Reduce the price! Subsidies! Cars with more than 200,000 yuan are directly discounted by 100,000 yuan? The "price war" started! These cars are all cheap →

Guangzhou, Guangdong: A variety of models get together to promote consumers’ opportunities.

In China, the sales of new energy vehicles are increasing.In 2022, the annual sales of new energy vehicles in China was 6.887 million, a year-on-year increase of 93.4%.According to the latest data of the Federation, the retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China reached 31.6% in February 2023, far exceeding the level of the same period last year. This brings double challenges of market and price to the traditional fuel vehicle market. What changes have taken place in the consumer market?

CCTV reporter Yan Yaqian:At the scene of an automobile consumption festival in Guangzhou, Guangdong, many consumers came to buy cars and choose cars. There are about 50 automobile brands in the whole exhibition area, and there are as many as 150 models on display.

The staff told reporters that the biggest change in this year’s auto show is that the preferential strength has increased significantly. In addition to the 1000 yuan-3,000 yuan consumption subsidy, various manufacturers also have different degrees of promotional activities.

Mo Zunming, a staff member of Guangzhou Dongfeng Nissan booth:The original price of this car is 271,300 yuan, which means a discount of 85,000 yuan. There are licensing subsidies and insurance subsidies, and the maximum discount can be more than 100,000 yuan.

The staff told the reporter that two years ago, the proportion of new energy vehicles at the auto show was only 20%, and there were few concessions. This year, the proportion of new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles is equivalent, and the promotion efforts have also increased. In the face of competition, in order to win more customers, fuel car manufacturers are also reducing prices and promoting sales. The "price war" is in full swing, which also makes consumers with car purchase plans eager to try.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei, Guangdong, Jilin, Sichuan and other places have introduced various policies aimed at stimulating automobile consumption, including issuing coupons, extending the time of car purchase subsidies, and increasing car purchase indicators.China Association of Automobile Manufacturers predicts that the total automobile sales in China will be 27.6 million in 2023, up 3% year-on-year, of which the sales of passenger cars will be 23.8 million, up 1.3% year-on-year; The sales volume of new energy vehicles was 9 million, a year-on-year increase of 35%.

New energy vehicles have cut prices and fuel vehicles have entered the market to "fight"

At the beginning of January this year, Tesla launched the "first shot" of car price reduction, and then new energy brands such as Wenjie, Tucki and Zero Run followed suit.At the beginning of March, the news of a group of "Dongfeng" car companies’ promotion pushed the "price war" of this price reduction promotion to a climax. With the promotion of new energy vehicles at reduced prices, fuel vehicles have increased subsidies to "fight". What changes are reflected behind this in the automobile industry?

In March, in Hubei Province, several brands of Dongfeng Motor Group jointly cut prices, and Citroen C6, which only sold for 120,000 yuan, rushed to the hot search, and "flying to Hubei to buy a car" became a hot topic.

After Hubei, more than 40 car companies and nearly 100 models have joined the "price war" in Shanghai, Guangdong, Jilin and other regions, which has also stimulated consumers’ enthusiasm for buying.

The reporter learned that for fuel vehicles, on the one hand, the price reduction promotion is due to fierce market competition, on the other hand, the "National Six B", which is known as the most stringent emission standard, will be implemented. Car companies that used the "National Six A" emission standard models need to clean up their inventory before the implementation of the new regulations, and price reduction is undoubtedly the most direct and effective means. The price reduction of new energy vehicles also benefited from the sharp drop in the price of raw materials upstream of power batteries. According to industry insiders, in the long run, the new energy vehicle market has great development potential.

Ni Wei, Chief Analyst of Everbright Securities Automobile:The impact of fuel vehicle price reduction on new energy vehicles will become smaller and smaller, because users will naturally stratify; At the same time, the R&D investment of car companies based on the next generation is basically in the field of new energy vehicles, so we think that the competitiveness of fuel vehicles will become weaker and weaker.

Market participants said that "green and low carbon" has become the transformation direction of the automobile industry, and the rapidly growing brands and models of new energy vehicles are also the performance of traditional automobile enterprises and market transformation. In the foreseeable future, the fast-growing new energy vehicles will launch rounds of challenges to fuel vehicles, and the fuel vehicles themselves are also fully transforming into new energy vehicles. Traditional car companies and new forces will meet again on a smarter and greener track.

China’s Beidou will become a global navigation system: no longer subject to US restrictions

  Reference News NetworkReported on August 22Russian media said that the creation of a Sino-Russian joint orbital cluster (consisting of 50-55 satellites) will help use the Beidou Satellite Navigation System (BDS) anywhere in the world. Many Asian countries are now using the Beidou Satellite Navigation System. Andrei Jonin, a member of the Russian Government Expert Council and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was interviewed by the Satellite Communications Agency and made the above statement on the completion of the compatibility test between the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system and the Chinese Beidou satellite navigation system.

  According to the Russian Satellite Network on August 19, Jonin said that after building a unified satellite cluster, "concerns about possible movements of Americans and Europeans will be completely eliminated." He pointed out that Americans can cut off the global satellite positioning system and do whatever they want with it, but this has no impact on consumers of GLONASS and Beidou services.

  According to the report, the study of navigation conditions along the Silk Road Economic Belt by Chinese and Russian experts ended simultaneously. In Russia, the test route was carried out in the promising "Europe-Western China" international transportation corridor, with a total round-trip distance of about 7,000 kilometers. Chinese experts carried out tests along the route of Xi’an-Lanzhou-Urumqi-Khorgos, with a total length of more than 3,200 kilometers.

  According to the report, the two sides analyzed the operating conditions of the navigation system, the possible interference of using two navigation systems simultaneously, the coverage of traffic lines, and other parameters required for high-precision navigation. The resulting data will help the Chinese and Russian researchers to draw conclusions about how much more accurate the two systems, Glonass and Beidou, can be when operating together than when operating separately.

  Yonin has no doubt that Beidou will become a global satellite navigation system for Chinese military personnel by 2020.

  According to the report, China has set this mission, and Jonin said that there is no doubt that China will solve this task. China plans to launch satellites because their current orbital cluster lacks some satellite composition for global coverage. China will have 30 satellites in orbit by 2020, which is enough to solve its own military mission at any time and any place. But the global Beidou will only be used for military purposes, and 30 satellites will not be enough for civilian purposes, because with most consumers living in cities, 50 to 55 satellites are required. That is to say, the Sino-Russian joint satellite cluster is sufficient for them. In this scenario, Beidou becomes a global satellite navigation system, like GPS and Glonass. You can call this orbital cluster whatever you want – the China-Russia orbital cluster, the SCO orbital cluster, the BRICS orbital cluster… The main thing is that it will be independent, so after the construction is completed, all countries that want to use this orbital cluster can no longer worry about any movements of the Americans and Europeans.

  Experts explain that in the event of a conflict between China, Russia, China, Russia, and the United States, all consumers of GLONASS and Beidou navigation services will not be harmed in any way. This is important for all countries concerned about US sanctions, including those related to the use of GPS.

  During the test, the possibility of providing high-precision navigation services by the future joint system of Glonass and Beidou was analyzed, that is, the coordinate position was determined within the accuracy of tens of centimeters or even a few centimeters, rather than within the accuracy of 10 meters to 15 meters. Yonin pointed out that, indeed, for current car freight or railway transportation, this problem is not so urgent at present.

  For the future mode of transportation, it is also called "smart driving" or "partially driverless", and so-called "caravan driving", which means that multiple trucks form a kind of serpentine formation, and the driver of the first car guides the entire caravan. All this is necessary. What is needed here is high-precision navigation. So, it is very good to have started to study this problem for the future.

  According to the report, Russian experts estimate that, like the entire project, the test results will help ensure high-precision satellite navigation services for Chinese and Russian consumers in the coming decades. The Sino-Russian joint navigation system is a strategic project. It is no accident that the above cooperation direction is regarded by both sides as the most promising direction in the high-tech field.

The combustion ban schedule has been delayed again and again. When will fuel vehicles be eliminated?

Author: Xiao Yu; please bring the above information for reprinting as automatic authorization

In the past few years, we have seen the "death penalty court verdict" of fuel vehicles in the news every now and then. Today, a certain car company announced that it will completely stop production of traditional fuel vehicles in the near future. Tomorrow, a certain country announced that before the mid-21st century, all commercially available models will be turned into electric vehicles.

As early as September 2017, MIIT had stated that China was also studying and formulating a "ban on combustion" timetable. After the tone was set, all kinds of news were flying around. Because the independent brands announced that they would stop production of traditional fuel vehicles in 2025, many news initially said that the time for China to completely ban combustion would be 2025. Later, an official background "Study on the Exit Schedule of Traditional Fuel Vehicles in China" also said that private cars in first-class cities will achieve comprehensive new energy in 2030, and China is expected to achieve a complete withdrawal of traditional fuel vehicles by 2050. Everyone immediately guessed that a complete ban on combustion will be achieved in 2050.

Three years later, there is still no certainty when China will fully phase out traditional fuel vehicles.

At the recent "Second Global New Energy Vehicle Supply Chain Innovation Conference", a scholar named Wang Binggang proposed: "China’s new energy vehicles and energy-saving vehicles should be developed simultaneously. It is not recommended to abandon traditional vehicles, it is not recommended to formulate a timetable for banning combustion, and it is not recommended to put forward the slogan of banning combustion in China."

Wang Binggang is the head of the expert group of the National Clean Vehicle Action Coordination Leading Group, the director of the Technical Committee of the National Electric Passenger Vehicle Technology Innovation Alliance, and the head of the National New Energy Vehicle Innovation Engineering Expert Group. His opinion represents not only himself, but also the many experts involved in national decision-making behind him. I believe everyone has smelled the signal that China’s ban on combustion may never come.

In contrast, other countries’ combustion ban schedules are completely certain, such as Norway in 2025, the Netherlands in 2030, and the United Kingdom in 2040. As we all know, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, Chinese car companies have a great advantage in new energy technologies. In recent years, they have been talking about overtaking in curves. Why is there a curve braking now? To put it simply, in order to avoid "policy waste". With China’s current conditions, it is very unrealistic to completely stop the production of fuel vehicles in 2030. Even by 2050, China’s general environment is still not suitable for only selling new energy vehicles. The introduction of a timetable is just causing trouble for everyone.

The countries that have implemented the ban on combustion have several things in common. First, they are often small in size, with Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom all being relatively small. New energy vehicles represented by pure electric vehicles, at least with the current level of technology, can only reach a few hundred kilometers. When the electricity is used up, it is necessary to charge the nest. For small countries, this battery life is enough to cope with a domestic trip and is more convenient to use.

Second, their economies are more developed, and the auto market is close to saturation. When everyone has a car, it is difficult for the auto industry to sell new cars. Changes in regulations will accelerate the obsolescence of old cars, which is a way to stimulate car consumption.

Third, their electricity mainly comes from clean power generation. European countries, represented by Norway and the Netherlands, use a lot of nuclear power, wind power, hydropower, and solar energy instead of coal and oil for thermal power, which means that their new energy vehicles are really "zero emissions" when they operate, rather than transferring emissions to power stations.

The above three characteristics are also the basis for the implementation of a comprehensive ban on combustion. Unfortunately, China does not have a single feature. Our country is very vast, and the geographical environment is very complex. New energy vehicles with a range of several hundred kilometers may not even save money on a single charge. Our average car ownership per thousand people is 154, the UK is 519, and Norway is 584. Obviously, China’s automobile market still has great potential. There is no need for a mandatory ban on combustion to stimulate consumption for the time being. 70% of our electricity is thermal power obtained by burning coal. If the combustion is completely banned, it is equivalent to the power of the car being basically provided by coal. This is not an environmentally friendly thing.

Regarding electricity, we have to say a few more words. Many people know that China needs to import a large amount of oil every year, and then feel that as long as the car is fully new energy, it can reduce its dependence on imported oil and ensure China’s energy security. The current ban on combustion is only to replace oil burning with indirect coal burning. Coal and oil are both non-renewable energy sources. China’s coal self-sufficiency is higher, but it also needs to import more than 300 million tons per year. Coupled with the consumption of new energy vehicles, China’s coal resources will only dry up faster, and it will be more dependent on imported coal. Isn’t it the same thing?

It is precisely because we do not have the conditions that we are calling for the ban on fuel vehicles at this time, and the whole of China will pay a huge price for it. And the dividends that come from this price are not much. Only Chinese car companies that have an advantage in the field of new energy can make a lot of money because of this, and everyone else will suffer.

At present, the correct path for China to take is not to set a timetable for banning combustion and let the market eliminate fuel vehicles. For a long time to come, the tone of China’s auto market should be that fuel-efficient vehicles and new energy vehicles should go hand in hand, walking on two legs. On the one hand, continue to tap the potential of internal combustion engines and drain their last bit of potential. On the other hand, improve new energy vehicles and related facilities to make them more comfortable and environmentally friendly to use.

Future new energy vehicles may switch to graphene batteries with extremely high performance (essentially a super capacitor rather than a chemical battery), which can be charged in a few seconds and have a range of thousands of kilometers; perhaps they will be replaced by hydrogen fuel cells, just like a fuel car refueling, full of hydrogen and you can run. Anyway, it will not be the current "electric dad". It will take a lot of time for new energy vehicles to complete the transformation from dad to true god, which may take decades or hundreds of years. At the same time, human beings have to complete the transformation of energy structure, no longer relying on coal to generate electricity, and switching to cleaner power generation methods, which will be a more difficult task.

Most countries in the world, like China, do not have the conditions for a ban on combustion, so they take a wait-and-see attitude, like the United States, Germany, and France, which release rumors of a ban on combustion every now and then, but there is no actual action at all; car companies are just playing word games to cope with the increasingly strong calls for environmental protection. Now the car companies that have announced that they will stop producing traditional fuel vehicles should be studied carefully. They are all models that are driven by engines. They add a 48V system to the engine, which is not a "traditional fuel car". This is a real monkey…

Everything must be prioritized. Should fuel vehicles be eliminated? Should! Should fuel vehicles be eliminated now?

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  [Latest Quotes]:Beijing mobile phone market
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Vegetables have deteriorated, stir-fried vegetables by the trash… This may be the takeaway processing point you ordered, do you still dare to eat it?

  CCTV News:The catering processing plant is next to the waste pile, without any legal procedures, nor any anti-rodent, fly, or dust facilities… The delicious food you order through the online platform may come from here, do you still dare to eat it?

  Public complaints: Online ordering causes diarrhea

  Recently, Ms. Wang, who lives near the Supo overpass in Chengdu, told reporters that she ordered food for her three children through the Internet. Although it tasted good, she ate a small wire in the dish at that time. She guessed that the wire ball used for washing dishes fell off, so she didn’t care. But about two hours after the meal, the eldest and third children who ate a lot developed stomach discomfort and diarrhea, and were immediately sent to a nearby clinic. The doctor said that it may be caused by eating food with excessive bacteria.

- What?

The refrigerators in unlicensed restaurants were seized.

  Unannounced visit: Unlicensed restaurants are hidden next to a waste dump

  How is the sanitary condition of the source restaurant of online ordering in Chengdu? The reporter decided to conduct an undercover investigation into this.

  The reporter found the "target" next to the waste pile in the innermost part of the Xianglong Farmers Market. The restaurant is very simple, and it uses a scrap auto repair shop to do catering business. There are no relevant "three defenses" facilities at all. According to regulations, it is not allowed to engage in catering processing.


The delivery battery car is waiting to be loaded.

  According to the guidance of the insider, the reporter went to another Fengge barbecue restaurant at No. 32 Yinghe Street, Jinniu District. Nearby residents told reporters that the takeaway business is very hot. The reporter found that the store was still burning honeycomb coal, the store was messy, and the floor was dirty.

  Law enforcement strikes: restaurants are unlicensed, vegetables have turned yellow and deteriorated

  On the 16th, law enforcement officers of the Chengdu Qingyang District Market and Quality Supervision Administration Bureau, together with local public security and urban management, came to the no-door brand restaurant next to the waste pile for law enforcement inspection. There are many boxes of finished products waiting to be delivered in the store, and some of the piled vegetables have turned yellow and begun to deteriorate.


Chefs in unlicensed restaurants without health licenses are investigated by law enforcement

  After investigation, the store did not provide health permits and health certificates and other procedures. It did not have rodent-proof, fly-proof, dust-proof, and facilities at all. It should not be next to the waste pile and should be kept away from pollution sources. Then law enforcement officers sealed up the restaurant according to law.

  Subsequently, the law enforcement officers came to Feng Ge’s barbecue restaurant. The legal person of the store confessed to the law enforcement officers that it mainly carried out takeout through an online platform. Only two of the staff in the store provided health certificates, and the ground hygiene in the store did not meet the requirements. The law enforcement officers immediately ordered the store to close for rectification, and the acceptance pending was qualified before it could open for business.

  How can takeout eat with peace of mind?

  When ordering takeaway, first of all to see if the takeaway business license is complete, brick and mortar store where the specific, it is best to choose the brick and mortar store we have been to choose the network order, when choosing to buy, too far away stores try not to choose, try to shorten the delivery time, avoid the possibility of food deterioration, and if you encounter food safety problems, the first time to contact the takeaway network platform, and you can complain to the local food supervision bureau.


  In addition, the regulatory authorities to grasp the entity, no matter how the network shouts, the final landing of the black heart shop or entity. On the one hand, the regulatory authorities should improve supervision means to fill the regulatory blind spot, improve penalties, establish and improve the credit system, blacklist, increase the cost of illegal operations.

  On the other hand, as an online platform related to food safety, it should undertake the functions of review and supervision for restaurant qualifications and environment. Market supervision departments should strengthen the supervision of these platforms and issue guidance on operability. (Source of this article: China News Service, CCTV News)