Written Record of the Press Conference of the National Health and Wellness Committee on July 14th, 2022


  Place:National Health and Wellness Committee Xizhimen Office Press Release Hall

  Moderator:Hu Qiangqiang, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department

Jiabin:Nie Chunlei, Director of Grass-roots Department of National Health and Wellness Commission

             Xu Gangzhu   Member of the Party Committee of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and full-time vice president of Family Planning Association.

             Ran Chongqing   Deputy Secretary of Xishui County Committee, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, and county magistrate of the county people’s government.

             Zhang Yalan   Director of Nanmofang Community Health Service Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing



Hu Qiangqiang, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department:

Good morning, media friends! Welcome to the press conference of the National Health and Wellness Commission. First of all, I would like to inform you about the recent important health policy documents.

The first is to issue "2021Statistical bulletin on the development of China’s health undertakings in 2000, which pointed out that the average life expectancy of Chinese residents was increased by2020Annual77.93Raise the age to2021Annual78.2Years old, maternal mortality rate from16.9/10Ten thousand fell to16.1/10Ten thousand, the infant mortality rate from5.4‰drop to5.0‰Positive progress has been made in all fields of medical and health care. The second is to issue "2020The annual Bulletin on the National Monitoring and Analysis of the Performance Appraisal of the Second-and Third-level Public Hospitals in China, evaluates and analyzes the second-and third-level public hospitals in China from the aspects of medical service quality, operational efficiency and internal management, information construction and application level, sustainable development mechanism, and people’s satisfaction, so as to optimize the development environment, improve management level, and meet people’s health needs. The third is to issue "About Doing Well"2022Notice on the work of basic public health services in ",clear the main tasks and overall requirements of basic public health services, do a good job.One old and one young."Health management services, promote the integration of medical care and prevention in urban and rural communities, comprehensively promote the popularization and application of electronic health records, and promote the equalization of basic public health services. The fourth is to issue the "On the Development"2022Notice of National Medical Team’s Touring Medical Work in, focusing on areas with weak medical service capacity, such as counties where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities and land border counties, organized national medical teams to carry out touring medical work in relevant areas, and consolidated and expanded the achievements of health poverty alleviation with rural revitalization through effective measures such as roving medical treatment, technical support and management guidance, personnel training, and strengthening the construction of telemedicine cooperation network. The above is a recent briefing.

The party and the government have always attached great importance to rural and grass-roots health work. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee has put people’s health in a strategic position of giving priority to development, put forward the health and health work policy in the new era, and willFocus on the grassroots"Put it in the first place Taking the construction of primary medical and health service system as the basic work, constantly improving the basic infrastructure conditions and improving the ability of disease prevention and treatment and health management at the primary level, after years of continuous efforts, positive progress and results have been achieved.

Today’s press conference will focus on the progress and effectiveness of grassroots medical and health services since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is also the National Health and Wellness Commission.Everything is for people’s health.——Our ten years"In the tenth session of the series of conferences, the guests attending this conference are:

Mr. Nie Chunlei, Director of Grass-roots Department of National Health and Wellness Commission;

Mr. Xu Gangzhu, member of the Party Committee of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and full-time vice president of Family Planning Association;

Mr. Ran Chongqing, Deputy Secretary of Xishui County Committee, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, and County Governor of County People’s Government;

Ms Zhang Yalan, Director of Nanmofang Community Health Service Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

I am Hu Qiangqiang, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission.

First of all, please invite Director Nie Chunlei to introduce the progress and effectiveness of the construction of primary health care service system.

Nie Chunlei, Director of the Grassroots Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission:

Dear media friends, primary health care is related to the health of hundreds of millions of people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Health and Wellness Commission has implemented the Party’s health and wellness policy in the new era. Together with relevant departments, it has persisted in focusing on grassroots units, increased capital investment, strengthened the construction of grassroots institutions, improved the operational mechanism of grassroots units, and innovated the grassroots service model. The ability of grassroots units to prevent and treat diseases and health management has been continuously improved, and positive progress and results have been achieved.

First, the network of primary medical and health institutions has been continuously improved. by2021By the end of the year, there were nearly all kinds of primary medical and health institutions in China.98Ten thousand, more than health personnel.440Ten thousand people, to achieve full coverage of streets, communities, towns and villages. The sixth statistical survey of health services shows that,90%Our family15You can reach the nearest medical point within minutes. Second, the capacity of primary health care services has been continuously enhanced. We have successively carried outEstablish a demonstration community health service center”“Township hospitals satisfied by the masses”“Quality service grass-roots bank"And other activities, to carry out the construction of community hospitals, the introduction of hospitals, community health service center capacity standards, grassroots infrastructure conditions continue to improve, facilities and equipment upgrade, the service environment is more warm, and the proportion of primary diagnosis and treatment has been maintained for a long time.50%Above. Third, the new mechanism of grass-roots operation is more perfect. Adhere to the government’s leadership, promote the implementation of the government’s medical responsibility, cancel the drug addition, improve the multi-channel compensation mechanism such as basic public health subsidies and basic drug subsidies, effectively resolve the historical debts of grassroots institutions, and bring all eligible grassroots institutions into the previous new rural cooperative medical care and the current urban and rural residents’ medical insurance and urban workers’ medical insurance. It is much more affordable and low-cost for the masses to go to the grassroots to see a doctor. Fourth, public health services have been further consolidated. Projects carried out by grass-roots institutions are from10Class extends to12Class, every year for patients with key diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis and so on0-6Years old children, pregnant women,65Provide key groups such as the elderly and above.10Health management services for more than 100 million people. In addition, promote the establishment.32Ten thousand villages live in public health committees, laying a solid foundation for community prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic. Fifth, the innovative development of family doctor contract service. by2021By the end of the year, all cities and counties (cities, districts) in China have basically implemented family doctor contract services, and more thanforty-twoA team of 10,000 family doctors provide medical and health services including long-term prescriptions and on-site services for contracted residents, especially key groups such as chronic patients and the elderly. Sixth, the construction of a close county medical community has been fully promoted. across the countryeight hundredA number of counties (cities, districts) carried out pilot projects to promote the implementation of medical insurance package payment, promote the sinking of resources, and promote the integration of medical care and prevention. While guiding the medical community to improve its medical capacity, it turned more work to disease prevention, and the proportion of inpatients and residents’ medical insurance reimbursement in counties increased steadily. Strengthen telemedicine and informatization construction, and gradually realize grassroots inspection, superior diagnosis and service homogeneity.

In the next step, in accordance with the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we will always focus on the grass-roots units and constantly provide the masses with better and more efficient medical and health services nearby. thank you

Hu Qiangqiang, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department:

Thank you, Director Nie. Let’s enter the question session. Please inform your news organization before asking questions.

Xinhua news agency reporter:

We know that,Strong base"It is an important principle and work content to deepen the reform of medical and health system.10In recent years, the construction of primary medical and health service system in China has made positive progress and achievements. However, the data shows that the proportion of outpatient visits in primary health care institutions has declined in recent years. How do you interpret it? Does it mean that the ability of primary health care service is not as good as before? Thank you.

Nie Chunlei, Director of the Grassroots Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission:

Thank you for your question, which is really very important. Many people may have this misunderstanding, so it is very necessary to clarify it here. In recent years, the proportion of outpatients in primary health care institutions has declined, but it does not mean that the capacity of primary health care services has weakened. We can see from the picture that the blue one is2012Year, red is2021Year, from the perspective of the number of grass-roots institutions, from91.3Ten thousand has increased to97.8Ten thousand, the number of institutions is increasing. Judging from the number of beds in grassroots institutions, from2012Annual132.4Ten thousand sheets have arrived.2021Increase to171.2Ten thousand, the number of beds is also increasing. From the perspective of health workers in grass-roots institutions,2012Nian is343.7Ten thousand people, to2021Nian is443.2Ten thousand people, the organization’s health staff is also increasing. Moreover, among health personnel, the number of medical practitioners and assistant medical practitioners has also increased, from100.9Ten thousand people increased to161.5Ten thousand people. From the number of institutions, beds, and grass-roots staff, the proportion of practicing doctors at the grass-roots level has increased, and the proportion of health workers and practicing doctors in township hospitals and community health centers has also increased. Township hospitals,2012Bachelor degree or above is10%, the community center is33%, respectively increased to2021Annual32%and59%From the perspective of academic structure, it is also rising. This shows that our grass-roots institutions have been developing, so has our staff, and our service capacity has not actually declined. From the perspective of service volume,2012-2021The service volume of outpatient service in primary medical institutions in41.1Hundreds of millions of people have increased to42.5Due to the epidemic, the number of outpatients in various medical institutions in China has generally declined in the past two years, and the number of primary medical institutions has also declined, but overall, it has steadily increased. Our service ability does not mean that the proportion of outpatients in primary medical institutions has decreased, but the actual number of outpatients has increased. At the same time, I want to explain to you here that primary health care institutions are different from hospitals and disease prevention and control institutions. They not only undertake basic medical services, but also undertake a large number of public health services, with hundreds of millions of hypertensive patients and3500More than 10,000 diabetic patients need their follow-up, and each year there are more than.1000Tens of thousands of pregnant women and newborns need them to do prenatal and postnatal visits and neonatal visits. Every year, tens of millions of children need vaccination and they need to provide services, and we have to provide services for them every year.oneYiduo65In fact, the time and energy spent in providing these services for the elderly aged 18 and over are not less than those spent in visiting an outpatient clinic, and some will be longer. Therefore, to measure primary health care institutions, we should not only look at the proportion of outpatient visits, but also look at the comprehensive service capacity. If we add a lot of manpower and material resources invested in the prevention and control of normalized epidemic situation, the grass-roots level has undertaken a lot of work, and its service capacity is still steadily improving. Of course, from the perspective of outpatient service, the decline in the proportion shows that the speed of improving our medical service ability can’t keep up with the growth of the health demand of the people, especially now that the demand for high-quality medical services and diversified medical services is growing rapidly, there is still a gap in our grassroots development. Therefore, in the next step, we will be problem-oriented, vigorously improve the service capacity of primary health care institutions, and leave more patients at the grassroots level. Thank you.

China news service reporter:

Ordinary people mainly consider the service ability and level of medical and health institutions when choosing medical and health institutions. Excuse me, by what means does the state improve the service capacity of primary medical and health institutions? How to optimize the order of medical treatment so that more patients can stay at the grassroots level? Thank you.

Nie Chunlei, Director of the Grassroots Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission:

Thank you for your question. In recent years, in order to adapt to the economic and social development and meet the growing health needs of the people, we have taken improving the ability of primary medical services as the most basic and fundamental important work, and taken various measures to keep patients at the grassroots level. First, the service capacity standards of township hospitals and community health service centers were introduced to guide local self-evaluation, self-construction, rectification and upgrading. till/extremely2021At the end of the year, there have been accumulated2.3Tens of thousands of grass-roots organizations have reached the basic standards and recommended standards of service capacity. The second is to build community hospitals based on community health service centers and township hospitals, and introduce the basic standards of community hospitals and the key points of medical quality and safety core system. till/extremely2021By the end of the year, more than 100 community hospitals had been built.2600Home. Third, various means are used to expand the ranks of grassroots health personnel and recruit rural order-oriented free medical students.sevenMore than ten thousand, of which3.5Ten thousand people have served at the grassroots level. Complete the general practitioner transfer training.23More than 10,000 person-times. Add the qualification examination for assistant doctors in rural general practice,15.4Ten thousand people have obtained the corresponding qualifications. Implement the project of improving the ability of primary health personnel and train all kinds of primary health personnel.59Ten thousand people. In the past two years, medical college students have been registered as rural doctors without examination, exceeding4300College students enter the ranks of rural doctors. The fourth is to promote the construction of county medical community, highlightingStrong county territory and strong grassroots"Guide, determine Shanxi, Zhejiang and Xinjiang.threePilot provinces and other provinces551A pilot county. The monitoring data shows that the effect of medical service sinking in the county is constantly emerging. The fifth is to speed up information construction, empower primary health care services, and initially establish a national primary health care comprehensive management platform, which has been realized.23Network connectivity and data transmission in 20 provinces. arrive2021By the end of the year, telemedicine had covered all poor counties and extended to rural areas. Through the above measures, the ability of preventing and treating diseases and health management at the grassroots level has been steadily improved, and more patients have been kept at the grassroots level. Thank you.

China health talent reporter:

It is the key to improve the talent team of primary medical and health services, but compared with large hospitals, some primary medical institutions are facing talents.Can’t recruit or stay."problem Excuse me, what measures has Hebei Province taken to strengthen the construction of medical and health talents in recent years? What progress has been made in strengthening the treatment guarantee for rural doctors? Thank you.

Xu Gangzhu, member of the Party Committee of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and full-time vice president of Family Planning Association.:

Thank you for your question and concern about the health cause in Hebei Province. In strengthening the construction of primary medical and health personnel, our province has mainly taken the following measures and achieved certain results.

First, strengthen training and introduce talents.2019Since, our province has used the rural order-oriented medical students’ free training program and the higher medical college’s education promotion program for grassroots health personnel to comprehensively improve the education level of rural medical and health personnel. Up to now, it has recruited free medical students from rural areas.1682People. In addition, the localization training mode of rural doctors is promoted in the whole province, funded by local finance, and medical colleges are entrusted to train local and high school graduates or rural doctors’ children to reach the secondary medical professional level, and then directly work in village clinics after registration according to procedures. For example, Chengde City has been cultivated through this model.1616People have solved the problems of getting down, staying and not using. The second is to implement the treatment and leave the talents behind.2019In, our commission, together with the Provincial People’s Social Welfare Department, formulated the salary reform measures for grass-roots medical and health institutions in Hebei Province, allowing medical service income to deduct costs and withdraw various funds according to regulations, which will be mainly used for personnel rewards.,In principle, it can be independently extracted from the balance of income and expenditure in the previous year.50%The proportion is used for additional performance pay, and the additional part is not included in the total performance pay management. The third is to reform the evaluation and appointment of professional titles and broaden the space for talent development. Optimize the post setting of primary medical and health institutions, set up senior titles at the grassroots level, and obtain intermediate titles for primary medical staff to work continuously at the township and village levels.10Those who have passed the examination for more than years will be given priority to participate in the evaluation of deputy senior titles and work continuously.15After passing the examination for more than years, priority will be given to the evaluation of senior titles at the grassroots level; Relax the evaluation conditions and increase the proportion of senior and middle-level health titles at the grassroots level. In the past, the more you go to the grassroots level, the less the proportion of senior and middle-level titles is. Now, the proportion is gradually increased, and the channels for promotion of grassroots talents’ titles are unblocked.

In strengthening the protection of rural doctors’ treatment, our province mainly implements rural integrated management andRural employment and village use"To solve the problems of rural doctors’ salary and old-age security.2020In, the integrated management of township health centers and village clinics was fully implemented in our province. All township health centers signed labor contracts with rural doctors who were brought into the integrated management, and paid endowment insurance for them according to the regulations. The salary was determined according to the salary level of similar on-the-job staff in local township health centers. After the implementation of basic public health service subsidies, general medical expenses, special subsidies for essential drugs and other subsidies, the difference was still low compared with the salary of similar on-the-job staff in township health centers, and the basic salary was paid monthly by the county finance. Up to now, our province has been integrated into management.62757All the rural doctors paid the old-age insurance, which effectively solved the long-awaited old-age security problem of rural doctors.

Central Radio and Television General Station Yang Guang reporter:

We are concerned that National Health Commission has just issued a document, that is, some requirements for implementing the Party’s health and health work policy in the new era with grassroots as the focus. We know that the health work at the grass-roots level can not be separated from the attention and promotion of local party committees. I would like to ask, what are the highlights of Xishui County in strengthening grassroots health work, especially rural health work? What are the feelings of the grassroots? Thank you.

Ran Chongqing, Deputy Secretary of Xishui County Committee and County People’s Government of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province:

Thank you very much for your concern. The Xishui County Party Committee and the county government have always regarded health work as the biggest livelihood fact, earnestly fulfilled the main responsibility of the government to run medical services, and constantly increased the protection of people and property. The following work has been carried out in strengthening rural health and grassroots health work.

The first is to strengthen infrastructure construction.Thirteenth five-year plan"Since then, the financial expenditure on primary health care has not been lower than the general budget expenditure.8.3%, medical and health expenditure is not less than the total expenditure14.5%To support the development of medical and health undertakings. So far, we have accumulated investment.18100 million yuan was used to standardize the construction of tertiary medical institutions in counties and villages, and the service capacity at the grassroots level was greatly improved.

The second is to optimize the construction of talent team.Thirteenth five-year plan"Since, the county has increased1200A health technical staff, every year we open recruitment.200Undergraduate and above personnel have been enriched to county and township medical institutions. Township hospitals fully implement the full financial salary and carry it out.Two permits"Policies to mobilize the enthusiasm of medical staff. At the same time, we openly recruit students every year.20Famous village doctors have been established, and the employment mechanism of recruiting townships and managing villages in counties has been established and improved. The identity of village doctors has changed, the treatment has been improved, the old-age care has been guaranteed, and the grassroots medical team has become more stable.

The third is to strengthen service capacity building. We have always insisted on paying equal attention to Chinese and western medicine, and all township hospitals in the county have built Chinese medicine clinics, providing an average of10More than a suitable technology of traditional Chinese medicine to promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. All county and rural medical and health institutions have completed information construction, realized interconnection, and achieved deep integration of grassroots medical prevention. Central township hospitals have purchasedCTAnd other large equipment, all hospitals are equipped.BSuper,DR, automatic biochemical analyzer and other equipment, and effectively improve the diagnosis and treatment level of primary medical institutions.

Fourth, innovation system reform. We actively explore two county-level hospitals as leaders,fiveHome-centered township hospitals are medical sub-centers, and radiation drives the development of other remote township hospitals step by step, which promotes the sinking of high-quality medical resources and the orderly promotion of graded diagnosis and treatment system.

In recent years, the whole medical and health level of Xishui has changed greatly, and the people’s sense of medical treatment and happiness have been further enhanced, and the rate of medical treatment in the county has reached.92.6%. In the next step, we will continue to increase investment in health care, truly do a good job in people’s livelihood and provide people with better and more efficient medical and public health services.

Xishui is the old revolutionary base area and the main battlefield of Sidu Chishui Campaign. We sincerely welcome media friends to take a walk and have a look at Xishui. Thank you.

Beijing News reporter:

We understand that residents in some places report that they exist after signing up for family doctors.Sign without an appointment”“It is difficult to sign an appointment."The phenomenon. Grass-roots doctors are busy with their own work, and the number is relatively small. I would like to ask, what services can residents get after signing the contract? As a medical institution, what measures can be taken to improve the compliance rate and residents’ satisfaction? Thank you.

Zhang Yalan, Director of Nanmofang Community Health Service Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing:

Thank you for your question. After signing up for family doctor service, residents can get basic medical care, preventive health care and health guidance. Take Chaoyang District as an example. What we are promoting is“1+6+N”The characteristic service mode of family doctor contract, different service packages correspond to different service objects and different service contents. What I just saidoneIs the basic service package, suitable for the general population, the content of the service includes basic medical care, public health and general health management.sixIs a personalized service package, mainly aimed at six key groups, including the elderly,0-6Children, pregnant women, disabled people and patients with chronic diseases such as severe mental disorders, hypertension and diabetes are provided with services mainly for follow-up of chronic diseases, including physical examination of the elderly and preventive health care for women and children.NIt is a customized service package, which is aimed at some special people identified by civil affairs, disabled persons’ federations and other departments, and these people can enjoy on-site service. In these processes,NIt is infinitely expanding. For example, our center has also formulated a service package for health housekeepers for office workers, mainly to improve sub-health status.

In terms of improving residents’ feelings of signing contracts and promoting effective performance, we have mainly done the following four aspects: First, we should strengthen publicity and guidance. We make extensive publicity by entering the community, the family and the unit, so that residents can deeply understand the connotation of signing a contract for home doctors and improve their awareness rate and utilization rate. The second is to optimize the service process. The contracted residents practice appointment and directional triage, which means that they are assigned to contracted doctors at the same time when they register for treatment. We use information technology. Before the diagnosis, we will manage his health in the health cabin, so that he can have a personal feeling about signing a contract with a family doctor. For residents of Chaoyang, we have also developed a healthy Chaoyang.APPResidents can use this without leaving home.APPMake an appointment for registration and online consultation. The third is to carry out special services. For example, we are demand-oriented and carry out vision and hearing screening for children in our jurisdiction. If there are problems, we will refer them in time and make corresponding corrections. For women’s postpartum rehabilitation, we have set up pelvic floor rehabilitation service. For patients with chronic diseases, we have carried out the evaluation of cardiopulmonary function and fundus examination. Fourth, we pay more attention to assessment and evaluation. In our center, we set up a signing return visit center, and we use intelligent means to carry out return visits to the contracted people every month. From the aspects of service quantity, service quality, satisfaction and authenticity, the assessment results will also be linked to performance. Through the above work, I hope to be able to sign a contract, perform a contract and do it.

In view of what you just mentionedSign without an appointment"may beIt is difficult to sign an appointment."In my opinion, there may be problems in providing service capacity caused by inadequate staffing, heavy tasks and insufficient job attraction in primary medical institutions, but there are also problems that some residents may have a biased understanding of the connotation of our family medical work. At present, many residents think of family doctors as private doctors, and they think of going home. In fact, what I want to say is that family doctors are by no means home doctors. The service of family doctors signing contracts is actually a change in service mode, and it advocates a long-term and stable contractual service relationship. Therefore, we especially hope that media friends can help us strengthen publicity and hope that everyone can have a correct understanding of the work of family doctors signing contracts. Of course, we will also work harder and take the expectations of residents as the focus and direction of our future work. Thank you.

CCTV News Center reporter at the reception desk:

In recent years, the age structure of rural doctors in our country is aging, and the number of rural doctors is also decreasing. As the gatekeeper of residents’ health, how will our country strengthen the construction of rural doctors next? Thank you.

Nie Chunlei, Director of the Grassroots Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission:

Thanks to this reporter friend, this question is really complicated. First of all, I explain two concepts, that is, village doctors and village doctors. Most people think that village doctors are village doctors and village doctors are village doctors. Actually, strictly speaking, the concept is different. Rural doctor is a specific concept, which is clearly put forward in the Medical Law and the Regulations on the Management of Rural Doctors. Rural doctors provide medical and health services to rural residents in village clinics, but they do not have the qualifications of practicing doctors or assistant doctors, but only have the certificate of rural doctors. This group of people is actually a specific group. Historically, this group of people gradually evolved from the barefoot doctors in the past, but they do not have the qualifications of practicing doctors and assistant doctors. They provide services for the people and have the qualifications of rural doctors. The rural doctor certificate is a certificate for their practice, so these people are rural doctors in a strict sense. However, there are not only rural doctors, but also some practicing doctors and assistant practicing doctors who provide services for the people in the village. Usually, many times, the two concepts will be mixed, saying that a village doctor is a village doctor and a village doctor is a village doctor, which is actually different. Statistically, rural doctors strictly refer to doctors working in this part of the village who do not have the qualifications of practicing doctors or practicing assistant doctors, so that everyone can understand it better. The direction of our efforts now is to turn rural doctors into practicing doctors or practicing assistant doctors, because all localities are making active efforts and our work has been promoted.Therefore, the number of rural doctors is decreasing, but in fact, the number of rural doctors working in rural clinics has not decreased much. from2012-2021In 2000, village doctors working in village clinics all over the country went from125.5Ten thousand fell to114.7Ten thousand, the number of decline is not much, because the population in our countryside has decreased, so it is reasonable to reduce the number of doctors serving. In fact, the number of village doctors per thousand rural residents is from2012Annual1.25Rise to2021Annual1.3In a real sense, the number of village doctors per capita has increased. The number of rural doctors is declining, from2012Annual102Ten thousand fell to2021Annual67Ten thousand, we think the decline is obvious, but the number of practicing doctors and practicing assistant doctors in the village medical team is rising, from23.3Million has risen to47.6This shows that the number of rural doctors is decreasing, but the number of practicing doctors and assistant practicing doctors serving the people in the village is increasing, and the total number has not actually decreased. The quality and ability of the personnel who provide medical services to the residents in village clinics have been significantly improved, which is a positive phenomenon and the result we expect.

With the construction of a healthy China and the implementation of the national strategy of rural revitalization, village doctors have played an irreplaceable role in providing medical and health services for the people in villages. Improving their quality is a very important task. Our Committee will actively work with relevant departments to integrate the construction of village doctors into the overall plan of the construction and development of the whole rural medical and health system, strive to promote the local mature experience to become a national policy, and create a good policy environment for the development of village doctors, especially to implement the local main responsibility and solve the problems of village doctors’ treatment and old-age security in a classified way. Just now, President Xu of Hebei Province introduced that the problems of providing for the aged and salary of village doctors are better solved in Hebei Province. We should further guide all localities to transform rural doctors into practicing doctors and assistant practicing doctors, improve the overall service capacity of the rural medical service system, and lay a solid foundation for comprehensively promoting the construction of healthy China and realizing rural revitalization. Thank you all.

China Youth Daily reporter:

Grassroots medical and health institutions are close to the people, but some places report that patients go to primary medical and health institutions to see a doctor, especially those who are transferred from the superior to the lower level, can’t prescribe medicine in primary medical and health institutions. What policies and measures are there to meet the people’s demand for drugs nearby? What is the current situation of primary medical and health institutions? Thank you.

Xu Gangzhu, member of the Party Committee of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and full-time vice president of Family Planning Association.:

Thank you for your question. In order to meet the people’s demand for drugs for common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and chronic diseases, our province has formulated a plan to accelerate the construction of a close county medical community, vigorously promote rural integration, and buildCounty and township integration, rural integration"The pattern of medical treatment. On the one hand, we encourage the unified procurement and equipment of drugs within the medical community to meet the drug demand of patients with common diseases or chronic diseases with clear diagnosis and stable condition in the primary medical institutions of the medical community. On the other hand, through township hospitals to village clinicsUnified management of medical equipment"According to the clinical needs, the medicines in village clinics are uniformly purchased, distributed and managed by township hospitals, and the medicines in village clinics are effectively connected with those in township hospitals. Once there is a shortage of medicines in village clinics, township hospitals can allocate them at the first time. At present, our province requires village clinics to have no less than drugs.260Species, which require40%Our drugs are mainly used for common diseases, including diabetes, hypertension and other common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and chronic diseases, which can basically meet the needs of the general public. Now the people are more convenient to use drugs, and their sense of acquisition and happiness is constantly improving. Thank you.

Macao Monthly, Macao News Agency reporter:

We are concerned that the goal of equalization of basic public health services is to ensure that urban and rural residents get the most basic and effective basic public health services and narrow the gap between urban and rural residents. Excuse me, what tangible benefits have been brought to people’s health since the equalization of basic public health services has been promoted for more than ten years? Thank you.

Nie Chunlei, Director of the Grassroots Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission:

Thank you, reporter friend. Basic public health service is indeed a new task of medical reform. Especially since the deepening of medical reform, we have actively promoted the equalization of basic public health services with the guidance of fair enjoyment by the masses, and the connotation of services has been gradually enriched, and the number of beneficiaries has been expanding. In the past ten years, the equalization of basic public health services has achieved positive results.

The first is to promote the establishment of a basic public health service system in line with China’s national conditions. Basic public health services are provided by the state to residents free of charge, from scratch, from small to large, from pilot to legal form, which is a major institutional innovation to implement prevention first and protect residents’ health. The central and local governments have combined and promoted together, and gradually improved the security system, management system, operation and supervision and evaluation mechanism, and incorporated them into the national basic public service standards, providing a basic guarantee for the realization of education for young children, medical care for the sick and a sense of security for the old.

Second, the level of equalization of basic public health services has gradually improved. From the service population, urban and rural residents in our country, as long as they are permanent residents in the jurisdiction, regardless of gender, age, occupation, nationality, household registration, etc., can have equal opportunities to obtain corresponding basic public health services; In terms of service content, we have successively formulated three editions of National Basic Public Health Service Standard, defining the service object, service content, service provider and evaluation index, so as to ensure the standardization and unification of service content. From the perspective of service provision, basic public health services are mainly provided by grassroots medical and health institutions, namely township hospitals, community health service centers, village clinics and community health service stations. These institutions have basically achieved full coverage of counties, townships, villages and communities, making it convenient for residents to get basic public health services fairly and easily nearby.

Third, the implementation of basic public health services has effectively promoted the health level of urban and rural residents. For example, it should be provided to urban and rural children every year2More than 100 million injections of immunization program vaccination services to prevent polio, measles, hepatitis B and so on.12An infectious disease has built a strong firewall. The monitoring of the health literacy level of urban and rural residents in China shows that the health literacy level of Chinese residents has changed from2012Annual8.8%Raise to2021Annual25.4%The improvement of residents’ health literacy and the implementation of basic public health services have contributed greatly. Of course, we also see that the work of basic public health service projects in some places is not in place enough, and the people’s sense of acquisition is not strong and their feelings are not deep. In the next step, we will focus on improving the people’s sense of gain and feeling, especially strengthening services and improving quality, and further improving the level of equalization of basic public health services. Thank you.

Red star journalist:

The construction of close county medical community is an important measure and a powerful starting point to promote the construction of graded diagnosis and treatment system. Excuse me, how is the compact county medical community built in Xishui County? What benefits can ordinary people get from it? Thank you.

Ran Chongqing, Deputy Secretary of Xishui County Committee and County People’s Government of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province:

Thanks to this reporter friend. Xishui county from2019Since it became a pilot county of national county medical community in, we have mainly promoted the construction of medical community from three aspects. The first is to strengthen the government’s leadership. In the process of building a medical community, there are many departments and large groups involved, and many times it may be necessary for the party and government leaders to personally come forward to promote it. Therefore, we have specially set up a leading group and management committee for the construction of medical community led by the main leaders of the Party committee and government, specially worked out a list of powers and responsibilities of the government, health and health departments and medical community, and delegated the management authority of people and property to the hospital led by medical community. The second is to explore the path of improving construction. At first, we followed the general hospital.+Branch mode, by the county people’s hospital and county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine respectively13Each township health center has set up a medical community, but because there are too many townships in our country, the leading hospital is facingXiao Niu la da che"The situation. Later, we adjusted our thinking in time according to the actual situation and will26Towns are divided intofiveEach district elects a central health center, which will be built into a county-level medical sub-center according to the standards of secondary hospitals, and a new medical community construction framework will be built for the upper general hospital and the lower radiation district health centers. Third, we should focus on strengthening the grassroots. We will improve the service and management level of township hospitals through five sinks: reconstructing resources under the leadership of the grassroots, experts sinking to teach, funds sinking to update equipment, quality control sinking to improve standards, and management sinking to enhance services. In the past three years, the construction of medical community in our county has achieved remarkable results, which are mainly reflected in four aspects: First, the staff is more stable. Second, medical coordination is more powerful. Third, the ability of diagnosis and treatment has been greatly improved. Fourth, the scope of services has been comprehensively expanded. Two-way referral has been established, which has realized the linkage between county and township, and the masses have gained more benefits. Similar diseases, especially surgical treatment, can now enjoy the services of county-level hospitals at their doorsteps. While the masses run less, the nursing cost has been greatly reduced. More importantly, the reimbursement rate of medical insurance is higher, which reduces the medical expenses of the masses.

As an important part of the current medical and health system reform, the construction of close medical community has explored some experiences and achieved some results, but there are still some institutional bottlenecks that have not been solved. In the next step, our county government will continue to promote the construction of medical community around solving the problems of difficult, expensive and far-reaching medical treatment for the masses, so that the fruits of reform can benefit thousands of households and promote the high-quality development of health care. Thank you.

Southern Metropolis Daily reporter:

Basic medical and health services contain very important chronic disease management, which is also in basic public health services. What are the main contents? Compared with the past, what new tools and means are there in the management and control of chronic diseases at the grassroots level, and what problems need to be solved? In addition, I would like to ask Director Nie, I read a figure, and the control rate of chronic disease management in China is not very high. Do you have any new figures? How to evaluate the current level? Thank you.

Zhang Yalan, Director of Nanmofang Community Health Service Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing:

Thank you for your question. To answer your first question first, according to the requirements of the specification, our management of chronic diseases mainly includes the following four aspects: screening, follow-up evaluation, classified intervention and health examination.

At the grassroots level, we are now doing chronic disease management, which is actually a very important basic public health service project and the most important task. In the process of chronic disease management, we feel that both doctors and patients must work together, and the two sides can work together in Qi Xin to do this work well. Without either side, it is impossible. For us to do chronic disease work, we should first improve our own ability, because we have to be hard while the iron is hot. Only when we have excellent skills can we really solve the problems of chronic patients and truly recognize our work from the heart. Therefore, we have been strengthening the establishment of special outpatient clinics for hypertension and diabetes rehabilitation, including strengthening the construction of medical associations.Full-time team"The construction of chronic disease management team is the construction of general practitioners and specialists to improve our service ability.

In addition, we make full use of information technology, such as wearable devices, smart watches, smart bracelets, smart medicine boxes that can remind patients to take medicine on time, including one-click tools for family doctors, and intelligent monitoring platforms for health management to improve our management efficiency. Third, we are trying a multi-disciplinary team cooperation model. We take family doctors as the core, and gradually bring rehabilitation and pharmacy personnel into the chronic disease management team. We will work together to do a good job in the health management of chronic diseases and improve the management effect. Fourth, pay attention to the characteristics and advantages of Chinese medicine, because as we all know, Chinese medicine has outstanding characteristics and functions in improving symptoms and improving quality of life, including preventing and treating complications. At present, we feel that there are some problems in chronic disease management, and the manpower is relatively tight. Then, at the end of residents and patients, residents’ understanding should be improved first. It is not our wishful thinking to do chronic disease management. Only by actively cooperating with us and improving compliance can we do the work better. In this regard, I think we should also strengthen publicity to let the people deeply realize that they are the first responsible person for health. Only after realizing this, can he take the initiative to accept it and actively cooperate with us in the management of chronic diseases. We must also improve the self-health management ability of ordinary people through our own efforts, such as the training of family health workers we are carrying out now, including health classes, including the activities of organizing chronic disease groups, hoping that through these, patients with chronic diseases can gradually master the ability of blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring.Understand the effects and side effects of drugs, including what is a correct lifestyle and habit, and how to adhere to and guide it. I hope that everyone will think in one place and work hard in one place to do a good job in chronic disease management. Thank you.

Hu Qiangqiang, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department:

The second question mentioned by this reporter just now is about the data related to chronic diseases. As far as we know, the relevant data and responsibilities are not in the grass-roots department, but in other departments. After coming down, we asked the comrades in the Information Office to connect with this reporter, including contacting and communicating with relevant departments and providing relevant data as much as possible. One last question.

Health news reporter:

We are concerned that,2020Since the epidemic in COVID-19 in, grass-roots medical and health institutions have undertaken a lot of work in epidemic prevention and control. Excuse me, what tasks do grass-roots organizations mainly undertake in epidemic prevention and control? Under the prevention and control of normalized epidemic situation, how to ensure the daily basic medical and health service needs of residents? Thank you.

Nie Chunlei, Director of the Grassroots Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission:

Thank you for your question. Thank you very much for your attention to the prevention and control of epidemic situation at the grass-roots level. After the outbreak of the epidemic in COVID-19, the majority of grassroots medical workers played an important supporting role in the prevention and control of the epidemic in urban and rural communities, especially their professional supporting role and active implementation.Sizao", fully participated in the whole process to guide the community prevention and control, which laid a solid foundation for effectively controlling the increase of infected people in Covid-19. Under the prevention and control of normalized epidemic situation, we have also instructed all localities to make efforts to maintain normal medical order. The grassroots medical personnel, especially the grassroots medical and health institutions, continue to provide basic medical and public health services to residents and isolated people in their jurisdictions, thus ensuring the basic medical needs of the masses. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the medical staff at the grassroots level for their work in epidemic prevention, control and security. At the same time, it is also emphasized that primary medical staff, as an important force in community epidemic prevention and control, are the gatekeepers of urban and rural residents’ health. Governments at all levels and health administrative departments should pay more attention to primary medical staff and create conditions to protect their rights and interests. I also hope that the whole society will pay more attention to and support grassroots health work. Today, there is director Zhang Yalan, a representative of primary medical and health institutions. You can ask her to introduce the situation to you in combination with specific work.

Zhang Yalan, Director of Nanmofang Community Health Service Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing:

Thank this friend for his concern for our work. Indeed, since the outbreak, grassroots medical and health institutions have undertaken a lot of epidemic prevention and control work on the basis of completing basic medical and public health tasks. The first thing we have to do is to play our best.Shaodian"andprobe"Function, that is to say, we should screen out the patients with suspected COVID-19’s symptoms who come to the institution for treatment, and then transport them to the fever clinic through closed loop. After the diagnosis and treatment, we should follow up in time. At the same time, we are also responsible for nucleic acid sampling, health monitoring, medical care and isolation and transshipment of residents in the closed control area, including the flow adjustment, sampling and transshipment of close contact personnel and household sampling of middle and high-risk household personnel. In addition, we also undertake the management of the medical team in the isolation point and the protection of the medical staff in the isolation area. When returning to work and production in the jurisdiction, we should also check the places where the work is resumed. When the school starts, we will make a patrol at the station. When the college entrance examination is held, we will be the deputy examiner for epidemic prevention, and we will also undertake various tasks such as large-scale nucleic acid sampling and vaccination in our jurisdiction. During the epidemic period, we went deep into the nursing homes under our jurisdiction to give corresponding guidance on the prevention and control of nosocomial infection, including the training of nucleic acid sampling. In view of the needs of the community, we will also formulate corresponding work points and disposal processes for them. When there are confirmed cases in our area, we will also take the initiative to give guidance to avoid panic. Although the work pressure is great, in this process, we feel hard, but more moved. Taking this opportunity today, I also want to say thank you to the community workers, including residents and patients, who have given us great support and full understanding in our work.

Under the situation of normalized epidemic prevention and control, we have also done a lot of work to ensure the daily medical needs of residents. The first is to strictly implement the prevention and control of nosocomial infection and provide a good and safe diagnosis and treatment environment for residents and patients. At the same time, give full play to the role of family doctors, make appointments by time, and reduce their waiting time in our institution. We also actively promote long-term prescriptions,Minimally taking medicine"And other convenience measures to meet the medication needs of patients with chronic diseases. For departments with long stay time and high exposure risk, such as oral cavity and massage, we adopt the method of one doctor, one patient and one disinfection to ensure the safety and effect of treatment. Our center is also the first batch of community health service institutions in Beijing to complete rehabilitation and transformation. We useRemote online mode"Guide rehabilitation patients to carry out home rehabilitation training to ensure the continuity of treatment. Thank you.

Hu Qiangqiang, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department:

Thank you, Director Nie and Director Zhang, for answering this question together, and our on-site questioning session is here. At this press conference,fourA guest introduced the construction of primary medical service system and some related problems, and we will continue to focus on it next.Everything is for people’s health.——Our ten years"Hold a series of press conferences, and welcome everyone to continue to pay attention. That’s all for today’s press conference. Thank you.

Authoritative release | How to build the best investment destination in Shenzhen? Please see the transcript of the press conference on March 28th.

Press conference on promoting high-quality development series.

Time: March 28th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Venue: Press Release Hall of Shenzhen Municipal Government

Record content

Moderator Su Rongcai (Deputy Director of Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Director of Information Office of the Municipal Government):

Good morning, media friends! Welcome to today’s press conference. In order to implement the spirit of the provincial high-quality development conference and the city’s high-quality development promotion conference, and further play a strong voice of high-quality development, this year, the Information Office of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government will hold a series of press conferences to promote high-quality development. Today is the first of a series of press conferences, which mainly introduces Shenzhen’s promotion of high-quality development and the creation of the best investment destination, and answers questions from reporters on issues that everyone cares about.

Present at today’s conference are:

Ms. Guo Ziping, Director of Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission;

Mr. Ye Wenge, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce;

Ms. Huang Xiaoyu, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Investment Promotion Bureau;

I am Su Rongcai, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and director of the Information Office of the Municipal Government.

Next, we invite Ms. Guo Ziping, director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, to introduce the overall situation of Shenzhen in promoting high-quality development and creating the best investment destination. Please welcome!

Guo Ziping: Good morning, friends from the media! Investment is the basic driving force of economic growth, and grasping effective investment means grasping high-quality development. As an important window of China’s reform and opening-up, Shenzhen has been attracting all kinds of high-quality resources from all over the world and striving to build the best investment destination. By February 2024, the total number of commercial entities in the city had reached 4,257,500, including 2,613,100 enterprises, 11 local Fortune 500 enterprises, and about 300 Fortune 500 branches settled in Shenzhen, which injected a steady stream of momentum into economic and social development. Below, I would like to briefly introduce the practice and effect of Shenzhen as the best investment destination.

First, we will continue to introduce influential and competitive industrial policies. We have always maintained the sensitivity to seize the industrial outlet, issued a series of systematic and precise industrial support policies, helped the upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to complement each other, develop in a gradient and grow together, and accelerated the construction of a modern industrial system with Shenzhen characteristics and advantages. Strategic emerging industries and future industries are the new pillars and tracks to lead industrial development, and also the main positions to develop new quality productivity. As early as 2009, Shenzhen began to plan the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries. For example, in 2009, Shenzhen was selected as the first batch of pilot cities for demonstration and promotion of new energy vehicles in China, and continuously launched a series of support policies around R&D, manufacturing, application demonstration, popularization and encouraging consumption of new energy vehicles, and issued dozens of local industry standards to help the new energy vehicle industry gradually grow into a new pillar industry. In 2023, the output and ownership of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen reached 1.79 million and 970,000 respectively, ranking first in the country. Entering the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shenzhen continued to implement the "20+8" industrial cluster action, and strategic emerging industries entered a new round of rapid development, with an average annual growth rate of 7.5%, and the added value exceeded 1.4 trillion yuan, accounting for 41.9% of GDP. This year, we iteratively launched the "20+8" industrial cluster policy version 2.0, and focused on a number of special policies, such as the high-quality development of car-grade chips and power semiconductor devices, the cultivation of core supply chain enterprises with hot-selling single products, and the cross-border integration and development of "fashion new products". The implementation of these policies,It will definitely put our enterprise on the fast track of development. Paying attention to the development of service industry is another distinctive feature of Shenzhen’s industrial policy. On March 18 this year, the city held a high-standard conference to accelerate the high-quality development of the service industry. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have issued opinions on accelerating the high-quality development of service industry, and various departments will also launch a series of policies around key areas of service industry, forming a "1+N+X" policy system for the high-quality development of service industry, and promoting the potential sub-sectors to be different every year, different in three years and brilliant in five years. For example, around the professional service industry, we have issued special support policies in the fields of human resources, lawyers, certified public accountants, asset appraisal, etc. Next, we will formulate implementation plans to promote the high-quality development of the professional service industry, introduce and cultivate professional service institutions with international competitiveness, and provide first-class professional services for enterprises to invest and start businesses. For another example, the headquarters economy is an important embodiment of the city’s core competitiveness. Last year, we issued the implementation opinions to promote the high-quality development of the headquarters economy, and gave all-round support to the headquarters enterprises in settling down, renting and buying houses, using land and talents. We also planned and laid out 40 headquarters economic clusters in the city, including Shenchao Headquarters, Xiangmihu and before the gulf, and introduced world-class headquarters enterprises to settle down.

The second is to establish and improve the innovation system with enterprises as the main body. Shenzhen is a city of innovation. Over the years, we have actively integrated into the global innovation network, gathered global innovation resources, and established an innovation system that is market-oriented, industrialization-oriented, and enterprise-oriented, so that enterprises want to innovate, dare to innovate, and can innovate. In 2023, the R&D investment of the whole society reached 188 billion yuan, accounting for 5.81% of GDP, of which the R&D investment of enterprises accounted for 94.9% of the total R&D investment of the whole society, ranking first in the country. Shenzhen has the strong support of a national strategic platform. We have built Bright Science City with high level and standard, laid out a number of major scientific and technological infrastructures such as Free Electron Laser and National Supercomputing Phase II, and accelerated the construction of a comprehensive national science center in Greater Bay Area. Materials genomics, brain analysis and simulation, synthetic biology research and other facilities have been built and put into trial operation, and will be further opened to enterprises in the future. In August last year, the State Council officially issued the Development Plan of Shenzhen Park in Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone. We will give full play to the advantages of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation and accelerate the comparison with international high-standard innovation rules, so as to make the cooperation zone a pilot zone for Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation and open cooperation, an experimental zone for international advanced science and technology innovation rules, and a pilot transformation gathering area in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. There are innovative carriers with diverse structures here in Shenzhen. The city has more than 3,600 innovative carriers, and has established a high-level laboratory system including 1 national laboratory, 13 national key laboratories, 4 laboratories in Guangdong Province, and more than 390 key laboratories in Shenzhen.It was approved to build the third-generation semiconductor national technology innovation center, the national high-performance medical device innovation center, the national bio-manufacturing industry innovation center and other national industrial innovation carriers. In addition, we are speeding up the layout of a number of concept verification centers and pilot platforms to provide enterprises with full chain services for technical research, concept verification and achievement transformation. There are world-class innovative talents here in Shenzhen. We provide all kinds of talents with preferential personal income tax in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, financial support for outstanding talents, second-batch settlement, living allowance and other package policies to help enterprises better gather and retain talents. By the end of 2023, Shenzhen had gathered more than 6.79 million talents, 98 full-time academicians, 24,000 high-level talents, 1.534 million high-skilled talents and over 200,000 returned overseas students. More and more top talents in the world are accelerating to gather in Shenzhen.

The third is to provide convenient and complete cost-effective factor guarantee. Last year, we introduced specific measures to implement "20 measures to reduce manufacturing costs" and continued to promote comprehensive reform of market-oriented allocation of factors. In terms of industrial space that enterprises are generally concerned about, according to the principle of relative agglomeration layout and centralized contiguous development, we plan to build 20 advanced manufacturing parks and 20 scientific and technological innovation clusters in the city, innovatively launch industrial affordable housing, promote the development and construction of centralized contiguous areas, and promote the construction of large projects with "overall planning of large areas" to ensure that high-quality projects, whether newly put into production or increased capital and expanded production, have land to fall in Shenzhen. In terms of capital elements, Shenzhen has a multi-level capital market system with Shenzhen Stock Exchange as the core. The comprehensive strength of banking, insurance, securities and other industries ranks among the top three in the country. The asset management scale of various wealth management institutions exceeds 28 trillion yuan, and an industrial fund group of 100 billion levels has been established around the "20+8" industrial cluster. We will take the initiative to connect the resources of various financial institutions to provide enterprises with life-cycle financing services. This year, more than 800 billion yuan will be added in small and micro loans, manufacturing loans, technology-based enterprise loans and green loans. In terms of data elements, we will attach great importance to the function of data, a new production factor, to empower thousands of industries, build a national data trading platform with international influence based on Shenzhen Data Exchange, introduce third-party management institutions for data transactions, data vendors and data circulation transactions, and register data property rights. By the end of 2023, we have gathered 305 data vendors nationwide.The transaction volume was 6.49 billion yuan, of which cross-border transactions exceeded 100 million yuan, ranking first in the country. Next, according to the development needs of artificial intelligence and other industries, we will focus on promoting the socialized application of government data such as people, places, things, things, feelings and organizations in cities, actively strive for the pilot of data assets entering the table, and fully release the social value of data elements.

The fourth is to create a first-class business environment in accordance with international standards. In January this year, we also held a press conference on the theme of business environment here. We will put forward a work plan for optimizing the market-oriented, rule-based and international business environment in 2024 and a work plan for optimizing and upgrading the business environment assessment standards of the World Bank, and introduce a number of practical and effective methods based on the needs and feelings of enterprises. In terms of market access, we will accelerate the full implementation of 24 measures to relax market access in Shenzhen, and further relax market access in telecommunications, medical care, energy and other fields. For example, taking the opportunity of promoting the "Hong Kong-Macao Medical Machinery Link", we will support innovative drugs that have been listed overseas, promote the application of real-world data in the clinical evaluation of Shenzhen’s life cycle, and further accelerate the process of listing new products. In terms of examination and approval services, we will pay attention to improving the examination and approval efficiency of private investment projects, set up special classes for project coordination and docking, and implement "starting with land" for major private investment projects to promote early start, early completion and early production of projects. In terms of policy enjoyment, we rely on the "I Shenzhen" and "Shenzhen I Enterprise" APP to launch the through train platform for benefiting enterprises and realize a large number of policies, such as "one-click confirmation, application-free enjoyment". For example, in 2023, 159 items such as post expansion subsidies were introduced, and more than 50 items will be added this year, so that more policies can be enjoyed directly.

Shenzhen is a hot spot and a broad stage for the development of global enterprises. We will adhere to the principle of "sincerity+itinerary" to attract investment from all over the world and the whole country, and continue to provide guarantee for enterprises to invest in all factors, provide good services throughout the chain and optimize the environment in all directions. We sincerely invite entrepreneurs, investors and scientists to invest in Shenzhen to create a miracle and win-win future! Thank you!

Su Rongcai: Thanks to Director Guo Ziping for his briefing. Next, let’s enter the questioning session. Please inform the name of your news organization before asking questions. Now start asking questions.

Reporter: A reporter from the Central Radio and Television General Station asked questions. We have been paying attention to the development of private economy in Shenzhen, and would like to ask Director Guo Ziping what measures Shenzhen will take to further support the development of private economy? thank you

Guo Ziping: Thank you for your question. The private economy has always been an important engine of Shenzhen’s economic and social development. I have a set of data here to report to you. Our private economy contributes about 40% of the city’s fixed assets investment, 50% of GDP, 60% of import and export, 70% of tax revenue and 80% of technological innovation. From this set of data, we can see the important position of private economy in Shenzhen’s economic and social development. In 2023, Huawei, BYD and other private enterprises in Shenzhen were selected into the world’s top 500. Among the top 500 private enterprises in China, 27 enterprises came from Shenzhen, and the top 10 enterprises in Shenzhen accounted for 4 seats, which has become the city with the most active private economy and the most concentrated private enterprises in China. We have always grown and developed together with the private economy and private enterprises, and always regard private enterprises and entrepreneurs as our own. On the basis of implementing the "20 Articles of Private Economy" launched last year, we will launch more measures this year to support the private economy to become bigger, better and stronger. First, further reduce the operating costs of private enterprises. Accelerate the construction of high-quality industrial space such as headquarters economic cluster and advanced manufacturing park, implement zero investment in pipeline connection projects outside the red line such as water supply, power supply, gas supply and drainage, promote the green transformation of 100 industrial parks, and reduce the cost of land and energy use for enterprises. Smooth financing channels for private enterprises, continue to promote the linkage among the government, banks, business associations and enterprises, and promote government affairs data to become a "passport" for private enterprises’ financing, and accurately match the financing needs of private enterprises. Strengthen the employment service guarantee of private enterprises,Support schools and scientific research institutions to build professional and practical training bases with private enterprises in an order-based mode, optimize and improve the high-end talent service system, and provide solid talent support and intellectual support for the development of private enterprises. The second is to increase the application scenarios and market opening for private enterprises. Focusing on the goals and tasks of building a pioneer city of ultra-fast broadband, a pioneer city of artificial intelligence, a pioneer city of digital twins, a pioneer city of digital energy, a city of super-charging, a new generation of world-class automobile city, and a city of Euler in HarmonyOS, we will open application scenarios such as smart city operation and management, low-altitude distribution, unmanned driving, charging and replacing facilities, and whole-house intelligence to private enterprises, and provide the best "testing ground" for new technologies and new products of enterprises. We will introduce some measures to expand private investment, support private enterprises to participate in bidding and government procurement on an equal footing, strictly implement the provisions that the number of finalists in state-owned capital investment projects should not be less than one-third, dynamically update the list of major projects, industrial projects and franchise projects recommended to private capital, and support private capital to deeply participate in the construction and operation of affordable housing, "flat and emergency" public infrastructure, urban village reconstruction, old-age care and new infrastructure. The third is to support private enterprises to participate in international competition. Improve and perfect the "going out" comprehensive service platform, give full play to the network functions of 93 sister cities, 26 sister ports, 11 overseas economic and trade liaison offices, 4 overseas economic and trade representative offices and the majority of business associations, and support private enterprises to "go out to sea in groups".Integrate all kinds of resources to provide more convenient and efficient foreign-related legal services, industrial policy consultation, investment risk early warning and other support for overseas enterprises, and increase consular protection for overseas enterprises. Make good use of the list of products from Shenzhen’s dominant enterprises covering 222 enterprises and 228 products and services, help private enterprises to expand overseas markets, vigorously explore emerging markets such as the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Latin America and Africa, and increase the "depth" of the global market. thank you

Reporter: The Economic Daily asked a question. Recently, a conference on accelerating the high-quality development of the service industry was held in Shenzhen, and it was proposed to build a new high-quality and efficient modern service industry system with Shenzhen characteristics and advantages. Excuse me, Deputy Director Ye Wenge, what is the work foundation and work goal of this year in accelerating the high-quality development of service industry in the business field?

Ye Wenge: Thank you for your question. Let me answer this question. Here, I would like to briefly introduce some situations of accelerating the high-quality development of the service industry in the business field. The first is wholesale and retail. Last year, the added value of wholesale and retail in our city was 292.3 billion yuan, accounting for 8.4% of GDP, but there is still much room for growth. This year, in the wholesale industry, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce will focus on four tasks: First, accelerate the introduction and cultivation of a number of wholesale enterprises. The second is to highlight the development of wholesale business related to the supply chain of manufacturing industry chain. The third is to take the import and export business as an important starting point for the wholesale industry. Fourth, vigorously develop wholesale business related to bulk commodities and high-quality consumer goods. In the retail industry, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce will focus on the following three tasks: First, introduce and cultivate more retail enterprises that are marketable and lead the demand; Second, from the needs of residents and tourists, constantly optimize the layout of the city’s retail industry; The third is to vigorously develop e-commerce, especially cross-border e-commerce. Our import and export target for cross-border e-commerce this year is 300 billion yuan.

The second is the convention and exhibition industry. Last year, the exhibition industry in our city achieved leap-forward development, and the number of exhibitions held, the exhibition area, the revenue of exhibition enterprises and the number of conferences held all achieved the best level of growth in history. However, we need to make greater efforts in the quantity and quality of holding international conferences and national conferences. This year, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce will focus on the following three tasks: First, cultivate and build a number of professional exhibitions and fine exhibitions. Strive to increase the number of new industries and future industrial exhibitions by 10% throughout the year. The second is to turn the popularity of convention and exhibition economy into the kinetic energy of development. Strive to hold an exhibition area of 12 million square meters throughout the year, and give full play to the role of exhibitions in promoting investment, facilitating transactions, exchanges and cooperation. The third is to improve various supporting facilities and services around the needs of participating in the exhibition.

The third is trade in services. Last year, our city comprehensively deepened the pilot of innovation and development of service trade, and promoted the full implementation of 102 measures in the pilot list. The import and export of service trade reached US$ 130.07 billion, an increase of over 20%. It can be said that the demonstration effect of service trade innovation in our city continues to expand, among which four service trade innovation cases, such as "Simplifying the Maritime Procedures for Yacht Free Travel in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao", were selected as the third batch and the fourth batch of "Best Practice Cases" of the the State Council Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office for the Comprehensive Deepening of Service Trade Innovation and Development, and 20 enterprises and four projects were promoted to be selected as key national cultural export enterprises and key projects in 2023-2024. Last year, we also issued the Work Plan of Shenzhen Municipality on Implementing the Construction Plan of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Pilot Area for Global Trade, comprehensively promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of the whole trade chain, and promoting the digital development of new trade industries, new formats and new models.

On March 22nd, the Ministry of Commerce issued Special Administrative Measures for Cross-border Trade in Services (Negative List) (2024 edition) and Special Administrative Measures for Cross-border Trade in Services in Pilot Free Trade Zone (2024 edition), which are important measures for China to actively benchmark international high-standard economic and trade rules and promote institutional opening, and will provide new opportunities for global open cooperation in service trade. We will carefully sort out the contents of the list and make further innovations. We in Shenzhen are confident of achieving more and greater results in service trade.

Promoting the high-quality development of service industry is a systematic project. Next, under the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce will formulate policies related to the high-quality development of service industry segments and make systematic arrangements to implement them. In 2024, Shenzhen’s service industry has great potential, unlimited prospects, great potential and just the right time.

thank you

Reporter: Phoenix TV reporter asked questions. We would like to pay attention to the current foreign investment confidence in Shenzhen, and ask Deputy Director Huang Xiaoyu what specific measures the government has to optimize the business environment for foreign investment? thank you

Huang Xiaoyu: I am very grateful to the reporters of Phoenix TV and the media friends present for their attention to the foreign investment in Shenzhen. Attracting and utilizing foreign investment is an important part of promoting high-level opening to the outside world and building a new open economic system. In 2023, 8002 foreign-invested enterprises were established in the city, up by 86.6% year-on-year, and the actually used foreign capital was 62.62 billion yuan, indicating that the momentum of foreign investment in Shenzhen has not diminished, and multinational companies are still optimistic about the investment prospects in Shenzhen. In 2023, the Shenzhen Global Investment Conference negotiated and signed more than 380 projects, involving an investment of over one trillion yuan.

From January to February 2024, the actual use of foreign capital in the city was 7.04 billion yuan, and the newly established foreign-invested enterprises in the city were mainly concentrated in the service industry, among which the newly established foreign-invested enterprises in scientific research and technical service industry increased by 97.1%.

In order to further optimize the foreign investment environment, improve the level of investment promotion and increase the intensity of attracting foreign investment, the following three aspects are mainly done:

The first is to expand the breadth and depth of opening up. Vigorously implement the 24 policies and measures to stabilize foreign investment issued by the State Council, strictly implement the negative list of foreign investment access, and completely cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. We will further implement the new negative list of foreign investment access in the country, continue to reduce the restrictions on foreign investment access, and carry out access pilots in areas such as medical care and value-added telecommunications that foreign-funded enterprises are very concerned about. We will further promote the reform and opening-up of major platforms such as Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, increase the comprehensive pilot demonstration of service industry expansion and opening-up, support more qualified foreign-funded institutions to carry out business in banking, insurance, bond funds and other fields, and encourage foreign investors to set up private equity funds and carry out various investment activities according to law.

The second is to increase the guidance of foreign investment. Combined with the relevant documents of the state and our city, we will speed up the introduction of the implementation measures for further attracting and utilizing foreign capital and the methods for identifying the headquarters enterprises of multinational corporations (revised version), strengthen the publicity of investment opportunities and policies for the whole world, give play to the dynamic role of policies, promote the docking of investment promotion and the matching of projects, and introduce a number of influential foreign-funded landmark projects.

The third is to strengthen foreign investment promotion and service guarantee. We will implement the round-table meeting system for foreign-invested enterprises, answer policy questions that foreign-invested enterprises care about, give full play to the all-round and multi-level service role of Shenzhen’s public service system for foreign investment promotion, provide enterprises with one-stop service throughout their life cycle, and coordinate and solve difficulties and problems in the operation of foreign-invested enterprises in a timely manner. Next, we will upgrade the foreign investment promotion and service system, deepen the normal exchanges with foreign-funded enterprises and foreign business associations, continuously improve and optimize the level of foreign investment services, and continue to create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, so that Shenzhen will always become a hot spot for transnational investment, allowing foreign-funded enterprises to enter, stay and develop well. thank you

Reporter: Southern Finance all-media reporter asked questions. It is understood that the "single window" of international trade in Shenzhen has played an important role in improving the level of cross-border trade facilitation and the high-quality development of foreign trade services. Can Deputy Director Ye Wenge please tell us about the current operation of "single window" and what new measures will be taken in 2024? thank you

Ye Wenge: Thank you for your questions. The single window of international trade is an important digital infrastructure for the high-quality development of foreign trade. By the end of 2023, the single window of Shenzhen international trade had been launched in 36 business fields and 165 business modules, providing over 2,000 services. There are 148,300 registered enterprises on the platform and over 500,000 enterprises serving the whole country. Business indicators rank among the top in the country. In 2023, major business applications exceeded 53 million votes, accounting for 66.2% of the province and 14.1% of the country.

With regard to the construction of a single window for international trade, according to the work arrangement of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce has studied and formulated the Action Plan for the Construction of a Comprehensive Foreign Trade Service System for China (Shenzhen) International Trade Single Window, and put forward 23 specific measures from four aspects: strengthening digital processing capacity, promoting data aggregation and sharing, optimizing and innovating public services, and supporting the development of new formats and new models, so as to improve the convenience of international trade business through digital empowerment.

In 2023, focusing on the logistics cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, we developed and launched the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Seamless Customs Clearance" service, realizing the "one-time entry and two-place declaration" of customs clearance documents between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the "single window" of international trade in Shenzhen, and reducing the import and export business cost of each ticket between the two places by more than 60%; Focus on improving the efficiency of tax refund, research and develop an online electronic filing document system for export tax refund and collaborative service for export tax refund, and reduce the tax refund cycle of users to three working days; Focus on the docking of financial services between banks and enterprises, research and develop the online "foreign trade financial supermarket", realize the "full-process online operation" of international settlement, empower financial institutions to optimize foreign trade credit products through data, realize more than 220,000 trade verification services, and settle and pay more than 8.1 billion US dollars online, helping SMEs to increase their average credit line by more than 660,000 yuan and reduce their average interest rate by 2.1 percentage points. At the same time, the country’s first full-mode sunshine public service platform for cross-border e-commerce was built, providing one-stop sunshine services of "customs clearance, remittance and tax", and the declared business volume reached 2.3 billion votes.

In 2024, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce will closely follow the theme of promoting the high-quality development of foreign trade, accelerate the application of new technologies such as "blockchain+big data+artificial intelligence", and launch a number of "foreign trade+customs clearance+logistics+finance" public services with local characteristics in Shenzhen, further enrich the digital service benchmarking scenarios such as intelligent customs clearance, smart logistics, smart tax rebate, international settlement, freight insurance and trade financing, and make every effort to build a big data base for shipping trade in Shenzhen.

thank you

Su Rongcai: Dear media friends, our graphic record of this conference will be released in Shenzhen and official platforms such as Shenzhen Government Online. At the same time, there will also be video playback on media platforms such as Read Special, Shenzhen I and Shenzhen I.. This is the end of today’s press conference. Thank you for your publishers and media friends’ support. Thank you!

Original title: "Authoritative release | How to build the best investment destination in Shenzhen? Please see the Record of the Press Conference on March 28th.

Read the original text

The red theme film "Shuang Shan Blocking War" was shortlisted for the 3rd Hong Kong Bauhinia International Film Festival.

Recently, the red theme film "Shuang Shan Blocking War" jointly produced by Anhui Fang Quan Film Group, Hefei East Xincheng Wenlv Media Co., Ltd., Anhui Film Group and Anhui Wenyi Investment Group was selected for the 3rd Hong Kong Bauhinia International Film Festival, and Feidong element went international.

Movie poster. Photo courtesy of Peng Hongling

Movie poster. Photo courtesy of Peng Hongling

It is understood that the Hong Kong Bauhinia International Film Festival, approved by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, is a grand ceremony with the theme of China’s new mainstream films. Its purpose is to promote the internationalization of China’s new mainstream films, show the theme of the new era, new genre and new strength, unite outstanding filmmakers at home and abroad, and work together to show the new mainstream high-quality films that are harmonious, empathetic and resonant, and resonate with the new era.

The movie "Shuang Shan Blocking War" is full of elements in Feidong, and it is a theme film with the theme of anti-Japanese war, in which Feidong is the screenwriter, Feidong is the chief producer, Feidong County invests and the story takes place in Feidong. The 105-minute film tells the story of the Japanese invasion of Jianghuai during the Anti-Japanese War. Xu Daqiang, a company commander of the New Fourth Army, and Zhou Shanwen, a company commander of the Kuomintang, were ordered to stick to Shuang Shan, Qiaotou Town, Feidong County, and stop the Japanese invaders from going west. The joint operation of the two companies repelled several Japanese attacks, which showed the heroic spirit of China soldiers who died and fought bloody battles to the end.

The film was filmed in September, 2021, with a strong cast, written by Xu Zefu, a member of Chinese Writers Association, a member of China Television Artists Association and a native writer in Feidong, produced by Zheng Hui, chairman of Anhui Fang Quan Film Group, directed by Chen Yin, vice president of Hangzhou Traditional Culture Promotion Association, starring Hong Wei, a national first-class actor, and starring Guo Guangping, Liu Guanlin, Li Mingyu and Jiajia Ge.

The film was released in major theaters on January 26th, 2024, and the audience responded well. It is the second red theme film invested and filmed by Feidong County after the revolutionary historical film Yaogang 1949.

Feidong is a hot spot with a glorious red revolutionary tradition. Whether it is the origin of Hefei Central County Committee, the bonfire of eastward anti-Japanese war and the storm of crossing the river, it has stirred up powerful notes here, and countless people with lofty ideals have emerged, leaving behind 44 red sites and countless earth-shaking red stories, such as the memorial hall of the General Front Committee of the Crossing River Campaign, the Hefei History Museum of the Communist Party of China and the Cai Yongxiang Memorial Hall, which provide rich fertile soil for the creation of red theme films.

At present, Feidong County has created many patriotic film scripts such as Guild Wars at Huangtuan Temple, and it is expected to meet the audience one after another in the later period. (Peng Hongling)

Say goodbye to the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show and look forward to a new era of automobiles! 2023-04-27 Source: Municipal Commission of CommerceNo.: large, medium and small.

  The 10-day 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "2023 Shanghai Auto Show") closed at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) on April 27th.

  The 2023 Shanghai Auto Show with the theme of "Embracing the new era of the automobile industry" is an international A-class auto show covering the whole vehicle, automobile supply chain and automobile technology enterprises, which has been highly valued by the global automobile industry. The total exhibition area exceeds 360,000 square meters, and 1,413 vehicles are exhibited in the vehicle exhibition area; 93 world first cars (including 28 world first cars of multinational companies) and 64 concept cars; There are 271 new energy vehicles (including 186 new energy vehicles of China automobile enterprises) and 513 new energy exhibition vehicles. This year’s auto show received more than 13,000 Chinese and foreign media workers competing to report the grand occasion of the auto show, with 906,000 visitors at home and abroad.

  On April 18th and 19th, two media days, major automobile manufacturers held 151 press conferences. During the same period of the exhibition, more than 20 forums, summits, seminars and technical exchange activities were held, focusing on hot topics such as new energy, intelligent networking, hydrogen energy and smart cars, providing a communication platform for mutual promotion and integration for the future development of the global automobile industry.

  The transformation of new energy sources in the global automobile industry is accelerating. The number of new energy vehicles released exceeded that of fuel vehicles for the first time, and new energy vehicles firmly occupied the absolute C position of most booths. Many China brands have become the hottest booths in this auto show, which shows the all-round rise of China brand new energy vehicles. The technical senior management teams of foreign brands frequently appear on the booths of China brands to seriously study "independent research and development technology", which shows that China brands have the ability to talk to the world in the fields of new energy and intelligence. Localization of foreign enterprises and internationalization of Chinese enterprises go both ways. At this year’s auto show, more and more exclusive products and technologies have been released for the China market, and foreign brands have said that "only by making decisions on the spot can we develop products that satisfy China consumers." On the other hand, China car companies are accelerating their global distribution, and the ways of "going out to sea" are becoming more and more diversified. This two-way trip also shows that the internationalization of China’s automobile industry has entered a new stage. The iteration speed of the new round of technological upgrading is accelerating. As one of the most important communication platforms in the world automobile industry, Shanghai Auto Show has always been adhering to the "technology leading" and has become the "wind vane" of the global automobile industry. At this year’s auto show, automobile power technologies including pure electric, hybrid, hydrogen fuel power and extended range have also become more diverse and rich, providing consumers with more personalized and diversified car purchase options.

  The 20th Shanghai Auto Show witnessed the growth and leap of China auto industry.

  The new Shanghai Auto Show was founded in 1985, and this year is the twentieth. The auto show was originally a window for China to see the world, but now it has grown into a window for the world to see China, and its position in the international auto show is particularly important. The growth of Shanghai Auto Show is the growth of China’s automobile industry, which has promoted the popularization of automobile culture, promoted automobile consumption and greatly promoted the development of China’s automobile industry. In this feast, the core market of global automobile consumption is turning to China, and China consumers are also becoming the "protagonists" of the global automobile market. The competition in the new era of automobiles has begun, and the Shanghai Auto Show will continue to convey deeper and more influential market insights and changing trends to the industry and set off to a new height again.

What does Zhang’s frequent hot search on the bell bring to "Fu Seoul"?

Wen | Xiao Gu Dong

Recently, with the release of the short video "It’s really hard to kill Zhang’s ringing", the topic # Zhang’s ringing is miserable and funny # has been on the hot search, which has also made more people know about the real life in multinational families, and all kinds of stories caused by cultural and cognitive differences have made people laugh, which is just a microcosm of her hot search.

In the early days, most viewers got to know Zhang Zhanling from the seventh season of "The Story of Qipa" and the fourth season of talk show conference. In the process of recording the program, Zhang Zhanling attracted much attention because of telling the story of "Big Fat Daughter-in-law" giving chrysanthemums and playing table tennis with his 70-year-old grandfather, and then he created a circle code around the cultural differences of multinational families. At present, this creative way continues in short video creation. With the continuous innovation of materials, Zhang Zhanling’s content on social platforms is updated frequently and with good quality, and is in a state of continuous powder absorption.

In addition, because Fu Seoul and Lao Liu participated in the program "Goodbye to Lovers", many netizens compared Zhang Zhanling, a husband and wife group who also looked like "women are strong and men are weak", with her "fat daughter-in-law", and pointed out the differences between the two groups. For example, the "fat daughter-in-law" was temporarily unemployed, and now she has found a job, and Zhang Zhanling affirmed the emotional value he brought, while Lao Liu was lying flat and needed. In this discussion, the public has a different understanding of the marriage between Zhang Zhanling and Fu Seoul.

There are both the traffic brought by transnational family cultural differences and the external traffic brought by entertainment topics. Recently, Zhang Zhanling is very popular on the short video platform. His personal Tik Tok account has 792w+ fans, and the Tatie brothers and sisters with Xiao Aoda and Latte as the protagonists have 114W fans. To some extent, among a group of talk show actors and debaters, Zhang Zhanling has taken a new path in the field of short video by virtue of his personal ability and unique family advantages.

In the early days, Zhang stepped on the bell and became popular in foreign countries because of the cultural differences between China and foreign countries. Later, with a second child, she returned to China to participate in the recording of "Qi Yu Shuo". After the program was launched, it was known by more people, and it also diverted her social account to some extent. Of course, the key to Zhang’s popularity so far lies in its continuous output in the content field, which not only has certain speculative significance, but also can convey happiness and healing, and has diversified value for the majority of netizens.

Funny is the core feature of Zhang Dailing’s short video, which comes from the fact that every member of her family is walking material. In her short video, every family member has a distinctive character tag. For example, the fat daughter-in-law often makes a lot of jokes because of cultural, language differences and body shape. Latte loves Tieling hukou and refuses foreign language and culture. Xiao Aoda is the younger sister of some ghosts and horses who can also serve as bilingual translators, and Wendy is a foreign mother-in-law who is full of highlights except picking … So a group of people with different personalities, whether living in a foreign country or in Beijing, can always derive countless materials for Zhang to step on the bell to create.

Take China’s behavior of Wendy and her big fat daughter-in-law as an example. The family not only completed the "fixed task" of climbing the Great Wall and visiting the Forbidden City, but also went to Inner Mongolia, Chengdu and Guilin. There have been many stories along the way, either conflicts caused by dietary differences, frequent jokes caused by the cheap price of the lotus pond, or a series of "accidents" caused by accidents, all of which have become the creative materials of Zhang Zhanling, and have received continuous attention from netizens.

Family warmth is the background color of the short video created by Zhang Zhanling. In addition to being funny, there are also many moments that make people cry. For example, Zhang Zhanling meets the figure of a big fat daughter-in-law and Xiao Aoda who have been separated for two years due to the epidemic at the airport, prepares a surprise for her mother-in-law Wendy’s birthday, and relives the figure skating that she loved as a girl. These two paragraphs have touched many netizens. The former is maternal love from the heart, while the latter puts herself in Wendy’s shoes, which is a great model for women to understand women.

While short videos are widely loved by netizens, Zhang Zhanling has also been favored by brand customers. At present, in the video created by Zhang Zhanling, there are different kinds of advertisements such as learning, skin care products and life, or interspersed with advertisements in regular content, or tailored the theme content for advertisements, which successfully realized personal traffic. In addition, she was invited by the producers of programs such as Invite 100 Girls Home, The Great Conjecture of Joy, Half of Life and Magee Kitchen, which also effectively supplemented her popularity.

Family-centered creation, supplemented by the language style of Northeast China, has found a personalized output mode in the field of short video, maintained high yield in the safe and comfortable zone of content creation, and realized the instant realization of personal IP while continuously accumulating fans and gaining good reputation.

For the top players who come out of the programs such as "The Story of Qi Pa" and "Talk Show Conference", artistry and online celebrity are the only way. Starting from short video, becoming popular and returning to short video, Zhang stepped on the bell and found a development direction suitable for himself. Of course, there are thousands of transformation paths, and from the perspective of the whole debater and talker circle, more transformation paths will be found.

Debaters and talk show actors have a sense of variety in common, so some of them have successfully transformed into variety coffee. From Mix, Fan Tiantian and Ming Chen, who were out of the circle in the early days, to Li Dan, Wang Mian and Xu Zhisheng, who were in the post-fire, they all participated in many reality shows. Take Xu Zhisheng, who has the shortest debut time, as an example, and participated in more than ten files such as Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom House Season 3, Let’s Camp Together Season 3, Exploring the Case, How to "outsmart", Shop 2 on the Cloud and Home of Everyone. It is not difficult to find that Xu Zhisheng is quite popular with the "Comprehensive N Generation" program, probably because the program group is more inclined to bring new additions by artists with both freshness and variety when iterating over the guest lineup.

Except for a few who can become variety coffee, most debaters and talk show actors will have limitations on the road to artistry and are only suitable for opinion output programs. For example, Huang Zhizhong participated in the variety "Goodbye My Lover" as a member of the "Observer Mission" in addition to the series of programs.

Coincidentally, Fu Seoul became famous in his early years because of Qi Pei Shuo, and now he has attracted much attention because of Goodbye to Lovers. However, during this period, he participated in only a handful of variety shows, among which he was an observer in Men Doing Housework and "Unfolding Talk", which was a permanent guest with Yang Tianzhen, Yi Lijing and Yang Li, played a role in exporting personal opinions. However, when the tide of live broadcast came, Fu Seoul set foot on this big ship and started a new branch of her career as "Fu Ma" in Tik Tok.

With the change of life stage, they will also have different choices. For example, King Wang, who was positioned as "the successor of Xiao S" in the early days, is now married and pregnant. She recorded the state of pregnancy in real time on personal social media. Diet changes, taking photos of pregnant women and stepping on the pit all triggered the resonance of women who were pregnant or had experience in pregnancy. In addition, in the roadshow of the movie "Learning Dad", King Wang talked about the problem of choosing a kindergarten after he began to worry in the pregnancy stage, which also caused widespread spread on the Internet. According to this trend, Dawang will be deeply involved in the fields of maternal and child care in the future, unlocking a new track for artists’ career.

Whether they become a variety coffee, an anchor with goods, or a mother-infant blogger, they have not only exerted their personal celebrity effect, but also enjoyed the dividend of the times, so it is not surprising that they can take off on the cusp. Just how high and how long you can fly in the end depends on your ability and value choice.

* Original article, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Hainan Airlines added more than 120 routes in the summer and autumn season of 2024.

Beijing business today News(Reporter Guan Zichen, Niu Qingyan) On March 14, according to Hainan Airlines, Hainan Airlines will implement the summer and autumn flight plan from March 31, open a number of domestic and international routes, and increase the frequency of flights on popular routes.

Domestically, Hainan Airlines flew nearly 500 domestic routes after the summer and autumn seasons, covering more than 80 cities in China. After the season change, it is planned to add more than 120 domestic routes to and from Haikou, Guangzhou, Changsha and Dalian. In addition, the frequency of flights from Haikou to Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi ‘an, Zhengzhou, Beijing to Shanghai, Xiamen, Chengdu, Dalian and other popular routes will be increased; And in Beijing to Haikou, Sanya, Chengdu, Chongqing, Lanzhou, Sanya to Chengdu, Harbin, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Jinan and other popular public business and tourist routes to increase the capacity of wide-body aircraft.

Internationally, Hainan Airlines flies more than 40 international and regional routes in summer and autumn, covering more than 20 countries and regions, with routes reaching Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania. Recently, Hainan Airlines plans to open a new Beijing — Dublin, Beijing — International routes such as Edinburgh and in Beijing — Berlin, Beijing — Increase flight frequency or wide-body aircraft capacity on popular routes such as Manchester. Hainan Airlines said that it will continue to speed up the resumption and sailing of international and regional routes to better meet the market demand for passengers’ entry and exit.

Image source: Photo courtesy of Hainan Airlines


The press conference of the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress has a huge amount of information. These dry goods must be seen!

  At 11: 00 am on March 4, the press conference of the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People. Zhang Yesui, spokesman of the conference, introduced the conference to Chinese and foreign media and answered questions from reporters. China Youth Network reporter Yang Yushe

  At 11: 00 am on March 4, the press conference of the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People. Zhang Yesui, spokesman of the conference, introduced the conference to Chinese and foreign media and answered questions from reporters. China Youth Network reporter Yang Yushe

  China Youth Network Beijing, March 4 th(Reporter Song Chen intern reporter Wang Mengsi) At 11: 00 am on the 4th, the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress held a press conference in the press room of the Great Hall of the People. Zhang Yesui, the eighth spokesman of the National People’s Congress since its establishment, appeared to answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on the agenda of the Congress and the work of the NPC.





  On constitutional amendment and legislation: providing legal guarantee for national social development

  In the questioning session of Chinese and foreign journalists at the press conference, a total of 11 journalists asked questions, nearly half of which were related to constitutional amendment and legislative work, and Zhang Yesui answered them one by one.

  In response to a reporter’s question about "Why do you want to amend the Constitution at this time, and what aspects will you consider to amend it?" Zhang Yesui said that an important task of this conference is to amend part of the Constitution, review and pass the constitutional amendment. Only by constantly adapting to the new situation, absorbing new experiences, confirming new achievements and making new norms can the Constitution have lasting vitality. In order to give full play to the important role of the Constitution in upholding and developing Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the current Constitution, so that the major theoretical innovations, practical innovations and institutional innovations achieved by the Party and the people in practice become constitutional provisions.

  "Taxation is closely related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. Governing taxation according to law is an important part of comprehensively promoting the rule of law. Implementing the statutory principle of taxation is an important reform task put forward by the CPC Central Committee." In response to a reporter’s question about "the progress of real estate tax law", Zhang Yesui said that real estate tax legislation is an issue of general concern to the society. Accelerating real estate tax legislation is an important task put forward by the CPC Central Committee. The the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) Budget Working Committee and the Ministry of Finance have taken the lead in organizing the drafting. At present, work is being accelerated in drafting and improving the draft law, demonstrating important issues and soliciting opinions internally, so as to complete the preparatory work for submitting it to the Standing Committee for initial deliberation as soon as possible.

  In response to a reporter’s question about "legislation and supervision of pollution prevention and control", Zhang Yesui said that in 2018, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) will continue to pay close attention to environmental protection work, formulate the law on prevention and control of soil pollution, revise the law on prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste, review the annual report on environmental conditions and the completion of environmental protection targets, and carry out law enforcement inspections on the air pollution prevention and control law and the marine environmental protection law, in an effort to provide a solid legal guarantee for winning the battle of pollution prevention and control.

  It is understood that an important agenda of this conference is to review the draft supervision law. When answering a reporter’s question about the draft supervision law, Zhang Yesui said that the supervision law is the national legislation against corruption. It is of great and far-reaching significance to strengthen the unified leadership of the party over anti-corruption work, build an authoritative and efficient supervision system and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity by formulating supervision law, implementing institutional innovation and organizational innovation, and upgrading the practices and experiences that have been proved to be effective in practice into legal systems.

  Regarding the "2018 Legislative Plan", Zhang Yesui said that in 2018, more than 20 laws will be formulated or amended, including various divisions of the Civil Code and related separate tax laws. At the same time, we will do a good job in the work related to authorization decisions and reform decisions, and strengthen the filing review system and capacity building.

  On China’s Diplomacy in the New Era: Promoting Two "Constructions"

  "The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China comprehensively summed up the historic achievements of China’s development, and proposed that Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and that the diplomacy of a big country with China characteristics in the new era should promote the construction of new international relations and the building of a community of human destiny." When answering a reporter’s question about "China’s diplomacy", Zhang Yesui said that China insists on taking its own road, neither importing foreign models nor exporting China models. China has always followed the path of peaceful development, pursued an open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win, and developed friendly cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China is willing to actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, and hopes to promote the development of the international order in a more just and reasonable direction.



Artificial Intelligence: Embracing Change and Protecting Value

  [Kehai Tide Watching]

  In the past few years, a large number of innovative technologies have emerged in the field of artificial intelligence, and key breakthroughs have been made in the fields of autonomous driving, voice and image recognition, medical diagnosis, intellectual competitive sports, etc. Intelligent scenes that people once could only imagine in science fiction movies are quietly coming, and an intelligent era full of infinite possibilities has been fully opened.

  Artificial intelligence with several ups and downs

  Artificial intelligence is not a new concept in science. As early as half a century ago, computer science giants represented by Turing, Weiner, McCarthy, Shannon and so on began to explore artificial intelligence scientifically. Turing took the lead in putting forward the basic proposition of artificial intelligence "Can machines think" in his paper "Computing Machines and Intelligence" published in 1950, and designed the famous "Turing Test" — — If a machine can start a dialogue with human beings without being identified as a machine, then the machine is intelligent, which has become the first research to define the standard of artificial intelligence from the scientific level. At the same time, Wiener put forward the famous "cybernetics" and discussed the unity of machine and human — — People or machines accomplish a certain purpose through feedback, which reveals the possibility of simulating people with machines and lays an important foundation for the proposal of artificial intelligence. In 1955, McCarthy, Minsky, Shannon and others, as co-sponsors, invited a group of scholars to discuss Artificial Intelligence at Dartmouth College in the United States, and used the term artificial intelligence, which led to the rise of artificial intelligence scientific research.

  Although artificial intelligence has always attracted the attention of the scientific community, due to the constraints of basic technical conditions such as computing power, algorithms and data, artificial intelligence technology and commercial development have not been smooth sailing, and even once fell into a trough. Until May, 1997, IBM computer system "Deep Blue" defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, which once again triggered global attention to artificial intelligence. Since then, Professor Hilton of the University of Toronto in Canada has made a key breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence with deep learning as the main technical line. Artificial intelligence has been applied in natural language processing, speech recognition, image recognition, machine translation, fraud detection, product recommendation, etc. In addition, mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things have matured and formed a technical community effect, providing a technical environment for the technological breakthrough of artificial intelligence. A number of IT giants such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Baidu, Tencent, etc. also foresaw the commercial dawn of artificial intelligence and accelerated the industrial layout of artificial intelligence. In October 2016, the then US President Barack Obama released the report "National Strategic Plan for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development" at the White House Frontier Summit. This strategic plan, known as the new "Apollo Moon Landing Plan" in the United States, marked the US government’s emphasis on artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence has reached a turning point of breakthrough.

  According to the development stage and level of artificial intelligence, some foreign experts divide artificial intelligence into three stages: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). Weak artificial intelligence is good at unilateral ability, such as only having the intelligence to play chess. Strong artificial intelligence refers to artificial intelligence that has the same cognitive ability as human beings in all aspects; Super artificial intelligence refers to surpassing the limits of human intelligence in all fields. Generally speaking, human artificial intelligence is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence moving towards strong artificial intelligence.

  Cutting-edge technology that subverts the future

  As a subversive technology with "singularity" characteristics, artificial intelligence can not only drive a new round of scientific and technological innovation and economic growth, but also overcome a series of development difficulties faced by human beings in the fields of transportation, environment and health care, thus creating a new paradigm for global economic and social development.

  In 2016, Accenture, a famous consulting firm, released a report saying that artificial intelligence will become the driving force for a new round of global economic growth. By 2035, by changing job attributes and creating new man-machine relationship, artificial intelligence will double the economic growth rate, and the problems that have plagued the world economy for a long time, such as production stagnation, resource mismatch and labor shortage, will be solved, and people will be able to get out of "inefficient" work and do truly efficient and creative work.

  Intelligent transportation and unmanned driving are the key areas of artificial intelligence development at present. In the future, the transportation facilities with artificial intelligence application will not only include passenger cars, but also trucks, aircraft and personal robots. Automated transportation will be everywhere, and cars will become better drivers than humans. Intelligent transportation systems will effectively overcome urban traffic jams and parking difficulties, reduce the incidence of car accidents and reduce automobile emissions, and there will be fewer private cars for urban residents, thus changing the overall appearance of the city and bringing a brand-new form of urban organization.

  Artificial intelligence will also make great achievements in the medical field, which will help mankind overcome a series of medical problems to a great extent and solve the problem of uneven distribution of medical resources. Take IBM Watson as an example. An expert from the Medical College of the University of North Carolina in the United States asked Watson to analyze and diagnose more than 1,000 cancer cases. It was found that Watson gave the same treatment plan as a human oncologist in more than 99% of the cases. A Tokyo woman with leukemia was sentenced to death by a doctor, but Watson read the relevant 4,000-meter-thick medical materials within 10 minutes and gave a treatment plan to save her. Recently, a teenager in Britain underwent medical surgery based on artificial intelligence technology and got rid of epilepsy for seven years. The doctor asked the robot to drill into his brain, stimulated the cerebral cortex through electrodes, and found out the part that caused the seizure. The doctor removed the lesion.

  An out-of-control problem of no trial and error

  When artificial intelligence technology continues to reshape people’s work, study and lifestyle, and brings infinite happiness to mankind, it is also generating more and more open problems.

  1. Artificial intelligence is out of control. It is an ancient and ultimate problem of artificial intelligence whether it can keep control of an artificial intelligence system that is far smarter than human beings one day. The problem of control and out-of-control is so important because human beings may not have the opportunity to try and make mistakes at all. Although it is generally believed that the existing artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence, many experts believe that the era of super artificial intelligence is not far away, and the form of super artificial intelligence can realize recursive self-improvement and lead to the final "intelligent explosion". In 2008, a survey of experts at the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference held in Oxford University showed that machine super-intelligence has surpassed nuclear war, various manipulated epidemics and climate change to become the greatest threat to mankind. By 2100, the possibility of this artificial intelligence leading to human extinction is 5%. In this regard, the author of "A Brief History of the Future" and Israeli historian Herali pointed out three possible directions for human beings: human beings will lose their economic and military uses, and the economic system will no longer be valuable; For the system, human beings as a whole will have value but individuals will have no value; However, the system will find value in some individuals, but they will become a new species of superman, not the general public. "System" refers to a new social form produced by the rapid development of biological science and information technology.

  2. Machine discrimination. In the Internet of Everything environment, artificial intelligence systems based on massive data and powerful algorithms are influencing or even replacing individual behavior decisions. Under the trend of artificial intelligence replacing individual decisions, algorithm deviation and machine discrimination are not uncommon and have great influence. For example, Google’s photo software has wrongly labeled black people as "gorillas", and Flickr’s automatic tagging system has also wrongly labeled black people’s photos as "apes" or "animals". The problem of Google’s algorithmic discrimination has attracted people’s attention. In Google search, it is easier to find advertisements implying a criminal history than searching for white people’s names. In Google’s advertising service, men see more high-paying job advertisements than women.

  3. Skilled unemployment. Technical unemployment is also a major challenge arising from the development of artificial intelligence. Kaplan, a professor of artificial intelligence and ethics at Stanford University, believes that the most important challenge for human beings to deal with artificial intelligence lies in the change of labor force and the distribution of wealth in the whole society, which has an impact on the stability of the existing society. Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, also pointed out that the wide application of high technology in computer-controlled, fully automated and networked production and service industries, such as the use of robots, may lead to the loss of a large number of jobs in the future.

  4. Human-machine emotional ethics. The development of artificial intelligence technology will lead to the subversion of traditional human ethics. In the autumn of 2015, the British BBC and CNBC reported that an American company had created a female image "sex robot", and the person in charge of the company believed that the product could help the widowed solve their life troubles. It is reported that the robot presupposes a variety of personality patterns, such as "communicative" and "obedient", but the product has aroused extensive ethical discussion.

  As Hassabis, the founder of DeepMind, said: "Artificial intelligence is a great technology. It is neutral in itself and may be used in good places or bad places, so we must ensure that its users are responsible." In this regard, the United States, Britain, Japan, as well as the United Nations, the European Union, IEEE and other international organizations have issued strategies, laws, standards and norms of artificial intelligence, hoping to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry through the guidance of artificial intelligence policies and ethics. We should scientifically regulate artificial intelligence from laws and regulations, social security, technical standards and application norms, so as to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry and prepare for the future of artificial intelligence.

   (Author: Hui Zhibin, deputy director of Internet Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Laure Shang denies that he is not suitable for the entertainment circle and wants to do part-time translation (Figure)


  Laure Shang

  In my impression, Laure Shang should be silent, singing his own songs with his head down, ignoring other people’s eyes and comments, and not good at expressing and fighting for what he wants. Everything is only in the songs. The first time I interviewed Laure Shang, I was surprised by her performance. Her comfortable alto and slow speech speed were like a French chansons. Her language expression was very accurate, clear, confident and calm.

  Laure Shang said, "Who says I’m not suitable for entertainment?" Yes, it’s not appropriate to say it. Just because we don’t understand it, we are all too used to judging people by their appearances.

  I hope every performance is amazing.

  Reporter: I held my first solo concert in Beijing before. Originally, it was to be held in Shenzhen, but it was cancelled for some special reasons. I still have to congratulate you first. You will have your own concert soon and it is very successful.

  Laure Shang: Thank you. I don’t think the concert in Shenzhen will be cancelled, but it will be postponed temporarily for special reasons. It should be held after the Olympics. Concert is something that makes me very excited and also feels a lot of pressure. I cherish the opportunity, because many singers may not be able to sing for many years, and I am still a newcomer. I am very happy to have such an opportunity to improve myself through the opportunity. The overall evaluation of the Beijing concert was very good. At that time, after the performance, my colleagues and sponsors all embraced happily, which could bring surprises and accidents to everyone. My performance exceeded their expectations, which made me very happy.

  Reporter: Many singers take it as their goal to hold a solo concert. I know that the biggest dream of many Hong Kong singers is to sing in the Red Pavilion. Do you have such a goal or a stage for dreams?

  Laure Shang: The Red Pavilion is a symbol of status and strength because of its special significance to Hong Kong singers. However, there is no such special stage in the Mainland, so I won’t ask for a venue. My goal is to do a good job in every performance, hoping that the performances in every place will surprise fans in the future.

  Reporter: Speaking of surprise, many people actually have different views on the style of your Beijing concert. Some of your styles are really surprising. And I saw some of your latest modeling photos. Do you want to change your image and take a more feminine route?

  Laure Shang: Every painting painted by a painter can’t satisfy everyone, even Picasso can’t. I think I only look at the opinions of important people. As for styling, I don’t really care. The stylist team is designing for me. All I can do is choose one of their styles I want. In fact, I am very satisfied with the design of this team now. I think it suits my style very well. Of course, I am also willing to try different styles. I think this may be more rights than ordinary girls.

  Reporter: I feel that your hair release speed is actually quite fast, and it is an album and EP. Can you adapt to such high-intensity work? What is your most satisfying work at present?

  Laure Shang: Personally, I feel fine. After the high-density film distribution process, I feel more confident about this job-the hardest work is nothing more than that, and the rest is nothing serious. I don’t think this is just a simple workload, but an opportunity. I have this opportunity to make a record and sing to others. In fact, many people don’t have this opportunity, and they haven’t had the opportunity to make a record for many years. My own favorite is "A Big Sky" in the album "Under Van Gogh’s Starry Sky". All aspects, whether it is music, words or market reaction, are the best, and they are also well combined with my personality. It is not that I say yes, but that everyone says yes.

  Self-confessed typical workaholic

  Reporter: Being a singer is very tiring and stressful, but you don’t seem to feel hard, and you feel quite enjoyable.

  Laure Shang: Haha, actually I’m a bit of a workaholic. When I was in college, I was used to everyone working hard. There were many people who got good grades in Fudan and many people who could read. At that time, I was used to reading for hours, but I couldn’t compete with others. I was not smart enough, but I was more diligent. Later, after work, I worked in a private enterprise, which was a company with unlimited overtime, and there was no overtime pay. Haha, anyway, I just looked at the final results. I often worked for more than ten hours every day, went to bed when I fell down at home, and got up and went to work the next day. In fact, I think the workload now is far less than before. Maybe I’ve adapted to my previous job, but now I’m in a good mood because I have nothing to do, but I’m a little depressed, haha, a typical workaholic.

  Reporter: Everyone knows that you graduated from Fudan University. Have you achieved great success since childhood? Laure Shang: The grades from elementary school to junior high school have been good, but they are poor in high school. Because I was the first boarding school in Shanghai at that time, it was a great liberation for me to leave home and live in school. No one was in charge. As soon as I left my parents, I was very happy, curious about everything and completely wild. Grade one of senior high school dropped, and grade two of senior high school often failed. Later, I suddenly felt that this was my bottom line, so I should study hard and get into a good university. So I worked hard to make up for what I left behind and study hard. In fact, I have experienced such a rather unreliable life. I can understand some children now, but I think I should study hard. Reading is always useful.

  Reporter: There are not many singers like you who are highly educated and graduated from famous schools in the entertainment circle. Do you think your education has brought any convenience to your development?

  Laure Shang: The benefits are subtle. Reading is not without benefits. Many people will define that I am not suitable for this circle, because at present, singers in China generally have low academic qualifications. In fact, singers with high academic qualifications are very common abroad. Many people study medicine or law in universities, so no one discusses it as a topic, but I am concerned. I think whether you are a good singer has something to do with whether you can sing and the quality of the songs you sing, not academic qualifications. After reading for so many years, it is actually helpful for me to be a singer. At least I will have my own views on the understanding of lyrics. Every circle is similar, and it is necessary to contact many people. A good education will make people more mature in dealing with people.

  Want to work part-time as a translator

  Reporter: There are few opportunities to use French now. Will it be a pity?

  Laure Shang: Indeed, French is rarely used. I think it is more suitable as a sideline. Anyway, I also like reading some books in foreign languages. If I have time, I will translate some of my favorite books, which is not bad as a part-time job, or I think I want to do them all, which is helpful to others and beneficial to myself.

  Reporter: I’m surprised that you even want to do a part-time job. Few stars have such a simple part-time job plan.

  Laure Shang: There’s nothing wrong with translating foreign books. I always feel that I can’t concentrate all my energy on one thing, which will be very tiring and put great pressure on myself. Doing other things occasionally is a kind of relaxation. Translation can help me adjust my mentality and maintain my original major. What a good thing, I don’t care what others think. In fact, if the company arranges interviews with foreign media, I am very happy every time. I will review my English or French at home one week in advance. I always tell people in the company that it will be very good if I can get back 70% of my French, no matter how big the final report is.

  Reporter: After talking for so long, I feel that your mentality is very peaceful. You don’t seem to take the job of a singer very seriously, let alone treat yourself as a star.

  Laure Shang: I have never felt that I am not suitable for this circle. On the contrary, I feel more and more at home now. A singer is actually a job, but it is a so-called job that I cherish very much. It is easy to find a job in a foreign company, but it is not easy to sing and so many people are willing to listen. I cherish it very much. If I can, I hope I can keep doing this job. If one day, my personal interests are gone, no one wants to listen, and there is no need to do it again, but at this age, I will keep singing and sing well.

  Reporter: I feel that your thinking is very clear. Will you try to create in the future?

  Laure Shang: Clear thinking is better than clear thinking, but I’ve never written anything, and I don’t think I can write better than professional creators. I still trust them more because of my specialization, and I just need to find my own works seriously.

Editor: Li Dan

The theme of "Aerospace" is online! Zebra Encyclopedia helps to cultivate available talents for China’s aerospace industry

Recently, Zebra Encyclopedia, the first 3D interactive encyclopedia for children in China, launched a new theme "Aerospace", which is its 13th theme. It is understood that in response to the expectations and needs of users, Zebra Encyclopedia has launched a new theme every month since 2024. In the first quarter alone, it has launched "Paleozoic animals", "revealing food" and "aerospace", constantly enriching the contents of nature, humanities and technology, and helping children to establish a scientific and complete cognitive framework. The theme of "Aerospace" launched this time is the second scientific and technological theme after "Physics in Life", and it is also one of the themes with the highest voice and expectation from users.

As the first 3D interactive encyclopedia for children in China, Zebra Encyclopedia is a digital content for children aged 5-12. This time, the theme of "Aerospace" was launched, with a total of 12 episodes of video content, including 200+ aviation and aerospace-related knowledge points, presenting 30+ kinds of aircraft, carrying out 96 interesting AI interactive exercises, and combining 3D animation film-level production with 2D cartoons to sum up popular science, helping children feel the development process and real origin of human flying dreams in all directions.

As the digital content of popular science encyclopedia in the new era, the professionalism, systematicness and scientificity of encyclopedia cognitive system have always been the core advantages of Zebra Encyclopedia. Then, what knowledge points should be covered under the theme of "aerospace"? How to explain these profound and far-reaching contents to children aged 5-12? How can we make children "immersed" in a professional and complete knowledge framework? These are the focus of the zebra encyclopedia team’s deep thinking. In order to build a scientific and complete aerospace knowledge framework, Zebra Encyclopedia has set up an excellent R&D team, including a research team, a teaching and research team, an expert team and a production team. Each team has deeply participated in and professionally delivered the content in their respective fields. Taking the team of experts as an example, Zebra Encyclopedia has introduced a number of expert groups above doctoral level for the aerospace field, and deeply participated in the production of all videos on this theme, including the outline, script, model, animation, theme selection, knowledge point demonstration and other details.

(Aerospace theme 3D screen screenshot)

At the same time, the three themes of "Aerospace", "Paleozoic Animals" and "Revealing Food", which were launched in 2024, all continued the professional standards of Zebra Encyclopedia in terms of quality and content. Taking the theme of "Aerospace" as an example, depending on the realistic 3D animation effect and high-precision 3D model, each frame of the picture is of film-level 3D quality, which can not only restore the real shape of each spacecraft in all dimensions, such as comprehensiveness, details, interior and exterior, but also simulate real scenes such as launch and flight, which is the best form for children to learn aerospace knowledge on the spot.

According to reports, in order to achieve super-high quality film-level 3D image quality presentation, Zebra Encyclopedia has set up a visual effects professional with more than 100 people, and each picture detail will go through more than 20 rounds of strict review, more than 100 R&D processes and tens of thousands of polishing, which has invested hundreds of millions of production costs. The theme of "Aerospace" alone, 12 episodes of video content cost 30,000+hours of fine polishing, with a total of 160,000+frames of exquisite 3D animation, which helps children to observe the structure of aerospace vehicles in an immersive and multi-dimensional way, learn the diversity and operation knowledge of aircraft types, cultivate children’s observation, thinking, imagination and firm willpower, and cultivate the aerospace spirit of selfless dedication, fearlessness and exploration while stimulating children’s interest in learning.

(Aerospace theme 3D screen screenshot)

In addition, Zebra Encyclopedia’s 3D voice illustration function has been newly upgraded, which has been loved and recommended by many encyclopedia users, and the theme of "Aerospace" has also matched this function synchronously. "Children can not only observe the whole picture of each spacecraft in 360 degrees, but also make a comprehensive, complete and detailed observation by zooming in and out or rotating, and can also consolidate it repeatedly to strengthen understanding and memory." A senior parent user of Zebra Encyclopedia said.

(Screenshot of 3D voice illustration screen)

In order to consolidate the learning effect, the theme of "Aerospace" has also set up 96 AI interactive fun exercises to explain difficult knowledge points with 2D cartoons to stimulate children’s interest in learning and desire to explore. While learning aerospace knowledge with video content, children will also easily master a large number of knowledge points in the real-time interesting interaction of AI, so that children can "see and remember" and absorb encyclopedia knowledge subtly.

(Screenshot of 2D picture of aerospace theme)

As a boutique digital content for children in the new era, Zebra Encyclopedia continues to help children build a cognitive system of the new era encyclopedia with professional, systematic and scientific popular science digital content. Up to now, Zebra Encyclopedia has launched 13 topics, including insects, astronomy, birds, plants, marine animals, dinosaurs, human bodies, physics in life, mammals, ancient world civilization, Paleozoic animals, revealing food, aerospace, etc. In the future, it will continue to expand the theme of popular science content around the fields of nature, humanities, science and technology, create a systematic, professional and scientific knowledge framework for children, and help children build a new era encyclopedia.

It is reported that Zebra has been deeply cultivating digital content and AI technology for a long time, and the technology-driven digital publishing has achieved remarkable innovation results. At present, it has formed a digital publishing system including Zebra App, Little Scabber, Zebra Encyclopedia, Zebra Playing Teaching Aids and Zebra Children’s Books. In the future, Zebra will continue to optimize the combination ability of AI technology and content research and development, continue to launch high-quality products related to children, create digital publishing products in the new era, and promote the integration, innovation and development of digital publishing industry.