Follow the "National Fitness Road" and run towards health and happiness.



  What are the people’s sense of gain and happiness, and what are their expectations and wishes for national fitness? Please follow the reporters from all over the world to find the answer in this picture of the times of "I exercise, I am happy".

  [Reporter’s observation]

  Follow the "National Fitness Road" and run towards health and happiness.

  Guangming Daily reporter Zhang Sheng Gao Jianjin Ren Shuang Su Yan

  A basketball court full of people, a vibrant square and a fitness trail suitable for all ages … … To feel the pulse and vitality of a city, we must look at these "steaming" fitness places.

  Nowadays, the constantly upgraded national fitness facilities and the prosperous mass sports events have made more and more people move and laugh, making their lives more interesting and steaming.

The first Helan Mountain National Mountaineering Competition was held in Helan Mountain National Forest Park in Ningxia, and hiking enthusiasts were in the competition. Xinhua news agency

The dragon boat team participated in the dragon boat race on the Gongshui River in Xuanen County, Hubei Province. Xinhua news agency

  "15-minute fitness circle" measures the happiness radius of the people

  In the early morning of August 3rd, the semi-final of "beautiful countryside" basketball league in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province came to an end. In Qiandongnan, Guizhou Province, the basketball game has become the most lively activity in the "Eating New Festival" of the Miao people on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. The basketball league, called "Village BA" by netizens, has played an international role, relying on Guizhou’s practical measures to implement the national fitness strategy for many years and fully promote the construction of the "six sides" project of national fitness.

  In Fuzhou, Fujian, the theme demonstration activity of "National Fitness Day" in 2022 — — "Wan Li Fudaojian Walking, a provincial walker" is under intense preparation. Ye Desheng, Party Secretary and Director of Fujian Provincial Sports Bureau, who was busy at the scene, told reporters that Fujian actively promoted the construction of sports parks and fitness trails. Up to now, there are 8,891.52 kilometers of various fitness "Fudao" in the province, which greatly improved the happiness index of the people.

  In order to solve the problem of fitness "venue", the central government has continuously improved the system design, and local governments have continuously accelerated practical exploration. Guided by the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of National Fitness Facilities and Developing Mass Sports issued by the State Council and the Opinions on Building a Higher Level Public Service System for National Fitness issued by the State Council of China, in the process of urban renewal and rural revitalization, "15-minute fitness circles" have been continuously built all over urban and rural areas, extending the "last meter" of serving the mass fitness to the doorstep of the people.

  From "Walking around the Ridge" to "Walking along the Waterfront Greenway", the bustling crowd danced to the music on the Little Square in the center of Lianhua Town, Jiande, Zhejiang Province.

  In Changchun, Jilin, citizen Cai Dongting is taking the whole family to do outdoor sports. The Yitong River, which used to stink at home, has become clear and sparkling, with riverside parks springing up and fitness trails slowly spreading along the river. "Everyone looks at the beautiful scenery along the river and no longer has to worry about where to exercise." Cai Dongting told reporters while jogging.

  Looking at the land of China, there are "Frisbee fever", "Marathon fever" and "Bike fever" in urban blocks, and the heat flow of stocks marks the temperature range of national fitness; On the vast fields, "people’s gyms" have opened their doors to meet the fitness needs of farmers.

  "In recent years, the construction of fitness facilities has been intensified from the central finance to local finance." Zou Xinxian, director of the Teaching and Research Section of Public Administration of Beijing Sport University and chief expert on the development of Beijing Winter Olympics culture and ice and snow sports, believes that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the national strategy of national fitness has been implemented in depth, and the contradiction between the supply of public services for national fitness and the growing demand of the people has been shrinking, the venues and facilities have been significantly improved, and the participation of national fitness has been continuously improved.

  "Fitness Menu" and "Exercise Prescription" to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses for sports

  More than 90 days after it was launched, more than 100 events were launched, with more than 11.6 million direct participants … … Since its launch on April 28th this year, the National Fitness Online Games has handed over a bright report card. It is understood that the "Sports Meeting" has carried out more than 100 events such as shuttlecock, skipping rope, curling and chess and cards, and has sent a rich "fitness menu" to the masses.

  These days, Henan guy Wu Chenguang felt in the WeChat circle of friends: "‘ Clouds go to Qilu ’ Although it is over, I still want to continue to exercise and meet the most beautiful scenery in life with every solid step. " What he mentioned is the third "Cloud Walking Qilu" online ten thousand people walking. There were 584,000 people who signed up for the event, 11,000 teams were formed, the total number of punching kilometers was nearly 20.93 million kilometers, and the punching rate was over 63,000. In addition to Shandong, this national fitness event also attracted people from 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities including Liaoning, Chongqing and Beijing.

  After the Tokyo Olympic Games, many China athletes who returned from the games became star coaches to guide mass fitness on the Internet, attracting many young netizens. For example, Zhang Yufei, a famous swimmer in China and a champion of the Tokyo Olympic Games, successfully "went out of the circle" and became a "private education for all", bringing everyone a physical fitness class full of dry goods.

  On the one hand, online sports are unprecedentedly popular, on the other hand, the coverage rate of offline national fitness facilities is constantly improving, and various mass events are blooming. The fiery practice in real life and the magnifying effect of cyberspace make the "big garden" of national fitness more colorful.

  In this "big garden", such a group of people are still active — — More than 2.7 million social sports instructors make physical fitness "guided". "They have become an important force in promoting national fitness." Gu Xiaohua, a national first-class social sports instructor and director of Suzhou Social Sports Instructors Association, was deeply touched: "Today, there are more than 39,700 social sports instructors at all levels in the city, with 44 per 10,000 people. Many citizens are driven by their enthusiasm and professionalism and join the national fitness team."

  The reporter learned that in order to provide more scientific "exercise prescriptions" for the people, the State Sports General Administration, together with the National Health and Wellness Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, and other relevant scientific research units, launched a number of popular science works, developed a number of fitness methods, and organized athletes from national teams and provincial teams to enter primary and secondary schools and communities to carry out fitness guidance services, so as to promote the sharing of competitive sports achievements among the whole people.

  Advocate the concept of age-old friendship and join hands in running towards a healthy China.

  On a hot summer day, on the campus of Wangjiang Road, Daoxiang Village Primary School, Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, coaches such as roller skating, football and table tennis gathered together. The small players sweated like rain, and the summer training was very lively. "At present, the school has obtained technical support and venue support from all walks of life, and more than 1,000 students in the school have richer and more convenient choices for extracurricular activities." Xue Hong, Executive President of Wangjiang Road Campus of Daoxiang Village Primary Education Group, introduced.

  For Chen Huilai, a Fujian walker, walking is economical, safe and suitable for all ages. Since she joined the walking team of the old sports association in 2019, she has been walking for 8 to 10 kilometers every day and organized team walking training.

  Jia Junting Xian, 36, suffered from congenital eye disease, which led to blindness. Sports became her first track to realize her self-worth. In September 2016, she won the gold medal in the women’s T11-T13 4× 100m relay event at the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. She retired the following year and returned to her hometown as a special education teacher. "I have been helped by many people since I was a child. I want to pass on these loves and let more disabled friends feel the sunshine and warmth in sports." She said.

  Over the past few days, the cultural auditorium of Daijia Village, Lianhua Town, Jiande, Hangzhou has been very lively. More than 60 martial arts fans from all over the province are conducting a Tai Chi tuishou referee training and skill test. "To inherit Wushu culture, we must understand the essence of emphasizing morality, ceremony and harmony behind it." Deng Linlin, the chairman of jiande city Wushu Association and the "literary village head" of Lianhua Town, believes that more people should know and learn Wushu to further enrich people’s spiritual and cultural life … …

  In recent years, all localities have explored the creation of a brand featuring farmers’ culture and sports with "one product in one place, one item in one village", developed sports with agricultural characteristics suitable for different groups of people and different regional characteristics, and promoted traditional Chinese sports such as martial arts, dragon boat and health qigong, thus injecting vitality into rural revitalization.



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  大健康理念下 全民健身蔚然成风



  Standing at the historical intersection of the goal of "two hundred years", national fitness presents new characteristics of the times.

  First, the two national strategies of national fitness and healthy China are closely linked and deeply integrated. The concept of "sports is a good doctor" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the integration of sports and health and sports and tourism is gradually deepening. People have changed from "asking me to exercise" to "I want to exercise", and active fitness and scientific fitness are gradually integrated into daily life. By the end of 2021, the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise reached 37.2%. Second, the card points that focus on the people’s fitness needs block the pain points, and the "hardware" and "software" shortcomings are quickly filled. By the end of 2021, there were 3.971 million sports venues in China, with an area of 3.41 billion square meters, with a per capita sports venue area of 2.41 square meters, up by 134.3%, 71.2% and 65.1% respectively compared with 2013. Idle "marginal areas" in cities have been transformed into good places for daily exercise, and more sports venues are open to the society free of charge or at low fees. In terms of the coverage of fitness programs, a large number of activities to facilitate the people, benefit the people and benefit the people have appeared around the people, and sports such as ice and snow, which were strongly influenced by the region in the past, have achieved leap-forward development. Third, the new technology empowers the whole people to keep fit. With the blessing of 5G technology, cloud live broadcast and short video are developing rapidly. The fashionable sports equipment and software platforms are making the threshold of sports lower and lower and getting closer to people’s lives.

  Sports is not only the proper meaning of a strong country, but also the foundation of a happy life for individuals. It is not only an important driving force to promote economic and social development, but also a platform window to show the soft power of the country’s culture. On the new journey, to continue to promote the in-depth development of national fitness, we must better understand the value and significance of national fitness — — For individuals, fitness is the most affordable health investment; In society, national fitness is the most inclusive public service; In the country, national fitness can improve the health level of the whole nation, promote the progress of social civilization and promote the all-round development of people.

  Looking at the whole country, the vigorous national fitness campaign not only allows the people to gain a healthier body and mind, but also becomes a good prescription for people to boost their spirits; The happiness, self-confidence and openness brought by sports contain majestic positive energy and inject new spiritual vitality and development momentum into national rejuvenation.

  On the road to common prosperity, we must firmly establish the concept of great sports and great health, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and continue to promote the deep integration of national fitness and national health with pragmatic measures. We believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, national fitness will become a common practice and become a popular social trend.

  [First-line narration]

  Climb and feel the beauty of mountains and rivers.

  Narrator: Wang Yong, President of Ningxia Yinchuan Hiking Association

  "Ningxia chuan, two-headed. East by the Yellow River and west by Helan Mountain. " Like many mountain climbers and hikers, we like to use high mountains and rivers as natural gymnasiums. Just a few days ago, at the National Mass Fitness Mountaineering Conference and the first Helan Mountain National Mountaineering Competition, mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the world gathered in Yinchuan and headed for the mountains and rivers.

  In 2013, my friends and I founded the Yinchuan Hiking Association, and its members have grown from dozens to more than 25,000 today. In recent years, the government has taken the lead in holding a series of activities, such as the National Mass Fitness Mountaineering Conference, the "I want to go" National Walking Linkage Day, and the Helan Mountain Starry Camping Conference, with the active participation of the Association.

  In response to the call of national fitness, the association also organized the theme hiking activities of "Bonfire Great Wall" and "My Yellow River", and planned to walk all the routes of the Great Wall and Ningxia section of the Yellow River in two years. The association also actively participates in the ecological protection along the Great Wall and the Yellow River, and encourages everyone to pick up the left-behind garbage in mountaineering and hiking by exchanging points for gifts and vouchers to jointly protect the beautiful environment.

  Next, we plan to launch 40 series of hiking activities, "Discover the beauty of Ningxia" and "Me and my hometown", to let more people know about Ningxia, a good place.

  [First-line narration]

  Keep fit and keep in good shape.

  Narrator: Wang Jing, a network fitness expert

  The reason why I participated in online fitness teaching is not only because I majored in physical education in college, but also because I have rich working experience. From fitness coach, sports course designer, coach trainer to being a training director in a fitness institution, these experiences contain my unchanging original intention — — Let more people have good posture and posture.

  After the Spring Festival in 2019, I began to share videos of exercise and fitness online. Unexpectedly, it took only three months to make a lot of explosions. Later, when the COVID-19 epidemic struck, I made a lot of exercise videos that I could train at home, and the response was good. Some fans left messages suggesting that I broadcast live. Now, just turn on my mobile phone and you can find me — — Everyone’s "personal education". I also set up a fitness class online and set up a fat-reducing and shaping camp to get more people moving.

  Thanks to this good era, let’s plug in the wings of the Internet and ride against the wind, so that more people can benefit from the scientific movement for life.

  message board

  In recent years, in order to make the old people in the village have fun, we have built a gateball court. In order to attract the elderly to participate, we organize teams to play games and raise funds to buy sports equipment for the elderly. Due to the low threshold of playing gateball, the enthusiasm of the old people to participate is getting higher and higher. Nowadays, the old people gather at the gateball court as soon as they have time, playing ball and chatting, which is very popular. A small gateball made the old people move and be happy.

  — — Yan Ju, Director of Security Protection in Xianfeng Village, Xiaogushan Town, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Jilin Province

  Our school is located in the suburban industrial zone, parents are busy with their work, and many students have become "chubby" under the love of grandparents. Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy for one year, the school has arranged various forms of inter-class exercises, such as table tennis exercises and fancy rope skipping. P.E. teachers set up interest classes after class and take the children to practice basketball and badminton. This summer, many children teamed up to play football at school, and the campus in summer was full of laughter. Teachers and parents are happy to see the "chubby piers" become vigorous.

  — — Wang Gongqin, Vice President of Longtang School in Feidong County, Anhui Province

  After retirement, I passed the exam and became a social sports instructor, teaching Tai Ji Chuan and Qigong in parks and squares every Monday and Wednesday. Unexpectedly, many young people are also actively involved. Now, in parks, squares and under city walls, the figure of mass exercise can be seen everywhere. I am really happy to see more and more people moving.

  — — Gu Xiaohua, national first-class social sports instructor and director of Suzhou Social Sports Instructors Association, Jiangsu Province.

  I often walk along the trail built by the mountain. Walking through the mountains, there are both slow roads and landscapes, and "China under the toe" is so beautiful that people are relaxed and happy. This year, I participated in the "National Fitness Walking with the Winter Olympics" held in Gushan, the New Year’s Climbing Walk, and the 10,000-person Walking Walk held in Feifeng Mountain. Every weekend, I also organized cross-country hiking in the surrounding Shan Ye, which not only strengthened my physique, but also made me feel the beauty of mountains and rivers.

  — — He Yong, an expert in walking in Fujian Province.

    (Project team: Guangming Daily reporter John Zhang, Wang Jianhong, Zhang Wenpan, Ren Shuang, Gao Jianjin, Su Yan, Chen Guanhe, Wang Simin Guangming Net reporter Liu Xiyu Guangming Daily correspondent Xu Mengling, Yang Yunjie)

Father pushes his son with cerebral palsy to run a marathon: "I promised him to stand behind him all his life."


  Xin’ an riverside

  Qingshan lvshuijian

  Zhejiang Jiande 2022 Xin ‘anjiang Marathon started shooting.

  On the track

  A pair of special contestants caught everyone’s attention

  A middle-aged man in a dark blue sports vest

  Pushing a tricycle.

  In the cart

  The little boy sat quietly.

  Work hard with my father towards the finish line

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  This middle-aged man

  It’s Luo Shujian, 45.

  From Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province

  Is a courier.

  In the cart is his 13-year-old son Xiao Bai.

  And this marathon

  It’s this father and son

  The 54th competition in 7 years.

  The medals hung on the walls of Luo Shujian’s home (provided by the respondents)

  One birth

  Xiao Bai, his son, became the most reluctant person for Luo Shujian.

  In 2009

  Severe asphyxia lasting for 15 minutes at birth.

  Causing xiaobai to have severe brain damage.

  He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth.

  And then appeared.

  Mental retardation, epileptic symptoms and autism tendency

  Later, he was diagnosed as "LGS syndrome" again.

  This is the most difficult type of epilepsy in children to control.

  A doctor once told Luo Shujian

  My son needs to be taken care of all his life.

  With the help of public welfare organizations

  Luo Shujian and his wife took Xiao Bai.

  Found an authoritative expert

  Seizure symptoms of Xiao Bai

  Also got better after using drugs.

  But Xiao Bai still can’t talk.

  Intelligence is only maintained at the level of children.

  Luo Shujian and his family usually take it with them.

  To go out for a walk.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)


  Luo Shujian came across the story of Dick Huo Yite and his son.

  This great father

  Pushing a son with cerebral palsy

  With more than 1000 running races

  Run all over America along the runway

  It is also one of the six marathons in the world.

  Boston marathon

  Touched countless people.

  In 2015

  After learning the information that the Hangzhou Marathon started to register that year,

  Luo Shujian also wants to try.

  In order to improve physical fitness

  He gets up at 4: 30 every morning

  Run at 5 o’clock in the morning

  Go out to work after the end.

  Be fully prepared

  November 1, 2015

  He took his son to participate for the first time.

  Hangzhou Marathon 7 km Mini Run

  And finally finished the game.

  A cart for my son.

  It cost him half a month’s salary.

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  On the field

  Luo Shujian found his son Xiao Bai

  The whole process was very exciting and happy.

  "He likes that kind of lively scene.

  And this desire to chase

  Laugh and clap your hands. "

  After discovering that my son likes it very much,

  Luo Shujian was out of control from then on.

  5 km, 10 km

  Half horse, whole horse … …

  In the past seven years, Luo Shujian has pushed his son to complete it.

  54 games, big and small

  Footprints are all over the country

  Luo Shujian and his son are participating in the competition (provided by respondents)

  For seven years

  In the process of pushing my son to run.

  Luo Shujian for "father"

  Have a deeper understanding

  "I hope to be able to run.

  Can accompany him to walk around the country.

  Let him come into this world without regret.

  By running again and again like this

  I hope he can appreciate the hardships of everyone’s life.

  Also let him feel the warmth and strength in life. "

  Luo Shujian said

  Luo Shujian (third from right) is participating in public welfare activities (provided by respondents)

  Luo Shujian hopes

  Keep running with your son.

  "I promised him to stand behind him all my life."

  He smiled and told reporters

  Meet once, and live up to this life.

  Hail to the great father!

  Life is precious.

  In the wind, in the rain, on the road

  Love makes every step

  Full of power


  Source: Xinhua News Agency WeChat (ID:xinhuashefabu1) Comprehensive Yangguang. com and Jimu News.

  Reporter: Lin Guangyao, Ma Xiaoju

  Producer: Guan Kailiang

  Editor: Li Yongxi, Qing Shan

  Internship: Zhang Zhuojun

National fitness-sports are at the right time

Original title: National Fitness-Sports at the Right Time

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On the vernal equinox of the same day, a tug-of-war competition was held in the shopping mall of Erdaoqiao Community, Erdaoqiao Street, Tianshan District, Urumqi, to advocate national fitness and enjoy the warm sunshine in spring.

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

On March 20th, residents and merchants participated in the tug-of-war competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Faye Wong photo

When female fans meet the European Cup: Record time with football and gain friendship in a foreign land.

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 20 (Reporter Yue Chuan) Nowadays, every time a football match comes, female fans will become an indispensable topic on and off the court, and various versions of the "most beautiful fans" atlas in the hands of photographers are even more eye-catching tools. The European Cup in France, which is in full swing, is no exception. In this new upsurge created by football, the camp of female fans is getting bigger and bigger.

  Although the game is not at home, there is still a time difference when watching the ball, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of the female fans around. As long as you brush your social tools, you will be surprised at the wide coverage of this special group. One after another, the crash handbook for female fans also shows that this group is becoming more and more important in the football world. For some of them, the reason why they are excited about football is not just because of their face value, but because of their true love.

  Senior female fans: football portrays time rings crazier than boys.

  Xiaonuo, who was born after 1980s, is a middle-level person in an enterprise, and she usually shows herself as a rigorous and capable professional woman. But as long as you hook up with football, Xiaonuo immediately looks like a different person.

  Despite his busy work, Xiaonuo still can’t give up his love for football. Since the start of this European Cup, Xiaonuo has watched many games and stayed up all night. In order not to affect her work, most of her spare time outside watching football is used by her to make up her sleep. In the eyes of colleagues, Xiao Nuo is "torturing" herself, but she thinks it is worth it for the European Cup every four years.

  For Xiao Nuo, the World Cup and the European Cup, which alternate every two years, have become her way of recording time.

  Xiao Nuo first met football in 1996, which was also the European Cup. It is also because of that contest that Xiao Nuo fell in love with the German team, and it has been 20 years since then. For this figure, Xiaonuo himself seems a little surprised. "The impression of winning the golden ball in Erlhoff is still very deep. I didn’t expect time to pass so quickly."

  Xiao Nuo recalled that at that time, because she could only see the Bundesliga and Serie A broadcasts, she had great feelings for the two leagues. Posters of Klinsmann, Baggio and batistuta had been hung in her bedroom for a long time. In order not to miss the stories around her idol, Xiaonuo accumulated hundreds of issues of football clubs and contemporary sports, at the expense of almost never eating breakfast in high school. "Younger fans may not even know these two magazines," Xiao Nuo sighed.

  Baggio, who once charmed countless female fans, has now lost his hair.

  Besides these, in the twenty years since she became a female fan, Xiaonuo has done many crazier things. It goes without saying that Xiao Nuo was desperate to watch the World Cup group match between China and Brazil in college.

  "I still remember that it was June 8, and it was almost 11 o’clock after watching the game. The dormitory was turned off and the gate was closed, so I had to go back over the wall." As a result, Xiao Nuo was expelled from the school student union because of this.

  Not only that, during the World Cup in Germany in 2006, Xiao Nuo, who had just joined the work, almost fought with male fans when he went out to watch the ball with friends. In order to get a commemorative jersey of the German team, Xiaonuo did not hesitate to mobilize all his friends around him to help, and finally entrusted someone to bring one back from abroad … … All these, there are many.

  Xiao Nuo told reporters that her biggest wish this year is that the German team won the European Cup. But for why she loves football so much, Xiaonuo can’t give a general answer. She just said, "Like is like. If girls really like football, they will be crazier than boys."

  Louis’ tears, Xiaoxue can understand.

  "Ordinary" Female Fans: From "Bored" to "Tears"

  Xiaoxue was born in 1990 and has just worked for one year. Her career as a female fan began four years ago, also because of the European Cup. In the summer vacation of sophomore year, under the guidance of friends, Xiaoxue entered the world of football.

  Because of that European Cup, Xiaoxue fell in love with Spain and Iniesta. After the contest, Xiaoxue began to pay attention to La Liga, and then he liked Barcelona, followed by Messi, Suarez and Neymar. Now, talking about the stars who have played in Barcelona in recent years and the achievements made by the club, Xiaoxue is like a few treasures. In this competition, she hopes that Spain can defend its title.

  Xiaoxue also told reporters that in fact, when I first started watching the ball, I felt that football was quite boring. "I didn’t score a goal for a long time. I don’t understand why everyone is so excited because of a ball game."

  "Until the World Cup semi-final two years ago, Germany’s 7-1 massacre against Brazil, I watched the ball among a group of German fans, and I couldn’t stop crying in the first half." As a fan of Neymar, Xiaoxue had a personal experience for the first time.

  Nowadays, Xiaoxue watches the ball every week and occasionally stays up late on weekends. Around her, there is also a small circle of female fans, and everyone will meet to watch the ball together from time to time. "By the way, I also went to the Bird’s Nest to watch the South American Derby! Super excited! " It can be seen that football has become a part of Xiaoxue’s life.

  But even so, Xiaoxue still thinks she is a fake fans, even though she has watched more games than some boys who claim to be real fans in recent years. "I don’t have a deep understanding of tactics, and sometimes I feel quite confused when listening to the commentator analyze the game." However, Xiaoxue also said that she likes the feeling of watching the ball now and will not deliberately move closer to the "real" fans.

  The German team now relies not only on face value, but also on strength.

  Female fans studying abroad: Football makes me meet new friends in a foreign land.

  Lizi is a college student majoring in Korean. She watched the ball for the first time with several Korean students. It was two years ago in the World Cup, a game in which the German team participated. Chestnut’s friend happened to be a fan of the German team, so she also liked this team.

  However, Chestnut is a pure fake fans. Even her favorite German team, she can only name a few key players. Even so, Chestnut thinks that this will not affect her interest in watching the ball. "I didn’t know the rules very well, so I like the lively atmosphere."

  Now, Chestnut is studying in Korea as an exchange student. In this European Cup, the German team has played two games, and Chestnut watched the live broadcast with her classmates. Among them, a small number are China students, and most of them are Koreans. In chestnut’s view, football gave her the opportunity to make new friends in a foreign land.

  "Football is very popular in Korea. Even for girls, if there is a game on the pedestrian street, many people will stop to watch it," Chestnut told reporters. "Watching the game together has enhanced the friendship between my classmates and I have made some new friends. After all, people with common interests are easier to get along with."

  Besides, Li Zi said that watching football can also help her change her mood, which is also a way to vent negative emotions. "After all, it is very important for me to study abroad alone," said Li Zi. (Some characters in the text are pseudonyms) (End)

How many times can the folding screen be folded? Netizen measured: the result was unexpected

Many new players have been added to the folding screen track, and OPPO and vivo have launched their folding screen models. So far, all domestic mainstream manufacturers have folding screen mobile phones.

It should be noted that each folding screen mobile phone emphasizes one point, that is, the number of folds, which is also the focus of many interested users.

For example, vivo X Fold claims that it can achieve lossless folding times of 300,000 times, OPPO Find X is 200,000 times, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 is also publicized for 200,000 times, and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 folded up and down is also 200,000 times.

So are these data credible? After all, there is no actual data support, but there are many real netizens.

Recently, some foreign netizens conducted the ultimate folding test on Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3. In addition to daily folding, they also covered the mobile phone in dust and dirt and dipped it in water to fold it.

How many times can the folding screen be folded? Netizen measured: the result was unexpected

The data shows that when the Flip 3 was folded to about 350,000 times, the hinge began to become loose, and occasionally it could not be folded. After being folded for 418,503 times, it could not be opened and closed normally.

Compared with the official 200,000 folds, the 410,000 folds are unexpected. It seems that the manufacturer’s propaganda on folding life is still conservative. Of course, the above data are for reference only, and it is better to be careful in actual folding. After all, changing a screen is not cheap.

How many times can the folding screen be folded? Netizen measured: the result was unexpected

World Weekly Story: What is the circus that claims to have the greatest performance on earth?

  CCTV News (World Weekly):How many children went to the circus on Children’s Day? Circus performance is one of the good memories of childhood for many people. Today, in some large theme parks, the most popular performance is circus. But on May 21st, a 146-year-old "Lingling Circus", known as "the greatest performance on earth" and one of the three largest circuses in the world, held its final curtain call in new york and announced its closure. The news made many people feel particularly sad, but it also made others jump for joy. What does the closure of Lingling Circus mean?

   Wonderful performance bid farewell to "the greatest performance on earth"

  On May 21st, the farewell performance of Lingling Circus was held in Nassau Veterans Memorial Gymnasium in Long Island, new york, USA.

  Before the performance, Kenneth Field, CEO of the American Field Entertainment Company, the parent company of Lingling Circus, gave a speech in the center of the stage.

  After a tense 10-second countdown, the performance officially began.

  The whole performance lasted for 2 hours and 30 minutes, which was wonderful and won applause from the audience.

  After this final performance, the 146-year history of Lingling Circus came to an end.

  Audience: It was very interesting. The performance was fantastic, but it was very sad. My children just cried and asked me, Mom, why is the circus closed? Today, I brought my mother, aunt and friends to watch the performance. It was a little sad, but I was glad that we could come. I saw their circus when I was a child.

  Audience: Unfortunately, the circus has become a symbol of American culture.

  Past lives of Lingling Circus


  The history of Lingling Circus can be traced back to 1871.

  At that time, Phineas Taylor Barnum, an American, organized a circus performance by showing rare animals and people with strange shapes, which was very popular with the audience.

  Ten years later, barnum cooperated with his main competitor, james bailey, and established "barnum and Bailey Circus", the predecessor of Lingling Circus.

  After barnum and Bailey died, another "Lingling Brothers Circus" formed by five brothers from Wisconsin bought "barnum and Bailey Circus" and merged into "Lingling Circus".

  At the beginning of the 20th century, Lingling Circus began to change its style. Instead of taking animal exhibitions as its selling point, it trained animals to perform with circus actors, among which elephant training became the signature program of Lingling Circus.

  In 1967, Lingling Circus was bought by the Field family. The circus continues to expand, hiring a large number of employees and paying a lot of money to collect the world’s rare animals. Every year, Lingling Circus will tour more than 100 cities and become an important part of American entertainment culture. Together with two rising stars: new york Big Apple Circus and Cirque du Soleil, it is known as the three largest circuses in the world.

  The golden age of circus performance is fading away.

  However, with the rise of film and television entertainment, electronic games and the Internet, the golden age of circus performance is gradually fading away.

  Due to high operating costs and declining ticket sales, many circuses have closed down in recent years.

  In November 2016, the 39-year-old new york Big Apple Circus declared bankruptcy and auctioned its assets in January this year.

  Jonathan Iverson, head of Lingling Circus: It’s a pity that today’s society no longer pursues miracles that can’t be seen on the Internet.

  In addition to the pressure of operation, the criticism from public opinion has also put the circus featuring animal performances in an awkward position.

  Double pressure of management and public opinion crushed Lingling Circus.

  Members of animal protection organizations: They mistreat animals.

  Audience: Never mind? ? They won’t do that.

  Members of animal protection organizations: They abuse animals with tools.

  Audience: Have you really seen these behaviors you are talking about?

  In the eyes of animal protection organizations, circus is the hardest hit area of animal abuse.

  Because most performing animals will be forcibly taken away from their parents after birth. In the process of training, animal trainers will use various ways to destroy their will.

  Elephant performance was once a classic performance of Lingling Circus.

  The elephants on the stage look docile and clever, but their growth process is full of fear and helplessness.

  He was separated from his parents at an early age and received human training. During the training process, the animal trainer will tie up the limbs of the elephant with ropes. Once the elephant’s performance fails to meet the requirements, the animal trainer will stab their sensitive parts with the hook stick in his hand, forcing the elephant to obey because of fear, and finally achieve the goal of domestication.

  Even if they are trained successfully and become star actors, the situation of these animals is equally pitiful.

  Because most circuses use the way of touring performances and travel all the year round, the train has become the home of circus members. They married with children, living on the train, look romantic. But animals are different. On endless roads, they are always chained by cold chains and live in narrow carriages.

  In 2011, for violating the Animal Welfare Law, Field Entertainment paid a fine of US$ 270,000, or about RMB 1.86 million, to the US Department of Agriculture.

  However, Field Entertainment does not admit that it has abused animals.

  Their attitude made animal protection organizations increase their protests against the circus.

  Every time Lingling Circus holds a performance, members of animal protection organizations can be seen outside the venue. They seriously discourage the audience who come to watch the performance.

  Members of animal protection organizations: Now they will go in and watch the performance without looking back, and when they realize the seriousness, they will stand on our side.

  Member of animal protection organization: If you don’t want your children to be treated like this, why do you have the heart to let other people’s children suffer from this?

  Under the pressure of public opinion, finally, in May 2016, after completing the last elephant performance, Field Entertainment decided to retire the elephants in the group and send them to the Florida Animal Protection Center.

  Without the elephant in the town, the circus ticket revenue "dropped sharply".

  In January this year, Lingling Circus announced that it would be completely closed at the end of May due to high operating costs and declining ticket sales. After the closure, all the animals in the group will be sent to other suitable places, but the company did not disclose the specific place.

  Field, CEO of Field Entertainment, USA: Circus has experienced world wars, every economic cycle and many changes. People don’t like circus as much as they used to.

  Circus should also keep pace with the times. Cirque du Soleil’s "O" show relies on technology instead of animals.

  Today, among the three major circuses in the world, the only one left is Cirque du Soleil from Canada.

  This circus, founded in 1984, found a new way, not relying on animal performances to attract attention, but relying on high-tech dance design to gather the world’s best acrobats and gymnasts, coupled with a Hollywood blockbuster-like plot, to present a gripping performance, which soon became a great success and has received rave reviews so far.

  "Thirty years ago, a circus without animal performances would be regarded as deceiving the audience, but now people like a different circus."

  -Denver Post

  Conclusion: More humane, safer, more environmentally friendly and healthier entertainment.

  Some people say that the closure of Lingling Circus marks the decline of this traditional form of entertainment.

  However, many people are still optimistic about the future of circus, thinking that circus performance is also advancing with the times, seeking changes in form and content.

  Indeed, with the change of social concepts and the development of scientific and technological means, people’s entertainment methods have been constantly updated. What we expect is that the mainstream development direction will become more humane, safer, more environmentally friendly and healthier.

5G is still absent, but Huawei must continue to release folding machines.

Image source @ vision china

Text | Connected Insight, Author | Zhang Fei, Editor | Zhou Xiaoqi

Not surprisingly, but also a little regrettable for digital enthusiasts — — Huawei’s new generation folding machine Mate Xs 2 is still not a 5G mobile phone.

On April 28th, Huawei held the Mate Xs 2 online conference. This is Huawei’s new generation folding screen flagship mobile phone after Mate X, Mate Xs, Mate X2 and Huawei P50 Pocket.

The starting price of Mate Xs 2 has set a new record for Mate series folding screens, and the price has dropped below 10,000 yuan for the first time.In terms of selling price, 8GB+256GB is priced at 9999 yuan; 8GB+512GB is priced at 11,499 yuan; 12GB+512GB collector’s edition is priced at 12999 yuan..

In addition to the price drop, Mate Xs 2 also has new features.

As early as in the warm-up video of the new machine, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, revealed that the folding screen mobile phone in the past was thick, bulky and not resistant to falling, but Mate Xs 2 solved these problems.The weight and thickness of the fuselage are basically close to ordinary mobile phones, and the fall resistance and firmness have also been greatly improved.

According to the on-site information of the press conference, Mate Xs 2 is still designed with an outer folding screen, just like Mate XS released in 2020. The weight and thickness are close to that of a conventional straight mobile phone, and the weight of the whole machine is 255g.At present, the lightest folding large-screen mobile phone in the industry. This is a major breakthrough of the folding screen mobile phone.

butMate Xs 2 is not equipped with the most powerful Kirin 5G chip like Mate Xs, but a 4G version of Qualcomm Snapdragon 888.Unfortunately, the advantage is that this folding screen mobile phone will at least not be too affected by the chip crisis.

Therefore, before the launch of the new machine, Yu Chengdong confidently said that "the supply of Huawei mobile phones has been greatly improved, and everyone can buy Huawei mobile phones if they want to" and "this is the biggest good news".

Or in order to make up for the regret of 4G chips, Mate Xs 2 is the first mobile phone in the industry to support tri-band Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi dual 5GHz band++2.4GHz band), which can access the Internet at high speed.

Huawei, as the leader of 5G and the track of folding machine, will continue to be active in the folding machine market even if it launches the 4G version of the folding machine equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 for two consecutive times after encountering the black swan ban.

2022 is the "year of explosion" of folding screen mobile phones, and even the "latecomer" vivo has come to an end. All domestic mainstream mobile phone manufacturers have captured the folding screen market, and the war has intensified. Huawei must ensure its activity to stabilize the market.

The significance of listing a new machine is greater than selling the goods itself. Then, there is still no 5G Huawei Mate Xs 2 to attract consumers, and it will take some time for the market to test.

After a lapse of four months, Huawei’s new generation folding screen Mate Xs 2 was launched.

On the eve of the press conference, there was a heated discussion about Huawei’s first folding machine this year, especially Yu Chengdong’s remark that Mate Xs 2 was "an epoch-making big folding screen with many black technologies" in the preheating video.

Finally, at 7 pm on April 28th, Yu Chengdong appeared at the press conference with the long-awaited Mate Xs 2.In the past, the rhythm of the whole conference became shorter and simpler. Only in the first 23 minutes, I finished the Mate Xs 2 folding new machine.Subsequently, a number of other new hardware products, such as the V Pro smart screen, were released one after another.

Although the introduction time is not long, Mate Xs 2 is definitely the flagship product of the conference.

Go around,After a lapse of two years, Huawei Mate Xs 2 once again picked up the folding design and still followed Mate Xs’s folding screen technology.

At present, the mainstream folding screen scheme is widely used by other mobile phone manufacturers. The advantage is that it can protect the inner screen well, and its fall resistance and service life are better than those of the folding screen, but the disadvantage is that creases are easy to appear in the middle of the screen.Folding out will expose the screen, but it can be used as both an outer screen and an inner screen at the same time, making the body of the mobile phone thinner.

So far, Huawei is the only mobile phone manufacturer that has launched a folding screen version of the mobile phone. Therefore, the main promotion point of Mate Xs 2 is the screen.

The folding scheme itself can be thinner and lighter. Mate Xs 2 body is made of ultra-light glass fiber, and innovative materials such as aviation grade titanium alloy and ultra-light and super-strong steel are adopted in the structure, which makes the mobile phone both light and high-strength and toughness — —Mate Xs 2 is close to the thickness and weight of ordinary mobile phones. The thinnest unfolded body is only 5.4mm, only 255g, setting a record for the lightest weight of folding screens.

andHuawei has also made great efforts in screen hinge technology, and pioneered the double-rotating eagle wing hinge.The eagle wing hinge structure is composed of 100+ precision devices, and the unfolded screen is flat and smooth, and the visual experience is almost seamless.

Therefore, as Yu Chengdong said,The highlight of Mate Xs 2 is that it solves the three major pain points of folding large-screen mobile phones: massiness, creases and fear of falling.

In terms of camera shooting, this phone is quite satisfactory. Mate Xs 2 has a 10.7-megapixel super wide-angle camera in front and a three-camera module in rear — — It is equipped with a 50-megapixel primary color camera, supplemented by a 13-megapixel ultra-wide-angle, 8-megapixel 3-fold optically variable lens. In addition, there are 10-channel multispectral sensors and laser focusing sensors.

In terms of battery configuration, Mate Xs 2 belongs to the mainstream level of the industry. According to Huawei’s official introduction, Mate Xs 2 has a built-in 4880mAh battery, which supports 66W super fast charging and can charge 90% in 30 minutes. There is no obvious difference with previous generations of folding machines.

It is worth noting that in the whole conference, Yu Chengdong didn’t mention a word about the chip, only the small words "carrying Snapdragon 888 4G" were written in the lower right corner of the PPT that announced the price.

This once caused many netizens to go to social networking sites to ask "Which chip is carried by Mate Xs 2?" And other similar issues.

The reason why Yu Chengdong didn’t mention the processor is self-evident.Haisi Kirin is out of stock., from the last folding machine P50 Pocket carrying Snapdragon 888 has begun to show signs.

As early as September 2020, Huawei can no longer obtain high-end chips below 10nm from chip manufacturers such as TSMC. This means that,As the most powerful chip in Huawei’s Kirin series, Hisilicon Kirin 9000 will become a swan song, and the new machine can only adopt the 4G chip Snapdragon 888.

Although the overall performance of Snapdragon 888 is good, it is already the standard in flagship machine, and its exaggerated power consumption and heat dissipation problems have been complained by many consumers.

In fact, consumers recognize Huawei’s high-end machines. In addition to brand influence, the self-developed Hess Kirin is also the key. Therefore,Many digital enthusiasts regret that Huawei’s new generation folding machine does not use the 5G SoC chip Kirin 9000.

Obviously, the chip has become the weakness of Mate Xs 2.

Yu Chengdong once praised Mate Xs as "Huawei’s best folding screen phone so far". In addition, due to the lack of supply, many people even buy Huawei folding screen Mate Xs at a high price of nearly 100,000 yuan. Whether Mate Xs 2 equipped with Snapdragon 888 can reproduce the highlights of Mate Xs has not been answered.

Or in order to make up for the weakness in communication performance, Huawei has greatly improved the WiFi technology, and Mate Xs 2 has become the first mobile phone to support tri-band Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi dual 5GHz band++2.4GHz band), which can access the Internet at high speed.

However, the pricing of Huawei Mate Xs 2 is unexpected. Previously, many netizens and even digital bloggers guessed that the starting price was not less than 10,000 yuan, but the actual starting price of Huawei Mate Xs 2 was 9,999 yuan.

Under the chip dilemma, Huawei Mate series folding machines have also begun to take new measures: abandoning the positioning of "wealth management products" and lowering prices, so as to stabilize the market and extend the lifeline.

Even if the folding machine is a 4G version, it will continue to be launched, which is a manifestation of Huawei’s current difficulty in maintaining high-end market share. 

Yu Chengdong bluntly said at Huawei’s P50 conference last year that "under the four rounds of sanctions in the United States, Huawei’s 5G mobile phone was restricted, resulting in that 5G chips can only be used as 4G."

Huawei is the first mobile phone manufacturer to launch 5G base stations and 5G flagship mobile phones in the world, and it has the largest market share of 5G base stations in the world. butFor well-known reasons, Huawei’s mobile phone can’t support the 5G function at all, and it is forced to adopt the chip of its former competitor Qualcomm, which makes people cry.

Under the prolonged chip supply interruption, Huawei’s market has shrunk dramatically.

According to the global smartphone market report released by Canalys in the first quarter of 2022, Samsung and Apple ranked first and second in global mobile phone shipments with 24% and 18% market share respectively.

Xiaomi, OPPO and vivo occupy the remaining three seats in the top five.Huawei, which once occupied the first place in the world mobile phone market, has now completely disappeared from the rankings and is classified as "Others".

Huawei, which has lost its mobile phone market share, must stick to the folding machine market in order to continue the "fire" of high-end machines.

Looking back on the development of domestic folding machine brands, Huawei is not only the number one player, but also the earliest "leader" in the industry.

As early as October 2019, Huawei first launched Mate X, a 5G folding screen mobile phone with an outward folding design, which was the first product to truly put the folding screen mobile phone into commercial use.

Because of the limited output, at that time, on the second-hand trading platform, the price of Mate X was as high as 20,000 to 100,000 yuan by scalpers, and it was dubbed "wealth management products" by netizens.

A year later, Huawei released the second generation folding screen Mate Xs, which realized the evolution of folding screen mobile phone from hardware to ecology. Yu Chengdong has repeatedly praised it as "Huawei’s best folding screen phone so far".

In 2021, Mate X2, the third-generation folding machine with the form of internal folding, came out for the first time, and Huawei completed the accumulation process of hardware from testing to maturity. In December of the same year, Huawei P50 Pocket, the flagship of the first vertically folded fourth-generation folding screen, was released.

At this point,Huawei has also become the only manufacturer in China that has mastered three folding technologies and the most complete product sequence of folding screen categories.

Compared with other friends, Huawei tries its best to meet the after-sales maintenance requirements of folding machine users, which makes Huawei’s folding mobile phone have a good reputation.

Besides,Huawei is superior to other domestic folding machine brands in design and materials.

For example, in terms of hinge solutions, Huawei is one of the first companies to invest in research and development of related materials. Mate X eagle wing folding hinge technology pioneered in the industry, to Mate X2 patented double-rotating water drop hinge technology, and then to the vertical seamless folding of P50 Pocket. Huawei has carried out sophisticated design to ensure that the number of screen creases and folds is reduced.

This has enabled Huawei to gain a large number of loyal users.An owner who used Huawei MateX once admitted to the connection Insight: "Except Huawei and Samsung, other domestic folding machines such as vivo and OPPO will not be considered for the time being."

It is worth noting that Xiaomi, vivo, OPPO and Glory all launched their first folding screens after 2021, and there are no second-generation products.

In fact, Huawei’s folding screen mobile phone was once in short supply.Omdia, a market research organization, released the "Tracking Report on the Smartphone Market in the Fourth Quarter of 2021", showing that Huawei ranked second in the sales of folding screen mobile phones, with a cumulative sales volume of about one million.

Therefore,As one of the first players in the folding screen mobile phone market, each generation of Huawei folding screen mobile phones has shown a very high rate of preservation, which can be called "annual wealth management products".

Since the beginning of this year, good news about folding machines has been coming out. Many people in the industry believe that 2022 may be the turning point of folding screen mobile phones. On the eve of the "folding machine" outbreak, Huawei must take action.

However,Huawei’s life is getting worse and worse.With the increasing consumption of Huawei Kirin 9000 series chips, when 2022,When other domestic mobile phone manufacturers, such as vivo, OPPO and Xiaomi, are fiercely fighting in the field of 5G folding mobile phones, Huawei can only helplessly launch 4G folding machines.

At this time node, Huawei launched the folding screen Mate Xs 2, in addition to continuing to participate in market competition and extending the lifeline.The greater significance is to release the signal that "Huawei mobile phone is still alive and will live better". 

However, the outside world has been expecting the return of Huawei’s 5G mobile phone production. Therefore, when Yu Chengdong revealed in the preheating video of Mate Xs 2 that "Huawei’s mobile phone production capacity has returned, and the Huawei mobile phone that everyone wants to buy this year can be bought", the outside world mistakenly thought that the new generation of folding opportunities would break the curse of "one phone is hard to find". The main products of the actual "capacity return" are the hot-selling mobile phones including Huawei P50 series and Huawei nova9 A9 series.

After falling into the vortex of lack of core, the folding machine has become an important life-saving medicine that carries Huawei’s expectations and longings for the high-end market.

This year, domestic folding screen mobile phones have been listed one after another.

Canalys released a report saying that Android manufacturers are facing tremendous pressure in the high-end mobile phone market. In 2021, the shipment of Android smartphones with more than $800 dropped by 18% compared with 2019. In the same price segment, Apple increased by 68% in the same period.

Android manufacturers must invest more in differentiated hardware and user experience and continue to attract and retain high-end mobile phone users.Folding screen has become a new attempt for domestic Android mobile phone manufacturers to hit the high-end market because of its high technical content, large upgrade space and high price.

Therefore,Folding machines have become a necessity for the flagship equipment camp.The mobile phone industry began to involute.

Many digital enthusiasts who pay attention to the folding screen mobile phone market have noticed that on April 22, the day when Huawei officially announced Mate Xs 2, vivo’s first folding mobile phone X Fold was officially launched.

You know, vivo is the last player from mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China to enter the folding machine. Xiaomi launched the first folding screen MIX FOLD as early as the beginning of 2021. From December 2021 to January 2022, OPPO and Glory successively launched the first folding screen mobile phones OPPO Find N and Magic V respectively.

This means that,Except for Apple, all the mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China have fulfilled their "folding" dream.And many digital bloggers predict that Xiaomi’s second folding screen will be released as soon as June this year. A competition about folding screen mobile phones has started.

But unlike other mobile phone manufacturers, they are trapped in insufficient research and development capabilities.For Huawei, the biggest problem at present is that it cannot release 5G mobile phones. No matter what grade of new machines, they only support 4G.

The reason behind it,In addition to Huawei’s limited inventory of 5G Kirin chips, Huawei can’t get the necessary RF chips for 5G mobile phones.

After the United States launched the fourth round of sanctions against Huawei in 2021, all supply chain enterprises involved in American technology could not provide Huawei’s 5G communication equipment with parts, including 5G RF chip combination and 5G baseband.

Huawei Hisilicon conquered some components of RF components in its early years, but failed to conquer the core filter.Therefore, when Rongmi OV mass-produced 5G folding machines, Huawei could only continue to produce 4G mobile phones.

At present, 5G mobile phones have not shown obvious advantages over 4G mobile phones, and 4G mobile phones are still available. But after two or three years, 5G mobile phones will be the mainstream.

Even if pollen (Huawei fans) can accept the use of 4G folding machines now, it is really difficult to answer whether they are still willing to buy 4G versions in the future.

In addition,Rongmi OV folding machine not only uses the 5G version as the basic configuration, but also starts low-price competition in terms of price.

After Xiaomi was the first to "beat" the price of the folding screen mobile phone to less than 10,000 yuan, OPPO Find N, the first folding machine of OPPO, once again refreshed the price floor of the same category with a starting price of 7,699 yuan. And each family is crazy about stacking materials, showing "cost performance".

Obviously,Huawei has more challenges to face.

According to the market share ranking of China folding screen mobile phones published by IDC in 2021, Huawei ranked first with a market share of 49.3%. However, whether Huawei, the first company to make a 4G appearance in flagship machine this year, can continue to be the first in the market this year is a question mark for the time being.

Based on the present, trying to survive is still a true portrayal of Huawei at present, and the folding machine is bound to undertake the historical mission of seizing the high-end market.

Writer Alai talks about the film industry: there is a distance between excessive entertainment and commercialization and society

  Yesterday, Young Sangji, adapted from Mao Dun literature prize winner Alai, appeared at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Director Zhang Guodong, art consultant Reed and producer Peggy Chiao appeared at the event site. In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star journalist, several creators revealed the behind-the-scenes story of the filming.

  Director Zhang Guodong/

  Hit it off with the original author Alai.

  Juvenile Sanji is adapted from the literary work Three Cordyceps by the famous writer Alai, which is a novella created by Alai and first published in January 2016. From the world in a child’s eyes, the film "Juvenile Sanji" tells the story of the Tibetan teenager Sanji’s self-drifting journey in pursuit of knowledge and taking Cordyceps as a clue. On this adventure journey, the fantasy drifting of three cordyceps sinensis presents a variety of human beings, and the innocence of children shines brightly in the gloomy secular world.

  Director Zhang Guodong revealed the origin of filming "Young Sanchi". He said that it was in the process of turning over a circle of friends that he suddenly saw a fragment of Alai’s original work. "It was a circle of friends sent by a friend of mine. After watching it for 15 minutes, I felt that this was the story I needed. The story he talked about digging cordyceps was actually very similar to my experience. At this time, I picked up the phone and called Teacher Alai. As a result, we hit it off with Teacher Alai.

  Zhang Guodong had filmed a documentary on Tibetan subjects before, which made Alai feel more at ease to give him the work. "I showed the documentary to Teacher Alai at that time, and after watching the film, he said ‘ You can take it and shoot it as you like. I don’t care about anything ’ In this way, Teacher Alai handed "Three Cordyceps" to me, and I took the team for about 20 days. The scene of the heavy snow shot by the little actor should actually be helped by God, from 4 am to 7 pm. After we finished work, the snow stopped. "

  In the film, Sanji’s actor is very eye-catching and has been well received by many audiences. The director said, "At that time, so many children caught me by his acting skills, so I took him from the snowy mountain to Chengdu, and we lived together for 15 days. I took him to see elephants and monkeys, and didn’t give him any training or invite a professional teacher to play in the zoo."

  The director revealed that during the filming process, the little actor almost didn’t need to talk about the play. "I never called him to the room alone to talk about how to shoot this play, especially the scene with the principal. He said ‘ Director, can I do it again ’ , he said ‘ I should drop the book on the floor to express my anger ’ . I feel that he is like a genius. I think this little actor is equivalent to a real Cordyceps sent by Snow Mountain. Like a gem, he is the brightest and also lights up our movie. "

  Screenwriter reed/

  Some viewers don’t go to the cinema to seek affection.

  It is particularly worth mentioning that Reed, a famous screenwriter who once created classic films such as Farewell My Concubine and Living, served as the artistic consultant of Young Sanchi. When he mentioned why he joined this small-budget film, Reed replied: "Its type determines the number of audiences. It is not a commercial blockbuster, and this film actually has no pressure from commercial blockbusters, because the investment is very small and the shooting process is very frugal. In fact, the reason why I was willing to participate at that time was that the story was unpretentious, which touched me very much. "

  At the event, Reed also mentioned the current situation of the film market in China. He said: "Everyone knows that there are some very vulgar phenomena in China films. China’s movies are far from the real social life because of excessive entertainment and commercialization. When entering the cinema, some viewers are actually looking for entertainment instead of seeking to be moved, so excessive entertainment has caused very bad consequences. " Reed later mentioned the differences between Young Sanchi and some entertainment films. "The function of this film is to carve time. This film carves Tibetan life, children’s experiences and stories, and it also carves Tibetan people’s life very truly today. This is the significance of this film."

  When asked if there were any differences with director Zhang Guodong in the creative process, Reed said, "As a creative work, there will be differences at any time. In fact, I may like this child too much, and I hope he can get this book. Of course, this is a wishful feeling. We feel that as a documentary type, the ending is also right. Not everyone’s dreams will come true, not that everyone’s wishes can be easily realized. This child, I hope he will get this book when he grows up. "

  Zhang Guodong also said that Reed is a senior, which has helped him a lot: "We started to cooperate with documentaries, and then we will cooperate with three films, all of which are made by Mr. Reed as an art producer and script consultant. In fact, Mr. Reed has been supporting me and cultivating me, and we will have some disputes in this process. I was particularly moved by teacher reed’s remark ‘ We should not be sloppy in our creation. We should be strict with ourselves and not let go of every detail of the film. If you relax a little here and there, the whole film will fall ’ . In the 10 years of contact with teacher reed, I know movies, study movies, and shoot movies. I think filmmakers should do what filmmakers should do. They never tell lies when making movies. When I make movies, I may slack off, but Teacher Reed is like an anchor. My movie today can look like this, which was cultivated by Teacher Reed all the way. "

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Zhang Shihao from Shanghai.

Huawei P70 will be released soon, and the organization said that it is expected to drive a new round of opportunities in the mobile phone industry chain.

  The agency pointed out that the release of Mate60 series last year was regarded as the first shot for Huawei to return to the mobile phone market; Looking forward to April, the release of Huawei P70 series is highly anticipated. Huawei P70 will be released soon, and related innovations are expected to drive a new round of opportunities in the mobile phone industry chain.

  Since the "return" of Huawei mobile phone last year, it has made great strides. Counterpoint data shows that Huawei’s mobile phone sales soared by 64% in the first six weeks of this year, and its ranking also rose to the second place, leaving only 1 percentage point behind the number one vivo. As for the growth of Huawei’s sales, some media reported that at present, more growth still comes from Huawei’s Mate60 series. Although the price increase in the secondary market has basically leveled off, there are still some versions that can increase their prices. 5. 600 yuan. As for the newly released Nova, it has also played a certain role. With the help of the mid-end market, it will further promote the rapid growth of Huawei’s mobile phone sales.Zou Lanlan believes that the return of Huawei is expected to reshape the competitive pattern of the domestic mid-to-high-end mobile phone market and promote the industry to regain its vitality.

  According to the theme library of Cailian, among the relevant listed companies:

  The downstream products of the application are mainly touch module manufacturers, and the coverage of well-known terminal customers is achieved through well-known touch module manufacturers. The terminal brands include Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO, OPPO and so on.

  Paint products are mainly used in terminal brands such as HUAWEI, OPPO, 1+, Realme, Coolpad, Lenovo, Samsung, Motorola, Hisense, Voice and TCL.

The 15th Chuzhou Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition was held.

On March 3rd, the 15th Chuzhou Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, jointly sponsored by Anhui Chuzhou Association for Science and Technology, Chuzhou Education and Sports Bureau and Chuzhou Xinhua Bookstore Co., Ltd. and hosted by chuzhou middle school, was held in chuzhou middle school (new campus).

With the theme of "innovation, experience and growth", the competition consists of four events, namely, the competition of scientific and technological innovation achievements of teenagers, the competition of scientific and technological innovation achievements of scientific and technological counselors, the scientific and technological practice activities of teenagers and children, and the scientific fantasy painting of children, with a total of 260 entries (frames). Among them, young people’s scientific and technological innovation achievements and scientific and technological counselors’ scientific and technological education innovation achievements participated in on-site display and debate. After expert review, 22 first prizes, 34 second prizes and 55 third prizes were awarded. Some outstanding works will represent Chuzhou City in the 39th Anhui Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition. At the scene, 58 outstanding children’s fantasy paintings were also displayed. On the day of the event, about 500 primary and secondary school students were attracted to observe and exchange.? ? ??

All the works of this competition have been selected and recommended by the county-level innovation competition and the municipal schools, which effectively expanded the scope of participation while improving the quality of the works of the city competition.The leaders of Anhui Youth Science and Technology Activity Center, Chuzhou Association for Science and Technology and other relevant units participated in the exhibition tour.

Contributed by Anhui Association for Science and Technology

Editor in Charge: Yao Wang