Minimalist history of the Song Dynasty: The history of the Song Dynasty is a story of taking money to set things up and finally being settled by money.

The history of the Song Dynasty is a story of being rich and willful, and finally going bankrupt.

Zhao Kuangyin launched the mutiny in Chen Qiao, and became the new village head and the biggest landlord in the world after he took the fashion show with the highest rate of return in history.

When he became a village head, Boss Zhao was most worried that his subordinates would go their own way, leaving them with no way out.

After thinking for a moment, Boss Zhao asked his men to drink a glass of wine. Let the men kneel at a word.

"What if your men want you to wear imperial robes?"

Shi Shouxin, Gao Huaide and other generals offered their knees in succession, asking the boss to give them a way out of life.

In the end, Zhao Kuangyin gave them a way to cash out.

Everyone’s efforts with me are nothing more than making profits. Now it’s on the market. You said that you didn’t hurry up and cash out, but you were still waiting for ants to climb the tree.

Before the Song Dynasty, during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, when soldiers were in their hands, they quite owned the original shares, which became larger and larger. After exceeding the shares in the hands of the chairman, they could hold a board meeting, either abdicating or bloodbath, so as to re-elect.

Now, Zhao Kuangyin, taking advantage of his underlings’ insufficient performance shares, directly let these entrepreneurs cash out and take the money to leave.

The next day, a general called in sick and asked for an indefinite medical leave. Soon, this phenomenon showed signs of human-to-human transmission. The generals sold their military power in succession. Since then, the performance shares have been in the hands of the Zhao family, and the fashion shows that were often staged in the Five Dynasties and Ten Countries have almost disappeared.

This thing is called a glass of wine to release the soldiers, which is the most cost-effective glass of wine in the history of the village.

Then, Zhao Kuangyin played a set of "strong and weak" combination boxing.

In the past, our time, with soldiers and food in hand, rushed into the board of directors to lift the table without a word. Zhao Kuangyin simply confiscated all our military, financial and judicial powers. All the strong men in the place were incorporated into the central imperial army, leaving only the old, the sick and the disabled to guard the gate.

Even the central imperial army, Lao Zhao was not at ease. He divided the imperial army into three departments, namely, the department in front of the temple, the department in charge of guards and horses, and the department in charge of guards and soldiers.

There are three generals in Sanya respectively.

However, this handsome man is too low-quality. They only have the command right, but they have no right to transfer troops and send troops.

It is entirely up to Lao Zhao to decide what soldiers to deploy and when to start.

Lao Zhao also made a special balance, with 100,000 imperial troops in Beijing and 100,000 scattered around the country. In this way, the central imperial army can easily settle the rebellion of the foreign imperial army. Together, the foreign imperial guards can also stop the mutiny in Beijing.

The imperial guard in Beijing and the imperial guard in other places are still changing at any time, so that the soldiers don’t know who will be, and the soldiers in the world will really only be surnamed Zhao.

With such an adjustment, the chaos of the soldiers is gone, but the status of the general has plummeted. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, a general could be awarded the title of marquis for his meritorious military service.Going out will enter the phase. Going out is the general, and coming back is the prime minister. After the song dynasty, that is, the senior tool man in the village, it is impossible to become a super executive.

Thanks to this, the Song Dynasty stabilized, and Lao Zhao began to get rich, and when he got rich, he became willful. As soon as you have money, you want to take money to hit people.

The sixteen states of Youyun are the ones that Zhao Kuangyin wants to smash with money.

Sixteen states of deep and remote clouds are in the north of the village, which is the northern barrier of the village. Without this piece, riders from the north can easily rush to the middle of the village. In order to rebel, Shi Jingtang sold this place to Liao.

Liao country isA small branch set up by the Khitans in the north. The first big brother is called Yelu Abaoji.

When Bao Ji was born, the Khitan was still in the primitive clan and tribal society. This kind of society was when people were in a good mood, and everyone drank in a big bowl and ate meat. When feeling bad, chop off your head and rob your wife.

Bao Ji’s grandfather was killed in an infighting, and his father moved away from home. Grandma painted his face black to protect him, and then hid it in someone else’s tent.

This little face with a black face is crawling alone in the counting room. No one would have thought that this child would change the fate of the Khitans and affect the history of China for hundreds of years.

Where no one noticed, Bao Ji grew up and the good days finally came. His uncle held the power of the Khitan. And he grew into a good battlefield embryo. It is as high as nine feet, I don’t know if it is calculated according to the size of that dynasty, but the lowest is nearly two meters. Moreover, the history book is rich and sharp. I didn’t quite understand what it means to be rich on the top and sharp on the bottom, until one day, when I was watching cartoons, a Popeye who ate spinach suddenly appeared on the screen.

It means that the chest muscles are developed.

Paul’s strength is great, he can pull 300 Jin, and his riding and shooting skills are also very strong. Nomads can’t play the violin, but they can play the horseshoe piano and can’t ride the wall. Riding and shooting must be learned.

In the struggle with the tribes in the grassland, Bao Ji showed his extraordinary military skills and repeatedly made meritorious military service. Soon after, he became the military leader of the Khitan, leading the tribe to sweep across northern Xinjiang. It can be said that as long as the wind blows low, you can see the Khitan people’s cattle, sheep and horses.

As early as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Bao Ji went to Zhongyuan to rob with his military forces. Unexpectedly, although the Five Dynasties were chaotic and divided, Qin Shihuang didn’t even know the map of China, but the war was fierce. Mr. Bao Ji didn’t get a bargain, so he had to hand over the task of going south to his son Yeludeguang.

Yelvdeguang finally seized the opportunity to take a stake in Shi Jingtang when he was robbing the throne with his brother-in-law Li Congke, and he was assigned to sixty states of deep and remote clouds. Later, he once entered the Central Plains, but it was too hot in the south, so Yelvdeguang couldn’t stay, so he had to withdraw from the grassland and died halfway. It is said that it was also made into dried meat by a chef in the village.

But the sixteen states of Youyun have always been in the hands of Liao people. For the Central Plains dynasty, it means that the other party has a king fried in his hand and can throw things at your head from time to time.

To solve this problem, Zhao Kuangyin showed the essence of local tyrants. He said that he had laid a solid foundation in various countries and got a lot of good things. I saved all these things and saved a certain amount, so I talked with Liao and used the money to buy back sixteen states of Youyun.

The idea is beautiful, and the reality is very skinny.

I had just saved almost all my money, and when I was about to buy it, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly died.

His death is a famous mysterious event in the history of Song Dynasty. It is said that on that day, Zhao Kuangyin was having dinner and drinking with his brother. At this time, others saw from the window, candlelight flickering, Zhao Guangyi suddenly jumped up, as if to avoid something. Zhao Kuangyin knocked on the ground with yu fu: "Good for it, good for it." It’s for the sound of candles and axes.

On this day, Zhao Kuangyin died. After his death, the throne passed not to his son, but to Zhao Guangyi. And six years later, Zhao Pu, a former executive (prime minister) who was in a state of semi-unemployment, suddenly took out a golden chamber, which said that Zhao Kuangyin had arranged with the Queen Mother that the throne would be passed on to his younger brother Zhao Guangyi in the future.

Zhao Guangyi was justified when he became emperor. Then work hard.

The most important task is to take down the sixteen states of Youyun.

Zhao Guangyi lit up the military forces to win the Northern Han Dynasty, which has always been tenacious in the north, and also incorporated Yang Ye, a member of the Northern Han Dynasty, who was defeated by Liao soldiers in several battles, and was called "Yang Invincible".

With the Northern Han Dynasty, it was much more convenient to attack the sixteen states of Youyun. The army made a high-altitude attack at the gates of Youzhou, but it didn’t attack for seven days in a row. Dasong’s army had already passed the start-up period, and there were only a handful of famous soldiers. When the Liao army arrived, Song Jun was defeated, and Mr. Zhao Guangyi slipped back in a donkey cart.

Since then, Zhao Guangyi organized another attack, but Dasong exposed the problem of no commander-in-chief. None of the armies could attack as a whole. In the end, they not only suffered a heavy defeat, but also cheated Yang Ye.

At that time, it was agreed that Yang Ye would lead the way to meet them, and commander-in-chief Pan Mei would ambush them in the back. But when Yang Ye lost at the front, Pan Mei blew the assembly number, leaving Yang Ye behind, which led to the capture of General Yang Lao, who died of hunger strike.

In novels, Pan Mei is often portrayed as a villain and a traitor. Mr. Pan Mei is indeed average and has made mistakes, but it may be a bit exaggerated to be called a big traitor.

After Yang Ye’s death, his son Yang Yanzhao continued to join the army, guarding the frontier fortress, and won numerous battles, so he was called "Yang Liuyu". Yang Wenguang, the son of Yang Liuyi, is also a fierce soldier. The three generations of Yang family galloped on the battlefield, which made people admire, so there was a famous novel "Yang Jiajiang" behind them.

After two rounds of fighting, the Tangut people in Xiazhou in the northwest began to split up. At that time, when the emperor was Song Zhenzong, the son of Zhao Yiguang. As the third generation of emperors, Song Zhenzong’s methods to solve problems were simple and rude.

Don’t you just want some money?
Here you are!

Song Zhenzong sealed Xiping King to Li Deming, the leading brother of Xiazhou. Every year, he threw 40,000 gold, 40,000 brocade and 20,000 Jin of tea at Xiazhou at a fixed point, so-called old coins.

Take the money, we are all fine, don’t make trouble.

Seeing how generous the Song Dynasty was, Liao, the eldest brother in the north, couldn’t sit still.

It’s late, let’s go and have a windfall!

Song Zhenzong got a fright when he went there. He ran away with oil on his feet, and directly grabbed him by himself.

This is Minister Kou Zhun.

"Don’t worry, let’s go up and play a dozen. If we run to the south, our DaSong will be finished."

Hearing this, Song Zhenzong ran to the south without insurance, and finally got up the courage.

Running to the Yellow River, Song Zhenzong felt hasty this time, and wanted to run back. Unexpectedly, Gao Qiong, the imperial coach, knocked on Song Zhenzong’s coachman with a piece of wood.

Go away!

Song Zhenzong’s frame crossed the Yellow River in a fog.

Unexpectedly, the effect was particularly good. When the defenders of the Song Dynasty in Zhoucheng saw that all the bosses were on the scene, their morale was greatly boosted.

Originally, Song Jun could beat the Liao army at high altitude, but Song Zhenzong decided to stop when it was too late, and made peace with the Liao country, agreeing to give silver 102,000 yuan a year, so that everyone would be fine and not fight. History is called "the alliance of the Yuan Dynasty"

Spending money to buy peace was also done in the Han Dynasty, but Lao Zhao’s family took it to the extreme.

Who else refuses to accept? Hit him with money!

Under the money attack of local tyrant Song, the three kingdoms of Song, Liao and Xixia began a period of peace.

That’s the question. Why was the Song Dynasty so rich?
The main reason is that business activities are too prosperous.

Unlike other dynasties, which emphasized agriculture and suppressed commerce, the Song Dynasty encouraged commerce. Just look at the prosperity of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.

When there are more commercial activities, Lao Zhao can get a commission, two percent for transporting goods and three percent for selling goods in stores. There are also various miscellaneous taxes. For example, merchant ships have to cross the stream to "cross the stream for money"

The commercial tax collected in the Song Dynasty was as high as 20 million yuan a year. You said that it would cost 100,000 yuan to buy peace. Isn’t it fragrant? Besides, the money can be earned back through trade with Xixia, the Liao country.

As for the problem of face, as long as you are thick-skinned, it is others who are embarrassed.

The rest of my life will be like this. Unexpectedly, the local tyrant Song also began to have an economic crisis.

Let’s stop here for today and continue tomorrow.

Different sports modes and their functions are particular.

There are three common exercise methods: aerobic exercise, muscle strength exercise and bone strengthening exercise. 1. Aerobic exercise: It is a rhythmic exercise of large muscles of the body, also known as endurance exercise. Aerobic exercise is the most common exercise method, which can increase joint coordination, make participants feel faster heart rate and breathing frequency, and contribute to cardiopulmonary function. Common aerobic exercises include brisk walking, running, cycling, skipping rope and swimming. 2. Muscle strength training Muscle strength training is beneficial to relieve joint pain and improve joint stability. Each muscle strength exercise is limited to a few muscles, so pay attention to exercise all the main muscle groups of the whole body, including legs, hips, waist and back, shoulders, upper limbs and so on. Muscle strength training can be achieved at home: hooking feet and lifting legs can exercise the muscles in front of thighs-especially for patients with knee pain or instability; Xiao Yanfei can exercise the muscles of the waist and back, especially for people who are sedentary or have discomfort in the waist and back. Flat support can exercise the muscles of the back, abdomen, hip and leg. 3. Strengthening bone exercise, also known as weight-bearing exercise, is to carry out some activities in a standing position to make the bones bear a certain weight (that is, their own weight), so as to stimulate the bones to achieve the purpose of strengthening bones, such as skipping rope, running, walking fast and lifting weights. In fact, bone strengthening exercise can also be classified as aerobic exercise or muscle strength exercise. (via Peking University People’s Hospital)

Source: Beijing 12320 is listening

The 2023 National Swimming Championships started on Sunday, with famous players such as Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang participating.

The Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Xiao) As the final battle of China swimming this year, the 2023 National Swimming Championships and Doha World Championships trials will be held in the swimming pool of Jinan Olympic Sports Center from December 10th to 15th. Zhang Yufei, Qin Haiyang, Wang Shun, Xu Jiayu, Li Bingjie and other famous swimmers all participated in the competition.

Since the 2024 Doha Swimming World Championships will be held from February 2 to 18 next year, this year’s National Swimming Championships will be held in December this year as a trial for the World Championships. For the famous swimmers, this is also a special experience. After all, this period of time has entered the winter training period, and there are few large-scale events arranged in China.

According to the selection method of the World Championships, at most two athletes in each event are selected. The selection conditions are as follows: among the final results of each individual event, at most two athletes who have reached the A standard of the World Championships and achieved the best results are eligible for selection; One athlete has been selected in each individual final result, and the other one has been selected by the athlete who has reached the World Championship A standard and achieved the best result in the preliminary results; If no athlete reaches the World Championship A standard in the final results of each individual event, at most two athletes who have reached the World Championship A standard and achieved the best results in the preliminary results will be eligible for selection; If no athlete in each event reaches the World Championship A standard, the athlete who has reached the World Championship B standard and achieved the best result in the final and preliminaries (the final is better than the preliminaries) will be eligible for selection; If the results of each individual event are the same and exceed the number of selected places, the results of this individual event will be compared, and those with good results will be eligible for selection; If the results are the same again, the athletes with the same results will be replayed according to the requirements of the replay in the competition rules after the final, and those with good results will be eligible for selection.

The qualification of relay events is: athletes who have obtained the qualification of single event selection should have the first performance of single event or relay with the corresponding stroke and distance of each relay event in the trial before they can obtain the qualification of each relay event; Athletes who are not qualified for individual selection will reach the A or B mark of the World Championships in the final results of individual strokes and distances in each relay event, and obtain the alternative qualification to participate in relay events only; According to the competition schedule of the World Championships, after all individual qualifications are confirmed, the list of athletes who only participate in relay events and the qualifications of athletes in relay events are determined by collective discussion according to the results of athletes who are eligible for relay events.

According to the schedule, the 2023 National Swimming Championships will start the preliminary competition at 9: 30 every competition day, and the final competition will start at 19: 00. Judging from the registration situation, many contestants not only have to participate in their own main events, but also reported many events called "whole life" by swimming fans. For example, Wang Shun signed up for 100 frogs, 100 butterflies and 200 butterflies, Xu Jiayu signed up for 400 butterflies, Li Bingjie signed up for 200 butterflies, Pan Zhanle wanted to try her hand at 200, and teenager Yu Yiting even signed up for 11 individual events. While striving for the World Championships in Doha, the athletes will also fully pull their own status and prepare for the World Championships and the Paris Olympic Games.

Editor Wu Dongni

Proofread Wang Xin

The game is not limited to Blizzard. Take stock of MMO online games that can help quit "binge addiction".

At 0: 00 on January 24, World of Warcraft officially ended its operation in mainland China. It was the fault of the developer or the agent, and the hard work of more than ten years finally passed and dissipated. At the beginning of the 15-minute countdown to the server shutdown, strangers said goodbye to each other on the channel, "May the wind guide your direction".

With the character in Naglan forced to return to the login interface, and with the prompt that there is no available server, the world that has been with him for more than ten years has ended "temporarily".

Because of World of Warcraft, I have kept my game habits for many years. I tried several MMOs with my old friends in YY during the Spring Festival holiday, but they couldn’t fit in well and fell into a dilemma.

Sword net 3:

Whether it is the official version or the nostalgic version, the optimization is not satisfactory. Whether it is the 4090 graphics card or the 2080 graphics card, all graphics cards are equal in front of Sword Net III, and it is impossible to achieve a smooth frame number like World of Warcraft. The multi-stage jumping in its proud Lightness Skill system will make newcomers feel puzzled, because the Lightness Skill System will only show the corresponding function buttons after the player jumps, and the newcomers can’t even find a way to land quickly when they start trying.

But after all, "Sword Net III" is also an old game for many years, with a strong social atmosphere. The PVE copy game comes with a gold team assistant, and the copy is simple and the equipment is cheap. Direct 54 yuan also presented gold coins, and selling the gold coins actually only required about 5 yuan.

Guild Wars 2:

It’s really a refreshing game experience. Jumping music and world event design are great, and you can also experience magnificent battle scenes in the wild. The biggest innovation of the game is that it is out of the triangle mode of warfare, law and animal husbandry. Different occupations are not a single skill group, and switching to different weapons will have different skills. Players can play different output cycles by switching weapons in battle. Old people in the game are also very kind to newcomers, and often provide a set of equipment to novice players for free. However, for old players of Warcraft, there will be a certain cognitive gap because they are not in the mode of warfare and grazing.

> > > > > Stop taking Warcraft, and try Guild Wars 2, a good time for the lion city to go online in into the pit. < < < < <


It may be very suitable for players with formal clothes to play the game, because there are certain requirements for the DPS of T and N in the replica battle, but the battle mode will be different. The GCD of FF14 is long (various 2.5S skills in the early stage) and the judgment is delayed, and the fluency of the battle is not as good as that of World of Warcraft, and the plug-ins that players are used to in Warcraft are basically defined as plug-ins that cannot be used in FF14. For the old Warcraft players with nostalgic clothes, I am afraid that some older players are not good at accepting the picture and mechanism.

Swords of legends OL:

The optimization is average, and the game is really conscientious. The copy battle also has technical content and the picture is very good. Basically, every profession has two kinds of functional gameplay, and there are different genres to choose from under different functions. For example, the school of Imperial Sword can be divided into the rainbow of the air Sect and the flying star of the sword Sect. Shenhong can be divided into two schools: Blasting Sword and Yunlong. Under the current version, a set of equipment can freely switch attributes according to different functions (the additional attributes of the equipment need to be selected by the player himself), and the function selection of the team becomes more flexible in the copy battle, similar to the switching specialization in Warcraft, but there is no need to prepare an additional set of equipment.

It’s just that the overall feeling of playing the game is mediocre, and everything has no characteristics, that is to say, the game is good except PVP, but it’s not fun, and PVP is almost abandoned because there are too few players playing PVP activities as a whole.

Anti-cold veteran clothes:

The game has a good sense of attack and a strong Jianghu atmosphere, and it is worthy of being a breathing Jianghu. Just as a veteran’s clothing with classic equipment and mounts in Warcraft as the attraction, the skin to be given needs to be copied to get fragments before it can be finally obtained, which has a sense of deceiving players. And as a Warcraft player who has to spray the card for several years, it is inevitable that there are some psychological obstacles to play an improved version of the game that requires money to breathe, and I am really uneasy about the subsequent development of this game. Although numerical props are not sold in the game now, who knows what will happen in the future?

After several similar MMO games were tried and the substitutes were fruitless, a group of old players of Warcraft nostalgia service faced the dilemma of being helpless. I wonder if I can try another game mode. After all, the influence of World of Warcraft is too deep, and similar games can’t play the taste of Warcraft at all. Maybe the new game mode is easier to integrate without the game type of Warcraft itself. With this mentality, I decided to search for turn-based online games that can be played by office workers.

I searched, and there really is a game called Peach Blossom Garden 2, which is dedicated to office workers.

"Peach Blossom Garden 2" is just the sixth anniversary in official website, and it is also a domestic game that has been in operation for many years. In any case, domestic games will never have to worry about the contradiction between agents and developers, which will lead to the dilemma that the game will stop serving and the players have nowhere to go.

The core gameplay of "Peach Blossom Garden 2" is consistent with the traditional turn-based gameplay. In theory, you can easily play the game by choosing the output sect and automatically hanging up. It is relatively troublesome to treat and control the sect because it needs point-to-point operation in difficult battles.

The gameplay of Peach Blossom Garden 2 basically integrates the common gameplay in turn-based games, which is similar to daily tasks such as mentoring and running rings and other activities. When you first enter the game, you may be at a loss because of the rich content and no game experience, but there are corresponding guidelines in the game, which can reduce the learning cost of players.

At the same time, in order to increase the experience of new players, the game also has built-in novice login activities to reduce the resistance that players encounter in the early stage of the game. Newcomers will be given a set of weapons and equipment as well as powerful beasts and fairies for free when they log in on the 7 th.

There are also new service target activities, in which players can obtain a variety of valuable resources such as in-game currency and role training by reaching a series of goals such as combat power, crusade, manor, achievement and official position.

Seven days before the new service, players can get lucky draw opportunities when they reach 50, 100 and 150 every day, and they can draw high gold tickets, Taoyuan points, appearance props, etc., and even have a chance to get Goku!

Of course, for office workers, the biggest feature of Peach Blossom Garden 2 is zero cost, which is much better than other turn-based games, which require tens of thousands of inputs to get a group number.

Without blizzard and Warcraft, as office workers, choosing turn-based games can also be a choice. Peach Blossom Garden 2 is the latest product of the turn-based classic IP Peach Blossom Garden series. There is no mall in the game, all the items fall, and the props can be traded. Turn-based classic gameplay is available here, plus you can send advanced mounts and high-funded beasts when you log in, which can accompany players to visit Xanadu!