When female fans meet the European Cup: Record time with football and gain friendship in a foreign land.

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 20 (Reporter Yue Chuan) Nowadays, every time a football match comes, female fans will become an indispensable topic on and off the court, and various versions of the "most beautiful fans" atlas in the hands of photographers are even more eye-catching tools. The European Cup in France, which is in full swing, is no exception. In this new upsurge created by football, the camp of female fans is getting bigger and bigger.

  Although the game is not at home, there is still a time difference when watching the ball, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of the female fans around. As long as you brush your social tools, you will be surprised at the wide coverage of this special group. One after another, the crash handbook for female fans also shows that this group is becoming more and more important in the football world. For some of them, the reason why they are excited about football is not just because of their face value, but because of their true love.

  Senior female fans: football portrays time rings crazier than boys.

  Xiaonuo, who was born after 1980s, is a middle-level person in an enterprise, and she usually shows herself as a rigorous and capable professional woman. But as long as you hook up with football, Xiaonuo immediately looks like a different person.

  Despite his busy work, Xiaonuo still can’t give up his love for football. Since the start of this European Cup, Xiaonuo has watched many games and stayed up all night. In order not to affect her work, most of her spare time outside watching football is used by her to make up her sleep. In the eyes of colleagues, Xiao Nuo is "torturing" herself, but she thinks it is worth it for the European Cup every four years.

  For Xiao Nuo, the World Cup and the European Cup, which alternate every two years, have become her way of recording time.

  Xiao Nuo first met football in 1996, which was also the European Cup. It is also because of that contest that Xiao Nuo fell in love with the German team, and it has been 20 years since then. For this figure, Xiaonuo himself seems a little surprised. "The impression of winning the golden ball in Erlhoff is still very deep. I didn’t expect time to pass so quickly."

  Xiao Nuo recalled that at that time, because she could only see the Bundesliga and Serie A broadcasts, she had great feelings for the two leagues. Posters of Klinsmann, Baggio and batistuta had been hung in her bedroom for a long time. In order not to miss the stories around her idol, Xiaonuo accumulated hundreds of issues of football clubs and contemporary sports, at the expense of almost never eating breakfast in high school. "Younger fans may not even know these two magazines," Xiao Nuo sighed.

  Baggio, who once charmed countless female fans, has now lost his hair.

  Besides these, in the twenty years since she became a female fan, Xiaonuo has done many crazier things. It goes without saying that Xiao Nuo was desperate to watch the World Cup group match between China and Brazil in college.

  "I still remember that it was June 8, and it was almost 11 o’clock after watching the game. The dormitory was turned off and the gate was closed, so I had to go back over the wall." As a result, Xiao Nuo was expelled from the school student union because of this.

  Not only that, during the World Cup in Germany in 2006, Xiao Nuo, who had just joined the work, almost fought with male fans when he went out to watch the ball with friends. In order to get a commemorative jersey of the German team, Xiaonuo did not hesitate to mobilize all his friends around him to help, and finally entrusted someone to bring one back from abroad … … All these, there are many.

  Xiao Nuo told reporters that her biggest wish this year is that the German team won the European Cup. But for why she loves football so much, Xiaonuo can’t give a general answer. She just said, "Like is like. If girls really like football, they will be crazier than boys."

  Louis’ tears, Xiaoxue can understand.

  "Ordinary" Female Fans: From "Bored" to "Tears"

  Xiaoxue was born in 1990 and has just worked for one year. Her career as a female fan began four years ago, also because of the European Cup. In the summer vacation of sophomore year, under the guidance of friends, Xiaoxue entered the world of football.

  Because of that European Cup, Xiaoxue fell in love with Spain and Iniesta. After the contest, Xiaoxue began to pay attention to La Liga, and then he liked Barcelona, followed by Messi, Suarez and Neymar. Now, talking about the stars who have played in Barcelona in recent years and the achievements made by the club, Xiaoxue is like a few treasures. In this competition, she hopes that Spain can defend its title.

  Xiaoxue also told reporters that in fact, when I first started watching the ball, I felt that football was quite boring. "I didn’t score a goal for a long time. I don’t understand why everyone is so excited because of a ball game."

  "Until the World Cup semi-final two years ago, Germany’s 7-1 massacre against Brazil, I watched the ball among a group of German fans, and I couldn’t stop crying in the first half." As a fan of Neymar, Xiaoxue had a personal experience for the first time.

  Nowadays, Xiaoxue watches the ball every week and occasionally stays up late on weekends. Around her, there is also a small circle of female fans, and everyone will meet to watch the ball together from time to time. "By the way, I also went to the Bird’s Nest to watch the South American Derby! Super excited! " It can be seen that football has become a part of Xiaoxue’s life.

  But even so, Xiaoxue still thinks she is a fake fans, even though she has watched more games than some boys who claim to be real fans in recent years. "I don’t have a deep understanding of tactics, and sometimes I feel quite confused when listening to the commentator analyze the game." However, Xiaoxue also said that she likes the feeling of watching the ball now and will not deliberately move closer to the "real" fans.

  The German team now relies not only on face value, but also on strength.

  Female fans studying abroad: Football makes me meet new friends in a foreign land.

  Lizi is a college student majoring in Korean. She watched the ball for the first time with several Korean students. It was two years ago in the World Cup, a game in which the German team participated. Chestnut’s friend happened to be a fan of the German team, so she also liked this team.

  However, Chestnut is a pure fake fans. Even her favorite German team, she can only name a few key players. Even so, Chestnut thinks that this will not affect her interest in watching the ball. "I didn’t know the rules very well, so I like the lively atmosphere."

  Now, Chestnut is studying in Korea as an exchange student. In this European Cup, the German team has played two games, and Chestnut watched the live broadcast with her classmates. Among them, a small number are China students, and most of them are Koreans. In chestnut’s view, football gave her the opportunity to make new friends in a foreign land.

  "Football is very popular in Korea. Even for girls, if there is a game on the pedestrian street, many people will stop to watch it," Chestnut told reporters. "Watching the game together has enhanced the friendship between my classmates and I have made some new friends. After all, people with common interests are easier to get along with."

  Besides, Li Zi said that watching football can also help her change her mood, which is also a way to vent negative emotions. "After all, it is very important for me to study abroad alone," said Li Zi. (Some characters in the text are pseudonyms) (End)

Launching Ceremony of the 7th "Tracing China —— Entering Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" Historical Culture and Reading Festival at Huaxi Primary School in Innovation Street

  Elephant News Oriental Jinbao reporter Gong Fengshuo correspondent He Quanyi/graphic

  Cross history and explore cultural roots. Focus on books and feel the humanistic context. On March 18th, 2024, the 7th "Tracing China — Entering the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the launching ceremony of the historical culture and reading festival was held on the beautiful campus as scheduled, and all teachers and students participated in the ceremony.

  First of all, President Shine Wong made a speech for this historical, cultural and reading festival. The rolling river of history and the profoundness of culture have quietly flowed into the blood of Huaxi students. President Wang not only brought the children back to the past dynasties, but also learned about the brilliant cultural and artistic achievements of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Encourage everyone to talk to history in practice, lay a foundation for life, wish everyone to meet a better self in reading, make reading a habit, and let books float all over Huaxi.

  Northern Dynasty folk songs, Mulan legend, women disguised as men, went out on behalf of their fathers. Some students in Grade One and Grade Two of the school brought excerpts from the speech of Brother Liu from Mulan, Henan Opera, with a unique accent, lovely appearance and majestic momentum, just like an audio-visual feast, and the students called it "wonderful"!

  During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, literature was brilliant, Jian ‘an was strong and talented. Then, all the students in Class Four and Class Four brought "Short Songs", and the students crossed time and space together to touch the beating heart of the heroes in the world. Cherish the present together and write a brilliant life with diligence!

  Reading history can make us transparent and open-minded, and reading can make us have excellent knowledge. At the launching ceremony, the sixth-grade students Wang Jiahan, Li Yuetong, Li Zhuoyi and Li Xinyi, as students’ representatives, shared their reading achievements and issued the initiative of this historical, cultural and reading festival.

  When spring is blooming, let’s embark on the long river of tracing China together. It is beneficial to open books, be diligent and thoughtful, broaden our horizons, strengthen our historical self-confidence and cultural self-confidence, and appreciate great ideas and splendid culture. Let books fill the campus of Huaxi, and let history fill our lives.

All aircraft engines in China are imported? Super pilot tells you the inside story

  CCTV News:As the "crown jewel" of modern industry, aero-engine has always been a "heart disease" of China aviation industry. With the establishment of China’s 12th military enterprise in Beijing, Chinese people have high hopes for this aero-engine enterprise, hoping that it can achieve the same achievements as "two bombs and one satellite".

  Yesterday, the four-day air force aviation opening activity came to an end, and more than 20 military aircraft in the 34-type domestic weapons and equipment attracted national attention.

△ On September 2, 2016, the 2016 Changchun Aviation Open Day was held in the rain, in which a variety of air force active equipment such as H-6K, JL10, JL9 and Air Police 500 were unveiled.

△ On September 2, 2016, the 2016 Changchun Aviation Open Day was held in the rain, in which a variety of air force active equipment such as H-6K, JL10, JL9 and Air Police 500 were unveiled.

  At the same time, it also brings people cold thinking: what is the current localization ratio of the big country air force, which has a huge demand for aero-engine industry, and what level has it reached? How far are we from the aero-engine power?

  Guogui Wu Decryption: Localization has gone through the process of introduction, imitation, improvement and innovation.

  Guogui Wu, a 57-year-old special pilot of the Air Force, holds the rank of senior colonel. He used to be the captain of the Air Force Bayi Air Show Team and the deputy division commander of an Air Force Aviation Division, with 30 years of flying experience. As an old pilot with actual combat experience, and now a professor in the post-installation teaching and research department of National Defense University, he has unique insights in studying military high-tech, air force weapons and equipment, and equipment safety management.

  At present, what kind of level is the localization ratio and performance of aero-engines in China? Guogui Wu said in an interview that China has established an independent aero-engine industrial system in the process of industrialization, and the performance of imitation engines reached a very high level in the 1960s and 1970s.Among the main combat aircraft, domestic engines have accounted for about 90%.

  The so-called localization here refers to the process of introduction, imitation, improvement and innovation.Due to China’s weak industrial base, in order to meet the strong military demand for aero-engines, the Soviet Union’s aid and imported production methods were adopted. On the basis of the introduction and digestion of Soviet engine production technology, the model was improved, and the scale and serialization of domestic production were gradually realized, which basically met the needs of China’s air, land and sea aviation forces.

  In the 1960s and 1970s, the overall performance of aero-engines produced in China was not much different from the mainstream level in the world at that time. The fundamental difference was that the domestic engines were mainly imitations and modifications, and there was no engine that was completely independently developed and produced.

  "Not only do we have no independent intellectual property rights, but we also have no core technology." Guogui Wu said, therefore, in the 1980s and 1990s, when the aviation technology of the United States, Europe and Russia developed rapidly, and the third generation fighters were generally equipped with a new generation of turbofan engines, China was still "playing around" in the improvement of turbojet engines, hesitating on the road of introducing imitation and independent innovation, and the gap between China and the world’s advanced level was not large. Not only does the new generation of fighters lack the drive of advanced engines, but the engines in service also have some quality and safety hazards, which are called "heart disease" by Chinese people.

  Only a few third-generation aircraft of the main fighter are equipped with imported engines.

△FWS10 aero-engine is an advanced aero-turbofan engine designed and manufactured by China. It is installed on the domestic J -11 aircraft and can also be installed on the J -10 aircraft after modification. Now it has been mass-produced. It has become an ideal device for the third generation fighter in China.

  △FWS10 aero-engine is an advanced aero-turbofan engine designed and manufactured by China. It is installed on the domestic J -11 aircraft and can also be installed on the J -10 aircraft after modification. Now it has been mass-produced. It has become an ideal device for the third generation fighter in China.

  After 60 years of development, China has fighter planes, bombers, attack planes, transport planes and trainers.Systematize the aircraft production capacity of many types of aircraft. In line with this, a relatively complete engine development and production system has been established, which has the series development and production capacity of turboprop, turbojet, turbofan and turboshaft engines. Domestic engines are mainly assembled on fighter planes, fighter planes, bombers, fighter bombers and other main battle planes, and only a few third-generation fighters are equipped with imported engines.

  For example, domestic fighters such as J -5, J -6, J -7 and J -8 are adapted to corresponding domestic engines such as turbojet -5, turbojet -6 and turbojet -7. With the improvement of stability, safety and reliability of Taihang engine, it has been widely installed on three generations of fighters, such as J -11, J -15 and J -16.

  In terms of bombers, H -5 and H -6 realized the localization of engines. The turboprop engines used in Yun -7 and Yun -8 transport planes are all made in China.

  With the maturity of integral technologies such as Zhi -9, Zhi -8 and Zhi -10, the serial development of turboshaft -8, turboshaft -6 and turboshaft -16 engines has been realized on the basis of introduction, which provides a reliable power source for the rapidly expanding domestic helicopter fleet in China.

  At present, China’s aviation industry is in a stage from big to strong, from following up to catching up to developing on a par or even surpassing corners. Whether it is a new generation of military aircraft such as fighters, bombers, transport planes and drones, or large passenger planes and all kinds of general-purpose aircraft, there is an urgent need for strong and reliable driving of advanced engines. The sound and rapid development of aero-engines has become the proper meaning of the "Chinese Dream".

  Guogui Wu said frankly that the country has clearly regarded the engine as a major scientific and technological project in the medium and long-term scientific and technological development plan, and has made up its mind to concentrate manpower, material resources and financial resources to independently research and develop a series of new engines. Domestic aero-engines have entered an unprecedented fast lane of development. In this context, the establishment of China Aviation Engine Group can be said to have a long way to go.

  Development history of aero-engines in China

  Stage 1: imitation and improvement

  In 1950s, China aero-engine industry started from scratch and went through a road full of thorns. In 1956, China’s first turbojet -5 engine was successfully copied in Shenyang, and for a long time thereafter, China aero-engines were mainly copied and improved.

  Even if it is copied, it is not easy. Even if there is no operation manual, it is difficult to disassemble the aero-engine correctly. For example, there are many small holes on the leaves of several square meters and centimeters, and the location of the small holes is very particular, which is determined according to the recorded trend.

  Until 2002, when the domestic turbojet -14 "Kunlun" engine was finalized, China completed the whole process of self-development for the first time, and became the fifth aero-engine producer after the United States, Russia, Britain and France.

  Stage 2: successful localization by purchasing patents.

  The engine used in the flying leopard fighter is made in China and is called "Qinling", which is alsoIt is the first engine product in China that has been patented and successfully localized.

  From introduction to localization, it has experienced 30 years of industrial upgrading. In 1972, China contacted Britain to discuss the introduction of the civil turbofan engine from rolls royce. In 1974, during the negotiation, to our surprise, China directly obtained the patent of Spey military engine, which was a top product at that time.

  However, despite the patent, China’s new industrial materials and other technologies were too backward at that time. It was not until 2013 that this road of localization was completed, and it was equipped on the J-H -7 Flying Leopard fighter, and Flying Leopard became the only main fighter in China that completely got rid of its dependence on imported engines.

  Stage 3: Own independent intellectual property rights.

  In December 2005, turbofan -10, also known as "Taihang" engine, was successfully developed and became my engine.China’s first high-performance turbofan engine with independent intellectual property rights.

  The road to research and development of Taihang engine is also quite difficult. During the test flight, more than 200 technical problems and failures occurred successively. After hard work, the "Taihang" engine was finally equipped on the J -15 fighter and successfully made its first flight in 2012. On a group of J -20 equipment exposed at the beginning of this year, some military fans found that a J -20 was also equipped with an improved Taihang engine. Some military experts said that the "Taihang" engine can be directly equipped on the fourth generation fighter, which laid a good foundation for continuing to develop more advanced, mature and reliable engines in the future.

The zoo responded that "friends are in the same room": friends who grew up together will be separated in the future.

The signboard on the glass fence of the zoo shows that the owner of the area is a Siberian tiger cub and an African lion cub, but through the glass, tourists can see not only a little tiger cub lying on the ground and resting, but also a little yellow dog pacing back and forth. Some children ask inexplicably, "Is this an African lion?" Is this the same? "

Recently, some netizens took relevant videos in a wildlife park in Lanling County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens. On February 29th, the zoo staff responded that the area was originally fed with Siberian tigers, African lions and yellow dogs. They were friends who grew up together. The cubs were moved to another cage because of their different habits. At present, only the cubs and yellow dogs are left.

Northeast Tiger and Little Yellow Dog together (video screenshot)

Recently, a number of netizens who visited Baoshan Wild Animal Park in Lanling County reported that they found a Siberian tiger and a little yellow dog living together in the zoo and getting along harmoniously. The video they shot showed that two animal information boards were posted on a glass fence. One of them belongs to the Northeast Tiger Andy, who was born on June 4, 2023 and is a little female tiger. The other one belongs to the African lion Harry, who was born on June 18th, 2023 and is also a female. However, besides Andy, the Northeast Tiger, there is also a little yellow dog. A child pointed to the little yellow dog and asked, "Is this an African lion? Is this the same? " There is also a person next to him: "Isn’t this a dog?"

In this regard, some netizens ridiculed that the African lion went home for the New Year, and the little yellow dog came to the post temporarily. Another tourist told reporters that he had been to this zoo last year. At that time, besides African lions, there were also Siberian tigers and yellow dogs, and they were photographed in the same frame.

On February 29th, the reporter contacted the Baoshan wildlife park. The staff said that the cubs of the Northeast Tiger, the cubs of the African lion and the little yellow dog were good friends who grew up together. Later, because of the different habits of lions, they moved to another cage. The Siberian tiger has not grown up yet, and will live with the little yellow dog for the time being. It is also a very fun phenomenon for tigers and dogs to live together. When the Siberian tiger grows up, it will be separated from the yellow dog.

Original title: "The zoo responds to" friends of tigers and dogs "in the same room: friends who grew up together will be separated in the future"

Read the original text

Sing the folk songs of northern Shaanxi in English, will you listen to them?

"The flower in Shandandan is gorgeous …" The folk song "Shandandan is gorgeous" in northern Shaanxi has spread all over the country, but have you heard the English version?
"I want more people to like northern Shaanxi folk songs." Wen Shilong, 57, is wearing a red Tang suit and black-rimmed glasses. Although his temples are pale, his eyes are still bright. He has multiple identities: an English teacher in Yan ‘an Vocational and Technical College, a folk singer, and the "first person" who translated and sang folk songs from northern Shaanxi into English.
Wen Shilong interacts with foreign friends after singing folk songs in northern Shaanxi in English (Photo courtesy of Wen Shilong)
Wen Shilong was born in Zichang County, Yan ‘an City, Shaanxi Province. He loved both English and singing since he was a child. After graduating from college, he became an English teacher. After teaching, he did not let go of his love for folk songs in northern Shaanxi. In 2007, Wen Shilong was invited to Beijing to participate in a TV program and sang a song "Nothing is as good as our ravines" for the audience. After returning, Yan ‘an musician Cao Junmin gave him an "idea": to translate folk songs in northern Shaanxi into English to sing.

Wen Shilong sang the folk song "Tears Drop in the Glass" in English.
"I refused at first and felt that he was embarrassing me." Wen Shilong laughed, but he still wanted to take risks. "I have an English background, and singing folk songs is also my hobby. Why not try it?" Wen Shilong once sang folk songs to some foreign friends, but they could only appreciate the beauty of rhyme and could not feel the connotation of the songs. Therefore, it became Wen Shilong’s initial motivation to let foreign friends understand the folk songs in northern Shaanxi, and he began to secretly try to translate them.
However, the problems in the process came one after another. There are many rhetorical devices such as fu, bi and xing in the language of folk songs in northern Shaanxi, and there are many dialects and dialects, and there are so many musical techniques such as tune-throwing and falling notes that it is difficult to translate them in place and keep their original flavor, so that English lyrics can be sung with melody.
"This work is interdisciplinary, which requires both musical literacy and translation skills, as well as understanding the folk culture of northern Shaanxi, and must also be able to sing folk songs. If the translation is not catchy and easy to sing, it is meaningless. "
In order to retain the beauty of rhyme, form and artistic conception of folk songs in northern Shaanxi to the greatest extent, Wen Shilong used various translation methods such as literal translation, free translation, supplementary translation and omission translation, and even used new forms such as Rap to polish and audition repeatedly, striving to express the semantic context of the original song and express the language styles of dialect proverbs, overlapping words and lining words in lyrics.

Wen Shilong sings "Dongfanghong" in English
His wife Feng Tao was his first audience. Every time a song is translated, Wen Shilong always sings it to his wife first, so that she can give her advice and then he can modify it. In this way, Wen Shilong translated nearly 100 northern Shaanxi folk songs, including "Shandandan Blossoms in Red" and "Nanniwan".
Along the way, there are many voices of doubt. Some people say that the folk songs he translated are "four unlike", and the folk songs in northern Shaanxi should be sung in dialects. Wen Shilong was also depressed and discouraged, but he later figured it out. "I don’t want to change the folk songs in northern Shaanxi, but I want to let the folk songs in northern Shaanxi have one more window and one more channel for more people to accept and love."
"Behind the folk songs in northern Shaanxi is the spirit of northern Shaanxi. Growing up in this yellow land, the people in northern Shaanxi are not afraid of suffering, and they can have fun in suffering. They sing and travel in the sky, and through hard work, the bitter days will be better." In Wen Shilong’s eyes, this is the soul of folk songs in northern Shaanxi. In addition to translating folk songs in northern Shaanxi, he now tries to translate Henan Opera and some popular songs, and creates new folk songs such as Ode to the Gardener and Looking for the Footprints of Lu Yao, hoping that more China songs will be sung around the world.
"Whenever I sing a folk song, my heart is like a blossoming Dandan flower, which is bright." Wen Shilong raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile, his eyes were bright.
Reporter: Xin Yiru, Han Xiao
Editor: Chen Dongshu

China Software: On February 23, it was financed and bought 111 million yuan, accounting for 22.34% of the inflow of funds that day.

() According to the data center, () on February 23rd, it was financed to buy 111 million yuan, accounting for 22.34% of the purchase amount on that day. The current financing balance is 1.244 billion yuan, accounting for 4.89% of the circulating market value, which is lower than the historical 30% split level.

Financing trend table

date Financing change Financing balance February 23 rd 27.4131 million 1.244 billion February 22nd 20.9331 million 1.217 billion February 21st. 4.7202 million 1.196 billion February 20 th 17.5575 million 1.191 billion February 19th 28.4492 million 1.173 billion

In terms of securities lending, China Software repaid 57,500 shares by securities lending on February 23, and sold 37,300 shares by securities lending. According to the closing price of the day, the selling amount was 1,136,500 yuan, accounting for 0.22% of the outflow amount of the day; The balance of securities lending was 24.216 million, exceeding the historical 60% level.

Securities lending trend table

date Securities lending change margin balance February 23 rd -208,000 yuan 24.216 million February 22nd 800,300 24.4241 million February 21st. -1.1251 million 23.6237 million February 20 th 591,700 24.7489 million February 19th 574,800 24.1572 million

To sum up, the current balance of China Software’s financing is 1.268 billion yuan, up 2.19% from yesterday, and the balance is lower than the historical 30% split level.

Trend table of the balance between the two financial institutions

date Balance between finance and investment Balance change February 23 rd 1.268 billion 27.2051 million February 22nd 1.241 billion 21.7335 million February 21st. 1.219 billion 3.595 million February 20 th 1.216 billion 18.1491 million February 19th 1.198 billion 29.024 million

Note 1: If the financing balance increases for a long time, it means that the investor’s mentality is biased towards the buyer, and the market is a strong market with strong popularity, otherwise it is a weak market.

Note 2: Buying amount = actively buying extra large single amount+actively buying large single amount+actively buying small single amount.

Network broadcast+| The plan for one year lies in the new journey of spring following the general secretary.

On February 4th, beginning of spring, the earth was blooming in spring, and everything was new in the world. CCTV’s "Network Broadcast+"specially combs the old sayings quoted by the general secretary, and enjoys poetry and spring with you to realize the power of spring.

[Source]Tang Li Bai’s "Sunset Remembering the Mountains"

[Enlightenment]Spring is the beginning of the year, and spring is known to the world. The general secretary quoted this sentence to show people a wonderful picture of spring returning to the earth, everything reviving and the future being expected.

[Source]Tang Wangwei’s The Mountain and Pei Xiucai’s Dishu

[Enlightenment]Spring is a season full of confidence. The general secretary quoted this sentence to express people’s yearning and expectation for the Spring Festival.

[Source]Song Shi Le Zhi Qi

[Enlightenment]The spring breeze is getting warmer and warmer, and everything comes with life, marking a new starting point for hopes and dreams. The general secretary quoted this sentence and called on people to fight for their dreams and work together for the future.

[Source]Jin Chen Shou’s Biography of the Three Kingdoms Wei Zhi Xing Qing; Song Ouyang Xiu’s Fengle Pavilion

[Enlightenment]People are diligent and spring comes early, and forging ahead is just the time. The general secretary quoted this sentence and called on people to start from spring, advance their work at a steady pace, and exchange their unremitting efforts for fruitful autumn harvest.

[Source]Tang Li Bai’s Shang Li Yong

[Enlightenment]The journey is long, only struggle. The general secretary quoted this sentence to mobilize and inspire the whole party and the people of all nationalities in the new journey to continue to work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, forge ahead courageously and create greater glories.

[Source]From the Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty, Yanzi Chunqiu, Inner Chapter and Miscellaneous Xia

[Enlightenment]Every undertaking, big or small, needs to be done down-to-earth and bit by bit. The general secretary quoted this sentence and called on people to work hard and work hard for a long time with a never-ending mental state and an indomitable attitude.

(Central Radio and Television General Station CCTV Network)

Update continuously | It’s snowing! It’s snowing Shijiazhuang’s first Chun Xue debut!

It’s snowing It’s snowing Shijiazhuang’s first Chun Xue debut! On the morning of the 9th, there was heavy snow in the streets of Shijiazhuang! This is the first snow after beginning of spring in Shijiazhuang! How festive it is!
According to the weather forecast in Hebei, it turns cloudy from day to night in the whole province, with sleet or light snow in Hengshui and Xingtai, and light snow in other areas except southern Qinhuangdao, southern Tangshan, eastern Cangzhou and eastern Handan, among which there is medium snow in Zhangjiakou and western Chengde. The highest temperature is-6 ~ 1℃ in northwest Zhangjiakou, Chengde and Baoding, and 2 ~ 8℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is-18 ~-11℃ in the northwest of Zhangjiakou, Chengde and Baoding, and-10 ~-2℃ in other areas. Tomorrow, from day to night, the whole province will be cloudy and sunny. From day to night on the 11th, the northern area turned cloudy and cloudy with light snow, the southern area turned sunny and cloudy with light rain or sleet, and other areas turned sunny and cloudy.
▌ Directly hit the first scene of Shijiazhuang snow scene.
Update at 6 o’clock

At the entrance of Hebei Daily. Photo by Cao Qinyu
Updated at 5: 30.

The intersection of Huaibei Road, Jianshe Street. Ma Zuohui
The intersection of Huaibei Road, Jianshe Street. Ma Zuohui
▌ Travel safety strategy in snowy days
So, what should we pay attention to when traveling in snowy days? Let’s follow Xiaobian to find out!
First, try to reduce going out in snowy days. If you go out, try not to ride bicycles and motorcycles, and drive carefully. To observe and analyze the slippery degree of the ground, generally speaking, dry snow is the least slippery (the initial snow is called dry snow), and cycling and walking can be controlled at this time; Wet snow will be slippery, but because the traffic has pressed out ruts, it is a safer choice to ride along the ruts.
Second, shoes are very important when going out in snowy days. Try not to wear hard-soled shoes and smooth-soled shoes when walking in snow and ice, but wear non-slip shoes, or put a pair of old socks on the outside of the shoes, or tie a few cloth belts or hemp ropes on the shoes, which greatly improves the friction between the shoes and the snow and is not easy to slip.
Third, when going out in snowy days, choose bright clothes. Snow will affect the driver’s sight and he can’t see clearly the situation on the road. Therefore, pedestrians should try not to wear white or light gray clothes, and should choose colorful coats such as red, so that they can be easily found and drivers can take timely measures.
4. Pedestrians should be especially careful when crossing the road. To see the crosswalk line clearly, you must see the vehicles coming and going in the left and right directions when crossing the road, and there must be enough distance for the driver to control the car and pass under the condition of ensuring safety; Don’t cover your eyes with an umbrella, don’t just stare at the road when you walk, but also pay attention to the coming cars in front and left and right directions.
5. You can’t brake suddenly when riding a bike or driving in snowy days. You should use the brakes slowly and slow down naturally, and it is best to use a very low speed when turning to prevent slipping. When riding a bicycle, you should lower the height of the seat, so low that your feet can step on the ground, which is beneficial to maintaining balance.
Sixth, in snowy weather, we should pay attention to stay away from billboards and temporary buildings. Once crushed by snow, the consequences are very serious.
Source: Overview of news client synthesis
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Taiping Street, Tianfu New District, Sichuan Province launched fireworks and firecrackers to "crack down on illegal activities"

Fireworks and firecrackers crack down on illegal activities

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, in order to implement the relevant requirements of the Notice of Sichuan Tianfu New District Management Committee on the Prohibition of Setting off Fireworks and Firecrackers in the Whole Region of the Directly Administered Area and ensure the safety of people’s lives and property, on January 9, 12 and 25, 2024, Taiping Street and the law enforcement team of Tianfu New District Emergency Bureau jointly launched a special campaign to crack down on fireworks and firecrackers in the jurisdiction, and conducted inspections on illegal storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers and fire safety.

The law enforcement team inspected 21 supermarkets and non-staple food stores in the jurisdiction, and found 5 illegally stored and sold fireworks and firecrackers, and investigated and dealt with 23 fireworks and firecrackers. The regulatory authorities punished them on the spot in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and confiscated fireworks and firecrackers.

In view of the problem that the fire extinguishers in six non-staple food stores are blocked, the operators have been ordered to carry out on-site rectification to ensure that the closed-loop management of hidden dangers is in place.


The whole area of Chengdu Zhiguan District in Tianfu New District of Sichuan (Huayang Street, Wan ‘an Street, Zhengxing Street, Xinglong Street, Jiancha Street, Xinxing Street, Yongxing Street, Jitian Street and Taiping Street) is a no-discharge area for fireworks and firecrackers, and no unit or individual may illegally produce, sell, store, transport or discharge fireworks and firecrackers.

Source: Tianfu Taiping


Which fashionable electric car is suitable for girls? New day lifts the new trend of "retro futurism"

2024 is a popular new product, and New Day Moses 3.0 sets off a new trend of retro technology aesthetics. Can you imagine that the beauty of the design of an electric car can combine "retro aesthetics" with "future technology" and combine "technology precipitation" with "future technology" to the extreme?

Based on the hot market background of Moses series, combined with the real feedback from merchants and users, New Day Moses 3.0 is further upgraded and developed with the concept of retro futurism. With more elegant retro style and modern advanced technology, it has recently created a high-value female car, which is fashionable, elegant and beautiful.


The interweaving of future and past, fashion and retro.

The design of New Day Moses 3.0 is inspired by the retro design of the Beatles, and the high windshield front panel is fashionable and practical, highlighting the strong retro style. The exterior color matching of the vehicle adopts 18th century French classics.rococoartwindLattice]Camellia White/Luoden Frost Green, Roman Green, Rabbit Ear Powder/Plum Powder, Lime White/Oak Brown, etc. are fashionable and retro, which are the romantic aesthetics favored by artists and the most comfortable 6:3:1 gold color scheme recognized in the world, making people full of exquisite, elegant, gorgeous and delicate visual enjoyment.

Not only is the appearance of the color scheme elegant and profound, but the details of the design are also adopted by Niigata Moses 3.0."High-gloss mirror paint", 4 times spraying, 5 times baking, paint luminosity ≥ 90, more shiny and textured. Paired with those commonly used for jewelry decoration."Bright silver plating accessories"With 15 technological processes, 100+ polishing and 10h+ electroplating, it has better oxidation stability, can effectively prevent oxidation and corrosion, and is more beautiful and upscale.


From the past to the future, alwaysStick to the performance experience

Under the extreme style and high-value appearance, it is a high-profile configuration with full experience. In terms of power, Moses 3.0 is equipped.High performance motor, the power output is stronger; Double hydraulic shock absorption before and after, minimizing the bumpy feeling caused by rough and bumpy roads, and creating electric motorcycle-level comfortable riding. The night riding experience of the vehicle is also very comfortable, with retro rounded headlights and front and rear turn signals, all-round.360 laser lighting system, with stronger brightness, wider visual range and longer illumination distance.

Vehicle seats are made of high-quality delicate leather 3D wrapping design.Palm leather cushionAfter 36 tanning processes, it is more water-resistant and wear-resistant, with good elasticity, comfortable and delicate feel, and it is not easy to produce scars or deformation. Combined with the cloud cushion technology, the high-density rebound sponge with a thickness of 70mm gold is soft and fits the hip curve. The vehicle also supportsBluetooth inductive unlockingOne-button reversingAnd other intelligent functions, girls with small strength can also start and stop easily, comfortable and elegant throughout.


For many users, fashion sense can be said to be the first important factor affecting car purchase decision. An electric car with a good appearance can be more enjoyable and meet various needs such as wearing. On the other hand, New Day Moses 3.0 not only has a good face value, but also every detail, including style design and riding performance, gives people an exquisite and practical experience, allowing functionalism and emotional value to coexist. Let’s get off to a good start in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon and turn comfortable and elegant travel into a daily routine ~