition, Autonavi tunnel navigation has also been launched in Hong Kong and Macao. Based on the self-developed "inertial navigation spatial positioning technology", it integrates mobile phone sensors, road networks, mobile networks, satellites and other elements for mixed real-time computing, which greatly alleviates the stability of positioning signals in tunnels.

  Autonavi tunnel navigation was first launched in March this year and is the first domestic tunnel navigation technology solution with complete positioning capabilities and based on smartphones.

  There is also the Autonavi cross-city bus service, which can also realize the integrated travel plan planning that spans any city and region in the Greater Bay Area, covers multiple travel modes such as bus, walking, cycling, and calculates extremely fine time and distance, truly achieving a "door-to-door without dead ends", one-click intercity public travel planning service.

  In addition to the above features, Autonavi Maps has also added practical services such as intersection guidance large map, riding and walking navigation in the Greater Bay Area, and greatly updated and optimized the data "freshness" in the area (for example, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge that has just started trial operation has also been included in the route planning plan), dedicated to further strengthening the unity of navigation and travel services in the Greater Bay Area.

  As a professional provider of digital map content, navigation and location-based service solutions, Autonavi Maps has always been committed to using technological innovation to transform various cutting-edge technologies into civilian transportation services to provide users with a better travel experience. In the future, Autonavi Maps will also continue to improve in the field of technology to better serve the transportation of the majority of users.

Autonavi Maps launches truck navigation to help 30 million drivers travel safely

On December 6th, Autonavi Maps launched a new truck navigation function, which is a new feature introduced by Autonavi Maps for special needs groups after the launch of barrier-free maps. Truck navigation can help many drivers accurately avoid the restricted and restricted routes of trucks, making it smarter and safer to travel in large cars.

With the rapid development of logistics freight and e-commerce, truck drivers have now become a very large social group. According to statistics, there are currently about 30 million truck drivers in China, and there are 15 million road freight vehicles, with an average of more than 84 million tons of goods in transit every day.

Due to the strong demand for long-distance, long-distance and multi-frequency travel, truck drivers rely heavily on mobile maps and navigation applications. Autonavi traffic big data shows that trucks in some areas use navigation for an average of more than 400 minutes in a month. At present, there is no accurate and easy-to-use product in the mainstream map applications in China that can fully meet the requirements of truck drivers.

"Trucks should have the highest requirements for navigation and map data fineness among all vehicle types." The relevant person in charge of Autonavi Maps said that due to the strict height, width, weight, and travel restrictions on the road, once the truck enters the restricted road section, it is more difficult for the truck to turn around, not only to pay fines for violations, but also to cause road congestion and even cause safety risks.

There have been many similar cases this year. In late November this year, under the overpass of Jianshe Road, West Third Ring Road, Zhengzhou City, a refrigerated truck was stuck under the overpass while passing a bridge with a height limit of 3 meters. Traffic data showed that after the accident, the congestion delay index of the relevant road section (the travel time of traffic congestion passing/the travel time of free flow passing, the higher the index, the more serious the congestion) peaked at 4.11, and the congestion delay index was greater than 1.8 for about 8 hours throughout the day.

Autonavi map truck navigation is to solve the urgent needs of 30 million truck drivers. When drivers use it for the first time, they can directly use this function by adding basic parameters such as truck type, brand, weight, length and width. During the use of truck navigation, Autonavi map performs intelligent calculation based on high-precision big data, and will automatically plan a navigation route that meets the restrictions of all aspects of the truck they drive. The road is safe and smooth to avoid violations and dangers.

It is understood that the current Autonavi map has covered more than one million truck weight limits, height limits, width limits, axle load limits, travel restrictions, bans and other road information across the country. In addition, the Autonavi map also specially adds the location data of truck checkpoints across the country, and provides navigation and voice reminders during the navigation process, allowing drivers to know the number and location of checkpoints.

Another new feature of the Autonavi map, "Team", is also very suitable for the needs of truck drivers. The so-called "team" means that drivers share each other’s real-time location through the same group of team passwords, and can be displayed in real time on each other’s Autonavi map navigation interface, which is convenient for each other to view and find. Since truck drivers often start in teams when delivering goods, and the journey is long, they can take care of each other through the "team" function of the Autonavi map. In addition, with the help of this function, cargo owners and card sisters can also check the real-time location of drivers and keep abreast of their movements.

"Truck navigation once again reflects Autonavi Maps’ professional and profound accumulation in big data." The person in charge said that Autonavi Maps has Class A surveying and mapping qualifications for navigation electronic maps, Class A qualifications for surveying and mapping aerial photography, and Class A surveying and mapping qualifications for Internet map services. As of the first half of 2017, Autonavi traffic big data has covered 360 + cities across the country, as well as 7.90 million kilometers of navigation road data, with more than 400 kinds of road attribute information alone.

The launch of truck navigation has once again enriched the travel services of the Autonavi map easy platform. The easy platform is the one-stop public travel service platform first launched by Autonavi in the middle of this year. It has previously been connected to many travel service providers such as Didi Chuxing, Shenzhou Special Car, Shouqi Car, Mobike, ofo, and Flying Pig.

Mijia fresh fan experience: close the window for ventilation, fresh to forget the existence of PM2.5.

  Haze has made people aware of the existence of PM2.5, serious diseases have made people aware of the harm of formaldehyde, and air purification products have gradually gained recognition from the majority of users. But users who have in-depth understanding know that although air purifiers have obvious effects, they actually treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. The ultimate solution for indoor air purification is a fresh fan.

  Xiaomi, which used to revolutionize the air purifier market with its signature price/performance ratio, is here again with a new fan. The average price of high-performance new fans over 10,000 is the threshold for its low awareness and popularity. Now Xiaomi is ready to break the industry’s profits again.

  On November 6, the official Weibo of Mijia officially released the Mijia fresh fan. The price of 2XXX was reasonable and unexpected. As for whether this product really provided extremely high performance at a very low price, the Global Network Technology Channel was invited to experience it in advance to bring you a first-hand experience.

  A fresh fan is to an air purifier what an air conditioner is to a refrigerator

  Does indoor air purification require only an air purifier? Of course not.

  Air purifiers can purify indoor air quickly and efficiently, which is an indisputable fact, but the source of indoor air is still outdoor. If the outdoor air is out of the meter, you can’t open the window, and if you don’t open the window, you can’t ventilate. Even if there is an indoor air purifier, it just keeps self-circulating, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will get higher and higher. Finally, you have to open the window to introduce the outdoor air containing oxygen, and then use the air purifier to purify it.

  But opening the window once, polluting the indoor air once, and then purifying it again and again, this operation will repeatedly harm health. And directly opening the window and using an air purifier is exaggerated to say that it is equivalent to purifying the entire atmosphere (impossible to do), just like opening the refrigerator door and trying to use the refrigerator to cool the entire room. The self-circulation of the air purifier will naturally make the indoor air cleaner and cleaner, but the air quality is not only an indicator of PM 2.5. At present, carbon dioxide has been included in the current indoor air Quality Standards at home and abroad, and there is a broader consensus that talking about air quality without carbon dioxide is a hooligan. Air that lacks oxygen, no matter how clean it ****** also dangerous to life. This is the importance of fresh fans.

  From the perspective of the Mijia new fan, the lower part of the trend has a punch or so, which directly introduces the outdoor air, and then filters through the lower, middle and upper layers to send the trend air from the top, which solves the problem of oxygen-containing air source.

  What kind of fresh fan is Mijia fresh fan?

  When people hear "fresh air", they are often linked to "fresh air system", which actually refers to the central fresh air system. Generally, air is sent into each room through pipes, which needs to be installed before decoration (hard installation). Most of them are ceiling type, which is more popular in Europe and the United States. However, the central fresh air system occupies a floor height, and it is inconvenient to replace the filter screen. The total cost of final purchase and installation is generally more than 30,000 yuan.

  As people pay more attention to air quality, the demand for fresh fans after installation has increased, and wall-mounted fresh fans have appeared on the market, which is the category that Mijia fresh fans belong to. The cost of wall-mounted fresh fans is generally around 10,000 yuan, and they can be installed at any time without laying pipes. The installation of Mijia fresh fans only takes two hours, and the bottom air inlet hole is still reserved on the side. Users with insufficient wall space in their homes can install them horizontally. If the property does not allow openings, glass openings can also be selected. Therefore, Mijia fresh fans are very competitive in terms of economic cost and energy cost.

  The Mijia fresh fan adopts a touch-sensitive OLED display screen, which can be operated directly after displaying the value. The design of the whole machine follows the simple style of Mijia, and it does not violate the integration into the home design.

  In terms of working principle, the Mijia fresh air fan uses a DC inverter fan to intake air from the bottom air inlet hole, and passes through the lower anti-mosquito filter, the middle-layer medium-efficiency filter, and the upper-layer H13 high-efficiency filter, for a total of three layers of filtration. The anti-mosquito filter adopts a box design to block large particles such as outdoor mosquitoes; the medium-efficiency filter has a removal rate of 80% for particles above PM 0.4; the H13 high-efficiency filter has a power efficiency of more than 99.97% for particles above PM 0.3, and the sterilization rate of Staphylococcus albicans is > 99.9%.

  What’s more eye-catching in terms of parameters is that the Mijia fresh fan has a ventilation capacity of 300m3/h, which is the high performance of about 10,000 yuan of products on the market. It can ventilate a family with a usage area of 105 square meters 1.1 times an hour. However, the quality of the product still needs to be determined by the actual experience.

  Actual use effect

  In order to verify the purification effect of the Mijia fresh fan, we conducted a simulation test: using dry ice to increase the indoor carbon dioxide concentration, using toilet water to simulate indoor formaldehyde and other tVOC pollutants, and closed the window and closed the door in the bedroom (about 30 square meters) where the Mijia fresh fan was installed. When there is severe hypoxia and the aroma is tangy, the data of the Qingping air detector shows that the instantaneous carbon dioxide concentration in the house reaches 4713 ppm, and the tVOV concentration reaches 4.46mg/m3. Far beyond the reasonable indoor range: carbon dioxide below 1000ppm and tVOC should be between 0.2 and 2mg/m.

  Half an hour later, when we entered the bedroom again, there was already a slight chill, the air was as cold as if the window was open, the smell of perfume was impossible, and the air was very fresh. At this time, the reading of Qingping’s air detector showed that the concentration of carbon dioxide was 508 ppm, and the concentration of tVOC dropped to 0.859 mg/m3. In fact, when the test was carried out for 15 minutes, the concentration of tVOC had reached a reasonable range of close to 1 mg/m3.

  After the actual test, the ventilation effect of the Mijia fresh fan is indeed obvious, and if installed in one room, it can actually ventilate the whole family, just like opening the balcony window.

  The most impressive thing is that when you stand in front of the machine with the window closed, you can only hear the noise of the outdoor road, and you can’t feel the operation of the machine at all. It is understood that the Mijia fresh fan is only 35.4 decibels under the maximum air volume, and the sleep mode is as low as 20.4 decibels, which is basically half of the general noise of commercial products.

  At this point in our experience, we almost forgot about PM 2.5. The original value has been reduced from 6.3 to 2.2. It seems that as long as it is turned on, the indoor air quality has no need to worry at all. But some users may wonder, Mijia fresh fan does not have activated carbon filter element, how to remove formaldehyde?

  In fact, the air purifier uses activated carbon to absorb formaldehyde only for collection and storage, and there is a risk of secondary volatilization when the indoor temperature is high. The fresh fan uses a continuous ventilation method to let formaldehyde squeeze out of the door and window seams with the "micro-positive pressure" formed by the fresh air entering the house.

  It is worth noting that formaldehyde does not only exist in houses that have just been renovated. Over time, cracking of wooden furniture joints and tilting of the skin will cause the originally sealed formaldehyde to continue to evaporate, so continuous ventilation is the way to treat the symptoms and root causes.

  When Mijia products are as ubiquitous as air

  Users who have paid a little attention can feel that Mijia’s products have become more and more abundant. Nowadays, air purification products have also extended from air purifiers to fresh fans. As long as they are users who can shop online, they all have one or two Xiaomi ecological chain products. They are really as ubiquitous as air.

  While Mijia products bring benefits, what’s more important is to string together smart life. Mijia new fan also supports Xiao Ai voice control, which can synergy with other Mijia smart home products. Of course, there are also mobile phone remote control switches, air volume adjustment, electric auxiliary heat adjustment, check the status of consumables, etc.

  Obviously, no matter how consumption is upgraded or downgraded, our spending on health cannot be saved, and air is the most important element for survival. Therefore, we also hope that with the promotion of Xiaomi, more users will understand the necessity of buying new fans and make the right choice for the health of their families.